Sensitive gums what to do. Very sensitive teeth and gums: what causes the problem and how to relieve the high sensitivity of the enamel of the front teeth? Treatment and prevention

When a hot cup of tea or ice cream on a hot summer day causes you not pleasure, but pain and discomfort, it means that you are familiar firsthand with such an unpleasant phenomenon as increased sensitivity of teeth. You will learn everything about why a pain reaction occurs, as well as possible methods of treating this disease, from this article.

Symptoms of hypersensitivity of teeth and gums

In dentistry, this disease is called hyperesthesia, and, according to medical data, women are more likely to suffer from dental hypersensitivity. Pregnancy and childbirth, emotional and mental stress negatively affect oral health. The risk of hyperesthesia increases with age; after 30 years, its symptoms may begin to appear regularly. The first and main sign is the presence of a pain reaction to the following stimuli:

  • cold or hot liquid;
  • solid food;
  • sour or too salty liquids and foods;
  • very cold air.

The severity of pain directly depends on the condition of the tooth enamel and can vary from barely noticeable, unpleasant sensations to sharp, very severe pain. If the sensitivity of tooth enamel has increased and it is too thin, then upon contact with any irritants, the pain increases.

This clinical picture is caused by severe damage to tooth enamel, and is a sign of an advanced stage of the disease. Treatment of dental hyperesthesia in this case will be quite complex and lengthy. When the first, even mild, symptoms of increased tooth sensitivity appear, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible.


In fact, there are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of hyperesthesia, and if you learn about them in a timely manner, the disease can either be prevented or eliminated at the initial stage. First, it’s worth understanding the structure of the tooth in order to understand how the sensitivity of not only the teeth, but also the gums increases. Each tooth is covered with enamel, which protects it throughout life. Under the enamel there is dentin, and it is the impact on dentin through damaged or thinned enamel that causes pain.

Dentists include the following factors as prerequisites for the occurrence of increased sensitivity of teeth:

  • caries;
  • some periodontal diseases;
  • improper oral care;
  • errors in the dentist's robot;
  • general diseases of the body.


Most often, dental hyperesthesia appears due to the presence of caries. This is especially true when it is localized in close proximity to the gums. Tooth enamel begins to lose minerals as the affected tooth becomes sensitive to the acidic environment. Caries must be treated in a timely manner in order to relieve not only the unpleasant symptoms of hyperesthesia, but also to avoid partial tooth destruction or loss.

Periodontal diseases

Damage to periodontal tissue can lead to receding gums. Also, gum recession can be caused by physiological characteristics - a short frenulum of the lips or tongue. This leads to the fact that the unprotected neck of the tooth, and then the root, is gradually exposed, and the tooth’s susceptibility to irritants increases. In these cases, the appearance of hyperesthesia is inevitable, and it is impossible to fight it without eliminating the underlying problem.

Dentist mistakes

The lack of professionalism of the dentist often causes increased sensitivity of the hard tissues of the teeth. Improper filling and treatment of caries leads to damage to the integrity of the enamel, and a poorly installed crown can cause receding gums. Also, the cause of tooth sensitivity can be the whitening procedure carried out in violation of the technology or due to low-quality materials. In this case, the consequence will be an even greater thinning of the sensitive enamel. Also, tooth sensitivity can be caused by improperly performed professional cleaning, for example, removal of tartar, when the part of the tooth adjacent to the gum is excessively polished or damaged by a dental instrument.

Systemic diseases

Also, this unpleasant illness can be caused by various malfunctions in the body: hormonal disorders, diseases of the digestive system, depression, female age-related changes (menopause). For example, with metabolic disorders, the acidity of gastric juice increases, which often causes heartburn. At this moment, bile is released from the stomach and enters the oral cavity, and the acidic environment is known to have a destructive effect on tooth enamel.

Improper care of teeth and gums

Hard toothbrushes, improper use of dental floss, constant use of aggressive toothpastes and whitening gels - all this can also lead to increased sensitivity. It is also not advisable to use home remedies for yellowing, such as baking soda, as they can destroy tooth enamel. Improper care can also lead to mechanical damage to the enamel, and cracks and chips almost always increase tooth sensitivity.

Types of hyperesthesia

Hyperesthesia is classified according to the following main criteria:

  1. by origin;
  2. by area of ​​distribution;
  3. according to severity.

Depending on the origin, there are two types of increased sensitivity: when it intensifies due to partial damage to the enamel, and regardless of the integrity of the coating. The first case includes:

  • pathological abrasion of enamel;
  • carious cavities;
  • erosion of hard tissues;
  • preparation of teeth when installing crowns.

The second case includes the following factors:

According to the area of ​​distribution, hyperesthesia can be limited (localized on one tooth) and generalized (when several teeth hurt at the same time). According to severity, hypersensitivity is divided into 3 stages:

  • Stage 1 – reaction only to temperature stimuli;
  • Stage 2 – a painful reaction to salty or sour foods is added;
  • Stage 3 – irritation of hard tissues manifests itself even from touching with the tongue or toothbrush.

Methods of treatment and prevention

Of course, any disease is best treated by a specialist who will tell you how to relieve tooth sensitivity and prescribe the necessary procedures. Home remedies can also help in the fight against dental hyperesthesia. The ideal option would be an integrated approach, when two types of treatment are combined, as well as regular prevention.

Treating tooth sensitivity with medications

Professional treatment for dental hyperesthesia is as follows:

How to reduce hypersensitivity with dental care products?

Along with professional help, dentists recommend using special gels and pastes with a high content of fluoride and calcium. It is also necessary to rinse your mouth after eating with special rinses for sensitive teeth and gums, which should include plant extracts, sodium fluoride and potassium nitride, antiseptics (more details in the article: what are the types of mouth rinses for sensitive teeth?). Such rinses restore damaged enamel and lead to a decrease in hypersensitivity of the gums and teeth, and also help get rid of pathogens that cause inflammation of the root soft tissues.

How to deal with high sensitivity of teeth using folk remedies?

If there is a painful reaction of the enamel to cold and hot, or, as people say, the teeth are stuck, then in order to reduce the pain and cure it, people often resort to traditional medicine recipes. Your dentist should tell you how to relieve tooth sensitivity using medications. Folk remedies in the fight against hyperesthesia can also be very effective, but only as an addition to doctor’s prescriptions.

Name of the productCooking methodApplication
Oak bark decoctionSteam 1 tablespoon of pharmaceutical oak bark with boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes in a water bath. Then the broth must be cooled and strained.The decoction should be used to rinse 3 times a day for two weeks.
Tea tree oilA solution of boiled water (1 glass) and a couple of drops of oil will reduce pain.For a therapeutic effect, the oil solution must be used as a rinse at least 4 times a day.
Infusion of chamomile and burdockBrew a mixture of herbs (1 tablespoon of each type) with boiling water and let it brew for about half an hour. Then the infusion must be filtered through a fine sieve or gauze rolled up in several layers.Use the infusion as a rinse in the morning and evening for up to 10 days.


Taking care of your dental health means not only regular visits to a specialist, but also mandatory preventive care. To minimize the risk of hyperesthesia, it is necessary to follow a simple set of preventive measures for oral care. These include eating, brushing your teeth properly, and visiting your dentist.

Proper brushing of teeth

When brushing your teeth, it is unacceptable to apply strong pressure and use brushes with very hard bristles, so as not to injure the root zone. The movements should go from the base of the front incisors to the apex, and the molars should be cleaned in a circular motion. Also, do not neglect dental floss, since the brush is not able to clean the interdental space.


Diet has a significant impact on oral health. The diet must include foods containing calcium: cheeses, milk and cottage cheese. Also, after drinking juices with dyes or high acidity, in order to reduce their aggressive effects, the oral cavity must be rinsed. It is not recommended to consume foods with different temperatures at the same time, since their sharp change irritates the enamel and causes hypersensitivity.

Rules for visiting the dentist

Regular visits to the dentist's office will relieve many oral problems. Timely detection of caries, various periodontal diseases, and the initial stage of hyperesthesia will prevent advanced stages of the disease, when pain becomes unbearable, and relief from symptoms and full recovery will not occur soon.

Increased sensitivity of gums and teeth is a fairly common and extremely unpleasant problem. Statistics show that about 40% of people experience this phenomenon. This condition of teeth and gums causes severe discomfort and pain.

A person cannot freely eat hot or cold food, it is impossible to fully brush his teeth, and even a simple breath of cold air can cause extremely unpleasant sensations. What to do in such a situation and how to cope with this pathology?

The main reason for the development of diseases of teeth and gums is improper care and neglect of oral health. If oral hygiene is performed irregularly, not thoroughly, or using products of insufficient quality, this will provoke the growth of pathogenic microorganisms.

Their activity gradually turns the soft plaque on the teeth into yellow-brown stone. Tartar affects the gums, they weaken and become inflamed, and various diseases of the teeth and gums begin to gradually develop (read more).

Important: Hormonal changes in the body accelerate the development of pathogenic microflora, therefore, with insufficient oral hygiene during adolescence, during pregnancy and during exacerbation of endocrine problems, diseases of the teeth and gums develop faster and are more common.

What other processes can provoke the development of diseases of teeth and gums and cause an increase in their sensitivity:

  • abrasion and thinning of enamel due to too hard a toothbrush or highly abrasive toothpaste;
  • abuse of foods high in acids;
  • receding gums due to poor hygiene or gum disease;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • after various dental procedures: whitening, professional cleaning, installation or removal of braces.

Important: If you feel that eating cold or hot food causes discomfort or pain, do not delay visiting a doctor - a specialist will help you deal with the problem quickly and effectively.

Regardless of what caused the increased sensitivity of teeth and gums, it is important to undergo a thorough examination by a dentist as early as possible and begin treatment for this pathology.

Gum diseases

Quite often, such a condition as sensitive gums turns out to be a precursor to various diseases. Gum diseases are usually divided into three groups, depending on where the pathological process is localized.

More details about this can be found in the table:

Name of pathology Main Features

A superficial inflammatory process that does not affect the periodontal joints. This process can be acute or chronic. It is quite easy to treat, but if the disease is neglected, it can lead to periodontitis and tooth loss.

A pathological process that affects the supporting apparatus of the tooth destroys the periodontal ligament. The gum gradually moves away from the tooth and a pocket appears in which food debris accumulates. This leads to the formation of pus in them, the teeth gradually begin to loosen and the lack of treatment at this stage leads to their loss.

The most insidious gum disease, which is almost impossible to overcome. affects deeper tissues, disrupts blood supply, teeth gradually become exposed, become very loose and fall out.

Usually people pay more attention to the condition of their teeth, but without healthy gums it cannot be normal. Therefore, at the first symptoms of any gum pathology, it is better to immediately undergo an examination by a doctor.

Important: Increased sensitivity of teeth and gums sometimes signals diseases of the internal organs.

Tooth sensitivity

Increased sensitivity of teeth near the gums occurs when dentin, a special porous tooth tissue, is exposed. Dentin has many microscopic channels that lead to the nerve tissues of the tooth.

Dentin exposure occurs as a result of gum recession or enamel abrasion; because of this, the nerves are more easily excited by various external influences, which causes increased sensitivity of the tooth.

Also leading to dentin exposure are:

  • traumatic injuries: splits, chips, cracks, and other conditions leading to disruption of the integrity of tooth enamel;
  • erosion;
  • congenital or hereditary enamel defects;
  • unprofessional dental procedures;
  • periodontal diseases, in which the cervical area of ​​the tooth is exposed, etc.

Temporary increased sensitivity may occur after dental procedures: whitening, professional cleaning, removal of tartar, etc. This is not a pathology.

In some cases, psychoneurosis, endocrinopathies, various systemic diseases, metabolic disorders and hormonal changes lead to increased tooth sensitivity.

Treatment Basics

If you have sensitive gums and teeth, after examination by a doctor you will be given instructions with the necessary measures and methods of treating this pathology. Modern dentistry offers a number of effective methods for treating hypersensitivity of teeth and gums.

Which of them are the most effective:

  1. Covering teeth with enamel or using a mouthguard with a strengthening remineralizing compound, such as using fluoride varnish.
  2. Healing of carious lesions and complete sanitation of the mouth.
  3. Professional hygienic cleaning that removes plaque, microbial layer and various hard deposits.
  4. Anti-inflammatory therapy using various gels and ointments that relieve swelling, reduce the inflammatory process and have an antimicrobial effect (the most recommended of them are shown in the photo below). But they are effective only in mild inflammatory processes, since they penetrate only the mucous membrane without affecting the bone tissue.
  5. The use of antiseptics or agents with a regenerating effect, for example Solcoseryl or Actovegin, is especially important when stomatitis or similar diseases of the oral cavity are present.
  6. Hardware or finger massage of the gums. This method of therapy allows you to activate the flow of blood and lymph, normalize metabolism and improve nutrition in the gum tissue.
  7. Darsonvalization - involves applying a low high-frequency current to the affected areas, which helps reduce the sensitivity of the outer layer of gum tissue and normalizes blood circulation.
  8. The use of vacuum - this therapy is based on the rupture of surface capillaries, with the formation of a hematoma. In the process of its resorption, new, stronger vessels are formed and this activates the body's defenses. Hard and soft periodontal tissues begin to receive adequate nutrition, and this can completely stop tissue atrophy during periodontal disease.
  9. Electrophoresis - with this method of treating sensitivity of the gums and teeth, medicinal substances are injected into the periodontal area using direct current.

Important: Modern innovative medical technologies in severe cases even make it possible to increase the edge of the gum, as well as restore the enamel and cement of the tooth.

The specific treatment method is chosen by the doctor based on the reasons that caused the increased sensitivity of the gums and teeth. At the same time, the price of procedures can vary within quite large limits.

Folk remedies

When the first symptoms of increased sensitivity of teeth and gums appear, many first try to cure this pathology with their own hands, resorting to the means and methods of traditional medicine. But how effective is this treatment?

As supporters of unconventional methods say, folk recipes can not only improve the condition of the enamel, but also generally improve the level of oral health, which will lead to the complete elimination of the first symptoms of hypersensitivity.

We list the popular recipes for such treatment:

  • daily consumption of milk, preferably drinking it warm, holding it in the mouth for half a minute;
  • dilute 3 drops of tea tree oil in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth. This remedy helps not only reduce sensitivity, but also eliminate bad breath;
  • rinsing with saline solution (1 tsp salt per 200 ml of water);
  • Heat 300 ml of water to a boil and add 1 tsp. dried burdock herb, let it simmer for 1-2 minutes and leave to infuse for an hour. Then strain the broth and use for rinsing;
  • chewing a small piece of propolis for 5-10 minutes every other day;
  • 1 tbsp. l. pour crushed chamomile flowers into 1 cup of boiling water for an hour, then strain and use for rinsing;
  • Wash the eggshells thoroughly, boil for 10 minutes, then dry and grind into flour. This powder should be taken 0.5 tsp. Daily;
  • add 1 tbsp to 200 ml of boiling water. l. dry oak bark, boil for 5 minutes, then cool, strain and rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day.

The listed methods can indeed alleviate the condition of increased sensitivity of teeth and gums, but still, before using them, you should definitely undergo examination by a doctor. Since traditional medicine recipes should not be taken as the only way to treat the problem, it is better to add them to the main traditional therapy, or use them for prevention.

Prevention of diseases of teeth and gums

Diseases of the teeth and gums, which occur in almost every third person, in most cases are the result of negligence and careless attitude to existing hygiene and preventive standards, which are described in detail in the video in this article.

Although in fact, the prevention of oral diseases is extremely simple:

  • brushing your teeth at least 3 times a day, using high-quality toothpaste and a brush of sufficient hardness;
  • balanced diet, predominance of raw vegetables and fruits in the diet;
  • giving up bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
  • regular preventive dental examinations;
  • timely treatment of any oral diseases.

The level of medicine in our time has increased significantly, but even now it is not possible to completely restore damaged tissues of teeth and gums in all situations. But often people turn to the dentist only when self-medication has led to irreversible changes, atrophy, loosening or even loss of teeth.

Therefore, it is important to understand that a symptom such as tooth sensitivity near the gums can be a sign of a serious pathology. And the sooner the diagnosis is carried out, the faster it will be possible to get rid of this problem.

Questions for the doctor


Hello doctor! I recently completed a full course of dental treatment, caries removal and filling. And for 2 weeks after this I have been suffering from excessive tooth sensitivity. Will it always be like this now? And how can you relieve the pain?

After many dental procedures, tooth sensitivity increases, and this is quite normal. In order to alleviate the condition, it is recommended to use special toothpastes. You can also take an additional course on dental fluoridation after consulting with your dentist.

Gum recession

Recently I noticed that on the upper right side the neck of the teeth began to become exposed and the gums were moving back. Because of this, sensitivity has greatly increased. The pharmacy recommended various rinses and gels, but nothing helps me. Tell me how to restore gums?

Your situation requires an urgent dental examination to identify the cause of gum recession and prescribe appropriate treatment. If you continue to self-medicate, you may lose your teeth.


I take very good care of my teeth and often visit the dentist, but the problem of tooth sensitivity has been bothering me for more than two years. My doctor recommends using professional toothpastes and dental gels. But this only helps for a short time. What else can be done in my case?

The reason your teeth are sensitive may be due to thinning enamel. Therefore, dental procedures aimed at strengthening tooth tissue, such as remineralization, should help you.

The human oral cavity is a complex “device”, one of the elements of which is the gums and teeth. We take the most important functions they perform for granted, but only until we feel pain. Both increased gum sensitivity and dental hyperesthesia can cause discomfort; Read on to learn how the two conditions differ and what you can do to relieve the pain associated with them.

Increased gum sensitivity

Increased sensitivity of the gums occurs due to their irritation. If you feel like your gums have become overly sensitive, check for other symptoms: Gingivitis may be a cause of gum sensitivity. With gingivitis, dentists explain, there is swelling and soreness of the gums, which easily begin to bleed, resulting in stale breath. The development of a more severe disease of the tissues surrounding the tooth, periodontitis, which can also cause increased sensitivity of the gums, is accompanied by the appearance of such an alarming symptom as recession (recession) of the gums.

Gum hypersensitivity associated with gingivitis or periodontitis is usually a consequence of poor oral hygiene. The main source of gum irritation is bacterial plaque that accumulates along the gum line. If gingivitis is left untreated, the inflammation can eventually affect deeper tissues and lead to the development of periodontitis. Other causes of gum sensitivity can include diabetes, smoking, and even pregnancy.

Tooth hypersensitivity

Dental hyperesthesia has its own symptoms. This is, first of all, an acute short-term pain that can occur when brushing certain teeth with a toothbrush or floss, as well as when consuming cold or hot, sour or sweet foods and drinks.

Dental hypersensitivity has many causes, some of which, according to the American Dental Association, also cause gum soreness. Hyperesthesia can occur due to caries, tooth fracture or crack, gum recession, enamel wear, dentin exposure, loss of restoration and, finally, periodontitis. Also, tooth sensitivity can be caused by the habit of grinding them, bruxism, or too much pressure on the toothbrush while brushing. In addition, increased dental hypersensitivity can be caused even by excessively active use of mouth rinses: as experts explain, alcohol, which is part of many rinses, with intensive effects on the oral mucosa dries it out, causing xerostomia, which negatively affects the condition of the enamel .

Treatment and prevention

Although hypersensitivity of both gums and teeth can cause severe discomfort, it is easily treatable and preventable. The most effective method of preventing gum sensitivity, dental hyperesthesia and related problems is proper oral hygiene. Regular use of high-quality toothpaste will help avoid plaque accumulation and the development of gingivitis - the main causes of increased gum sensitivity. Cleaning the spaces between teeth with dental floss, as well as proper nutrition, also help maintain healthy gums.

Dental hyperesthesia can be combated with desensitizing toothpaste and fluoride gel. If necessary, your dentist can perform bonding, gum grafting, and root canal treatment. You should consult a dentist in any case, and especially if increased sensitivity of the gums or teeth persists for any long time.

Today, more and more people are wondering how to relieve tooth sensitivity at home. Indeed, hyperesthesia (this is the correct name for this condition) causes more and more concern among dentists every year, since in its prevalence it is already very close to such “classic” troubles as periodontitis and caries. Of course, the doctor will tell you how to treat hyperesthesia, but there are some things you can do at home without waiting for a visit to the dentist.

As a rule, when a person goes to the dentist with such a problem, the doctor recommends covering the teeth with a special varnish - it will close both the micropores in the enamel itself and the empty spaces formed in the dentinal tubules. In some cases, preparations containing fluoride are sufficient - they have remineralizing ability. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, both of these drugs can be used simultaneously. In this way, two goals can be achieved at once: on the one hand, to increase the threshold of excitability of nerve fibers in this area, on the other hand, to provide the hard tissues of teeth with calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

Sometimes iontophoresis is prescribed. It is necessary so that the active ingredients of the drugs penetrate deeper into the tissues. This is done using a weak electric current. To treat tooth sensitivity at home using the same professional medications, special mouth guards are used, in which desensitizing medications are placed.

In general, in order to understand how to reduce tooth sensitivity at home, you need to understand what happens during hyperesthesia and find out the reasons for this phenomenon. After all, if the factor contributing to the development of this disease is not removed, then no treatment can be sufficiently effective.

For a long time it was believed that it is not the tooth enamel itself that is hypersensitive, but the looser layer underneath it - dentin. Enamel acts as a shield that protects dentin. But when it becomes thinner and destroyed, hyperesthesia begins precisely because of the sensitivity of dentin, in which microtubules with nerve endings are located inside.

There can be many reasons for hyperesthesia. In addition to purely dental problems, which include bruxism (teeth grinding during sleep), malocclusion, periodontitis and other troubles of this kind, diseases of the endocrine or nervous system, as well as pregnancy or menopause, when under the influence of hormones in the body the mineral balance is disrupted, can cause increased sensitivity. exchange.

Sometimes sensitivity increases immediately after visiting the dentist. In this case, the problem is a slight inflammation of the pulp, with which you don’t need to do anything special; in a couple of days it will go away on its own. But if the pain does not go away within a week or more, if it occurs after eating hot or cold food and remains for a long time, if increased sensitivity is characteristic of only one tooth, then you should urgently consult a doctor. Treatment of such diseases at home is fraught with the occurrence of an abscess, in which case surgical intervention will be required.

The cause of hyperesthesia can be both the oral cavity and poor nutrition. These factors are easiest to eliminate at home. And the methods by which this can be achieved will be discussed below.

When looking for an answer to the question of how to do it at home, you should start with the rules of care. First, you need to immediately replace your toothbrush and use only products with soft bristles. Secondly, you need to avoid any abrasive pastes (usually pastes with a whitening effect have these properties). To reduce tooth sensitivity, you need to use toothpastes specially designed for this purpose. They usually contain components such as fluorides, potassium salts, strontium, etc.

Many dentists recommend pastes based on potassium compounds. These are medicinal pastes, since the substances included in them reduce the diameter of the already dilated dentinal tubules described above. In addition, the fluid flow inside them decreases, and therefore such pastes allow you to remove sensitivity. The effect of the best pastes can appear after just a few days of use.

In addition, increased sensitivity of teeth can be reduced with the help of fluoridated rinses - special dental elixirs are used for this. But you cannot select them yourself, since they are prescribed by a doctor taking into account a specific situation, and they can only be used for a limited time.

Teeth cleaning is carried out according to all rules. Brush movements should not be sudden. You need to move softly and smoothly, in a vertical, not a horizontal direction, and you need to start from the far corners of the mouth, gradually moving towards the incisors.

With increased sensitivity of teeth, treatment is not limited to just cleaning them with a special toothpaste, but this is the most important part of the measures that can be used at home.

As a rule, treatment at home does not produce an effect immediately; several weeks must pass, during which the patient will constantly take herbal decoctions. Fluoridation in the dental office gives a faster effect. But it is not suitable for all people, as it has a number of contraindications. In addition, there are cases when only the use of special pastes is sufficient.

They may contain the following substances:

  1. Potassium salts (chloride or nitrate), as well as strontium acetate. They reduce the sensitivity of the nerve endings located in the dentin.
  2. Potassium citrate. It is necessary to block the sensitivity of nerve endings.
  3. Urea is a component that neutralizes acids, under the influence of which calcium is washed out of the teeth, which leads to.
  4. Sodium fluoride is the main element that promotes enamel.
  5. Aminofluoride forms a film on the surface of the tooth, thanks to which fluoride penetrates the enamel faster, even after the end of the teeth cleaning procedure.

Another component that may be included in such a paste is ultrafine synthetic hydroxyapatite. Despite the intimidating name, it is very useful because it promotes the remineralization of even severely weakened enamel, protecting it from any possible irritants.

Which pastes are considered less healthy choices? These are the ones that contain monofluorophosphate. In such toothpastes, fluoride itself is released only some time after their use, so you would have to brush your teeth for a very long time so that the fluoride has time to come into contact with the enamel. In general, fluorine-containing compounds are considered no less important even in comparison with the active ingredients listed above.

Teeth are cleaned with special brushes. They have rounded bristles, which completely prevents damage to the enamel.

If these remedies do not help, then it is necessary to carry out professional fluoridation of the teeth or coat the teeth with silver, a mineral composition. Dentists also offer other methods - for example, fissure sealing, which is a whole set of procedures aimed at physically sealing the tiny grooves that exist on the surface of the chewing teeth. Sometimes it is possible to restore the enamel in certain areas.

Let's say a person has sensitive teeth, he generally knows what to do at home, all that remains is to consolidate the achieved effect. In this case, you can use one of the proven folk recipes. Thus, a decoction of oak bark has proven itself well; it has bactericidal and astringent properties. For 1 tbsp. l. dried plant material, pour a glass of water, boil this mixture for 5–7 minutes, then cool, strain and use for rinsing.

Regardless of which toothpaste you choose, you do not need to rinse your mouth immediately after brushing your teeth. Let the active ingredients interact with tooth enamel for some time. Then, if the mouthwash is not used, you need to rinse your mouth with a solution formed from water and toothpaste.

Chamomile infusion is another popular rinse. It not only has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect, but also has an analgesic effect. The proportion will be the same - 1 tbsp. l. dry inflorescences are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 45 minutes. Warm infusion is used for rinsing. This should be done every time after eating.

Finally, you can prepare a decoction of burdock for the same purposes. It has mainly an analgesic effect. The decoction is prepared in the standard way, boiling 1 tbsp. l. dry plant material in a glass of water for 3–5 minutes. Then use the finished product as a regular mouthwash.

Prevention of hyperesthesia

The most important part of preventative measures is avoiding risky dental procedures. Basically we are talking about chemical and mechanical bleaching, which negatively affects the enamel. Ultrasonic whitening is considered the most gentle method, since it uses a much lower concentration of the active substance, and the exposure time for this procedure is much shorter - only 12–15 minutes.

Some doctors believe that it is better to resort to laser whitening. Before the procedure and for some time after it, you will have to use a special desensitizing paste.

This paste cannot be used for a long time. It has low abrasive ability and does not clean the surface of teeth well. Therefore, you need to alternate the use of toothbrushes with soft and fairly hard bristles, as well as special toothpastes with ordinary ones.

Finally, in order for the effect of all these measures to be maximum, you need to regularly visit the dentist in order to promptly treat all diseases, including periodontitis and caries. And, of course, proper nutrition and giving up bad habits, in particular smoking, play an important role.

Nutrition for dental hyperesthesia

What else you can do if your teeth are sensitive is to review your diet. First, you need to completely avoid carbonated drinks. Secondly, with dental hyperesthesia, the body requires more phosphorus, and it can be obtained from sea fish and egg yolks. Thirdly, you need to eat more parsley and celery. On the one hand, they have a bactericidal effect, which is beneficial for the oral cavity as a whole. On the other hand, they provide a massage effect, which is also beneficial for the gums.

With hyperesthesia, you need to limit the amount of not only sweet, but also sour foods. This list includes many berries, citrus fruits, and some varieties of apples. But you should eat more dairy products. In addition, in order to provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins E and D, you need to eat more cabbage (of different varieties, choosing the one that is better absorbed).

Currently, tooth enamel sensitivity is a diagnosis that every third person who goes to the dentist has. This happens due to the harmful effects of the products we consume and our negligent attitude towards our health.


Increased sensitivity of the tooth, or hyperesthesia of the tooth enamel, is an acute sharp pain that occurs as a result of exposure of the tooth to external irritants, such as cold/hot, sweet/sour, or mechanical actions.

This disease is classified according to several criteria:

  • Spreading. It includes a limited form (when one or more teeth are affected) and a generalized (systemic) form (when almost all teeth are sensitive).
  • Origin. Hyperesthesia is associated either with a disease of the tooth itself (for example, caries) or with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, mental state, endocrinology.

There are three degrees of hypersensitivity:

First, the tooth reacts only to temperature;

Second, the enamel begins to react to a chemical irritant, in addition to temperatures;

Third, teeth respond to all influences, including touch.

It is especially important to pay attention to those teeth that look healthy on the outside but are reacting to the environment. Such symptoms may be precursors to various further tooth decays.


The reasons for the appearance are simple: when eating sweet or too sour, cold or very hot, a person eventually thins the tooth enamel, and cracks appear, exposing the canals in which the dentin nerves are located. Expanding over time, the crack provides passage into the pulp and nerves, which causes pain.

Methods for destroying the protective layer of tooth enamel can be varied:

  • Eating junk food, which over time destroys pH balance and deforms tooth enamel. Acidic foods, sweets and carbonated water are especially harmful.
  • Dental diseases. This refers to diseases that affect mineral metabolism, which serves as a guarantor of the quality and strength of tooth enamel. For example, lack of calcium in the body.
  • The use of toothpaste containing abrasive elements and a high hardness of the toothbrush. This also includes regular medicinal teeth whitening without subsequent remineralization. Before the procedure, check how it will go; if the specialist plans to remove the enamel layer, it is better to change the salon. It is recommended not to overuse this type of bleaching.
  • Manifestations of bruxism, teeth grinding. Due to constant friction, the enamel becomes thinner. This method is treated systematically by different specialists: a psychologist to find out the causes of stress, and a dentist who will make a mouthguard for the night to save your teeth.
  • Poor oral hygiene.
  • Smoking.
  • Changes and disturbances in metabolism, infections, pregnancy, stress.
  • Deep caries accompanied by an inflamed pulp or nerve. An extreme case that requires immediate intervention by a dentist, otherwise after a short period of time an abscess occurs - inflammation of the nerves.
  • Incorrect diagnosis and treatment of the tooth. If, after visiting the dental office, sensitivity remains, the doctor may have placed the filling incorrectly; it may not fit tightly, resulting in pieces of food getting inside the tooth. Such an error can lead to inflammation of the pulp if it was not initially diagnosed. In this situation, you will have to refill the tooth.

In most cases, traditional medicine helps greatly in reducing tooth sensitivity.

Preventive measures

Non-traditional treatment methods not only improve the condition of the enamel, reducing pain with the correct selection of ingredients, but will also help get rid of bad breath. However, it must be said that this is more of a preventive measure than a complete elimination of the problem.

Experts involved in traditional medicine advise eating as much fermented milk products, fish, eggs, carrots as possible, as they contain calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, D, C, E, which improve the condition of our teeth and gums, and In general, they improve the condition of our body and make it healthier. It is also recommended to use berries for food, which you can either pick yourself or buy in stores: cloudberries, blueberries, lingonberries, which contain pectins and antioxidants. Maintain optimal food temperatures, do not expose your teeth to extreme temperatures (do not breathe through your mouth in the cold), avoid smoking and carefully choose a toothpaste for brushing your teeth. Only if all these conditions are met is it possible to use various decoctions and infusions.


Recipes for making infusions are universal: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried herb, poured with boiling water or brought to a boil, after which you need to let the composition brew for about 45 minutes. Used as mouth rinses. Decoctions used to prevent and reduce symptoms of hyperesthesia of tooth enamel: decoction of oak (mainly its bark), chamomile, burdock, calendula, knotweed, burdock roots, oregano and sage. All these infusions are antiseptics, have strengthening properties, fight inflammation of the gums, reduce sensitivity, and also relieve you of bad breath. If desired, you can mix all of these herbs in a 1:1 ratio and use all properties at the same time.

In villages, in addition to decoctions, in order to reduce tooth sensitivity, they drank heated milk, rolling it in the mouth for several minutes.

Pay attention to tea tree oil. It is diluted as 3 drops per glass of water and also used as a mouth rinse several times a day. This product will also strengthen the enamel, reduce its hypersensitivity and eliminate unpleasant odor. There is a way to rinse your mouth with tea tree oil using baking soda or adding eucalyptus oil. With this configuration, you can also fight plaque.

It is impossible not to mention propolis and zabrus. Experts recommend chewing it or making an alcohol tincture. Lemon seeds with their high calcium and phosphorus content can also be mentioned as chewables.

Also, one of the most famous traditional medicines is egg shells. It is crushed into powder, pre-washed and scalded with boiling water. The daily dose of this powder is 15 grams.

Some unusual recipes include a tincture of dried eggplant, calamus root, fresh lard (you need to apply it to the sore tooth), and red hot pepper. If eggplant and calamus root in this case have the same properties as all previous remedies, then pepper is used as an anesthetic and then in very small doses, otherwise it may aggravate the situation.

The most famous, and most importantly painless method is remineralizing therapy. This therapy is mainly carried out in dental clinics. It looks like this:

  • Teeth are isolated from secreted saliva
  • Completely dehydrate the surface to be treated
  • Apply Remodent solution or calcium gluconate (concentration >10%) for 5-8 minutes. The procedure is performed several times per visit, depending on the severity of the disease.
  • Then, on subsequent visits, sodium fluoride (1-2 percent) or fluoride varnish is applied to the damaged teeth.

Of course, more often they use ready-made preparations to eliminate problems with sensitive teeth, for example, special types of toothpastes, of which there are now a great variety. Experts call such pastes desensitizing; they fill gaps in the enamel and thus reduce its sensitivity. In addition to toothpaste, you should also choose a toothbrush with medium-hard bristles so that it does not damage tooth enamel. You should brush your teeth up-down-left-right, paying attention to the inside of the jaw, and be sure to use dental floss. Taking multivitamins, fruits and vegetables will be helpful.

It should be remembered that tooth sensitivity may be a symptom of a more serious disease, so it is best to consult a doctor promptly.

Video – Tooth sensitivity

Many have experienced unbearable toothache when these capricious instruments of chewing and biting are exposed to hot or cold. For example, the enjoyment of ice cream is completely spoiled by this effect, or eating watermelon brought in from the cold is interrupted by pain. How to relieve tooth sensitivity? We are looking for an answer.

Sensitive teeth

First of all, let's look at the reasons underlying tooth sensitivity to temperature changes. The following are the main factors:

  • Violation of the integrity of tooth enamel, defects caused by the pathological effects of caries.
  • Damage to the neck of the tooth.
  • Inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues, leading to exposure of the neck and root of the tooth.
  • Unjustifiably frequent use of toothpastes with a whitening effect.
  • The leaching of minerals from the enamel is demineralization.
  • Regular consumption of acid-containing foods stimulates the removal of calcium from tooth enamel, which, in turn, causes an increase in its sensitivity.
  • Carrying out the procedure for cleaning deposits from the surface of the tooth.

The phenomenon that these factors can lead to is called hyperesthesia in medical science. Its manifestations have both local and generalized forms. It is classified according to its distribution and origin.

In the first case, painful manifestations are felt in one or several teeth, and there are also options when the pain syndrome covers all teeth or at least most of them. In the second, they are associated with damage and loss of tooth enamel for various reasons, for example, those arising during the course of general diseases, metabolic and neuropsychic disorders, and pathologies of the tissues that hold the teeth.

Hyperesthesia is divided into three degrees:

  • response to temperature effects of heat or cold - 1;
  • response to chemical stimuli, including temperature exposure - 2;
  • reaction to all types of irritation - 3.

Medical help

What to do if tooth sensitivity bothers you? Sharp pain occurs even when air enters the oral cavity. Quality of life suffers, and a visit to the dentist is inevitable. The dentist will be able to determine the cause in almost all cases.

One of the options for solving the problem would be desensitizing procedures - saturating tooth enamel with fluoride and calcium salts. For these purposes, specialized gels, varnishes, and rinses are used. The course of treatment is about ten procedures.

If the effectiveness of treatment has shown to be insufficient, then in practice, covering the damaged enamel with filling material is used. When hyperesthesia is caused by the pathological effects of caries, the tooth is treated and a filling is installed. If sensitivity is associated with exposure of the cervical area, surgery is performed to raise the gums to the desired level. If increased sensitivity occurs due to tooth wear due to malocclusion, a complex of orthodontic therapy is carried out.

How to relieve tooth sensitivity at home? Much also depends on our actions. The first thing you can do yourself is to eliminate the influence of the irritating factor. For example, if your teeth react to cold water when brushing them, you should try to use warm water. Change the brush every two months, do not allow it to wear out, but also do not use too hard bristles.

When brushing your teeth, you should use circular movements and try to avoid back and forth from side to side. You should not resort to using a toothbrush immediately after eating, as some products can soften the enamel. You need to take time. You should also consume sweet foods, sour and carbonated drinks as rarely as possible.

If you have a tendency to grind your teeth at night, you should discuss the use of a mouth guard with your dentist. In order to avoid problems and for the purpose of timely response, regular visits to the dental office are necessary.

Folk wisdom

Toothache has accompanied humanity since its inception, and over the years people have learned to use the gifts of nature to combat it. Folk remedies are quite effective in solving the problem of how to relieve tooth sensitivity. Let's look at some of them:

  • The easiest way is to drink warm milk, holding it in your mouth for a short time.
  • Rinse with soda and iodine. Place a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water and add a drop of iodine.
  • A decoction of oak bark is the first remedy in folk dentistry, which, thanks to its astringent properties, as well as its disinfecting effect, can help with many problems of the oral cavity. The rinse is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. The bark should be placed in 200 ml of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool, strain and carry out the procedure 3 times a day.
  • An infusion of chamomile, due to its antibacterial and analgesic properties, can also help. Chamomile flowers in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Strain and use the infusion as a gargle up to five times a day.
  • Rinsing with a saline solution helps strengthen the enamel. To do this, dissolve 1 tsp in 1 glass of water. salt.

Looking for toothpaste

In the fight against tooth sensitivity, preventive paste is important. Their production is established by companies specializing in such products. Let's take Lacalut Sensitive toothpaste as an example. This product reduces tooth sensitivity as a result of a combination of fluorides that form a protective layer on the enamel and also promote its restoration processes.

In addition, thanks to chlorhexidine, an antimicrobial effect is achieved, and aluminum lactate helps strengthen enamel and prevent inflammation. The manufacturer of the paste promises an immediate effect for sensitive teeth by eliminating the symptom from the first use.

Increased tooth sensitivity is a problem for many people. The bottom line is that teeth overreact to changes in temperature, as well as acid and salt. An important task for every doctor is to clearly determine what the cause of the problem is, because there can be several of them: from improper oral care to dental diseases, even to damage to the pulp layer.

A girl has a toothache

In this article you will learn a lot of useful information on the topic of tooth sensitivity: the causes of this problem, how to relieve tooth sensitivity, and also receive valuable advice.

As mentioned above, there are several main causes of tooth sensitivity:

How does brushing your teeth affect sensitivity?

An equally important aspect when brushing your teeth, in addition to choosing the right toothbrush and toothpaste, is the technique of brushing your teeth. Most people think that this is not such an important activity, and you don’t need to spend a lot of time and effort on it, but this is far from the case. It is better to follow the advice of specialists and maintain dental health. The tips are as follows: you should not use brushes with hard bristles to brush your teeth. They can harm both tooth enamel and gum line. All movements during cleaning should be soft and smooth, not sharp and rough. Brush your teeth thoroughly using a sweeping motion, which will help remove food particles from hard-to-reach places. But dental floss or fishing line will do the job better.

Is it time to go to the doctor?

Many people wonder when to see a doctor, and when not to rush? After all, there is also a norm of sensitivity (for example, when pressing hard on a tooth, pain is normal, and exposure to foods that are too hot or cold can cause pain that is normal for that temperature). Let's figure out when you still need to see a doctor:

  • if the teeth react to even slight pressure or force;
  • long-term pain reaction after physical or thermal stress;
  • when using specialized medicinal pastes, the pain does not decrease or go away;
  • change in the appearance of the gums, as well as the mucous membrane. This refers to redness and swelling;
  • During a frontal examination of the oral cavity, changes in the structure of the tooth and its color are visible.

If sensitive teeth cause you to refuse to eat or drink, this is a direct signal to visit a doctor.

By the way, if pain appears when you press on a tooth that has recently suffered an injury, you should not worry, because sometimes teeth need time to recover.

Treatment of tooth sensitivity

There are several ways to eliminate the problem; for each person, depending on the nuances of the disease, different means of elimination are applicable. In any case, if you have sensitive teeth that cause discomfort, and also if you are plagued by suspiciously strong and prolonged pain after eating, the question periodically pops up in your head: what to do if you have such symptoms of toothache, we recommend that you consult a doctor. He will be able to choose the right hygiene products that are right for you, as well as choose the right way to solve the problem. You will no longer constantly wonder how to relieve tooth sensitivity.

There are several ways to eliminate hypersensitivity. The most common procedure is tooth remineralization by a professional dentist. The point of such therapy is to treat the surface of the teeth with specialized means that have a high content of active restorative components. Fluoride containing compounds are applied to the teeth. This supplement is useful because fluorine, when combined with minerals, produces a strong compound called hydroxyappite. It will ensure the strength of the teeth and also block access to the sensitivity channels.
Treatment of teeth with such means will be effective only if the cause of the problem is not advanced caries, pulpitis or other diseases of this kind. If your teeth are overly sensitive precisely because of this, you must first hygienically clean your teeth from damage, and only then start using the remineralizing complex.

If it has been determined that the cause of enamel hyperesthesia is associated with abrasion of the upper structural layer of the teeth, you can resort to the following methods:

  • use of specialized pastes. According to the recommendation of experts, it is worth using pastes with a high content of substances that will seal access to sensitive tubules. Such substances are fluorine, calcium;
  • Brush your teeth regularly. The plaque that forms on the teeth after eating can be very harmful to the teeth, because it forms acids that destroy tooth enamel. If brushing your teeth is not possible, you can use dental floss, fishing line, or chew chewing gum for this purpose;
  • rinsing the mouth with special compounds. Such rinses must contain fluoride, which will help reduce toothache and restore enamel. The rinsing procedure should be carried out 1-2 times a day, depending on the doctor’s recommendations;
  • Avoid using toothbrushes with hard bristles. Give preference to bristles with a soft or medium texture. Very often, the cause of hypersensitivity lies precisely in excessive pressure on the teeth when brushing them. This coating can also cause great harm to the gums. It is important to use proper brushing technique and reduce pressure on your teeth. By the way, less pressure of the brush on the surface of the dentition allows it to glide more softly and smoothly over the teeth, eliminating all dirt.

Eliminating the problem of tooth sensitivity at home

Despite the fact that dental hyperesthesia is a fairly serious problem, it can be quite successfully eliminated at home. However, it is important to remember that sometimes folk remedies can only reduce pain, but not completely eliminate the problem, especially since hyperesthesia can be the first sign of a more serious disease.

Therefore, if you do have the opportunity to visit a professional, do so and protect your teeth from more serious oral diseases.

Below are tips on how to reduce tooth sensitivity at home.

The first, and also the most common, method is to use tinctures, which you can make yourself or purchase at a pharmacy:

Special toothpastes, of which there are a great many on store shelves, help well with such a problem as hypersensitivity. Such dental care products must necessarily contain fluoride, antiseptic ingredients that fight the development of harmful microorganisms, extracts and oils of plant origin, which naturally help maintain the normal balance of the oral cavity.

Pain-reducing eucalyptus or tea tree extract will help with tooth sensitivity. How to reduce tooth sensitivity using these products? To prepare the essence, you need to dissolve five drops of the product in one hundred grams of water. Rinse your mouth at least twice a day. This solution will help reduce the sensitivity threshold.

Increased sensitivity of hard dental tissues in dentistry is called hyperesthesia. Pathology can develop under the influence of a large number of reasons, but experts consider oral diseases to be the main ones.

Predisposing factors include smoking, alcohol abuse, and hormonal disorders. The main symptom of dental hyperesthesia is severe pain when interacting with irritating substances or factors. This could be certain foods, low or high temperatures, or mechanical stress.

The treatment of hypersensitivity of teeth is carried out by a dentist-therapist. Some try to cope with such pain with the help of painkillers, but this approach will be ineffective. It is necessary to treat dental hyperesthesia with special preparations, as well as complex measures, including a special diet and the use of preventive and therapeutic oral hygiene products.

Why does hyperesthesia occur?

Even the most potent medications will not give the desired effect if the causes and factors that led to the onset of pain are not eliminated. If a person has diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to consult a dentist to undergo medical therapy and sanitize existing foci of bacterial or fungal infection.

With inflammation and changes in the structure of the tissues supporting the tooth, the cervical and root zones become exposed, which is also accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations. In some cases, hyperesthesia can be caused by an acute deficiency of mineral elements: manganese, phosphorus and fluorine compounds, calcium salts. This can be determined by the characteristic white spots on the surface of teeth that are not affected by caries and other diseases.

Tooth enamel becomes thinner and wears off faster if a person smokes, drinks a lot of alcohol, fatty foods, hot spices and seasonings, and marinades. Foods and drinks containing various types of acids are especially dangerous for dental health: sorrel, carbonated drinks and lemonades, citrus fruits, apples, and some types of berries. After eating them, you must rinse your mouth thoroughly with water or special solutions.

Other negative factors that increase premature wear of tooth enamel and the occurrence of areas of hypersensitivity include:

  • using brushes with high bristles;
  • frequent use of rinses and hygienic pastes with a whitening effect;
  • improper oral hygiene;
  • frequent respiratory diseases or chronic infections (for example, hepatitis, tuberculosis, etc.).

Pay attention! Very often, hyperesthesia occurs after professional ultrasonic cleaning of teeth. If the patient has previously had a tendency to hypersensitivity reactions, or has a history of diseases that weaken the immune system, it is better to avoid this procedure.

Is it possible to cure pathology without visiting a dental office?

To eliminate signs of hyperesthesia, dental procedures performed by a dentist or medications for self-administration can be used. The most famous of them is the combined drug “Ftorlak”, which can be used to reduce tooth sensitivity and prevent caries, as it has a bactericidal effect. The main component in the production of Fluorvarnish is aminofluoride, a fluoride compound with high absorption properties and biological activity.

Additional Ingredients:

  • shellac - a heavy-duty varnish base;
  • fir balsam;
  • ethanol;
  • Chloroform is a colorless volatile liquid that belongs to the narcotic substances from the group of fats.

Fluoride, penetrating inside the enamel, strengthens it and prevents injury and damage, and also creates an antimicrobial and antibacterial barrier, preventing the proliferation of pathogenic flora in the dental cavity. The drug creates a dense film layer on the teeth, reduces the severity of pain and the degree of sensitivity of teeth to external irritants.

Before applying the solution to the teeth, they must be cleaned of food debris and dried using special cotton applicators. After this, apply a thin layer of the product to the inside and outside of the teeth, repeat the procedure after 10-15 seconds (if necessary). It is recommended to carry out treatment once every 3-4 months. In some cases, the therapeutic effect lasts for up to six months.

After applying the solution, do not eat or drink for 2 hours. You can brush your teeth 12-14 hours after the procedure.

Pay attention! Fluoride lacquer is contraindicated in case of endemic fluorosis, a chronic disease associated with excessive accumulation of fluoride in the body.

Powder for sensitive teeth

"Remodent" is a powder for preparing a solution for local dental treatment in the form of a lyophilisate. The drug is effective at any stage of pathology and can be used for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes. The powder is often prescribed to prevent caries in patients prone to frequent weakening of the immune system (especially for those who often suffer from viral infections). The drug also helps reduce inflammatory processes in periodontal tissues, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, and stop bleeding gums.

The powder can be used for local applications or mouth rinses. To prepare a solution for rinsing, you need to dilute the product according to the instructions. For applications, you need to generously moisten a damp cotton swab with powder and apply it to the sore area. You need to keep the product for at least 15-20 minutes.

Products based on sodium fluoride and phosphoric acid

"Fluocal" is a drug for reducing the sensitivity of tooth enamel, available in the form of liquid and gel. It can be part of combined preventive regimens to prevent infectious lesions of dental tissues. Contains sodium fluoride as an active ingredient. Auxiliary ingredients:

  • phosphoric acid;
  • ethanol;
  • xanthan gum (food additive, stabilizer).

Before applying the product, teeth must be cleaned of food debris, plaque and tartar, then excess saliva must be removed and dried with a quick stream of air. The applied gel or liquid should be kept for about 4-5 minutes, after which the remaining drug should be spat out. After the procedure, there is no need to rinse your mouth for 1-2 hours.

Pay attention! Fluocal contains a high concentration of fluorine (2.71 g) and ethanol (3 g), so it should not be administered to children under 12 years of age.

If hyperesthesia is severe or complicated by other dental pathologies, the patient may be recommended specialized treatment in a dental office.

Which pasta should you choose?

The choice of toothbrush and toothpaste is of great importance in the treatment of hypersensitivity. The bristles on a toothbrush should have medium hardness - this indicator is optimal for maintaining healthy teeth and preserving the structure of tooth enamel. During exacerbations, the use of brushes with soft bristles is allowed, but you should not abuse them - the maximum permissible period of continuous use of soft brushes is 14 days.

It is equally important to choose the right toothpaste. In case of painful reactions to contact with irritants, it is better to use special pastes with a high fluoride content, designed to care for sensitive teeth. They create a protective film on the teeth and promote the active absorption of fluoride not only during brushing, but also after it is finished. Such pastes are produced by several manufacturers, for example:

  • "Sensodyne";
  • "Rox"
  • "Splat";
  • "Lakalut."

The Mineral Cocktail paste from the manufacturer of household chemicals and cosmetics Faberlic has proven itself well, but its significant disadvantage is the presence of sodium lauryl sulfate in its composition. This substance negatively affects the condition of teeth and can cause inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Folk medicine

Sometimes traditional medicine recipes, which contain natural ingredients of plant origin, can quickly cope with pain due to hyperesthesia, but they cannot replace the main treatment.

A mixture of chamomile and burdock

Chamomile is a well-known natural antiseptic with anti-inflammatory and calming effects. In combination with burdock, chamomile has a moderate analgesic effect and reduces the intensity of unpleasant symptoms caused by exposure to irritating factors.

To prepare a decoction for rinsing, you need:

  • mix 1 spoon each of dried chamomile and burdock;
  • pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture and place on low heat;
  • cook for 20 minutes.

Use the cooled and strained broth to rinse your mouth. Repeat the procedure 4 times a day.

Fir and eucalyptus

The oils of these plants can be used for topical treatment or medicinal rinses.

First way. To prepare a solution in 180 ml of cold boiled water, add 2 drops of eucalyptus oil and 3 drops of fir oil, then mix everything thoroughly.

Second way: generously moisten a cotton swab with a mixture of oils and wipe the gums at the base of the teeth. To achieve a pronounced effect, 2-3 procedures are usually sufficient.

Dental hyperesthesia is a painful pathological condition of the hard tissues of teeth, which most often results from dental diseases. The pathology can be easily treated with medications, but if the causes of increased sensitivity are not eliminated, the pain will soon return again, so it is necessary to begin treatment by contacting a dentist.

Dental hyperesthesia is a disease that can be quickly and effectively treated

Many people often wonder how to relieve tooth sensitivity at home. Unpleasant sensations that occur in the oral cavity when drinking hot or cold drinks, sour fruits and sweets interfere with the pleasure of eating.

About 40% of the world's population faces this problem, but not everyone will turn to a doctor to help him cope with dental irritation. Meanwhile, only a qualified specialist can accurately determine the cause of excessive sensitivity and answer the question of how to treat this problem.

In addition to procedures that can only be performed in a medical facility, there are also home ways to reduce tooth sensitivity.

Dentists call excessive sensitivity hyperesthesia. It most often occurs when the hard dental tissue of dentin is exposed, which is a consequence of receding gums or thinning of the tooth covering - enamel. When hard dental tissue is exposed, it becomes unprotected from external irritants, they begin to affect it, which leads to short-term pain.

If you brush your teeth incorrectly and use toothbrushes with hard bristles, you will definitely damage your enamel. If you have hyperesthesia, use soft toothbrushes to brush your teeth. Enamel can also be destroyed after bleaching using aggressive chemicals. Therefore, it is better to do this procedure using a gentle ultrasound method.

Why is it so important to see a doctor if you feel unpleasant pain when drinking or eating? The thing is that increased sensitivity of teeth can be caused by other serious diseases, for example, periodontitis or caries. In this case, only a dentist will help get rid of it after curing the underlying disease.

The video shows why increased tooth sensitivity occurs:

Where to start treatment

If your doctor examines your mouth and finds exposed dentin, he can help you combat the problem. You need to start treating tooth sensitivity at the dentist's office. In dentistry, there are several professional methods of saving from hyperesthesia, the essence of which is to coat the teeth with special compounds that protect the enamel and make it healthy. Here are the most common procedures:

  1. Exposed areas of dentin are coated with fluoride-containing varnish, which protects the hard tissue from external irritants.
  2. A special composite material is used to seal the exposed tooth surface.
  3. The mouthguard is filled with gel containing fluoride. You will need to keep the mouth guard in your mouth for about 5 minutes, during which time the fluoride will saturate your teeth and strengthen them.

Fluoridation is an important part of treatment

These procedures, performed by a professional, perfectly reduce hyperesthesia, but to prevent it, you need to continue to monitor the condition of the oral cavity. Therefore, your dentist will recommend simple steps that can reduce tooth sensitivity at home. We are talking about medicinal rinses, gels and pastes, special films, and traditional medicine.

Medicinal pastes

Since not every person who turns to him will want to reduce the sensitivity of teeth in the dentist’s office, the simplest action to solve a dental problem is to buy medicated pastes. They contain increased amounts of calcium, fluorine and potassium. Unlike conventional oral and dental care products, these are specially formulated for sensitive gums and teeth. For example, the potassium chloride they contain makes nerve endings less susceptible to external irritants, and sodium fluoride is added to toothpastes to restore tooth enamel.

The most useful pastes in the fight against excessive sensitivity are Sensodyne F, LACALUT Extra Sensitive, Blendamed Pro-Expert, SILCA Complete Sensitive. It is better to purchase them in pharmacies, as there is a risk of running into a fake.

Sensodyne F LACALUT Extra Sensitive Blend-a-med Pro-Expert SILCA Complete Sensitive

Oksana Shiyka


Therapeutic pastes should be used for 4–5 weeks, 2 times a day, alternating them with conventional products that cleanse teeth of food debris. Only whitening paste is prohibited, as it can make the enamel thin and even damage its integrity, which will lead to increased tooth sensitivity.

Special toothpastes have one drawback: since their composition is gentle, it does not contain aggressive abrasive particles, and these medicinal products do not remove plaque from the enamel surface as well as other toothpastes.

Gels, ointments and dental film

If you have sensitive teeth, then products such as ointments, gels and even dental film will help you remove hyperesthesia.

To prevent acids from destroying tooth enamel, you can use GS tooth mousse ointment at home. It should be applied to the surface of the teeth in an even thin layer using a cotton swab in the morning and late in the evening. After the procedure, it is not recommended to drink or eat for 30 minutes. The ointment, like toothpastes, contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium. Thanks to the presence of these elements, the drug creates a protective film on the teeth, which is a barrier to acids, and closes the exposed dentin channels. The unpleasant symptoms of hyperesthesia disappear quite quickly.

A good remedy that relieves a high degree of sensitivity to cold, acid and hot drinks is Fluocal gel. This is such an effective remedy that it should only be used twice a year. The gel is capable of forming a mineral layer on the surface of the enamel that is resistant to external irritants and caries. To treat the problem, the drug is applied to a cotton swab, which is used to treat clean teeth. In this case, you need to make sure that the gel does not get on your gums. After 4 minutes, you need to spit out the remaining drug into the sink and do not eat for 1 hour.


PRESIDENT Sensitive plus gel can also cure hyperesthesia. Acting together with the toothpaste of the same name, it perfectly solves the problem of dentin sensitivity to external irritants. After brushing your teeth with paste, apply a layer of the preparation on them, paying attention to the root part. Do this twice a day for a month, and soon you will forget about the discomfort.


You can also carry out treatment at home using dental film Diplen Denta F. This two-layer product can negate the recurrence of the problem. The first outer layer of the film protects teeth from food acids, and the second, adhesive, fills them with fluoride. The film is attached to the teeth with the adhesive side and left for 7–8 hours, and then removed. Due to prolonged exposure to fluoride compounds, the enamel becomes dense.

Film Diplen Denta F

Rinses and infusions

In pharmacies you can buy bottles with solutions and rinses Colgate Plax, Desensin plus, Parodontol PROF, which can reduce irritation from hot and cold food and drinks. The substances included in these products strengthen enamel, eliminate gum inflammation, and destroy bacteria that affect the appearance of plaque on teeth. After eating or brushing your teeth with toothpaste, rinse your mouth with solutions and rinses that will improve not only your teeth, but also your gums.

Colgate Plax Desensin Parodontol PROF

You don't have gels or ointments on hand, but you have sensitive teeth. What can you do at home in this case? Medicinal plants will come to the rescue. Infusions and decoctions made from herbs help remove the increased sensitivity of dentin to cold and hot.

Oksana Shiyka


Among the most popular herbs are chamomile and lemon balm. They are considered antiseptics and relieve pain that comes with eating. To prepare the infusion you will need 1 tbsp. l. flowers of these plants and 1 glass of boiling water. The herb is poured with hot water and infused for 30 minutes. Then rinse the mouth with warm infusion after eating.

If you live in a rural area, you are probably familiar with burdock grass. How to treat hyperesthesia with it? An infusion is also prepared from burdock. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs 200 ml of hot water and boil for 2-3 minutes. In the same way, you can make an infusion from oak bark, but it should be boiled longer - 5–6 minutes. After the medications have been infused for 1 hour, they can be used as mouthwashes after each meal. These homemade infusions will strengthen the enamel and gums and relieve pain.

Essential oils also have calming properties. For example, a few drops of tea tree oil can be added to a glass of warm water and stirred thoroughly. For severe tooth pain, you can increase the concentration of this oil: take 5 drops and add the same number of drops of eucalyptus oil to them. You need to dissolve everything in 100 ml of liquid and rinse your mouth several times a day. Essential oils will also help you get rid of plaque and freshen your breath.

Knowing how to reduce tooth sensitivity using available remedies, you can improve your health without leaving your own home. Herbs, pastes and ointments can improve the condition of your oral cavity and relieve irritation and pain, but only if the problem of hyperesthesia is related to the condition of the dentin.

Teeth may be bothering you for more serious reasons that cannot be eliminated on your own. Don't be lazy to go to the dentist at the first sign of discomfort. After all, only a doctor will give you the correct diagnosis and suggest treatment methods, some of which you can carry out yourself at home.



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