What will help with panic attacks. Treatment of panic attacks

Panic attacks: how to fight on your own, how to learn to get out of this state when there is very little strength, there are no people nearby who could understand us?

Often we simply do not want to “open up” to strangers, seek help from specialists, and try to figure out our condition on our own. We don’t want to worry our loved ones...

In this article we have tried to select for you best recipes that will help you overcome critical moments in life on your own. To understand how to cope with a panic attack, let's understand its nature.

Unmotivated fear: a state of the body or an insidious ailment?

Panic attack (PA) - a type anxiety disorder, related to neurotic disorders closely related to stress. Malaise occurs abruptly, unexpectedly, without any visible prerequisites or motives. Lasts no more than 10-20 minutes, quickly stops.

What happens in the body? Our “instinct of self-preservation” may perceive any situation as particularly critical. In response, the body mobilizes all resources with lightning speed, and a colossal surge of adrenaline occurs. Enormous tension is created, but no release occurs.

Consciousness at this moment can be compared to a computer program. It begins to conflict with instinctive manifestations and “freezes,” and the body, deprived of control, becomes numb. It takes some time to release unnecessary stress.

This is interesting: Jean-Martin Charcot, the founder of the doctrine of the psychogenic nature of hysteria, was the first to attempt to systematize nervous-like conditions. In 1980, the term PA was proposed by the US Psychiatric Association as the main manifestation of panic disorders.

Despite the lightning-fast deterioration in well-being, it is possible to track the cascade of reactions that occur in the body.

How does paroxysmal anxiety occur?

  1. The heart rate increases sharply.
  2. There is a feeling of growing, “wild” fear.
  3. It becomes difficult to inhale, there is a feeling of “a stake in the chest.”
  4. Thermoregulation is disrupted - chills occur or perspiration appears.
  5. Excessive urination occurs.
  6. There is a feeling of tingling in the arms and legs, throbbing pain in the back of the head, pallor (marbling) of the skin.
  7. Trembling of limbs.

For a person who often experiences panic disorder, the symptoms are always painful and frightening. Also, an attack of fear and panic may be accompanied by:

  • internal trembling and nausea,
  • pre-fainting state,
  • fear of committing an uncontrollable act,
  • confusion of thoughts,
  • fear of dying, etc.

A person often does not understand where he is, what is happening to him, or what needs to be done. Because of this, doctors recommend that patients stay put.

Advice: Do you want to finally understand how to get rid of panic attacks quickly and forever. Realize that overwhelming fear is just an illusion and does not pose any danger to your life.

Mechanism of PA formation

Scientists are trying to thoroughly understand the mechanism of anxiety outbreaks and find out their causes. This is the “key” to understanding how to prevent their recurrence. There are many assumptions affecting both physiological and social aspects.

So, the supposed causes of the attack:

  • Catecholamine.

The hypothesis is based on the fact that the level in the blood increases active substances catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine, dopamine) produced by the adrenal glands. Under their influence, pressure increases, blood vessels constrict, and stimulation occurs. nervous system.

  • Genetic.

Some researchers consider genetics to be the “culprit”. In support, there are facts that every fifth victim has relatives suffering from a similar illness.

  • Psychoanalytic.

The founder of the hypothesis, Sigmund Freud, believed that the core of fear (anxiety) lies in internal conflict, available clamps, restrictions. Thus, obstacles to sexual energy give rise to physical tension, which is on mental level and turns into anxiety.

  • Cognitive.

Its supporters believe that the condition is caused by an erroneous interpretation of sensations. For example, heartbeat may be perceived as a threat to life. Further incorrect fixation of sensations leads to the development and repetition of unmotivated fear.

  • Behavioral.

Seizures are provoked external stimuli. For example, a rapid heart rate may be caused by the current dangerous situation. Subsequently, the conditioned reflex outbreak can be repeated without a threatening situation.

Panic doesn't go alone

Various illnesses are often fertile ground for the emergence and development of anxiety, including:

  • diseases cardiovascular system, including vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • physiological conditions, including pregnancy and childbirth;
  • endocrine diseases.

VSD with panic attacks have a number of similar symptoms, the main of which is a piercing fear of death, diarrhea and nausea. At cervical osteochondrosis Factors accompanying anxiety disorders may also be observed - dizziness, increased heart rate, etc.
Such symptoms should be taken into account if we want to overcome an unpleasant illness without turning to doctors. How to get rid of panic attacks on your own? More on this later in the article.

Restoring the rhythm of breathing

Are you worried about panic attacks? How to fight on your own if it seems that the whole world is busy with its own affairs and you are alone with the disease? Don't despair! Learn a few proven ones breathing exercises and the insidious outbreak will surely fade away. Healing exercises will also help if you have painted everything in dark tones and are overcome by inexplicable sadness and blues.

  1. Breathing 4X4. Before exercise, shake your hands lightly to relieve excess tension. We breathe under a slow count. For the first four counts, we inhale the air smoothly, as deeply as possible, for the next four counts, exhale as smoothly as possible.
  2. We breathe with the help of a bag. Take any paper bag (for example, from a supermarket). Press the bag tightly against your face so that your mouth and nose are inside. Inhale and exhale the air from it evenly and calmly. Make sure that no outside air gets into the envelope.
  3. Breathing into the palms. You can simply breathe “into your cupped palms.” The technique is the same as in the previous exercise.

Advice: Try to master . Do you want more simple exercises? For you - breathing exercises Strelnikova. Regular exercise will give you peace and joy. Breathing practices will also help overcome psychological stress.

We rejoice

At home, in a store, on a train, in the subway, you feel like a panic attack is starting - what to do? Remember that any difficulty will recede if you are not afraid, but sincerely happy! Yes, yes, you should not panic, but rejoice! I just can’t get out of it. And again the answer is to rejoice!

So, let's learn to have fun in a difficult situation:

  1. Let's smile! You can just do it to yourself. Scientists have long proven that smiling causes the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness. Pleasure and panic are nonsense. Panic will disappear wellness will return. Be sure to try this completely simple and effective method!
  2. We remember (read, listen) jokes, anecdotes, funny stories. Make a joke about approaching danger or lingering depression. It's great if you come up with a joke in advance anxiety. At a difficult moment, say it out loud several times. At first, it seems unrealistic, ineffective, difficult. But why not try?

Mastering meditation

Meditation helps many people cope with an approaching illness. On the Internet you can find many recommendations from experts, listen and watch videos.

If you don’t want to delve deeply into the process, close your eyes and try to concentrate on your breathing. Mentally “travel”, “draw” rivers, forests, lakes in your imagination... “Watch” the clouds floating in the sky, the sea tides...

With the help of such a simple technique, you can calm down and “slow down” the impending excitement.

Strengthening the situation

There is a paradoxical method that requires a certain amount of courage and preparation. Its essence is to intensify the attack. At first it really becomes more powerful (you are completely immersed in it), but very soon the opposite effect comes - the disease recedes.

Let's create

Do you know how to fight panic attacks with creativity? This is extremely interesting! Try to depict your fear on a piece of paper using colored pencils (paints, felt-tip pens). Add details to it to make it funny.

You can transfer yours to music anxious thoughts. Listen to the sound of the melody, the strength of the sound, the words... Your task is to transfer your irrational anxieties and fears into creativity the way your soul desires.

As you can see, there is various methods For self-treatment panic disorders. Get to know yourself, take care of yourself, because life is beautiful and should not be overshadowed by imaginary fears!

A panic attack is a sudden causeless attack panic. The attack is accompanied by neurological and cognitive disorders and causes the patient a lot of discomfort. Everyone should know how to get rid of panic attacks on their own.

You should understand why a panic attack begins, symptoms and treatment at home. A panic attack is short-term attack, during which neurological, mental and motor disorders occur. The nature of a panic attack is neurological disorder. The causes of the pathology have not yet been precisely studied. Probable Causes occurrence of panic attacks:

Seizures occur spontaneously under the influence of any negative factor. This may be due to stress and emotional overstrain, physical activity, being in a crowd.

Seizures can occur as a result of various diseases and pathologies of internal organs. It is not uncommon for panic attacks to occur as a result of hormone therapy, suffered a stroke and coronary disease brain

Panic attacks often occur in emotionally unstable people. This condition is observed in drug addicts and patients who abuse alcohol. The trigger for the development of panic attacks can be any phobia or emotional stress.

Symptoms of a panic attack

A panic attack has the following symptoms:

  • sudden feeling of fear and anxiety;
  • fear for your life;
  • internal overvoltage;
  • emotional excitement;
  • lack of control over the situation.

The attacks are also accompanied by a violation heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting. Headache and nausea may also occur.

Patients report disorientation and dizziness during an attack. Many people complain of lack of air or pain in the heart area.

During an attack, chills, hand tremors, paleness of the face and increased sweating. Many people note sudden appearance phobias. The symptoms of a panic attack are different for each patient and depend on many internal factors.

How does an attack go?

The duration of the attack and the accompanying symptoms vary. To start an attack, some kind of trigger is needed - a situation causing panic. A strange smell may be such a trigger, loud sound or being in a crowd.

Attacks often begin while shopping in large stores shopping centers. In this case, a malfunction of the nervous system occurs due to being in an open space, in a crowd of people.

The first panic attack can occur during a strong experience or emotional overstrain. Failure of the nervous system is possible after severe stress.

At the beginning of an attack, a person only feels a rapid heartbeat or increased sweating. Then, after some time, the patient is overtaken by panic, which can manifest itself in different ways. Some patients report a sudden feeling of groundless fear for their life, while others experience panic and confusion.

A panic attack can last from a few minutes to two to three hours. Symptoms increase very quickly. This condition is more common in young women, however, men are not immune from sudden fear.

The first attack in a patient’s life does not last long. This condition quickly passes, leaving behind fear and concern for one’s own health. Not everyone knows what a panic attack is, so patients begin to worry about possible pathologies heart, blood vessels and brain.

Why are seizures dangerous?

A panic attack does not kill, but the condition needs to be treated. Due to frequently repeated attacks, patients develop various phobias. In most cases, there is a fear of the next attack.

This condition can overtake a person anywhere. Because of this, patients try to minimize their own social relationships. The patient’s entire life is rearranged so that a possible recurrence of a panic attack does not overtake him. public place. People stop going to large stores and going to crowded places. In especially severe cases, patients become recluses.

Since the disease is a disorder of the nervous system, the patient’s performance often suffers and the risk of complications is high. Such complications include:

  • asthenia;
  • neurasthenia;
  • neurosis;
  • phobias;
  • depression;
  • hypochondria.

The nervous system is depleted due to frequent attacks, which can lead to the development asthenic syndrome. The worsening of phobias leaves an imprint on the patient’s daily activities, which leads to a forced change in the work schedule and daily routine.

For repeated panic attacks, treatment at home is carried out in two ways - medication and folk methods.

Diagnosis of pathology

The diagnosis is made only after exclusion organic pathology internal organs. First you need to see a therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination and refer you to another specialist for necessary examinations internal organs. To exclude pathologies and chronic diseases, it is necessary to consult a neurologist and cardiologist.

Examinations of the heart, brain and vascular condition are required. Final diagnosis diagnosed either by a neurologist or a psychiatrist.

You should not be afraid of visiting a psychiatrist. This specialist will prescribe necessary medications and prescribe a treatment regimen and duration.

Drug therapy

Drug therapy carried out using the following medications:

  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • neuroleptics;
  • sedatives.

Treatment is aimed at restoring the activity of the nervous system and strengthening it. An important step treatment is to normalize sleep.

Antidepressants help relieve stress and nervous overstrain. These drugs are taken over a long course, about 6-10 months.

The best way to combat panic attacks is tranquilizers. The drugs inhibit the activity of the nervous system and cause some drowsiness, but along with this, a feeling of fear, tachycardia, shortness of breath and pain in the heart area disappears. The disadvantage of such drugs is a number side effects. Tranquilizers are good to use as ambulance If an attack is imminent, it is not recommended to take these medications for a long time due to withdrawal symptoms.

Neuroleptics normalize the activity of the nervous system, improve blood supply to the brain and help get rid of emotional overexcitability. These medications relieve symptoms autonomic dysfunction and relieve psychomotor disorders.

Sedative medications are prescribed to improve sleep. These drugs are quite weak and will not relieve an attack, but in combination with other medications sedatives help normalize the activity of the nervous system.

How to get rid of an attack using traditional methods

Treatment of panic attacks with folk remedies is carried out using soothing herbs.

  1. Mix Echinops, dandelion herb, chicory, licorice root, valerian root and St. John's wort in equal proportions. In total you will need 30 grams of a mixture of these herbs. Pour the resulting mixture warm water and boil for about 15 minutes. After cooling, the collection is taken in a third of a glass daily. The course of treatment is three months. This collection has a positive effect on the nervous system, normalizes sleep and relieves stress.
  2. Pour 10 g of oregano into a glass of boiling water, after cooling, drink half a glass. The course of treatment is two months. Every day you should drink half a glass of decoction half an hour before meals.
  3. Alcohol tincture of oregano: pour half a glass of alcohol over a large spoon of the plant and leave to infuse in a dark place for a week and a half. Then the medicine is taken daily in a teaspoon for two months.
  4. Motherwort is effective remedy to combat stress. It is necessary to pour two large spoons of dry grass with two glasses of water and boil for about 20 minutes. Then the medicine is filtered and taken in a large spoon every day for a month.
  5. Soothing tea: mix a small spoon of lemon balm and mint, pour boiling water and leave for twenty minutes. You should drink one glass of tea daily before bed.
  6. A medicine for sleep disorders that will help remove nervous tension: Pour boiling water over two large spoons of linden and let it brew until it cools. Drink one glass of decoction daily before bed.
  7. Chamomile tea: grind chamomile flowers and pour boiling water. To make tea you will need a glass of water and a large spoon of flowers. You should drink one glass of tea daily.

Traditional methods of treatment are aimed at relieving nervous tension and calming the nervous system. These teas and decoctions help normalize sleep and relieve stress.

It is important to remember that some medicinal plants poisonous and incorrect reception may cause side effects. Before starting treatment traditional methods you should exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction and consult your doctor about whether you can take folk remedies in a specific case.

How to help yourself

Typically, the onset of a panic attack is indicated by increased heart rate, confusion, or dizziness. How quickly the symptoms increase depends on various factors. At this stage, you can stop the attack with willpower alone, if you know how to relieve a panic attack.

Feeling the approach of a panic attack as the appearance of sudden fear, you should pull yourself together and try to calm down. Then it is recommended to perform several breathing exercises. To do this you need to do not deep breath, and then two long exhalations. At the count of “one”, a shallow breath is taken, while the stomach protrudes. The first exhalation is carried out on the count of “two”, and at this time the stomach is drawn in. Then, with the stomach drawn in, another exhalation is made on the count of three. The exercise should be repeated ten times.

Another exercise is to breathe into a bag. To do this, you need to take a thick bag, take a deep breath and exhale the air into the container. Then take a breath of air from this bag. The exercise is repeated ten times.

Before an attack begins, if you feel the first symptoms, it is recommended to rinse your face and hands with cool water, and also moisten your pulse points with water. You can drink a glass of clean, cool water, adding a little sugar to it.

Another way to combat attacks is auto-training for panic attacks. This will help both defeat a panic attack and reduce the frequency of attacks.

An artificial increase in mood helps to get rid of an attack. To do this, you need to sit down, relax and force yourself to smile. While smiling, you need to read aloud a positive poem, prayer, or several motivating statements. You need to try to distract yourself from your inner feeling. To do this, it is recommended to switch your attention to some foreign object.

Seizure prevention

It takes time to get rid of panic attacks. How to recover from panic attacks, as well as how to stop and prevent an attack, should be discussed with your doctor. To ensure that attacks occur as rarely as possible, it is recommended to adhere to preventive measures.

  1. A balanced diet will help strengthen the nervous system. The menu should give preference to fruits, vegetables and fermented milk products, avoiding everything fatty and fried.
  2. You should take a course of B vitamins twice a year, which strengthen the nervous system.
  3. Taking walks every night helps to get rid of insomnia. fresh air.
  4. possible through sports. Swimming and yoga should be preferred.
  5. It is important not to overuse caffeine and strong tea. There is no need to completely give up coffee and tea, but you need to limit your consumption of these drinks in the afternoon.
  6. You need to follow the regime and refuse night shifts and overtime. This will avoid stress.
  7. Normalizing sleep will help strengthen the nervous system. Sleep should be at least eight hours.

If you have recurring panic attacks, you need to learn to relax and get rid of stress on your own. To do this, you can sign up for group auto-training or visit a psychologist. It is also important to provide yourself with a lot of positive emotions.

Panic attacks should not poison a person’s life, so it is important to recognize the problem in time and not delay solving it. Drug therapy, preventive measures and folk remedies will help get rid of panic attacks forever.

“He’s already been delayed for 20 minutes. Something must have happened. The phone doesn't answer. He definitely had an accident. No! He was attacked. Or maybe he’s lying somewhere, lifeless, and I’m here... What should I do???” - this is the usual flow of thoughts of an alarmist, a woman always expecting the worst.

From my mother’s stories I know for sure that her life in her youth was a real hell. She couldn't linger for a minute. Any delays became a reason for domestic scandals. And all because our kind and sweet grandmother was a real alarmist. Needless to say, in the absence cell phones any delay of the dear child led to a flurry of black thoughts.

In her mind, the grandmother, as a rule, did not get away with just an attack. It was necessarily associated with something even more terrible - robbery, beating, etc. As in the joke: “Where have you been all night? - I was raped! - Rape is a five-minute affair. Where have you been all night? The consequences of the experiences, as a rule, were tears, accusations, and hysterics. As a result, both of my grandmother’s children were terribly afraid of being late for the appointed time. The feeling of guilt has not left them to this day.

Signs of panic

According to statistics, women are 2-3 times more likely than men to suffer from attacks of anxiety and fear. Researchers believe fluctuations are to blame female hormone progesterone, which brings the body into a state similar to experiencing a severe shock. The worst thing is that unreasonable panic does not allow women to live fully.

Typically, panic begins as mild anxiety, but gradually anxiety increases and fear appears. Added to this physical changes in the body - dizziness, rapid heartbeat, and sometimes difficulty breathing. A woman may feel hot or cold, she feels slight tingling in the fingers, heaviness in the legs. After an attack, a woman feels incredibly tired and overwhelmed. The consequences of panic often become depressive states.

The limits of "reasonable"

Many panickers wonder if it is normal to experience such intense fear? Of course, the feeling that something terrible is about to happen sometimes visits each of us. Fear is a kind of way to survive. A parachute jump, a flight, or a “walk” through a dark gateway quite naturally evokes a feeling of anxiety in us. This is normal defensive reaction body, it is justified and therefore natural. Panic arises out of the blue when real opportunity the occurrence of something catastrophic is actually extremely small.

Psychologists distinguish three types of panic. First - light form. We experience this feeling when we are stuck in traffic jams for a long time, when there is a sudden but weak signal or flash. At the same time, the person maintains self-control. An involuntary contraction of muscles or an expression of surprise on the face can give off panic here.

Medium panic is characterized by a significant change in conscious assessments of what is happening. For example, information appears about possible shortage buckwheat, and buyers are sweeping this product off store shelves.

And finally, the third type of panic, the most severe - in this state a person begins to rush around, commit illogical actions and actions.

Save an ordinary alarmist

Getting rid of such an illness as panic is not easy. But perhaps you can try to reduce the attacks to a minimum.

Option 1. If panic is caused by a woman’s excessive emotionality, overwork and fatigue, you can pay attention to the following. Firstly, the way you eat - caffeine, sugar, alcohol, lack of calcium, magnesium and B vitamins can cause painful panic states. Therefore, eat more vegetables and fruits, lean meat, fish and eggs. Secondly, take care of yourself - sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, play sports and walk in the fresh air. Third, learn to be calm. To do this, you can spend more time in the company of friends and loved ones, you can try to distract yourself with something you love, or make a real action plan in case of any emergency. Prayer helps believers a lot.

Option 2. If the cause of panic was a certain situation (in transport, on the street, at work), it is understandable that you are afraid of a repeat attack in similar circumstances. As a result, many women begin to avoid places where they feel unreasonable fear. This is a big mistake. You can get rid of panic only by experiencing it. If you feel sick on the subway, try going down there with someone you can trust. Don't force yourself. First, just walk around the lobby. Once you feel strong, go down the escalator. If you can’t get on the train the first time, it doesn’t matter. Wait in safe place and when the fear passes a little, calmly leave the subway.

Repeat the attempts until you feel that you have been able to survive the horror of what is happening and the panic has passed. In addition, at home you can write down on paper everything that you are afraid of. Analyze your fears. If the likelihood of any of these happening is high, take precautions. May you always have the necessary telephone numbers, the right amount of money and an accurate plan of action in case of an emergency.

Option 3. If you are susceptible to third-degree panic attacks and are unable to control yourself, the best treatment option is to consult a specialist. A psychotherapist will help you pull out the reasons for what is happening from your subconscious, develop individual program return to normal life.

Most likely, in addition to visits to the doctor, you will also be prescribed tranquilizers to reduce feelings of fear and anxiety. Except medicinal methods, there is also physical therapy, acupuncture, swimming, massage and various physiotherapeutic procedures.

The most important thing is to remember that you can only get rid of fear by overcoming it.

A panic attack is a fairly common phenomenon that can occur at any time without visible reasons or under the influence of some factors. The main symptoms that accompany this phenomenon are: rapid heartbeat, lack of air, " cold sweat", abdominal cramps and others.

During menopause in women, the symptoms of a panic attack can be expressed in a sharp coldness of the hands and feet, burning and painful sensations V chest. Symptoms of an attack while falling asleep are expressed in the fact that a person begins to concentrate on his heartbeat. It begins to seem to him that his heart is slowing down, and this causes panic.

According to psychotherapists, panic attacks during attacks cannot be treated with medication. The only thing left to do for those who have once survived an attack is to start carrying out comprehensive measures to prevent a relapse.

Attention! Before starting self-medication, you need to consult a doctor!

Causes of panic attacks

Constant stressful situations, increased nervous tension over a long period of time, depression - all this can cause a panic attack. As a rule, these reasons lead to a panic attack in men, because sometimes they bear more responsibility. But the women on this list are no exception. Panic attacks in men and women can also be caused by somatic diseases, hormonal abnormalities, various diseases nervous system, catastrophic thinking.

How to quickly relieve panic attack syndrome

It happens that a panic attack can occur for no apparent reason. As a rule, this happens after drinking or a hangover, as a result of insomnia at night. In this case, to relieve the attack, you can take clozapine or glycine. Clozapine - reduces anxiety, has an anticonvulsant and sedative effect. Glycine - normalizes sleep, improves brain function, relieves aggression, and improves mood.

How to relieve a panic attack for people with high blood pressure? First of all, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, in a critical situation, introduce a relaxation complex, and normalize breathing. We will tell you further how to do this correctly.

Basically, people who have had a panic attack during the day can experience a second attack at night - this is the main reason. As a rule, this leads to a sharp awakening, rapid heartbeat and a feeling of fear from an unknown disaster.

Drug therapy

Preventative treatment for panic attacks can be carried out in a hospital during an inpatient examination. In this case, the patient is prescribed various drugs.

  1. Psychotropic – antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives.
  2. Cardiovascular pills or injections.

The advantage of treatment is that the patient is under observation and the effect of blocking growing panic is quickly achieved. By-product Treatment with medications in 50% of patients revealed:

  • addiction to drugs and a decrease in their effectiveness;
  • frequent headaches;
  • dose dependence;
  • hormonal disorders, etc.

Attention! Drug treatment carried out only under the supervision of doctors!

Treatment with folk remedies

At home, it is easy to prepare and consume various sedative tinctures from herbs. You can choose one or more recipes and take it regularly.

Herbal collection

To prepare the tincture you will need 20 g of each herb:

  • Leuzea root;
  • Echinops;
  • dandelion;
  • chicory;
  • licorice root;
  • valerian;
  • St. John's wort.

Grind the ingredients, mix well and add 10 g of juniper. For one liter of water you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of herbs and boil for 10-15 minutes. Pour the broth into an airtight container and let it brew for about 8 hours. Take 100 ml before meals for 4-5 months. and then take a break.

And one more recipe herbal tincture, which can be used at home to treat panic attacks. To prepare, take 100 grams of all herbs:

  • St. John's wort;
  • birch buds;
  • immortelle;
  • chamomile

Mix them well. For one-time use, take 1 tsp. mixture, pour a glass of boiling water. Leave for 2.5-3 hours and drink before bed with honey. Carry out a course of treatment for six months.

Treatment with oregano

The essential oils that make up oregano make it possible to use it as sedative. Take 2 tsp. herbs, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes. and strain. Take the tincture half an hour before meals, 100 ml.

Can be cooked alcohol tincture from oregano, which is absorbed faster and more efficiently in the body. Take 20 g of fresh herb, chop thoroughly and pour 100-150 ml medical alcohol. Leave for a week in a cool place, take 40 drops before meals.

Soothing tea

When treating panic attacks at home, it is recommended to use soothing teas. They contain a fairly simple set of herbs that are easy to purchase at the pharmacy. To prepare tea you will need:

  • Melissa;
  • mint;
  • linden.

Mix the herbs in equal proportions and pour boiling water over them. Let it brew for 20 minutes. and consume after meals. Add honey to taste and drink instead of tea or coffee.

Herbs can be consumed separately from each other, if there are any allergic reactions on them. For example, you can brew mint tea - a tablespoon of the herb in one glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. and drink at any time with honey to taste. The rest of the herbs are prepared in the same way.

Chamomile treatment

Chamomile is famous not only for its anti-inflammatory but also for its calming properties. Therefore, it is used at home to combat panic attacks. You will need to buy chamomile flowers at the pharmacy, take a tablespoon of the herb and pour a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to insist for at least 1.5-2 hours, strain and drink in the morning and evening. If desired, add sugar or honey to taste. It is recommended to do this every time fresh decoction daisies.

Treatment with valerian

For a long time, our grandmothers knew about the soothing properties of valerian. Therefore, it can be safely taken as a remedy for panic attacks. Take a tablespoon of valerian root and pour boiling water - 500 ml. Boil the herb over low heat for 10-15 minutes. and let it brew. Take 1 tsp. three times a day.

Valerian can be used equally effectively to take soothing and relaxing baths. Prepare the same herbal decoction, strain and pour into the prepared warm bath. You can take such procedures daily before bed.

Treatment with honey

For treatment you will need 2 glasses. Separately, prepare the following mixture: 1 tbsp. dill seeds and 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed valerian root - pour boiling water over everything and leave for one day. Then strain the tincture, add honey and mix thoroughly. Take 1 tbsp. l. half an hour before meals.

Treatment with various tinctures

Blackberries and marigolds. Mix herbs in equal proportions and pour 600 ml boiled water. Leave for one hour and you can drink 150 ml four times a day.

Birch. Chop young birch leaves (20 g) well and pour half a liter of boiling water. Leave for at least 5 hours, strain and drink 100 g before meals.

Schisandra chinensis. Take lemongrass fruits 1 tbsp. l. and brew with boiling water (250 ml). Boil it and after 15 minutes. strain. Take 50 grams in the morning.

Treatment of panic attacks with other methods

At home, as part of a set of measures for the prevention and treatment of panic attacks, you can use various exercises. They will help you relax as much as possible and, just as important, teach a person how to react correctly during an attack.

Attention! Any stressful situation can cause a panic attack, so it is important to learn how to calm down quickly!

Relaxation treatment

A set of relaxation exercises is very effective in calming the nerves. You can choose one or more techniques and use them daily at any time convenient for you.

  1. Bend your face down, trying not to bend your knees, and stand for 5-7 minutes. It relieves muscle tension well and improves blood circulation.
  2. Feet shoulder-width apart, arms raised up and sway slightly. After 5 minutes you will feel the tension and stress go away.
  3. Sit on the floor with your buttocks resting on your heels. Slowly lean forward with your arms extended. This exercise is good for relaxing your back muscles.
  4. In the same position, raise your arms up as you inhale and lower them smoothly as you exhale. Imitate the movement of the wings, repeat 10 times, and you will feel lightness throughout your body.
  5. Get on your knees and place your hands on the floor. Gently lower your head and feel the muscles along your spine stretch. Stay in this position for as long as possible, and then slowly raise your head. Repeat 5-7 times.

Learning to breathe

When treating a panic attack, it is important to learn how to react correctly in stressful situation and quickly take control of your breathing. This will help you focus your thoughts on yourself, quickly calm down and relieve tension.

Train yourself in a calm environment with this exercise:

  • take a very deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth;
  • we try to use the diaphragm, not the stomach;
  • We do not exhale all the air, so as not to take long breaks between inhalation and exhalation.

Now you know how to relieve a panic attack with medications and treatment at home, and you will be able to quickly respond to a stressful situation.



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