Children's Paracetamol in the form of a suspension (syrup): instructions for use, dosage, price, reviews. General Product Information

Composition and release form

1 tablet contains paracetamol 200 or 500 mg; in contour-free packaging or in a blister 6 or 10 pcs.

100 ml syrup - 2.4 g; in bottles of 50 ml.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action- antipyretic, analgesic.

Inhibits cyclooxygenase, inhibits PG biosynthesis in the central nervous system. Reduces the excitability of the thermal center, increases heat transfer.


Quickly and almost completely absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Penetrates the placental barrier and is found in breast milk. Metabolized in the liver. It is excreted mainly in urine in the form of conjugates. Maximum effect develops within 2 hours.

Indications for the drug Paracetamol syrup 2.4%

Pain and fever syndromes.


Hypersensitivity, renal dysfunction.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.


Atropine and other antispasmodics delay absorption, while metoclopramide accelerates it. Cholesterol and activated carbon reduce bioavailability. Barbiturates, antiepileptic drugs, rifampicin and ethanol increase the rate of biotransformation and the formation of metabolites, incl. hepatotoxic.

Directions for use and doses

Orally, adults - 200-500 mg 2-3 times a day; children 6-12 months - 25-50 mg 2-3 times a day, up to 5 years - 100-150 mg, up to 12 years - 150-250 mg 2-3 times a day.

Storage conditions for the drug Paracetamol syrup 2.4%

In a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not lower than 18 °C (do not freeze).

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Paracetamol syrup 2.4%

tablets 500 mg - 3 years.

syrup 2.4% - 2 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
G43 MigraineMigraine pain
Hemiplegic migraine
Migraine-like headache
Migraine attack
Serial headache
K13.7 Others and unspecified lesions oral mucosaAspirin burn of the oral mucosa
Sore gums when wearing dentures
Oral inflammation
Inflammation of the oral mucosa
Inflammation of the oral mucosa after radiation therapy
Inflammation of the oral mucosa after chemotherapy
Inflammation of the oral mucosa
Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity
Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity
Inflammatory process of the pharynx
Disease of the oral mucosa
Irritation from dentures
Irritation of the oral mucosa by dentures and braces
Oral wounds
Sores from wearing dentures
Injuries to the oral cavity and larynx
Injuries to the oral mucosa
Trophic diseases of the oral mucosa
Trophic diseases of the oral mucosa
Erosive and ulcerative periodontal lesions
Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa
Erosive and ulcerative periodontal lesions
Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral mucosa
Erosion of the oral mucosa
M79.1 MyalgiaPain syndrome in muscular and joint diseases
Pain syndrome in chronic inflammatory diseases musculoskeletal system
Muscle pain
Muscle soreness
Muscle soreness during heavy physical activity
Painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system
Pain in the musculoskeletal system
Muscle pain
Pain at rest
Muscle pain
Muscle pain
Musculoskeletal pain
Myofascial pain syndromes
Muscle pain
Muscle pain at rest
Muscle pain
Muscle pain of non-rheumatic origin
Muscle pain of rheumatic origin
Acute muscle pain
Rheumatic pain
Rheumatic pains
Myofascial syndrome
M79.2 Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified
Occipital and intercostal neuralgia
Neuralgic pain
Neuralgia of the intercostal nerves
Neuralgia of the posterior tibial nerve
Traumatic neuritis
Neurological pain syndromes
Neurological contractures with spasms
Acute neuritis
Peripheral neuritis
Post-traumatic neuralgia
Severe neurogenic pain
Chronic neuritis
Essential neuralgia
R50 Fever of unknown originHyperthermia malignant
Malignant hyperthermia
R51 HeadacheHead pain
Pain due to sinusitis
Pain in the back of the head
Headache of vasomotor origin
Headache of vasomotor origin
Headache with vasomotor disturbances
Neurological headache
Serial headache
R52.2 Other persistent painPain syndrome of non-rheumatic origin
Pain syndrome with vertebrogenic lesions
Pain syndrome with neuralgia
Pain syndrome from burns
Pain syndrome is mild or moderate
Neuropathic pain
Neuropathic pain
Perioperative pain
Moderate to severe pain
Moderate or mild pain syndrome
Moderate to severe pain syndrome
Ear pain due to otitis media
T30 Thermal and chemical burns unspecified localizationPain syndrome from burns
Pain from burns
Pain from burns
Slow healing post-burn wounds
Deep burns with wet eschar
Deep burns with profuse separation
Deep burn
Laser burn
Burn of the rectum and perineum
Burn with slight exudation
Burn disease
Burn injury
Superficial burn
Superficial burn of 1st and 2nd degree
Superficial skin burns
Post-burn trophic ulcer and wound
Post-burn complication
Fluid loss from burns
Burn sepsis
Thermal burns
Thermal skin lesions
Thermal burn
Trophic post-burn ulcers
Chemical burn
Surgical burn

Among the medicines intended for very young children, one of the leading places is takes Paracetamol.

The choice of a pediatrician is not accidental. World organization health care recommended it for inclusion in the list of safe and effective drugs, which can be prescribed to children.

Paracetamol dosage

Every parent has encountered a situation where their child’s health has deteriorated. In this situation, almost every adult decides to urgently help their son or daughter by giving a pill to relieve pain and fever. It is important to be careful when choosing a drug. Children's body requires only high-quality products. First on this list for all pediatricians in the world is paracetamol with minimal additives.

The properties of this drug allow it to be used to relieve pain symptoms, improve well-being during colds, and in many other situations. Having a minimal number of contraindications, the drug is used in the treatment of children. For successful treatment necessary observe the dosage carefully.

Important! Medicine can only be given if there is a correct and balanced response to fighting the disease. In such a situation, the baby’s body becomes hot, the cheeks turn pink, and sweat may appear a little. When the baby has chills, arms and legs become cold, the face turns very pale, urgent care is required medical care. Such symptoms are an indicator of vascular spasm. Lack of specialist help becomes critical for health and even life.

Including the drug in the course of therapy is required taking into account age. For correct definition the required volume, the quantity formula is used based on the weight of the young patient.

For one kilogram of a child's weight there should be no more than 10 mg in one go.

It is advisable to determine the dosage yourself. If the norm is not exceeded, the optimal amount is determined based on experience.

Liquid suspensions are dosed using the measuring spoon or cup included in the package.

Even if the correct dose is used, it is important for parents to monitor the health of their baby for at least an hour after administration. The drug should be discontinued immediately seeing the following symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Stomach ache
  • Vomiting reaction
  • Redness skin showing an allergic reaction

The medicine should be taken no more than 4 times a day. The interval between doses should be at least 6 hours.

What does the medicine contain?

The drug has the simplest composition. It mostly includes the main active substance. The purest is the composition of the medicinal product, which is produced in the form of suppositories, including additionally only fat base. For this reason, candles are recommended for inclusion in treatment course for children in the first months of life. Minimal additives are added to the suspension or tablets. To improve the taste, the syrup contains sweeteners.

Regardless of the type, active ingredient becomes para-acetaminophenol or paracetamol itself, the concentration of which in preparations for children ranges from 50 to 120 mg. Syrups and suspensions contain additional components:

  • The suspension contains flavoring, sobirol, glycerol, caramel and water. Sucrose is used as a sweetener.
  • When creating the syrup, E124 dye, flavoring, glycerin, propylene glycol, and methyl parahydroxybenzoate are used. It also contains 96% ethanol.

Options for paracetamol analogues

Available for sale wide choice antipyretic and analgesic medications produced specifically for the youngest patients. Including, "Tsefekon", "Kalpol", "Efferalgan" and some others.

They are easily determined when studying the composition. Everyone is like that Paracetamol analog works based on a single substance.

Differences can be found in additional components.

Many children's medications differ increased price at general rules actions.


This medicine may be toxic and have a negative effect on the liver if the dosage and rules of administration are violated. It is not recommended for use without mandatory consultation with a pediatrician. Especially when planning treatment for a child under two years of age. Cannot be used:

  • In case of individual intolerance;
  • For hyperkalemia, characterized by increased level potassium in urine;
  • If you have gastrointestinal diseases, ulcers, inflammation, stomach bleeding;
  • In cases severe pathologies liver and kidneys.

Side effects

Typically Paracetamol syrup or tablets side effects provoke when correct intake quite rare. In number negative reactions may include:

  • Allergy manifested in the form of a rash or hives;
  • Nausea and vomiting may occur, and your stomach may begin to hurt.

In case of overdose it is required urgent appeal to specialists. Exceeding the dose of the drug may lead to renal failure.

What is the action

The main factor is effect of the drug on the hypothalamus. By inhibiting the synthesis of prostaglandins, fever is eliminated and pain symptoms. Paracetamol has minimal anti-inflammatory effect, but in this case it should be used as the main medicine in the composition complex therapy inappropriate.

Due to its effect on the hypothalamus, the same effect of Paracetamol is inherent in each of the release forms:

  • Tablets;
  • Candles;
  • Suspensions;
  • Syrup.

The action begins in small intestine. The drug is eliminated through the liver. A special feature is the minimal supply of the active substance to peripheral tissues.

An advantage in therapy for a child is the inability of the active substance to influence the synthesis of prostaglandins.

Due to this the drug is safe to take for mucous membranes digestive tract and does not affect water-salt metabolism.

Methods of use in the treatment of children

The medicine is specially produced in forms that allow you to intuitively understand how to give Paracetamol baby or older child. For the youngest patients in the first months of life, suppositories are recommended.

For children under 14 years of age, it is convenient to use Paracetamol syrup or suspension. It is easier for adolescents to introduce tablets into the course of therapy.

Indications for use quite simple:

  • Pain syndrome;
  • Fever;
  • Toothache, including pain during teething;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Periodic female pain;
  • Pain in joints and muscles

Can be used for reducing elevated temperature. Refers to means symptomatic use. It is not used for permanent therapy or for prophylactic purposes.

Release forms

There are several versions of the drug on sale. The most common form of release for a drug such as paracetamol for children is syrup.

In this form, the active substance is easiest to give to a child and the effect of Paracetamol will begin earlier than tablets.

One suppository contains from 125 to 1000 mg of active substance. Choice optimal option should only be done by a pediatrician.

The advantage of this form of release is high level bioavailability. In this form, it is convenient to use paracetamol in the treatment of not only children in the first years of life. They can be used in the treatment of adults. This is most often used when the patient's mobility is impaired.

Also the medicine is available in the form:

  • Syrup containing 30 mg of active substance per 1 ml. It is sold in the form of bottles, the volume of which varies and can be 50 and 100 g. Variants of paracetamol in the form of syrup are easy to use in the treatment of children due to the sweet taste and pleasant color of the substance.
  • Suspensions that can be used in treatment infants due to the inclusion of only 24 mg per 1 ml active component.
  • Tablets 250, 300 and 500 mg. Due to high concentration active substances are not directly used in the treatment of children. IN special cases The pediatrician may prescribe ¼ tablet due to the lack of other drugs.

Instructions for use in infants

The drug is one of the few that can be used to treat a child in the first months of life. Paracetamol is prescribed to children only by a pediatrician. In the case of use for babies in the first months, and even weeks, of life, the preferred option is to choose rectal suppositories. It is justified by the minimal inclusion in the composition additional components, including flavorings. IN rectal suppositories in addition to active substance Only fat is added to give it shape. In this case, paracetamol can be prescribed to infants at a very early age.

Video Aspirin and paracetamol

An alternative form may be a suspension or syrup, but such a choice should be made only with the permission of the attending physician.

Paracetamol for children is a convenient medicine that is ready to help in case of sudden the appearance of fever or pain.

An analgesic non-narcotic drug is symptomatic remedy, which has antipyretic and analgesic effects. - suspension (instructions are below) having a characteristic pleasant smell. It is intended for oral administration by both children and adults who cannot swallow a tablet.

Composition of the drug and action

The main active ingredient is paracetamol. 100 ml of medicine contains 2.4 g of active ingredient. The drug has a strawberry flavor to make it easier for children to drink. It is produced in dark bottles or bottles to protect it from sunlight.

Excipients of Paracetamol: liquid sorbitol, purified water, sucrose, strawberry flavor, glycerol, azorubine dye, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, xanthan gum.

The medicine blocks cyclooxygenase enzymes (COX-1, COX-2) and affects thermoregulatory and pain centers. Paracetamol does not affect the gastrointestinal tract and water-salt balance in the body.

Indications for use of the drug

Paracetamol for children is easy to use. The medication is prescribed for sore throat, rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other pathologies that cause swelling of the throat and temperature. Paracetamol is prescribed for following states and diseases:

  • pain syndrome of weak and moderate intensity;
  • pain various localizations, not associated with severe inflammation;
  • at temperature;
  • migraines;
  • neuralgia;
  • algodismenorrhea;
  • arthralgia;
  • myalgia;
  • hyperthermia.

Paracetamol is a medicine whose purpose is to stop the symptoms of the disease, but not to treat the pathology itself.

Attention! The drug does not affect the dynamics of the pathological process.

At what age is it prescribed to children?

Many parents are interested in the question: “At what age can you really give the drug in the form of a suspension?” Of course this has great value. After all, without knowing the restrictions on use, a child can get poisoned.

Paracetamol suspension is approved for use in children over 3 months of age. IN in rare cases The pediatrician prescribes the drug for newborns from 1 month. But, in such a situation, the doctor himself indicates the dosage and dosage regimen. The instructions for use for children do not contain such information, since manufacturers prohibit children under a certain age from taking the medicine.

Dosage regimen for children

The oral suspension is taken in accordance with age category. The package with the medicine should contain a measuring spoon, which can be used to measure the amount of the medicine. Single dose for a child one month old baby is 2.5 ml. However, you should not give your baby more than 60 mg of the active substance. Dosage for older children:

  • 3–12 months - one-time dosage is 5 ml;
  • 1–6 years - up to 10 ml at a time;
  • 6–12 years - up to 20 ml.

It is necessary to give the child medicine every 4 hours, but not to exceed the maximum amount - 60 mg per day. How to take the drug? Paracetamol is taken before meals. After use, the suspension is washed down a large number water. Doctors do not recommend diluting the medicine in water. It can be diluted in milk if the child is very small and it is no longer possible to give him the drug.

Important! You should not take the drug more than 4 times a day.

Side effects

120 mg of suspension contains 2 g of sorbitol. Therefore, Paracetamol may have a slight laxative effect. The medicine is not suitable for all children; if you notice one of the side effects listed below, immediately stop using the medicine, remembering to report the incident to your pediatrician. Side symptoms:

  • anemia;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • epigastric pain;
  • hepatonecrosis;
  • sulfhemoglobinemia;
  • dyspnea;
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis;
  • dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • aseptic pyuria;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • skin rashes;
  • bronchospasm.

Paracetamol should not be used long time, especially for children. An overdose with disastrous consequences is possible. Giving a child a medicine whose dosage is significantly exceeded causes dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, and impaired concentration and orientation. In addition, this leads to damage to brain stem cells, a decrease in all types of cells peripheral blood, a decrease in the level of leukocytes and monocytes, a decrease in platelets (accompanied by problems with stopping bleeding).

Contraindications and restrictions in the use of the suspension

Particular caution should be used to give the suspension to a child with impaired liver function, Johnson and Rotor syndrome. The medicine contains sugar and sweeteners, so it is not recommended for patients with diabetes.

Attention! You cannot use two drugs containing the active ingredient paracetamol at the same time.

The suspension is contraindicated for use in cases of severe anemia, leukopenia, congenital hyperbilirubinemia, renal and liver failure, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Other contraindications for Paracetamol:

  • thrombocypenia;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • blood diseases;
  • rare hereditary fructose intolerance.

The drug should not be taken by individuals suffering from alcoholism or drug use.

Interaction of Paracetamol with other drugs

At the doctor's appointment, you must inform about other medications that the child is receiving. Paracetamol cannot be combined with certain types of medications. There is a risk of side effects when taken with the following types of medications:

  • anticoagulants (Heparin, Protein C, Antithrombin, Nadroparin, Reviparin) are agents that prevent the formation of blood clots in the bloodstream;
  • Isoniazid;
  • Metoclopramide;
  • Diazepam;
  • barbiturates depress the central nervous system(Seconal, Amutal, Barbital, Luminal).

The simultaneous use of Paracetamol with caffeine will increase fever and pain. Rifampicin, alcohol and Phenobarbital (treatment of epilepsy) accelerate biotransformation by inducing microsomal liver enzymes.

Cost of medicine

The children's suspension is sold in bottles of 100 and 200 ml. The price of the drug is 100 ml - 59-63 rubles, 200 ml - 101-130 rubles.

Paracetamol analogues - shelf life and storage

The children's drug Paracetamol is not suitable for all children. In this case, the doctor recommends replacing the medicine with a similar one. pharmacological effects. Analogues:

  1. Granules: Aquacitramon, Daleron S, Fastorik.
  2. Tablets: Algofetin, Antigrippin, Apap, Dolospa, Ibuklin, Strimol.
  3. Powder: Antiflu, Vicks Active symptomax, Grippostad, Theraflu.
  4. Suspension: Brustan, Panadol, Calpol.
  5. Solution: Ifimol, Perfolgan.
  6. Syrup: Coldrex, Flucoldex, Efferalgan.

The medicine should be stored out of the reach of small children. The drug is kept away from sun rays. The shelf life of Paracetamol is 3 years from the date of manufacture. After opening a bottle of medicine, it should not be stored for longer than one month. After the end of use, Paracetamol should not be taken.

Paracetamol is medicine from the anilides group, which has a significant antipyretic and analgesic effect and a less pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Widely used in the treatment of adult patients and in pediatrics (see all).

Paracetamol is the main metabolite of phenacetin, a substance previously widely used in the treatment of pain and hyperthermic syndrome, but prohibited due to dangerous side effects related to toxic influence to the kidneys and liver.

The main advantage of paracetamol is its low toxicity and low risk of methemoglobin formation. However long-term use high doses of paracetamol can lead to adverse reactions in the form of nephrotoxicity and hepatotoxicity. Paracetamol is included in the WHO list of essential drugs, as well as in the list of essential and vital necessary medications Government of the Russian Federation.

Pharmaceutical group: Anilides. Included in the NSAID group.
Pharmacotherapeutic group: antipyretics and analgesics.
International name of the drug: paracetamol.

Composition of the drug, release form, price

The drug is available in following forms: tablets, syrup, suspension for children, suppositories





Main substance

Paracetamol 500 or 200 mg

120 mg of paracetamol in five ml of syrup or 2.4 g of paracetamol per 100 ml of the drug. 120 mg of paracetamol in five ml of suspension or 2.4 g of paracetamol per 100 ml of the drug. Paracetamol 100 or 500 mg


Potato starch, calcium sterate, low molecular weight polyvinylpyrrolidone, aerosil

Propylene glycol, ethyl alcohol 96%, glycerin, sorbitol, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water, raspberry food flavoring, Ponceau 4R Methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, liquid sorbitol, xanthan gum, strawberry flavor, azorubine dye, sucrose, purified water The fat base is solid until a candle is obtained

Physico-chemical properties

White or cream-colored flat tablets with a bevel

Transparent liquid of viscous consistency, pink color having a sweet taste and smell of raspberries Viscous liquid of pinkish color with strawberry flavor White-cream suppositories


Ten tablets in a cell package, in cardboard packs No. 10, 20

50 or 100 ml in a glass or polymer bottle with a measuring spoon, in a cardboard pack

100, 200 ml of suspension in vials or bottles made of dark glass with a measuring syringe or spoon, in cardboard packs.

5 suppositories in a polyethylene cell package, 2 packages in cardboard packs
  • No. 10, 200 mg: 3 rubles;
  • No. 10, 500 mg: 4-7 rubles;
  • No. 20, 500 mg: 10-19 rub.

100 ml: 44 rub.

  • 100 ml: 59-63 rub;
  • 200 ml: 130 rub.
  • No. 10, 100 mg: 31 rubles;
  • No. 10, 500 mg: 44-48 rub.

Pharmacological action

Paracetamol blocks two forms (COX1 and COX2) of the enzyme cyclooxygenase and thereby inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins. The main effect is realized in the central nervous system, where paracetamol affects pain and thermoregulatory centers. IN peripheral tissues the effect of paracetamol on COX is neutralized by the action of cellular peroxidases, so the anti-inflammatory effect is little pronounced.

The lack of activation of prostaglandins in peripheral tissues determines the absence negative influence paracetamol on the gastrointestinal mucosa and water-salt balance. There is an assumption that paracetamol selectively blocks COX3, which is located only in the central nervous system, and does not affect COX enzymes located outside the brain, which explains such a pronounced antipyretic and analgesic effect. Therapeutic plasma concentrations of paracetamol are achieved at a drug dosage of 10–15 mg/kg.


Characterized by high absorption. The maximum effective concentration in the bloodstream of 5-20 mcg/ml is achieved within 30-120 minutes after administration. The drug penetrates the BBB into the brain.

Up to 97% of paracetamol is metabolized by the liver. About 80% of them are included in biosynthesis reactions with sulfates and glucuronic acid, resulting in the synthesis of inactive metabolites: paracetamol sulfate and glucuronide. Up to 17% of paracetamol undergoes hydroxylation reactions, leading to the formation of 8 metabolites that are active and conjugated with glutathione with the further synthesis of inactive metabolites. Lack of glutathione in the liver leads to the fact that the active metabolites of paracetamol begin to block the enzyme systems of liver cells and lead to their necrosis.

Half-life: from 1 to 4 hours. It is excreted in the form of inactive metabolites (97%) through the urinary system, about 3% of the drug is excreted in its original form.

Indications for use

Paracetamol is intended exclusively for symptomatic therapy, reducing the severity of pain and inflammatory reactions at the time of use. Does not affect the progression of the disease.

  • Fever due to infections (see);
  • Vaccination-induced hyperthermia;
  • Pain syndrome different degrees severity (moderate and weak): arthralgia, neuralgia, myalgia, migraine, etc.;
  • Toothache and headache;
  • Algodismenorrhea (see)


  • erosions and ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stomach bleeding;
  • inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases;
  • chronic alcoholism;
  • a combination of nasal and sinus polyposis, as well as bronchial asthma with intolerance to aspirin and other NSAIDs;
  • severe renal failure;
  • progressive kidney pathologies;
  • active liver disease;
  • rehabilitation period after coronary artery bypass surgery;
  • hyperkalemia;
  • hypersensitivity to paracetamol and its components;
  • children up to 1 month;
  • 3rd trimester of pregnancy.


The time interval between doses of paracetamol should be at least 4 hours. Use no more than three days as an antipyretic and no more than five days to achieve an analgesic effect.

Paracetamol tablets

Should be taken orally, after meals, with water.
Adults and adolescents weighing >60 kg: 0.5 g up to 4 times a day. Maximum single dose paracetamol can be increased to 1 g, maximum daily dose– no more than 4 g.

  • Children 6-12 years old: 0.2-0.5 g of paracetamol.
  • Children 1-5 years old: 0.12-0.25 g each.
  • Children from 3-12 months: 60-120 mg.
  • Children 1-3 months: from 10 mg/kg.

Children's paracetamol syrup

For internal reception before meals, frequency – 3-4 times a day. Shake before use.

  • Children 6 months-3 years: 60 (half a teaspoon) – 120 mg (teaspoon).
  • Children 12 months-3 years: 120 (tea boat) - 180 mg (one and a half teaspoons).
  • Children 3-6 years old: 180 (one and a half teaspoons) – 240 mg (2 teaspoons).
  • Children 6-12 years old: 240 (2 tsp) – 360 mg (3 tsp).
  • Children over 12 years old: 360 (3 tsp) – 600 mg (5 tsp).

Paracetamol suspension for children

For oral administration before meals. The suspension must be shaken before use.
A single dose is no more than 10-15 mg per kilogram of body weight, the maximum daily dose is 60 mg/kg body weight. Frequency: three to four times a day.

  • Children 1-3 months: ~ 50 mg paracetamol (2 ml suspension).
  • Children 3-12 months: 60-120 mg paracetamol (2.5-5 ml suspension).
  • Children 12 months-6 years: 120-240 mg paracetamol (5-10 ml suspension).
  • Children 6-14 years old: 240-480 mg (10-20 ml suspension).

Candles (suppositories)

For rectal administration. Frequency: two to four times a day.
Average single dose: 10-12 mg/kg of paracetamol, maximum daily dose up to 60 mg/kg.

  • Children 6-12 months: 0.5-1 suppository (50-100 mg paracetamol).
  • Children 12 months-3 years: 1-1.5 suppositories (100-150 mg).
  • Children 3-5 years old: 1.5-2 suppositories (150-200 mg).
  • Children 5-10 years old: 2.5-3.5 suppositories (250-350 mg).
  • Children 10-12 years old: 3.5-5 suppositories (350-500 mg).

Side effect

  • Digestive system: dyspeptic phenomena in rare cases. Long-term therapy V high doses leads to hepatotoxic effects.
  • Hematopoietic system. Rarely develop: leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, neutropenia, agranulocytosis.
  • Hypersensitivity reactions: rarely develop skin rash, itching, urticaria.

Drug interactions

Groups of drugs and some drugs

Possible effects

Inducers of microsomal liver enzymes, agents with hepatotoxic effects Increased hepatotoxic effect of paracetamol
Anticholinergics Reduced absorption of paracetamol
Oral contraceptives Accelerating the elimination of paracetamol, reducing its analgesic effect
Uricosuric drugs Reduced effectiveness of this group
Sorbents Reduced bioavailability of paracetamol
Diazepam Decreased excretion of diazepam
Zidovudine Strengthening the myelosuppressive effect of this drug
Isoniazid Increased toxic effect of paracetamol
Phenytoin, Carbamazepine, Phenobarbital, Primidone Reduced effectiveness of paracetamol
Lamotrigine Acceleration of elimination of this drug from the body
Metoclopramide Increased absorption of paracetamol
Probenecid Decreased clearance of paracetamol
Rifampicin, Sulfinpyrazone Increased clearance of paracetamol
Ethinyl estradiol Acceleration of paracetamol absorption

Special instructions

Caution should be used in the treatment of patients with benign hyperbilirubinemia, disorders of the liver and kidneys and the elderly. Long-term treatment with paracetamol should be carried out under the control of the peripheral blood picture and liver condition. Upon appointment children's paracetamol the instructions must be strictly followed - the recommended duration of treatment must not be exceeded!


Toxic doses of paracetamol, which can lead to liver necrosis, are 10–15 g.



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