What are the benefits of sloe berries? Sloes: composition, calorie content, benefits, recipes

The thorn is a rather famous shrub; it was from the thorny thorn that the wreath for Jesus was made. Some people learned about this plant from the title of the novel The Thorn Birds, and traditional healers They know the blackthorn as a medicinal plant, the berries, leaves, flowers, branches and roots of which have powerful beneficial properties. Sloes - small black and blue berries round shape, the pulp of the berries is green, the taste is sour and tart. The flowers of the bush are small, white When they bloom they emit a delicate aroma of almonds.

Not many people know that the thorn is the ancestor of the common plum, and the plum partly took many of its beneficial properties from the thorn. Latin name blackthorn Prunus spinosa, sometimes called prickly plum, goat berry, oat plum, black thorn.

Blackthorn berries contain a lot of different valuable and healthy substances: sugars (fructose, glucose), organic acids (malic, phenolcarbonic), pectins, carbohydrates, fiber. As well as nitrogenous substances, coumarins, tannins, steroids, triterpenoids, catechins, flavonoids, glycosides, fats (: linoleic, oleic, palmitic, stearic, eleostearic.). Also contains vitamins: C, E, A, P, mineral salts etc.

Sloe berries have many beneficial properties:

  • Diuretic (diuretic),
  • Astringent (used for diarrhea, indigestion, loose stools),
  • Diaphoretics (help with colds, fevers),
  • Relieve nausea, stop vomiting,
  • Antiseptic (kills bacteria and germs).

Blackthorn leaves are brewed as tea and used as a diuretic, laxative, and healing agent. Compresses soaked in an infusion of leaves are applied to wounds and skin lesions, this significantly reduces the healing time. Berries and leaves are used as an aid for illnesses genitourinary system: cystitis, nephritis, urolithiasis.

Thorn helps in the fight against edema, nonspecific colitis, dysentery, intoxication, candidiasis and vaginitis. At food poisoning Eating sloe berries allows you to quickly remove toxins from the body, cleanse the intestines and improve functioning digestive tract. Decoction of thorn branches - excellent remedy for gout patients, it helps remove uric acid salts from the body.

An infusion of sloe flowers has a remarkable effect on metabolism, brings it back to normal, and also has a positive effect on liver function. An infusion of flowers is prepared as tea, 40 g of flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 40 minutes, and 150 ml are drunk three times a day. For hepatitis, traditional healers recommend drinking fresh juice from thorn berries.

People often underestimate beneficial properties fruits of the thorn bush, but the substances contained in these berries can, in some cases, be beneficial to our body. We will talk about the benefits and harms of thorns below.

The benefits and harms of sloe berries

In traditional medicine recipes you can find compositions that include not only the fruits of this bush, but also the bark and leaves. To understand the benefits of thorns for the body, let's first understand what substances are contained in its berries.

In the fruits of the plant you will find organic acids, ascorbic acid, pectin, vitamins P, E and group B, as well as potassium. All these substances are needed for normal functioning systems and organs, for example, ascorbic acid helps strengthen the immune system, promotes speedy recovery at colds. Potassium is essential for the heart muscle; its deficiency leads to thinning of its tissues, increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes. B vitamins help improve the digestion process and affect intestinal function; pectins also help normalize bowel movements.

Sloe berries are recommended for those who suffer from various digestive disorders, constipation, increased gas formation. They will also be useful for men over 40 years of age who are at risk of developing coronary disease and the incidence of heart attacks is quite high.

The benefits of sloe for women also exist, thanks to the presence of vitamins P and E in it, berries of this plant help increase skin turgor, help relieve premenstrual pain, improve hemoglobin. Anemia is a common companion for women over 30 years of age; potassium and organic acids reduce the risk of developing this disease.

Of course, thorn fruits can also cause harm to the body; there are a number of contraindications that should be taken into account if you want to include them in your diet. this product. Firstly, the berries contain tannins, so doctors do not advise those who suffer from eating them, as they may appear discomfort in the stomach area. Secondly, people with allergies should not eat them. great content Vitamin C may trigger the onset of hives or itching. And finally, you shouldn’t eat thorn fruits when you have diarrhea, it will only get worse after that.

The benefits and harms of thorn bark and leaves for the body

From the bark and leaves of this plant they prepare various decoctions, used both as an external agent and for oral administration. The bark and leaves of thorns contain tannins and resins, which are used to treat constipation, cleanse the blood, normalize oily skin and eliminate ulcers. The recipe for making decoctions is quite simple; you need to take 100 g of bark or dry leaves of this plant and boil them in 1 liter of water for an hour. After this, the composition is cooled and filtered, consumed in the amount of 1 tsp. strictly after meals orally, or as a lotion externally. Doctors do not advise drinking such decoctions without consulting them, as you can harm your health only because they were not taken into account individual characteristics body.

If you decide to prepare an external skin care product, you must remember that such a decoction will only harm those with dry epidermis. Compositions with leaves and thorn bark are used only for the treatment of oily and combination skin, as they help eliminate inflammatory processes and reduce sebum production.

When using decoctions for oral administration, it is important to take into account that they should not be drunk by allergy sufferers and people with gastritis, such products will negatively affect the body if these ailments are present.

Blackthorn is a shrub that has long been known in many countries of the world. Some people associate it with Jesus Christ (it was from this plant that his wreath was made), but most often the thorn is famous for its beneficial properties, allowing it to be used as a medicinal raw material. In this regard, questions arise about how to properly dry thorns and what can be prepared from them.

Calorie content and chemical composition of sloe

Before moving on to discussing the beneficial properties of thorn berries, leaves or flowers, it is worth talking about its calorie content and chemical composition. There are only 54 kcal per 100 grams of product, due to which it can be called low-calorie. Sloes also contain 1.5 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat and 9.4 g of carbohydrates (per 100 g).

Blackthorn fruits contain glucose, fructose, fiber, malic acid, pectin, tannins, vitamins A (VE), E, ​​C and B2. Among the microelements included in the composition, one cannot fail to note iron, which accounts for 10.6% per 100 grams of product. It is also worth remembering about macroelements: potassium (9.6% of the required daily norm), calcium (3.2%), magnesium (4.3%). The berries of the plant are also characterized by the content of phosphorus, iron and sodium, which also has a positive effect on medicinal properties ah sloe.

A large amount of vitamins C and E is contained in the leaves of the bush, where they are harmoniously combined with phenol carbonic acids, anthocyanins and flavonoids.

Did you know? In many beliefs and legends, the thorn is a symbol of suffering, trials and difficulties that befall a person. However, having overcome them, he becomes the owner of many benefits. Considering the beneficial properties of the shrub, this is partly true.

Useful and healing properties of thorns

As you can see, the fruits of the blackthorn contain a lot of valuable and beneficial substances for human health: sugars, organic acids, fiber, etc. Due to this, they have diuretic (diuretic), astringent, diaphoretic and antiseptic effect. This means that such berries are excellent for normalizing work digestive system(useful for digestive disorders, diarrhea), relieving nausea, stopping vomiting, destroying germs and bacteria.

In addition to the fruits, the leaves of the bush are often used, from which herbalists brew teas (acting as a homemade diuretic, laxative and healing agent), infusions (bandages soaked in them are applied as compresses to wounds, which significantly reduces the healing time). Together with berries, the leaves of this miraculous plant are perfect for the role of aid for diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, nephritis, urolithiasis. You can also use thorn fruits to increase your appetite. Simply put, knowing suitable recipes, you can safely use any part of the plant for treatment.

The use of thorns for medicinal purposes

The beneficial properties of berries, leaves, flowers and even rhizomes of thorns have been found wide application in alternative (folk) medicine. Thus, sloe copes well with edema, dysentery, candidiasis, vaginitis, nonspecific colitis and general intoxication of the body. In case of food poisoning, eating blackthorn berries allows you to quickly cleanse the body of toxins and improve the functioning of the digestive tract. A decoction prepared from thorn branches is an excellent aid in the treatment of gout, and also helps remove uric acid salts from the body.

Antioxidants and flavonoids, which are part of the berries, reduce capillary permeability and improve blood circulation, promoting blood clotting. Knowing how the thorn is useful, and wanting to check its beneficial properties on own experience, the following recipes for preparing teas, decoctions or infusions will be useful.

Important! The seeds of the plant's fruits contain a toxic glycoside - amygdalin, which splits off hydrocyanic acid, so you should get rid of them immediately.

Sloe flower and leaf tea

Sloe flower and leaf tea used for cystitis, chronic constipation and prostate adenoma. In addition, he has pleasant taste and aroma, thanks to which this drink can be drunk daily as a general tonic.

It is not difficult to prepare such tea: dried sloe leaves and flowers are mixed, and then two full teaspoons of the raw material (with the top) are poured into ¼ liter of water, after which the resulting composition should be slowly brought to a boil and strained. Tea is consumed daily, but no more than two cups per day.

Sloe juice

Not only is dried thorn useful, but also juice from fresh berries. In particular, it helps get rid of jaundice, and also acts as a antibacterial agent, providing negative impact on Giardia and other protozoa. It is also effective when skin diseases, in the treatment of which appropriate compresses will help.

To prepare the juice, the pulp of the bush fruit is separated from the seed, heated to 60-70°C and kneaded into a paste. The juice squeezed out of it can be consumed immediately or rolled into jars.

Thorn flower infusion

Infusion prepared from thorn flowers renders positive impact on metabolism, and also normalizes liver function. Essentially, it is prepared in the same way as tea: 40 g of dried flowers are poured into a glass of boiling water and left to brew for 40 minutes, after which it is filtered and drunk 150 ml three times a day. This recipe is also suitable in cases where you need to get an effective laxative from the flowers of the bush. In addition, if you have problems with the liver, kidneys, bladder and for colds, the following infusion will be useful: 40 g of blackthorn flowers are poured into a glass of warm boiled water and after infusion for 10 hours, filter. You need to take the product before meals four times a day, ¼ cup.

Prepare an infusion using thorn leaves, very simple: for one glass hot water you need one tablespoon of crushed leaves of the plant, after which the resulting composition must be boiled over medium heat for 15 minutes. After the liquid has cooled, it is filtered and squeezed out. The finished infusion is taken ½ of a glass (a full glass is also possible) three times a day before meals. This remedy has good diuretic properties, so it is recommended to use it for edema, diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system.

Sloe leaves are also often used to heal wounds and ulcers, in the treatment of which fresh parts of the bush are simply applied to sore spots, and dried ones are steamed in boiling water and compresses are made from them.

Tincture of sloe berries

Its berries are also suitable for preparing sloe tincture. Pre-prepared fruits of the bush (it is advisable not to wash them, but simply select good and undamaged ones) are poured into a jar and filled with vodka, so that the berries are covered 5 cm above their level. The tincture requires constant monitoring, and as the vodka is absorbed, it must be topped up. After three months, the liquid is drained and sugar is added to the berries (10 kg of fruit will require 1.5 kg of sugar). After this, the fruits need to be kept for another month (until syrup forms), and then filtered and mixed with the liquid that was separated at the very beginning. Within six months you will feel the incredible aroma of the tincture.

Berry decoction

Incredibly useful and tonic is decoction of thorn berries, to prepare which you will need to pour 1 tablespoon of fresh or dried raw materials with a glass of boiling water, leaving it to steep for 1 hour. Take the liquid on an empty stomach (in the morning) for 4 days. A decoction of blackthorn berries can be used to increase appetite, as well as as a diuretic, astringent and antiseptic.

Decoction of bark and roots

The roots and bark of thorns, as well as other parts of the bush, have a number of medicinal properties. Therefore, it is not surprising that in folk medicine Various decoctions of them are often used. The roots are harvested in the fall, for which these parts are first dug up and left in the sun for a short time. At the second stage, the raw materials prepared in this way should be placed in a special dryer or in a conventional oven for further drying (in end result The roots should break easily without changing their color much).

There are several cooking methods decoction of thorn bark and roots. When using the first option, one part of dried roots and bark contains 20 parts of water. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil and left to simmer in a water bath for 20 minutes. Ready product cool and take 1-2 tablespoons 4-5 times a day. This decoction is excellent as an antipyretic and diaphoretic.

For the second method, 5 g of crushed root or bark is brewed in 200 ml of boiling water, then placed on water bath and boil for 30 minutes, and then allow to brew for another hour. The finished cooled and strained decoction should be taken three times a day, 1/3 cup (after meals).

If desired, you can prepare a decoction only from the bark. To do this, pour 1 teaspoon of dry crushed raw materials with a glass of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. The finished product can be used instead of tea. For douching, one glass of broth needs to be diluted boiled water in a 1:1 ratio.

Decoction of thorn roots can be used for diarrhea and during respiratory diseases, and it also improves general condition patient with malaria.

Decoction of young shoots and branches

Another good diaphoretic is decoction of finely chopped, pre-dried thorn branches(in its effect, such a remedy is not inferior to raspberries and has antipyretic effect). To prepare such a decoction, pour 1 teaspoon of the raw material into a glass of boiling water and leave to simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. The product should be consumed warm, but there are no dosage requirements.

Methods for preparing and storing raw materials from thorns

Whatever you decide to cook with berries or sloe leaves, in any case, they must first be sorted out and washed. If you picked the fruits yourself, you can simply rinse them, while purchased berries are washed more thoroughly, changing the water several times.

Flowers are prepared during their budding period, and leaves - immediately after flowering. Young shoots must be collected and harvested in May or June. At this time they can be dried well on fresh air, in the wind or in the shade, and also placed in a ventilated area. The bark can be removed from the tree before it blooms, and the roots are best dug up in the fall. Later, after drying them a little in the sun, you can dry them in ovens.

Sloe fruits can be harvested as they ripen, but it is better after the first frost. They are well suited for making compotes (can be rolled into jars for the winter), wines, tinctures, syrups, marmalades and even pickles. Any product will vary attractive color, pleasant smell and original sweet and sour taste.

To preserve fruits, you can also use freezing, but in this case you should not forget that Before packing the berries, you need to remove the seeds from them.

Did you know? Sloe fruits can be dried in a nylon stocking, but after that they will not last long, so to extend their shelf life, it is better to lay them out on straw.

Shelf life of flowers, leaves and fruits of thorns should not exceed 1 year, while the bark and roots can be stored for more than three years.

Sloe berries in cooking

Not all housewives know that sloe berries - excellent raw material for preparing various drinks, jelly, jam, juice and even porridge. Which one delicious jam from thorns, you just have to prepare it correctly. In this case, the fruits of the bush are first washed and placed in an enamel bowl, sprinkled with sugar on top. Next, they are filled with water, using as much liquid as necessary for the sugar to completely dissolve. Cook the jam over low heat until full readiness, skimming the foam frequently and shaking the bowl. When the jam is completely ready, the berries are selected and placed in prepared jars, and the syrup is allowed to cook for about another hour. After the specified time has passed, you need to pour syrup over the fruits and close them. To improve the taste and aroma of the preparation, you can add a couple of drops of rose oil to it.

Thorn is a shrub of the rose family, the fruits of which are unique in their own way. chemical composition and are of interest for traditional medicine.

The berries look very much like small plums with a diameter of 1.2 cm; they are sour and tart. People often call the plant a prickly plum, but it is more correct to say blackthorn or damson. The height of the shrub is usually 4–5 meters, the leaves are elliptical, serrated, 5 cm long. Small white flowers appear profusely in the spring, when there is no greenery yet.

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    Chemical composition

    Thanks to the chemical composition, microelements and useful substances the thorn occupies a special niche among medicinal plants. Not only the fruits are widely used, but also all parts of the bush, excluding the seeds.

    Vitamins are present in large quantities in the plant. different groups: B, C, E, PP, as well as vitamin A, which is contained in thorns more than in carrots. The plant contains potassium and calcium, iodine and zinc, sodium and iron, magnesium and phosphorus, cobalt and molybdenum. Human body needs all these substances.

    Thorn also contains a lot of fiber, organic acids, dietary fiber, pectin. It contains essential oils, amino acids, tannins.

    The product itself is low-calorie. 100 g of berries contains only 55 kcal. By including thorns in the diet, a person provides the body with vitamins and minerals without disrupting dietary intake.

    Useful properties

    Fresh berries and jams, compotes, and jelly made from them help:

    • Adjust functions gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract). With their help, regular constipation and flatulence are treated. The enveloping effect on the mucous membrane reduces the risk of stomach ulcers, gastritis and colitis.
    • Cleanse the body of toxins and others harmful substances, which promotes recovery intestinal microflora, reducing pathogenic bacteria in different parts digestive system.
    • Free a person from viral infections and inflammation of the respiratory system. This is possible thanks to the antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant properties of thorns.
    • Cleanse the liver and kidneys.
    • Normalize the activity of the nervous system. Get rid of dizziness stress conditions, irritability or depression. Thorn has a calming effect and creates a good mood.
    • Calm down toothache, secure the process of tooth extraction and treatment thanks to anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, the astringent qualities of sloe will ensure treatment of the gums and oral mucosa without complications.
    • Revitalize the immune system by vitamin composition. This will enhance protection against diseases and ensure control over existing ailments.
    • Eliminate premenstrual syndrome in women, reduce painful sensations during menstruation.
    • Normalize function prostate gland in men and prevent the occurrence of adenoma.
    • Improve metabolism, prevent the appearance of fat deposits, lose weight.

    Potassium in berries and thorn products will be beneficial for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, will serve to strengthen the walls, and normalize rhythms. There was a decrease blood pressure, lowering cholesterol levels in people who take the fruits of the plant. Fresh berries and masks made from them will help rid your skin of rashes, blackheads, and acne.


    Not everyone benefits from damson plums. Sometimes the plant can cause harm to the body due to individual intolerance some components of the bush. People suffering from stomach diseases associated with increased acidity, must be careful not to consume the fruit in the acute stage.

    There are contraindications for those who are susceptible to allergies and food intolerances. At excessive consumption berries may stain tooth enamel blue, which comes off on its own. And because of large quantity Berry jam with too much sugar can lead to weight gain.

    The danger comes from canned berries along with their seeds, which contain the toxic component amygdalin (vitamin B17). His reaction with aqueous solution forms toxic substance. Therefore, a product prepared with a pit cannot be stored. long period.

    Folk remedies

    Prepared from sloe berries medicinal decoctions and tinctures. Not only fruits are carriers medicinal properties. Experienced gardeners collect the flowers of the plant when buds form and prepare tinctures from them. These remedies strengthen immune system, have a diuretic effect and diaphoretic properties. Decoctions made from flowers soothe nervous system, eliminate constipation, nausea and shortness of breath, cleanse the liver and kidneys.

    The leaves are used to prepare rinses used for diseases of the oral cavity and tinctures that normalize stool. In the fall, the roots are dug up, cleaned from the ground, dried, and then used for fever and inflammation.

    Sloe blanks

    Fresh berries can serve as additional ingredients to vegetable salads, for the second courses. The most common and popular uses are tea, compotes, preserves, and infusions.



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