Essential oil by hand at home. How to make healthy essential oil at home - methods and secrets of preparation

And there lived Khoja Nasreddin. And he had a wife.
Whether she was beautiful, no one really knows anything about that, but everyone remembers that she was grumpy, loud and always gave him no rest.
One night, Khoja Nasreddin ran away from her into the garden and went to sleep under a huge apple tree. And as soon as he settled down, relaxed and fell asleep sweetly, he immediately heard the screams of his angry wife above him:
- O son of Vice! - she shouted. - What are you doing here alone at night? Look at him, good people, like the last tramp lay down on the ground! All normal husbands sleep at home with their wives, but this wicked man, let you be empty! Get up! How long will you embarrass me in front of the neighbors?! March home, stray dog, before I claw your shameless eyes out! - she screamed like that.
And then Khojan Nasreddin raised his hands to the sky and exclaimed:
- O Allah! Be a witness, I have endured abuse from this woman for a long time. Better do something yourself or I can't vouch for myself!
And as soon as he said this, the apple tree fell from the very top of the tree. big apple and right on the head of the screaming woman. She immediately fell silent out of fright, sat down on the ground and did not utter a single sound. She stopped talking completely. Neither yes nor no. Numb.

For the first week, Khojan Nasreddin flew on the wings of happiness. The second week I started to think. The third week - I went darker than clouds. On the fourth week, he harnessed the donkey, put his dumbfounded wife on it, locked the house and set off on the road to look for a doctor.
He took his wife for a long time and showed her to different doctors. I spent so much money on all sorts of medications - nothing helps. The wife is silent and that’s it - as if she had taken water into her mouth.

And then one day, when they were on their way to a distant gorge, where, according to rumors, a hermit lived - either a healer, or a warlock, they stopped under a tree by a stream for the night. And Khoja Nasreddin dreamed wonderful dream. It was as if the clouds had lined up in a forest and Allah had descended from the heavens to him. He sat down next to him and said:
- Oh Khoja Nasreddin. Weren't you the one who asked me to intervene? Wasn't it you who asked to stop this angry fury? What are you itching for? Why don't you sit at home and enjoy peace? Why do you take your wife to doctors? Don’t you know that if she regains her ability to speak, she will start screaming again and blaspheming you with swear words?
- O Almighty! - Khoja Nasreddin answered him. - Of course you're right. When this woman screams, having lost all shame, horses stumble, flies die on the fly and wine turns sour in wineskins... But next to her vain chatter, my silence looks so thoughtful, and I am so smart, that it’s really worth being patient...
Khoja Nasreddin wanted to say something else to Allah, because not everyone manages to talk with the Almighty so easily face to face, but he didn’t have time. He was awakened by his wife's scream:
- Get up, couch potato! - the wife shouted. - The day is in full swing. Look - everyone has long gone about their business, you are the only one ready to snore until lunch and bask under a warm robe. Harness the donkey quickly. We're going home. I don't need any doctor. These deceivers are of no use anyway. Dude! How much money have you wasted! Get up. You see, I’ve already spoken myself. Let's go. There's a lot of things to do at home...
Khoja Nasreddin raised his hands to the sky and said:
- Glory to you, O Almighty, and to your deeds. - And smiling thoughtfully, to the sound of his recovered wife, he began harnessing the donkey.

Wrote down a parable MUDMAN

Andrey Tikhomirov | 02/13/2015 | 2643

Andrey Tikhomirov 02/13/2015 2643

Has the once sweet and gentle wife turned into an angry, grumbling aunt? There is no way to save her, and it’s impossible to endure? Well, here is a typical example of a grumpy wife, her classic embodiment. How to survive next to such a woman?

Best Look a grumpy wife who will drive anyone to the grave, in Soviet cinema was created by People's Artist of the USSR Anastasia Zueva in the film “Anniversary” based on the play by A.P. Chekhov. The persistent and arrogant Mrs. Merchutkina fearlessly, with frantic pressure, stormed the director of a commercial bank and his chief accountant with a request to give her 25 rubles. The lady achieved her goal by driving two men to white heat at the same time.

Causes of grumpiness

Life experience shows that the grumpiness of a woman who has lived with her husband for quite a long time does not appear immediately, somewhere around the age of 40 or 45, when it becomes clear to the fairer sex that her husband is a fairy-tale prince on a white horse, with a bag of gold bars and precious stones never will be again. And here her memory, this evil ruler of any envious nature, begins to obsessively replay in her memories all the negativity associated with her weak-willed and weak-willed husband.

I remember the minor grievances of the first years of marriage, when HE, for the sake of his beloved wife and young children, could have caught, if not the firebird, then at least one of its feathers, and then the family would have lived comfortably. But due to some personal fears or unyielding ambitions, due to his internal insecurity or unwillingness to be beholden to influential relatives and acquaintances, the husband was unable to achieve timely success in society, did not make a brilliant career, and in his prime he still cannot find himself .

Realizing that her husband cannot be changed, and divorce will only aggravate the already disastrous situation, the wife begins to nag her man every day in order to somehow initiate him to decisive action. It may be late, but still better than never.

A little bit about female and male psychology

Women's and male psychology– two diametrically opposite worlds. Every girl expectant mother and nurse, understands perfectly well that a home needs to be created before of a certain age when childbirth is painless and vitality a lot to inspire the person who loves her to accomplish discoveries and exploits for family happiness and well-being.

Men have different worldviews. In their youth, and even in their old age, it still seems to them that they will succeed in everything in life, even in those moments when there are no longer any real prerequisites for anything. During this very period, men most often begin to experience the grumpiness of their wife’s character.

What way out can be advised to representatives of the stronger sex in order to save their family and besiege their zealous spouse, who has eaten away her baldness with moral teachings?

1. Try to have a heart-to-heart talk with your wife, who is tired of life and household chores, in order to find out why she is still not happy, and then make the appropriate decision on how to live further!

2. Invite the spouse to live separately from each other for some time, so that a certain clarity emerges as to whether they need each other after many years life together!

3. Don’t give your wife your salary so that she can feel what it’s like to live without a husband who doesn’t pay alimony!

4. Take your spouse on a long and romantic trip to some exotic resort, where the old feelings of mutual passion and unbridled love may flare up with new strength and that’s it - trust, mutual respect and mutual assistance will return to normal again!

5. Put yourself in your wife’s place and perform all her functions for a while in order to feel what a woman’s share is like!

6. Divide household chores equally!

7. Find a lover with whom you can relax body and soul!

8. Make a concession, submit and do what the woman urgently asks for!

Some conclusions

An independent man can always divorce his annoying wife!

But the indecisive and not independent person, if he still owes his position in society to his wife’s parents or relatives, he will have to come to terms with and endure everything that she expresses to him in harsh and sarcastic tones.

But such is life, it develops differently for everyone and each husband must independently find the answer to how he can get along with his grumpy missus!
If a lively and demanding wife goes berserk and one day turns into the “weak and defenseless” Mrs. Merchutkina, the spouse can be one hundred percent sure: she will definitely drive him to his grave!

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Creating a family is probably the main purpose in every person’s life. The warmth of the family hearth, the delights of home comfort, the love of a beautiful wife and the laughter of little children - what could be more pleasant, more reverent, more emotionally rich for a man? But, unfortunately, everything in life does not always go smoothly: everyday life overshadows, financial problems lead to conflicts, problems at work cause a crisis, and a beloved spouse becomes a grumpy, angry wife. Why?

Manifestations of a grumpy wife

In everyone's life married couple There comes a turning point of crisis in the relationship. The idyll can be long-lasting, mutual understanding can manifest itself top level, affection for each other remains strong and unquenchable, but in any case, everyday troubles leave their negative imprint on marriage ties and give impetus to the emergence of peculiar disagreements. And what is noteworthy is that this mainly affects the woman. With the advent of family conflicts, she becomes more vulnerable, vulnerable, and, accordingly, displays more aggressive behavior. protective actions and begins to attack her husband with peculiar attacks, becoming irritable and constantly swearing. Grumpy wife - what does it mean?

Manifestations of a spouse’s grumpiness are reflected in the following behavioral tendencies:

  • frequent bad mood;
  • regularly raising your voice when talking to your spouse;
  • constant accusatory attacks on the husband for any reason;
  • making caustic remarks towards a man with or without reason;
  • manifestation of conflict and groundlessness in swearing.

Reasons for a grumpy spouse

Men who observe negative changes in their spouse often ask themselves: “If my wife is grumpy, what should I do? Why did she become like this?” But representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not always understand and realize the fact that their spouses have very good reasons for outbursts of negative emotions, namely:

  • general physical and psycho-emotional fatigue;
  • constancy of life and lack of rest;
  • inattention on the part of the husband;
  • justified or false suspicions of treason caused by constant feeling jealousy;
  • lack of financial resources caused by the spouse’s unemployment or low earnings;
  • difficulties in raising children, the task of which fell entirely on the shoulders of the woman.

How to deal with grumpiness

In light of all the prerequisites that turned the once sweet girl, taken by a man as his wife, into a grumpy wife, he has to look for ways to find a way out of the current situation. But how to deal with similar problem? And what to do with a grumpy wife? After all, if no action is taken, such manifestations of the spouse’s indignation can not only continue to negatively affect the emotional atmosphere in the family, but also lead to regular, protracted conflicts or, even worse, to the subsequent disintegration of a once happy and harmonious family. In such a situation, the man must develop an action plan to “evacuate” his wife from the ship, called the “grumpy wife symbol.”

Relaxation with shopping

Every woman, but, unfortunately, not every man knows the right way out of any stalemate that negatively affects the mood of the fair half of humanity. Of course, this is shopping. Women's nature is designed in such a way that new trinkets, trinkets, dresses, shoes, handbags, blouses, panties and skirts can incredibly disperse the clouds that have gathered over the charming woman and instantly defuse the atmosphere of daily, disgusting life that darkens her. It is enough for a man to take his lifelong friend to any nearest shopping mall and allow her to at least partially update her wardrobe. A woman surprised and delighted by her husband’s proposal will instantly soften and behave completely differently. The image of a grumpy wife will instantly disappear, and for a long time at home the atmosphere of friendliness and gratitude of a satisfied woman will last, which will undoubtedly be reflected in some new recipe for a fragrant dish or baking a delicious sweet cake.

Spending time together on vacation

No less effective method The job of taming an obstinate wife is for the husband to take his wife and children somewhere out of town for a picnic or to some amusement park. Getting new sensations, pleasant emotions, and a perky mood will allow a woman to relax and feel her dose of peace. The laughter of the children and the manifestation of the sensitivity of the husband will have a beneficial effect on the state of her soul, and the mask of the nagging wife will be removed for at least the next few weeks.

Surrounding your wife with attention and care

A man’s display of attention and care towards her has a powerful calming effect on the wife’s condition, fueled by daily negativity. After all, a woman is like that spring flower that yearns for light, water and self-care. She needs to feel needed, significant, needed by her family and her man. Giving her a few kind words in the morning before work, by running after a hard day at a kiosk with flowers and handing them to her in the evening in a cozy atmosphere at dinner, a man will at least achieve her surprise and a hint of gratitude in her shining eyes. Continuing the elimination marathon bad mood beloved early rise next day and a cup of aromatic coffee in bed with toast, a man will surprise his confused wife even more. There will be no trace left of the grumpy wife - her bewilderment is in a good way this word will be reflected in the favorable atmosphere, created by her at home.

Provocations and tricks in the fight against a grumpy spouse

If the above methods do not satisfy the woman, which is, of course, unlikely, the man will have to move on to heavier artillery. It should be noted that in addition to the love of beautiful dresses, a peaceful pastime and unexpectedly pleasant actions of her husband, a woman, like air, needs a strong feeling that she is the only woman loved by her husband. Very often, outbursts of jealousy do not allow her to remain a kind and sensitive wife, giving her a reason to prick her husband with an unfounded remark regarding his infidelity.

To stop his half, a man will have to cheat and once or twice, as if by chance, throw out a couple of phrases about how “our godfather Vovka’s wife once again threw a tantrum about a non-existent betrayal, so he filed for divorce.” Or again: “Do you remember my colleague in working with suppliers, Vadim? Yesterday he left his wife. She says she was cutting his brains, that he and his secretary are playing around with each other. So, after all, she sawed it to such an extent that he, being faithful to her all this time, actually had to cheat with the same secretary!” Believe me, it acts on my wife like a stun gun. She will think about what was said for a long time, but as such phrases, uttered by her husband casually, accumulate, the woman will become much more careful in her behavior, her words and actions. The marriage will be saved.



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