Fungal flora. Fungal infection: symptoms, treatment regimen and photo Fungal microflora

I have been sick for more than 2 years, it all started with the treatment of coccal flora, I took a lot of antibiotics, so the flora was either coccal or fungal. At the treatment stage, a strong burning sensation began, the flora disappeared, fungi appeared and then off we went. I changed many doctors, had a lot of tests - the fungus was constantly there, the sticks appeared and disappeared, but the treatment did not help, on the 2-3rd day there was always an increase in burning sensation, I took a lot of medications for thrush, local medications only caused worsening. I got desperate and gave up treatment, only the reaction to clotrimazole ointment was less, and then the pain stopped completely from it and I felt a little better. Sex life is unbearable, a strong feeling of dryness, although the cream softened it, the perineum was constantly chafing and swollen.
I went to the doctor at the institute and was tested for genital herpes and papillomavirus for the first time. Before this, I already had a mixed flora and the doctors insisted that this was the norm and there should be no complaints. After this clinic, I went from normal to very sick - herpes, papillomavirus, staphylococcus, dysplasia were discovered, according to the doctor, all in the acute period. But in these 2 years I have never had any rashes or papillomas on my genitals, and a year ago there was no dysplasia at our local hospital. It’s much easier for me, I can already wash myself, but before I was dry from water,complaints only about burning. Can such diseases exist without rashes? Maybe this is a mistake? Treatment - "Allokin", "Isoprinosine", "Genferon", "Epigalin", "Tazalok". Is the treatment regimen correct?

I think that you are a completely healthy woman, but for two years they have been trying to make her sick. If at this stage of your life nothing bothers you, calm down and take a break from endless examinations and treatments. You will find other useful information on this topic in the publications and questions and answers on this site.

Currently, there is an increase in the number of cancer diseases, especially in developed countries of the world. This allowed Dr. David Servan-Schreiber, author of the book “Anti-Cancer” (download: anti-cancer book) to suggest that something in western lifestyle prevents the body from effectively defending itself against this disease. After all, it is known that defective cells are constantly formed in the body of any person, but during normal operation the body identifies and destroys them.

Current officially recognized treatment consists of chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery. However, it is obvious that this is not a panacea. Therefore, it makes sense not to neglect the body’s natural ability to protect itself from tumors, both to prevent the disease and to accompany courses of treatment.

Among the many theories of triggering oncological processes in the body, the most interesting from my point of view are the stress and infectious theories. And it’s not just any stress, but only long-term, chronic stress, associated with the constant suppression of one’s emotions and needs (according to L. Temoshok), a feeling of helplessness and resentment. You can read more about psychosomatic predisposition to cancer And .

Against the background of this kind of emotion, as well as an unfavorable environmental situation, the immune system may weaken and malfunction and chronic infections may become more active. Various sources ( mention the activation of fungal infection in cancer. Italian doctor Tullio Simoncini considers candidiasis to be the cause of cancer and in his clinic treats patients who have been rejected by official medicine with a soda solution.

In general, having analyzed alternative approaches to the prevention and treatment of cancer, such as fasting, taking amygdalin, soda, etc. - You can notice some general points:

All of these drugs are actually aimed at suppressing the fungal flora in order to enable the immune system to perform its normal function of getting rid of defective cells. The same thing happens during fasting.

Candida loves sweet carbohydrates, not bitters and soda, and especially not fasting. Perhaps this is precisely the anti-cancer effect of these methods. And not in the direct effect of all these substances on cancer cells.

True, these things will probably be most effective when they are combined, as well as with a simultaneous change in attitude towards chronic stress and a revision of one’s life values ​​and a positive attitude toward recovery.

If a panacea exists, it is only in our heads, in our consciousness, the possibilities of which are enormous. " If you want have what never had, needed do what never did . “In this case, this is quite applicable to health and lifestyle.

Cancer prevention through nutrition is very important and from the point of view of David Servan-Schreiber, he gives 4 approaches to anti-cancer biology, both for the body and for the spirit:

1. arm yourself against the disturbed balance of the environment;

2. organize your diet in such a way as to reduce the number of cancer pathogens and include as many phytochemical components as possible that actively fight against tumors;

3. understand – and heal from – the psychological trauma that feeds the biological mechanisms at work in cancer processes;

4. take advantage of that part of our body that affects the immune system and calms the inflammatory processes that allow tumors to grow (we are talking about. When a person gives up, his immune system does the same).

You need to visit a gynecologist once every six months. This will keep women’s health under control and identify diseases in time. The simplest and most accessible research method in gynecology is taking a gynecological smear.

Deciphering such an analysis will allow the doctor to see changes in the woman’s reproductive system that are not visible during an external examination.

  • Taking a smear is a completely painless procedure and will only take a couple of minutes. It does not pose a health hazard and can be performed even on pregnant women.

When should you take a smear test?

Deciphering a smear analysis of flora can tell a gynecologist about the presence of sexually transmitted infections, an inflammatory process, and hormonal disorders in a woman’s body.

A flora smear (gynecological smear) is required if a woman has the following complaints:

  1. Discharge of an unusual color from the genital tract.
  2. Abdominal pain at rest or during sexual intercourse.
  3. Feeling of itching and burning in the genital area.
  4. The appearance of an unpleasant odor in the discharge.

Swabs are also taken during preventive examinations.

Interpretation of smear results

Using letters, the doctor marks the place where the smear was taken. Usually the letters of the Latin alphabet are used: V, C, U.

Smears are taken from three points: the vagina (V-vagina), cervix (C-cervix) and urethra (U-urethra).

In deciphering a smear for flora in women, you can find the strange word “cocci”. Cocci are microorganisms that have a round shape. This is a group of opportunistic organisms that are constantly present in the body.

However, they must be in a certain quantity. As soon as their number exceeds the permissible limit, cocci can cause unpleasant symptoms due to inflammation. In gynecology, this condition is called nonspecific colpitis.

Cocci are divided into two groups: gram-positive and gram-negative. This division has important diagnostic value in determining the pathogenicity of the microorganism that has settled in the vagina.

Coccus flora in a smear, gr.+ or gr.- cocci

smear on the flora of coccus bacilli

The division of microbes into gram-negative and gram-positive appeared in microbiology after a Danish scientist named Gram discovered the ability of microorganisms to turn different colors, depending on the degree of their resistance to antibiotics.

When coloring the preparations, a special dark blue or purple dye was used. The scientist noticed that some microbes are painted blue, while others are pink, although the dye is the same.

After careful research, it was found that microbes colored pink or crimson are less sensitive to antibiotics. In order for their death to occur, considerable efforts must be made.

Microorganisms that stained well in blue were called gram-positive (gram+), and those that remained pink were called gram-negative (gram-).

The pale coloration and resistance to antibacterial drugs was explained simply: these bacteria had a thicker shell. The structure of the wall is more complex than that of gram(+) cocci, which means that it is much more difficult for a dye or antibiotic to penetrate its layers.

This division is important for a gynecologist. Detection of gram(+) cocci in a smear is allowed. These microorganisms include staphylococcus and streptococcus, which can be present in the vagina of a healthy woman.

Gram(-) cocci can cause disease. The most common representatives of this group in gynecology are gonococci, the causative agents of gonorrhea.

What are Dederlein sticks?

An essential element of women's health is the rod flora in the vagina. Dederlein's rods are a generalized name that combines large and immobile gram-positive rods that provide normal microflora of the female genital organs.

They can be found under the name lactobacilli or gram-positive rods.

Dederlein sticks play an important role in a woman’s life:

  • They help maintain an acidic environment in the vagina, which ensures careful selection of sperm during fertilization.
  • As you know, sperm do not live long in an acidic environment. Therefore, inferior, weakened male cells die first, which allows only the strongest and most resilient to reach the goal.
  • Suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms through the activation of macrophages.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is released - helps to “maintain cleanliness” in the vagina.

In a smear of a healthy woman, Dederlein bacilli should be present in large quantities. A decrease in their number indicates possible problems with women's health.

What is Leptotrix in a smear?

Leptotrix belongs to opportunistic microorganisms. This is a gram(+) anaerobic bacillus that inhabits water bodies. Under a microscope, leptothrix has the appearance of a hair - a long and thin rod.

It is believed that leptothrix are not sexually transmitted, and their presence in a smear is not a cause for concern if no other abnormalities are detected.

The peculiarity of these bacteria is that they often accompany other pathogenic microorganisms - Trichomonas and Chlamydia. In this case, the doctor will prescribe medications to treat several pathogens at once.

If leptothrix is ​​detected during pregnancy planning, treatment is mandatory. It has been revealed that they can cause miscarriages, cause inflammatory processes in the membranes, and infect the child.

smear test

After receiving test results, it can sometimes be very difficult to understand the numbers and letters written by the doctor. It's actually not that complicated. In order to understand whether you have gynecological diseases, you need to know the normal indicators when deciphering the smear analysis for flora. There are not many of them.

In smear tests in an adult woman, the normal indicators are as follows:

  1. Flat epithelium (s.ep.) – normally its number should be within fifteen cells in the field of view. If the number is higher, then this is evidence of inflammatory diseases. If less is a sign of hormonal disorders.
  2. Leukocytes (L) – These cells are allowed to be present as they help fight infection. The normal number of leukocytes in the vagina and urethra is no more than ten, and in the cervical area - up to thirty.
  3. Dederlein sticks - a healthy woman should have a lot of them. A small number of lactobacilli indicates a disturbed vaginal microflora.
  4. Mucus – should be present, but only in small quantities.

The presence of Candida fungi, small rods, gram(-) cocci, Trichomonas, gonococci and other microorganisms in the analysis results indicates the presence of a disease and requires a more in-depth study and treatment.

Table for deciphering the normal smear in women (flora)

Indicator Normal values
Vagina (V) Cervical canal (C) Urethra (U)
Leukocytes 0-10 0-30 0-5
Epithelium 5-10 5-10 5-10
Mucus ModeratelyModerately
Gonococci(Gn) NoNoNo
Trichomonas NoNoNo
Key cells NoNoNo
Candida (yeast) NoNoNo
Microflora A large number of Gram+ rods (Dederlein rods)NoNo

Degrees of vaginal cleanliness

Often the doctor writes out a referral for a smear test for purity. Using this method, the “degree of cleanliness” of the vagina is determined. There are four of them in total. Only the first and second degrees are normal; the third and fourth degrees indicate the presence of diseases of the genital tract.

1st degree – an ideal option, which, unfortunately, is rare. Leukocytes in the smear do not exceed the permissible limits. The flora is represented by a large number of Dederlein bacilli, mucus and desquamated epithelial cells in small quantities.

2nd degree – The most common variant of the norm, in which leukocytes are within normal limits, mucus and epithelium are in moderate quantities. A small number of cocci or Candida fungi appear, and large quantities of lactobacilli appear.

3rd degree – a large amount of mucus and epithelial cells is detected in the smear. There are few beneficial lactobacilli; instead, there is an increased number of Candida fungi and pathogenic microbes.

4th degree – There are so many leukocytes that the doctor describes them with the term “entirely”. A very large number of pathogenic microorganisms. Dederlein rods are missing. Mucus and epithelium in large quantities.

The first and second degrees do not require treatment, but the last two degrees indicate an inflammatory process caused by one or another pathogen and require immediate treatment.

Flora smear during pregnancy

During the entire period of pregnancy, it is done three times, during screening examinations: at the time of registration, at the 30th week and before the expected date of birth.

The analysis is carried out to prevent diseases of the genital area, which can complicate childbirth or cause diseases in the newborn.

The smear readings of a pregnant woman differ from those of a non-pregnant woman in the quantitative composition of the flora.

During the period of bearing a baby, the number of Dederlein rods increases tens of times. This is necessary to maintain an acidic environment, which has a destructive effect on pathogenic microbes, protecting the fetus from infection.

The number of epithelial cells also increases. During pregnancy, glycogen reserves accumulate in them, which is used by lactobacilli as food.

Otherwise there are no differences. The appearance of pathogenic microorganisms also requires treatment, only more gentle methods of therapy are chosen (suppositories, tampons, ointments).

These two groups sexually transmitted infections are few in number, since each of them has only one pathology. Protozoans infections are diseases that are caused by microorganisms from the group of protozoa. Sexual infections caused by protozoa include trichomoniasis, which is caused by the microorganism Trichomonas vaginalis. Trichomoniasis is also called trichomoniasis or trichomonas colpitis, but they are all the same disease.

The group of fungal infections includes diseases caused by pathogenic and opportunistic fungi. Pathogenic fungal microorganisms are never part of the microflora of the human body, while opportunistic fungal microorganisms are always present, but in small quantities. In this case, opportunistic fungi do not cause an infectious-inflammatory process, since other microorganisms do not give them this opportunity. When the normal composition and ratio of microorganisms in the human microflora is disrupted, opportunistic fungi provoke the development of mycoses - fungal infections. Genital fungal infections include only one type of mycoses - candidiasis, which develops under the influence of the yeast fungus Candida albicans, Candida pseudotropicalis, Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida parapsilosis. Candidiasis has a number of alternative names:

  • urogenital candidiasis;
  • vulvovaginal mycosis;
  • urogenital mycosis;
  • genital fungus.
There are several types of each Candida species, but all of them are capable of causing genital candidiasis. The course of the disease and sensitivity to various antifungal drugs is also determined by the type of yeast.

Features of the existence of Trichomonas and fungi of the genus Candida in


Since the microorganism is a protozoa, this means that it is only one cell. The cell-organism Trichomonas has flagella. The shape of the cell resembles that of an irregular pentagon. The length of Trichomonas is only 13-18 microns. This small single-celled organism moves through active movements of flagella and special wave-like movements of the cell wall. Wave-like contractions of the Trichomonas cell wall are capable of forming special protrusions in the form of a small “leg”, which are called “pseudopodia”. Thanks to such pseudopodia, Trichomonas penetrates into the intercellular space, that is, it finds itself in the thickness of the tissue.

Due to their habitat in the genitourinary tract, Trichomonas are resistant and can hide from the medications used. In this case, against the background of a significant improvement in symptoms, the person seems to have fully recovered. But this is not so, since carriage and subsequent chronic inflammation take place. The person is also potentially infectious to other people.

Trichomonas, which causes sexually transmitted infections, can live exclusively in the genitourinary tract. It is not able to survive in the external environment or other organs. This microorganism is very unstable, since it dies when the temperature rises to 45 o C, when exposed to the sun or open air. These properties make it possible to effectively prevent infection with trichomoniasis, subject to hygiene rules and proper handling of things.


Yeast fungus of the genus Candida normally lives in the oral cavity, small intestine, genitals, urinary structures, esophagus and larynx. Today, almost 80% of people have a fungus of the genus Candida as part of the microflora of the genitourinary organs, but normally it does not cause any pathological processes. Candidiasis develops when other microflora bacteria die, as well as as a result of a severe decrease in the human body’s immune defense.

Candida fungus is able to penetrate the bloodstream and spread to various organs - vagina, middle ear, nasal passages, etc.

Candida feeds on carbohydrates, in particular glycogen, which is produced by vaginal epithelial cells. When Candida fungi multiply, they “eat up” all the glycogen. As a result, the bacteria of the normal vaginal microflora - Doderlein's bacilli - are left with no nutrients, as a result of which they die. The death of Doderlein bacilli leads to worsening microflora disorders, which intensifies the inflammatory process.

Transmission routes

Let's consider possible contact options during which transmission of trichomonas or fungi of the genus Candida, which cause sexually transmitted infections, occurs.


This sexually transmitted infection is the most widespread in the world, and ranks first in frequency of occurrence among other sexually transmitted diseases.

Trichomonas can only be transmitted through contact between a sick person and a healthy person. Most often this occurs during vaginal intercourse, or during a combination of oral-vaginal intercourse. The possibility of contracting trichomoniasis is also high when using various erotic devices - costumes, dildos, etc. It has also been proven that there is a high probability of transfer of Trichomonas when genital secretions get on the fingers of a partner with subsequent introduction into the genital tract.

However, Trichomonas can survive for some time in a moist and warm environment outside the human body, for example, on sponges or washcloths, towels, soap dishes and other hygiene items that come into contact with the genitals. In such a situation, infection is possible through close household contact, when people are together and do not properly observe the rules of personal hygiene (use one towel, one sponge, etc.). Girls can become infected in this way, which, however, is quite rare.

Less commonly, Trichomonas is transmitted through direct contact with the blood of a sick person, with sperm or vaginal secretions.

Children can become infected with Trichomonas during pregnancy and childbirth from a sick mother. However, girls are at greater risk than boys.

Unfortunately, scientists have been able to identify and prove the possibility of infection with trichomoniasis indirectly, although this happens rarely. These are mainly cases of infection in public toilets, swimming pools, restaurants, etc. Trichomonas can survive and infect humans in a place where it is not too hot, damp or dark. However, basic rules of personal hygiene will protect a person from such a risk of infection with Trichomonas.


Candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but can affect the genitourinary organs. The likelihood of Candida infection is high during oral-vaginal intercourse, or anal-vaginal intercourse, since these fungi are often part of the normal microflora of the oral cavity and intestines.

Today, most people are infected with candida, but they do not cause any infections. In most cases, people become infected with candida during the first year of life, after which the microorganism becomes an opportunistic flora. The main way to become infected with candida is by eating unwashed vegetables and fruits, or coming into contact with various surfaces that may contain fungi (for example, in hospitals, clinics, etc.). Due to this circumstance, it is more appropriate to consider the reasons why candida causes the development of sexually transmitted infections.

Causes of candidiasis

So, the main factors that can lead to the development of candidiasis are the following:
  • panties that are too tight and tight;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • frequent use of gaskets;
  • oral sex;
  • pregnancy period;
  • therapy with various antibiotics, especially long or frequent courses;
  • use of oral contraceptives with high doses of hormones (for example, Ovidon, Anteovin);
  • taking steroid medications (for example, Metyrapone, Deoxycortone, Fludrocortisone, Dexamethasone, Hydrocortisone, etc.);
  • the use of vaginal diaphragms, intrauterine devices and spermicidal compositions to prevent pregnancy;
  • state of secondary immunodeficiency after illness, surgery, stress, etc.;
Perhaps the main reasons leading to the development of candidiasis are the use of antibiotics and weakening of the immune system. Often stress or hypothermia causes an attack of candidiasis, since for a certain period of time the immune system ceases to cope with its responsibilities.

Symptoms of candidiasis and trichomoniasis

In order to seek qualified help from a doctor in time, you need to know how these sexually transmitted infections manifest themselves - trichomoniasis and candidiasis. Therefore, let's look at the signs and clinical symptoms.


The infectious-inflammatory process can occur acutely, subacutely or completely erased, without clear clinical symptoms.

Acute trichomoniasis occurs with clear clinical signs:

  • deterioration of health;
  • sleep disorders;
  • the presence of copious vaginal discharge, often foamy in nature, with an unpleasant odor;
  • itching of the external genitalia;
  • urinary disorders such as pain or increased frequency of trips to the toilet;
Typically, such signs develop a week or two after potentially dangerous sexual intercourse. Condylomas may develop on the vulvar mucosa.

Subacute trichomoniasis is characterized by the presence of slight vaginal discharge against the background of relatively normal health. In the erased form of trichomoniasis there are no symptoms at all, so often such people consider themselves healthy.

Usually, after a week of acute trichomoniasis, the severity of its symptoms gradually decreases, and the disease becomes chronic. Cases of exacerbation with the appearance of clinical symptoms of an acute form are possible after sexual contact, alcoholic libations, or as a result of ovarian pathology.

Chronic trichomoniasis is quite difficult to identify and treat. In this case, a combined infection occurs, since Trichomonas literally attract chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, gonococci, staphylococci, etc. Co-infection with trichomonas and gonococci, mycoplasmas, candida, chlamydia, viruses and ureaplasmas is often detected. In such a situation, clinical symptoms are mild (for example, periodic appearance of vaginal discharge, pain when urinating, frequent trips to the toilet).

Trichomonas can cause the following diseases:

  • vulvitis;
  • colpitis;
  • vestibulitis;
  • cystitis
All of the above diseases have their own symptoms, and when infected with Trichomonas, the combined development of several pathologies is possible.


Candidiasis manifests itself in clinical symptoms that can be seen by a doctor, and some signs felt by a woman. The following symptoms are characteristic of candidiasis:
  • vaginal discharge of a cheesy nature in varying quantities (from scanty to abundant);
  • severe, unbearable itching in the area of ​​the labia and vulva;
  • burning sensation of the external genitalia;
  • itching intensifies after taking a bath or shower, sexual intercourse, or walking;
  • itching may intensify during sleep, menstruation and after lunch;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • urinary disorders such as pain or increased frequency of visiting the toilet.
Vaginal discharge is gray-white in color and has a grainy appearance that resembles cottage cheese. When the urethra is damaged, discharge also occurs from it. Examination of the genital organs reveals the presence of swelling of the vaginal vestibule, redness and bleeding of the mucous membranes. The skin of the labia is covered with a gray-white coating, which is very difficult to separate, and underneath there is pronounced redness and maceration.

Tests to detect candida and trichomonas

At the current level of development of science and technology, trichomoniasis and candidiasis can be diagnosed quite accurately. Let's look at what tests you need to take to find out the presence or absence of candidiasis/trichomoniasis.


To identify trichomonas, smears of vaginal contents, urethral and rectal secretions are used. Today, it is possible to examine a fresh smear using a special microscopy method, or a stained smear. In a fresh smear, Trichomonas are visible better, they are mobile, which allows the laboratory assistant to accurately distinguish doubtful forms from epithelial cells. In a stained smear, Trichomonas closely resemble epithelial cells, and it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish them.

In general, the following methods can be used to identify Trichomonas:
1. Examination of a stained smear from the vagina, urethra or rectum (methylene blue staining, or Romanovsky-Giemsa staining).
2. Examination of an unstained fresh smear using phase contrast microscopy.
3. Bacteriological culture on the medium.
4. Enzyme immunoassay - ELISA.
5. Direct immunofluorescence reaction.
6. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

The most accurate and sensitive methods are PCR and bacteriological culture on the medium, but they do not need to be used for primary infection, since smear microscopy or immunofluorescence reaction provide quite adequate diagnosis. PCR and culture on the medium are recommended for use in chronic forms of trichomoniasis, which are difficult to detect and treat. A number of clinicians also prefer to monitor treatment using these accurate and sensitive diagnostic methods.


To identify fungi of the genus Candida, the following methods are used:
1. Examination of smears of vaginal discharge, urethra and rectum;
2. Bacteriological culture on the medium;
3. Serological reactions (agglutination reaction, complement fixation reaction, precipitation reaction);
4. Immunofluorescence reaction;
5. Enzyme immunoassay;
6. Polymerase chain reaction.

The fastest methods are widely used to examine smears, which can be considered fresh or Gram-stained. Some laboratories also conduct immunofluorescence testing, which is performed quickly, and in the hands of a competent specialist is a serious method that allows you to determine the presence of candida with a high degree of accuracy. As a highly sensitive method, culture on a medium is used, which also makes it possible to clarify exactly which species and types of Candida fungus are present, and to which antifungal drugs they are sensitive. PCR is also a very sensitive method, but it does not allow determining the sensitivity of the fungus to medications.

If it is impossible to take smears for any reason, they resort to serological tests, for which blood is taken from a vein.

Principles of prevention

It is always better to prevent a disease than to treat it. To protect yourself as much as possible from the risk of infection with trichomoniasis and candidiasis, you need to know the principles of preventing these pathologies.


Since in most cases, trichomoniasis is transmitted through unprotected sex, you should first of all avoid it.

In general, the principles of trichomoniasis prevention are based on the following rules:
1. Have sex using protective methods (condoms).
2. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
3. Follow the rules of personal hygiene.
4. Get tested regularly for sexually transmitted infections.
5. Use only disposable devices and instruments for various procedures and manipulations.


Candidiasis is not sexually transmitted, but there are factors that predispose to the development of this disease. Thus, prevention comes down to the maximum elimination of possible causes of candidiasis.

So, in order to protect yourself as much as possible from candidiasis, you should adhere to the following rules:
1. Use antibiotics only when necessary.
2. Do not use strong antibiotics to treat infections that can be treated with simpler medications.
3. Complete your course of antibiotic treatment.
4. While taking antibiotics, use antifungal drugs.
5. Regularly examine your immunogram and take immunomodulatory drugs.
6. Do not overeat foods rich in carbohydrates.
7. Select hormonal contraceptives taking into account all individual characteristics.
8. Maintain personal hygiene.

Principles of treatment

To get rid of sexually transmitted infections, you should choose the right treatment. Let's consider the principles of adequate treatment of candidiasis and trichomoniasis.


For the treatment of trichomoniasis, special medications are used that are effective against the corresponding microorganism. Remember that for successful treatment of trichomoniasis, all sexual partners must undergo a course of therapy. During the course, everyone should stop drinking alcohol and having sexual intercourse.

In the treatment of trichomoniasis, local and systemic drugs are used, divided into first-line and secondary. Typically, first-line drugs are highly effective against Trichomonas, but not always. When first-line drugs are not effective, or the patient cannot take them, they resort to prescribing secondary drugs.

In addition to anti-trichomonas drugs, it is rational to use immunomodulatory drugs to improve the effect of therapy.

So, the first-line remedies include:

  • Tinidazole (Fasizhin).
Today, various regimens for taking Metronidazole and Tinidazole have been developed for the treatment of trichomoniasis, which are shown in the table:
Metronidazole dosage regimens Tinidazole dosage regimens
250 mg 2 times a day, for 10 days.500 mg 4 times a day, for 5 days.
4 days, 250 mg 3 times a day, then 4 days, 250 mg 2 times a day.1000 mg twice a day, for 7-10 days.
The first day - 500 mg twice a day, on the second
day - 250 mg three times a day, then 4 days 250 mg twice a day.
Take 500 mg four times within 1 hour, at intervals of 15 minutes.

Secondary means:
  • Ornidazole – use 0.5 g twice a day for 5 days;
  • Naxojin - take 4 tablets at a time in case of acute disease, or 0.5 g twice a day for 6 days in case of chronic pathology;
  • Atrican - use 0.25 g twice a day for 4 days.
While taking systemic medications with an anti-Trichomonas effect, local medications are also used - ointments, suppositories, gels, etc.

The most effective anti-Trichomonas drugs for topical use:

  • Klion D suppositories - one suppository is inserted into the vagina at night for 10 days.
  • Neo-Penotran - two suppositories per day are inserted into the vagina for 2 weeks.
  • Terzhinan tablets - insert 2 suppositories into the vagina at night for 10 days.
  • Hexicon suppositories - administered 3-4 times a day for 1-3 weeks.
  • Meratin-combi suppositories - one suppository is administered at night for 10 days.
Therapy with local and systemic drugs should be carried out immediately after menstruation, for 3 cycles.

Immunostimulating drugs have a good effect in curing trichomoniasis when used together with antitrichomoniasis. The most effective immunodrug is the Solcotrichovac vaccine. It can be used both as a medicine and as a prophylactic, to prevent relapses and re-infection after treatment. Typically, Solcotrichovac is included in the treatment regimen from the first day of therapy, and 0.5 ml is administered intramuscularly. After two weeks, two more injections are given, then the vaccination is repeated after 11 months.

  • Tioconazole - inject 5 g of ointment into the vagina once.
  • Treatment is carried out with any of the means listed above. Candidiasis usually responds well to treatment, but relapses often develop some time after treatment. Relapses are caused by the same reasons as the primary affect of candidiasis. When the disease develops repeatedly, we are talking about a chronic infection.

    For the treatment of chronic candidiasis, a combination of a systemic antifungal drug with a local one is usually used, which are shown in the table:

    Systemic antifungal drug for the treatment of candidiasis Topical antifungal drug for the treatment of candidiasis
    Nizoral – 400 mg per day, 5 daysCanesten - vaginal tablets or cream for 5-6 days. Tablets are inserted into the vagina at 0.2-0.5 g, and cream 1-2%
    Miconazole – 0.25 g four times a day, 2 weeksMiconazole - cream or suppositories are inserted into the vagina once a day for a week
    Fluconazole – 50-150 mg once a day, 1-2 weeksBifonazole - cream in the vagina at night, 2-4 weeks
    Orungal – 0.2 g once a day, 1 weekGinesol - one suppository in the vagina
    Lamisil – 250 mg once a day, 2-4 weeksGinalgin - 1 suppository in the vagina at night, for 10 days
    Levorin – 500,000 units 2-4 times a day, 10-12 daysIsoconazole - a ball into the vagina 1 time a day, for 3-5 days
    Amphoglucamine – 200,000 units twice a day, 10-14 daysEconazole – 150 mg cream is injected into the vagina for three days
    Batrafen - cream is inserted into the vagina at night for 10 days
    Decamine - ointment is inserted into the vagina at night for 2-3 weeks
    Polygynax – 1 suppository in the vagina at night – 2 weeks
    Terzhinan - 1 suppository in the vagina before bedtime, for 10 days
    Pimafucort - ointment is administered into the vagina 2-4 times a day for 2 weeks
    Betadine – 1 suppository in the vagina for 2 weeks

    To prevent recurrence of candidiasis, it is recommended to use a systemic antifungal drug for six months, on the first day of each menstruation. After the end of menstruation, topical antifungal agents should be used for a week, also for six months.

    Control over healing

    To be sure that a sexually transmitted infection has been completely cured, it is necessary to conduct follow-up examinations.

    Trichomoniasis. Control tests are taken a week after the end of therapy, then during 3 menstrual cycles - immediately after the end of menstruation. If during this period there are no signs of trichomoniasis, and trichomonas are not detected in tests, then the sexually transmitted infection can be considered completely cured.

    Candidiasis. After a course of treatment for acute primary candidiasis, control tests are taken a week later. If chronic candidiasis has occurred, then control tests are taken during three menstrual cycles, immediately after menstruation.

    Possible complications

    Candidiasis can lead to the development of a number of complications:
    • narrowing of the vagina;
    • risk of developing pelvic infections;
    • infection of the urinary system;
    • miscarriage;
    • weight deficiency in newborns;
    • chorioamnionitis;
    • premature birth;
    • infection of the glans penis – in men.
    Trichomoniasis can lead to the development of the following complications:
    • various disorders of pregnancy;
    • pathology of childbirth;
    • congenital infections of the child;
    • high risk of neonatal death.
    Before use, you should consult a specialist.



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