Pear compote without sterilization. Pear compote for the winter: proven recipes

Get acquainted with wonderful innovative recipes for pear compote on the magnificent website of delicious fantasies. Enjoy the options for freshly brewed compote and prepared for the winter, with sugar and honey. Combine with a variety of berries and fruits, appreciate the union of pear and citrus. Flavored with cinnamon, lemongrass, vanilla, mint, thyme or rosemary.

Absolutely all varieties of pears are suitable for compotes for daily use and for storing for the winter. The only exceptions are especially late varieties that can be preserved for a long time. Large-fruited pears are cut into slices, and small ones can be used whole. If the skin of the fruit is too hard, and the compote is being prepared for the winter, it is cut off.

The five most commonly used ingredients in pear compote recipes are:

Interesting recipe:
1. Wash the pears thoroughly, remove all seeds and cuttings, and cut into slices. Finely chop the lemon grass.
2. Place everything in a container, add sugar (if used). Fill with cold, high-quality water to the top.
3. Add mint, a little thyme.
4. Bring the compote to a boil. Remove the container from the heat, cover with a lid and let cool and brew. At this stage you can add honey for sweetness.
5. Serve (you can add ice in summer).

Five fastest recipes:

Helpful Tips:
. Pear compotes are sweetened with either granulated sugar or honey. At the beginning of cooking, sugar is added to still cold water, and then boiled in syrup, and honey is added to the ready-made drink.
. Pear goes well with all kinds of fruits and berries. Try the amazing taste of pear compote and citrus fruits.
. If the fruits are small, then you don’t have to cut them when cooking.

Roll up pear compote

The principles of harvesting pears are simple and easy to implement. In addition, these fruits contain a large amount of sugars and are practically not stored in apartment conditions. In order not to lose a large harvest, it is best to process the fruits into preparations for the winter. The best thing is to cook compote from them using our simple recipes.

The easiest way that does not require much time.

Fruits are preserved whole, using slightly unripe fruits, small in size, without damage. The most suitable varieties in this case are “Limonka”, wild pear or any other types of fruits with small fruits.

Required ingredients for preparing a three-liter jar of compote:

  • one kilogram of fruit;
  • 100 - 150 grams of granulated sugar - sugar varies depending on the sweetness of the pears;
  • three liters of water;
  • citric acid - optional (ideally, take half a teaspoon for a three-liter jar, however, even without it the jars will not explode, since they contain a lot of pear base). I recommend playing it safe and adding it anyway.

Winter preparation process:

  1. Wash the pears thoroughly, do not tear off the stems, to avoid premature leakage of juice and to maintain the integrity of the fruit during cooking.
  2. Pour cold water over the fruit and let it simmer for about a third of an hour after boiling.
  3. Place the cooked pears in a sterilized canning container.
  4. Boil syrup from pear broth and granulated sugar, and after boiling, add citric acid to it.
  5. Fill the jars with pears with hot sweet liquid and roll up.
  6. Turn the jars on their sides and wrap them warmly.
  7. After cooling, take it to the cellar.

Compote in quarters without sterilization

Modern scientists have discovered a substance in pear fruits that helps adults and children cope with certain types of urolithiasis, which undoubtedly indicates the beneficial qualities of these fruits and canned food prepared from them.

This harvesting option is suitable for fruits that have fallen from the tree and have some defects. They also make delicious food, the recipe for which we have already published. If the pears have a dense, harsh skin, it is better to remove it with a paring knife.

If you take summer or dessert varieties, be sure to add citric acid!

Necessary products for canning in one three-liter jar:

  • one liter of water;
  • two hundred to three hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • four grams of citric acid (half a teaspoon).

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the collected fruits thoroughly, remove damaged or spoiled areas, and divide into four parts.
  2. Remove stalks and seeds with partitions.
  3. Place the chopped pears in fat-free and sterilized jars up to the shoulders.
  4. Boil the syrup from the sugar and water specified in the recipe, fill the jars with fruit to the top.
  5. Cover the workpieces with metal lids.
  6. After five minutes, drain the syrup and bring it to a boil.
  7. Pour in the pear quarters again and keep them covered again for five minutes.
  8. Drain the liquid a third time, bring to a boil, add citric acid.
  9. Fill the jars with boiling solution to the very edge and roll up.
  10. Turn the finished compote over and wrap it in something warm.
  11. After complete cooling, remove the workpiece to a suitable place for winter storage.

Colored compote, sterilized

Pears have been known to mankind for more than three thousand years; even the ancient Greeks and Romans admired the taste of these fruits and prepared all kinds of desserts and more from them.

The pear was also popular in Rus', in particular, in the manuscript “Domostroy”, written in the old days, there are instructions for growing the tree and caring for it.

The pear compote itself is very tasty, but it looks a little pale. To add brightness to it, you can preserve fruits with various juices. Juices need to be prepared immediately before canning - then they will not lose their beneficial qualities.

Required components:

  • liter of water;
  • a glass of granulated sugar;
  • half a glass of juice from brightly colored berries: raspberries, black currants, etc., for each liter jar;

The process of preparing seaming for the winter:

  1. Wash the pears and remove the skins using a potato peeler.
  2. Cut each fruit into four to six pieces, remove the core with seeds and membranes.
  3. Place the prepared fruits in a sterilized container up to the hangers.
  4. Prepare syrup from sugar and water, cool.
  5. Fill the jars with cold syrup and berry juice, place them in a large container on a fabric mat, fill with water up to the necks of the jars, and cover with metal lids.
  6. Sterilize within a quarter of an hour from the moment the water boils in the sterilizer.
  7. Roll up and turn over.
  8. Cover with a warm cloth and cool. Remove the twist for storage.

Compote of pears stuffed with rose hips

An unusual vitamin drink can be prepared in the second half of September from autumn varieties of pears and rose hips, which by this time have acquired the full composition of vitamins.

The pear itself is a source of many macronutrients necessary for the human body. The combination with rosehip turns an ordinary drink into a healthy addition to the everyday table, which not only perfectly quenches thirst, but is also an excellent prevention of colds and seasonal viruses.

Required Products:

  • two kilograms of fruit;
  • seven hundred and fifty grams of water;
  • three hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • a quarter teaspoon of citric acid;
  • large rose hips - one fruit for each pear.

Harvesting method:

  1. Wash the fruits, peel them, leaving the stems.
  2. Dilute water with citric acid, put pears in it, each immediately after peeling, so that the fruits do not darken from contact with air.
  3. Using a paring knife, make a depression in each fruit on the side opposite the tail and place the washed rose hips in it.
  4. Place the stuffed fruit in jars up to the shoulders.
  5. Boil syrup, cool.
  6. Fill each prepared jar to the top, place for water sterilization, and cover with lids for canning.
  7. Sterilize canned food, depending on the volume of cans: liter - half an hour, three-liter - about an hour
  8. Remove from the sterilizer and seal immediately.
  9. Turn over and cover with a warm blanket.
  10. After cooling, the compote is ready for use and long-term storage in a dark, cool place.

Compote for the winter “Assorted”

A very beautiful and pleasant-tasting drink is made from a mixture of pears and various berries. It is only necessary to take into account the number of fruits so that the pear aroma is not lost against the background of the berry mixture, since it is more delicate. The berry mixture should have a rich color; citric acid is added if the fruits are not sour enough.

Required products and their proportions:

  • 2 kilograms of pears;
  • a kilogram of various fruits and berries - plums, raspberries, chokeberries, and so on;
  • liter of water;
  • four hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • three grams of citric acid (half a level teaspoon).

Method and subtleties of canning:

  1. Wash the pears, remove the skin.
  2. Cut the fruit in half, remove the seeds and membranes.
  3. Rinse the berries and remove the pits from the plums.
  4. Place in sterilized jars so that the pears contain more than half of the total fruit volume up to the shoulders.
  5. Boil the syrup, pour the hot solution into the container with the raw materials, and place for sterilization.
  6. Sterilization time after boiling water: liter jars - ten minutes; three-liter - a third of an hour.
  7. Remove, seal tightly, turn over.
  8. Wrap the canned food in a warm blanket or blanket and cool.

The drink is ready to drink.

Compote of pears and apples for the winter

A very simple recipe, apples and pears get along well together and delight with their delicate taste in the cold winter season. Suitable for very large, slightly unripe fruits with firm flesh.

Sugar solution recipe:

  • liter of water;
  • four hundred grams of granulated sugar;
  • equal number of pears and apples.

Preparation principle:

  1. Wash the fruit, cut into small pieces of equal thickness and remove the core.
  2. The cleaned pieces should be kept in water acidified with lemon juice. You can use citric acid or a solution of table vinegar.
  3. Boil syrup from water and sugar, cool to room temperature.
  4. Place apples and pears in equal quantities in prepared containers up to the shoulders, pour syrup to the edges of the container.
  5. Cover with metal lids, sterilize - liter for half an hour, three-liter for about an hour.
  6. Seal tightly, place on its side and insulate with a thick blanket.

The product is ready for use and storage for a long time. By the way, we published a recipe for canning apple juice.

Often in fruit compotes, the fruit mixture remains in the jar while the liquid is drunk instantly. The boiled fruits should be placed in a colander, boiled over low heat until the required thickness and granulated sugar should be added to taste. Use as a filling for pies and rolls. Lightly toasted and ground walnuts in a meat grinder work well with this jam as a thickener.

Humanity has been familiar with the excellent taste of pears for more than 3,000 years; during this time, the fruits have been used not only as a direct delicacy, but also as ingredients for desserts and even medicinal infusions. There are close to hundreds of diverse varieties with individual taste and aromatic qualities. You can convey the taste sensations of summer into winter with the help of winter compote made from pears.

Preparing a drink for the winter involves using ripe or slightly unripe fruits. This rule will allow the use of sugar, the excess content of which is formed in ripe fruits. The selected fruits are subject to careful selection. It is better to exclude those that have received lesions so as not to spoil the quality of the finished product.

To improve the taste and reliability of preservation, add 1-2 grams of citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice to the pear compote. uh

Preparing pears for the start of the process

At the beginning, a careful selection of ripe garden fruits is made, excluding affected or rotten areas. If the skin of the selected variety turns out to be rough, then it is better to peel it, especially for green fruits.

Size does not matter - after removing the core, large fruits are divided into 2 or 4 parts. The prepared components are thoroughly washed and placed in sterilized containers.

Recipes for making pear compote at home

Fruit trees provide people with the necessary ingredients to bring the flavors of summer into winter. Pear drinks are especially popular due to their delicate taste and unique aroma.

A simple way for the winter

To prepare regular pear compote for the winter, based on a 3-liter jar, you need to prepare certain ingredients. You will need 1 glass of sugar, 1 kilogram of pears, 2 liters of water.

  1. Place prepared and chopped fruits in sterilized jars.
  2. Pour boiling water over the top and let stand for 30 minutes.
  3. Then pour the broth back into the pan, add sugar, boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the prepared syrup into jars of fruit, close, place on the lids and cover with a blanket for a day.

To improve the taste of pear compote, it is recommended to add a small amount of sour apples or berries, and if not available, a little citric acid.

Without sterilization

Preparing pear compote for the winter without sterilization has its own subtleties. To accomplish this task, you need to prepare 1 bushel of pears, 100 milligrams of sugar, 4 eighths of a teaspoon of citric acid and 2 liter jars of water, based on a 3-liter jar of the composition.

  1. Place the prepared and chopped pears in a saucepan, boil and simmer for 15 minutes.
  2. Place the boiled pears in a prepared jar, add sugar and lemon acid to the broth, and boil.
  3. Pour the finished syrup into a jar with pears, roll it up and, placing it on the lid, cover with a blanket for a day.

The resulting compote has excellent taste characteristics and is able to preserve whole fruits throughout the year without any risk.

From whole pears

This method of preparation allows you to simultaneously cook aromatic compote and tasty whole fruits for the winter. It is very important to use ripe but firm fruits for this recipe that will not fall apart during the cooking process.

With citric acid

This affordable recipe will allow you to easily make a delicious drink for the winter. The core of the pear contains its unusual aroma; to give the compote a rich aroma, a decoction of the removed cores is added to it.

From wild pear

In addition to their unique taste, wild pears are endowed with healing properties. Compote of small fruits has an extraordinary aroma, it perfectly quenches thirst and saturates the body with valuable vitamins.

From Severyanka pears

To close pears of this variety, they must be subjected to particularly careful selection, because, due to their delicate structure, they are too sensitive to damage.

Severyanka, as a result of cooking, turns out to be very watery, so it should not be cut into too small pieces.

With mint

The presence of mint in the preparation of pear compote gives the drink a refreshing characteristic. To fully reveal the mint aroma, dried mint must be added to the fruit before pouring the finished syrup over them.

With cinnamon

Cinnamon has the ability to enhance individual flavor characteristics, making them more concentrated. It is important to remember that cinnamon has its own specific taste, so you can cook compote using it only in strict accordance with the recipe.

With plum

Thanks to the aromatic properties of plum and pear, an excellent combined taste is created that allows you to get real pleasure.

If plums, which have their own acid, are used to prepare the drink, then it is not necessary to use lemon acid.

With lemon

Making this compote does not require much effort, but it has an excellent taste and delicate aroma. For proper preparation, you need to peel the lemon, divide it into slices and cook them together with the fruits.

With apples

The use of apples in pear compote not only adds specific taste characteristics to the drink, but also increases the content of vitamins. To get the brightest flavor possible, it is better to use sour varieties with a rich aroma for apples for this recipe.

With strawberries

Pear compote prepared with strawberries is a rather rare recipe that combines two bright summer flavors. Firm, slightly unripe strawberries are best suited for making this compote.

From Siberian pears

These varieties have been adapted for colder climates, resulting in thicker skins and a very rich aroma, which adds some special flavor to their preparation. When preparing compote from Siberian varieties, it is necessary to peel the fruits; if the pears are not sweet enough, you can add a little sugar.

Compote of pears stuffed with rose hips

This compote has its own original taste and is considered very healthy. Here you will need peeled pears with a selected core, into the cavity of which a rosehip berry is placed. During the process of stuffing fruits and boiling water, it is better to keep the fruits in an acidified aqueous solution, then they will not darken.


Pear compote for the winter is very easy to prepare and subsequently preserve, because even additional sterilization is not required to prepare the product. The photo recipe we provided will help you brew this drink. In order to prepare it according to this recipe, pears can be used of any variety, the main thing is that they are firm, ripe, but not overripe. It is also important that the fruit is visually beautiful, that is, there should be no cracks, dents, and slightly rotten areas must be trimmed, this is also necessary so that after a while the drink does not become cloudy. Then you will definitely get a very tasty, rich and appetizing-looking pear compote.
The benefits of pear compote are manifested in the vitamins contained in this fruit. For a child, a version of such a drink prepared at home will perfectly replace any children's juice that is sold in stores. It is also advisable for an adult to introduce homemade drinks into their diet rather than drinking store-bought ones, which contain many chemical elements. The calorie content of pear compote is 70 kcal per hundred grams, depending on how much sugar you add. Thus, if you do not oversweet the drink when canning, it can even be included in the diet menu.
The recipe we have proposed for the preparation has one more advantage - you can use both the liquid part of this compote and canned pears, there is no need to throw them away.
You can start preparing delicious pear compote with citric acid at home, and for this you are offered step-by-step instructions with photos.


Pear compote for the winter - recipe

To make a delicious pear compote at home, you need to choose firm, but also ripe pears. Then they need to be rinsed under cold water, dried with a towel and all leaves and tails torn off.

Cut the pears into quarters or smaller slices and remove the cores and seeds.

Now the pears need to be treated with boiling water. To do this, put water in a saucepan, put it on high heat and bring to a boil, then add sugar and place the fruit in boiling water. Process until semi-soft for ten minutes.

The process of preparing for the cold season begins with the appearance of the first fresh vegetables and fruits on the market and in the store. It lasts until late autumn. Nowadays housewives put almost everything in jars: fruits, vegetables, berries and mushrooms. One of the cheap, but at the same time tasty, recipes is pear compote for the winter. We offer several simple and original recipes for this drink.

It's the end of August, and this is the time to go to the market for ripe fruits. Prices have already dropped a little at this time of year, and the range of varieties is the largest of the year.

To prepare compote, you can use fruits of any variety, with the exception of winter pears, which are collected while still “green” for long-term storage. The fruits can be any size (if they are too large, just cut them into slices).

Housewives often prepare this drink by combining them with other fruits or aromatic spices. This gives the drink a zest.

Preparing pears for the start of the process

The very beginning of preparing compote is peeling and cutting the fruit. If garden pears (especially hard, green varieties) have thick skins, it is best to carefully cut them off. Otherwise, the compote is made from the fruits in their peels. After peeling, cut out the core with seeds and stalks.

Attention! Pears tend to darken quickly, therefore, when preparing large quantities of these fruits, keep the peeled parts in a weak solution of citric acid (parameters: 1 liter of water per 1 gram of citric acid).

You can brew it with a large amount of fruit in a jar, or with a small one (for those who like the drink). The amount of added sugar will depend on the number of fruits in the compote.

Recipes for making pear compote at home

Each housewife has her own recipe for making the drink. Let's look at some of the most interesting types of pear compote that are prepared at home.

A simple way for the winter

The simplest option is considered to be a recipe that requires only two ingredients for a 3-liter jar of water:

  1. A glass of sugar.
  2. Pears (1 kilogram).

We prepare the pears for seaming, as indicated above, and put them in jars. Then pour boiling water over them and leave for half an hour. The infused water is used to prepare sugar syrup. To do this, add sugar to the water and cook until it boils and the sugar is completely dissolved in the water. After the water has boiled, leave the syrup to simmer over low heat for another five minutes.

We pour this syrup over the fruit and close it with a metal lid. The resulting compote is covered with a blanket and left for 24 hours.

Without sterilization

Sterilizing jars is a troublesome task, so we offer a recipe for a drink that can be rolled into jars without prior sterilization.

To prepare you will need:

  1. Pears (1 kilogram).
  2. Sugar (0.1 kilogram).
  3. Water (2 liters).
  4. Citric acid (4 grams).

When choosing pears, try to keep them whole.

Peeled and chopped fruits are cooked in a saucepan until boiling and placed in a jar. Citric acid and sugar are added to the decoction. Stir until they dissolve in the water and bring to a boil. All that remains is to pour the syrup over the fruit, and then roll it up and cover it with a warm blanket.

From whole pears

Firm, whole fruits make an excellent compote. Ingredients:

  • four kilograms of pears;
  • one lemon;
  • teaspoon of citric acid;
  • a glass of sugar per 1 liter of syrup.

Before placing the fruits in the pan, rinse them thoroughly under the tap. Then boil a pot of water and pour it over the fruit. You need to cook them for 10 to 20 minutes (depending on size).

Wash and rinse jars and lids in boiling water before sealing.

Carefully place the fruits in a jar and add a slice of lemon to each. Then we prepare the syrup using the water in which the fruits were boiled (add a spoonful of sugar for each liter of water). When the syrup has boiled, pour it into a jar with pears.

It remains to sterilize for 15 minutes and close with lids.

With citric acid

The main difference in how to make compote with the addition of citric acid is that the fruits are poured with boiling water three times.

  1. After placing the fruits in the jar. Leave them for 10 minutes, drain the water, and boil.
  2. Pour in again for 10 minutes, then return the water to the pan, add one and a half tablespoons of sugar and a sprig of mint and boil again.
  3. Fill the jar with syrup for the last time and add a teaspoon of citric acid.

All that remains is to cover the compote with a blanket and let it brew for a day.

From wild pear

The fruits of wild pears also make a delicious drink. The recipe for its preparation is simple:

  1. Fill a jar (pre-sterilized) with small fruits so that they occupy approximately two-thirds of its volume (approximately 1.5 kilograms).
  2. Bring water to a boil in a separate pan and pour it into the jar of fruit. Leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour over the fruits and add 4 grams. Citric acid, as well as 0.3 kilograms of sugar (refined sugar). Boil for 2-3 minutes and you are ready to roll.

After the jars have cooled, it is advisable to wrap them in warm cloth.

From Severyanka pears

Severyanka is a specific variety. The fruits are sweet and juicy, but highly susceptible to rotting. Therefore, compote is rarely made from such fruits. But advice still exists.

The main thing is to thoroughly wash, cut the fruits and remove the core. Before closing the Severyanka compote, drain the syrup three times and boil it.

With mint

For housewives who want to make pear and mint compote, the recipe is simple. All steps involve cooking with the addition of citric acid, plus, on the third pour, add mint.

With cinnamon

The same advice and, if desired, cook compote with cinnamon. The only difference is that instead of mint, cinnamon is added. Some even combine the two.

With plums

Often other fruits are added to pear compote. We suggest you study the recipe with plums. You will need:

  1. Two large pears (preferably Duchess).
  2. One and a half liters of water.
  3. 50 grams of granulated sugar.

Wash the pears and plums, cut them and add sugar. Fill with water, boil and then let stand for 20 minutes.

With lemon

Lemon is a fruit with which you can make any of the above drinks. It will go best with mint compote. You can also add thyme.

With apples

To prepare this drink, cut the apples into slices, add sugar and citric acid. Then add water and boil for about 10 minutes.

We prepare pear compote in the same way.

All that remains is to mix everything and pour into jars.

With strawberries

This option is made according to the same principle, but with the addition of strawberries. Different fruits go well together, so you can add strawberries to the apple-pear mixture.

From Siberian pear

This variety is small in size and has a sour taste. Therefore, they are added whole to the compote and the taste is diluted with apples or other fruits.

When preparing the drink, be sure to sterilize the jars.

Compote of pears stuffed with rose hips

The rosehip option is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. To prepare you will need:

  • Pears (1.5-2 kilograms).
  • Rose hips (one berry for each).
  • Water.
  • Sugar (tablespoon).
  • Citric acid 2 grams.

Peel the pears and place them in water with citric acid. We remove the core of the fruit and put rose hips there. Sterilize the jars, add the fruit and fill with syrup.

Let's roll up the compote.

How to store compote

The best storage conditions for the drink are to keep it in the refrigerator. The optimal temperature is 2-14 degrees. Canned compote will be perfectly preserved on the balcony.

The main rule is to avoid direct sunlight, and the temperature should not exceed +20.



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