How to take castor oil. Castor oil: use internally for cleansing

To normalize intestinal flora and its functioning, periodic cleansing is required. by special means. For this purpose you can use medicines. However, they all have side effects and can even be addictive. It's a completely different matter.

This procedure allows not only to eliminate stagnant feces, but also to remove inflammatory processes. Castor oil especially useful for those who suffer. It softens the intestinal contents and removes them without damaging the rectal mucosa.

Has the same laxative effect as various herbal teas laxative effect. Today it is often used to detoxify the body and cleanse the intestines, for example, before starting a diet.

Castor oil helps remove toxic substances from the body, the accumulation of which often leads to diseases such as multiple sclerosis, glaucoma or Alzheimer's disease.

It is also worth noting that impaired bowel function often causes poor digestion, development of allergic reactions and skin diseases. Therefore, if you are looking after your health, you simply need to get rid of toxins in a timely manner by cleansing the intestines.

IN medicinal purposes This oil should be used with caution. After all, it is the same as any medicine, has side effects and contraindications. Therefore, it is very important to know how to drink castor oil to cleanse the intestines and in what dosages. After all, any wrong action can lead to serious consequences.


Colon cleansing with castor oil, like any other, has its contraindications. This method health improvement cannot be used by persons with:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • gallstones;
  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • colitis;
  • taking antihistamines.

The use of castor oil in these cases can lead to severe diarrhea, as well as exacerbation of diseases and deterioration general well-being sick.

In addition, the use of this oil to cleanse the intestines is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons under 12 years of age.

How to take castor oil for colon cleansing? It's very simple. It must be drunk in an amount of 15-30 ml (dosage for an adult) on an empty stomach and adhered to throughout the day. special diet. It is necessary to exclude all food from the diet, and instead drink it throughout the day various juices, teas and herbal infusions.

In European countries, castor oil is used as follows: take 2 tbsp. butter, mixed with 100 g warm milk and drinks on an empty stomach. If you feel nauseous, you can chew a piece of ginger.

Before cleansing the intestines, you should eat only foods for several days plant origin. These are vegetables, fruits and herbs. Or give up food altogether for 1-2 days.

It is worth noting that getting carried away with cleansing the intestines, including with the help vegetable oils, is not recommended as it may cause problems electrolyte balance in the body, which will lead to various diseases Gastrointestinal tract.

Recipe for making a cleansing emulsion based on castor oil

Castor oil can be used to prepare effective remedy to cleanse the intestines. To do this you will need:

  • 3 tbsp. castor oil;
  • 1 tbsp. maple syrup;
  • 50 ml water.

All these ingredients need to be placed in one container (it is better to use a glass or mug), and then begin to mix vigorously for 3 minutes. After the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency, you must drink it immediately. This should be done on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning after waking up. After which it is not recommended to eat any food for 2-3 hours.

If you can't find maple syrup, you can use pear syrup or liquid bee honey instead.

If you regularly suffer from constipation, then castor oil will also come to your aid. It is used orally in an amount of 5-10 ml ( daily dosage for an adult). You need to drink it on an empty stomach. The laxative effect is observed just a few hours after use.

It is worth noting that, as in other cases, after taking castor oil you should not eat fatty or fatty foods. heavy food, or better yet, abandon it altogether. At the same time drinking plenty of fluids welcome. You need to drink as much as possible more water, teas and infusions. However, you should avoid carbonated drinks. They provoke bloating and colic.

Remember that if you have any gastrointestinal disorders, various kinds inflammation of the intestines, appendicitis or pain of unknown origin, it is better to avoid using castor oil as a laxative.

It is also worth noting that there are other ways to cleanse the intestines. For this you can use beets, rejuvenating apples and much more. Therefore, if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to choose more safe method cleansing the intestines of waste and toxins.

If you decide to use castor oil for this purpose, be sure to first consult with a specialist.

Video about colon cleansing with castor oil

Medicine and cosmetology are widely used in practice various oils. Some of them help get rid of bacteria, others promote skin healing. In this article we will talk about a product called “Castor oil”. You will find out what it is used for further. Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits and harms of this drug.

Castor oil

What is it used for? this remedy? Currently, it is widely used in medicine to treat certain diseases. Cosmetologists also use castor oil. It's no secret that the drug can treat

The product is obtained from castor beans. This fast-growing plant produces fruits in the form of seeds. They are used to prepare the composition. It is worth noting that castor oil can be prepared by cold pressing or hot pressing. In this case, the choice of one or another product depends entirely on the method of its use. Some types of castor oil cannot be taken orally. This may lead to poisoning. That is why before using the drug you need to carefully read the instructions or get advice from a specialist.

Benefits of the product

You can buy castor oil at the pharmacy without a prescription. This remedy has a wide spectrum of action. Many experts recommend that women and men use the drug for medicinal purposes. What is the benefit of this composition?

Castor oil is great for the skin. It can rejuvenate, enhance collagen production and tighten sagging areas. The drug also promotes the healing of inflamed areas. In addition, castor oil can whiten and eliminate warts and papillomas.

This oil is used for hair. Perhaps, this method application is the most common. Castor oil activates work hair follicles, due to which comes enhanced growth hair. The product can also affect eyelashes and eyebrows in a similar way. This is especially true for representatives of the fairer sex.

Many people do castor oil cleanses. The product activates the functioning of the stomach and intestines. After taking the oil, peristalsis increases and contractility muscles. Many women who are expecting the birth of a baby use the drug to bring the birth date closer. However, this should only be done as prescribed by a doctor.

If you purchased castor oil at a pharmacy, you can safely use it for treatment. The product is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating composition.

Harm of castor oil

Treatment with castor oil is not allowed for everyone. If your skin is prone to allergic reaction, then such an impact can lead to unexpected consequences.

At misuse If the drug is taken orally, nausea and diarrhea may occur. Often such poisoning requires urgent medical care and gastric lavage.

When applied to the eye area (eyelashes and eyebrows), swelling may occur. This is caused by improper use of the composition.

what is it used for?

As you already know, the drug has a beneficial effect on the skin of the body, face, hair and internal organs. Many women use this composition for the purpose of losing weight. For men, the product helps during active training and building muscle mass. Castor oil can be used in different ways. It all depends on your ultimate goal. Let's look at the basic recipes and methods for using this product.

For hair

Most often, the product is used to restore and enhance hair growth. In this case, burdock and castor oil are mixed. Before and after the procedure, the hair looks completely different. The photo posted above will help you verify this.

If you want to get thick hair that radiates health, then proceed as follows. Mix 20 grams of castor oil and then heat the composition in a water bath or in microwave oven. Apply the mixture to the roots of your hair twice a week. To do this, dip your fingertips in the composition and rub the product into the scalp with massaging movements. Next, cover your hair with a plastic cap and wrap it with a terry towel. You need to stay in this state for about two hours. After this, you need to wash off the oil from your head using regular shampoo. Remember that the composition is quite difficult to remove from hair. That is why washing should consist of two or three stages.

To enhance the growth of eyebrows or eyelashes, the drug should be used in pure form. The easiest way to apply the product is with an old mascara brush. To do this you need to wash thoroughly inner part the case and the brassmatic itself. After this, place a few grams of castor oil in the package and shake thoroughly. Brush your eyebrows and eyelashes with this brush daily. Remember that you should not use the composition before going to bed or while applying makeup.

For skin and face

What else is castor oil used for? Cosmetologists actively use the composition to restore the dermis. It is worth noting that the oil is suitable for almost all skin types. However, it must be used differently in each case.

For dry skin

To restore the dermis and give it elasticity, you need to make masks with castor oil. To do this, take one egg yolk and beat it. Add a spoonful of honey and 5 grams of castor oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the composition to your face. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

For oily and problem skin

Castor oil has a regenerating effect. It can eliminate acne and heal inflamed areas. For oily skin It's better to prepare lotion. Mix 100 milliliters of lemon juice with grated cucumber. Add a few drops of castor oil to this and mix. Wipe your face with the mixture daily. If desired, you can freeze the solution into ice and use it in the morning as a tonic.

For normal skin

Castor oil helps prevent aging and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. For this effect, simply add a few drops of the drug to your usual face cream and mix it thoroughly. Use the product as usual or as needed.

To get rid of warts and papillomas

Castor oil can get rid of skin growths. However, you must always remember that self-medication can lead to unexpected consequences. So, in case of oncological formations, it is strictly forbidden to use such a technique.

For warts, apply a drop of pure composition to the formation. After this, cover the area of ​​skin with a plaster or apply a bandage. Carry out the procedure daily before going to bed. Within a few days you will notice that the growth has become smaller. Over time, it will completely disappear.

During pregnancy

Often expectant mothers face the problem of passing feces. This is caused by compression of the intestine and inhibition of its peristalsis. For treatment, doctors prescribe medications that can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Gynecologists say that it is better to use castor oil in capsules. However, it can only be taken in the third trimester and only as prescribed by a doctor. Do not exceed the dosage yourself, as this may cause premature contractions.

As the period progresses, expectant mothers can use the so-called birth cocktail. It promotes contraction of the uterus and shortening of the cervix. Remember that only your gynecologist should make such an appointment.

To cleanse the body

Castor oil can cleanse blood vessels and human intestines. To do this, it must be eaten regularly. Used in the amount of one teaspoon. In this case, you can take the drug on an empty stomach for more fast action or add to salads and other foods.

For the treatment of arthritis

The product can relieve pain and relieve inflammation. So, you can use it to treat arthritis, inflammation of ligaments and joints. In this case, you need to make sure that there is no fracture in the affected area.

Take it and roll it into several layers. After this, saturate the material with pure castor oil and heat it slightly. Place the bandage on the sore area and leave for about one hour. After the specified time has passed, remove the compress and rub the affected area with the remaining oil on the body.

Summing up

So now you know the pros and cons of castor oil. You also found out the main ways to use this tool. As you can see, the drug has wide range actions. This substance must always be present in home medicine cabinet. You can buy it at any pharmacy chain. Average cost one bottle liquid composition is in the range from 30 to 70 rubles.

Use only safe and proven products. Before using it for one purpose or another, you should consult a specialist and test for the possibility of an allergic reaction. Good health to you!

Today we will share our experience on how to cleanse your digestive system with a castor-lemon mixture.

I think many people already understand that natural nutrition very heavily pollute their body and primarily the digestive organs and excretory system. This accordingly inhibits the symbiotic intestinal microflora and the entire immune system in general, which leads to numerous ailments and diseases. And then a logical question arises: what can be done in such a situation? The answer, like everything ingenious, is simple - change your diet and cleanse your body. But for those who are already mentally prepared for this, it is necessary to know and understand how to implement this in practice.

To begin with, I want to say that there is no special meaning in cleansing digestive tract It won’t happen unless you start changing your diet towards raw and plant-based foods, and it is advisable to do this in parallel with cleansing. When clearing dirt from the intestines, it is important not to contaminate it with thermally processed food again, and the fiber and fiber of raw vegetables, herbs and fruits will serve additional means cleansing for your body.

So, why does castor oil, and not other laxatives, cleanse our gastrointestinal tract so effectively? The thing is that the castor bean plant, from the euphorbia family, from the seeds of which castor oil is obtained, has a slight toxic property. But the most important thing is that when it enters our body, digestive system a person tries to remove castor oil as quickly as possible, including certain vibrations of the intestinal walls along its entire length. Moreover, castor oil also actively draws water onto itself. These unique properties, combined with the functions of lemon juice that dissolve mucus and dirt deposits, give such an amazing cleansing effect. But not all castor oil has these properties. For example, what is sold in pharmacies in small bottles is often diluted with glycerin and we do not recommend using it. Look for castor oil good quality, preferably cold pressed, made in India. Buy several liters at once, it practically does not spoil and will never be superfluous in your home medicine cabinet!

But you should know that for some people there are direct contraindications. First of all, this applies to all pregnant women, for whom artificially induced vibrations and contractions of the intestinal walls are extremely undesirable. Further on this list are all people with diseases such as colitis, gastritis or ulcers, although in this case lemon juice can do more harm, and taking only one castor oil in a certain dosage, on the contrary, can help heal the disease.

— First of all, prepare a castor-lemon mixture at the rate of 1g. butter per 1 kg. your weight, for example, if your weight is 70 kg. — you need to take 70 g. butter plus 2 gr. or 2 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice for the same 1 kg. your weight, that is, weighing 70 kg. - 140g (ml.) juice. Mix the oil and juice and do not add anything else or dilute it with anything. The ratio of castor oil and lemon juice is 1:2. For convenience, it is better to weigh the juice and castor oil on a culinary gram scale.

“Then the cocktail is mixed with a straw and drunk in one gulp. If you feel nauseous, you can eat a slice of orange, grapefruit, tangerine, or a pinch of dark raisins (the raisins must be chewed well and it is better to spit them out). If you feel nauseous, you can stand under cold shower or swim in a natural pond.

— After you drink castor oil with lemon juice, do not eat or drink anything, so as not to interfere with the process of cleansing the intestines until the morning next day. Usually after 1.5 -3 hours the cleansing begins, and then you can drink some water, but only if you are very thirsty. In general, it’s better to drink before you start cleaning. Freeing the intestines from toxins and removing excess liquid from the body can happen earlier or later, it all depends on the degree of contamination of your body. But it may not happen at all. This is an indicator that your poor body tried to digest even castor oil, trying to get something useful for itself from it. There is no need to worry, next time the cleansing effect will definitely come. While waiting for relief, the stomach sometimes hurts or “twists”. There is no need to be afraid and feel sorry for yourself, in the body it is time goes by big spring cleaning.

- Don't go too far from the toilet. Most people will cleanse before bed, but in severe cases the procedure may continue throughout the night. It is advisable to take a cold shower in the morning.

— Castor oil with lemon juice It is best to take it for the first time on a full moon and then continue once a week in courses of one to two months, depending on the indications and goals. You should aim to drink only about three liters, depending on your level of health; three liters is a conditionally average figure. For example, I drank seven liters in within three years.

— On the day of cleansing, the last meal should be at 13:00, preferably raw, plant-based without oils, nuts and seeds, you can only drink juices. Perfect time taking a castor-lemon cocktail from 17 to 18 pm.

— It is best to take castor oil against the background of “oiling” the body with one of the kernel oils, then the cleansing is more effective and gentle. Ideally this cedar oil, but you can use almond or walnut, then comes the extra virgin olive oil. You can use different oils, periodically, but always without mixing them with each other. Certainly, good oils expensive and not everyone can afford to drink liters of them. I chose a good olive oil, taking into account the fact that I also used it to cleanse the liver and gallbladder, the effect was very stable. Oils can often be taken little by little throughout the day without any food, or they can be added to salads and juices; the amount is selected individually.

Now let’s discuss how to drink this castor-lemon, explosive mixture, which is not very pleasant in consistency and taste.

As a rule, the first, second and even third time the procedure with drinking and the subsequent effect does not cause any particular difficulties. The problems begin later, when we just can’t tune in to such cleansing further. Our body and mind desperately resist, and suppress gag reflex with just the sight and smell of castor oil and lemon juice, it becomes more and more complex. You can, of course, alternate taking castor oil with other laxatives, but as all people who have gone this route admit, the effect and result are not the same. In addition, there are direct indications for cleansing with a castor-lemon cocktail, but a person simply cannot physically drink it. How to get out of this situation? Over the course of our practice in cleansing procedures, many tricks and tricks have emerged on how to temporarily deceive your taste buds and suppress the urge to vomit in order to still swallow this cleansing medicine. You won’t believe it, I’m writing these words, and my mouth is filled with saliva, my body begins to shudder internally and an attack of nausea sets in. But I’m already used to it, especially since I understand that I don’t need to drink castor oil anymore and this is a passed stage. I am writing about this because everyone can experience similar sensations and you just need to be prepared for it, and there is nothing terrible here, because the result will more than cover all your torment.

— You can drink castor oil with lemon juice, slightly chilled, from the refrigerator, then it will be practically odorless, but more viscous in consistency, and here you need to choose who will find it easier to drink.

— Before drinking a cocktail, you need to completely exhale the air from your lungs, swallow everything in one gulp, and then inhale full breasts. If you do the opposite, then when you exhale, the taste of castor oil can hit your sense of smell and provoke vomiting. Although some people, especially those who find it difficult to hold their breath, find it easier to drink after taking a full breath.

— You can also smell black beforehand ground pepper or coffee, exhale, drink castor oil and again draw in the pungent smell of pepper.

- And in order to suppress the taste buds, you can chew a piece of lemon, inhale the smell of pepper, spit out the lemon and exhale, then drink a castor-lemon mixture, inhale the smell of pepper again and eat a slice of grapefruit.

— It is very important not to come into contact with it before drinking our explosive mixture. If you have the opportunity to ask someone close to you to prepare everything for you without you seeing it, and then just run into the kitchen and quickly drink without letting your body come to its senses - this will be the best option!

Well, when all the means in your arsenal are exhausted, you need to use the most powerful and effective method, although not entirely harmless to health. Its meaning is to temporarily freeze your taste buds and not feel taste at all. Well suited for this purpose local anesthetic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent Tantum ® Verde (benzydamine hydrochloride) in the form of mouth rinses or sprays, or the like. Nasty, of course, is rare, but in minimum quantity and it's worth a try for a good cause.

Where can you buy good castor oil? The quality of this oil has been tested not only by our family, but also by many, many with whom we work and whom we help)

Well, in conclusion, I would like to ask all practitioners of this cleansing method to share their methods of taking castor oil and lemon juice to help other people become healthier and cleaner in all respects.

I wish everyone health and a happy life.

Vladimir Kalmykov.

In order for the intestines to function normally, it is necessary to periodically cleanse them. Due to the heavy load placed on the gastrointestinal tract by a person, he simply does not have time to cope with his responsibilities.

As a result, disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are noted. intestinal tract, as well as the appearance of malaise, loss of appetite, stool disorder, flatulence and other unpleasant manifestations. Cleansing the intestines will help cope with unpleasant symptoms. Today, both traditional and alternative medicine offers many ways to get rid of everything unnecessary and accumulated in the body over the years.

This is the application different means from medicinal plants, and the use of Fortrans. One of the most effective and popular methods, according to numerous reviews, is cleansing with castor oil. There are many recipes and methods for taking castor oil to cleanse the body. You can use the oil either in its pure form or in combination with other products, in particular lemon, cognac, and kefir.

The laxative effect of the product has long been recognized, both traditional and alternative medicine. The oil is often used to relieve constipation and quickly cleanse the intestines.

It should be understood that the remedy does not cure ailments, it helps to increase motor skills due to the fact that it has irritant effect to the receptors of the thick and small intestine. The composition of castor oil for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract includes a considerable amount of fatty acids, which, interacting with enzymes, provoke excitation of nerve endings, which causes the urge to empty.

The use of this technique is indicated for people suffering from:

  • digestive disorders, in particular constipation;
  • poisoning due to prolonged use medications;
  • flatulence.

In addition, indications for cleansing with castor oil include: the appearance of bad breath, loss of appetite, malaise and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. The oil will help quickly cleanse toxins, waste, accumulated feces and other harmful substances. However, it has a number of side effects.

After using the product, headaches, nausea and even vomiting, and pain in the epigastrium may occur. This technique is suitable for those people who want to quickly cleanse themselves and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Cleansing the body with castor oil helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestion, normalize metabolism, and also improve appearance and well-being. However, before applying the technique, you need to make sure there are no contraindications.

Mechanism of action and effectiveness

Castor oil is a product obtained from an evergreen plant, the castor bean plant, which grows in India, Africa, and Iran. Castor bean juice is quite toxic substance. However, thanks to good processing, scientists were able to create a product that does not affect human body adverse impact.

The principle of operation of the product is very simple. The oil has a nasty taste, which is why when it gets on the tongue, vomiting occurs. In this regard, the drug is recommended to be washed down, eaten or taken diluted.

The effect of the oil is as follows: after entering the intestinal lumen, the enzymes included in the product provoke irritation of the mucous membrane, which causes a reflex increase in peristalsis and rapid bowel movement. Oil endowed fatty acids, in particular ricinoleic, linoleic, and stearic. It turns out that castor oil for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract acts as a laxative, but does not harm the intestines.

Some adherents unconventional ways therapists and experts traditional medicine It is recommended to use refined oil to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract. They claim that the pharmaceutical (purified) contains glycerin, which interferes with normal cleansing. Buy or even find unrefined oil It's very difficult in stores.

Of course, you can order the product in the online store. But in this case, no one guarantees the authenticity and quality of the product. In fact, pharmaceutical castor oil is ideal for cleansing the intestines. In addition, the product can be purchased at a low price.

Castor oil cleaning: cleaning methods, preparation for the procedure and its implementation

Before you begin the procedure, you must prepare thoroughly. You cannot carry out castor oil cleansing spontaneously, otherwise the result will be disappointing. Start off preparatory stage preferably a week in advance, at least three days before cleaning. Moreover, it is advisable to choose a time so that the cleansing itself occurs on the weekend. In addition, it may take another day to regain strength.

Preparation for oil cleansing should be carried out in stages:

The laxative effect of the oil manifests itself differently for everyone. For some people, the need to have a bowel movement occurs two hours after taking the product, while for others it occurs only in the morning. On the day of the procedure, it is advisable to be at home. The cleaning process is quite vigorous and rapid.

What to do after

After taking castor oil, you must refrain from eating for twelve hours. It is preferable to eat only fresh juices and fruits. Since frequent bowel movements can cause dehydration, it is important to drink more fluids.

Cleansing methods: recipes, what to combine castor oil with

Before you start taking castor oil to cleanse the intestines, you need to consult a doctor, and also find out in advance what problems may arise. side effects. Today there are many recipes with castor oil that help quickly cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Can be used pure product, or can be combined with other products: lemon juice, flax oil, cognac, kefir. It is important to prepare mentally. The oil has a viscous and fairly thick consistency, an unpleasant aroma and taste. In addition, after consumption, nausea, vomiting, and epigastric pain may occur.

Method one - cleansing with pure castor oil

You need to take the oil for three days, 20-30 ml. Remedy in mandatory must be taken on an empty stomach. If the product is used to eliminate constipation, it is better to take it in the morning, and if to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, then in the evening. Before taking, the product must be warmed up and then drunk in one sip.

If that doesn't work, you can use a straw. It is important to use the product quickly and avoid getting the product on the tongue. Ignoring this recommendation may result in vomiting.

In order to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon, you can wash it down with lemon or grapefruit juice, or eat some raisins. There is another method of consuming pure oil.

It is necessary to take the product based on their proportion - 1 gram of oil per 1 kg of body weight. The heated oil must be drunk in one gulp. After taking the cleansing product, you need to drink some juice or eat some honey. This remedy is fast-acting. After about two hours, emptying will occur.

Method two - castor oil with lemon

You need to take the oil based on the proportion of 1 g per 1 kg of weight, mix it with pre-squeezed lemon juice (from half the fruit). You need to drink the product quickly and then eat it chocolate candy. Cleaning with castor oil and lemon can be done no more than once a month. If you don't have lemon, you can take orange or grapefruit.

Method three - castor oil with cognac

Method four - castor oil with kefir and bran

It is necessary to combine 10 ml of castor oil with 20 ml of kefir, preferably low-fat and bran (oat, wheat or rye) - one teaspoon. This remedy must be used for 7-10 days, in the morning on an empty stomach or before going to bed.

Method five - castor oil with flax oil

This combination of oils is considered especially effective. You need to mix a teaspoon of castor oil with the same amount of flaxseed oil. The mixture should be poured with a glass of water, then mixed thoroughly and drunk in one gulp. This tool will help in quick cleansing intestines, as well as normalization of metabolic processes.

Castor oil - effective drug, which helps not only cleanse the body of harmful substances that have accumulated there for years, but also improve condition and well-being, as well as rejuvenation and healing. The main thing is to apply this technique correctly, taking into account all recommendations and without fail after preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Proper bowel function and timely emptying are the key to the health of the entire body. A failure in this system leads to discomfort, heaviness and the accumulation of toxic toxins in the blood and organs, which is why it is very important to ensure that the intestines work regularly and smoothly. Whenever long-term constipation you need to resort to laxatives, one of them is castor oil. Many people are interested in how to drink castor oil to cleanse the intestines. In this article we will consider this issue.

Castor oil is quite successfully used in cosmetology, medicine and food industry. Cold-pressed castor oil is the richest in its composition, since it retains the largest amount of useful properties.

Castor oil is made from castor bean seeds. It has very bad smell and taste, but this does not reduce its beneficial properties, castor oil contains three types of fatty acids:

  • Saturated (palmitic and stearic) acids;
  • Polyunsaturated linoleic acid;
  • Monounsaturated (oleic and ricinoleic) acids.

Castor oil as a laxative

The principle of action of castor oil for cleansing the intestines is that when it enters the intestinal cavity, it interacts with digestive enzymes and forms glycerin and acid, which irritate nerve endings and thereby improve his motor function.
Colon cleansing with castor oil is very gentle and correct intake does not cause side effects. The cleansing process itself does not take large quantity time and does not require additional use of an enema.

After this procedure, the body gets rid of not only harmful toxins and waste, but also excess fluid. Thanks to this, you can lose up to two kilograms in weight. But you should not take castor oil for weight loss more than once a week, it can be harmful to your health.

Castor oil for cleansing the intestines is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation, as well as during acute intestinal obstruction. Before undertaking this procedure, you should consult your doctor.

Castor oil for colon cleansing

How to drink castor oil to cleanse the intestines.

  • The dosage of castor oil for cleansing the intestines is calculated as follows: 1 gram of oil per 1 kilogram of weight. The measured oil should be slightly heated in a water bath.
  • Squeeze lemon juice into a glass. Its quantity should be twice the volume of oil.
  • You need to quickly drink warm castor oil and immediately wash it down with prepared lemon juice.
  • After taking castor oil, you should not drink or eat anything. This is the most important condition, without which the desired effect will not be achieved. Eating is allowed 12 hours after the procedure. It's better to eat after cleaning natural yogurt or an apple.

To avoid feelings of nausea and hunger, it is best to cleanse before bed. If this condition is met, the laxative effect will occur in the morning.

If you want to maintain your weight loss results after cleansing, then in the next few days it is better not to overuse high-calorie foods. Best eaten raw vegetables and fruits, which contain fiber necessary for normal operation intestines. In order for the body to receive the proteins it needs, you can boil chicken breast or bake fish. Very helpful daily consumption fermented milk products such as kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk. They contain natural bifidobacteria, which restore vulnerable intestinal microflora and promote faster digestion of food.

Castor oil for colon cleansing reviews

Expert review

Colon cleansing with castor oil cannot be called a pleasant procedure, but its big advantage is the natural passage of the laxative. It should be remembered that this procedure has a number of contraindications, in the presence of which the use of this type of cleansing of the intestinal tract is strictly contraindicated.



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