What is the best thing to eat in the evening to lose weight? What to eat in the evening: menu options

“Chocolate tastes twice as good if it’s not allowed at night” - this is probably familiar to everyone. You are lying if you say that you have never eaten late at night in your life or sneaked into the refrigerator under the cover of darkness in search of some harmful delicacy. True, after such raids, the feeling of guilt and fear of the hated kilograms does not leave the nightlife for a long time. To prevent late-night snacking from being so detrimental to your psyche and figure, we suggest you adopt these 8 foods that will not only satisfy your hunger, but also help you lose weight.


The best food for the evening is the easily digestible protein found in chicken eggs. Make an omelet with tomatoes, mushrooms and spinach, topped with a simple leaf salad. This is an ideal dinner option for those who are losing weight, but want to maintain firm skin and a toned body.

Poultry meat

Another classic dinner option for anyone losing weight would be chicken or turkey fillet with vegetables. Steam or grill white meat without using oil and add any green vegetables to it. However, a light vegetable salad with a little olive oil is also great.

Lean fish

Continuing the theme of protein dinners, we suggest you pay attention to low-fat varieties of fish - cod or hake. But keep in mind that if during the day you can supplement the fish with a carbohydrate side dish such as rice, then in the evening you should abandon this in favor of the same vegetables. As a last resort, oven-cook sweet potatoes for a more satisfying meal without raising your blood sugar.

Stewed vegetables

Since we mention vegetables so often, you can allow yourself to eat only them for dinner 1-2 times a week. This kind of unloading will improve digestion and allow you to better control your weight. Focus on various varieties of cabbage, mushrooms and green beans, but cook them without oil and with a minimum amount of salt. A little olive oil can be added to the plate, and it is better to replace the salt with spices and dried herbs.

Fermented milk products

We all know that dairy products are also a source of protein, but everything is not so simple here. Some scientists claim that low-fat cottage cheese and a glass of kefir are excellent as a dietary dinner, while others believe that these products can cause swelling if consumed in the evening. Listen to your body and, if you do not observe a negative reaction, then feel free to eat these healthy, low-calorie foods for dinner.


In addition to protein, milk contains tryptophan, an amino acid involved in the synthesis of melatonin, which regulates our circadian rhythms and makes it easier to fall asleep. It’s not for nothing that our grandmothers advised drinking warm milk at night. Let's listen to their advice, because healthy and sound sleep is the key to ensuring that the next day you will not replenish your energy reserves with additional calories.


Don't be surprised that we included berries in our list of the best foods for the evening. They are low in calories, but rich in fiber and antioxidants. Berries, like vegetables, will help improve intestinal motility and feel better. But keep in mind that you really should completely avoid fruits in the afternoon.


Our review ends with a product that is best suited for those who not only watch their diet, but are also actively involved in sports. On days of intense training, consume a complete protein, which can now be found at any sports nutrition store, instead of dinner or in addition to vegetables. This will help you not only lose weight, but also build muscle mass, creating a beautiful body.

Even after a productive day of exercise and diet, people are not immune to nighttime cravings. You can restrain yourself all day so as not to eat junk food, but by late evening your appetite increases. A breakdown occurs, eating much more food than the body needs. As a result, extra pounds appear. There is a way out. Let's look at what you can eat at night.

What foods can you eat at night?

Different foods are digested at different rates. It depends on this whether you can afford a small piece late in the evening or whether it is extremely undesirable. We will answer the most popular questions from people losing weight.

Can I eat cottage cheese for dinner?

You can, it is rich in amino acids and casein. By eating cottage cheese with less than 8 percent fat content, you will lower your blood insulin levels. However, you can only eat cottage cheese in a small portion 2 hours before bedtime, since metabolism slows down at this time of day.

Is it possible to eat fruit at night?

You can eat fruits before bed, but not all of them. Like any food, they contain , some of the fruits are also high in calories. We will give a list of those that you can eat and not gain weight.

  1. Apples. They contain 47 calories. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to eat apples at night does not arise. Non-sour varieties are ideal as a snack before bed. In addition, this fruit contains pectin, which improves skin color.
  2. Citrus. The question often arises: is it possible to eat grapefruit at night? It is known for its fat-burning properties, which is why it is often recommended as a snack. Moreover, grapefruits and oranges are low in calories (40 calories) and help the food eaten to be digested faster. But remember, if you are susceptible to peptic ulcers or gastritis, then citrus fruits are contraindicated for you, due to their ability to increase acidity. The same goes for lemon. If you eat lemon at night, it will increase the acidity of gastric juice and, in addition, increase your appetite.
  3. Banana. It is believed that the fruit is high in calories, but in this case, you can snack on one banana and satisfy your hunger.
  4. Mango. It does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is therefore quite safe for an evening snack.
  5. Pineapple. Perfectly cleanses the body of waste and toxins. To avoid adding extra pounds, do not eat too much fruit, as it also increases acidity. A couple of slices will be enough.
  6. Figs. Rich in minerals and reduces appetite, perfectly satiates. The fruit should be consumed fresh, as dry figs are high in calories (250 calories).

It is better to eat fruits slowly, chewing thoroughly. Cut them into slices, do not eat them whole at once. Eat at least an hour before bedtime.

Also, don’t deny yourself berries before bed: blueberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries are low in calories and are suitable for satisfying evening hunger.

Is it possible to eat vegetables at night?

Vegetables are often found on the menu of various diets. Let's look at what you can eat at night to lose weight:

  1. Carrot.
  2. Broccoli, cauliflower.
  3. Lettuce leaves.
  4. Spinach.
  5. Avocado.
  6. Pumpkin. Better fresh, in the form of juice or seeds.

Please note that all vegetables must be fresh; boiled vegetables have a higher calorie content.

Hearty food.

It’s not always possible to get enough of fruit; sometimes in the evening you want a hearty meal, not a light and sweet one. There are several products for this case. Let's find out what to eat at night from this list:

  1. Lean white poultry (chicken, turkey).
  2. Low-fat fish (tuna, pollock, mackerel and other varieties).
  3. Buckwheat, rice.
  4. Soy cheese, lean.
  5. Natural yogurt.
  6. Hummus.
  7. Kefir, milk, fermented baked milk with zero fat content.
  8. Nuts: hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts. You can treat yourself to a treat, but don’t overdo it, you can eat no more than 40 grams.

Surprisingly, but true, it is better to eat carbohydrate foods before going to bed, as they are digested faster, therefore, among proteins, those that are digested in a maximum of one and a half hours are desirable.


What can you eat at night to? Better drink a soothing warm drink. It will help you sleep well and relieve hunger pangs.

  1. Warm water with a slice of lemon (what are its benefits -).
  2. Boiled milk with honey.
  3. Unsweetened green tea.
  4. Tomato juice.

What can you combine to avoid gaining weight, and what can’t?

What can you eat at night when losing weight? With the right combination of foods, you can not only not gain weight, but also lose weight by improving your metabolism. We will find out from the list what will be beneficial to eat at night rather than high-calorie foods.

Favorable combinations:

  1. What can you eat lemon with? It is good with fish or meat. If you eat a slice at dinner, you can get rid of fat. The fact is that lemon, in combination with animal protein, produces a hormone in the body that burns fat deposits. So chicken in lemon juice is quite suitable for dinner. However, do not overuse this option so as not to unnecessarily irritate the intestinal mucosa.
  2. Hard cheese and feta cheese can only be combined with vegetables or similar animal proteins. Which is better? For example, broccoli would be an excellent addition.
  3. Dry cottage cheese diluted with kefir will perfectly satisfy your hunger without harming your figure.
  4. Cereals and vegetables go well together. Prepare the buckwheat and garnish with lettuce or cabbage leaves.

Undesirable combinations:

  1. Starchy foods and acidic foods are not an optimal combination and should be avoided. In this case, acidic foods include: oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pineapples, tomatoes.
  2. Milk should be consumed separately from any other products, the same goes for melon and watermelon.
  3. Proteins and carbohydrates are difficult to digest at one time and cause gas formation and bloating.
  4. It is not advisable to mix proteins and fermented milk products into one meal.

Pay attention to the diagram below. It depicts the main elements of nutrition and the possibility of combining them with each other. For example, it is known that fruits should not be eaten with other foods and it is better to eat them 30 minutes before taking any other element. The exception is fruit and avocado juices.

What foods should you not eat at night?

Along with permitted foods, there are prohibited foods that cannot be eaten for dinner:

  1. Alcohol. By drinking a glass, you will cut yourself some slack.
  2. Mayonnaise, sour cream.
  3. Red meat.
  4. Coffee.
  5. Chocolate, pastries.
  6. Flour products.
  7. Pasta.
  8. Sugar.
  9. Legumes.
  10. Potatoes, tomatoes, onions.
  11. Zucchini, eggplant.
  12. Pepper.
  13. Herbs, spices, salt.
  14. White bread.
  15. Corn.
  16. Pears, melons, watermelons are the best diuretic. You can't eat them at night unless you want to run to the toilet all night.
  17. Grape.
  18. Fried food.

It is much easier to snack on such products and therefore it is difficult to avoid temptation. But think about those fatty layers that may appear in the morning and it’s better to spend a little time, but prepare yourself something more healthy.

In addition, watch this video about foods you shouldn't eat before bed:

At night it is difficult to resist the temptation of food, and sometimes it is unbearable to endure until the morning. But now you know the option of what you can’t eat and what you can eat at night, even to lose weight. Still, before filling your stomach, drink a glass of water with lemon. But take your time and drink the liquid slowly. In most cases, this is enough to make the desire to snack disappear.

If you are interested in nutrition not only before bed, but also during the day, then study our material on the topic and lose extra centimeters in your waist.

There is a demotivational message floating around the Internet: “Don’t be upset if you feel drawn to the refrigerator after midnight - maybe you’re just a priestess of the night!” Jokes aside, the problem of late-night “eating” in the kitchen needs to be solved. We found foods that you can snack on in the evening without much harm to your figure.

Good night metabolism!

First, let's figure out why you can't eat before bed. First of all, at night, all physiological processes in the body (including digestion) slow down. Therefore, food that enters the stomach shortly before bedtime, consider it to be dead weight. And its further fate is unenviable - undigested food, excuse the physiological details, rots, and your poor stomach in the morning must process all this, but it is very difficult for it, it cannot cope. As a result, toxins are formed that are absorbed into the blood. In general, a nightmare! And then don’t let the “late birds” wonder why they have dull, brittle hair, weakened immunity, poor skin color, and lethargy. And extra weight to boot - after all, the calories produced, instead of being burned, are stored as reserve fat on the hips and abdomen.

You can't eat too much and go hungry

However, it is not worth going on a strict evening hunger strike. Judge for yourself: from six in the evening to eight in the morning there is not a drop of poppy dew - it turns out that your body does not receive food for about 13. Such pauses for him are a direct guide to action: he begins to create reserves. And this is nothing more than fat deposits (the enzyme lipoprotein lipase, the activity of which increases with long food breaks, directs fatty acids into the subcutaneous fatty tissue). Moreover, fasting at night is fraught with insomnia - at two o'clock in the morning the body may require replenishment of energy reserves.

Therefore, no extremes: the best option is a light dinner three hours before bedtime. with low-fat cottage cheese, a glass of milk or a piece of cheese with a cracker. And everyone will be fine.

If you are completely unbearable and want to throw something into your stomach shortly before bed, we advise you to choose from foods with a negative calorie content, that is, those that cause the burning of more calories than they contain. Here are the most popular ones.


Let's say Kelly Osbourne eats half an apple at night - she believes that this helped her (in combination with her diet, of course) to lose extra pounds. There is some truth in this: one apple with peel contains about 10% of the daily requirement of fiber, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduces cholesterol levels in the body and plays an important role in weight loss.

It is worth remembering: hold off on apple snacks if you have stomach problems. These fruits can increase gas formation.


Each tangerine orange (and others like them) contains about 40 calories. But given their small size, fruits can be included in the list of low-calorie foods allowed in the evening. Plus, they have a lot of fiber and vitamin C, which are responsible for good digestion. And a few drops at night definitely won’t do any harm.

It is worth remembering: acute gastritis and other stomach diseases are on the list of contraindications.

About a dozen calories contained in a celery root are not serious, so feel free to eat it, even after six. Options - light (for example, with carrots) or fresh.

It is worth remembering: yes, celery contains a lot of fiber that is beneficial for the stomach. But it is also a natural diuretic - it removes excess fluid and toxins (this is obviously of no use at night). Also, celery juice should not be drunk during pregnancy and breastfeeding, varicose veins and stomach diseases.

You can allow yourself a little animal food in the evening. For example, fish. Flounder contains a lot of proteins with a well-balanced amino acid composition, due to which it is quickly and well absorbed by the body. There is little fat in flounder - about 3%. Calories are also minimal (83 kcal per 100 g of product - for marine fish this is minuscule). But there is a lot of vitamin A, E, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus and other benefits.


Kefir contains a lot of calcium, and this trace element is best absorbed in the dark, at night, when we sleep. And it’s easier to fall asleep with it - it’s a very mild and natural sedative that can be drunk as a mild preventive measure for insomnia (the relaxing effect is due to the small percentage of alcohol formed as a result of fermentation). And, most importantly, kefir is an easily digestible product that has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

It is worth remembering: do not abuse kefir if you have high stomach acidity.


Make a salad, season it with vegetable oil. First of all, it's low in calories. Secondly, beets are rich in betaine, which is an excellent fat burner. And curcumin, which does not allow the fat cell to become overgrown with blood vessels - and therefore to live. Yes, and don’t forget the pectin. It is he who regulates intestinal motility, normalizes intestinal flora, and cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

It is worth remembering: kidney disease, acute inflammatory processes in the stomach are contraindications to beets.

In this article, I will tell you what you can eat at night to avoid gaining weight.

I’m not one of those people who falls asleep to the sound of a terrible rumbling stomach)), and apparently, neither are you 😀

In general, there are the following well-known food components:

  • (main source of energy)
  • (backup energy source)
  • (building materials)

I have already repeatedly said that in the first half of the day the emphasis should be on carbohydrates, and in the second - on PROTEINS, because... It is in the first half of the day that we need energy, because during the day people, as a rule, are ACTIVE, and in the late afternoon = PASSIVE (at home, after work, study, on the couch, at the computer, etc.). Accordingly, why do you need energy (carbohydrates, fats) in the evening, at night, before bed?! No, well, these are obvious and logical things...

Accordingly, since FATS and CARBOHYDRATES (energy sources) are not allowed (not required), only PROTEIN remains in the arsenal. This is exactly what you can (I would say, even need) to use in the evening, at night, before bed.

The fact is that if your goal is to burn excess fat, your diet should contain - lack of calories- this is when you limit yourself in carbohydrates, thereby you spend more energy during the day than you receive this energy, and you get it mainly from carbohydrates. Actually, this is how you lose weight. Without this, you will never be able to burn fat (lose weight), no matter how well you eat in the evening, at night or before bed)).

This is the BASIS of weight loss (fat burning). You can eat right, the right foods, without overindulging at all, but still gain weight. And all because everything is dancing from calories.

If you don't know anything about this and need help, I recommend purchasing my book:

And so, we figured out that in the second half of the day, you need to focus on PROTEINS. And which ones?!

What's the best protein?

BOILED (a good option, because it is quickly absorbed and quickly saturates the body), FISH, MEAT (beef (not fatty pieces), chicken breast), DAIRY PRODUCTS (kefir as low as possible, 0%, milk is not advisable, because because it contains a lot of lactose (milk sugar), yoghurts too, because there is a lot of sugar in them, and yoghurts in general, as for me, are incredible, well, they are far from natural, sweet, with dyes, various additives, etc. It’s better to avoid them altogether), SPORTS NUTRITION (protein, an important nuance, not whey (fast), but casein (long, night, it is called differently)) and much more, see for yourself.

Specifically before going to bed, I always recommend consuming it (and often lightly mixed with kefir so that it is not so dry) because cottage cheese itself is very dry and difficult to eat... I’ve been eating this way for half my life)). However, many people, unfortunately, have an intolerance to dairy products (that is, many cannot eat them, because immediately after consumption or after some time, they have problems in the form of bloating, pain in the stomach, diarrhea, nausea (even vomiting), etc.), so for this category of people, I would recommend either boiled protein or sports nutrition protein (casein).

I would not recommend chicken breasts, beef, fish specifically before bedtime, because... This type of protein takes a very long time to be absorbed by the body (i.e., your stomach will try for half the night to digest what you have absorbed, and because of this, possible sleep disturbance (recovery of the body), which is not good). Therefore, I would recommend consuming these types of protein for dinner.

Can I have fruits and vegetables?

Fruits and vegetables are a source of CARBOHYDRATES (energy). Therefore, I would definitely not recommend any fruits (bananas, apples, pears, etc.) (if your goal is weight loss, of course you can gain weight), because they contain sugar, but VEGETABLES (fiber) are possible and even necessary (since fiber allows protein to be better absorbed and digested, + they have very few carbohydrates), so go for it.

Best regards, administrator.

Contents of the article:

Many people are familiar with the basic rule of harmonious nutrition - no food after six. But girls, trying to comply with this unwritten law, suffer from insomnia and neuroses. Falling asleep feeling hungry, nutritionists say, is just as unhealthy as stuffing your belly with fatty foods before bed. Therefore, it is worth choosing the golden mean and developing for yourself an ideal nutrition plan that will provide the body with the necessary elements throughout the day.

Proper nutrition for dinner

Most experts in the field of nutrition say that eating in the evening is harmful not only for the female figure, but also for the functioning of all systems as a whole. There are processes in the human body that we cannot adapt to our own convenient rhythm.

In the human brain there is a department that controls all physiological processes in the body - the hypothalamus. This organ is associated with the work of the pituitary gland, which produces hormones for normal life. They also regulate the development of the body, puberty and the aging process.

A person cannot change the biological clock of his body, we do not control breathing or heartbeat. In the same way, we do not control the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, you should think about how to properly arrange your diet, what to eat for breakfast and what to eat in the evening.

At night, our cells and entire organ systems are restored, because they are not disturbed by stress or food that constantly enters the stomach. By filling your stomach with high-calorie food at night, a person destroys the harmonious mechanisms laid down by nature. In addition, those who like to snack at night produce less melatonin, which makes them nervous and prevents them from falling asleep even when very tired.

Hunger forces the body to process its own fats. Experiments with professional athletes have proven that sleeping on an empty stomach promotes fat processing and muscle growth. If you get used to constant night snacking, you will not be able to effectively fight obesity. After 24 years, this process only gets worse, because a mature body needs less carbohydrates than the body of a child and teenager.

What foods should adults eat in the evening?

In theory, everything sounds easy and simple, but in practice, giving up an evening meal is not so simple. The modern world dictates its own rhythms, and often the only free time for cooking and eating is the evening. In order to minimize harm to the body, nutritionists have developed a system according to which you can eat in the evening.

First of all, it is worth considering that late dinners are not the best option for those on special diets. For example, in case of diabetes or hepatitis, any product has an index that indicates the rate of absorption of sugars.

Dishes that are easy to digest and have a low index are ideal for late-night snacking. We need to fill it with maximum benefits, so we pay attention to the presence of fiber and vitamins in the product. Naturally, there should be a minimum amount of sugar and fat.

When asked what foods to eat in the evening, nutritionists answer:

  1. Various dairy products. These are milk, curd masses, kefir. Calcium relieves stress, and protein is a building material for cells and tissues.
  2. Vegetables. They are an ideal product because you can eat them in any form. Particular attention should be paid to eggplants, carrots, and bell peppers prepared using the classic stewing method. They contain a large amount of antioxidants that slow down the aging process. Potatoes should be included in the evening menu occasionally.
  3. Fiber. A universal product that helps digestion processes. It is recommended to use it twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. One tablespoon of any type of fiber should be washed down with a large glass of water.
  4. Seafood. They should be included in the menu not only for people over 24, but also for children. Sea fish, as well as various delicacies (squid, shrimp, oysters) contain a huge amount of fatty acids that cannot be found in other products. Fish protein is easily absorbed by the body and does not burden the stomach at night.
  5. Chicken meat. It is approved by nutritionists because it is low in fat (unlike lamb or pork). A good option would be a dinner of boiled brisket with steamed vegetables.
  6. Dried fruits. They also belong to the group of foods that can be eaten after six. They contain a lot of natural sugar, so they can be eaten in small quantities with boiled water.
  7. Eggs. This is a staple product for those on diets. You should eat only the white, without the yolk.
This list of products will also be useful for those who do not know what to eat in the evening so as not to gain weight. The choice of products is quite wide; you can create a varied menu for every day of the week.

What can children eat in the evening?

Many mothers find it useful to give their children a late dinner in the form of porridge. However, they are digested very slowly by the children's digestive system, so they are suitable only for morning nutrition.

Children's dinner should include foods that the child did not eat during the day. If your child goes to kindergarten, it is recommended to fill his evening meals with “live” foods that have not been heat-treated. This could be a salad of fresh vegetables, curd masses, yoghurts, fruit juices.

It is worth remembering that meat is not the best food for the night. It causes painful drowsiness, digestive problems, and stomach upset in the child.

The menu for the evening should include the following dishes: pureed vegetables or fruits, cottage cheese casseroles, baked fruits, yogurt with banana or apple. If your child suffers from insomnia, add hot milk and honey to his dinner. Milk calms the nervous system, and honey increases the body's defenses.

What should pregnant women eat for dinner?

Harmonious nutrition of a pregnant woman is the key to the health of her and her baby. In the first months of pregnancy, a woman needs to eat four times a day. Dinner is an integral part of a healthy diet, as it saturates the body until the morning.

An ideal evening meal would be a variety of porridges (buckwheat, oatmeal) with the addition of milk. In the second half of pregnancy, a woman needs to eat more often, but less. Having switched to five meals a day, a pregnant woman should have dinner twice.

There are sample menus, but it is also necessary to remember about the peculiarities of the course of pregnancy in different women, about intolerance to certain foods.

Dinners in the second trimester can be like this:

  • Boiled egg, vegetable salad, non-acidic juice.
  • Vinaigrette without pickles, weak tea.
  • Steamed fish, a piece of bread, tea.
For women suffering from edema, doctors do not advise drinking a lot of liquid in the evening, or adding salt to your dinner. It is necessary to include more vegetables, herbs, and lemon juice in your diet. Thus, you can diversify even the most bland dish. It is recommended to replace animal fats with vegetable oils, for example, sesame seeds.

What's right for athletes to eat for dinner?

Many girls and boys lead an active lifestyle, performing varying amounts of physical exercise every day. But not everyone knows how to properly structure their diet. When composing a menu for dinner, athletes need to choose foods that have so-called “negative calorie content.” This type of food provides less energy than is necessary for its absorption.

A healthy diet for dinner can include the following foods:

  1. Beet. This is a unique vegetable, it contains betaine. This element burns fat, which is why beets are often included in smoothies, juices and soups for dietary and sports nutrition. It also contains curcumin, which essentially kills the fat cell. It does not allow it to become overgrown with blood vessels, so it does not receive nutrition and does not develop in the body. Beets can be eaten boiled with a light dressing, in salads or as a side dish for boiled chicken or fish.
  2. Celery. It can be eaten by anyone who is wondering what to eat in the evening so as not to gain weight. This is a vegetable whose root contains a minimal amount of calories (about ten). It can be safely consumed even after six in the evening. The vegetable contains a high percentage of fiber, which guarantees harmonious digestion and also ensures strong hair and clear skin. Celery will help remove toxins from the body, but it will also remove any fluid from the body, since this vegetable is a diuretic. Celery salad with sour cream dressing should be eaten three hours before going to bed so that the liquid has time to leave the body.
  3. Banana. Oddly enough, this high-calorie fruit is recommended by nutritionists as a snack. It's all about tryptophan, which is found in large quantities in bananas. It produces the hormone of joy in the human body. It has a good effect on the athlete’s nervous system, providing peace at night. Green fruits negatively affect digestion, so try to choose ripe and sweet bananas.
Sports nutritionists advise eating a variety of foods daily, alternating meat and vegetable dinners. An athlete’s weekly dinner menu might look like this:
  • Vegetable salad, chicken breast, kefir;
  • Salad with Feta cheese, two bananas, milk;
  • Vinaigrette, boiled chicken, fruit juice;
  • Beet salad with sour cream, fish cutlets, juice;
  • Fresh cabbage salad with celery, stewed zucchini, juice;
  • Vegetable stew, stew, juice;
  • Fish with vegetables in tomato sauce, juice.

What to eat in the evening to avoid gaining weight

Women who want to lose weight quickly often turn to the common myth that it is better to give your dinner to the enemy. The body instantly reacts to critical changes in nutritional principles.

The body, accustomed to constantly receiving carbohydrates and fats, experiences stress in the absence of their supply. Therefore, the body, as if in hibernation, begins to store calories. They are deposited in the most “convenient” corners of our body: on the buttocks, stomach, arms. The daily diet should be divided into four to five meals. If you want to lose weight, try to have your last meal no later than three hours before bed.

Try to eat vegetable and fruit salads more often, including fresh seasonal herbs. You can dress salads with low-fat yogurt, sour cream or lemon juice. The ideal fruit for those who are losing weight is grapefruit. They can replace both breakfast and dinner. The juice of this fruit perfectly relaxes and relieves tension, providing a restful sleep.

A special evening diet based on grapefruit has also been developed. You can follow this diet for up to three weeks. Its principle is as follows: breakfast and dinner must be replaced with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or the peeled fruit itself. Lunch should be hearty. For example, you can cook baked fish or boiled chicken.

Flavonoids in grapefruit juice destroy fat cells. The fruit has a slight diuretic effect, so it will help cope with the removal of toxins from the body, as well as morning swelling. Grapefruit before bed will restore your strength after a long day.

Having decided on the diet for dinner, it is worth developing a meal plan:

  1. Before your evening meal, you need to drink a glass of kefir, boiled water, sugar-free yogurt, and natural herbal tea. It is recommended to do this no later than half an hour before meals. Your stomach will be full of liquid and you won't want to overeat. It is highly not recommended to drink juices before meals, as they only stimulate the appetite.
  2. Prepare a variety of dishes in small quantities.
  3. Try to eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly.
  4. After the main meal, you are allowed to eat a modest dessert. Consider what glycemic index a particular sweet dish has. Chocolate or sweet pastries are not recommended on an empty stomach.
  5. Afterwards you can drink a glass of water with lemon, it will quench your thirst.

What to eat in the evening for a good night's sleep

Very often, even after dinner, people do not feel satisfied and full. This is why many people develop sleep problems, nervousness, and morning fatigue. Dietetics claims that a person does not know how to distinguish between the feelings of hunger and thirst. Therefore, whenever you feel hungry after dinner, try to drink a glass of water. Don’t eat “out of nothing to do”; try to keep yourself busy in the evenings.

The psychological factor is important in the matter of proper nutrition. Try to develop a reflex in yourself: brush your teeth after your evening meal. This will be a sign to the body that food will no longer enter the stomach.

If you can’t quickly overcome the habit of eating a heavy dinner, try to include fruit smoothies in your diet. Cooking them will not take much time. In summer it is advisable to use fresh fruits (raspberries, strawberries, currants), in winter - frozen. Cocktails are prepared using a blender and can be diluted with mineral water or apple juice.

Quick recipes that normalize digestion and help you relax include a low-calorie smoothie. To prepare you need to take: 300 g of low-fat kefir, half a tablespoon of cinnamon, half a tablespoon of ginger, ground pepper.

To prepare, we need to pour kefir into a glass and add ground ginger and cinnamon, as well as pepper. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. You can add lemon or orange juice to taste. This cocktail can be consumed every evening.

What can you eat after six: recipes

An experiment was conducted in the UK, during which it was found that dishes of the same size and calorie content can fill a person in different ways. The first group, which ate solid food with water in the evening, felt the urge of hunger within two hours. The second ate pureed soups from the same ingredients as the first.

People receiving warm and liquid food were full for about four hours. This proves that it is soups that help completely saturate the body. The French eat soup in the evening, this allows them to stay full until the morning. In addition, soups are low in calories. They can include a wide variety of vegetables and herbs. Try to eat soups more often after six to reduce the overall calorie intake and maintain sound sleep.

The perfect dinner can be made from simple and quick recipes that are convenient to prepare even in the evening:

  • Cod in Spanish. To prepare tasty and healthy fish we will need: 250 grams of fresh cod, one orange, 30 grams of rye bread, garlic, pepper, salt, 100-150 grams of green peas, 150 grams of cucumbers, 40 grams of sour cream (fat content up to 30%), dill and green onions. Pour olive oil into the prepared frying pan, fry the orange zest and garlic clove. We clean the fish, rub it with spices, salt and pepper, put all the ingredients in a baking dish. Grind the bread and sprinkle it on the fish. Pour the squeezed orange juice over the dish. Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 200 degrees. Pour sour cream over vegetables and herbs and serve with fish.
  • . The following ingredients are needed: chicken fillet, cauliflower 150 grams, broccoli 100 grams, soy sauce, orange, sour cream, egg, ginger, spices to taste. First, prepare the marinade for the fillet. To do this, mix two tablespoons of soy sauce with freshly squeezed juice of one orange, add spices and salt. We beat the chicken fillet, cut it into small portions and place in the marinade for 20 minutes. Then cook the cauliflower and broccoli for 5-7 minutes. Drain the water and place the cabbage in a baking dish, placing the fillet on top. Add one chicken egg and low-fat sour cream to the prepared marinade, whisk the sauce and pour it over the fillet. At a temperature of 180 degrees, bake our dish for no more than twenty minutes.

The main rule of late dinner is the presence of protein and vegetables, no fat.

What foods should you not eat in the evening?

A full stomach at night threatens not only obesity in the future, but also various sleep disorders. You shouldn’t “kill” hunger with these foods:
  1. Energy drinks and wines. Energy drinks can keep you awake, and alcohol contains a lot of calories.
  2. Fried meat or potatoes.
  3. Dishes with spicy seasonings. They not only stimulate appetite and thirst, but also “excite” the nervous system.
  4. Salty foods. They retain water in the body, which leads to swelling.
  5. Sweets. They excite the nervous system, preventing it from relaxing.
Tea drinkers should avoid strong black tea, as it contains large amounts of caffeine. It excites the nervous system, bringing the body into a stressful state. Stress, as we know, is the main factor in the development of obesity.

Various legumes are very useful, but in the evening or at night they will become enemies of digestion. Beans or peas produce gas in the stomach.

Many people like to snack on processed cheese, considering them a light food. However, even the most expensive processed cheese contains a chemical thickener. It negatively affects the digestive system, increasing the time it takes for food to pass through the stomach. If you just can’t give up cheeses, you should pay attention to hard varieties, Dutch or Russian, for example. Their fat content should not be more than 40%.

What to eat for dinner - watch the video:

By remembering which foods you can and cannot eat in the evening, you can create a menu for the whole week. A dietary dinner will have a beneficial effect on the health of the whole family, improve sleep and work ability.



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