What is healthy lifestyle for children. Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in preschool children

Healthy image life for preschool children.

Period preschool childhood– this is actually a quickly ending period in the life of every person. One of the main goals during this period is to form the habit of a healthy lifestyle. After all, the harmonious development of a child in the future is possible only if he is healthy. Therefore, it was during the period preschool age and the mental and physical health of the baby should be formed. During the first seven years of life, little man must go through a certain path of development, which then will never be repeated throughout the rest of life. And it is he who should lay down the concept of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children.
In addition, during this period the development of organs occurs most intensively, the formation functional systems organism, the basic traits of personality, character, perception of oneself and others are formed. That is why it is necessary from a very early age to teach children to take care of their health, to develop in them a positive attitude towards themselves and life and a desire for self-development and self-preservation.

It is important to note that work in this direction should be carried out by teachers together with the family. Because it is the family that plays important role in organizing a healthy lifestyle for a child. But we must not forget that opinion professional teacher It is also necessary to listen carefully and respond appropriately. It is important to understand here that for the full development of a child, both links are needed, since each of them has its own functions and they cannot replace each other.

The main task of the family and teachers at this time is to introduce the child to a healthy lifestyle, namely: to promote the formation of a reasonable attitude towards one’s body, leading a healthy lifestyle from the very beginning. early childhood, acquiring knowledge, skills, basic sanitary and hygienic standards.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle for a child should become the most important life habit later on. In this regard, the main task of the kindergarten and family, using various forms of work, is to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is in the family and preschool that the child needs to form and develop the concept of the value of health, and be encouraged to independently and actively maintain and increase it.

It is also important to remember that teachers and parents should not push the child too hard. a large number new and as yet unconscious information. On the contrary, give the opportunity to think, analyze, listen to your body, learn to think.

A healthy lifestyle is not only about all the knowledge acquired during certain time, but a whole lifestyle, appropriate behavior in different life situations. After all, children can find themselves in completely unexpected situations, and the main goal here is to develop their independence, responsibility, and sometimes automatism. Everything that parents and teachers teach children should be applied by them in real life. For example, the skill of washing hands upon coming home from the street, before and after going to the toilet, after crawling on the floor, before eating, and so on.

When raising preschool children, it is very important has the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in them, which must be well planned, thought out and organized in advance.

So, from early childhood, you need to teach your child that such things as a comb, bed, handkerchief, towel, toothbrush, must be individual and should never be transferred to anyone.
It is also important that the child understands that maintaining cleanliness is the key not only to personal health, but also to the health of the people around him. That is why it is important to change your shoes after coming from the street into house slippers. This measure will protect you from inhaling excess dust and depositing it in your lungs, which can lead to illness.

In kindergarten, we teachers explain to children how to take care of their health, try to develop personal hygiene skills, talk about what a daily routine is, exercise in the morning, healthy food, we introduce such a concept as infectious disease what you need to do to be healthy.

To do this, educators use such methods of solving assigned tasks as joint activities, conversations, games, walks (by the way, it is at this age that it is necessary to explain why a person motor activity), hardening activities, visual arts, sports activities, hygiene procedures, conversations, celebrations, reading.

Such training should be organized not only in the classroom, but also in different situations, pushing children to solve practical problems. Of course, parents are the main helpers in this matter. They must express their wishes regarding the food, clothing and sleep of their children. Parents must also agree to any hardening or medical procedures.

But here you need to keep in mind that all the efforts of teachers may be wasted if they are not supported by parents. After all, mom and dad are the main example, role model for their children, and not kindergarten teachers. Therefore, only with the help of parents it becomes possible to truly achieve good results in the development and health of preschool children.

Thus, it turns out that the family and kindergarten, each with its own special function, give the child a complete social experience and a correct idea of ​​health and its preservation. For this purpose they are used various shapes interactions – conversations, seminars, parent meetings, consultations, joint holidays, surveys, holding days open doors, cooperative games.

The health of a child is one of the main concerns of his parents. Each of them dreams of seeing their child full of strength and energy, satisfied with life and happy. But the basis of all this is good health. It is worth thinking about it already at the stage of pregnancy planning, because the baby’s immunity is formed in the mother’s womb and largely depends on the state of her body. But after the birth of the child, his pledge feeling great- formation of a healthy lifestyle, which should be ensured by parents.

Links of one chain

Many parents are often surprised why their “hardened” child, who regularly douses himself with cool water, is constantly sick. Most people believe that a healthy lifestyle consists of some separate rules of behavior. One sleeps with the window open, another does not eat meat, the third devotes 20 minutes a day to exercise. This topic is even often taught in school. class hour.

A healthy lifestyle is the whole system, covering all aspects of human life. Children are no exception; in the conditions of general computerization, in the absence of proper walks and the availability of fast food, they become much weaker physically than their grandparents. A healthy lifestyle for children means a healthy lifestyle for the whole family; parents will also need to change their habits.

Warm or cold?

Having decided to change in better side the life of your child and your own, you can start with the microclimate in your own apartment. The most favorable conditions for the functioning of the body, both children and adults, are considered to be an ambient temperature of no higher than 20-22 degrees and a humidity of 60%. Such parameters are very difficult to find in the average city apartment, especially in winter. Steam heating heats the air up to 30 degrees, making it very dry. Under such conditions, the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx dry out, thereby becoming vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Metabolism slows down and natural thermoregulation is disrupted. Kids have it even worse - they move more and overheat much more often. In such conditions, it is not possible for children to lead a healthy lifestyle. A temperature regulator on the radiator, an air humidifier, as well as regular ventilation in winter and constantly open windows in summer can save the situation. Will help clean the air in the room indoor plants, some of which, for example ficus, also moisturize it.

Eat to live

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is impossible to imagine without nutritious and proper nutrition. This is especially true for children, since the lack of chubby cheeks and excellent appetite often forces parents to act as clowns and promise mountains of gold if only the child would eat that very cutlet. These methods are a big mistake, because the baby’s body itself is able to determine when and how much food it should receive. There is no need to force feed the child, forcing or persuading. The main criterion for the time of the next meal should be the presence or absence of appetite. It is also worth keeping an eye on what your child eats. For up to three years, you should avoid eating spicy, fried and smoked foods. Do not over-salt food. Instead of chocolate and sugar, dried fruits, dried bananas, and dates are preferred. The child’s diet should include all food groups - meat, dairy, cereals, fruits and vegetables. You also need to pay attention to the hours of eating. Each family, as a rule, has its own scenario. A healthy lifestyle for many parents seems impossible without breakfast, lunch and dinner at strictly defined times. This is partly true, but a child may not always have time to get hungry by a certain time. In this case, in the approved family council The schedule can be adjusted.

Full sleep

Both adults and children need proper rest. Children have a higher need for sleep than the older generation. That is why most of them sleep during the day. However, you should not scold your child if he does not want to go to bed after lunch. A healthy lifestyle for a preschooler includes a certain number of hours of sleep per day. For example, a four-year-old child needs 10.5 hours of sleep per day. If they all happened at night, then you shouldn’t expect that he will want to rest during the day. This is often associated with all sorts of difficulties, especially if the child attends kindergarten. In these conditions, parents should try to put the child to bed and wake him up in the morning at the same time so that he does not sleep for too long. Another way to get your baby to go to bed during the day without too much coaxing is to give him the opportunity to get thoroughly tired. Outdoor games, walks in the fresh air - all this is not only a guarantee of sound sleep, but also another element that makes up a healthy lifestyle for children.

Motor activity

Without proper physical activity It is impossible to imagine the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Without movement, muscles atrophy, the heart weakens, and overweight. And this is just a small list of negative changes associated with in a sedentary manner life. For a child, running, jumping and having fun on the playground with peers is not only prerequisite full-fledged physical, but also an element mental development. The baby trains his body and learns to evaluate his strength. Particularly useful active recreation in nature. Walking in any weather fresh air- parents must choose exactly this scenario to introduce the baby to the world around him. A healthy lifestyle means daily jogging with your child before bed, summer exercises in the yard, weekend trips with the whole family to the river or forest.

Daily routine

Every person can schedule their day, minute by minute. But only a few are able to strictly follow the created schedule. And these are, as a rule, adults. Children do not necessarily need to plan every minute of their lives. However, having a certain daily routine is still necessary. And the older the child becomes, the more specific this regime should be. The first adjustments to the lives of even the most disorganized children are made by kindergarten. You need to bring your child there at a certain time, and in order to do this, you also need to get up in the morning at the same hour. Of course, parents should plan their son or daughter’s time. In addition to the time for sleep, both night and daytime, you need to allocate approximate hours for eating, walking, and developing activities. At the same time, you should not force your baby to do something just because the time has come for it. And if the child is not at all hungry, lunch can be rescheduled. Over time, many things will become familiar, and the child will not need to be reminded, for example, that now is the time to go brush his teeth.


Health and a healthy lifestyle are closely related concepts. Even a person’s immunity, which is strong from birth, can be greatly affected by bad habits, overeating, lack of fresh air and constant watching of TV. In addition, each of us was taught from childhood that cleanliness is the key to health. Therefore, observing the rules of personal hygiene and taking care of the order in the house are the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. After all, a person is constantly surrounded large number bacteria and viruses. Many of them, when entering the body, can cause serious illnesses. We cannot avoid contact with these harmful microbes, but we can help our immune system deal with them. The human body has natural barriers that block the way for bacteria and viruses. This is, for example, the skin and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Many germs accumulate on these surfaces. Daily shower, periodic washing of hands and face, rinsing the nasal cavity saline solutions- all this will help reduce the likelihood of various infectious diseases.

Have time to do everything

This topic - a healthy lifestyle - sooner or later comes up in every family, especially those with small children. Parents agree that the child needs to move more, spend time in the fresh air... But they really want him to be both healthy and smart. And now the four-year-old child begins to teach English language, dances in a small hall in the company of ten other kids and masters the game of chess with dad. And again it turns out that he has no time left to run around in the yard. This does not mean that you need to completely abandon additional classes and clubs. It’s just that parents should reconsider their number and leave only those that the baby really likes.

Hardening of children

A healthy lifestyle for children does not mean dousing them with cool water every day, but proper nutrition, activity and plenty of fresh air. Under these conditions, hardening will be a powerful ally in the fight for a child’s strong immunity. However, by itself it cannot help. Hardening should not be taken to extremes. Pouring ice water, jogging naked in the cold and swimming in an ice hole are activities for adults. But walking barefoot on the grass in the summer, dressing appropriately for the weather, swimming in cool water - all this is good for the baby’s health.

Health and emotions

Nowadays, many schools conduct homeroom hours for children. “Healthy lifestyle” is the topic of this conversation. Depending on the age of the children, they are told about all its components. One of them is comfortable psychological climate in the family. A weekend with parents in nature will bring much more benefit to the child if mom and dad are happy to spend this time this way, and do not take their anger out on the baby because they had to get up early and go somewhere. Health and a healthy lifestyle means the support and love of loved ones. And if parents want their child to be strong and self-confident, they need to be tolerant and calm in any situation.

Healthy lifestyle for children

Your gift - health should be protected by everyone available means strengthen it from early childhood.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help children develop in a timely and harmonious manner and maintain health. If you want your child to grow up strong and healthy, then you should listen to the following rules that will help your baby lead a healthy lifestyle.

Main factors of a healthy lifestyle for children

Lots of freshness and air!

You need to spend as much time in the fresh air as possible. In any weather maximum quantity You need to spend time walking outside. It is better to walk through green parks and squares, avoiding polluted streets. It is better to organize your baby’s sleep in the fresh air - on the balcony, near open window, in a stroller. You need to ventilate the room you live in as often as possible, and home flowers can filter and purify the air in the room.

Plants such as chlorophytum, white spurge, kalanchoe, common ivy, monstera, spathiphyllum and asparagus have properties that help clear harmful gases from the air in the home. Sansevieria is capable of producing a record amount of oxygen for a home plant. Ficus and cyperus not only emit oxygen, but also humidify the air. Research has shown that than colder air in the room where a person lives, the stronger and healthier his body is.

Temperature +18 - +20° is most optimal, but you can try a cooler mode. Wet cleaning should be done as often as possible - dusting, keeping the room clean. It is better to remove from the room all objects that can collect dust: bookshelves, pile carpets, fewer soft toys.

It is better not to use old-style vacuum cleaners for cleaning, as this can be harmful to the immune system - after all, such a vacuum cleaner, passing air through itself many times, picks up only large and not too dangerous respiratory organs garbage.

The air flow at the outlet of such a device is saturated with dust microparticles containing bacteria, household allergens and fungal microspores in high concentrations. For modern cleaning, it is better to use vacuum cleaners with an akafilter.

Life is on the move!

The child’s physical activity should be ensured as much as possible, mainly during a walk. A child can not only sit and lie in a stroller, but also move more: climb slides and horizontal bars, crawl on a spread blanket, and walk. Sport is a source good health And proper development child, because classes have a positive effect on both his physical and emotional state. Sport is also an integral part of a healthy lifestyle for children. It is better to send a child to any section at the age of six, when he already understands whether he likes these activities or not.

It is important to choose the right sports section for your child, because what he does should be interesting and useful. For example, dancing and gymnastics classes develop all muscle groups, coordination, flexibility, and stretching. Ice skating improves the body's resistance and is well suited for children with diseases of the bronchi and lungs. Classes water view Sports develop the respiratory system, strengthen the nervous system and harden the child. Skiing is suitable for children who often catch colds, because it develops strength, coordination and endurance, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and trains all muscle groups. Martial arts They will teach you to stand up for yourself, strengthen your character and make your child psychologically stronger.

Less clothes for the child

Overheating is much more dangerous than hypothermia, so over-bundling is best avoided.

A child should have the same number of layers of clothing as an adult, and if in doubt, you can add another layer - you need to take this simple principle into account. When the child is at home, it is better to keep him naked more often or only in a vest. Children breathe through their skin, so many babies try to take off their clothes themselves, as soon as they have learned how to do this. As soon as the baby begins to walk, orthopedic doctors advise him to initially wear orthopedic shoes with hard soles so that the foot is formed correctly. But if the foot is already formed, then walking barefoot on the floor should be encouraged in every possible way. It is better to purchase shoes and clothes from natural fabrics - linen, wool, leather, cotton and organic cotton, because such fabrics allow the skin to breathe. Natural clothing warms you in cold weather and cools you in hot weather.

Healthy nutrition is an important factor in a healthy lifestyle for children.

Breastfeeding for a child in early age- This is, naturally, the healthiest diet.

Of course, mom needs to watch her diet, because there is a lot of information on this matter. You need to feed your baby on demand and without restrictions in place, quantity and time. You should not give your baby pacifiers and nipples, because they artificially replace the mother's breast. It is better not to introduce additional complementary foods until six months. Regarding complementary feeding, you should consult your pediatrician. An indicator that the time has come to introduce complementary foods is “food interest,” when the baby himself wants to taste different foods and drags them into his mouth. Unsweetened porridge and vegetable purees are suitable as the first complementary foods.

You shouldn’t get carried away with canned food; after all, it’s canned and, as they say, “dead.” Ideal option- these are vegetables cooked steamed or in an air fryer from your own garden or the garden of people who are guaranteed not to use chemical fertilizers. This way the baby will receive the maximum amount of benefits and vitamins. Ideally, no more than two to three hours should pass between cooking and eating. And of course, pre-prepared baby food should be kept in the refrigerator in a tightly closed or vacuum-sealed container.

Hardening the child

Hardening: Hardening with water will help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to temperature changes.

This will have a positive impact on everyone's work. internal organs, cardiovascular and nervous system, will increase the child’s skin’s resistance to infections. Pouring, rubbing and showering are the most common types of hardening at home. The water temperature at the beginning of hardening should be no lower than 34-35 degrees and after 6 - 7 days regular procedures the temperature can be reduced by 2 degrees, gradually bringing it to 22 - 24 degrees. Swimming in open water is also useful look hardening And on a warm sunny day, you can simply splash around in a basin of water, play with toys and boats. Most safe look hardening is hardening with air.

Apply air baths You can start at two months of age. The air temperature should be at least 20 degrees, and the duration of the procedure is initially 10-15 minutes. When hardening, it is important to observe indoors temperature regime and ventilate the rooms as often as possible. Don't forget about walks. The child must be outside for at least two hours a day in the cold season and an unlimited amount of time in summer period. The basic principles of hardening are systematicity, as well as a gradual consistent increase in the dosage of hardening procedures.

Family is a space of love

The prevailing psychological atmosphere in the family affects not only the emotional state, but also the health of the child as a whole.

The negative emotions that a child constantly experiences will certainly lead to stress and then to illness. The science of psychosomatics convincingly proves to us that the main causes of many diseases are numerous stresses, family troubles and overwork. You need to surround your child with love, approval and understanding, because they are like sunlight and air are required for the health of the little man. As they say, healthy mind in a healthy body. And vice versa: healthy body will ensure a healthy mind. Strengthen your baby's spirit kind words, caresses, comfort and warmth.

Positive emotions, thoughts and laughter

If you constantly think and talk about the fact that a child is often sick and not healthy, then you can, it turns out, attract trouble to yourself. Even if this is the case, you need to treat it casually and calmly. Our brain, which tells us to breathe, can also give commands to our immune system. Therefore, it is better to direct the power of thoughts for the benefit of the baby. A mother and her child have one energy information field between them, and what she thinks and says directly affects her child. We should strive to utter positively charged phrases more often: “My baby and I are completely healthy!

Our immunity is strong,” or something like that, whatever you think suits you best. This can be viewed with sarcasm and disbelief, but there are real studies and historical facts, repeatedly confirming the effectiveness of this method.

For example, Emil Kui, a doctor who lived in the last century, conducted an experiment: he asked his patients to constantly repeat one simple phrase: “Every day, every day, I feel better and better.” And indeed, those who agreed to do this, for the most part, recovered much faster than others.

Happy laughter and joyful emotions have positive impact on hormonal background body and strengthen human immunity.

Lead a healthy lifestyle, laugh more often, make your child laugh and have fun with the whole family!

Doctor Kartashova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

All parents want their babies to grow up strong and happy. Unfortunately, not all modern children can boast of good health. Pediatricians say that today's children get sick more often than their peers 10-15 years ago. And they are no different in physical endurance either. Why is this happening? The average child sits a lot at homework, on the computer, moves little, eats irregularly and irrationally. Bad habits in children also have a negative impact. As a result of all this, already adolescence they develop chronic diseases and physical inactivity. A healthy lifestyle will help you avoid these problems. It is very important for a child, as it is the basis of his physical well-being in the future.

First steps to health

Children should be taught to strive to be healthy from the first years of life. Children should get into the habit of washing their hands, bathing regularly, brushing their teeth, doing morning exercises, spending time in the fresh air, and keeping their clothes tidy. Parents teach these basic things to a child even before he goes to kindergarten. As children grow older, caregivers and teachers become involved in caring for their health. The “Healthy Lifestyle” project exists today in all domestic educational institutions. For each age category developing their own programs. Despite the fact that there are many of them, they have the same goal - to preserve and strengthen the physical, psychological and spiritual health of the child, to accustom him to the rules of hygiene and self-care, and to instill the concept that there can be nothing more valuable than excellent health.

How do they work with children in preschool institutions?

Children in kindergarten should begin with explanations about what is harmful and beneficial for a growing organism. Kids need accessible form give an idea of ​​the structure of their body, the characteristics of the body, and instill in them self-hygiene skills. A child of kindergarten age is taught to identify when he is sick and to complain to the teacher or parents. Much attention is paid to the physical development of preschool children. They are not only taught the need for daily exercise, but also explained why it is needed and how it affects their health. human body. All work with children is carried out in a playful way, because this is how they best absorb knowledge and gain new skills. Successful implementation of the program is possible only if teachers interact with the children’s parents.

Main areas of programs

Healthy lifestyle programs in kindergarten consist of several important and closely related areas. These include therapeutic and preventive activities, physical development and wellness treatments, care for psychological well-being, proper diet nutrition and injury prevention.

Keeping babies healthy in practice

Therapeutic and preventive work in kindergartens consists of teaching children a daily routine, the ability to determine their well-being, and observe hygiene requirements. To do this, in preschool institutions they create a comfortable regime in groups, conduct daily walks and pay attention to the active children’s hardening.

Physical education and health improvement for preschoolers includes morning exercises and exercises after nap, running, sports games, finger exercises. Children and parents are encouraged to play sports together. Teachers not only accustom their students to physical activity, but also tell them about the rules safe behavior during physical education.

In order to avoid problems with the mental health of children, teachers give them moments of silence and musical breaks throughout the day. This allows the children to relax and relieve nervous tension.

A healthy lifestyle for a child has a close relationship with the quality of food he eats. In order to help him grow up healthy, educational institutions regularly promote the benefits of balanced nutrition.

The level of childhood injuries is increasing every year. In order to reduce it, adults conduct explanatory conversations with students about how to avoid accidents, how to behave in case of fire, etc. In order to prevent car accidents, children are taught from an early age to cross the roadway correctly and explain to them the consequences of violating the rules traffic.

Health of elementary school students

Problems with a healthy lifestyle for children begin after they enter school. A child who crosses the threshold of the classroom is no longer treated like a child. Changing daily routines, new requirements, lessons and other factors leave their mark on students junior classes. Most often, it is during this period that children experience digestive disorders, scoliosis, insufficient motor activity, blurred vision, and mental disorders.

Health programs in primary school

Projects to encourage healthy lifestyles, designed for elementary school students, have several important goals. Firstly, they are aimed at developing in the younger generation a caring attitude towards their own body. Secondly, such programs contribute to the adaptation of children in society, which in the future will allow them to avoid such harmful habits as smoking, drug use, and alcohol. The implementation of such projects is possible with close cooperation teaching staff with the students' parents.

Teaching healthy lifestyles to children junior school consists of several main directions. Teachers instill in students the concept of value wellness, that it is much easier to preserve it than to restore it later. Younger school age- this is the most the right time in order to expand children's knowledge about health. Conversations and games are held with them on topics related to hygiene rules, the need to play sports, toughen up, and eat rationally.

Education of primary school students

During this period, prevention of the child’s bad habits begins, which will continue throughout his entire time at school. He is taught to resist the negative influence of older comrades, to have his own strong position in relation to factors negatively affecting health. Students are attracted to different types useful work, which will help them develop their abilities and subsequently realize themselves in life. Much attention is paid to schoolchildren: they are regularly given morning exercises and physical education lessons, and children are also strongly encouraged to attend sports sections. The healthy lifestyle program consists of working not only with students, but also with their mothers and fathers. At meetings, teachers educate parents on issues related to their involvement in sports, proper nutrition, prevention of bad habits, etc.

Work of teachers with teenagers

After graduating from primary school, the main direction educational work a healthy lifestyle remains with students. 5th grade and all subsequent ones is the time when most children are familiar with sports and the basics of healthy nutrition, have a stable negative attitude to bad habits. The task of teachers is to provide schoolchildren with more detailed information about a healthy lifestyle. For this purpose, educational conversations are regularly held with children about the benefits of sports and physical activity, prevention viral colds, care rules own body. Teachers continue to work against children's addiction to alcohol, tobacco and drugs. The “Healthy Lifestyle” project in middle and high schools also includes age-appropriate sex education for students. Teenagers are introduced to the basics of sexual behavior, various venereal diseases and ways to avoid infection by them.

The importance of environment in human upbringing

A healthy lifestyle for a child of any age is inextricably linked with his family. If his immediate circle (parents, grandparents, older brothers and sisters) play sports, take care of themselves, eat right, and do not have bad habits, then the student will see a positive example before him, and it will be much easier for him to grow up as a full-fledged person, not susceptible to disease and harmful addictions. In problem families where adults abuse alcohol, smoke, and take drugs, it is unlikely that it will be possible to raise healthy children. It is also important who the child communicates with regularly. Children often fall under the bad influence of friends who have bad habits. To avoid this, adults need to carefully monitor who their offspring is friends with and prevent his communication with dubious persons.

Participation in groups

A healthy lifestyle should be the norm for a child. Parents, educators and teachers are equally responsible for it. Every person must understand from childhood that his well-being depends on him, and he must make every effort to remain strong for as long as possible. Healthy lifestyle groups, which are popular today among people of any age, will help him with this. Such organizations are a kind of clubs of interest, where participants get together to get information that interests them, conduct joint training, go on a hike, and so on. If a child begins to attend such a group, he will definitely grow up healthy, as he will be surrounded by like-minded people.

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The task of early formation of a culture of health is relevant, timely and quite complex. How to strengthen and maintain the health of our children? How to promote the formation of a child’s physical culture? How to instill healthy lifestyle skills? When should this start? Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it’s until seven years go by intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, the main personality traits are laid, character is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a base of knowledge and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

The study of children's health problems is of particular relevance in our time.

The art of living long consists, first of all, of learning to take care of your health from childhood. What is missed in childhood is difficult to make up for. Therefore, the priority direction in preschool education today is to improve the level of health of children, develop their healthy lifestyle skills (HLS), as well as a sustainable need for regular physical exercise.

Data various studies show that recently the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased by 5 times and constitutes only 10% of the number of children entering school.

It should be noted that children lack physical qualities (perseverance, the ability to exert themselves without harming their health, to simply correct their emotional state, to switch from one activity to another), that is, those indicators that are closely related to self-education. Consequently, there is a need to create a system of work in which health-improving activities are integrated into educational activities, which ultimately contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the child’s physical and mental health and the formation of healthy lifestyle habits.

Today, preserving and strengthening children's health is one of the main strategic objectives of the country's development. It is regulated and ensured by such regulatory and legal documents as the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (Article 51), “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population”, as well as Decrees of the President of Russia “On Urgent Measures to Ensure the Health of the Population” Russian Federation", "On approval of the main directions of state social policy to improve the situation of children in the Russian Federation", etc.

Health is not only the absence of disease, it is a state of optimal performance, creative output, emotional tone, that which creates the foundation for the future well-being of an individual.

Therefore, the main tasks for improving the health of children in kindergarten are the formation of their ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life, the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Teachers must teach the child the right choice in any situation, only what is beneficial to health and avoid everything harmful. Instill in a child from an early age the right attitude towards his health, a sense of responsibility for it. These problems must be solved by creating whole system to preserve the physical, mental and social well-being of the child.

Particular attention should be paid to the following components of a healthy lifestyle:

  • Physical education classes, walks.
  • Rational nutrition, compliance with personal hygiene rules: hardening, creating conditions for good sleep

Proper nutrition ensures the normal course of growth and development of the body, as well as maintaining health. Proper organization of nutrition has great value for development child's body, in the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

The next factor in a healthy lifestyle is hardening. Almost everyone knows the saying: “Sun, air and water are our best friends.” And indeed, the use of these natural forces of nature, the use of reasonable, rational, leads to the fact that a person becomes hardened, successfully resists unfavorable factors external environment - hypothermia and overheating. Hardening - effective remedy strengthening human health. The success and effectiveness of hardening is possible only if a number of principles are observed:




Taking into account individual characteristics.

Mental hardening stimulates physiological defense mechanisms: immunity, function of the endocrine glands. Speaking about positive emotions, one should also remember that in pedagogy, encouragement is considered a more effective lever of influence on a child than punishment. By encouraging a child, we preserve and strengthen his health

  • friendly attitude towards each other, development of listening and speaking skills, ability to distinguish lies from truth
  • careful attitude towards environment, to nature
  • medical education, timely visits to the doctor, implementation of various recommendations
  • formation of the concept “don’t harm yourself”

Physical education and health activities include:

Creating a system of physical activity during the day:

  • morning exercises (daily);
  • physical education classes (3 times a week);
  • musical and rhythmic classes (2 +2 times a week);
  • walks including outdoor games;
  • health jogging (daily);
  • finger gymnastics (daily during special moments)
  • visual, breathing, corrective gymnastics in appropriate classes)
  • recreational gymnastics after a nap (daily);
  • physical education minutes and breaks (during sedentary activities, daily);
  • emotional releases, relaxation;
  • walking on massage mats, sand, pebbles (barefoot walking);
  • sports activities, entertainment, holidays (1 time per month)

It is necessary to maintain and strengthen the health of children.

A child’s need for health and a healthy lifestyle is also formed on the basis of ideas about himself, his physical and personal capabilities, about what is harmful to health and what is beneficial. For example, it is harmful not to brush your teeth, not to cut your nails, not to do gymnastics. Children acquire this knowledge in special classes in our kindergarten.

Objectives of work on developing a healthy lifestyle for preschool children:

  • to form the idea that being healthy is good and being sick is bad; about some signs of health;
  • develop skills healthy behavior: love to move, eat more vegetables, fruits; wash your hands after every contamination; don't get angry or worry; be friendly; spend more time in the fresh air; observe the regime;
  • help to master sustainable behavioral skills;
  • develop the ability to talk about your health and the health of loved ones;
  • develop skills correct posture;
  • enrich children's knowledge about physical education movement in general;
  • develop artistic interest

Sports and theatrical festival "Heroic Competitions"

(For children of the preparatory group)

Goals: to teach to convey an emotional state in motion, to enter into an imaginary situation, to develop children’s organizational skills, perseverance in achieving goals, to expand the area of ​​communication and interaction, to promote the development of thinking, imagination, and creative abilities.

Sports equipment: children's chairs, large balls, dumbbells, sticks, ribbons, benches, 2 brooms, balloons, stands, 2 basins of water, apples, "Hut on Chicken Legs".

Characters: presenter - physical education instructor, Ilya Muromets, Baba Yaga, Elena the Wise (jury)

Presenter - Hello, friends!

Children - hello!

Presenter - how are you feeling?

Children are great!

Presenter - shall we play?

Children - yes!

V. - I propose to organize heroic competitions today - let the boys show us their strength and prowess! Tell me! - who is the most important hero - Ilya Muromets. That's where we'll go to visit! Do you agree? Then we take our seats (the children sit on chairs arranged in a checkerboard pattern).

V. - in order to grow and harden, let's play sports! Get busy, kids! Good luck - Fizkult - Hurray!

Dance sitting and standing on chairs.

(Music sounds, Ilya Muromets enters).

THEM. - you are guests, you are good fellows, heroes of our land! Hello to you, and a low bow from me to I.M., and to my comrades - Dobrynya Nikitich, and Alyosha Popovich. And a low bow to you, beautiful girls. I heard about strong, mighty heroes and decided to test your heroic strength. Let's stand, heroes, opposite each other, and warm up before the serious competition.

V. - is everyone here? Is everyone healthy? Are you ready to run and play? Well, then don’t yawn, don’t be lazy! Get ready to warm up!

Warm up with dumbbells.

THEM. - and now we need to come up with names for the teams. Let there be “Bogatyrs” on the left, and “Good fellows” on the right. I propose that our competition be judged by the wisest Vasilis the Wise. (members of the jury - head of the childcare center, methodologist, speech therapist, psychologist).

THEM. - What is a hero without a horse? Now we will see how our fellows know how to stay in the saddle. Bring me my war horse. You need to ride around that mound on horseback and come back.

Hop racing.

THEM. - what fairy tales do you know? And my favorite fairy tale is "The Frog - the Traveler." The next competition is called:

"Frog - Traveler"

THEM. - Guess the riddle?

"No arms, no legs
Walks and no traces are visible" (fish)

The following competition is called:

"The Fisherman and the Fishes"

(in 30 seconds you need to catch as many fish as possible)

THEM. - Now let’s check your strength, heroes!

Take down your opponent's hand.

V. - Ilya Muromets, you asked us riddles, and now we will tell you riddles.

"The ABC of Movements"

(look, think and guess the letter)

THEM. - For a long time, heroes fought with evil spirits. Well, tell me who they are?

(music plays, Baba Yaga appears)

Baba Yaga - hello, kids, girls and boys! Here I am! I would like to offer you such a competition!

Running in a mortar with a broom, overcoming obstacles.

Baba Yaga - and now I want to test how brave you are. Don’t be afraid of the snake Gorynych, then let’s begin!

Fight with the Serpent Gorynych.

V. - I invite you all to the “Fun Training”:

  • Kolobok
  • Engine
  • Soldier
  • Palms
  • Cheerful little devil
  • Heron
  • Pump

THEM. - Well, I’m convinced: you have plenty of strength and dexterity, which means it’s time to go to a serious test. Koschey the Immortal imprisoned all the Beautiful Helens in his prison. We need to help them out! But before you hit the road, you need to refresh yourself with rejuvenating apples.

Rejuvenating apples.

(children take turns running up to a basin of water, take out an apple from there without using their hands and return to their team)

V. - and now, in order to relax and take a breath, I suggest doing exercises for the fingers, which are called:


THEM. - and now the most difficult test. We must penetrate the kingdom of Koshcheevo and free Elen the Beautiful!

Obstacle course with cards.

THEM. - well, well done heroes. They showed their heroic strength and brave prowess. Come out Elena the Beautiful, you are free. Let us dance and delight our eyes with your beauty!

Step aerobics.

(performing by Elena the Beautiful - girls of the senior group)

THEM. - Elena the Wise, a word to you (words, awards, medals)

Baba Yaga - I invite everyone to the "Tavern on Chicken Legs"!

(children come out gym, go to the art studio)

Children - “Hut, hut, turn your front to me and your back to the forest.”

Hut - here is my order, listen to the order, in a dozen and a half phrases. Smile! Look away! Get down on the floor! Turn on your side, close your mouth and remain silent. Hands patted, feet stomped. And now everyone stood up together and became cheerful again.

Baba Yaga - come in, dear guests, relax, sit, and use your mind.

Baba Yaga - I want to check how attentive you are children? Answer “I” to all questions, but listen carefully:

  • Who loves chocolate?
  • Who loves marmalade?
  • Who loves pears?
  • Who doesn't wash their ears?

Baba Yaga - oh, what a wonderful day, shouldn’t we listen to a song!

Song "We will serve in the army."

Baba Yaga -

In general, dear boys,
We'll tell you a secret:
Better than you in this world
Of course there is no one!

Baba Yaga - now sit down comfortably and try my pies and drink.

As a result of the work done on the programs, I received the following results:

Children have developed motor experience, children have mastered imitative movements, an interest in motor activity has appeared, they have learned to implement motor creativity and improvisation in games, which allows us to talk about the development of fantasy.

The incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and upper respiratory infections in children has decreased respiratory tract, the attendance of children in the group increased.

The final examination of children by pediatricians showed that when children left kindergarten for school, their health groups changed.

Children do not have deviations from the normal, age-appropriate level of physical development.

The proposed ways of physical health improvement for preschool children are effective and can significantly increase the level of physical health and psychological readiness for school.


  1. Author: Zolotykh Iraida Nikolaevna - instructor in physical culture, Belgorod region, Gubkin, MDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type N2 "Chamomile".
  2. Author: Alfiya Rizvanovna Ismagilova, teacher I qualification category, Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"Kindergarten N 358 combined type with education and training in the Tatar language" of the Volga region of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan.



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