What priority is the sign or the markings? Types of road signs

At a driving school? Especially for you, we will consider the moment when, both in the city and on the highway, motorists are faced with the following question: the installed road signs fundamentally do not coincide with the road markings. Driving instructors They will explain what is more important on the road: temporary signs or road markings, because they often contradict each other.

What is a temporary sign?

For example, this situation often occurs with “solid line” or “broken line” markings and with the “Overtaking prohibited” sign.

Please note that the temporary road sign has priority. And if you are accused of violating traffic rules, then the inspector can legally (and this will be correct) refer to this fact. However, it should be borne in mind that traffic police officers are not always right, especially when the signs are not installed according to the rules.

A temporary sign is a sign with a yellow background on a special portable stand. If the sign is attached to a pole, tree, or taped to the main post, then it is no longer temporary.

In other cases, there should be no contradictions, that is, all disputes will be interpreted unambiguously, namely: if the requirement of road signs does not comply with the markings, then this is a violation of the requirements and norms. Thus, motorists should not be held responsible for this.

Temporary and permanent markings

Today, temporary markings are quite rare, but you should always be prepared for their appearance on the road. First of all, you should know how these two types of markup differ.

The main difference is the color. Permanent road markings are mostly white. As for the temporary one, its color is orange.

Examples of conflicting markings and signs

As mentioned above, controversial situations on the road do not arise often. More often than not, drivers misinterpret the meaning of signs and markings. Here are some of the most common examples of such situations.

Driving around the road section where repairs are underway in the oncoming lane

By the way, many people believe this: the 1.5 marking gives the right to overtake. This is wrong. This marking simply allows you to move within the boundaries of the marked lane.

Video about the discrepancy between markings and signs on the road:

Be careful and good luck on the roads!

The article uses an image from the site www.m1.bfm.ru

Today I propose to think about the question - what is more important, the sign or the marking? On many highways, signs sometimes contradict road markings. Let's look at this issue today so we know what to focus on...

Why did I have such a question! Yes, because we have one interesting intersection in our city. The stop line in front of the traffic light is much further than the stop sign line. And when you drive, you don’t know why you should navigate either by the sign or by the marking line. Moreover, the difference is significant, approximately 4 - 5 meters. (between the sign and the markings). So what is more important, the sign or the marking?

First, let's look at permanent road signs and markings; in the second paragraph, we'll talk about temporary signs and temporary markings.

1) Permanent road signs and permanent markings

According to Appendix No. 2 to the Traffic Regulations (Road markings and its characteristics, as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2001 N 67,
dated 25.09.2003 N 595, dated 14.12.2005 N 767, dated 16.02.2008 N 84), can be understood

« That any road signs are more important than any road markings»

That is, if we relate this to our case (stop line or stop sign), one conclusion suggests itself - if we pass a stop sign and stand at the stop line, then we are violating the traffic rules. In simple words, you should stop at the stop sign, although the stop line is much further away.

2) Temporary signs and temporary markings

If we stick to the same application No. 2:

« In cases where the meanings of temporary road signs placed on a portable post and marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the signs. In cases where temporary marking lines and permanent marking lines contradict each other, drivers must be guided by the temporary marking lines»
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 24, 2001 N 67)

That is, temporary marking is always more important than regular marking. Also temporary signs are more important than ordinary signs.

It must be remembered that temporary signs are not installed on a permanent basis, but on so-called “portable stands”. But temporary road signs may also be found on permanent posts.

Temporary road markings are usually orange, and if they contradict permanent road signs and permanent white markings, then you should follow them. Because she is the main one.

Now let's summarize:

As you can see, we have four groups.

— Permanent marking

— Temporary marking

So who is more important in this situation? So, the final list.

1) The most important one is a temporary sign, because according to Appendix No. 2 to the traffic rules (any road signs are more important than road markings). And accordingly, a temporary road sign is more important than a permanent road sign. Therefore, the temporary road sign has the highest priority.

2) Permanent road sign. Is in second place (Appendix No. 2 to the traffic rules)

3) Temporary road markings. Temporary markings are more important than regular road markings.

4) And the last one is permanent marking.

This is exactly how the list is structured. I think my article will help you move around the city and on the highway correctly without violating traffic rules. That's all I have for today.


When you are driving on a highway or on a divided road, you may come across a sign telling you where to turn around. It’s called a “turning point.” Most often, such jumpers between traffic flows are made in pairs: first you will pass the section where oncoming cars are turning, and then you will see a sign for you - 6.3.1. In most cases, this turnaround area only has one lane, so you need to stick to the left shoulder.

There is another sign on which the reversal itself is drawn. It indicates not only where you can turn around, but the extent of this zone. In the rules, this sign is numbered 6.3.2. In this situation, a given section of road may have two or even more lanes. You need to be careful when driving in the leftmost lane in this situation. Those who are driving to the right of you have priority over you, that is, you must let them pass. If you drive fast or don't like to give way, choose the rightmost path.

You can also make a U-turn if there are any signs permitting a left turn. These may be mandatory signs: a blue circle with a white arrow indicating the direction of movement. For example, this could be sign 4.1.3, which shows you only two options for further movement: left and back.

If you see sign 4.1.5 on the side of the road, then you can drive in the indicated directions or make a U-turn.

Sign 4.1.6 does not allow you to go straight. But you don't necessarily have to turn. Nobody limits your desire to turn around and leave in the direction from which you came. The signs listed above are valid at the intersection in front of which you saw them.

In addition to the round signs on a blue background, you should also pay attention to the “lane direction” signs before making a U-turn. Such signs have a square or rectangular shape. There are white arrows on a blue background to show you which direction you can go in the selected lane. The principle is the same as with mandatory signs: if a left turn is allowed, then you can also make a U-turn. Moreover, if the sign allows you to turn left from the second lane, then you can only make a turn from the far left lane.


  • Traffic rules of the Russian Federation 2014

There are actual cases on the roads when road signs and markings contradict each other. The question then arises: what conditions would it be right to submit to?

It is worth noting that most often road signs and markings simply duplicate each other. In this case, there is not even a question about what is the priority. The second common case on the roads is the addition of a sign with road markings. In this case, there are also no unnecessary questions. But there is a third option, when the road sign and markings diverge. This sometimes confuses drivers. They cannot determine what is more important.

There are 4 types of elements placed on roads:
- Permanent signs;
- Temporary signs;
- Permanent marking;
- Temporary marking.

It is very easy to distinguish both temporary signs and markings from permanent ones: temporary markings are made with yellow paint and the background on temporary signs is also yellow. Another feature of temporary signs is their location on a portable stand.

What's your priority?

In order to correctly determine the priority, you should refer to the traffic rules. Appendix 1 to the traffic rules in the last paragraph of chapter 8 states that if there is a discrepancy between temporary and permanent signs, then traffic must be carried out in compliance with the conditions of the temporary signs.

The same can be said about markup. The rules state that the priority between permanent and temporary markings is always temporary. Appendix 2 also states that signs have priority over any markings.


Based on the above, you can make the following list of priorities in descending order:
- Temporary road signs;
- Permanent road signs;
- Temporary road markings;
- Permanent road markings.


For greater understanding, it is worth considering the most common cases of discrepancy between a sign and markings. If the driver’s priorities are set incorrectly, traffic police officers can impose a punishment either in the form of a fine or in the form of deprivation of rights.

Case 1: overtaking with a “no overtaking” sign (3.20) and intermittent markings (1.5)

This combination means only one thing: overtaking on a section of road is prohibited, regardless of the markings. But intermittent markings allow you to perform other maneuvers not prohibited by the sign. That is, on a section of the road where such markings and signs are installed, you can make a left turn, a U-turn, the driver can also make a detour in the oncoming lane, but overtaking is prohibited.

Case 2: overtaking with the “End of no overtaking zone” sign (3.21) and a solid marking line (1.1)

Having considered case 1, it seems that in this case, despite the markings, overtaking is prohibited. But if the driver makes such a maneuver, the traffic police will immediately fine you. And the traffic police will be right because this sign only marks the end of the zone where overtaking is prohibited. This sign does not allow anything. And the solid line shows that overtaking is prohibited.

Every motorist knows that the proximity of road markings and signs is an important designation that helps drivers correctly navigate the road and prevent possible emergency situations. These tools often either duplicate important information or complement each other.

Despite this, sometimes there are situations when car owners have difficulty understanding which sign or marking is more important: this happens when two informants give conflicting information, for example, due to an accident or due to repair work. When faced with an obvious discrepancy between the two designations, there is no need to panic: this article will help you find out what is more important in such a situation.

An understanding of what is more important is provided by traffic rules. But before that, you should take into account some important details, in particular, decide on the types of signs and road markings.

Temporary and permanent signs

For the convenience of traffic participants, today there is a classification of road signs into:

  • stationary, or permanent;
  • portable, or otherwise temporary.

To distinguish the first category of signs from the second, it is necessary to understand the features of their installation: in order for the stationary sign to be installed correctly, the base of the sign is installed in a pre-prepared recess and filled with concrete mixture. After the concrete has hardened, the area around the base is covered with earth. This type of designation is established for a long time, since the information transmitted by it is always up-to-date, regardless of other external factors.

The portable type appears only in cases where a situation arises that impedes the movement of traffic flow. Stands with temporary markings are a common occurrence during an accident or road repair. Unlike stationary varieties, portable racks usually have crossed reinforcement at the base, which provides the structure with good stability even in gusts of wind.

A distinctive feature of a temporary indicator from a stationary one is the color of its background: if the symbol is printed on a white base, there is a stationary informer in front of you, but if it is on a yellow one, there is a temporary one.

Illegal signs

There is another type of sign: if suddenly during a trip you notice a sign that will be attached to a tree, lamppost or posts using electrical tape or adhesive tape, just ignore it. Such signs are illegal and therefore have no force.

Temporary and permanent markings

Markings, like sign posts, can also be temporary or permanent, so it is very important to distinguish between these types:

  • One of the main goals of the stationary station is to inform motorists about the peculiarities of traffic in the specified area in the long term;
  • Temporary indicates short-term changes in the nature of movement.

To make it easier for drivers to distinguish one type from another, they are painted in different colors: temporary designations are painted yellow, and stationary ones are painted white.

Situations when 2 types are simultaneously applied to the road surface are quite rare, but they still happen, which means that when encountering such markings, it is important to know that yellow lines have priority over white ones.

Summarizing the above, you can see that while driving you can find 4 types of elements that take part in organizing movement. Now it’s time to figure out which types are more important.

What is priority: sign or marking?

When conflicts arise between two informants on the road, you should concentrate and remain calm.

To find out what to follow if the information does not match, for example, a sign contradicts the markings, then you need to refer to the traffic rules:

  • if a temporary designation conflicts with a permanent one, preference is given to the first;
  • If a sign, temporary or permanent, contradicts the information conveyed by the markings, car owners need to focus on what the road sign reports. The markings on the road are of secondary importance.

As a result, you can set the necessary priorities:

  • in case of conflicting information between a sign and markings, priority is given to the temporary sign;
  • Next in the hierarchy comes a permanent road sign - it is still more important than the markings applied to the road surface;
  • further priority is given to temporary marking;
  • The permanent markup closes the list.

Today I was fined for turning left at an intersection. At the intersection there were 2 permanent signs 2.4 “Give way” and 4.1.2 “Move to the right”; it was at this place that marking line 1.3 ended. those. before the intersection it ended and after the intersection it began. In this situation, what is more important: the markings or the sign?!

What is more important, signs or markings, is a separate conversation. According to GOST, neither signs nor markings should contradict each other. I mean permanent signs and markings. If the markings allow, but the sign prohibits, then you can’t! If the sign allows, but the markings prohibit, again - you can’t!

A simple example. The “no left turn” sign does not prohibit a U-turn. But if the markings are 1.1 or 1.3, then you won’t be able to turn around without violating the traffic rules.

The driver drives according to traffic rules, and not according to GOST. The traffic rules state that if there is a conflict between markings and signs, the signs take precedence. That is, if there is a 1.1 marking on a two-lane road with two-way traffic, then you cannot cross it even when overtaking cyclists or slow-moving vehicles. And if there is a 3.20 sign at the same time, then you can cross the 1.1 marking to overtake cyclists or slow-moving vehicles.

But what to do in a place with the simultaneous installation of signs 3.19 and 4.1.4-4.1.6 in case you want to make a U-turn is not clear. There are no clear instructions on this in the traffic rules. With signs 3.18.1 and 3.18.2 versus 4.1.1-4.1.5, instructions are in GOST.


Chief State Road Safety Inspector Viktor Kiryanov sent his subordinates instructions to resolve controversial cases when the sign contradicts the markings in favor of the driver

N 13/6-120 dated 06/30/2008

The instructions clearly state: “When supervising road traffic, as well as when considering controversial situations where it is determined that horizontal marking lines do not comply with the requirements of established road signs, the situation should be interpreted in favor of road users.”

Is it possible to find out where and to whom he sent it? If “Dornanzor”, then this structure does not work on the line and does not consider cases in court, this is done by the IDPS and judges. Apparently Kiryanov’s opinion doesn’t interest them at all!

It also says “to his subordinates” - including the IDPS of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. Plus the instruction number is indicated. Moreover, the structure of Dornadzor is not completely clear.

Hello. The first attempt to hand over the city to the traffic police ended unsuccessfully. I didn’t argue, I just want to understand the situation: T-shaped intersection, main road sign + sign with the direction of the road (to the right), next to it is a sign half turned away from the road (but readable in principle) on a portable stand - traffic only to the right. Yeah, I think the inspector doesn’t give instructions, does he want to catch you? I see a sign - I turn. He told me - where are you going? I say there is a sign to move to the right. And-There's no sign there. I am there, but not very clearly visible. And no, there is only a sign for the main road, you are reading it wrong, choose a place, stop... My instructor also began to claim that I was making it up, there is no sign there. My husband and I drove there, and he says that since it can’t be read unambiguously, it doesn’t work. Where is the truth? Since there is a sign and it is readable from the road, does that mean we should act?

Olesya, Hello.

If an accident had occurred in the specified area, then it would be possible to file a claim against the road workers who installed the road sign illiterately.

As for the exam results, if you did not immediately write in the documents that you do not agree, then there is no point in challenging them.

About the instructor. Write a statement to the driving school to have him fired. You didn’t pay him money so that he could fail you in the exam.

Good luck on the roads!


Yesterday I was stopped at a traffic police checkpoint, I drove straight from the left lane, in principle, following the constant markings, I did not violate anything. But it turned out that before that there was a temporary sign that I didn’t notice; it said that straight ahead only from the right lane and from the left only to the left. I understand that due to my lack of attentiveness I violated. But tell me what kind of offense this is and what is the fine for it?

Yes, in our rules, as they say, even the devil will break a leg! What I mean is that even sitting in a calm environment and analyzing this or that traffic situation, you can interpret it in different ways. What to do in a real traffic situation?! There is no clear and understandable definition of what is possible and what is not. There are many examples. Here too, sign 4.2.2 the direction of movement forces you to cross a double solid line - it seems like there is a contradiction between the sign and the markings and priority is given to the sign, but the sign for the end of the no-overtaking zone seems to allow overtaking even though it is solid, and there is an obvious contradiction , it would seem that preference should be given to the sign, but no, you cannot overtake! And how to understand all this!? Maybe we should make roads and place signs this way so that it is mutually clear to all road users!



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