Where is a man's pubis located? Causes and treatment of pain in the pubic bone area

Urological inflammations are always accompanied by painful sensations. Their intensity varies and depends on many factors: the form of the process, stage of development, individual pain threshold. But how not to confuse the pain of cystitis in women with other pathologies?

Inflammation urinary tract beautiful ladies get sick often. Any organ that has undergone an infectious attack changes under the influence of immune responses. Hyperemia, swelling, and pain appear. The typical location of pain during bladder inflammation is the suprapubic region. But there are non-standard situations of displacement of sensations and changes in the intensity and nature of pain. It could be:

  • sharp, cutting;
  • pulling;
  • aching, dull;
  • cramping;
  • periodic.

Perception largely depends on whether a single inflammation occurs or several organs are involved in the process. There are several zones of irradiation of painful sensations:

  • stomach;
  • lumbar region;
  • kidney area;
  • genitals.

In addition, it is important to separate cystitis in women from painful symptoms of other organs, since manifestations are often nonspecific.

Typical manifestations of bladder inflammation

With cystitis, pain in the lower abdomen is a characteristic sign of inflammation. This happens because the swollen tissue begins to put pressure on nerve endings, causing them irritation. The source of inflammation is in the lower abdomen, so everything discomfort localized in the pubic area. Many women note the similarity with pain premenstrual syndrome. The sensations are dull, pulling, usually constant, and intensify when the bladder is full. When the reproductive organs are involved in the process, the pain shifts to the right or left side belly.

Another symptom characteristic of bladder inflammation is pain when urinating. Severe pain accompanies the beginning and end of the process. It is accompanied by burning and itching. The pain with cystitis can be so severe that it creates a fear of urination.

To alleviate the condition before consulting a doctor, a woman is advised to increase her fluid intake. Can be brewed kidney fees or diuretic herbs, this measure helps flush out bacteria from the diseased organ. Many people find it helpful to use heat on the projection of the bladder.

Atypical manifestations

Often cystitis occurs in combined inflammation, then the picture changes. A situation arises when a person falls ill with one disease, and pain syndrome indicates another pathology.

Abdomen area

The lower abdomen also hurts with cystitis of non-infectious etiology. The sensations are constant, aching, and have a strong dependence on urination. The main localization is the area above the pubis, with irradiation into the genitals.

Abdominal pain due to cystitis of tuberculous etiology. A nagging, persistent feeling is concentrated in the depths of the small pelvis. Other manifestations indicating inflammation are mild.

When they get involved in inflammation nearby organs, adnexitis, ophoritis and others develop, sensations move to iliac region from the side of the lesion. The pain is constant, intensifying with muscle tension.

Sometimes a woman suffering chronic disease, accustomed to having cystitis in her lower abdomen, does not pay attention to alarming symptoms or fights them with familiar methods. Meanwhile, such a symptom can be caused by an abnormally located appendix, inflammation of which is called appendicitis. The pain is localized in the area above the pubis and is cramping in nature. Reflex reactions arise frequent urge to urination. The lower abdomen can hurt even with a normally located appendix, but the symptoms shift to the right iliac region and are acute and paroxysmal. With this arrangement, diuresis remains normal.

The same localization is maintained when intestinal inflammation or a combination of pathologies. The intensity of the aching feeling in the lower abdomen will depend on the acts of urination and defecation. In addition, colitis accompanies increased gas formation, flatulence and bloating.

If atypical pain occurs, the use of heat is prohibited; this can only increase inflammation and contribute to the spread of infection.

Lumbar region

With cystitis, the symptomatic picture is shifted to bottom part belly. The patient takes medications and drinks diuretic herbs. And the pain not only does not go away, but also changes location. Can the lower back hurt with cystitis, and what does this change mean? The reason may be urolithiasis. Manifestations depend on the location and size of the stone. With coral-shaped immobile stones, dull aching sensations appear in the lumbar area, radiating to the iliac and groin areas when moving.

Small stones that have begun to move cause a paroxysmal course of the disease. The condition changes as the stone moves, and its irradiation also changes. Beginning as pain in the lower back with cystitis, the symptoms shift along the ureter, radiating to the thigh on the affected side, to the groin area, to the external genitalia.

Another cause of discomfort is the spread of the process and its transfer to the kidneys. Infectious kidney damage - pyelonephritis often has bacterial cause and becomes a complication pathological changes V bladder. Do the kidneys hurt with cystitis in such cases? Yes, they hurt, because this is already a combined process. A dull aching pain forms in the lumbar region and is one-sided, in in rare cases when both kidneys are affected, it hurts on both sides. Symptoms may be mild, but more often they are of medium intensity, sometimes “shooting” into the iliac region.

The close connection between the urinary organs leads to the fact that with exacerbation of recurrent cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis worsens. The symptoms of one disease include pain in the kidneys. At chronic course it has a wave-like aching character, intensifies with hypothermia or poor diet.

Renal region

Sudden thrill in the side and in the kidney area indicate the beginning of the movement of stones and the appearance renal colic. The pain is often unbearable and the person cannot accept comfortable position. There is irradiation in the hypochondrium on the affected side, and a return along the ureter to the groin area. Shooting sensations go along the inner surface of the thigh and into the genitals. There is frequent urination with pain, as with cystitis, but the kidney hurts with every movement, calming down a little with rest. Severe pain when pressing on the kidney area and in the hypochondrium area from the affected organ.

Sudden lower back pain due to cystitis is an alarming signal. Before a medical consultation, a woman can alleviate the condition by taking antispasmodics: no-spa or drotaverine, drinking fluids in large quantities, provided that diuresis is maintained.

The situation when the kidneys hurt after cured cystitis most likely indicates an inflammatory process in the pyelocalyceal system. In this case, pyelonephritis becomes a complication of bladder pathology, but the symptoms are smoothed out due to the therapy performed. This happens when self-medicating without proper diagnosis.

Another reason when the kidneys hurt after cystitis may not be related to the inflammatory process - a cystic neoplasm. This pathology is usually asymptomatic, and the inflammatory process in the bladder could provoke its manifestation. In this case, the back on the affected side and the lower back suffer.

Urogenital area

Inflammation of the bladder rarely occurs as an independent infection; more often a secondary lesion occurs when cystitis is a complication of urogenital diseases. Lower back pain may accompany inflammation of the urethra. This disease is also characterized by frequent painful diuresis with pain and bleeding.

Diseases internal organs reproductive system, both in women and men, lead to aching sensations in the lower abdomen, in the groin area, in the perineum, and radiate to the rectum and lower back. Painful symptoms occur during diuresis and defecation. With the development of neoplasms, compression of the urinary tract and stagnation of urine is possible, which provokes the proliferation of pathogenic microflora. An inflammatory process develops in the bladder, and cystitis causes lower back pain. Chronic inflammation internal genital organs is often associated with impaired blood circulation in them, which provokes the occurrence of foci of inflammation. The pain is not intense, aching, and radiates to sacral region, lower back, lower abdomen, iliac region.

How to differentiate bladder inflammation

Despite all the specificity, the symptoms of cystitis are similar to other pathologies of the genitourinary system. How to distinguish a disease if the pain is atypical? Let's consider pathological conditions and their differences from cystitis.

  1. Allergic or neurogenic cystitis has manifestations characteristic of inflammation of the bladder: frequent painful diuresis, dull nagging pain above the pubis. Distinctive feature– no changes in urine.
  2. Urethritis is accompanied by severe pain and burning during urination. There is moderate pain in the lower abdomen. A specific feature is diuretic pain at the beginning of the act and uniformity throughout its entire duration. There are discharges from the urethra of various types.
  3. Urolithiasis is characterized by impaired bladder emptying and the development of non-infectious inflammation. Against this background, the woman’s kidneys hurt due to cystitis, but there is no bacterial infection. The difference between pain is its dependence on movement.
  4. Gynecological diseases are accompanied by painful sensations in the lumbar region, groin, and perineum. Urination may be painful and vaginal discharge varying intensity, colors and structures. Unlike cystitis, there are no urinary disorders.
  5. How to distinguish pyelonephritis from inflammation of the bladder, because often with cystitis the kidneys hurt if the disease is advanced. Pyelonephritis is accompanied by hyperthermia up to 39 degrees, nausea and vomiting. When tapping the lower back, the affected side gives off a sharp pain, which does not happen with cystitis.
  6. The kidneys also hurt with another inflammatory process - which is accompanied bloody discharge. How to distinguish it from hemorrhagic cystitis: with inflammation of the bladder, the urine is not so intensely colored, general condition rarely suffers from cystitis.
  7. Appendicitis in an atypical position has similar symptoms, but unlike cystitis, the pain is cramping in nature. There is no disturbance in diuresis.

The pain can be masked as other inflammations. It is not possible to recognize the disease by symptoms alone; a full diagnosis is required. Therefore, if you feel unwell and have the first attacks of pain, you should urgently seek medical help.

Traumatic damage to the pubic bones due to a bruise, blow or fall. Possible fracture displaces the bones, pain appears in the pubic area. The pubic bone consists of two branches and the body of the bone itself, which forms the area of ​​the acetabulum, located in front. The acetabulum, in turn, consists of the pubic bone, the ilium and the ischium and serves as the surface for the important hip joint. The branches of the pubic bone are connected by the symphysis. All this complex structure quite vulnerable and a strong blow can cause displacement or fracture of bone tissue. Pain in the pubic area is not specific for diagnosing fractures; they are confirmed by examination, palpation and x-ray examination.

In addition to the painful sensations that intensify with motor activity especially when walking or physical activity on the legs (squats, bends, climbing stairs), the urination process is disrupted. A characteristic symptom is difficulty raising the legs while lying down - Gorinevskaya's symptom or the symptom of a stuck heel, which is also characteristic of a femoral neck fracture.

If the diagnosis of a pubic bone fracture is confirmed, therapy consists of an anesthesia stage ( injection painkillers), strict bed rest and placing the leg on the side of which the pubic rami fracture is determined to be in a Beller splint (for skeletal traction and muscle relaxation). If the fracture is diagnosed as bilateral, the victim remains in hospital for four to five weeks. characteristic pose“frogs”, when the legs are bent and the knees are moved to the sides, the feet touch each other. The patient is placed on a special orthopedic bed to avoid possible risks of bedsores. During hospitalization, a complex is carried out physical therapy, physiotherapy sessions, symptomatic and vitamin therapy.

Pain in the pubic area can also be caused by gynecological pathologies, which often develop in hidden form. Endometritis, adnexitis, endometriosis, reaching the stage of exacerbation, are often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, localized in this place. Pain in these diseases is almost never intense; it has a pulling, aching character that radiates to the groin.

Severe pain in both men and women is a sign of exacerbation of a serious disease. In women, pain in this area may indicate the beginning of the process of spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), especially if they are accompanied by bleeding; in men, an exacerbation of prostatitis.

Pain in the pubic area may be one-sided. It doesn’t matter whether they are located on the right or left painful sensations, they indicate hidden ovarian tumors or bladder swelling. The nature of the pain depends on the stage at which the disease is located. If the cancer process has just begun its development, the pain may be nagging and weak. If the process becomes inflammatory, the neoplasms have large sizes, the pain can be sharp, unbearable, and accompanied by discharge.

Ectopic pregnancy, which is a threatening pathology, can also manifest itself as pain in the pubic area. Pain in the pubic area, as well as any other pulling or cramping pain in the lower abdominal part, like atypical discharge, dizziness are alarms indicating tubal pregnancy.

Acute, intense pain in the pubic area, which is combined with bleeding or discharge after sexual intercourse, may indicate torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst or rupture of the neoplasm. Cyst rupture has characteristic symptoms, which includes dizziness, drop in blood pressure, and fever.

Pain in the pubic area, in the lower part, closer to the vulva, may be a sign congenital pathology pubic bone when it is overextended and blocks the entrance to the vagina. Any sexual contact with this pathology provokes severe pain, since the bone presses on the urethral canal.

Pain in the pubic area may be associated with normal physiological reasons during pregnancy. In addition to changes occurring in hormonal system, the pelvic bones begin to soften a little, preparing for childbirth. This process occurs slowly, under the influence specific hormone called relaxin. Both the pelvic bones and the pubic symphysis itself begin to move apart, providing the opportunity for fetal development. Pathological softening and, accordingly, excessive mobility of the pubic bones in gynecological practice called symphysitis. In addition to the fact that the pubic bone periodically shifts, the soft tissue of the pubis noticeably swells. Symphysitis is externally manifested by a heavy gait, so characteristic of pregnant women (duck gait), difficulties in turning the body, climbing stairs and general motor “sluggishness”. The pain in the pubic area becomes unbearable, it is especially strong upon palpation. Factors that provoke symphysitis may be calcium deficiency, congenital structural, anatomical anomalies skeletal system pelvis As a rule, after the birth of the baby, when the body gradually recovers, all signs of symphysitis subside.

Symphysiliosis is pathological condition pubic bone after childbirth, which is accompanied by pain, feverish state. This one is enough serious illness, which can develop during rapid labor, when the pubic bones do not simply diverge, but rupture at the point of articulation (symphysis). The cause of the rupture may also be big baby and narrow pelvic bones or their insufficient divergence, “preparation” for the birth process. Treatment consists of local anesthesia, bed rest, usually a special fixing bandage is put on the pelvic bones.

Pain in the pubic area can also occur in representatives of the stronger sex, most often due to the development inguinal hernia or exacerbation of chronic prostatitis. The hernia is not limited to pain, it radiates to the lower back or sacrum, sometimes even to the leg.

Pain in the pubic area can be caused by chronic osteomyelitis, which goes into the inflammatory stage. In this case, the symphysis (the pubic symphysis) becomes inflamed, and the pubic tissue swells greatly. The symptoms of osteomyelitis of the pubic bone are extremely similar to the signs of symphysitis; of course, the presence or absence of pregnancy, as well as blood tests and x-rays, help to differentiate them.

The pubic bone is one of the components of the pelvic bone. It is paired and, connected by a cartilaginous disc, the bones form the symphysis (pubic symphysis). Pain in the pubic bone is often caused by pathological processes precisely in the articulation, and not in soft tissues.

What Causes Pubic Bone Pain?

  1. Fracture of both or one pubic bone resulting from direct strong blow V this area, or due to compression and displacement pelvic bones. This type of injury is often experienced by victims of car accidents. In this case, the pain in the pubic bone worsens when trying to change the position of the legs and during palpation (palpation). Also, the patient, being in a supine position, cannot, due to strong pain raise your straightened legs. If, in addition to a fracture of the pubic bone, bruises of the bladder are also observed, then pain in the pubic bone is also accompanied by a disturbance in the process of urination.
  2. In women during pregnancy, the body secretes large quantities relaxin hormone. Under its action, the pelvic bones and joints soften. This happens so that the baby can easily move the mother’s pelvis apart for passage during childbirth. Sometimes, with an excess of this hormone, with a lack of calcium in the pregnant woman’s body, or due to the development of her musculoskeletal system, a woman experiences excessive softening of the joint, pain in the pubic bone appears, the process of movement causes difficulties, and a duck’s gait may develop. This disease is called symphysitis. Symptoms of the disease generally disappear on their own after childbirth.
  3. The pain in the pubic bone described above does not always occur during pregnancy. Its appearance is possible after childbirth. The consequence will be symphysiolysis (significant divergence of the pubic bones, and sometimes rupture of the symphysis). This is typical for rapid labor with a large fetus. The pain that a woman experiences with this disease is very strong and is felt even in the sacroiliac joint. The woman in labor should be at rest and with a bandage in the pelvic area. There is a high probability of relapse of the disease during repeated births.
  4. Infectious and inflammatory processes affecting parts of the bone tissue (osteomyelitis) can cause inflammation of the symphysis pubis if they affect the pubic bone. Because of this, the symptoms of the disease are very similar to those that appear with symphysitis in pregnant women.
  5. Pathological abnormalities in the development of the pubic bone when it becomes elongated flat shape and prevents access to the vagina during sexual intercourse or examination by a gynecologist. During sexual intercourse, a woman experiences pain, as the partner's penis puts pressure on the periosteum and presses the urethra to the rib of the pubic bone. The pain is constantly recurring, and therefore the woman tries to avoid sex.
  6. Pain in the pubic bone can also affect a man. In males, it is often associated with the presence of a hernia in the groin area. If the pain bothers you in the center of the pubis, then it may appear chronic prostatitis. However, then the pain can affect the entire lower abdomen, lower back, pubis, and sacrum. Sometimes it is difficult for the patient to understand exactly where the pain occurs.
  7. If a woman experiences pain on the left or right side of her pubis, she may have gynecological disease or diseases of the urinary organs. The pain can be acute, sharp, or weak, nagging.

Treatment for pubic bone pain

Treatment of this type of pain includes several points:

  • special gymnastic exercises focusing on the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor. For example, to perform one of the exercises, you need to get down on all fours and, keeping your back straight, take a breath. When exhaling, the pelvic floor muscles should be squeezed and not unclenched for 5-10 seconds. You should not hold your breath, and you should not move your back. At the end of the exercise, the pelvic muscles must be slowly relaxed. This and similar exercises strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvis;
  • manual therapy (gentle). It has a gentle effect on the muscles of the pelvis, hips and back;
  • very effective physical exercise performed in water;
  • if a woman is bothered by pain in the pubic bone, treatment can be prescribed by a gynecologist. Symphysitis is a common phenomenon among pregnant women, doctors encounter it all the time, so a responsible gynecologist will definitely advise the woman how she should cope with the pain;
  • acupuncture. This procedure allows you to relieve pain in the pubic bone not only in women, but also in men. The procedure is almost painless, but very effective. The only thing you should consider when agreeing to acupuncture is to trust your body only to a doctor who has undergone special training in this area of ​​treatment;
  • consultation with an osteopath, chiropractor. These doctors know how to cope with pain of this nature, so their consultation will be extremely useful;
  • wearing a prenatal bandage. This treatment method applies to pregnant women suffering from pain in the pubic bone;
  • percutaneous drainage. It is indicated for purulent symphysitis;
  • local injections of glucocorticoids, NSAIDs - for osteoperiostitis;
  • taking medications containing calcium.

Many pregnant women note relief from an exercise such as the “lotus” or “butterfly”. This exercise is otherwise called “sit cross-legged.”

Pain in the pubic area often becomes a reason to contact medical specialists. Unpleasant painful sensations can occur as a result of an injury or developmental abnormality, against the background of infectious, oncological diseases and for a number of other reasons.

Pain above the pubis

Painful sensations in the pubic area may indicate inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. In men, such pain often accompanies prostatitis, in women - cystitis.

In women, pain above the pubis often signals problems in the gynecological area. Such formidable diseases as adnexitis, endometritis, endometriosis are characterized by pulling and aching pain in the center of the suprapubic zone. As a rule, the pain is not constant, occurs periodically, and can radiate to the groin. At the same time, the general well-being of patients worsens - they feel unwell, weak, and sometimes shivering.

Unilateral pain often accompanies neoplasms in the ovaries or bladder. The pain may be mild right away, but over time, without proper examination and treatment, it becomes unbearable and is accompanied by discharge.

Severe pain in the pubic area after sexual intercourse may result from a ruptured tumor or cyst. A woman may bleed, develop weakness, hypotension and fever.

If a woman is pregnant, then sharp, intensifying pain above the pubis and bleeding that appears are harbingers of a miscarriage. Ectopic pregnancy is also accompanied by severe pain in this area. The pain may be nagging or cramping, the woman feels severe weakness, dizziness, and discharge appears.

Pain at the bottom of the pubis

Pain in the lower pubis during sexual intercourse can occur with congenital pathology of the pubic bone: it is too elongated and puts pressure on the urethra. With such an anomaly it’s normal sex life becomes impossible.

Pubic pain during pregnancy

Normally, pregnant women may experience moderate pain in the pubic area - under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the process of softening the pelvic bones occurs. With excessive softening of the bones of the pubic symphysis, they speak of developing disease- symphysitis. A woman experiences discomfort when going up or down or changing body position, but after the birth of the child everything returns to normal.

During pathological childbirth, divergence of the pubic bones or even rupture of the articulation may occur - symphysiolysis. The woman suffers from sharp pain, she needs rest and rigid bandage fixation.

If pain occurs in the pubic area, you should urgently contact medical institution. You will need to consult a gynecologist, urologist, surgeon and traumatologist. Doctors will conduct the necessary examination and prescribe treatment.

Pain in the pubic area can result from the following common diseases:

  • Inflammatory and adhesions in the pelvic area.
  • In gynecology: inflammation of the ovaries, tubes, uterus.
  • In urology: prostatitis, orchitis, cystitis, etc.

IMPORTANT! Self-medication is unacceptable! Remember! There are no harmless drugs! Thoughtless medication use can lead to serious complications! Only a doctor should diagnose and treat these diseases!

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