What to do to make your nose breathe. My nose is stuffy, what should I do? How to treat nasal congestion? Eucalyptus oil is a surefire remedy for a stuffy nose

Impaired respiratory function and a runny nose force any person to look for an emergency solution to the problem. However, sometimes the necessary drugs are not available nearby. How to get rid of nasal congestion without drops?

What to do if your nose is stuffy but there are no drops

Prolonged rhinitis can cause stagnation of mucus in the nasal tract, which provokes the active spread of pathogens. That is why a runny nose should be treated promptly.

However, in some situations it is not possible to go to a medical facility or visit a pharmacy, but getting your nose to breathe is vital. In this case, the following methods will help.


Chinese healers suggest using acupressure. By pressing certain points, you can improve blood circulation, relieve swelling, and enhance the removal of stagnant mucus. To do this, use the index fingers of both hands to make rotational movements, pressing on the following points:

  • near the wings of the nose;
  • near the outer corners of the eyes;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • just above the earlobe.

The massage is carried out three times, after which it is repeated a few minutes later.

Breathing exercises

Inhaling slowly and holding your breath for as long as possible will help relieve congestion. This helps open the sinuses. After a deep breath, the sinuses should open and breathing should be restored.

Change of position

A simple method will allow you to urgently break through the nasal passages. You need to lie down on the side opposite your stuffy nose and lie there for a few minutes.

Set fire to cotton wool

A small piece of cotton wool is pinched with scissors, set on fire and extinguished, after which the smoke is inhaled through each nostril. The nose should open up instantly.

Exposure to heat

Respiratory function can be restored with heat. To do this, dry heat is applied to both sides of the nose: heated salt or cereal placed in a fabric bag, or boiled eggs in the shell. The duration of the procedure is 20-30 seconds.

Hot baths for the palms and feet, rubbing the limbs with warming balms, taking a warm shower or bath with the addition of aromatic oils have a quick effect.

Spicy food and spices

Spices, spicy foods and herbs that help soften dry crusts in the nasal tract will help remove severe congestion. For this use:

  • chili pepper;
  • garlic;
  • ginger;
  • horseradish.

The products are consumed orally or simply inhaled.

A mixture of honey and horseradish, taken one teaspoon three times a day, will help cope with rhinitis.

Drink plenty of fluids

You can prevent thickening of nasal secretions by drinking plenty of liquid - mint tea, water with lemon and honey, chicken broth, etc.


One of the most popular ways to relieve blockage of the nasal passages is to inhale hot vapors.. Inhalation procedures will help thin and remove mucus from the mucous membranes and restore respiratory function. Medicinal herbs are used for these purposes:

  • chamomile;
  • thyme;
  • calendula;
  • pine buds.

To prepare the infusion, brew 3 tablespoons of the dry plant with a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. You need to breathe over the vapors, covered with a towel. In addition to herbs, boiled potatoes, essential oils, and mineral water are also used.

Honey tampons

Honey is a unique product that has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, but it must be used with caution: if you are individually intolerant, it can cause allergies.

To relieve congestion, cotton wool soaked in honey is placed in the nasal passages for 10-15 minutes.

Laundry soap

You can quickly restore normal breathing with the help of alkaline soap: it has a drying effect and will relieve the condition for a while.

To do this, soap your finger and treat your nasal passages. After 30 seconds, the soap must be washed off.


Regular rinsing will remove the blockage. Solutions based on table salt (one teaspoon per glass of water), ordinary sodium chloride or soda solution will help with this.

These products help moisturize mucous membranes and reduce the viscosity of mucus. The prepared liquid is drawn into a bulb or syringe without a needle, the head is tilted in the opposite direction and poured one by one into each nasal passage, waiting for the solution to flow out of the other nostril. After washing, you need to blow your nose.


If your nose is stuffy, aromatic oils will come to the rescue. You can simply inhale them by applying them to the tip and wings of your nose, or heat them in an aroma lamp.

In the fight against congestion, oil solutions are used:

  • camphor;
  • tea tree;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • orange;
  • fir trees

The following recipe showed excellent results for congestion. In a small container, mix 5 drops of olive and tea tree oil, soak the turunda and inject it into the nasal passages for 15 minutes. This method is recommended to be used before bedtime.

All of the listed methods for eliminating congestion are emergency measures and cannot replace full treatment. To completely cure rhinitis, it is necessary to find out its cause.

How to replace nasal drops at home

If there are no vasoconstrictor drugs nearby, you can make drops at home yourself:

  • Juice obtained from Kalanchoe or aloe will help with a runny nose. The leaves of the plants are crushed, the juice is squeezed out of the pulp, diluted in half with water and used 2-3 drops four times a day. These plants contain a large number of unique substances that promote the death of microbes and relieve inflammation.

Instilling drops from Kalanchoe into the nostrils can provoke sneezing: thanks to this, the body gets rid of viruses.

  • Garlic or onion drops. Grind onion or garlic in a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth, mix it half and half with water and inject 2-3 drops into each nasal passage, 4-5 times a day. If desired, add honey, sunflower oil, and aloe juice to the resulting product.
  • You can try dripping the juice of medicinal herbs into the nostrils, for example, squeezed from the leaves of coltsfoot: this remedy will help relieve severe swelling and promote the drainage of nasal secretions. Chamomile decoction, which is dripped into the nasal cavity or washed, has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Eucalyptus leaves will help you cope with bacteria: you can also brew an infusion from them and use it for instillation and irrigation.
  • Strong tea leaves, thanks to the tannins included in the composition, have an antiseptic effect and will help remove congestion and swelling. The tea should be dripped into the nasal passages every two to three hours.
  • If the nose is very clogged, use a decoction of nettles and rhubarb juice. The ingredients are combined in the same ratio and administered into the nasal passages 4-5 times a day.
  • Home remedies made from beets and carrots are very effective: they do an excellent job with swelling of the mucous membranes. Raw vegetables are crushed with a blender, juice is squeezed out of the pulp, which should be injected into the nostrils as often as possible.
  • The following recipe will allow you to break through your nose without drips and cope with congestion. Carrot and beet juice are combined with olive oil and 2-3 drops of garlic juice.
  • Remedies made from essential oils can be used for any runny nose, with the exception of allergies. Aroma oils help moisturize mucous membranes, activate local immunity, relieve inflammation and swelling, but the results may not be felt immediately:
  • geranium, bergamot and tea tree oils should be taken 2 drops each, cedar and eucalyptus - 3 drops each. Add 5 g of olive oil to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Use 1 drop in each nasal passage three times a day;
  • The following composition will help delay sinuses: eucalyptus, mint and tea tree oils are combined in proportions 1:1:1. The composition is dripped into the nasal passages in the morning and evening;
  • for a runny nose and congestion, use a combination of rosemary, juniper and geranium - two drops each, sage and mint - one each.
  • Ledum effectively removes symptoms of colds. The product is prepared in advance: add 30 g of crushed wild rosemary to ½ cup of vegetable or olive oil, keep in a dark place for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally. After time, filter and use as intended. For the first time, use 2-3 drops of the solution, after which the dosage is reduced to one, 4 times a day.
  • 5 g of celandine must be crushed in a blender, mixed with the same amount of honey and aloe juice. Use the resulting mixture 3 drops, 4-5 times a day.
  • Liquid honey is diluted in half with water. The resulting solution is dripped into the nasal passages three times a day.

Before using prescriptions for congestion, it is necessary to rinse the mucous membranes of the sinuses with a saline solution. In addition, the patient should make sure that there are no allergic reactions to the components used.

In the arsenal of traditional healers there are many recipes to combat rhinitis and congestion. However, if they are ineffective, the symptoms do not disappear for a long time, a headache occurs, and the discharge turns greenish, complications can be suspected. Only timely consultation with a doctor will help prevent many unpleasant consequences.

If the use of pharmacy drops to treat a runny nose is not recommended, or pharmacies are simply closed, the question arises - how to get rid of nasal congestion without drops? If the nose is stuffy, proper breathing is impaired, not enough oxygen reaches the brain, and hypoxia develops. This condition is manifested by headaches, chronic fatigue, weakness and ringing in the ears. Physical activity and performance of a person decreases.

In addition, when the nose is blocked, the patient is forced to breathe through the mouth. This means that unpurified, cold air enters the respiratory tract; viruses and bacteria are not filtered or neutralized, and this can lead to the development of additional diseases - pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis or bronchitis. What to do to get rid of an unpleasant symptom and prevent the condition from worsening if there are no medications or drops at hand? Alternative medicine methods will help.

Urgent help

If nasal breathing is completely blocked, it is necessary to relieve nasal congestion as quickly as possible, using available means. To understand what to do and how, you need to be aware of why your nose is stuffy. There are two reasons:

What to do, how to eliminate these two factors? To get rid of congestion without drops, it is necessary to ensure the outflow of mucus. To do this, it is first liquefied with saline. If you don’t have such a remedy in your home medicine cabinet, prepare it yourself - it’s not at all difficult. For a liter of warm boiled water you need to take less than a teaspoon of salt. It’s better to use sea food, but if you don’t have it, regular cook food will do. The salt should completely dissolve. After this, the solution can be used to rinse the nose and moisturize the mucous membrane to get rid of congestion.

When the mucus becomes thinner, you need to thoroughly clean the nasal passages.

You need to blow your nose correctly so as not to damage the hearing aid or injure the mucous membrane. Otolaryngologists recommend it like this:

  • lean over the sink and close one nostril with your finger, pressing on the wing of the nose;
  • gently blow through your nose so that the mucus comes out along with the remaining solution;
  • if necessary, reintroduce saline solution into the nasal passage and repeat the procedure;
  • then do the same with the second nostril.

If the patient does everything correctly, his ears will not become blocked and his nose will not bleed. The nasal passages will clear, congestion will go away and breathing will be partially restored.

Further treatment

  1. Warming up.
  2. Massage.
  3. Breathing and regular gymnastics.

Physical activity, if dosed, is not at all contraindicated for nasal congestion. If a person moves, his blood circulation normalizes, his nose begins to clear thick secretions without droplets and he can breathe better. It is undesirable to play sports only with purulent sinusitis. In all other cases, you can do a few squats, leg swings, bends and turns, and then run or walk quickly. You should try to breathe through your nose.

If a person is sweating enough, you can stop. The nose will begin to breathe in a couple of minutes. To get rid of congestion without dripping, you should immediately blow your nose and rinse your nasal passages again.

Important: you can perform exercises only if there is no temperature or problems with blood pressure.

Massaging certain points on the face and body will help get rid of severe congestion. First, you should massage the point on the bridge of your nose between the bases of your eyebrows with your thumb or index finger. Then massage the points near the corners of the eyes outside and inside. Stimulation of points located above the upper lip near the wings of the nose is also effective.

There are biologically active points on the hands. You can massage the pads of your thumbs for 40–50 seconds. And then alternately press on the point between the bases of the thumb and index fingers. To find it correctly, you need to bring your fingers together. The point will be located directly on the tubercle that forms between them. This will get rid of nasal congestion without drops.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Nasal congestion is eliminated mainly with the help of various baths, inhalations and warming. All these procedures are warming, so they can also be done only when there is no temperature.

  1. Foot bath. Dissolve two tablespoons of mustard powder or sea salt in a bowl of hot water. Feet should be steamed for a quarter of an hour, then rinsed with clean water, wiped dry, rubbed with any warming ointment and put on woolen socks.
  2. Inhalation. Dissolve a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus oil in 2-3 liters of hot water. Then they breathe in hot steam, covered with a towel. A solution of sea salt or soda can also be used for inhalation.
  3. Warming up the nose. To do this, you can use improvised objects at home if there is no special device or lamp. Boiled eggs in their shells or jacket potatoes are suitable. They are wrapped in a napkin and applied to both sides of the nose. Warming continues until the food has cooled down. You can also use bags of salt heated in a frying pan instead.

All these methods will help get rid of nasal congestion without drops. Warming up is strictly prohibited in case of sinusitis - the pus can spread to other organs. Finally, you should drip your nose with beet juice, Kalanchoe, aloe, or a decoction of rhubarb or nettle. All these folk remedies have a vasoconstrictor effect.

A runny nose is one of the most common symptoms in the world. Every person at one time or another suffered from rhinitis, since this condition is one of the body’s protective reactions. Modern pharmaceuticals have a wide range of drugs that act against the common cold.

They are especially popular. They are available without prescription, are easy to use and have a fast effect. However, such drugs, if used over a long period of time, may lead to unexpected results. So, many citizens who often use nasal drops wonder why their nose cannot breathe without drops.

The popularity of nasal drops among the population is quite simple to explain.

  1. Firstly, they are able to very quickly relieve a person from the unpleasant symptoms of rhinitis.
  2. Secondly, to purchase this type of product there is no need to go to the doctor for a prescription.
  3. Thirdly, nasal drops are quite convenient to use.

Today, medical drug manufacturers produce several types of nasal drops.

The most common types of these funds are:

  • vasoconstrictors;
  • antiseptic;
  • containing antibiotics;
  • homeopathic;

Nasal drops vary in their composition and duration of action. There are drops that last up to six, up to nine and up to twelve hours. Some products begin to have an effect only after a few days (for example, ).

Since most citizens consider a runny nose to be a minor problem that does not pose a danger to the body, a similar attitude has developed towards remedies for it. There is a widespread belief among the population that nasal drops are absolutely harmless. But in fact it is wrong. One of the main dangers of such drugs is addiction to their action.

Causes of persistent symptoms

Most types of drops are not therapeutic agents. They are able to effectively relieve symptoms, but do not affect the causes of the disease. Vasoconstrictors are the most popular among the population.

The effect of using such drugs occurs almost instantly (within just a few seconds) and lasts for several hours.

However, long-term use of such products is dangerous. It is addictive and addictive.

As a result, a situation arises when a person does not use such means.

Even if the main cause of the development of a runny nose has already been eliminated.

To better understand the reason why the nose does not breathe after vasoconstrictor drops, it is necessary to understand how a runny nose occurs and how such drugs affect it.

The occurrence of rhinitis is directly related to the expansion of blood vessels located in the nasal cavity. Due to their expansion, swelling occurs, which blocks the nasal passages. As a result, a person cannot breathe normally through his nose and feels discomfort in this part of the body.

Vasoconstrictor drops are aimed at eliminating vasodilation. After using such drugs, the blood vessels narrow, swelling decreases or is completely eliminated, and nasal breathing resumes. However, such products can be used for a limited period of time, as indicated in the instructions.

Reference! Vasoconstrictor and some other types of drops can be used from three to five days, no more than seven.

Why does drops become addictive?

Most citizens do not read drug instructions. As a result, they use medications for a long time, the use of which must be limited. As a result a phenomenon occurs, referred to in medicine as “tachyphylaxis”. Its essence lies in the rapid decrease in the body's response to the drug after its use. After increasing the dosage, the effectiveness of the drug increases, but this aggravates tachyphylaxis.

Three factors are the causes of constant nasal congestion without the use of drops:

But the main reason for the development of addiction is the actions of the patient. Using nasal drops without restrictions, he provokes the development of the reactions described above. As a result, trying to eliminate a new runny nose, he only aggravates the situation and complicates his situation. Sooner or later, the patient has a question: “I can’t breathe through my nose without drops, what should I do?”

How to get rid of the problem

Therapy for addiction to drops is necessary, since such a situation can lead to serious complications. For example, in people whose nose has not been able to breathe without drops for many years, with prolonged use of such products mucosal erosion and perforation of the nasal septum may develop. In addition, the consequences of this condition also include turbinate hyperplasia, which leads to irreversible blockage of the nasal passages.

Therapeutic measures depend on the specific situation. In some cases, it is necessary to gradually reduce the dose over several weeks, additionally rinsing the nasal cavity with saline solutions twice a day. In more advanced cases, drug therapy is used.

Your doctor may use:

  1. Fluticasone. The drug has a number of side effects and is prohibited for use by persons suffering from viral/fungal diseases of the nasal cavity. Use twice a day (two sprays into each nostril).
  2. "Budesonite." The method of use and the list of side effects are the same as the previous drug.
  3. "Sinupret". Dosage – two tablets three times a day. In the case of using drops - twenty-five drops three times a day.
  4. "Euphorbium". Homeopathic medicine. Has a beneficial effect on the restoration of mucous membranes. Improves nasal breathing. Used several times (up to five) during the day.

Important! Additionally, doctors prescribe multivitamin complexes containing zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium and potassium. In advanced cases, physiotherapy is used.

To restore the nasal mucosa and vascular tone, the following can be used:

In particularly difficult cases, surgery may be required. The attending physician may resort to:

  • cryotherapy;
  • turbinoplasty;
  • seproplasty;
  • conchotomies;
  • surgical laser intervention.

The doctor will decide what to do if your nose cannot breathe without drops. First of all, the choice of treatment method is influenced by the neglect of tachyphylaxis and the defects of the nasal cavity caused by its development. The use of the medications described above is permitted only if prescribed by a doctor and in the doses prescribed by him.

Traditional medicine against addiction to drops

Traditional medicine also has remedies against addiction developed due to excessive use of nasal drops. Folk remedies for combating tachyphylaxis involve the use of natural ingredients that are harmless to the patient’s body.

As therapy, you can use the following traditional methods:


Nasal congestion that does not go away without drops is a consequence of the development of dependence on these drugs. Excessive and uncontrolled use of nasal drops leads to a gradual decrease in their effectiveness and the development of tachyphylaxis.

A set of therapeutic measures aimed at treating this problem consists of taking special medications and physical therapy. In particularly advanced cases, surgical intervention may be required. There are also traditional methods of treating addiction.

The first thing they try to do if the nose is stuffy is to instill nasal drops, which, of course, will help for a while, but will not completely restore nasal breathing. What to do when your nose is stuffy, and how can you treat it at home?

A stuffy nose can be a symptom of a dangerous disease, and the disease itself needs to be treated as the cause of the problem.

Possible reasons for the lack of nasal breathing may be:

  • cold runny nose;
  • deformation of the nasal septum;
  • proliferation;
  • adenoids;
  • tumors of the pharynx or nasal cavity;
  • foreign body in the nasal passages;
  • allergy;
  • diseased teeth in the upper jaw;

Sometimes congestion occurs only at night; such night congestion occurs due to dry air. There is no runny nose.

When congestion occurs, breathing is impaired, less oxygen enters the body, and all organs of the body suffer from oxygen starvation. If, for example, sinusitis, due to which the nose chronically does not breathe, is not treated, hypoxia of the brain occurs, which causes a blow to its functions.

A person’s mental abilities suffer, and in old age, with brain hypoxia due to congestion of the nasal passages, early signs of senile dementia develop - acquired dementia.

How to restore nasal breathing

When the nasal passages have been severely blocked for a long time, and a person no longer knows what to do, how to open his nose, if he is not breathing at all, it is worth paying attention to the air in the room. If it is too dry, then sometimes it is enough to purchase an air humidifier and ventilate the apartment more often.

If you have nasal congestion due to a cold, you can try distracting thermal procedures - foot baths, mustard plasters on the calves, warm drinks.

They will help restore nasal breathing by rinsing. If you do not do them too often, they will clear the mucous membrane, which, of course, will be beneficial for congestion, but will not be able to cure an adult at home from sinusitis, a child if his nose is clogged, or from adenoids.


If you are so blocked that it is impossible to breathe through your nose due to a cold, then nasal rinsing will help, which can be done for 5-6 days. It is not safe to use this procedure for a long time.

You can wash it with soda, salt, propolis tincture, use Aquamaris, Aqualor. How to rinse the nose if it is severely stuffy is described in detail on the website in the articles, treatment of a runny nose by rinsing the nasal passages.


When the nose is so blocked that it is impossible to breathe through it, you can instill solutions that you can make yourself at home using improvised means.


If your nose is very clogged, you can instill Kalanchoe juice at home, which will reduce swelling. The juice is squeezed from fresh leaves and diluted by half with water if treating a child.

An adult can instill Kalanchoe juice without dilution, especially if there is no nasal breathing and there is heavy discharge.

Read also about how aloe helps in the fight against nasal congestion in the article.

Onion, garlic

Squeeze out the juice of onion and garlic. Then mix in equal parts and dilute half with water. Instill 1-2 drops in case of severe congestion.

The product is very strong so as not to cause a burn to the nasal mucosa; it should not be used for a long time. If any component is missing, you can only drip onion and garlic juice, which must be diluted with water or saline solution.


Sesame oil is instilled for congestion without a runny nose. It is enough to introduce 1-2 drops into each nostril.

What should you do if your child’s nose can’t breathe? What drops are best at home if the nose is very stuffy?

Protargol drops or the combined drug Viborcil, which contains vasoconstrictor and antiallergic components, will help the child relieve congestion.

Home Remedies

What to do if the nose is very stuffy, but there is no runny nose, what folk methods are used at home in this case?

  • Lemon with sugar or salt will help. During the day, you need to eat one mug of lemon, sprinkled with sugar or lightly salted, every 2 hours.
  • Laundry soap is also used. They rub it on the finger and insert it into the nasal passage. The sneezing that this causes breaks through any congestion.
  • But if the runny nose is so strong that snot constantly flows, then you can massage and rub the bridge of the nose with the “Star” balm.

Dry inhalations with volatile essential oils of horseradish root can free up breathing in case of strong discharge and dry congestion. If you grate the horseradish root, let it brew for 20-30 minutes, and then smell it, it will break through the most severe congestion.

You just need to take the following precautions:

  • before opening the lid of the container with grated horseradish, close your eyes;
  • do not bring the container closer to your face than 10 cm;
  • do not perform the procedure too often due to the risk of burning the mucous membrane.

Addiction to nasal drops

And if the nose is very stuffy due to long-term use of nasal drops, what should you do with such stuffiness, when it is impossible not to drip, because the nose can’t breathe, and the drops no longer help?

With prolonged use of nasal drops, the blood vessels of the mucous membrane lose the ability to constrict on their own and can only perform this action upon command received during the administration of vasoconstrictors.

How to treat your nose at home if it is stuffy due to addiction to nasal drops?

To get rid of congestion caused by addiction to the drops, you need to:

  • first lengthen the intervals between instillations;
  • then instill only at night;
  • refuse instillation.

With enough patience, giving up the drops will be easy. But even otherwise, you will have to endure 2-3 nights, after which free breathing will certainly be restored.

What not to do if you have a stuffy nose

What you cannot do if your nose is not breathing is to warm up the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses directly at home without consulting a doctor.

If you have a stuffy nose, you cannot do steam inhalations, apply iodine mesh to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses, warm it with hot salt, boiled eggs - do anything that is accompanied by increased blood circulation in the area of ​​​​the maxillary sinuses.

To get rid of congestion, special treatment is always required:

  • for allergies - antihistamines in tablets or drops;
  • in case of a deviated nasal septum, adenoids, or polyps, surgery may be required;
  • with a diseased tooth in the upper jaw, there is a risk of odontogenic sinusitis, which is treated by two doctors - a dentist and an otolaryngologist;
  • in case of drug dependence on nasal drops, discontinue the drug and consult an ENT doctor.

A dangerous cause of impaired nasal breathing can be odontogenic sinusitis caused by a diseased tooth in the upper jaw. A runny nose with this type of sinusitis is not the leading symptom.

But there is no nasal breathing. The patient can only breathe through the mouth, which dries out the mucous membrane of the throat and increases the risk of respiratory infection.

Odontogenic sinusitis is diagnosed only by an x-ray of the maxillary sinus, and in order to eliminate congestion, you need to visit a dentist and treat or remove the diseased tooth. You can read about the symptoms of this disease in the article “”.

If there is nothing to breathe or it is difficult to breathe, at least discomfort arises, because the need to breathe is one of the basic physiological needs of a person.

For some, nasal congestion is simply uncomfortable, but for others, nasal congestion turns into real torture. What to do if your nose is stuffy and you can’t breathe? You can drop a pharmaceutical product into your nose that will quickly relieve swelling. But such remedies do not solve the problem, but only eliminate the symptoms. In addition, there are situations when there are no nasal drops on hand. Let's talk about various ways to quickly get rid of nasal congestion without medications.

Nasal congestion: causes

Why does my nose get stuffy? Nasal congestion occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membrane. Due to inflammation, the tissues swell, the passages narrow, and difficulty breathing occurs. Swelling tissue also blocks the normal passage of fluid - this can be dangerous for children. Therefore, if a small child has a stuffy nose, you need to try to reduce the swelling. For adults, nasal congestion is not dangerous, but very unpleasant.

The cause of inflammation can be a cold, viral infection or allergy. If nasal congestion is accompanied by a very high temperature and extremely poor health, you should consult a doctor. If the disease is already going away or the nasal congestion is due to a slight runny nose, or due to allergies, you can help yourself.

Stuffy nose: what to do to recover quickly?

It is known that pharmaceutical products for the nose (naphthyzin, etc.) only relieve symptoms. And we need not only to breathe, but also to make sure that the inflammation of the nasal mucosa goes away as quickly as possible. All four recommendations given below are also suitable for children, including small ones, as well as for pregnant women.

1. Rinse the nose with salt water. The best remedy for quickly relieving inflammation is rinsing the nose. The stronger and more often your nose is blocked, the more often you need to rinse it - even several times a day.

When your nose is stuffy, it is best to rinse it with salted water. To do this, you need to take about a third of a teaspoon of salt per 250 ml of warm water. Dissolve salt in water and rinse your nose with this solution. We wrote about rinsing methods and all the nuances related to this procedure in the article “Rinsing the nose at home.”

You can simply put this salt water in your nose often, pouring it into an empty bottle of nasal drops. After dripping plenty of salt water into your nose, you need to blow your nose immediately. Repeat several times in a row. This can be done many times during the day.

2. Humid air. If you have to spend a lot of time indoors with dry air, you can get rid of nasal congestion for a week or more. If possible, buy at least a small air humidifier - for example, an inexpensive ultrasonic one.

In general, the absolute benefits of ultrasonic and steam humidifiers raise doubts among experts, but this applies to the daily use of these devices. If you turn on the humidifier only during a runny nose with nasal congestion, then it will only bring benefits.

If a person is in a room with well-humidified air, a runny nose goes away faster. And it’s easier to breathe, even if your nose is stuffy.

3. A large amount of liquid. Water is the main salvation from nasal congestion!

We rinse our nose with it, we moisten the room with it, and with its help we maintain the water balance in the body, that is, we drink a lot of water internally.

The sinus membrane should be well hydrated. When your nose is stuffy, you need to drink plenty of water, preferably mineral water.

4. Hot, salty, spicy. These foods are natural anti-inflammatory agents.

When your nose is stuffy, eat pickled and pickled cucumbers, dishes with garlic, raw onions, sauerkraut, meat with pepper, etc.

How to get rid of nasal congestion at home?

If you don't have nasal drops on hand, you can try to urgently relieve nasal congestion at home. Attention! These are recommendations for adults!

1. First, try rinsing your nose with salted water - this can quickly relieve congestion. It will become easier to breathe.

2. Try to blow your nose less. Every blowing of the nose irritates the nose, which only increases the swelling.

3. What to do if your nose is stuffy, but you feel fine? Take up fitness: the body will need more oxygen - and the nose, figuratively speaking, will make concessions. I usually breathe easier during and after exercise. Do any exercise as long as your breathing quickens.

The exercise “running up the stairs” is considered effective for nasal congestion. Yes, on a regular staircase with steps. Run up one flight of stairs and run down the same flight. Repeat as many times as you want until you get tired. The constant change in pressure in the body due to running up and down can have a beneficial effect on the well-being of your nose - the swelling may subside.

4. If you have some ointment with eucalyptus essential oil at home or the essential oil itself, apply a little of the product to a handkerchief and constantly smell it, inhaling the eucalyptus vapors. They are able to quickly relieve swelling in the respiratory tract.

For the same purpose, you can use “Star” balm and its analogues: apply it to a handkerchief and constantly smell it.

5. You can breathe in hot steam. Boil water, pour it into a bowl, place the bowl on the table and sit next to it. Inhale the steam until you get tired of it. Can be repeated several times a day.

The steam will well moisturize the nasal cavity and sinuses. Heating will reduce inflammation, and improvement should soon occur. To make the procedure have a more pronounced therapeutic effect, you can add a little honey or chamomile extract to the boiling water.

6. If your nose is not breathing and you are tired of enduring, pour yourself some hot tea (preferably with honey and lemon) and sip it very slowly. When you bring the cup to your lips, be sure to inhale the steam through your nose. You will warm up your whole body well - usually, right during tea drinking, the swelling of the nasal mucosa decreases. Instead of tea, you can slowly drink very hot broth.

7. What to do if your nose is stuffy, nothing helps, and you can’t stand it anymore? Take a shower. Get under the shower and stand there for as long as possible. You will be well hydrated - this will make breathing easier. You can try increasing the shower temperature - then you will also warm up, and this will help reduce swelling. But if you feel very bad because your nose is stuffy, it is better to take a slightly cool shower.

8. Horseradish can also help. If you have a snack with horseradish in jars at home, eat it. If you have fresh horseradish, you can grind it in a meat grinder and inhale it. But be prepared for tears - horseradish is much more formidable than onions.

9. If your nose is stuffy, use table vinegar. You need to boil it and, leaning over the bowl with it, inhale. If you decide to use vinegar, use extreme caution! Don't lean close to boiling vinegar!

10. If your nose is stuffy on only one side, lie down on the other side and lie there for a while. That is, for example, if your nose is stuffy on the right side, lie on your left side. This often helps to breathe.

11. If you know how to do a handstand and stand on your head, do it. It is said to be very effective if the nose is unable to breathe.

12. Take some cotton wool, a glass jar and matches. Go to the bathroom or better yet to the balcony. Light the cotton wool, throw it, burning, into the jar and inhale the smoke coming from the jar. However, not for long! It is enough to simply feel how the smoke tickles the nasal mucosa. This “tickling” can help reduce swelling.

13. Original method: if your nose is stuffy and nothing helps, you can get into the car and drive with the window open at a good speed. They say it is very effective in restoring free breathing.

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very useful article, about the car, of course, a controversial point - it’s possible to get an even worse cold, it seems to me, but rinsing the nose is a very useful procedure I do myself

Thank you, now I’m having a breakdown and can’t breathe at all!

Thank you very much, I’m almost recovered, but I can’t breathe at all, point 3 helped a lot)

13 speaks for itself!)))))

13. Original method: if your nose is stuffy and nothing helps, you can get into the car and drive with the window open at good speed.....))))) Yeah, they forgot to add: While driving, stick your head out the window and close your eyes!

These are your personal fantasies. There is nothing dangerous or harmful about driving a car with the window open if it is warm outside. If you're afraid of a car, take a bike ride. Maybe this will also give results.

It also says at high speed, the production of adrenaline contributes to the deposition of sinuses

But doesn’t adrenaline constrict blood vessels, thereby reducing swelling? even with nosebleeds, turundas soaked in adrenaline can be administered

And everything helped me a lot;)

And even a headstand

A hot shower helps me very well, but not for long. In general, the article is useful, thanks for the advice.

Please help me, I don’t know what to do, I moved to another country where the air is very humid and because of this my nose has not been breathing for a month, what should I do?

Vika, the most correct answer to your question is to go to an ENT doctor. You can try safe plant-based drops that do not contain vasoconstrictors. Look at the pharmacy for a nasal irrigator - for example, based on purified sea water.

In general, increased humidity should not lead to nasal congestion. Maybe you have a prolonged ARVI or residual effects after an illness? Or maybe just acclimatization. In any case, if possible, you should consult a doctor in person.

I went to the doctor and this is acclimatization, but when she gives birth I’m already tired of not breathing, or maybe it’s because I’ve started getting used to the drops?

Vika, do you use drops? Vasoconstrictors? What time do you take it? If it’s more than 2-3 weeks, then yes, it’s definitely addictive.

then yes, it’s an addiction, but how long can it take? at least approximately an addiction

If you can endure it and not use drops, it will get better every day. Everyone’s mucous membranes recover differently, so it’s difficult to talk about timing. I think that in a week you will be breathing normally.

Previously, I was categorically against vasoconstrictors, never used them, endured them until one day I suffered through otitis media. The ENT doctor said that this was due to the fact that the snot was flowing into some kind of pipe, and if I had used vasoconstrictors along with medicinal drugs, this would not have happened. I won't make that mistake again.

Thanks for the reception

Eto destvuteljni help

Thank you, I’ll stand on my head) And hot steam really helps, but not for long and not completely!

Thank you!! At home, one drop is gone. My nose is stuffed up and I can’t help but climb onto the wall. I tried rinsing it, but it only made it worse (I have adenoids) and the way to run and burp helped, now everything is fine, thank you.

Honestly, I don’t know why point 10 is for adults. It suits me perfectly (12 years old), although not for long.

I’ll be honest about the fact that it’s indicated that you need to drink water, sometimes just drinking a cup of water helps

I'll share my story. I had a severe cold and took vasoconstrictor medications. As a result, the cold went away, but the dependence on vasoconstrictors remained. For 10 years I could not live without nasal drops - naphthyzin, tizin, otrivin, rhino stop, etc. Constant dryness, crusts, congestion, I woke up and went to bed with otrivin spray. The condition is terrible; anyone who is addicted to these drops will understand me. I had rhinoplasty, septoplasty, and laser vasotomy twice, but there was no effect. I don’t have any allergies, I was examined. I constantly washed my nose with different solutions - dolphin, saline solution, aquamaris, inhaled essential oils, all to no avail. I even tried to switch to children's drops - 0.5%, in order to gradually give them up altogether, but my nose required exactly 1% drops. The doctor suggested doing a total vasotomy (cutting the vessels in the sinuses with a scalpel), which I refused, because I no longer believed that they could help me, and I didn’t want to subject myself to excision for the 4th time! I just started rinsing my nose with aquamaris. Recently I went to the pharmacy and saw that a new aquamaris with dexapanthenol had appeared, I decided to try it, of course, not hoping that it would be better and easier. I started using it and already on the 2nd day I felt my nasal breathing begin to open. I haven’t used vasoconstrictor medications for a month now! I rinse my nose with Aquamaris with dexapanthenol and bought D-panthenol ointment, which I use to lubricate the nasal cavity. Very pleased. If anyone has the same situation as me, try it!

Thanks for the article, I’m going to try all the points in a row!

Is it possible to get rid of swelling with massage?

Perhaps yes. There are such practices.

I am also addicted to rhinoxyl, what should I do? Help please)

Thank you! Exercising helped a lot!

Point 10 helped a lot. Thank you

Thanks a lot! Nice article!

There are many recipes with drops (peroxide, iodine solution, salts, aloe...), but the procedure for using the drops itself is not very convenient.

Lately I've been using cotton swabs for these purposes. If you put 3-4 drops from a bottle of peroxide with a spout on a cotton swab (two or three percent for advanced cases with reduced sensitivity of the mucous membrane) and stick it deep enough into the nostril for a while while maintaining breathing (it even improves breathing), then this is much more comfortable than using drops directly. Almost as practical as using cotton swabs to clean your ears (not recommended with peroxide due to gas formation).

I just found it - don’t mislead people! If you can use cotton swabs to clean your ears, do it very carefully and not too far, but almost from the outside.

If washing is used to treat an inflammatory disease, then this procedure must be done for 1-2 weeks at least 4 times a day. At the same time, for people with chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for people in very dusty working areas, such measures can be shown constantly.

At night my nose was stuffy, the spray had run out, I thought it was the end of me)))))

Rinsing with salt water helped a lot

What to do if your nose is stuffy but you feel fine? Take up fitness: the body will need more oxygen - and the nose, figuratively speaking, will make concessions. I usually breathe easier during and after exercise. Do any exercises - just to make your breathing quicken. IT HELPS VERY MUCH.

There is one best way!! But now with the medicine. First, we drip navtizin, which dissolves congestion, and then rinse with water and salt. As a result, navtisin facilitates the process and rinsing removes everything from the nose, even the medicine. And we get a beautiful clean nose with which you can show off with the girls and not worry about it)))

I usually drop essential oils into a handkerchief and breathe them in. That's the only way to put it off! I buy eucalyptus or breathe a mixture of oils. I like the latter more, there is a range of ailments for which it has a greater effect.

Girls, what can be done as a preventive measure? I don’t want to get sick, otherwise if my nose is stuffy, then everything is a disaster for me (((

What if your nose is so stuffed up that it’s simply IMPOSSIBLE to breathe in air?

What to do if nothing helps?

What to do if nothing helps

Thank you very much, I turned on the music of Dubtsova Lyuba Love and jumped and danced and everything was fine, thank you.

Thanks for the advice, I’ll definitely recommend them to my mother! I’ll let you know as soon as possible Admin :)

From the first days of cold weather, from about the end of September and up to March/April inclusive, in order not to get sniffly, I drop a few drops of Breathe oil on the collar of my clothes or on my scarf every morning. Acts like Oxolinic ointment, i.e. cuts off pathogenic microbes from me. After I started using the oil, I began to get sick less, and this year I haven’t spent a single day on sick leave.

This post helped me the most because I have a deviated nasal septum and I breathe through one nostril.

And since I have a cold, I breathe through my mouth, but I always breathe through my mouth, but as you know at night, a person breathes through his nose, at least I do, and since my nose is stuffy, I can’t sleep, I just suffocate + I’m allergic to dust, etc.

There is just a cool remedy - evamenol ointment. When I have a runny nose, this is simply my salvation. The composition is very good, menthol and eucalyptus oil. And what’s important is that you can use it for up to 10 days when you have a runny nose. Drops maximum 5.

Help please. I have been suffering with my nose since I was 7 years old. I am now 14. I want this hell to end.

And I finally threw the drops in the trash. Please tell me a good remedy, maybe someone has the same story?!

nothing helped

Fitness helped, Thank you for the article. the rest didn’t help, I’m just afraid that my nose will get stuffy again if I lie down on the bed

I just lay down and the congestion returned within 10 minutes.

Yes, it’s a fairy tale about the car and it’s time to dry out your head so that it’s beaten off

I have 27 years of experience in using vasoconstrictor drugs. There were short breaks, I noticed that it’s easier to get out of the habit when you get sick. I underwent a comprehensive examination, an allergy was discovered (there is a whole list of allergens, I believe naphthyzine and xylene were the main ones) and asthma began. I quit smoking, started taking hormones in the form of a spray and an inhaler (Nasonex and Symbicort), loratodine and aminophylline daily, I couldn’t cope with colds without intravenous infusions of aminophylline, I didn’t part with salbutamol, it didn’t help for long, the ENT and allergist were already shrugging. Eosinophils in the blood are elevated, obviously an allergy (or worms). In short, a vicious circle, without xylene I could not breathe, but it made me suffocate. Hormones made me fat, my self-esteem was below par, I took drops and inhalers under my pillow everywhere and at night. Colds and sinusitis every three months, there’s a block in breathing in the nose, shortness of breath in the lungs, air is blocked everywhere! During the next cold, the therapist, without really reading the card, prescribed: nemozol 1 capsule for worms, antibiotic macropen for 7 days, continue loratodine, any sea water spray (I took the budget Afrin Clean Sea), after three days add a spray with dexapanthenol to restore the mucous membrane Moreal plus, replace xylene with highly diluted naphthyzin 1/3, and drip only at night or if it’s completely unbearable, don’t stop using Nasonex right away, but reduce the use and then completely remove it. I didn’t leave the house for three days, the withdrawal symptoms were terrible, my arms stretched out to xylene, but I DID NOT CHEAT. I sprayed sea water uncontrollably, relieved a wild headache with spasmoglone, took baths with sea salt (a pack per bath). Three days passed like hell, then I went to the pharmacy to get Moreal Plus, naphthyzine was already dripping 2 times a day, and then I realized that the smells were somehow acute, my nose was breathing as freely as I could only breathe in childhood. This was a powerful incentive to continue treatment. Now I have not used anything other than seawater sprays for three months. Asthma went away, I took care of my nose, I lost 7 kg. I don’t know how much this remission is, but I know for sure that if you have the willpower, DO NOT USE VASCONSTRUCTORS IN YOUR NOSE! It’s easier to endure a cold for three days, drip essential oils, but don’t pick up this nasty thing. I was helped by chance, so I would sit and plump up from hormones and feed my asthma with xylene. I began to perceive smells differently and simply enjoy this state. I’m glad if my treatment regimen helps anyone, the main thing is to avoid drops, and dexapanthenol will restore the mucous membrane, I apparently haven’t had it in 27 years.

These are all preventive measures for a while!

I used Balm Golden Star pencil for inhalation, it helped))

Try just eating garlic overnight and putting small pieces to your nose, the main thing is not to forget to take them off, it always helps me, you wake up healthy in the morning and you can’t drink water after that

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  • Alexander: Try just eating garlic and small ones overnight.
  • Olga: An experienced ENT specialist also prescribed me Nasonex, which is hormonal.
  • Ksenia: I just found it, don’t mislead people! Cotton wool.
  • Irina: I used Balm Golden Star pencil for.
  • ipashuvashumashuvkashu: living is also dangerous - you can die..

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How to break through nasal congestion without drops

Most often this is done with the help of vasoconstrictor drops, but if your nose is stuffy and vasoconstrictors are not at hand or they are contraindicated due to illness, age or pregnancy, then our advice will help you. They will also be useful for those who have dried out the nasal mucosa due to the abuse of vasoconstrictors.

The main ways to ease nasal breathing with rhinitis and sinusitis at home are to pierce the nose by cleaning, rinsing and warming.

Why is it important to breathe through your nose?

For trouble-free operation of the whole body, a normal and regular supply of oxygen is necessary - prolonged oxygen starvation negatively affects not only the brain, but also other organs and tissues of the body. Only the nose can cope with this function, since breathing through the mouth has significant disadvantages:

  1. When you breathe through your mouth, less air enters your lungs.
  2. When breathing through the mouth, the necessary pressure does not develop in the abdomen and chest, which has a negative effect on the functioning of the heart.
  3. When air passes through the nose, it is warmed, moistened, and disinfected, so if your nose is stuffy, you are more likely to catch a cold or bronchitis.

Step 1

We recommend using isotonic/hypertonic solutions in dosage form according to age. They irrigate the nasal mucosa and relieve congestion. They are non-addictive, convenient and safe for use both in hospital and at home.

It is better to use hypertonic drops based on natural sea and ocean water such as Quix, Aquamiaris, Aqualor. Their range of functions is much wider - they normalize mucus secretion at the cellular level, relieve nasal swelling during nasal congestion, can be used even in the smallest child, and have an antiviral and anti-allergenic effect.

For a child, it is better to use sterile isotonic solutions without various additives. You should prefer such products as Otrivin Baby, Aqua Maris Baby, Aqualor Baby, Physiomer Yuniodozy. These sprays have a gentle effect on the mucous membrane during congestion, moisturize the nose well, relieve a runny nose, and are suitable for daily use at home. With regular use they help avoid viral and allergic rhinitis.

How to use them

  • When spraying an adult, the head is tilted in the opposite direction.
  • An independent child holds his head straight; when injecting, you need to inhale through your nose.
  • A newborn baby is instilled into the upper nostril while lying down with his head turned to the side.

If you don’t have pharmaceutical solutions, you can make your own - dilute ½–1 teaspoon of salt, preferably sea salt, in a glass of warm water. Rinse in any way (suck in with your nose, use a syringe, a dropper system, a Chinese teapot) in a volume equal to one glass. In emergency situations, if it is not possible to instill the product, you can rinse your nose under running warm water from the tap.

Step 2

Clean each nostril in turn, pressing the second one with your finger. In a newborn baby, you should use a syringe, automatic suction, or cotton swabs for cleansing.

To cleanse, you can use a jet rinse of the nasal passages with water using a dropper system.

Step 3

We improve blood circulation through physical activity, massage and warming up.


If you often have a stuffy nose, then you need to play sports. It is an emergency aid and a necessary component of preventative measures. Sports exercises will not only eliminate congestion, but will also provide the body with the missing amount of oxygen.

During increased physical activity, the human body warms up, as a result, blood supply to all tissues improves, and the nose begins to breathe. It doesn't matter what the load is:

  • squats;
  • swing your legs;
  • rocking the press;
  • running – simple running, up stairs, on skates, rollerblades or skis.

The main thing is that a person begins to sweat from this load. There is a dependence: the armpits begin to sweat - nasal congestion disappears very quickly. The only negative is that the effect is not always long-lasting, so as soon as the nose begins to breathe, it is recommended to rinse it with a saline solution or folk drops heated to a person’s body temperature.

The method can be successfully used in relation to a child who cannot be forced to drip his nose, as well as in relation to anyone who does not have suitable drops at home.


For emergency relief of nasal congestion, if there are no drops, acupressure helps well. By acting on individual points, it transmits signals to important organs and tissues and improves their blood supply.

To eliminate stuffiness and runny nose, it is necessary to massage pain points in 4 places on the front part of the head using pressing movements:

  1. A single point located between the inner corners of the eyebrows.
  2. A point along the same central axis, but 1.5–2 cm higher.
  3. A paired point on the edges of the bridge of the nose - a few mm from the inner corner of the eye.
  4. A paired point in the pits, which are located on both sides of the nose just below the nostrils, at the beginning of the fold running from the nostril to the lip, is considered more effective.

You need to press on the points for at least 40–50 seconds.

If you are sitting at a meeting, it is more convenient to massage the pain points on the pads of the thumbs of both hands or the he-gu point, located on both hands between the first and second fingers (if you bring them together, the point is located in the very center of the tubercle formed) . You need to press the he-gu point from the side of greater congestion.

Massage is not contraindicated for a child. On the contrary, you can teach him this technique so that he can get rid of nasal congestion himself and help his friends at school do the same.


A hot bath for your feet and hands helps quickly. You need to steam your feet before going to bed for 15–20 minutes, then apply warming ointment to your feet and put on warm woolen socks. A hot bath helps a lot, especially if you add sea salt and eucalyptus oil to it.

You can also warm your nose. He can breathe more freely if a hard-boiled egg, a salt heating pad, or a bag of salt is placed on both sides.

Bioptron, UV irradiation and laser on the nasal area are no less effective. They can be alternated or used separately. It helps a lot with nasal congestion, although not immediately – the result becomes noticeable within 2-3 days.

Warming physiotherapy procedures are allowed at normal body temperature. After warming up, it is not advisable to go outside for the first half hour or hour.

Step 4

We eliminate congestion using improvised means. If there are no vasoconstrictor drops at home, solutions/

You can prepare drops for rinsing and instilling your nose yourself.

Folk drops:

  1. It quickly helps to clear up the nose and eliminate a runny nose if you drip a few drops of Kalanchoe juice. It helps cleanse the nasal passages and relieves inflammatory swelling. The juice must be taken before the flowering period; after flowering it loses the bulk of its beneficial substances.
  2. Juice from aloe leaves, coltsfoot, has quick results. Coltsfoot juice is highly effective for any colds and their complications. It relieves inflammation and swelling, promotes the removal of sputum (mucus).
  3. Garlic helps a lot - my grandmother's proven remedy. It disinfects, relieves inflammation and swelling if you breathe in its vapor or insert a cleaned and cut clove into the nose.
  4. Rhubarb and nettle have vasoconstrictor properties. You can put juice in your nose or rinse with infusions of these plants.
  5. You can rinse your nose with strong black tea. It has tanning properties and eliminates swelling.

Such drops are not addictive, not expensive, and can be prepared with your own hands at home. Their disadvantages include restrictions on their use in allergy sufferers; some of these drops can burn the mucous membrane.

Other ways:

  1. You can eat something spicy - a couple of cloves of garlic, half a medium onion, a little hot pepper, a spoonful of hot fresh horseradish or mustard.
  2. Breathe over the star balm.
  3. Do inhalations using menthol essential oil or dissolving a couple of Validol tablets in warm water.
  4. It is useful to breathe in the steam from a decoction of chamomile, linden, and jacket potatoes.
  5. At home, it is convenient to do inhalations using a nebulizer (4–6 times a day).
  6. Some people claim that breathing becomes easier if they put the back of their head in a basin of cool water and lie there for about 5 minutes.

We offer you not methods found by automatic machines on the Internet, but real best methods, tested and recommended by living people who refuse medication treatment and prefer to use safe drops and methods at home.

  • Sinusitis (32)
  • Nasal congestion (18)
  • Medicines (32)
  • Treatment (9)
  • Folk remedies (13)
  • Runny nose (41)
  • Other (18)
  • Rhinosinusitis (2)
  • Sinusitis (11)
  • Snot (26)
  • Frontit (4)

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How to pierce your nose without drops: effective remedies

What to do if there are no drops?

You can pierce your nose without any drops. Difficulty breathing is caused by swelling of the mucous membrane. Vasoconstrictors quickly solve this problem. But if they are not at hand, and you need to alleviate the condition, you can use the means at hand.

The following techniques help to decompress the nose:

  • Rinse with saline or sea salt. During this procedure, fluid is poured into one nostril and flows out of the other. You need to lean over the sink and pour in the solution from a syringe or syringe. You need to repeat the rinsing 2-4 times for each nostril, using only warm liquid at a temperature of ˚C. After 2-3 hours, the procedure should be carried out again, after which you should blow your nose well. You can rinse your nasal passages with warm water. Read more about rinsing your nose with saline →
  • A mixture of allspice. This remedy pierces the nose well. It is necessary to inhale a mixture of black and red ground pepper alternately through each nostril.
  • Mustard. Mustard powder should be poured into socks at night. Mustard warms you up and helps keep your nose numb.
  • Aloe juice. If the nose does not breathe without drops, you need to instill 2 drops of juice 3 times a day into each nostril.
  • Honey. After this remedy, nasal breathing improves after a minute. You need to dip a cotton swab in honey and insert it into the nostril for at least 10 minutes. This remedy should not be used for bacterial rhinitis. Honey contains sugar, which promotes the growth of bacteria.
  • To thin the mucus and remove it from the sinuses, you need to drink more warm teas, especially those that have an anti-inflammatory effect, namely chamomile, linden and raspberry.

    To prepare a solution for washing, you can use table or table salt. For 200 ml of liquid you need to take 1 tsp. salt, chop thoroughly. Crystals can damage the mucous membrane and cause bleeding.

    Actions if drops do not help

    To facilitate nasal breathing, vasoconstrictors are primarily used, but you quickly get used to them, and you can use them for no more than 5 days. But what to do if during this period of time the nose does not breathe? There are medications in the form of tablets, powders and solutions.

    Rhinitis often appears due to long-term use of vasoconstrictor drugs, so there is a need to completely abandon them.

    You can do without drops by the following means:

    • Antihistamines. Effective if rhinitis is of an allergic nature. Zyrtec, Tavegil and Erius tablets will help.
    • Homeopathic remedies. They increase the body's defenses. These are Cinnabsin, Fervex, Theraflu.
    • Balm Star. This remedy makes the nose breathe. It should be applied to the area between the eyebrows and to the wings of the nose no more than 2 times a day.

    You can make tampons soaked in peach, sea buckthorn oil, onion or garlic juice.

    If congestion does not go away for more than 2-3 weeks, then it is worth using glucocorticosteroids. Isofra drops are suitable.

    Ways to pierce the nose

    At home, there are proven ways to make your nose breathe again:

    • Warming up. Heat reduces inflammation and swelling and promotes mucus removal. You can warm up your sinuses using a blue lamp, salt, a boiled egg or boiled potatoes.
    • Inhalations. If you have a nebulizer, you can inhale vapors of furatsilin or saline solution. But even without this device, it is possible to do inhalations by inhaling the vapors of boiled potatoes.
    • Aromatherapy. Significantly relieves nasal congestion by inhaling essential oils of eucalyptus, peppermint or tea tree. Apply a few drops of these products to tampons, which are inserted into the nostrils for 10 minutes. Oils can be applied to the skin around the nose or to a handkerchief. The effect will be the same.
    • Rubbing. At night, you can rub your chest with camphor oil.
    • Massage. You need to carry out the manipulation with warm hands. Using your fingertips, you need to massage clockwise the points at the wings and on the tip of the nose, between the nose and upper lip, in the center of the forehead and in the corners of the eyes.

    If the above methods do not help, then you need to contact an ENT specialist. Prolonged mouth breathing leads to the spread of the inflammatory process to the throat, and there is a risk of developing pharyngitis.

    What not to do?

    Any manipulations should be carried out after consultation with a doctor in order to accurately determine the cause of congestion. If treated incorrectly, the condition can significantly worsen.

    Under no circumstances should you warm your nose if you have sinusitis or high body temperature. In this condition, sinus massage is also contraindicated.

    Washing should not be done if there is a deviated nasal septum, tumors of the mucous membrane and frequent nosebleeds.

    Nasal congestion will not become a serious problem if treated promptly. There are many reasons for impaired nasal breathing, including medications that can cause a runny nose. The doctor will select an effective means to pierce the nose.



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