Encyclopedia of purebred dogs with the name of the breed. Small dog breeds with photos, names and character traits

What breed of dog to choose

Breeds, as researchers found, began to emerge after breeders tried to combine animals with the same abilities. Of course, they also paid attention to the dog’s appearance. By the way, this can be confirmed if you see puppies that were bred in Greece, Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, and not only.

Usually a person chooses a breed based on the following characteristics:

  • size;
  • body type;
  • head shape;
  • ear shape;
  • color;
  • nose shape;
  • leg length;
  • ear length;
  • wool length;
  • character.

Therefore, in the modern world it is a large number of breeds.

How to choose a breed

To choose a breed, you need to be guided not only by the appearance of the animal, which can be very deceiving. Getting a four-legged friend of a certain breed is a must correct and thoughtful decision.

The breed of dog that you choose for yourself should be one that suits the rhythm of life that you follow. And also, you need to find out all the information about what inclinations your future pet has, which you have chosen, and about what is the way to keep it.

In the modern world of dog breeding, there are a huge number of breeds, among which are popular designer, rare and hybrids. There are many sites on the Internet where all dog breeds are listed with photographs and names, and they are also necessarily placed in alphabetical order and an exact description is given for each such note.

Experienced dog breeders believe that in order to get this animal, it is necessary to choose a breed that, in its activity, corresponds to the activity of the owner himself. Therefore, when purchasing a pet, you should consider a few simple but very important rules:

  • Decide whether you need a dog.
  • What breeds of dogs are there and what kind of puppy would you like to buy.
  • How tall would you like your pet to be?
  • You cannot get a dog under the age of 10, since such a person is still small and not independent.
  • The breed of a dog affects its behavior. It is necessary to choose a four-legged friend that would be suitable for the whole family. For example, Japanese puppies are ideal for indoor living.
  • It is also worth considering the habitat: city or countryside.

Breeds and types of popular dogs

Today in the modern world there are more than 450 breeds of dogs, which are divided into different groups: service; decorative; hunting Let us dwell in more detail on the breeds that are now considered the most popular among dog breeders.

Dogs no specific breed. The first animals that people domesticated around the 22nd millennium BC were wolves, which later became dogs. They helped humans in hunting, and then became excellent guards.

East European Shepherd descended from German shepherds. Now it is being reborn. The animal is classified as a service animal. By the way, any weather conditions are easily tolerated, but performance is always increased. The height with the withers is equal for a girl - 62-72 centimeters, and for a boy - 66-76 centimeters, and the weight for a female is 50 kilograms, and for a dog - 50 kilograms.

German Shepherd. In the 19th century, it was bred by Captain von Stefanitz by crossing shepherd dogs from different regions of Germany. During the wars, she managed to establish herself as a brave assistant. The character is calm and balanced, a kind and sincere animal. This is reliable protection and security.

Rottweiler. A hardy and balanced character is inherent in animals with a courageous appearance. Devoted and faithful dogs have become very popular lately.

Yorkshire Terrier. This lap dog was bred in the 19th century in England. The name of the breed comes from the area where it was bred.

Labrador Retriever. It is distinguished by thick but short black hair, and has floppy ears. This breed, brought to Russia at the end of the 20th century, is considered a hunting breed.

The Pekingese is considered not only a dog of Japanese origin, but also one of the oldest breeds. Her character is independent and confident. The dog is energetic, but most importantly, devoted and faithful. An animal of this breed is considered an excellent watchdog.

German boxer. This breed has been formed over many centuries, its original origin was associated with the ancient Littles. Then the Germans started breeding it.

Such animals were bred specifically for dog fighting, and after their ban, its popularity did not decrease. The coat of an animal of this breed is short, close-fitting, and most often brindle in color. The Boxer is considered an excellent guard and service dog.

According to various estimates, there are about 1000 dog breeds in total. International cynological organizations recognize the existence of about 400. Each of them has its own specific characteristics, its own special character, disposition and temperament. The breeds differ in size, shape of the body and head, length of coat, and endurance. If you decide to get a dog, you need to not only weigh the pros and cons, but also decide on the choice of the breed of your future pet.

Dog breeds are so diverse that each person can choose the best option for themselves if they take their time and prepare well for the arrival of a new tenant in the house. At the same time, it is very important to understand that any dog, regardless of breed, will require time from you, quality feeding, regular exercise, grooming and training. The spectacular appearance of a show champion long-haired or wire-haired dog, as in exhibition photos, is most often inaccessible to the average owner. Therefore, even before purchasing a puppy, it is useful to see what a particular dog looks like with home haircuts and find out how labor-intensive it is to care for their coat. A responsible approach to bringing a dog of any breed into your home will allow the pet to fit into your lifestyle as comfortably as possible. We should not forget that dogs also get sick and at this time they need qualified veterinary care, care and a special diet. An absolutely healthy and problem-free breed simply does not exist.

We publish here all the useful information - names of breeds, photographs and descriptions of their characteristics, basic requirements for maintenance and upbringing - everything a future puppy owner needs to know to make life together with a dog as pleasant and comfortable as possible.


  • Australian Shepherd
  • Akita Inu
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • American Akita
  • American Bulldog
  • English bulldog
  • Dogo Argentino
  • Afghan Hound


  • Basenji
  • Basset Hound
  • Belgian Shepherd (Malinois)
  • Beaver
  • Beagle
  • Bloodhound
  • Bobtail
  • Border Collie
  • Dogue de Bordeaux
  • Beauceron
  • Bullmastiff
  • Bull Terrier
  • Boerboel


  • Welsh Corgi Pembroke
  • West Highland White Terrier
  • East European Shepherd


  • Dalmatian
  • Jack Russell Terrier
  • Doberman


  • West Siberian Laika
  • Golden retriever


  • Irish Wolfhound
  • Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
  • Italian spinone
  • Yorkshire Terrier


  • Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog
  • Kai
  • Cane Corso
  • King Charles Spaniel
  • Chinese Crested
  • Collie


  • Labrador Retriever


  • Maltese (Maltese)
  • Pug
  • Moscow watchdog


  • German Shepherd
  • German boxer
  • German dog
  • German Spitz
  • Newfoundland


  • Odis


  • Pekingese
  • Pomeranian Spitz
  • Posava Hound
  • Poodle
  • Bullets


  • Giant Schnauzer
  • Rhodesian Ridgeback
  • Rottweiler
  • Russian hound
  • Russian toy
  • Black Russian Terrier


  • Saluki
  • Samoyed
  • Saint Bernard
  • Setter Gordon
  • Shiba Inu
  • Siberian Husky
  • Skye Terrier
  • Central asian shepherd dog
  • Staffordshire Terrier


  • Dachshund
  • Tibetan mastiff
  • Toy Terrier


  • French Bulldog


  • Croatian Shepherd


  • miniature pinscher
  • Miniature Schnauzer


  • Chow chow
  • Chihuahua


  • Shar Pei
  • Sheltie
  • Shih Tzu


  • Entlebucher Mountain Dog
  • Airedale


  • Jagd Terrier

So, how can you choose the right dog breed for you and your family? There are several main factors that influence the right choice of dog.

Importance of information for selection

For a person who has decided to buy a dog for the first time, there is nothing more useful than objective and adequate information. But many advertising sites describing problem-free, self-training dog breeds that are “all inclusive” from birth create a lot of illusions for potential owners, which always negatively affect the relationship between owner and dog. A photogenic darling Labrador destroys an apartment in two weeks, a charming Pomeranian spitz barks incessantly all day long, a non-shedding miniature schnauzer after the first clipper haircut turns into a kind of shaggy lap dog, and the universal guard Tibetan mastiff, after a year of being kept in the yard, categorically refuses to go out of the gate and especially to be shown at an exhibition. It’s good if the owner endures all these inconsistencies with the dream and makes efforts to achieve mutual understanding with his dog. It is much worse if the dog starts walking around or ends up on the street or in a shelter. How can a layman choose the right dog breed?

Information from an experienced breeder or nursery

It's good if you are lucky with the breeder. He asked a lot of questions, finding out if you knew anything about the chosen breed, except for its name, photos you saw and common advertising slogans, and decided that he could sell you his puppy. You should answer the questions as honestly as possible - an experienced professional will help you choose a puppy that is suitable in temperament and appearance and raise it correctly. Breeders of unfashionable breeds are preferable in this case. They learn everything about the breed and monitor not only the exterior, but also the psyche. They will be happy to talk about the behavior of puppies and adult dogs, suitable types of training and sports. If the breeder is not ready to answer questions about the puppy’s upbringing and its characteristics, it is better not to buy a dog from him. No matter what breed you choose, the puppy's parents should have the recommended genetic tests. Choosing the right breeder is an opportunity to get advice from a professional if necessary. This will be an adequate assessment by an experienced breeder specialist to determine its compliance with the living conditions of the future owner.

Most often, the Internet offers advertisements with other people's photos, advertising descriptions of the best dogs in the world and a breeder who, having sold you a puppy, will evaporate and stop answering phone calls and other requests. You can recognize a scammer by his reluctance to leave coordinates, the absence of a chip or mark on the puppy, and promises that even though the puppy does not have a pedigree, it can be easily done. For someone who wants to buy a good dog, such conversations are a good reason to refuse to buy a puppy.

Understanding the history of the breed

Very often, when reading about breeds, future owners skip the section about the history of the breed's development. Meanwhile, each of them is a set of steadily transmitted qualities, including both external characteristics and unique features of behavior and physiology. Dogs with short muzzles do not tolerate heat well and will not be able to run much; large heavy-boned mastiffs need careful treatment of their joints and ligaments; service and herding breeds, having exceptional health, will require considerable expenses for training and exercise. And each one was originally created for some type of work. Forgetting this, owners often do not understand a beagle or spaniel running away after an interesting smell, suffer from the hyperactivity of a Jack Russell terrier, and are forced to endure the howl of a non-barking Basenji or Malamute. Working inclinations are preserved in all breeds, because each of them was created to perform a specific job. Even those breeds that have not been used for hunting or driving livestock for a long time remember their working past. Their breed characteristics are a consequence of it. Thus, all terriers love chasing and brawls, all dachshunds are happy to dig holes, a schnauzer or griffons will gladly try to defeat their eternal enemy - a rat, and collies and shelties will never allow members of the group entrusted to them to get lost, tracking the movements of both adults and children.

Physical activity for a dog

Lack of exercise always has a negative effect on working breed dogs. All unpleasant habits quickly disappear, as soon as walks are properly organized and the dog is given some kind of work or sport to do. The choice nowadays is huge – from service training to pitch-and-go and pulling. Organizing joint leisure allows you to establish contact between the owner and the dog and make them a real tandem full of mutual understanding. Show dogs also need exercises that help them have defined muscles, good tone and correct stance. In large cities there are special halls where you can prepare your dog for the exhibition yourself or entrust this to an experienced trainer and handler.


It is also important to evaluate your capabilities in caring for your future dog's coat. Shedding a Malamute or Samoyed in a city apartment is a serious test for owners. Grooming wire-haired dogs (schnauzers, dachshunds, drahthaars) usually results in the growth of an unusual soft, fluffy coat that begins to tangle and creates more and more problems. But you should have started trimming the dog from the very beginning so that hard, wire-like hair would grow on it, from which seeds and debris could be easily removed. Low-maintenance, short-haired dogs shed and their hairs clog carpets and bedding, which can cause skin irritations and allergies. Poodles and terriers are good for people with allergies and do not shed their hair, although they do require regular haircuts or trimming. Not all long-haired dogs are suitable for outdoor living. Many of them, despite their long hair, freeze in winter. These are, for example, long-haired dachshunds and setters, golden and curly-haired retrievers. The most suitable dogs for street keeping are those with a double, so-called wild coat, in which the seasonal thick undercoat and coarse outer hair allow them to feel comfortable on the street in any conditions.

Pedigree subtleties

To understand all the intricacies and make the right choice, you need to try not only to see more dogs in photos and videos, but also to find as much information as possible, selecting it according to the principle: the less feigned positive things about a given breed, the better. Critical and negative feedback when choosing a dog is much more valuable, as it allows you to soberly assess the problems that you may encounter in the future. It is difficult to expect a terrier to lack pugnacity or to expect a hunting breed to be loyal to domestic rodents or birds. It is better to immediately choose a loyal breed than to waste time and nerves on correcting innate behavior. All materials in this section are selected in such a way as to allow the reader to form an objective opinion about different breeds of dogs and prepare for the arrival of a new family member in the house, both morally and financially.

The day when a pet appears in the house is like a real holiday. The dog is a devoted friend, a cheerful companion and a reliable protector. However, it happens that after a while a pet turns from a source of joy into a real burden. This is often due to the wrong choice of breed. Things to consider before getting a pet:

  • additional expenses– any breed of dog requires proper nutrition, care products, a visit to the veterinarian, buying toys and more. Evaluate your strengths sensibly - whether you can provide your pet with everything necessary;
  • time for the dog– any animal requires attention, this includes games with the dog, walks in the park, and time to care for its fur. Without the necessary attention, the dog's health will begin to deteriorate;
  • purpose of purchase– this parameter is perhaps the key when choosing a breed. Decide whether you just need a companion or a security guard, for example. If you plan to breed dogs, then you should choose a purebred pet with documents. If you are looking for a reliable friend, then it is not at all necessary to buy an expensive breed;
  • potential pranks– all dogs, to one degree or another, can cause trouble for the owner. Be it chewed shoes, damage to furniture or loud barking. Assess your self-control and poise;
  • changing your daily routine– buying a puppy will inevitably lead to adjustments to your usual lifestyle. After all, you will have to walk the chosen breed of dog, train it, and care for it;
  • living area– when looking at dog breeds with photographs and names, pay attention to the size of your home. After all, the dimensions of the pet should be commensurate with the square meters of the apartment;
  • Plan b– think in advance whether you can leave your pet with someone if you go on vacation or a business trip.

What will help you choose the right breed?

Do we have similar personalities?

The breed of the dog must match the temperament of its owner. If a lazy homebody gets an active pet, then no one will receive joy from such a union. The same applies to the situation when an active athlete gets a decorative dog that needs only minimal physical activity. And there are also breeds that only experienced owners with a strong-willed character can handle.

Dog breeds for different types of people:

  1. For calm and balanced people, dog breeds such as pugs and retrievers are suitable;
  2. Shepherds, Rottweilers and Dobermans are well suited for business people;
  3. if you are a sensual person who wants to give your love and attention in huge quantities, then you should pay attention to;
  4. for people of an analytical mindset who require order everywhere and in everything, poodles, collies, spaniels, and schnauzers are well suited;
  5. For active people who devote a significant amount of time to walks and sports, huskies, setters, and greyhounds are well suited.

Breeds for home or apartment

Please note that they even require the same amount of attention from the owner as large representatives. When getting a Pekingese, for example, you will also have to walk him and take care of his fur. The option of purchasing a large breed puppy for an apartment is possible, but only if the area of ​​the house allows it. Getting a shepherd dog in a one-room apartment where a family with a child already lives is an extremely irrational decision.

Apartment maintenance has several important nuances. First of all, you should not let your pet go for a walk on its own, especially if we are talking about a large breed. You should always be nearby and supervise the dog. Training and socialization are also a necessity for a four-legged city dweller, because he will come into contact with other animals and people.

Provided that all maintenance rules are followed, you can safely start and. An excellent option in this case are shepherd dogs, poodles, Labradors, spaniels, and boxers. These breeds have developed intelligence, a good level of socialization, a good disposition and a tendency to be obedient.

Of course, the most acceptable option is miniature dogs. Take a closer look at pugs, Scotch terriers, toy terriers and Pekingese. These pets are extremely unpretentious in their choice of food and level of care. As a rule, they are not too intrusive, and some representatives are even quite independent.

When purchasing a puppy for your home, you have virtually no restrictions on your choice. Both large and small pets are suitable for you. The only question is the temperament of the breed and its compliance with your requirements.

What type of coat does the breed have?

An important factor is also the length of the pet's fur. Smooth-haired breeds are the preferred option in most cases. They do not require careful grooming and will not cause any particular trouble during the molting period.

Long-haired dogs have a very attractive appearance, but to maintain their condition you will have to regularly brush their coat, brush it, bathe your pet, use shampoos and conditioners, and visit a hairdresser.

The choice of breed is significantly limited if potential owners are allergic to wool. In this case, you need to pay attention to hypoallergenic breeds. The optimal candidate would be a poodle.

It is also important to make the right choice regarding the age of the puppy. The older he gets, the more difficult it will be to accustom him to your order in the house, teach him commands, and adjust him “to you.” Dogs in adolescence already have a formed character, and it will be difficult to influence them.

However, you can’t take a very small puppy either. In this case, you can seriously harm the health of your future pet. His immunity will be weak if he is taken away from his mother's milk too early. This will also entail psychological trauma.

What gender should I get a pet?

Having decided on the breed of the dog, a new question becomes on the agenda - what gender should you buy a puppy. Let's look at the characteristics of females and males. Bitches:

  • become attached to people more quickly;
  • are more amenable to education and training;
  • can be used for breeding puppies;
  • need more attention than males;
  • can cause inconvenience to the owner during heat, so if you do not plan to breed puppies, you should think about sterilization.

Males are emotionally more assertive and active. They are more consistent with dog breed standards and participate more often in exhibitions and competitions. Males have innate leadership abilities, so a strong character is needed to subordinate them. Also, “men” tend to show constant interest in the opposite sex, while females experience attraction only a few times a year.

There are several tens of thousands of dog breeds in the world, which differ not only in size, but also in long hair, habits, character and living conditions. We will talk further about what kinds of small or large dogs there are, and which ones are intended for apartments.


Short-haired dog breeds are the most popular in our time, since they can be kept in any apartment, and there is almost no grooming. We will look at dog breeds with photos and descriptions below.

Dogo Argentino



The Dalmatian first appeared in Croatia and has a short white coat with brown or black spots. The dog is large in size, average weight is 28 kg. The character contains intelligence, mobility, and savvy. Can be used as a companion or hunter.

By the way, images of Dalmatians were found in many drawings of the ancient world, in particular in Greece and the territory of the former Roman Empire. Judging by the paintings, Dalmatians were the court dogs of the kings.


Miniature Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is a medium-sized pet whose weight does not exceed 7 kg and has muscular legs. The coat is short, red or black with tan marks. The breed appeared about 300 years ago in Germany. Features: an unusual gait, like a horse. By temperament, these are active, playful, unpretentious pets who can be hunters or watchmen.



First appeared in England, the name translates as “Old English Sheepdog”. Previously, the breed was used for grazing livestock, now as a companion. The size of the bobtail is large, the coat is long, thick with curls. The main shade is gray with blue, marble, blue with black. The character is characterized by kindness, sociability and attentiveness. The peculiarity of the animal is its loud bark.

Yorkshire Terrier

– small, decorative, appeared in England, is considered one of the most popular pets in the world. The animal's coat is long, silky, and becomes lighter with age. The main color is golden, bronze, cream, often several shades at once. The terrier is distinguished by fearlessness, courage, activity, and playfulness.


- a medium breed of dog, were bred for herding livestock in England and Scotland. Now the pet is used for canine competitions or as a companion. Average size - 25 kg, has muscular paws. The coat is long, sometimes rough. The main colors are black, red, tan, sable. The animal's temperament includes endurance, intelligence, activity, and sociability.

English cocker spaniel

It was bred in England for hunting, and later became a friend and companion for many owners. The dog has a medium build, weighing up to 15 kg. The coat is long, silky, the main color is red, black, tan and black with blue. The dog's character is characterized by mobility, energy, peacefulness, and attentiveness to the owner's mood.

It is important that your cocker spaniel gets plenty of walks, active play, and training. It is better to keep it in a country house to satisfy the hunting instinct.

Maltese (Maltese)

The Maltese is a small breed that first appeared in Malta. The main feature is long, thick wool of a snow-white shade. Average weight – 3 kg. The main highlight of the breed is its tenderness and sensitivity, intelligence. The dog is also characterized by mobility, savvy, courage, and loyalty to the owner. As a child, he bites and snaps, so he requires training.


It was bred in Canada for work and hunting. The main feature of the breed is its long, thick coat of black, black-white or brown shade. Belongs to the Molosser breed, the maximum weight of the pet is 67 kg. By temperament, they are calm, balanced, intelligent and flexible animals. It is better to keep it in a country house, as it requires a lot of space for walking, is easy to train and makes decisions on its own.

Pomeranian Spitz

Belongs to decorative breeds, appeared in Germany, the province of Pomerania. The main feature of the dog is its long, soft and fluffy fur, as well as a small fox-like muzzle. Wool comes in ten shades, but the most popular are black, black and tan, cream, red, and blue and tan. Despite its small size, the dog is fearless, playful, active, and loves children.

Remember that the Pomeranian Spitz is characterized by aggressiveness and jealousy, so the pet needs to be given a lot of time, raised and trained.


is a small breed of apartment dog that originated several thousand years ago in China. It is interesting that the Chinese themselves call dogs “fu” and consider them protective spirits. The coat comes in several shades, but black and red Pekingese are more common. The weight of the animal does not exceed 5 kg. By nature, they are playful, spoiled, independent pets.

Saint Bernard

Appeared in Switzerland and Italy, considered a descendant of Tibetan mastiffs, which were used to climb the Alps. The dog has a large body, thick coat of white or red color with spots. The main feature of the St. Bernard's character is loyalty and obedience; they are also characterized by attentiveness and love for family.

Tibetan mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is considered one of the oldest breeds that originated in Tibet and previously lived in monasteries. Externally, it is a large pet, weighing up to 75 kg. The coat is thick, with an undercoat of gray, dark, beige shades with spots. Despite its size, the pet is distinguished by calmness, obedience, loyalty, and adequacy. They can be guards, defenders, or used for hunting.

Chow chow

The name “chow chow” is translated as, which fully corresponds to the appearance of the dog. They first appeared in Korea; the breed belongs to the Spitz group. Can be used for home security or as a companion. The coat of the Chow Chow is long, fluffy and thick, the main color is black, blue, red, cream. The average weight of the animal is 27 kg. By temperament, the dog is characterized by caution towards strangers, love and loyalty to the owner, and laziness.

It is important to go for walks with your chow chow as often as possible, and do some training. Because the pet prefers to lie on the sofa than to run and play, which is why it often suffers from obesity or a bad mood.

Shih Tzu

The Shih Tzu is considered one of the most ancient breeds; it first appeared in China as a gift to the emperor. with long hair of different shades, but black, red, brown and white-red colors are more common. The maximum weight of a pet is no more than 8 kg. By nature, they are active animals, require a lot of attention, are attentive to the mood of others, love children and are devoted until the end of their lives.

South Russian Shepherd

The South Russian Shepherd Dog was bred in Russia to herd cattle several hundred years ago. In size - a large dog with long hair of white, fawn, gray-piebald shades, average weight - 25 kg. A shepherd dog can be used for protection, security, service and as a pet. The shepherd's character is characterized by savvy, independence, loyalty, and anger towards strangers. Therefore, raising a dog must be done from childhood.



The Affenpinscher is a hard-coated pinscher that first appeared in Germany. These dogs are characterized by loyalty, sharp intelligence, endurance and courage. The main color shades are black, brown, red and blue with tan. Previously, the dog was used to catch rodents and small animals, but is now popular as a pet.

Brussels Griffon

Like the Belgian Griffon, it appeared in Belgium and is a small ornamental breed. The pet has a hard, wire-like coat, the main colors are red with a black mask. The peculiarity of the animal is the almost human expression of its muzzle. The character is based on liveliness, intelligence and sociability.

Welsh Corgi

Welsh Corgis are a breed of small dogs from England that were bred to herd livestock. The peculiarity of the pet is short legs, hard wool of white, brown, beige and dark colors with markings. This pet is characterized by kindness, sociability, activity, and playfulness. They often bark for no reason, and you need to be prepared for this.

By the way, there is a legend according to which Welsh corgis were a gift from forest fairies to people. To prove this, the animal has a saddle-shaped spot on its back, because fairies used them as riding horses.

Jack Russell Terrier

It belongs to the hunting breeds, appeared in England, but became popular in Australia. They used the pet for burrow hunting, now as a companion and protector. The dog's coat is hard, short, and its color is white with dark or red markings. The maximum weight of a pet is 6 kg. Thanks to intelligence, independence and courage, the dog can be used on the farm.


The Deerhound is also a hunting dog for catching animals without weapons. This breed is considered one of the oldest in the world, originating in Scotland. The Deerhound is considered one of the largest breeds, weighing up to 45 kg. The dog has an excellent sense of smell, good reaction, excellent health and shape. The pet is also calm, loyal, sociable and friendly.

Wirehaired dachshund

It was bred specifically for hunting, since in the process of crossing an ordinary dachshund and some terriers, the animal’s fur turned out to be hard and dense. The main colors are brown, beige, and sometimes wild boar. The average weight of a pet does not exceed 5 kg. The dachshund will become not only an excellent hunter, but also a companion, companion, and nanny for children. And all this thanks to loyalty, ingenuity, insight, and independence.

Wire Fox Terrier

Belongs to the group of terriers, appeared in England. The size of the dog is medium, the coat is short and stiff, the main color is white with dark or red tan markings. The average weight of a pet is 8 kg. The Terrier has a peaceful disposition, calmness, friendliness and loyalty.

Miniature Schnauzer

The Miniature Schnauzer is a medium-sized dog, weighing up to 20 kg. It has a coarse coat of black or pepper-and-salt color. By nature, they are peaceful, kind, active animals, they love games and long walks. The pet can be used in service or to protect the home, as it is distrustful and suspicious of strangers and makes its own decisions.

By the way, during the Second World War, miniature schnauzers were used by the Red Cross for sanitary assistance or transmitting messages.

Norwich Terrier

The Norwich Terrier is a small apartment dog, bred in England for hunting, and is now used as a companion. Despite its small body, the pet has strong legs and weighs up to 7 kg. The dog's coat is hard and the color is wheat, gray or red. By nature, they are sweet, good-natured, loyal animals. You need to walk, play and educate them a lot.

Scottish Terrier

The Scottish Terrier was bred in England to catch rodents and small animals. Externally, it is a muscular, compact dog, weighing up to 10 kg. The dog's coat is short and stiff, the main shades are black and sand. The dog can even be used for protection, as it is characterized by fearlessness, endurance, independence, and energy.

Hairless dogs

African hairless dog

The African Hairless Dog is one of the oldest dog breeds, originally from Mexico, where they were recognized as a national treasure. You can use your pet to protect your home or as a companion. The main feature of the pet is the absence of hair and delicate skin. Because of this, the dog has a hard time withstanding cold and rain. The hairless dog is distinguished by intelligence, independence and loyalty.

It is important that the breed first appeared more than 3 thousand years ago, as evidenced by mummies and ancient burials in Mexico.

Hairless American Terrier

The American Terrier was bred in America; the pets' ancestors were hunters. But due to the lack of hair, the American Terrier is demanding in climate and is used as an ornamental pet. By temperament - active, passionate, savvy animals, they love to learn new things and follow commands. The animal has no fur, but there may be brown or beige spots on its body.

Chinese Crested Dog

– a breed of dogs originally from Korea, characterized by activity, liveliness, loyalty and sociability. There are suggestions that the breed originated in Africa or Mexico. The peculiarity of the pet is the complete absence of hair, with the exception of the head and tail. The dog's skin color is pink, gray, beige with markings. This breed does not cause allergies and gets along well with other animals.

Manchurian Hairless Dog

The Manchurian Hairless Dog is most often found in the Manchurian region, in the mountains. Local residents call the pet “tai-tai”, but the breed is still not officially recognized by the dog handlers association. The dog also has no hair at all, it has much in common with the Chinese Crested, it does not smell and does not cause allergies. A hairless dog is characterized by loyalty, playfulness and affection for its owner.

The Peruvian dog has a medium build, strong paws, and first appeared in Peru many centuries ago. The pet has no fur and is gray and spotted. Also, the Peruvian dog has almost no teeth, but by character they are kind, brave, intelligent animals. They love children very much and can be guards.

By the way, from the Inca language, the name of the Peruvian dog is translated as “Inca orchid”, since the pet is distinguished by grace and stubbornness.

Pharaoh Hound

The Pharaoh Hound belongs to the group of primitive, greyhounds. The breed appeared in Malta, although the first images of pets were found in drawings of Ancient Egypt, in which they personified Anubis. The dog has a small body, slender and muscular legs. The coat is almost absent or very short, the color is red or brown. The Pharaoh Hound is easy to train, loves outdoor games, adores its family and is ready to protect it under any conditions.

Ecuadorian hairless dog

The Ecuadorian dog is considered one of the rarest, it has the least fur compared to other hairless pets. Now you can meet a dog only in some regions of Africa, so there is no exact information about the nature and characteristics of care. They only note that the Ecuadorian Hairless dog is active and energetic, with an average body size.

Source: thenypost.com
This ball of fur has remained a faithful protector of monasteries and houses in Tibet since ancient times. The dogs, with a thick protective layer and weighing between 45 and 80 kg, are adapted to the harsh winters of Central Asia.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Source: thenypost.com

Source: darkroom.baltimoresun.com
These dogs were developed in Scotland in the 1700s. The breed is a mix of the Skye Terrier and the Scotch Terrier (Scottish Terrier), giving the dog a unique appearance. Farmers and gypsies used it to hunt rats and badgers due to its short legs. The animal retains its rare status; only a few hundred units are registered annually.


Source: reddit.com
These furry animals are a cross between a Newfoundland, a St. Bernard and a Pyrenean mountain dog. The weight of an adult reaches 80 kg. According to legend, they were bred to produce a dog that resembled the lion that graced the coat of arms of their hometown of Leonberg, Germany. After World War II, only eight of these gentle giants survived.

Portuguese water dog

Source: greenfieldpuppies.com
These dogs are known for their beautiful curls and amazing adaptability to water. They were originally bred on the coast of Portugal and were used to catch fish in nets, recover lost gear, and exchange messages between ships. The breed was on the verge of extinction in the 1930s until a wealthy Portuguese merchant started a program to breed them, although they remain rare.

Löwchen, lion dog

Source: dogwallpapers.net
Löwchen means “lion dog” in German. This is one of the rarest breeds on the planet, whose history dates back to 1442. The magnificent, elegant and loving dog accompanied the wealthy elite of France and Germany everywhere and can be seen in historical paintings and tapestries.

Source: 2.bp.blogspot.com
Belgian dogs are descendants of small terriers that were used to hunt rodents. Griffons are affectionate, adorable, curious, and known for their human-like facial expressions. By the end of World War II, there were no griffins left in Belgium. The breed remains extremely rare.

New Guinea singing dog

Source: nasa.gov

Source: upload.wikimedia.org
The "Singing Dog" was completely isolated for over 30,000 years, discovered during a high altitude excursion in Papua New Guinea in 1950. As the name suggests, this breed loves to sing. They gather together and howl, making sounds unique to dogs. With fewer than 100 individuals found outside their natural habitat, they are virtually impossible to track in the wild.

Xoloitzcuintle or Sholo (also Xoloitzcuintli or Mexican Hairless Dog)

Source: xoloaus.com
Xoloitzcuintles have been around for over 3,000 years, with a history that can be traced back to ancient Mexico. They were domesticated early and used as hunting dogs. Mention of these animals is found in art objects of the Aztec and Toltec civilizations.

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog, Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

Source: upload.wikimedia.org
The wolfdog has existed since 1955, resulting from the crossing of German shepherds with Eurasian wolves. The dogs are obedient and friendly, like German Shepherds, and also retain their wild nature and developed pack instinct.

Bergamasco Shepherd

Source: petzmag.com

Source: dogphotos.info
These herding dogs were bred for alpine climates and their developed thick coats do not shed and require surprisingly little attention. These large animals are obedient, observant and patient. They tend to form a close bond with their owner, although they can be shy in the company of strangers.

Source: upload.wikimedia.org
The Great Basset got its extravagant name from the French aristocrats it accompanied on hunting trips. To this day it serves as an excellent companion and is distinguished by its short legs.

Lancashire Heeler

Source: 1hdwallpapers.com
You probably already guessed that the heeler is considered a descendant of the Welsh Corgi and the Manchester Terrier. The dog is not large, but strong and muscular, bred for herding livestock. Smart, cheerful and endlessly loyal pet.

Mudi (Hungarian Cattle Dog)

Source: all-puppies.com
Native to Hungary, these rare herding dogs are invaluable to their owners. Moodys are extremely smart, strong, brave and most importantly, loving. Their notable feature is their wavy coat, reminiscent of sheep's wool.

Russian Toy (Russian Toy Terrier)

Source: madabout-dogs.com
These elegant dogs were popular among the Russian aristocracy and did not spread outside Russia until the 1990s. With a height of 20-25 cm and a weight of 3 to 6 kg, they are close in size to a Chihuahua, have an athletic build and magnificent long hair in the ear area. upload.wikimedia.org
The Swedish Vallhund has been around for over a thousand years. It was originally bred for herding livestock in Scandinavia, catching rodents and guarding homes thanks to its deceptively ferocious bark. Centuries of domestication have created a loving dog that craves human attention and praise.

Slovak dude

Source: tiptopglobe.com
For many years he protected and guarded herds of animals in Slovakia, as a result of which the Slovakian Chuvach turned into the guardian of his entire flock, including the human family. Under the thick, beautiful fur of these animals, there are well-developed muscles; the weight is mainly made up of muscles.

Neapolitan Mastiff or Mastino Napoletano

Source: nextdaypets.com
They may look menacing, but Neapolitan Mastiffs are 65kg of love. The breed was discovered more than 2,000 years ago in the Campania region of southern Italy. In the past, these dogs were used in Roman arenas for baiting animals, and currently they serve in the police and army, where their size and intelligence make them invaluable assistants.

Bedlington Terrier



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