Zinc ointment for acne - application, reviews and results. Why zinc ointment is an effective treatment for acne Zinc ointment for inflamed acne

Acne spoils the appearance, appearing on the face at the most inopportune moment. Often the rashes cover other parts of the body, causing a lot of discomfort. A simple and affordable remedy - zinc ointment will help you quickly and painlessly get rid of acne.

Composition, properties and principle of action

The drug is a mixture of petroleum jelly and zinc oxide. Zinc compounds have a pronounced bactericidal effect, and the fat base protects the skin from excessive drying.

Zinc ointment is useful because it has a whole range of properties:

  • kills bacteria that cause purulent acne;
  • localizes inflammation and prevents infection from spreading to other areas;
  • softens the skin, relieves inflammation and redness;
  • eliminates itching;
  • reduces skin oiliness;
  • promotes active regeneration of epidermal cells, heals wounds.

A big advantage of the product is the absence of scars after treatment. When applied, Vaseline with zinc forms a protective layer that blocks the effects of negative factors.

What does zinc ointment help with?

Zinc ointment and other products based on this mineral are recommended by dermatologists for the treatment of various ailments. Most often it is used for the following skin problems:

  • acne;
  • acne;
  • psoriasis;
  • herpes;
  • diaper dermatitis in babies.

The drug is effective for improving the health of the skin, ridding the epidermis of traces of inflammation, various scars, as well as acne spots. Zinc ointment can be used not only for the face, but also against pustules on the back, décolleté, and butt. The drug is equally effective for women and men.

The composition, despite its high fat content, does not close pores and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, therefore it reliably protects against acne on the face. In addition to cleansing the skin of rashes, the ointment helps eliminate fine wrinkles and lightens age spots. Numerous positive reviews confirm this.

The product has proven itself well in healing the skin after burns, scratches, and wounds, since zinc activates cell regeneration processes. In addition, creams and pastes based on zinc oxide are used to treat hemorrhoids and prostatitis.

Contraindications and possible side effects

The drug has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components of the drug. This is evidenced by the official instructions.

The best thing to do is to do an allergy test first. To do this, a small amount of ointment needs to be distributed along the elbow. If after 20-30 minutes the skin is not red and there is no irritation, the medicine can be used.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

When used externally, the active substances do not enter the general bloodstream. This remedy is even prescribed to infants, so it can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. But it would be a good idea to consult your doctor first.

How to use zinc ointment for acne

It is necessary to follow simple rules so that the use of the ointment is beneficial without any side effects:

  1. Do not use multiple anti-acne products at the same time.
  2. Apply the composition only to previously cleansed and dried skin. Hands should also be clean.
  3. It is allowed to apply the medicinal composition on damaged areas no more than 6 times a day.
  4. The product should not come into contact with the eyes.
  5. It should not be used as a substitute for makeup cream.

The fatty substance is poorly absorbed, so after 30 minutes its remnants should be removed with a paper napkin. If it is not possible to use it several times a day, then you need to apply it daily at night. You cannot sunbathe during such procedures.

Ointment or paste?

In addition to the ointment, pharmacists have developed zinc paste. These products differ in the concentration of the main active ingredient – ​​zinc oxide. It is 10% in ointment, 25% in paste. At the same time, the paste also contains starch, so it has a more pronounced drying effect. For adults, ointment or paste is suitable, depending on the complexity of dermatological problems; for children, only ointment is recommended.

In addition to these two varieties, there is also salicylic-zinc ointment. In it, the effect of zinc oxide is enhanced by the presence of salicylic acid. The product is effective, but it should not be used on children under 12 years of age.

Instructions for use

The medicinal composition is used only externally.

  1. Wash the affected areas with soap and dry with a towel or paper napkin.
  2. Apply the ointment in a thin layer (in a strip or spotwise).
  3. When treating burns or deep wounds, a bandage must be applied.

To prevent childhood dermatitis, apply the product to areas of the baby’s skin that come into contact with wet underwear.

Dosage and duration of treatment

The course of application is up to 30 days. You can apply zinc ointment to your face 4 to 6 times a day, but not more often. The same applies to other problem areas.

To prevent dermatitis, children apply the product once at night, when treating it - 3 times a day.

How to achieve maximum effect?

A single pimple can be eliminated by external influence. To treat it, ointment is enough. Its use must be regular, only in this case can you count on results.

If the rashes on the skin are abundant, cover large areas of the skin, and bother you again and again, it is necessary to connect internal mechanisms. To improve your skin condition and get rid of subcutaneous acne, you should:

  1. Take a course of vitamin preparations or complex products containing zinc.
  2. Adjust your diet, eliminate sweet, smoked and spicy foods from your diet, and include more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. Increase the dose of foods that contain zinc: legumes and beans, all types of nuts, as well as eggs, beef liver.

Another cause of a rash can be inappropriate cosmetics.

It is important to pay special attention to cleansing the skin after makeup. A good result is obtained by using decoctions of medicinal plants, especially chamomile, for washing. Its flowers have antimicrobial properties.


Zinc ointment is a very affordable product. Packaging the drug will cost from 20 to 50 rubles, depending on the manufacturer. This is not the only medicine that contains zinc oxide. There are many similar preparations for external use, but the price of most is frankly steep. For example, the popular Sudocrem costs about 300 rubles for 60 g. You will also have to spend 300 rubles on a tube of Desitin baby cream for diaper rash. There are also sky-high prices: Skin-cap cream based on zinc pyrithione costs 2,500 rubles.

Among the more affordable ones, there is Tsindol in the form of a suspension, it costs about 60 rubles, as well as Diaderm from 70 rubles.

Hence the conclusion - there is no cheap analogue of zinc ointment.

Reviews: before and after photos

Elena, 24 years old

With rashes on the face like mine, it is very difficult to get a job, because they greet you by the face. I read reviews on the Internet and bought zinc ointment. The product is soft, does not dry out the skin, and does not cause any painful sensations. After two weeks of regular use, my face cleared up and I became more confident.

Maxim, 19 years old

I'm a student and I can't afford expensive acne treatments. A friend advised me to try zinc ointment. After just a week of regular use, acne has practically disappeared. Now I always have a jar of it in my medicine cabinet. It also helps with small cuts.

Olga, 42 years old

I have always had freckles, but with age I added pigment spots. Yes, and wrinkles under the eyes are noticeable. Regular creams help little. But the zinc ointment simply amazed me: a cheap product, but what an excellent result. Just a month of use and my friends won’t recognize me, I’ve become so prettier.

Effective remedies do not have to be expensive. Zinc ointment, tested for more than one generation, will save the skin from acne, and babies from dermatitis. A soft and painless effect will allow you to forget about acne.

Zinc ointment is a time-tested acne remedy. It fights inflammation and moisturizes. Zinc actively used in the treatment of acne.

This component is included in many cosmetic products. However, the ointment is considered the most effective and at the same time an affordable option.

Read about the use of tar soap for acne on the face in ours.

Remedy from the pharmacy

Zinc ointment is sold in almost every pharmacy.

Costs around 10-15 rubles. As a rule, the product is sold in small dark glass jars or tubes.

It is quite rare to find in online cosmetic stores.

Pharmacy ointment is widely used to treat acne. There are many ways to use it. The product inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, disinfects and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Suitable for permanent use.

What substances does it contain?

The ointment also contains zinc oxide in a ratio of 10:1. Vaseline moisturizes, restores and regenerates the skin.

Zinc has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and drying effects.

Can also be added to enhance the effect additional components:

  • lanolin– moisturizes, nourishes, stimulates metabolic processes;
  • – saturates the skin with vitamins and acids;
  • dimethicone– softens, moisturizes, protects, relieves irritation, eliminates oily shine.

The ointment is thick in consistency and has a white or yellowish tint. They do not smell of anything and, in addition, neutralizes unpleasant odors.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Does it help?

Zinc ointment shows good results in the fight against acne.

The skin becomes much clearer after just a few uses. Main advantages of the product:

  • helps cope with acne;
  • moisturizes the skin;
  • removes peeling;
  • disinfects;
  • inhibits bacterial growth;
  • regenerates;
  • relieves inflammation and irritation;
  • dries out rashes;
  • reduces pain;
  • relieves swelling;
  • increases skin elasticity.

The ointment can be used on an ongoing basis. However, she not suitable for daily use. Also, it should not be applied all over the face unless there is severe dryness, flaking and tightness. There are alternative uses.

How to properly use ichthyol ointment to get rid of acne? find out right now.

Instructions for use

How to use zinc ointment against acne? Most often used as a spot treatment. The ointment is applied with a cotton swab to each pimple 2-3 times a day.

The course lasts from 3 to 7 days depending on the type and number of rashes. Small rashes are treated first.

Also, you should not start with opened pimples, otherwise you can spread the infection throughout your face.

Apply a continuous layer to heavily affected areas. After an hour, blot the skin with a napkin and apply the product pointwise.


How to use for masks? As a rule, masks made from zinc ointment are used 1-2 times a week. The course lasts 1-1.5 months:

For severe and numerous inflammations, you can use masks up to 3-4 times a week.


How else can you use zinc ointment for acne? Used to treat numerous and deep acne. Compresses are effective against post-acne and age spots. Helps smooth out and reduce the appearance of scars.

Apply compresses in the evening or before bedtime. Apply ointment to gauze or cotton pad.

Press firmly onto the skin and secure with adhesive tape. Leave it on all night.

After just one use The pimple and redness will decrease.

The pain will no longer bother you when you touch the inflamed area.

Contraindications and precautions

Zinc ointment is a safe and hypoallergenic product. The only contraindication– individual intolerance. Before first use, perform a sensitivity test.

Apply the ointment to your hand and leave for 15-20 minutes. Monitor your skin's reaction to the product. Discontinue use if irritation or allergic reaction occurs.

Also, do not overuse zinc ointment. If used too often in its pure form, it can clog pores and cause the formation of pimples and closed comedones.

Therefore you need to follow the instructions. Apply spot-on or as a mask and keep for no longer than the prescribed time.

Zinc ointment significantly improves the condition of problematic skin. They reduce inflammation, relieve redness, swelling, and pain. If used correctly, it will not harm the skin.

How to use zinc ointment to treat acne in this video:

There are many medications designed to solve various diseases. One such remedy is zinc ointment. The drug has unique properties, has a positive effect on the affected areas of the skin, bringing benefits. Instructions for use can allow you to carefully study the properties of the drug and have a good understanding of the effects on the skin.

How does zinc ointment work?

The zinc ointment instructions for use will help people understand the action of the product and methods of use.

It has useful properties:

  • disinfection;
  • protection from damage;
  • improves skin condition;
  • eliminates irritation;
  • removes swelling;
  • heals wounds.

The skin should remain clean and free from inflammatory processes. The manifestation of the rash must be carefully processed. Pimples should be washed out. You should not touch your face with dirty hands. Infestation may spread to further areas. It is worth using disinfectants that help eliminate bacteria and germs from the affected area. The ointment has this property, combining preventive and therapeutic effects, helping to eliminate the problem. This property is important when eliminating formations on the face.

When applied, complete protection from environmental factors is guaranteed. Particularly protection is required from ultraviolet rays. They have a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, disrupting the production of necessary enzymes. The ointment is safe to use in the summer. The sun will not be able to cause harm or increase the degree of irritation. You can safely use everything seasonally. Protective property to ensure safe recovery without side effects.

The vitamins and nutrients included in the composition penetrate deep into the skin and help saturate the body with vitamins. Application improves the metabolic process of the skin. Active sebum production decreases. The risk of rashes is significantly reduced. Use at night gives effective results. The medicine is deeply absorbed, making the epidermis better, softer, more tender.

Irritation on the face after a profuse, prolonged rash can be eliminated with the help of zinc ointment. Redness after acne quickly disappears without leaving a trace. Should be used within two weeks. The result will be noticeable. After all, squeezing leaves marks that develop into scars and red spots. The formations are easily removed using ointment.

An empty wound filled with water after not carefully eliminating a pimple on your own adds additional swelling. Redness occurs and elevation appears. The bulge can be removed by applying a rash remover. Possessing universal properties, it makes us think about the consequences of eliminating education on our own. Swelling is not an indicator of beauty. If removed correctly, there are no consequences. It is worth remembering the rules for removing an inflammatory rash. You need to stick to it.

Used in wound healing. You can treat burns, open wounds from acne, scratches. It has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory nature. The wound should be treated by applying a small amount to the affected area. It should be applied in a thin layer. May cause a burning sensation. It is convenient to treat wounds after eliminating acne. Immediate use relieves inflammation and heals wounds. There is no need to worry about the consequences of the rash. The consequences will be eliminated by the drug.

For what diseases should it be used?

Instructions for use allow you to find out the reason for using the drug. Do not use without reading the instructions. You could be wrong. Taking the wrong medicine. Carefully read the properties, application, contraindications. Main indicators. You should read it carefully. Forethought and concern for health safety will help in eliminating various types of diseases.

In fifty percent of cases, the ointment is used to treat acne. Unpleasant inflammatory processes bring a lot of discomfort and dissatisfaction. People who have profuse rashes have complexes. Self-removal is not the best option for getting rid of the disease. The epidermis can be damaged, leaving scars. Touching with dirty hands can cause additional infection, delaying recovery. Do not touch affected skin with unwashed hands. A profuse rash cannot be eliminated on its own. Isolated cases provide an opportunity to remove a pimple. Large rashes require medication and an additional course of vitamins.

Used for dermatitis. The existing circle of inflammation of the skin foreshadows the appearance of wet spots after a brown crust, eliminating blisters. In order to avoid itching and burning, you need to smear the affected area with an antibacterial agent. Should be applied every two hours. You need to show willpower. The ointment partially eliminates the desire to scratch the wound. The main thing is endurance. After passing the test when using the product, you can achieve the desired effect. The drug is compatible with anti-dermatitis products.

Can be used to treat psoriasis. The disease is incurable. It occurs once and remains for life. Appears on the elbows and knees. The progressive disease spreads to large areas of the body. Are being formed. With the help of the drug you can eliminate redness and prevent peeling. Using this remedy will reduce the symptoms of the disease and make life much easier. Full recovery is not guaranteed. Use is required for exacerbation of psoriasis. The remaining amount of time does not require additional troubleshooting. It will not cause pain. It will bring relief.

Helps against acne that occurs in a small child. Should be used to eliminate prickly heat. This disease occurs when the baby sweats profusely. Sweat contains toxins that need to be eliminated. Frequent secretion of sweat enzyme provides moisture. The child sweats when exposed to constant humidity. Epidermal irritation occurs. The body begins to itch. The baby becomes restless and nervous. You need to let the body breathe more often, while simultaneously using zinc ointment. Does not harm the small organism. Eliminates unpleasant symptoms, making life calmer. The natural composition allows you to start using it after four months.


Using the product will not cause much difficulty. The main thing is to follow the instructions for use. It is necessary to prepare the skin for applying the drug. It is worth washing the affected area with hypoallergenic soap and wiping dry with a towel. You can use a warm bath with chamomile infusion. You need to pour boiling water over three tablespoons of chamomile. Add the resulting infusion to a bowl of warm water for twenty minutes. The liquid should not be hot. A temperature jump is created, which negatively affects the condition of the dermis. A warm bath should last at least fifteen minutes. After use, dry your face thoroughly. It is necessary to remove water using blotting movements. No need to rub. You can provoke new rashes.

After the procedure, you should apply the drug in a thin layer. The affected area should not be heavily coated with ointment. A thin layer is enough for an effective effect. The product can be used four times a day. The last use should be at night.

The product is not compatible with cosmetics. When treating, you should forget about foundation and powder.

When treating acne, the application is different. Should be applied to acne areas. There is no need to completely cover your face. Application to healthy skin is not permissible.

Use for pregnant women

Pregnancy is stressful for the female body. For nine months, the expectant mother experiences many sensations. Hormonal changes radically change taste preferences and make adjustments to health.

A hormonal surge can cause skin irritations. The rash can be almost invisible and cause no discomfort. The individuality of the body plays a big role. Inflammation can be severe. To eliminate it, you should consult a doctor. Taking pills is prohibited. Pregnant women should not take medications. It is worth using ointments.

Zinc ointment consists of natural ingredients. There is no risk of an allergic reaction. There is no risk of use for pregnant women.

Efficiency of use

Numerous reviews prove the effectiveness of the product. Among the people commenting, there are women who used the drug while pregnant. The child grows up healthy and cheerful. One can only envy. Elimination of the above diseases is very successful and productive. You can safely use it. The natural composition gives a plus to the use of the product. A small number of chemical elements have a positive effect on the epidermis.

Hi all! I continue to review acne products, in particular very effective ones. But today I want to talk about relatively average In terms of effectiveness, the medicine is zinc ointment.

I am sure many can say that this remedy has helped them, and is still helping them. But I can say from my own experience that it’s not so simple. Zinc ointment is not the most effective remedy for acne on the face; this happens for a number of reasons, including depending on the stage of the disease.

So how to help ointment maybe not for everyone, therefore, so that you don’t waste time on experiments, I would like to analyze in detail all the points related to zinc and share my observations on this matter.


The composition is very simple, the base includes: Vaseline and zinc oxide. Zinc itself is very drying, but due to the moisturizing and softening properties of Vaseline, there is no need to worry about dryness.

Available in the form of a tube of 25-30 grams. The price is about 50 rubles.


The main properties for which zinc is highly valued in the treatment of acne:

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antiseptic.
  3. Reduces sebum production by drying.
  4. Accelerates skin regeneration (the healing effect is especially noticeable if used in conjunction with other drugs).

zinc ointment for acne use

Apply anti-acne ointment twice a day to the affected areas, preferably in the morning and evening. I tried to apply it more times, but in my opinion it won’t make the acne go away faster, so I stopped at 1-2 times a day. I also heard the opinion that too frequent use can lead to the adaptation of bacteria to zinc, thereby the bacteria will not die, this is a clear example of evolution :)

Let me say first that zinc does not work on all acne; there is no point in applying ointment to severe purulent rashes; this is discussed in detail in my review.

I want to note, The ointment is used not only for acne. The range of applications for skin is quite extensive.

  1. cuts.
  2. eczema.
  3. calluses.
  4. psoriasis.
  5. freckle whitening.
  6. wrinkles.

Since it does not contain anything unnecessary, then you can use pregnant women and small children. Not every ointment can boast of the absence of such contraindications.

zinc ointment for acne reviews

My review.

Zinc ointment treats small pimples well. Especially when there are few pimples on your face, you don’t really “bother” about it, you apply it and everything goes away quickly and painlessly.

Even small spots that usually remain also disappear very quickly. Treatment of stains is due to the fact that the composition includes petroleum jelly.

Effect for me at first I liked it. I wasn’t very overzealous in applying it, I applied it 1-2 times a day and everything went away literally before my eyes. But this is for small pimples!

When subcutaneous acne began to appear on the face and quantity everything was becoming more and more, then this ointment did not give the desired result. It must be admitted inflammation decreased, acne became smaller, but this process took a long time. And when there are a lot of pimples on the face, there is simply no time to wait, so I chose other, more effective medicines.

In case of severe acne, zinc ointment is not a help. Unfortunately, the fact is that the active substance [zinc oxide] not enough to destroy large quantities bacteria. And since subcutaneous acne is located deep under the skin, zinc cannot penetrate so deeply, and zinc oxide pulls out the pimple can not.

A natural question that arises in every person is what to do in this case? And you need to treat progressively, based on the causes of acne.

If few acne, then use the ointment for your health, but when acne begins to cover your lovely faces, then there is a reason to think about the state of the body and choose more effective drugs.

The main causes of acne

There are only four reasons:

  1. Increased production of testosterone occurs during puberty.
  2. Testosterone provokes increased production of sebum.
  3. Excess sebum in a place with keratinized skin particles clogs the pores.
  4. Bacteria accumulate under the pores, these bacteria multiply and so-called acne (pimples) appear.

I described the reasons as briefly as possible; for more details, read the above article.

Zinc affects bacteria and sebum production. It kills bacteria, and due to the drying effect, there is much less fat. But, I repeat, for severe inflammation of acne, zinc ointment ineffective.

To get rid of inflamed acne, you need an effective antibacterial agent, and the most effective one is based on an antibiotic. Applying medications to face, we will remove external factors, but in order to finally get rid of acne, it is necessary to solve the problem with the body as a whole.

In my opinion, the best, and at the same time not expensive, remedy is (read this link for more details). Due to content antibiotic and salicylic acid, the drug will kill bacteria, thereby acne will go away much faster.

I'll tell you from my own experience, By applying antibiotic-based products to your face, acne goes away very quickly! In just a week, the inflammation disappears. But there are subtleties here, I talked about all these points in reviews of these drugs.

You can also use the well-known sinerite. This drug also contains zinc. But there, zinc is not the main component, but only complements erythromycin. Due to this combination of efforts, zinerite effectively fights acne on your face. I described all its pros and cons in.

If there are a lot of deep purulent pimples on your face, then I recommend for quick relief.

Other reviews:

Well, as usual, a few words about nutrition.

Having gotten rid of acne locally, you need to put the body’s functioning in order. And nutrition is one of the main factors influencing skin health.


Zinc ointment will help get rid of from on the skin. Since zinc oxide has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. But remember! The product is not effective against severe, purulent rashes. You will only waste time, and timeliness is very important in treating acne!

Conclusion It’s simple here: if the acne is not purulent, then use it for your health, the result will be. But for severe rashes, it is better to use stronger agents; I mentioned such drugs in the article.

Attention! The information on the site cannot be used as a basis for making a diagnosis or starting self-medication! No website can replace a visit to a doctor. Do not self-medicate based on information on the Internet, it is dangerous!

Zinc ointment for acne is used if other remedies do not help.

This remedy was known many years ago, but was undeservedly forgotten. The drug was used to treat eczema, dermatitis, diaper rash and even cuts.

This is exactly the case when a very cheap product helps get rid of rashes, acne, and spots better than expensive medications.

The main component in the product, which is responsible for the treatment of acne and pimples, is zinc. This microelement renews epidermal cells and maintains its health.

Zinc is also essential for the entire body. With its help, metabolism and enzymes are activated. This process is important, since enzyme reactions control any processes occurring in the body every second.

Enzymes are found in every cell of the human body. Among the enzymes whose metabolism is responsible for zinc, we can note those responsible for smell and vision.

The trace element is often included in anti-acne medications.

Among the important characteristics of the composition it is worth noting the following:

  • the product has antibacterial properties;
  • zinc has an effect on the sebaceous glands, pores are not clogged, sebum is produced in a normal volume;
  • the drug helps dry out acne and wounds;
  • the product has regenerative properties. After treating the wound, acne and ulcers heal much faster. After healing, clean skin remains. No scars, cicatrices, or spots are formed;
  • after treating the rash with ointment, the elasticity of the epidermis improves, since the product contains petroleum jelly;
  • the inflammatory processes that occur on the skin gradually decrease, and after a while completely subside.

Salicylic-zinc ointment helps against acne, acne, blemishes, and is safe for patients. It can be used to remove rashes even for nursing mothers and pregnant women.

Doctors often prescribe this remedy to relieve dermatitis or eczema from cuts and burns.

The composition instructions have some contraindications.

If the patient is sensitive to any components of the ointment, it is recommended to choose another treatment.

To find out about the presence or absence of an allergy to the components of the anti-acne drug, you need to smear the body in the elbow area.

After 20 - 25 minutes, the treated area must be examined for the presence of an allergic rash: if the skin is clean, then the product can be applied to the epidermis.

Allergy to ointment occurs extremely rarely in patients. For this reason, doctors often recommend its use.

How to apply the ointment?

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to prepare the skin for the procedure. Hands must be disinfected with any means - soap, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol-containing liquids.

In this case, infection or bacteria are excluded.

The next stage is cleansing the epidermis. Any manipulations on the skin should be carried out only after it is completely cleansed. Makeup should be removed, the epithelium should be cleaned of dust and dirt.

To cleanse, you need to choose a product suitable for a specific skin type.

Salicylic-zinc ointment is applied to places where there are accumulations of subcutaneous inflammation and spots. The layer when applied should be very thin.

If only a few pimples appear on the skin, then they need to be treated point by point - for this you can use a match. It is recommended to apply the product several times a day.

It is worth remembering that the ointment is not absorbed. After pimples, wounds or cuts are treated with it, you need to lightly blot the epidermis with a napkin - this way the ointment will not cause a feeling of discomfort during treatment. The instructions contain details on application to the skin.

During the course of treatment, you should not use cosmetics or apply makeup to your face. The pores must always be open for the composition to work most effectively.

Not all patients can refuse cosmetics due to professional activities. In this case, salicylic-zinc ointment can be used on weekends.

The treatment will also work, but it will need to wait a little longer. If the patient can do without cosmetics, then the acne should be smeared with the product every day.

When treating rashes and blemishes with anti-acne ointment, you should try to protect the mucous membranes. If the drug gets into your eyes, be sure to rinse them with clean water.

Reviews from patients indicate that treating acne with ointment will be effective if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

How to apply ointment correctly?

For treatment to be effective, the ointment should be applied correctly:

  • Salicylic-zinc ointment is applied only to skin that has been previously cleansed of cosmetics and dirt. Cream or toner should also not be applied to the face before the procedure;
  • the components of the product may react with cosmetic properties, so you should not use the ointment as a base for makeup;
  • Do not smear acne frequently, the maximum amount of application of the drug is 5-6 times;
  • anti-acne ointment does not dry out the skin, so it can be applied not only directly to the pimple, but also in a thin layer on the epidermis.

If the procedure is carried out correctly, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, pores are cleaned, and inflammatory processes are reduced.

  1. zinc ointment for acne only helps if you use it every day;
  2. you need not only to use a remedy against acne, but also to eat right and take vitamin supplements;
  3. During treatment with zinc ointment, it is not recommended to use other remedies against acne, blackheads and blemishes. Otherwise, the reaction may be unpredictable.

Some patients do not experience a positive effect from the use of salicylic-zinc ointment.

It is worth carefully monitoring the condition of the epidermis. If after a week the rash has not gone away, then you need to visit a doctor who will prescribe a new anti-acne remedy.

Zinc ointment is an effective remedy for rashes

Acne on the face is an unpleasant phenomenon that every person has experienced at least once. Salicylic-zinc ointment is an inexpensive but quite effective remedy against rashes.

But it is not enough to apply a medicinal product to your face. It is imperative to take other measures to eliminate acne and to generally strengthen the entire body.

The doctor will definitely give the patient a referral for tests to find out why the inflammatory process on the skin began.

Diet is very important when treating acne with zinc ointment. Experts recommend not to eat foods that reduce the effect of the medication.

These include products that contain a high content of copper and soy protein. Green vegetables, eggs, beans, and nuts can be included in the menu, because they contain a large amount of zinc, which is very beneficial for the body.

For the ointment to have an effective effect on the rash, you need to regularly apply it to the pimples.

After treatment, clear skin will remain for a long time.

It is worth remembering that acne will not go away if the internal causes that caused its appearance have not been eliminated.



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