Where to buy good quality essential oils. World production of essential oils, the most popular essential oils The best producers of natural oils

Raw materials markets have been divided for a very long time and the advantages of well-known manufacturers of essential oils lie not only in a good technological base and possession of production secrets, but also in the ability to purchase the best, first-class raw materials. Therefore, the brand name in this market segment means not only a high price, but also excellent quality that meets all standards.

The main consumers of the essential aromatic product are pharmaceutical enterprises, food and cosmetics industries. The process of making essential oils is very labor-intensive and time-consuming, so the cost of natural oil simply cannot be low. Essential Oil Manufacturers must process more than one ton of raw materials to obtain several kilograms of aromatic elixir.

Today, there are several ways to obtain an aromatic substance. Manufacturers of essential oils use them depending on the raw materials and the purpose of the final product.

1. Steam distillation
This method allows you to preserve all the essential oil of the plant; it has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt. The raw materials are placed in a container and filled with hot water. During the heating process, water mixed with plant sap rises and passes through special filters that retain essential oils. The water in which plants were evaporated is also used in cosmetology and is the basis of lotions and refreshing sprays.

2. Solvent extraction
In this case essential oil manufacturers They use slightly different equipment. The feedstock is placed on grids and installed in a huge tank. Volatile solvents begin to be driven through it, which, during the distillation process, are saturated with aromatic vapors. The resulting substance is a solid flower extract and is in demand among perfume manufacturers, as it has a more intense odor.

3. Obtaining the absolute
The flower extract is poured into an alcohol base, which gradually evaporates, leaving the so-called “absolute”. It has a slightly different chemical composition than the extract or and is widely used in cosmetology.

4. Push-ups
This method is used essential oil producers for obtaining a squeeze from the peels of citrus fruits: lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, bergamot. This used to be a completely manual process, but nowadays centrifuges are used. The oil obtained in this way is considered to be of very high quality and does not contain impurities.

There are currently several well-known essential oil producers, which enjoy well-deserved authority and sell products of excellent quality.

Aromatherapy Karel Hadek (Germany)

Karel Hadek is a famous aromatherapist from Germany. He is the author of many original recipes that have already won recognition among Europeans. The company produces cosmetics and aromatherapy, including essential oils. In the manufacture of its products, the company uses only natural ingredients obtained without the use of harmful chemical compounds.

Bergland-Pharma (Germany)

The company was founded 25 years ago in Germany. Today it is one of the most venerable essential oil producers, its products account for more than 30% of all essential oils presented on the European market. Delivers to Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Austria, etc.

Styx naturcosmetics (Austria)

The activities of the famous Austrian company are not limited only to the development of recipes, research into the quality of raw materials and the production of aromatic oils. Company representatives regularly visit essential oil plantations around the world and monitor the environmental situation in these areas.

Just International (Switzerland)

The Swiss company has been known for over 75 years as essential oil manufacturer with a high degree of purification. The company is one of the leading suppliers of excellent quality natural products to the world market. All oils produced by Just are made from plant materials without the use of dyes or chemical additives.

Vivasan (Switzerland)

The company's success is based on the use of only natural raw materials in the manufacture of products. The company applies all the latest developments and scientific discoveries in the field of healthy nutrition and medicinal cosmetics, produces drugs and essential oils exclusively based on plant raw materials.

When purchasing essential oil, remember that it is an expensive natural product, and its therapeutic and cosmetic properties directly depend on the quality and manufacturer.

Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

In previous articles, I told you about certain types of essential oils. Today I want to tell you about the TOP 10 essential oils that are most often used in everyday life. You may need this rating if you are going to buy several bottles of the treasured liquid at once in order to receive a discount or gift from the store. For convenience, I have duplicated the list of essential oils in the form of a table. So let's get started!

Top 10 Essential Oils Chart

In the table below I have listed the 10 best oils, indicating their main properties and the average price for a 10 ml bottle. By clicking on the desired item, you will move to the section you need.

Oil Properties of essential oil Approximate price of essential oil from famous manufacturers
  • Antifungal
  • Antiseptic
  • Wound healing
  • Disinfectant
  • 300 – 700 rubles
  • Disinfectant
  • Flavoring
  • Tonic
  • 120-350 rubles
  • Premium stamps up to 1000 rubles.
  • Flavoring
  • Hair moisturizer
  • Skin moisturizer
  • Antivirus
  • Diuretic
  • 300-800 rubles
  • Premium stamps up to 2000 rubles.
  • Calming
  • Flavoring
  • Skin smoothing
  • Aphrodisiac
  • 300-500 rubles.
  • Premium stamps up to 1200 rubles.
  • Tonic
  • Flavoring
  • 200-500 rubles.
  • Premium stamps up to 2500 rubles.
  • Tonic
  • Flavoring
  • Beneficial for gums
  • 200-500 rubles.
  • Aphrodisiac
  • Flavoring
  • For hair growth
  • 500-1200 rubles.
  • Flavoring
  • Medicinal (kidney diseases, colds)
  • Anti-dandruff
  • Cosmetic (for oily skin)
  • 800-1300 rubles.
  • Emotionally restorative
  • Healing (ENT organs)
  • Anti-inflammatory for skin
  • Flavoring
  • 300-700 rubles
  • Antiseptic
  • Pain reliever (particularly for toothache)
  • Improves digestion
  • Tonic
  • 200-400 rubles

Description of oils

tea tree

It rightfully takes first place among the 10 best essential oils. This is one of the few oils that can be applied to the skin undiluted (but only if there is no allergy). Read on our website for detailed information about tea tree essential oil and its properties.

Fir oil

It is a fairly inexpensive oil, but nevertheless, due to its beneficial properties and wide distribution in Russia, it is one of the 10 essential oils that are often used and available for purchase. Like other pine oils, fir ether has excellent disinfectant properties. It’s also a great idea to make your own home or car fragrance.

Rose oil

This oil is a purely feminine essence. There are classic and Damask rose oils. The product is not included in the list of budget essential oils, but nevertheless, due to its excellent cosmetic properties, it is included in the rating of ten essential oils for private use.

Be sure to read detailed information about. You will learn a lot of interesting things.

Lavender oil

Lavender essential oil is the king of scents. An excellent relaxant and aphrodisiac. Add a couple of drops to your pillow before bed and you'll have a great night's sleep. And if you want a sensual night with your loved one, then add oil to the aroma lamp.

By the way. An alternative to lavender oil can be. The properties are similar.

For more information, I suggest you watch the following video:

Peppermint oil

Excellent oil for relieving headaches. A couple of drops on your fingertips, rub with a carrier oil, and lubricate your temples. You can also add it to the aroma lamp - you are guaranteed a boost of energy. This is one of the few essential oils that can be purchased at the pharmacy. As they say, cheap and cheerful. Also suitable. “This specimen fits perfectly into the top 10 essential oils.

Lemon essential oil

This ester belongs to the top note oils - this means that the oil will evaporate very quickly. This means that for frequent use it makes sense to purchase bottles of 20 or 30 ml, but only from dark glass.

You can rub your whiskey with oil (after diluting it with a base oil). Can be added to an aroma lamp or bath. You can also make applications for teeth.

Attention! Oil should never be used in its pure form.

Ylang-ylang oil

Ylang-ylang essential oil is a worthy representative of our ranking of the best 10 essential oils. Mainly used as an aphrodisiac - to attract men. But you can also use it to care for your hair.

Juniper oil

For some reason it is more expensive than other fir representatives. But nevertheless, it is in demand not only in pharmacies but also in cosmetic stores. Most often it is used in aroma lamps to scent rooms. The second most popular method is to care for your hair by adding a couple of drops to your shampoo or hair mask.

Geranium oil

The strongest point is increased mental and physical activity. You can also dilute with an emulsifier and gargle to kill germs. The oil is quite rare, it will be difficult to get it in a pharmacy, but in special stores (usually in online stores) it will be quite easy to find.

Clove essential oil

Clove essential oil rounds out our list of 10 essential oils you'll likely need. At the same time, this is the oil that is best to always have at home. Ask why? Because clove essential oil is number 1 for solving problems with toothache. If you have a sharp, throbbing toothache, do the following: take any base oil (for example, olive or almond), add 3-4 drops of clove oil and make a compress on the tooth with a cotton swab. Within 30 minutes the pain will go away.


To summarize, I would like to ask you to leave a review about your favorite oils. Perhaps we will review the manufacturer and include it in our rating!

Essential oils are popular cosmetics for skin and hair care. The range of beneficial properties of esters is amazing: cleansing, regenerating, whitening, moisturizing - you can’t find anything. Traditionally, they are used for aromatherapy and wraps, as components of masks, massage products, for washing and for steam baths. Cosmetologists note that what we are used to calling essential oils actually means organic oil-like substances that easily evaporate at room temperature and leave no traces. Their distinctive characteristic is the absence of fats in the chemical composition; the source is exclusively vegetable raw materials.

The cost of a bottle can vary from several tens to thousands of rubles. An important role in the pricing process is played by the method of extracting the extract - pressing, distillation, enfleurage, etc. Experts suggest how to choose the best essential oil among the variety - here's what you should consider before purchasing:

  1. Contraindications. Essential oils are essences. Such high concentrations do not occur in nature. Cosmetologists and trichologists warn that esters should be used with caution. It is preferable to first consult a specialist who would tell you in detail about the individual characteristics of your skin and help you choose the best essential oil, taking into account contraindications (damage to the skin, a number of diseases, intolerance to components). To prevent an allergic reaction, apply ether to your wrist before use. If after five minus the itching and redness have not stopped, opt for another extract.
  2. Mixing. Esters are usually not used in their pure form. Mixing with base oils is a must. An acceptable dosage is from two to seven drops per 15 g of base. As an exception, essential oils are used locally in the treatment of acne. However, not all extracts are suitable for this. Remember that the vegetable oils in the formulation must also meet the requirements of your skin type.
  3. Variety. The division of essential oils according to their effect on the skin is very arbitrary, since each ester can have several effects simultaneously. The degree of effectiveness depends on the skin type, its condition and age. Among the most popular extracts on the cosmetology market are extracts of jasmine, neroli, pine, fir, cedar, juniper, eucalyptus, bergamot, cloves, patchouli, cinnamon, mandarin and sage.
  • characteristics of the company (certification, composition, assortment);
  • cost of production (price-quality ratio);
  • user reviews;
  • recommendations from experts (cosmetologists, trichologists).

Best Budget Essential Oil Manufacturers

3 Oleos

Wide range of esters. Natural composition
Country: Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Russian representative is the Oleos company. The company produces various oils: edible, cosmetic and essential. All of them are distinguished by high quality and natural composition. Over the past ten years, the brand has been producing esters that are in wide demand among consumers. Reviews mention pleasant scents, durability and affordable price.

The brand cooperates with leading raw material suppliers around the world. Multifunctional extracts are recommended by experts to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve facial skin and hair condition. Buyers note positive changes with regular use of essential oils. A rich assortment allows you to easily purchase both the most popular esters and less popular ones (bey, verbena, palmarosa, petitgrain, ravintsar, etc.).

2 Aspera

"Aspera" is a company founded in 2006, focusing on the production of cosmetic, food and essential oils. The peculiarity of the brand is its 100% natural composition, developed in accordance with the recommendations of ethnobotanists. Plants that become the source of raw materials for future products are grown in 30 countries around the world. Company representatives exercise careful control at all stages of ester production, from sowing and harvesting to delivery to pharmacy chains in Russia and the CIS countries. The company is a member of the international federation for trade in essential oils and flavors IFEAT.

Buyers indicate a wide range and low cost as the main advantages of the company. In their reviews, users note the high effectiveness of essential oils of this brand. For example, thyme extract used to activate hair growth and added to shampoo when washing actually helps accelerate hair growth by awakening dormant hair follicles. Other esters of the brand, including those beneficial for facial skin, also received a large number of positive ratings.

The leading factor in choosing an essential oil for the face is skin type.

  1. Holders dry skin Essential oils of chamomile and sandalwood are suitable to stimulate the production of subcutaneous fat, lemon and rosemary - to improve blood circulation, neroli and lavender - to accelerate cell renewal, jasmine - for high-quality hydration.
  2. Cope with oily epidermis The following essential oils will help: tea tree - for cleansing, grapefruit and bergamot - for narrowing pores, juniper - for a lifting effect.
  3. Cleans better than others normal skin esters of orange and rose; for toning, geranium essential oil is preferable; extracts of jasmine and tea tree can boast anti-aging effects.
  4. Problematic dermis Peppermint ester is shown as an antibacterial agent for acne ripening, lavender - to fight scars and acne spots, ylang-ylang - to smooth the skin, tangerine - for a disinfectant effect.

Essential oils that have a beneficial effect on hair include:

  • For hair growth - fir, cinnamon, lemon balm, cloves;
  • For volume – cypress, cedar, rosewood, thyme;
  • Against hair loss – pine, eucalyptus;
  • To moisturize dry hair – jasmine, sandalwood, ylang-ylang;
  • Anti-greasy - grapefruit, geranium, juniper.

1 Mirrolla

Best price. Large volume (25 ml)
Country: Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Mirrolla" is a domestic research and production company that develops and promotes natural cosmetics and dietary supplements. The company has been operating since 2004. The range includes more than 300 products that increase the quality of life and improve health. The manufacturer’s specialty is rare herbs grown on its own plantations without the use of chemicals, so the raw materials for future products remain environmentally friendly. As the company assures, even the collection of herbs is carried out in full accordance with the calendar of greatest benefit. Control over recipes is carried out in the company’s laboratory, where scientific research is constantly being conducted to create new, even more effective products. Modern equipment and international quality standards are a couple more advantages for the brand.

A prominent place in the catalog is occupied by essential oils for the face and hair, available in bottles of 10 and 25 ml. Reviews note that the esters of this brand have a persistent aroma that allows you to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere for hours. Users are also pleased with the variety of products - the range includes the most popular citrus, spicy, floral, pine and exotic essential oils.

The best manufacturers of essential oils: price-quality

4 Elfarma

Best design. Favorable price
Country: Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

"Elpharma" is a Russian manufacturer of pharmaceutical cosmetics, cosmetic and essential oils, beekeeping products, etc. A characteristic feature of the company's entire product range is high quality. The brand, founded in 2001, offers natural face, body and hair care products that are free of toxic chemicals. Raw materials are supplied from the UK and other European countries.

User reviews often mention the attractive design - each package is decorated with a picturesque landscape. Buyers also like the affordable pricing policy. Among the advantages, it is impossible not to mention the variety of aromas of essential oils, durability and 100% natural composition.

3 Lecus

International quality standards. Unobtrusive scents
Country: Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Lecus is a Russian company engaged in the production of natural and medicinal cosmetics, cosmetic and essential oils, and bath cosmetics. A distinctive characteristic is the production of products that meet all international quality standards, including those approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The brand is one of the three best domestic representatives. Environmentally friendly raw materials undergo mandatory certification in Europe. The company cooperates only with reputable foreign suppliers.

The brand takes part in annual exhibitions, receiving recognition, diplomas and awards year after year. In reviews, users indicate bright modern design, a rich variety of essential oils, high durability and competitive cost among the advantages. The scents are natural and unobtrusive, which allows them to be used both for the purpose of healing hair and skin, and for filling the room with pleasant notes, taking a bath and performing a massage.

2 Botanika

The most popular. User selection
Country: Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Botanika" is a manufacturer of cosmetic and essential oils that appeared on the domestic market about 10 years ago. Currently, the company is a recognized leader: a member of the Russian Perfume and Cosmetic Association and the International Federation of Trade in Essential Oils, winner of the exhibition (2014) in the category of the best massage oils. In reviews, the neutral design is called very relevant, without distracting attention from the key characteristics.

The back of the package provides information about the use of a specific ester, its beneficial properties and compatibility with other oils. The manufacturer provides the product with information about the composition, contraindications, storage conditions and expiration dates. Inside the box you will find a bottle, instructions, recipes and even recommended proportions for mixing the extract with the base for preparing masks for the face and hair.

1 Bergland-Pharma

The best value for money. Environmentally friendly raw materials
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 4.9

Founded a quarter of a century ago, the Bergland company set a goal to preserve the natural purity of the material and create unique parapharmaceutical and cosmetic oils. Actually, the goal has been achieved. Now the brand is known all over the world, and pharmacies and medical institutions in Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic and other European countries unanimously prefer the brand’s products. Their essential oils have a positive effect both locally and on the entire body as a whole, providing an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antibacterial effect on the skin of the face and hair.

Esters are produced from environmentally friendly raw materials, which is confirmed by Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certificates. The company, on its own initiative, regularly undergoes testing for compliance with the standard of the Federation of German Cosmetics Manufacturers and Distributors (BDIH), the so-called first “natural” standard. Many products from the brand’s catalog are marked with the “Cosmos Organic” and “Cosmos Natural” marks, indicating the naturalness of the products. “It’s hard to imagine a better quality guarantor!” - says expert reviews.

The best producers of essential oils: premium segment

Luxury essential oil companies stand out from other companies due to their high cost, which is fully compensated by first-class quality, 100% natural composition and careful control over the production of extracts. These brands are attentive to the characteristics of the skin, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the esters.


The best of the domestic ones. Special series of esters for problem skin
Country: Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Essential oils of the “Iris” brand have been produced by the aromatherapy center for more than 20 years. The company is named after its leading employee, Dr. Irisova. High-quality raw materials – that’s what the manufacturer relies on. The components of the esters are delivered directly from the plantations: anise from Spain, oranges from Brazil, calamus berries from Nepal, etc. The extracts are isolated using a special gentle technology, retaining maximum beneficial properties. The composition of the esters is completely natural.

Experts call the company's products exclusive due to the content of a biologically active collection, including enzymes and antioxidants, vitamins and other elements. With their help, the body has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and antiviral, as well as antimicrobial effect. The oils of this brand are in wide demand, judging by the reviews, in the treatment of acne. The manufacturer has developed special series “Anti-acne” and “Post-acne” to effectively relieve inflammation, smooth the skin, eliminate redness and prevent the formation of new pimples.


First class quality. Effective face and hair care
Country: Austria
Rating (2019): 4.8

Styx is an Austrian company of natural essential oils and cosmetics that appeared on the trading scene at the beginning of the 20th century. Having invested in the production of oils, the founder of the company of the same name, Wolfgang Stix, was awarded a number of privileges from raw material suppliers around the world. The brand’s privileges continue to this day, which allows the brand to purchase raw materials of exclusively first-class quality, while the cost of the original product remains at an acceptable level.

All drugs are based on ancient recipes and do not involve the inclusion of chemical synthesis products. Technologies for production and processing of raw materials fully comply with international standards. The central place in the catalog is occupied by base and essential oils. The assortment includes cosmetics based on them for the face and body, hair care products, massage and perfume preparations. Reviews from users and experts say that the company’s products have no analogues in the world - safe, fragrant, durable, effective.

1 Karel Hadek

Better production control. Suitable for aging and sensitive skin
Country: Czech Republic
Rating (2019): 4.9

Karel Hadek is the best brand of professional aromacosmetics in the Czech Republic, as well as a leader in the markets of Japan, Russia, China and Europe. The company is named after the founding scientist who developed over 300 drug formulations and his own production technologies. The company has been operating since 1983, and has now acquired a whole army of fans. All aromatherapy cosmetics of the brand are free of antioxidants, dyes, fragrances and preservatives. All raw materials purchased from global markets undergo laboratory testing, and in some cases even double testing.

The products are in wide demand in professional environments - beauty salons, rehabilitation centers, medical institutions, etc. Natural essential oils of the brand are also suitable for home use. Reviews write especially flatteringly about esters as products for problematic, aging and sensitive skin of the face and body. In addition, extracts have a positive effect on hair. The assortment is represented by all sorts of scents, the cost of which exceeds most of its analogues, however, as experts assure, it is fully justified by its first-class quality.



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