Diet 8 table for children from Malysheva. Principles of medical weight loss

Diet No. 8 is probably the most gentle of the diets developed by M.I. Pevzner. Some people do not treat this diet at all as a therapeutic one, but simply perceive this dietary table as a way to lose weight. This is probably because many people still confuse being overweight with obesity, which is considered a serious disease. Diet No. 8 does not come down to the usual reduction in the amount of food consumed, but is a carefully balanced nutritional system that obese patients are recommended to strictly follow.

Features of table No. 8

Diet number 8 will be useful not only for patients who are obese, but also people who like to overeat- in the role of prevention. The diet is suitable for almost every person, but for those people who have liver problems and diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is advisable to choose a different therapeutic diet.

We must not forget that for a general reduction in body weight, it is strictly forbidden to starve or simply thoughtlessly reduce the amount of food consumed. A complete diet must include all the nutrients required by the body.

Diet menu No. 8 involves reducing calories to 1700-1900 per day. This is possible by reducing the amount fast carbohydrates and fats. In addition, sugar consumption is reduced. Increases the amount of vitamins and coarse fiber- this activates intestinal motility and metabolism. A nutritious diet and fractional meals make it possible not to feel hungry and it is quite easy to tolerate this diet if you are obese.

A diet for weight loss involves reducing the amount of salt in food. Naturally, not as tough as, for example, with renal diet, but not more than 10 g. daily.

Don’t forget that only people can develop a diet for themselves who have 1-3 degrees of obesity. During grade 4-5 obesity, the daily calorie content of food is reduced to 1250 calories, but these cases must already be treated in a hospital setting. Pevzner himself, during his standard diet number 8, advised doing fasting days- consume no more than 1000 calories daily.

The diet must be accompanied by moderate physical activity. For patients diagnosed with obesity, physical exercise Only the doctor is required to choose.

Prohibited and permitted products

The following products are completely prohibited:

Products allowed for consumption:

  • sweet and sour fruits;
  • all cereals, with the exception of semolina and white rice(at the same time, if the diet includes cereals, then it is necessary to remove bread from it);
  • fats - exclusively vegetable;
  • not fat fermented milk products;
  • vegetables other than prohibited ones;
  • fish and meat - you can eat any low-fat varieties, but not more than 160 gr. daily;
  • cheese - in small quantities.

Approximate menu for diet No. 8

First day:

Second day:

  • Bran bread, jelly.
  • Steamed cutlets, vinaigrette with lemon juice, green tea.
  • Hard-boiled egg, casserole with cottage cheese and apple, sugar-free compote.
  • Buckwheat, fish cutlet, beetroot soup with sour cream and herbs, apple juice.

Third day:

  • 2 pears.
  • Boiled egg, salad of cheese, low-fat ham and cucumbers, coffee without sugar.
  • Boiled chicken, pumpkin puree soup with sour cream, green tea.
  • Mineral water, fish cutlet, lean vegetable cabbage rolls.

Fourth day:

  • Kefir.
  • Steamed omelette, cottage cheese with cinnamon and oranges, coffee without sugar.
  • Rye bread with cheese, chicken borscht, unsweetened tea.
  • Buckwheat with beef, green cabbage soup, unsweetened compote.

Fifth day:

  • Cottage cheese with berries.
  • Cheesecakes, unsweetened coffee.
  • Steamed chicken cutlets, cauliflower soup, unsweetened compote.
  • Cheese, baked fish in foil, cottage cheese casserole with carrots, unsweetened tea.

Sixth day:

  • Yogurt with berries.
  • A handful of almonds, an omelet with cheese and herbs, apple juice.
  • Sandwich with cheese, vegetable stew, unsweetened compote.
  • Rye bread, turkey with herbs, baked in foil, vegetable soup, unsweetened tea.

Seventh day:

  • 2 fruits of your choice.
  • Boiled egg, buckwheat porridge, Orange juice.
  • Vegetable broth, potato casserole with minced chicken, unsweetened tea.
  • Cheese, meatloaf, vegetable cabbage rolls, unsweetened tea.

At the same time, remember to accurately count calories in food, the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, using special tables for this. For convenience, you can buy special scales and weigh all the ingredients - only in this case will the diet be truly effective. Do not forget that weight must decrease gradually - no more than 2.4-3.1 kg per month. This pace is absolutely safe for the human body. For convenience, pre-develop a daily diet.

Recipes for diet No. 8

Vegetable soup

Ingredients: small zucchini, 320 gr. celery, one glass of low-fat milk, onion, pepper, salt, 0.5 tsp nutmeg.

Finely chop the vegetables and cook until tender in slightly salted water. Then transfer the vegetables to a blender and blend until pureed. Place the mixture back into the pan, add the milk, stir and bring to a boil.

Vegetable cabbage rolls

Ingredients: one large tomato, 0.5 liters of water, one carrot, two bell peppers, 0.5 zucchini, 5 tbsp. l. tomato paste, dill, a little salt, six large leaves of cabbage.

Pour boiling water over the cabbage leaves and blanch until half cooked. The broth does not need to be poured out. Wash and peel all the vegetables, remove the skin from the tomato, chop everything finely. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and grate the carrots. Then lay out the vegetables in the following sequence: zucchini, after 2 minutes pepper, after 2 minutes tomato and carrot. Simmer for about 8 minutes, then cool the vegetables a little, and then put them on cabbage leaves and roll into cabbage rolls. Stir tomato paste into the cabbage broth, add the cabbage rolls mixture and cook for another half hour.

Beef tongue

Ingredients: 360 gr. green beans, 0.5 kg beef tongue, a little salt, 1 tbsp mustard.

Chop the beans coarsely and boil in slightly salted water for 5 minutes. Steam the beef tongue until tender.

Beef Stroganoff

Ingredients: one glass of milk, 250 gr. beef, greens, one tbsp olive oil, one tbsp oatmeal.

Heat the milk. Stirring constantly, add oatmeal and add a little salt. Cut the meat into small strips. Grease a baking dish with butter, place the meat in it and place in the oven at 190 degrees. Bake for about 8 minutes, then remove the meat and place it in a container with milk sauce. Mix and cook for another 8 minutes.

Curd casserole with carrots

Ingredients: one boiled carrot, 320 gr. cottage cheese, one teaspoon of sugar, two eggs, soda on the tip of a spoon, vanillin to taste.

Grate the carrots and mix well with the cottage cheese. In a container, beat the eggs until foamy, slowly adding the remaining ingredients. Pour in the baking soda, mix the mixture and let it sit until it rises. Pour the mixture into the mold, bake for 25 minutes at 190 degrees.


Ingredients: one beet, one potato, one apple, one pickled cucumber, half an onion, one carrot, 2 tsp. mayonnaise, sour cream or vegetable oil.

Peel carrots, beets and potatoes, boiled separately and cut into small cubes. Peel and cut onions, apples and pickles in the same way. Mix all vinaigrette components, season with oil and add sour cream or mayonnaise.

Salad with cucumber and sauerkraut

Ingredients: one pickled cucumber, 120 gr. sauerkraut, 2 tsp. vegetable oil, onion.

Squeeze the cabbage washed in boiling water. Cut the cucumbers in half, remove the seeds, and cut into cubes. Chop the onion. Add oil and mix.

Egg Stuffed Cucumbers

Ingredients: one egg, two fresh cucumbers, herbs, two tbsp. sour cream.

Cut the washed cucumbers in half and remove seeds. Mix finely chopped boiled eggs with sour cream and herbs, add salt. Stuff cucumbers with this mixture.

Meat salad

Ingredients: one potato, 150 gr. meat, 1 tomato, greens, cabbage, 2 tsp. sour cream, canned peas.

Cut the boiled meat into slices. Cut the boiled potatoes into cubes. Stew the shredded cabbage. Mix everything and put it in a salad bowl. After add stewed cabbage, tomatoes, peas. Add sour cream to the salad. Decorate with greens.

Boiled meat with cucumber and ham

Ingredients: 60 gr. ham, 120 gr. meat, greens, one cucumber.

Cut cold boiled meat into slices. Cut the ham in the same way. Cut the cucumber into slices. Beautifully arrange cucumber, ham, meat in a salad bowl and garnish with herbs.

Boiled meat with peas

Ingredients: can of canned peas, 150 gr. meat.

Boil the meat cut into pieces until half cooked. Pour the broth, add the juice from a can of peas to the meat and cook until tender. Cool. Place the boiled meat on a plate, add peas and the juice that came out when cooking the meat.

Herring with boiled potatoes

Ingredients: two potatoes, herring fillet, greens, 1 tbsp. l. oils, onion rings, vinegar.

Remove the bones from the herring, soak in water for 14 hours. Peel the boiled potatoes in their jackets and cut them into circles. Place the herring fillet along with the potatoes on a dish, season with vinegar and oil diluted half and half with water.


Basic principles of this diet. In what cases is it applied? Which products are allowed and which are prohibited. Sample menu.

The works of nutritionist M.I. Pevzner are addressed to the epidemic of the century - obesity, a disease that is curable with the help of proper nutrition. Reason overweight the body becomes disturbed metabolism due to uncontrolled energy intake, low energy consumption and hormonal imbalances. Diet 8 contains basic principles for management overweight:

  • limit food quantitatively;
  • manage the quality of macronutrients;
  • be individual for each person.

However, the standard treatment table hardly supports the last point, as well as other options for dietary plans.

The main rules of this table:

  • caloric intake - up to 1720 kcal;
  • proteins – 100 g and 60% animals;
  • fats – up to 80 g and 30% vegetable;
  • carbohydrates - up to 150 g(recommendations are given separately).

For a person weighing more than 90 kg, this diet will be protein, but with complete calories and fat content.

Appetite management

You can stop overeating with self-discipline or a competent diet plan. The nutritionist focused on protein, which keeps you full longer. However, he did not limit fats to preserve metabolic processes normal.

It is easier for overweight people to replace harmful products useful than to exclude from the menu. Therefore, you can find answers to the questions of what you can and cannot eat on a diet in the following table:

ProhibitedAllowed substitution
Fatty homemade dairy products, hard cheeses, yoghurts, curds and curds with sugarCottage cheese, kefir, milk with a fat content of no more than 9%, low-fat cheeses, homemade yogurt with low-fat raw materials
Pasta, semolina, corn, wheat and oatmeal(especially cereal)Crumbly buckwheat, barley and pearl barley porridge in soups
Salted and pickled vegetablesWashed sauerkraut, all vegetables, preferably raw. No more than 200 g per day of starchy vegetables (carrots, potatoes, green peas)
Sweets, cookies, ice cream, cakes, jams, preserves, sugar, honey, chocolate. Raisins, figs, bananas, dates, peaches, grapes and other sweet fruits.Sweet and sour fruits and berries, jelly with sweetener
Mayonnaise, sauces, spices, seasonings, ketchupsHomemade tomato and mushroom sauces with a minimum of fat, light sour cream for dressing or homemade low-fat yogurt
Packaged juices, compotes with sugar, cocoa, alcohol, milkshakesTea, coffee without sugar, unsweetened coffee drinks and decoctions
Scrambled eggs and salads large quantity eggsTwo eggs a day, scrambled or hard-boiled
Sausages, smoked products (meat and fish), frankfurters, fried meat and fish, caviar and canned foodDishes from boiled/stewed beef, chicken, turkey. Low-fat varieties of fish or seafood, boiled or baked in foil/steamed
Butter products, white bread, lavashWhole grain and rye bread, but not more than 150 g per day
Borscht and soups with pork, concentrated broths, mushroom soups with sour creamSoup - no more than 250 ml per meal, vegetable, in third broths, once a week with meatballs

The sources of protein in diet menu number 8 are:

  • lean meat up to 150-200 g;
  • fish up to 100-200 g;
  • two eggs;
  • dairy products up to 400 g, cottage cheese – 100 g;
  • vegetable proteins (legumes, mushrooms).

Even listed products will give the body the norm for animal fats, the rest - vegetable oil in salads. Carbohydrates come from unprocessed cereals and vegetables.

Weekly menu with recipes

Diet 8 for obesity provides five meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon snack and dinner, as well as a snack two hours before bedtime if you have the habit of going to bed late:

Efficiency of dieting

Many sources describing the menu for this table without hesitation reduce it to breast or other boiled meat, eggs and kefir, leaving a small part of vegetables. This is fraught with the development of carbohydrate starvation, weakness and breakdowns.

To withstand a week or several months, as long as necessary for the result, either a regimen or a strict doctor’s prescription will help. The diet table has the following risks:

  • going on a low-carbohydrate diet due to low carbohydrate intake;
  • the appearance of constipation and gastrointestinal problems;
  • signs of ketosis: change in urine color, bad smell from the mouth.

No hunger - main principle in losing weight. Diet number 8 for obesity for a person who is used to eating a lot fatty foods, will be lean and tasteless.

The way out of the situation is to calculate the daily calorie content and the distribution of dietary fat, as actually indicated in the Pevzner diet: 20-25% proteins with a corridor for increasing from 150 to 170 g while reducing fat to 60 g ( 30-40% in proportions). Croup and bakery products left minimum quantity up to 200 g per day, increase vegetables to 300 g and unsweetened fruits - up to 200 g. Total 30-35% carbohydrates in the diet.

Features of nutrition for obesity

The menu for each day needs to be balanced by macronutrients, trying to eat protein food with vegetables at every meal. Animal fats from meat and dairy products will take about 30 g, the rest are vegetable oils in salads or up to 30 g of nuts for a snack. Small meals in the first stages of weight loss help get rid of the haunting feeling of hunger.

People who are overweight often say: “I eat little, but I’m not losing weight.” Although they simply do not realize what they eat in addition to the main food. Starting with porridge and eggs for breakfast, people move on to sausage sandwiches for lunch, liver for snacks and salad for dinner in order to keep themselves in line. Each unaccounted chocolate candy- this is 100 kcal, the bar is 300 kcal. An enormous amount of bread is consumed with sausage, because you can’t get away with just one piece.

As a result, the process of losing weight comes down to control and thoughtful consumption of food, even food diary followed by menu analysis and error correction.

The cause of obesity is hidden starvation of the body due to lack of useful components and trying to eat empty calories. As soon as the body receives correct ratio BZHU and movement, the need to constantly “throw wood” into the fire of appetite disappears.

  • General characteristics of diet No. 8

    The diet is hypocaloric, hyposodium, with a physiological norm of protein and a significant reduction in carbohydrates by reducing bread and completely eliminating simple carbohydrates, enriched with lipotropic substances and dietary fiber. The reduction in the energy value of the diet (calorie content of food) is carried out due to carbohydrates, especially easily digestible ones, partly fats, with a normal protein content; limitation free liquid, sodium chloride and appetite-stimulating foods and dishes.

    This diet is characterized by a split diet (5-6 times a day) with a volume sufficient to ensure a feeling of fullness. A sufficient volume is formed due to low-calorie foods (raw vegetables, fruits), while there is no feeling of hunger. This allows you to avoid stress and follow the proposed diet for a long time.

    Culinary processing of dishes - boiling, stewing, baking. The meat must be boiled before frying. You should limit your consumption of fried, mashed and chopped foods.

    With diet No. 8, you should also limit the amount of free liquid to 1.5-1.8 liters (soup for 1 meal, no more than half a plate and 3-4 glasses of liquid in the form of milk, tea, compote, in total about 5-6 glasses of free liquid per day).

    Limit table salt to 3-5 g and appetite-stimulating foods and dishes (pepper, mustard, garlic).

    Alcohol should be completely excluded from the diet.

    Diet No. 8 uses fasting days (meat, dairy, watermelon and others).

  • Chemical composition and energy value of diet No. 8

    Proteins 100 g, fats 80 g (of which 30-40 g are vegetable), carbohydrates 200 g; calorie content 1700-1900 kcal; retinol 0.4 mg, carotene 15.6 mg, thiamine 1.1 mg, riboflavin 2.2 mg, nicotinic acid 17 mg, ascorbic acid 150 mg; sodium 3 g, potassium 3.9 g, calcium 1 g, magnesium 0.45 g, phosphorus 1.6 g, iron 0.035 g.

    Vitamins enter the body along with raw vegetables and fruits.

    In a hospital setting, with severe obesity, diets that are more reduced in calorie content (1200-600 kcal), but contain the physiological norm of protein, can be prescribed.

  • Recommended dishes and products for diet No. 8
    • Rye, protein-wheat and bran bread 100-150 g.
    • Soups are predominantly vegetarian from vegetables, cereals, dairy, fruit (1/2 serving); 1-2 times a week is allowed in weak fish or meat broth. In case of severe obesity, the first course is excluded.
    • Meat, poultry: lean beef, chicken, turkey, boiled rabbit in pieces.
    • Fish – low-fat varieties, boiled or baked after boiling in pieces or chopped.
    • Sea products (mussels, shrimp, etc.) - up to 150-200 g per day.
    • Milk and dairy products – milk in in kind, fermented milk drinks, low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream in limited quantities - for dressing.
    • Eggs – 1 soft-boiled egg per day, egg white omelette, omelette with vegetables.
    • Cereals are limited only for adding to vegetable soups. Buckwheat, barley and pearl barley can be used with restrictions.
    • Vegetables are widely used in any form, limit potatoes, sweet carrots, beets, green peas. Raw vegetables are recommended.
    • Any raw fruits and berries, compotes, jelly.
    • Sugar is replaced with sweeteners - sorbitol, xylitol, aspartame, saccharin.
    • Drinks – weak tea, rosehip decoction.
  • Excluded foods and dishes for diet No. 8
    • Products from wheat flour premium and 1st grade, butter dough.
    • Meat and cooking fats.
    • Fatty and spicy snacks, sauces, mayonnaise, all herbs and spices.
    • Potato, cereal, legume, pasta soups.
    • Fatty meats, poultry, fish.
    • Sausages, smoked meats, canned meat and fish.
    • Fat cottage cheese, cheeses, cream.
    • Rice, semolina and oatmeal, pasta, legumes.
    • Limit potatoes, sweet carrots, beets, and green peas.
    • Sweet varieties of fruits and berries.
    • Sugar, confectionery, jam, honey, sweet juices, cocoa.
    • Avoid spicy, salty foods, confectionery products.
    • Alcohol.
    • The volume of food is supplemented with foods rich in plant fiber with a balanced protein content.
  • Sample diet menu No. 8 for a week
    • Monday
      • First breakfast: boiled meat with green peas, cheesecakes with sour cream, tea with lemon.
      • Second breakfast: fresh apples.
      • Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled fish and potatoes, pineapple juice.
      • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with milk.
      • Dinner: boiled fish, vegetable stew, tea.
      • At night: low-fat kefir.
    • Tuesday
      • First breakfast: meat salad, omelet, weak coffee.
      • Second breakfast: cranberry jelly.
      • Lunch: vegetarian borscht with sour cream, boiled meat, stewed cabbage with vegetable oil, dried fruit compote without sugar.
      • Afternoon snack: carrot and apple pudding.
      • Dinner: stewed meat, carrots stewed in bechamel sauce, compote with sweetener.
      • At night: rosehip decoction.
    • Wednesday
      • First breakfast: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, low-fat cottage cheese, tea.
      • Lunch: okroshka with kvass, boiled beef stroganoff with a side dish of fresh vegetables, milk jelly.
      • Afternoon snack: kefir.
      • Dinner: vinaigrette, marinated fish with potatoes, weak coffee.
      • At night: tea with lemon.
    • Thursday
      • First breakfast: seafood salad, buckwheat porridge, fruit compote.
      • Second breakfast: fresh apples.
      • Lunch: cabbage soup cooked in recycled meat broth, jellied fish, stewed cabbage, tea with lemon.
      • Afternoon snack: cheesecakes with sour cream.
      • Dinner: cucumbers, stuffed with egg, stewed meat with vegetables, fruit drink.
      • At night: rosehip decoction.
    • Friday
      • First breakfast: fresh cabbage salad with green peas, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, tea with milk.
      • Second breakfast: watermelon pulp.
      • Lunch: beetroot soup, fried fish with boiled potatoes, lemon jelly, unsweetened fruit compote.
      • Afternoon snack: cheesecakes with sour cream.
      • Dinner: boiled meat with ham and cucumber, apple pudding, tea with lemon.
      • At night: low-fat kefir.
    • Saturday

      Fasting kefir-curd day.

    • Sunday
      • First breakfast: sauerkraut salad with apples, soft-boiled egg, fruit drink.
      • Second breakfast: fresh fruit.
      • Lunch: borscht in secondary meat broth, boiled chicken with vegetable side dish, Orange juice.
      • Afternoon snack: low-fat cottage cheese with milk.
      • Dinner: fried fish with boiled potatoes, stewed cabbage, unsweetened fruit compote with sweetener.
      • At night: rosehip decoction.
  • Options daily rations Diets No. 8
    • Meat day (calorie content 1996 kcal)
      • I breakfast

        Omelet (from 2 eggs) 115 g, 169 kcal. Buckwheat porridge with butter 150/10g, 300 kcal. Tea.

      • II breakfast

        Apple 100 g, 90 kcal.

      • Dinner

        Potato soup with croutons 500 g, 160 kcal. Meat cutlets or boiled chicken 100 g, 200 kcal. Stewed eggplants with tomatoes (with vegetable oil) 200 g, 130 kcal. Compote (fruit drink) 180 g, 103 kcal.

      • After 40-60 minutes - Mineral water 100-150 ml (Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Novoterskaya).
      • Afternoon snack

        Grapefruit (pear) 100 g, 38 kcal.

      • Dinner

        Rice pilaf with fruits 240 g, 360 kcal. Fruit salad (oranges, pears, apples, melons) 200 g, 50 kcal. Rose hip decoction.

      • After 40-60 minutes - Mineral water 100-150 ml (Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Novoterskaya).
      • For the night

        Bioyogurt 200 g, 170 kcal.

    • Vegetarian day (calorie content 1653 kcal)
      • I breakfast

        Cheese “Homemade” 100 g, 200 kcal. Oatmeal porridge in water with butter 200/10 g, 205 kcal. Tea

      • After 40-60 minutes - Mineral water 100-150 ml (Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Novoterskaya).
      • II breakfast

        Baked apple (walnuts) 150 g, 59 kcal.

      • Dinner

        Vegetarian soup with finely chopped vegetables 500g, 160 kcal. Zucchini stuffed with vegetables and rice with vegetable oil) 250g, 230 kcal. Compote 180g, 103 kcal.

      • After 40-60 minutes - Mineral water 100-150 ml (Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Novoterskaya).
      • Afternoon snack

        Orange (grapefruit) 100 g, 38 kcal.

      • Dinner

        Avocado salad (fresh cucumbers) with sour cream, herbs 150 g, 70 kcal. Charlotte made from apples and cottage cheese 130 g, 320 kcal. Tea (rosehip decoction).

      • After 40-60 minutes - Mineral water 100-150 ml (Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Novoterskaya).
      • For the night

        “Bioyogurt” (Ryazhenka) 200 g, 170 kcal.

      • For the whole day: Bread 150 g, 226 kcal.
    • Fish day (calorie content 1742 kcal)
      • I breakfast

        Low-fat cottage cheese (or cottage cheese casserole) 100 g, 88 kcal. Squash or eggplant caviar ( homemade) 100 g, 130 kcal. Tea

      • After 40-60 minutes - Mineral water 100-150 ml (Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Novoterskaya).
      • II breakfast

        Orange (grapefruit) 150 g, 50 kcal.

      • Dinner

        Pearl barley soup from prefabricated vegetables 500 g, 180 kcal. Boiled fish (fish cutlets) 100 g, 80 kcal. Mashed potatoes 240 g, 220 kcal. Compote 180 g, 103 kcal.

      • After 40-60 minutes - Mineral water 100-150 ml (Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Novoterskaya).
      • Afternoon snack

        Pear (tangerine) 100 g, 38 kcal.

      • Dinner

        Lapshevnik with fruits (apples, raisins, dried apricots) 260 g, 460 kcal. Or Pancakes with cottage cheese and fruit 130 g, 410 kcal. Fruit salad (apples, bananas, mangoes) with sour cream 150 g, 115 kcal.

      • After 40-60 minutes - Mineral water 100-150 ml (Slavyanovskaya, Borjomi, Novoterskaya).
      • For the night

        Ryazhenka 200 g, 170 kcal.

      • For the whole day: Bread 150 g, 226 kcal.
  • Dishes for diet No. 8

    Recipes are given for 1 serving.

    • Cold appetizers and salads
      • Vinaigrette.

        Required: 1 potato tuber, 1 small beet, 1 pickled cucumber, 1 fresh apple, 1 carrot, half an onion, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise.

        Preparation. Peel separately boiled potatoes, beets and carrots and cut into small cubes. Peel and chop pickles, apples and onions in the same way. Mix all the vinaigrette ingredients, season with vegetable oil and pour over mayonnaise or sour cream.

      • Sauerkraut salad with cucumber.

        Required: 100 g sauerkraut, 1 pickled cucumber, 1 tbsp. l. onions and vegetable oil.

        Preparation. Washed in boiled water Squeeze out the sauerkraut. Cut the pickled cucumbers in half, remove the seeds, and cut into cubes. Chop the onion. Add vegetable oil and stir.

      • Cucumbers stuffed with eggs.

        Required: 2 fresh cucumbers, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, herbs.

        Preparation. Cut the washed small thin cucumbers in half and remove the grains from them. Finely chopped boiled eggs mix with herbs and sour cream, add salt to taste. Stuff the cucumbers with the mixture.

      • Meat salad.

        Required: 100 g of meat, 1 potato tuber, 3 tbsp. l. cabbage, 1 tomato, 2 tbsp. l. canned green peas, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, herbs.

        Preparation. Cut the boiled meat into slices. Cut the boiled potatoes into cubes. Stew the washed and shredded cabbage. Mix everything and put on a plate. Then add fresh or canned tomatoes, canned green peas, stewed cabbage. Season the salad with sour cream. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top.

      • Boiled meat with ham and cucumber.

        Required: 100 g meat, 50 g ham, 1 cucumber, 1 tsp. chopped greens.

        Preparation. Cut the boiled and cooled meat into equal-sized slices. Cut the ham in the same way. Cut fresh cucumber into slices. Place the meat, ham, and cucumber beautifully on a plate and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

      • Boiled meat with green peas.

        Required: 100 g of meat, 1 can of canned green peas.

        Preparation. Boil the meat cut into pieces until half cooked. Drain the resulting broth, pour the juice from canned green peas over the meat and cook until tender. Cool. Place the boiled meat on a plate, add green peas and season with the juice obtained from cooking the meat.

      • Herring with boiled potatoes.

        Required: herring fillet, 2 potato tubers, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, herbs, vinegar, rings onions.

        Preparation. Remove the bones from the herring, soak in water for 10-12 hours. Peel the boiled potatoes in their jackets and cut into circles. Place the prepared herring fillet along with the potatoes on a plate, season with vegetable oil and vinegar diluted in half with water. Garnish the dish with onion rings and finely chopped herbs.

    • First courses
      • Borscht with recycled meat broth.

        Required: 200 g beef, 2 potato tubers, half a small head of cabbage, 1 tomato, 1 small zucchini, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp. oil, 1 tsp. greenery

        Preparation. Place a piece of lean beef in a saucepan, add cold water and bring to a boil. Drain the broth, refill with water and cook for 1-1.5 hours. Put chopped vegetables into the resulting broth and cook under the lid until tender. Before serving, season with sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

      • Sour cabbage soup in secondary meat broth.

        Required: 200 g of cabbage, 10 g of butter, 15 g of sour cream, 10 g of flour and onion, 35 g of carrots, 10 g of parsley and tomato paste.

        Preparation. Peel the onions, carrots and roots, chop and sauté. Dry the flour, mix with tomato paste and fry, stirring constantly. Sauerkraut squeeze, put in a saucepan, add secondary meat broth and cook until tender. Shortly before the end of cooking, add the prepared roots and flour with tomato paste and let it boil. Serve with sour cream.

      • Soup from prefabricated vegetables.

        Required: 2 potato tubers, half a small head of cabbage, 1 tomato, 1 small zucchini, 1 carrot, 1 parsley root, 1 tbsp. l. canned green peas, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp butter, 1 tsp. greenery

        Preparation. Peel and chop the carrots and parsley root, then simmer them with butter under the lid. Transfer to pre-chopped vegetables, peas and potatoes. Place the entire mixture in a saucepan with boiling water. vegetable broth. Cook covered over low heat until done. Season with sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs before serving.

      • Tomato soup with vegetables.

        Required: 200 ml secondary meat broth, 1 small carrot, 1/2 onion, 2 tsp. tomato paste, 1 tomato, 1 tsp. sunflower oil, sweetener, salt, dill.

        Preparation. Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in oil, add pre-boiled vegetables or frozen vegetable mixture, tomato paste, peeled and chopped tomato and simmer everything together. Pour in meat broth, cook a little, add salt, sugar substitute, spices and chopped dill.

      • Okroshka with kvass.

        Required: 100 g of meat, 4 cucumbers, 2 cups of kvass, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, sweetener, herbs.

        Preparation. Cut the boiled meat into small cubes. Fresh cucumbers wash and cut. Dilute sour cream in a small amount of kvass. Pour the resulting mixture over the meat and cucumbers. Mix everything, add the rest of the kvass, mix again, add sweetener. Sprinkle with finely chopped dill and parsley before serving.

      • Okroshka with fruit broth.

        Required: 1 potato tuber, 2 cucumbers, 1 egg, 1 fresh apple or 2 tbsp. l. dried apples, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, herbs.

        Preparation. Pour boiling water over the chopped apple, boil and leave to steep for 2-3 hours. Then strain. Cut the cucumbers into cubes. Peel and cut boiled potatoes in their jackets in the same way as cucumbers. Finely chop the washed greens. Grind the white of a boiled egg and grind the yolk with sour cream. Combine all the components of okroshka in a saucepan and pour in the fruit broth, add a little citric acid or vinegar, as well as sweetener (to taste). Serve with sour cream.

    • Meat dishes
      • Boiled beef stroganoff with stewed cabbage.

        Required: 150 g meat, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1/2 head of cabbage, half an onion, 1 tsp. tomato paste, a pinch of flour.

        Preparation. Chop the meat, boiled until half cooked, into strips. Chop the cabbage and simmer with a little water. Pour the broth obtained from stewing the cabbage over the meat and simmer until cooked. At this time, prepare a sauce from flour, finely chopped onions and tomato paste, fried on butter. Place the meat and cabbage in a frying pan with the prepared sauce and remove after boiling.

      • Boiled meat with stewed beets.

        Required: 120 g meat, 1 beet, 1 tsp. butter, 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, a pinch of herbs.

        Preparation. Prepare meat broth. Then cut the meat boiled until half cooked into pieces and drain the broth. Also cut the beets, which, fill with small amount of water, acidified with vinegar, simmer until tender. Place the chopped meat and beets in a frying pan, pour in sour cream sauce, add the liquid remaining after stewing the beets, and simmer until done. Serve with finely chopped greens.

      • Boiled meat stewed with green peas.

        Required: 150 g meat, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 can of canned green peas, herbs.

        Preparation. Cut the pre-washed meat in half and boil until half cooked. Then transfer to the frying pan. Place canned green peas in the pan without draining the liquid from the can. Add butter and simmer until done. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs before serving.

      • Stewed meat with vegetable side dish.

        Required: 120 g of meat, 1 carrot, 2 tbsp. l. peas and cabbage, 1 tbsp. l. onion, 1 tsp. butter, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, herbs.

        Preparation. Boil the meat cut into pieces until half cooked. Mix peeled and chopped carrots and cabbage with green peas, add a little meat broth obtained from cooking meat, and simmer until done. Finely chop the peeled onion, sauté until golden brown and mix with cooked vegetables. Separately, simmer the meat in a small amount of broth, place on a plate along with cooked vegetables, season with sour cream and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

      • Meat fried in an envelope with stewed cabbage and zucchini.

        Required: 120 g of meat, 1/2 head of cabbage, 1 zucchini, 3 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tbsp. l. oils, herbs.

        Preparation. Beat the sirloin part of the meat, place it in an oval envelope made of parchment paper, and pinch the edges of the envelope. Place the envelope with meat in a frying pan with boiling oil and fry the meat until cooked. Wash the cabbage, chop it, peel the zucchini, cut it into slices and simmer together with the cabbage in a small amount of milk. Remove the meat from the envelope and place it on a plate along with the vegetables, pour over melted butter and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

      • Beef with mushrooms.

        Required: 150 g beef (back), 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, 1 onion, 50 g champignons, flour, caraway seeds, salt. Preparation. Finely chop the peeled onion and sauté in a frying pan with oil. Place the diced meat there, add cumin, sprinkle with flour and fry everything together, add warm water, add salt and simmer until done. Peel the champignons, wash, cut into slices and simmer in a small amount of water. When the mushrooms become soft, place them (along with the broth) in a bowl with meat and cook a little.

      • Hotpot.

        Required: 120 g of meat, 1 can of canned green peas, 1/2 head of cabbage, 1 tbsp. l. butter.

        Preparation. Drain the broth from boiled meat until half cooked. Stew cabbage and canned green peas in this broth. Pour the remaining liquid from stewing the vegetables over the meat and simmer until done. When serving, season with melted butter and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

      • Boiled chicken with vegetables and white sauce.

        Required: 250 g chicken (with bone), 1/2 egg, 1/2 small head of cabbage, 1 medium carrot, 2 tbsp. l. peas, 1/4 glasses of milk, 1 tsp. butter and potato flour, herbs.

        Preparation. Drain the broth from the chicken boiled until half cooked, add water again and cook until done. Peel the carrots and cabbage, chop and simmer until tender, using secondary chicken broth. Heat canned green peas to a boil. Prepare white milk sauce. Boil an egg hard and chop finely. Place the chicken and cooked vegetables on a plate, pour over the prepared sauce, season with egg and chopped herbs. Serve with butter.

    • Fish dishes
      • Fish in marinade with potatoes.

        Required: 150 g fish fillet, 2 potato tubers, 1 medium-sized carrot, parsley root, 1 tbsp. l. onions, 1 tbsp. l. tomato puree and vegetable oil, herbs, vinegar, salt, sweetener.

        Preparation. Dip the fish fillet cut into pieces in flour and fry in vegetable oil. Finely chopped carrots, white roots and onions simmer covered in vegetable oil until the liquid evaporates. After this, add tomato puree or tomato paste and simmer for 10 minutes. Pour a small amount of vegetable broth stewed vegetables, add sweetener, vinegar and salt and simmer until full readiness. Cut the boiled and peeled potatoes into pieces. Place the chilled fish and potatoes on a plate, pour over the prepared chilled marinade and sprinkle everything with finely chopped herbs.

      • Boiled fish in béchamel sauce with stewed zucchini.

        Required: 150 g fish fillet, 1 zucchini, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tsp. oil, 1/2 tsp. flour, 1/2 egg, a pinch of herbs.

        Preparation. Boil chopped fish fillets in salted water. Dry the flour in a frying pan, then dilute it with milk and boil. Finely chop the hard-boiled egg. Peel the zucchini, cut into slices and simmer in milk. Then add boiled fish to them and pour milk sauce over them. Sprinkle with chopped egg and finely chopped herbs before serving.

      • Boiled fish with potatoes.

        Required: 150 g fish fillet, 2 potato tubers, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, herbs.

        Preparation. Cut the washed fish fillet in half and boil in salted water. Steam peeled potatoes. Place fish and potatoes on a plate, season with vegetable oil. Sprinkle finely chopped herbs on top.

      • Boiled fish and chips.

        Required: 150 g fish fillet, 3 potato tubers, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1/2 tsp. butter, 3 g of herbs, 1 small carrot, 1 onion.

        Preparation. Boil the chopped fish in salted water along with carrots and onions. Cut the peeled potatoes into circles and fry in vegetable oil. Season with melted butter and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs just before serving.

      • Fried fish with boiled potatoes and stewed cabbage.

        Required: 120 g fish fillet, 1/2 head of cabbage, 2 potato tubers, 1 tsp. vegetable and butter, flour.

        Preparation. Roll fish fillets cut into pieces in flour and fry in vegetable oil until cooked. Boil the peeled potatoes. Simmer the shredded cabbage by adding a small amount of water. Place on a plate fried fish, boiled potatoes and stewed cabbage. Drizzle melted butter on top.

      • Jellied fish with stewed cabbage.

        Required: 150 g fish fillet, 1 medium carrot, gelatin, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1/2 head of cabbage.

        Preparation. Boil fish fillets and carrots cut into circles in salted water. Place some of the fish broth in the refrigerator. After it has cooled, soak the gelatin in the broth. Then add hot fish broth to the stirred gelatin and bring to a boil. Place the boiled fish in a mold, place a layer of carrots on top and pour dissolved gelatin over it. Place the resulting dish in the refrigerator. Chop the peeled and washed cabbage and simmer in fish broth. Place the cabbage on a plate and pour over the melted butter. Serve fish and cabbage separately as two dishes.

      • Fish cutlets with vegetable garnish.

        Required: 150 g fish fillet, 1 small onion, flour, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 tsp. tomato paste, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tsp. butter, 1 small carrot, salt, pepper, herbs.

        Preparation. Fish fillet, mince a loaf of bread soaked in milk and two onions twice, add salt and pepper and mix the minced meat thoroughly. Form small cutlets. Chop the carrots and onions, put them in a saucepan, add 2 tbsp. l. water, oil and cook for 7-8 minutes. Stir, place the cutlets on top and pour them with a mixture of tomato and sour cream and bring to readiness.

    • Vegetable dishes
      • Carrots stewed with béchamel sauce.

        Required: 2 large carrots, 1/2 cup milk, flour, salt.

        Preparation. Cut the peeled carrots into circles. Place in a frying pan with heated vegetable oil and fry. Transfer the carrots to the prepared milk-flour sauce and simmer until tender.

      • Fried zucchini with onions.

        Required: 1 small zucchini, flour, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, 1 tomato, herbs, salt.

        Preparation. Cut a small zucchini into slices 1 cm thick. Salt and sprinkle ground pepper, roll in flour and fry on all sides until cooked. Cut the onion into rings and sauté until golden brown. Cut the tomato and fry it. When serving, sprinkle the zucchini with onions, place tomato slices around it and sprinkle with dill.

      • Vegetable stew.

        Required: 1 small black or green radish, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil for frying, salt to taste.

        Preparation. Cut the peeled radishes and carrots into slices and fry in a small amount of oil. Add finely chopped onion. When it is browned, season the vegetables with sour cream diluted in half with water. Cover the roasting pan with a lid and simmer the vegetables over low heat. Just before it's ready, add salt to taste. Serve as a side dish or as a separate dish. Shortly before it is ready, you can add sliced ​​boiled beef to the stew.

      • Sautéed eggplant.

        Required: 0.5 kg eggplant, 3 tomatoes, 1 onion, 1 bell pepper, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt to taste.

        Preparation. Cut the eggplants into slices. Salt and fry on both sides. Then cut the onion into half rings, the pepper into small cubes and also fry. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the skin and cut into rings. Take a large saucepan, pour the sunflower oil remaining from frying into it and start laying it out in layers: eggplants, onions and peppers, tomatoes. Repeat until the cooked food is gone. Don't forget to salt each layer. Then simmer over low heat for 45 minutes. Cool.

    • Dishes made from cottage cheese and dairy products
      • Cottage cheese with milk and herbs.

        Required: 200 g cottage cheese, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tsp. sweetener, greens.

        Preparation. Add sweetener to thoroughly mixed cottage cheese with milk. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs before serving.

    • Egg dishes
      • Scrambled eggs with green beans.

        Required: 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 can of canned or 1 cup of fresh green beans.

        Preparation. Heat oil in a frying pan, beat eggs into it and add salt. Place the finished scrambled eggs on a plate, adding preheated canned or fresh green beans.

      • Omelet with boiled meat.

        Required: 2 eggs, 80 g meat, 1 tbsp. l. butter, herbs.

        Preparation. Mix eggs beaten with milk with boiled meat, cut into cubes. Pour the resulting egg-milk mixture into a frying pan with boiling butter and fry. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs before serving.

    • Desserts
      • Milk jelly.

        Required: 1/2 cup milk, gelatin, sweetener.

        Preparation. Dissolve the gelatin soaked in cold boiled water by pouring in half the hot milk. Then pour in the remaining milk, add sweetener, mix everything and boil. Pour into mold and refrigerate.

      • Cranberry jelly.

        Required: 100 g of berries, gelatin, sweetener.

        Preparation. Squeeze the juice out of the washed cranberries, pour it into a glass container and cover with a lid. Pour the marc with 2 cups of hot water, bring to a boil and strain. Add gelatin to 1/4 of the squeezed juice and soak. Then pour gelatin into a saucepan with hot broth, boil, pour in the squeezed juice and add sweetener to taste. Pour into molds and refrigerate.

      • Lemon jelly with sweetener.

        Required: 1/2 lemon, 1 tbsp. l. xylitol, l/2 cups water, 3 g gelatin.

        Preparation. Place pre-chopped lemon zest into hot boiled water. Leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes, then strain. Dissolve the gelatin soaked in cold boiled water, bringing the liquid to a boil. Pour the resulting mass into the lemon decoction, squeeze the lemon into it and add any sweetener. Bring this liquid to a boil. Pour everything into the mold and cool.

      • Coffee jelly.

        Required: 1 tsp. coffee, sweetener, 3/4 cup water.

        Preparation. Add sweetener and gelatin soaked in water to pre-brewed coffee. Boil the liquid, pour into the mold and put in the refrigerator.

    • Drinks
      • Coffee with milk.

        Required: 1 tsp. natural coffee, 1/4 cup milk, sweetener to taste.

        Preparation. Pour boiling water over the coffee, bring to a boil, but do not boil, then pour through a sieve into cups, add hot boiled milk and sweetener to taste.

      • Fresh fruit compote.

        Required: 1 glass of water, 150 g of fresh fruits and berries, 2 tbsp. l. sweetener.

        Preparation. Place peeled and washed fruits in boiling water. Add sweetener, bring to a boil and cook for 15 minutes.

  • Diet options No. 8

    Developed various options diets No. 8 - Diet No. 8a and Diet No. 8 “0”.

    • Diet No. 8a

      It differs from diet No. 8 by an even greater restriction of food calories.

      An indication for its use is also obesity, but this diet is prescribed for a short time. Its calorie content ranges from 1100 to 1300 kcal, chemical composition: 70-80 g protein, 60-70 g fat and 70-80 g carbohydrates. The same products are consumed, but in smaller quantities.

    • Diet No. 8 “0”

      Is a more strict option dietary tables No. 8 and No. 8a. Differs from diet No. 8 in the maximum caloric restriction of food. This diet is prescribed for a short time.

      The indication for the use of this diet is obesity without concomitant diseases of the digestive system and cardiovascular system.

      Calorie content of diet No. 8 “0” ranges from 700 to 800 kcal, chemical composition: 40-50 g of proteins, 30-40 g of fats and 50-70 g of carbohydrates. The same products are consumed, but in smaller quantities.

The diet called “8 table” is intended for people suffering from obesity of all degrees. Its goal is to significantly reduce weight, restore the ratio of water, salt and impaired lipid metabolism. The composition of the daily diet should include 100 g of protein, 85 g of fat (50% of which plant origin), 150 g carbohydrates (exclude sugar). Calorie content should not exceed 1800 kcal per day. During the day you should consume no more than 2 liters of liquid.

Table salt is not used during cooking; it is added directly during meals at the rate of 3 g for each meal. Low-calorie foods are used in the diet.

For obesity, the “table number 8” diet is prescribed, which is combined with fasting days: kefir, meat, vegetable or apple. On such days, the calorie content should be a maximum of 1000 kcal.

Severely obese patients undergo inpatient treatment, they are prescribed a modified diet of 8 tables, which has a calorie content of up to 1200 kcal. It is based on easily digestible food, which contains a minimum of animal fats. The volume of liquid is limited to a maximum of 2 liters per day, and foods that cause appetite are excluded. In the diet, increase the number of foods that include dietary fiber. Dishes are boiled, stewed or baked, never fried.

Allowed foods for diet 8 table

  1. Bread made from flour coarse– 150 g per day.
  2. Vegetarian soups with the addition of cereals, beetroot soup, cabbage soup, okroshka, and occasionally soup with low-fat broth - 300 g serving.
  3. Raw, boiled and baked vegetables (cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, beets, pumpkin) – 200 g per day.
  4. Crumbly porridges (barley, pearl barley, buckwheat).
  5. Lean meat (boiled, stewed, baked), beef sausages – 150 g per day.
  6. Low-fat fish, shrimp, mussels – 150 g per day.
  7. Low-fat dairy products (cottage cheese, sour milk, sour cream, cheese) – 200 g.
  8. Hard-boiled eggs or vegetable omelettes – 1 pc. per day.
  9. Appetizers - vinaigrettes, pickled vegetables, meat or fish aspic, low-fat ham.
  10. Unsweetened berries and fruits, sugar-free compote.
  11. Light sauces made with vegetable broths.
  12. Juices, tea, rosehip infusion, coffee.
  13. Vegetable oil (butter to a minimum).

Prohibited foods on diet table number 8

  • White bread, puff pastry, pastry.
  • Milk soups, with pasta, legumes.
  • Sausages, smoked meats, fatty meats.
  • Fatty, smoked fish.
  • Fat cottage cheese, sour cream, spicy cheese.
  • Cereals (semolina, rice), legumes, pasta.
  • Pickles and marinades.
  • Dates, figs, raisins, grapes, bananas.
  • Sugar, sweets, jam and other confectionery products.
  • Mayonnaise, fatty sauces, spices and herbs.
  • Alcohol, cocoa, kvass, sweet juices.
  • Cooking fats.

“Table 8” normalizes metabolic processes, as a result of which unnecessary body fat. The menu is designed so that weight loss is approximately 1 kg per week. This diet continues quite long period time, so to start this diet, you should consult a specialist.

For the diet to be effective you must:

  • eat food 5 times a day;
  • don't starve;
  • Take food with a higher calorie content before lunch;
  • do not snack;
  • do not eat without feeling hungry;
  • do not overeat when you are not in the mood;
  • do not finish eating when you feel full;
  • do not go to places with delicious aromas that increase appetite;
  • purchase food in a non-starved state, according to the list, taking into account calorie content.

Menu with recipes for a week for weight loss according to diet 8. Are you overweight? Use diet No. 8 for obesity, which will help you lose those treasured pounds!

Diet No. 8 for obesity

One in nine adults is obese. The weight of earthlings is rapidly increasing, and with it health problems. Obesity of the 1st degree - constitutional and exogenous - occurs in the absence of nutritional culture and physical activity. Gynoid with localization of fat in specific areas is more typical for women.

Men are more likely to suffer from visceral belly fat. To get rid of weight problems, you need to adjust eating behavior and adhere to the nutritional system developed by nutritionist Pevzner, the author of 15 health-improving diets.

Features of diet No. 8

Its goal is to restore metabolic processes. It is suitable not only for overweight people, but also for those who often overeat and who are at risk of obesity in the future. The menu principles are based on:

  • to reduce daily caloric intake;
  • avoiding empty calories and refined foods;
  • increasing the volume of coarse fiber;
  • limiting salt, fats;
  • fractional meals;
  • moderate physical activity.

For calculation daily norm calories, you can use this convenient calculator:


Physical activity

Basal metabolism minimum/absence of physical. loads 3 times a week 5 times a week 5 times a week (intensively) Every day Every day intensively or twice a day Daily physical. load + physical Job

Result in

Without changing weight:

Weight loss:

Fast Weight Loss:

Before starting a diet, first remove foods that stimulate appetite and lead to weight gain. Locked:

  • confectionery, white bread;
  • sweet fruits - grapes, figs, watermelon;
  • pickled, fermented foods, seasonings, sauces;
  • alcoholic drinks, carbonated drinks, packaged juices, cocoa;
  • fatty dairy products, desserts.


  • proteins – veal, poultry, rabbit, lean fish;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • rye bread;
  • vegetables in any quantity with a minimum of oil;
  • sweet and sour fruits and berries;
  • cereal porridge;
  • cheese;
  • nuts;

About calories and grams

The diet is made taking into account the norms of proteins, fats and glucose. The body must receive micro and macroelements, amino acids to ensure the functioning of systems and organs and a resource for creating new cells.

  • The amount of protein is calculated from body weight - 1 kg/1g.
  • The norm of carbohydrates does not exceed 200 g, fat - 70 g.
  • Caloric intake of the diet is 1250-1400 kcal.
  • Serving size: 150 meat/poultry, 200 fish, 100 g cereals. A day you can eat 2 eggs, 50 g of cheese, 150 low-fat cottage cheese, 2 pieces rye bread. It is preferable to eat vegetables raw in any quantity. You can squeeze juices or make smoothies from them.

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Diet for a week

The menu given as an example is a template for creating dietary chart No. 8 for every day. When compiling, each one is guided by taste preferences and food tolerance.

1 day:

  • 1 breakfast - cottage cheese with a fat content of 1.8% + berries, tea.
  • Medium orange.
  • Lunch - soup with meatballs, vegetable casserole + beef tongue.
  • Afternoon snack - grated carrots with butter and a slice of bread.
  • Dinner - baked fish + broccoli and cauliflower salad.
  • After 2 hours - pumpkin-carrot juice.

Day 2

  • Bran bread, steam omelette.
  • Fruit salad (grapefruit + kiwi + tangerine).
  • Pumpkin soup, meatballs with vegetables.
  • Salad with avocado, Chinese cabbage, herbs, cucumber.
  • Squid stuffed with cabbage or pike perch from the oven.
  • Yogurt without filler.

Day 3

  • Cheesecakes in the oven + tea.
  • Boiled pumpkin with nuts.
  • Green cabbage soup, steamed cutlets with herbs + 2 l. buckwheat
  • Fruit jelly.
  • Meat cabbage rolls.
  • Apple-celery juice.

4 day

  • Spinach omelette.
  • Toast with half an avocado.
  • Beetroot soup, turkey with basil + a couple of baked potatoes.
  • Salad of kiwi, tangerine and 1 tsp. spoons of honey .
  • Seafood cocktail without spices with salad and olives.
  • Vegetable smoothie.

5 day

  • Poached egg + bran bread.
  • Yogurt with a handful of berries.
  • Mushroom soup, stewed veal with fresh vegetables.
  • Boiled or baked quince.
  • Tuna steak with zucchini and eggplant under a cheese crust.
  • Kefir.

Day 6

  • Cottage cheese casserole with berries.
  • Baked apples.
  • Sorrel soup, shrimp pasta.
  • A slice of cheese.
  • Stuffed peppers or zucchini.
  • Tomato juice.

Day 7

  • Zucchini and apple pudding.
  • A handful of hazelnuts.
  • Beef stroganoff + boiled green beans.
  • Carrot soufflé.
  • Boiled tongue + 2 l. green peas.
  • Vegetable juice.

Once every 7 days, have a fasting day on kefir and apples or cucumbers.

Low-calorie recipes

Option No. 1. Puree soup. Take 200 g of cauliflower and broccoli, 1 celery, boil and beat in a blender. Served with herbs and toasted bread.

Option No. 2. Cut the pumpkin, boil it, and beat it with a blender. Pour ¼ cup of cream into the thick mass.

Vegetarian soup

Throw the carrots into the pan, simmer a little and add water. Add celery and potatoes to the boiling broth. Add a spoonful of flour to the butter and add it to the soup 3 minutes before it’s ready. To make it thick, you can mash the vegetables. At the end add 2 tablespoons of green peas and dill.

Braised squid

For the recipe you need: 250 g of product, 2 onions and carrots. Thawed carcasses are poured with boiling water and kept under a lid. At this time, chop the onion, chop the carrots, then simmer in a frying pan until soft. Add squid to the vegetable mixture and simmer for 8 minutes. Serve with salad or buckwheat.

2 vitamin salads

With soaked cheese. Peking cabbage, parsley are cut, radishes, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and a handful of olives are added. Season with lemon juice and a drop of vegetable oil.

With nuts. Grate an apple, finely chop a stalk of celery, cover with crushed kernels walnuts(50g). Season with homemade yogurt or kefir.

Vegetable cabbage rolls

For the dish you will need: a large tomato, carrots, 2 bell peppers, half a zucchini, greens, 6 blanched cabbage leaves.

Cut the tomato without skin, pepper, zucchini, chop the carrots and place them one by one on a saucepan. Simmer for 7 minutes, then spread the mass over the leaves and fold it into an envelope. Tomato paste mix with the water in which the cabbage was blanched, pour in and put on fire for 15 minutes.

Beef Stroganoff

Needed: 250 beef, a glass of milk, a spoonful of oatmeal and butter. Mix flour into hot milk. The meat, cut into long strips, is placed in a mold and baked in a hot oven for 10 minutes. Take out, pour milk sauce and leave in the oven for another 8 minutes.

Steamed fish balls

An egg and a slice of soaked bread are added to half a kilo of minced meat. The mixture is kneaded, cutlets are formed, and cooked in a double boiler for 30 minutes.

Veal with carrots

Ingredients: half a kilo of meat, a couple of root vegetables, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. oils, basil, parsley. The veal is beaten. Fry onions and carrots for 1 minute over high heat, add meat. After 3 minutes, transfer everything into a saucepan and pour boiling water onto the finger above. Simmer for about an hour. Add the herbs and after a minute turn off the burner.

Carrot pudding

2 large root vegetables are crushed. Beat the yolk with 0.5 l. sugar and 2 l. milk, add 20 g of semolina for thickness. The protein is introduced into the grated carrots and everything is mixed. The egg-vegetable mixture is placed in a greased form, covered with foil, and kept in a double boiler for half an hour.

Jelly with apples and currants

Peel 2 antonovkas, cut into slices, boil until soft. Add gelatin to the compote and stir thoroughly. The cooled mass of 150 g is poured into molds, a spoonful of berries is added, and placed in a chamber to harden. Jelly is consumed as an afternoon snack.

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