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Eva Longoria is a very popular, talented, charming actress and model catwalk star, as well as a successful restaurateur. She gained great fame thanks to her performance as Gabrielle Solis in the beloved television series Desperate Housewives.

Eva Longoria is petite woman, and according to her frank admission, she has never in her life didn't have special problems with normal maintenance his slim figure and in a form appropriate for its status. The successful active life position of the actress helps her in this matter.

In a serious way She had to think about the beauty of her appearance and figure when she began acting in a sensational television series. She got the role of a sexy lady dressed in revealing outfits. It is this fact forced Eva Longoria, who has Mexican roots, seriously think about classes physical training . Eva also used her rather tough ones to bring her figure into ideal condition.

In his numerous interviews Eva made frank confessions that, despite his great love for different types sports, regularly study active species sports, she is hampered by the heavy workload on set and the usual banal laziness. Although in the recent past she was involved in gymnastics and even played on the basketball team. Her personal trainer also helps her overcome weaknesses of character when working on herself; he very often has to get his pupil off the couch for another workout in the gym.

Eva Longoria's trainer independently developed a competent series of training exercises, one after another, in a certain order, replacing each other

Eva practices in a kickboxing gym, great attention devotes attention to cardio training and various strength loads. So well designed integrated approach, allows the body not to get used to a certain type loads Workout Eva Longoria last one hour, three times a week.

Eve doesn't recognize no strict restrictions in the diet, but I am sure that it is necessary to consume some of your favorite high-calorie dishes in moderate, strictly dosed quantities. Only in this case they will not cause any harm to the body.

Charming model with a great figure delighted with use fresh vegetables and sea, so these products form the basis of her diet. In addition, she loves and primarily gives her preference to the use of various leafy greens, and the most favorite of them are Brussels sprouts and.

However Eve Longoria never denies herself some dishes of Mexican national cuisine, but tries in their preparation do not use additives in the form fatty sauces, some cheese dressings And high-calorie foods . These types of low-calorie analogues of traditional Mexican dishes are even much tastier when cooked.

Very fast get rid of excess weight and tough Eva Longoria helps her get in shape diet, which has a duration of only one week. All daily ration food divided into three meals and does not provide not a single snack. After dinner at evening time it is also prohibited to consume all types of foods, with the exception of consuming one glass of mineral still water. Also subject to prohibition use salt and sugar, bakery products . It is worth noting that breakfast, lunch and dinner must be alternated every three hours.

Sample menu of Eva Longoria's emergency diet

For breakfast:

  • one soft-boiled egg.

For lunch and dinner:

Results compliance with this option will become urgent getting rid of five to seven kilograms of excess weight, because the beauty of Eva Longoria’s figure thanks to the effect of this diet does not raise the slightest doubt in anyone’s mind.

Next diet on Eva Longoria's diet list should highly effective fish. Enough already for a long time Eva Longoria enjoys another one diet, the actress has great respect for the use fish dishes and is ready to eat fish every day, however, she does this using the fish rules. Requirements fish diet help her get rid of extra pounds of weight and maintain a beautiful appearance and feminine contours of a female figure, since the basis of Eva Longoria's fish diet is all types sea ​​fish .

Sample menu of Eva Longoria's fish diet


  • 200 grams of boiled or steamed lean sea fish;
  • 200 grams of any vegetables of your choice or one serving of salad based on them.


  • 200 grams of any sea fish, boiled or grilled;
  • any fresh vegetables in unlimited quantities.


  • 200 grams of sea fish, cooked in a double boiler;
  • any fresh vegetables of your choice or a large portion of salad based on them.

Throughout the entire period of following Eva Longoria's fish diet, you must drink large number liquid tea, compote, still mineral water.

Eva Longoria famous " Desperate Housewife"was remembered by the viewer not only as a talented actress, but also as a beautiful, elegant and simply gorgeous woman. Eva occupies a leading position among the sexiest, most beautiful and successful celebrities, and, of course, never ceases to amaze fans with her impeccable toned shape and charming appearance.

Eva Longoria's figure parameters: the actress's height is 157 cm, and her weight is 46-49 kg. At the same time, she admitted that she loves to eat delicious food, especially Mexican dishes, but in order to keep herself in shape, Eva approaches everything wisely and observes moderation in everything.

IN everyday life she is a devotee healthy eating including lean meat in the diet, fresh fruit, proteins, vegetables and drinks at least a couple of liters of water. Eva also does not allow herself to snack harmful products and always keeps healthy snack foods on hand.

That is why Eva Longoria’s diet is suitable for absolutely anyone, since it has no categorical strict restrictions, and you can eat almost any food, as long as the portions are moderate. Cook with minimum quantity salt, sugar, and also eliminate fatty sauces and cheese-based dressings.

Diet and workout of the actress

Eva's main diet consists of fruits and vegetables, but what she loves most is egg whites, healthy snacks, lean meats and vegetables. Of course, like any other woman, Longoria has her weaknesses - chocolate cookies, which she has adored since childhood. And twice a week she allows herself to indulge in her favorite foods. Thus, a diet or even a balanced diet is moderate and safe for the body.

The actress loves training, but constant traveling and traveling does not allow her to pay due attention to them. But for one hour, three times a week, she works out with her personal trainer, who creates a varied and interesting program for her. The workouts are aimed at keeping muscles toned. The workout program includes squats, lunges and presses, which perfectly tighten and maintain the shape of the buttocks and thighs.

To summarize, I would like to add that there is no need to go on a strict diet, of course, if you do not urgently need to get your shape in order. Stick to what's reasonable and balanced nutrition, add more fresh vegetables, protein foods, fruits, don’t forget to drink clean water and treat yourself to your favorite treats from time to time.

Know moderation and rationality in everything and you will never worry about an imperfect figure!



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