Why did you dream about a Tree (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

The dreamed tree is a symbol of life, development, the personification of the universe and eternal values. The image is associated with the element of the earth, into which it grows roots. It also has a strong relationship with air and water, which nourishes it. It shows how important it is to grow spiritually, share experiences, and contribute to the emergence of new life.

This plant is unique: the Tree of Life is a common symbol of humanity, an attribute of nature itself, a universal code of life. This phenomenon is considered as the arteries of space, through which the life-giving force of the Universe flows. They nourish all living things, so the pulse of life is not interrupted. Man himself was the Tree of Life, until he fell and violated the prohibition of higher powers. A dreamed tree is an important attribute of sleep. Don't let him out of your sight when you interpret the general background of the dream.

Why did I dream about Trees (Psychiatric dream book)

  • Why do you dream of a tree with young foliage - a sign that your work and pursuit of dreams will be crowned with success.
  • Climbing a tree in a dream means that the dreamer will receive a promotion.
  • Dreaming of freshly cut trees is a warning that trouble is already lurking behind the outer prosperity.
  • To cut down a tree yourself, to uproot the roots - the dreamer is wasting his energy on unrealistic dreams.
  • Why did you dream of planting trees according to the dream book? This dream is a herald of the fact that the sleeper is preparing to enter into a new intimate relationship or receive the first experience of love.
  • Lightning striking a tree or a burning tree warns of the danger of casual sexual contact.

Why do you dream about a Tree (Romantic dream book)

  • You dream of broken, dried out trees when there is a decline in relationships, a period of loneliness awaits.
  • In a dream, how does a woman water a tree? She dreams of conceiving a child from her husband.
  • Evergreens may be dreamed of by those who tend not to disclose details of their personal lives.
  • For a woman to sit under a tree is a sign that she is disappointed with her lover and wants to leave him.
  • Did you dream about the rich crown of a tree? You may be expecting a new addition to your family.
  • Why did you dream about a tree falling under the pressure of water? The dreamer faces illness in the intimate sphere. Beware of unprotected contacts, avoid casual connections.

The meaning of a dream about Trees (Modern dream book)

A tree in a dream can act in so many ways: the state of the sleeping person’s body, his health, life structure, prospects and directions of growth or aging (blooming withering); activities, results of labor, connections with one’s family. This is also the tree of knowledge: a state of study, learning, acquiring knowledge, or simply a period of life, reflecting the course of affairs and relationships (depending on how it grows and what it looks like - large, low, slender, gnarled, dry, green).

The branches represent energy capabilities and desires. The tree trunk serves as the basis, sometimes reflecting the state of the sleeper's spine. The upper parts of the branches and trunk indicate a connection with the cosmos, spiritual realization - these are our aspirations “upward”. Dreamed roots should be understood literally - as the basis of our existence, as a connection with the earth, the human race (personal, historical and universal (financial situation, stability), leaves are commensurate with personal life, the state of consciousness in the current period, the momentary situation (although here, as in all other cases, details are important: leaves can be autumn yellow, dry, green, large, small, etc.).

Why do you dream about a tree? This is a process of development over time. Additionally, the tree can represent a specific person (from the dreamer’s environment): a man or a woman; family, fate or some structure (mental model of something). And it is even possible to see the “universal tree”, reflecting cosmic processes, which will become spiritual knowledge, revelation.

Seeing a Tree, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

  • One tree symbolizes loneliness, the search for a loved one.
  • Young green tree - you need to pay more attention to your loved ones or start looking for a friend or loved one.
  • Dreamed of a lonely old person with flying leaves and broken branches - a sign of serious illness or lonely old age in poverty.
  • Seeing something falling, cut down or torn out by the wind, broken, is a harbinger of imminent death.
  • To cut down a tree yourself - by your actions you can destroy a person close to you or just an acquaintance or colleague.
  • Blooming is a symbol of success and joy awaiting you soon.
  • With the fruits that you collect, you will receive unexpected income and profit.
  • Why do you dream of a lot of trees, a forest - you are tired of communicating with people. You want to be alone, to relax.
  • Getting lost in the forest means you don't know who you can trust or how to find a way out of the situation in which you find yourself.
  • OAK. If you often dream about this tree, it means that you dream of being a strong, resilient person, relying only on yourself in everything. You dream of success, which, however, you fully deserve. You are in good health.
  • Planting young oak trees means you will take on a new business that will bring you success and profit. But on Sundays and Mondays it symbolizes the desire to find a way out of a situation that does not suit you.
  • Resting under an oak tree, hiding behind it or on it means that you will soon need someone's help, you need a strong person whom you can rely on.
  • An oak tree whose leaves are falling or has already fallen symbolizes problems that you cannot cope with. You will have difficulties at work or with your health, but they are still solvable, it just takes time, everything will work out.
  • Stumbling over the roots of an oak tree or seeing a fallen oak tree is an unpleasant surprise. Someone wants to harm you.

Why do you dream about a Tree (dream book of psychologist G. Miller)

  • Seeing a tall tree in a dream is an unpleasant matter, a quarrel.
  • Dreaming of flowering trees means unexpected happiness.
  • Seeing trees falling in a dream means misfortune, a quarrel in the family.
  • I dreamed of a green tree - health, joy, wealth; dry - to sadness.
  • The light noise of trees in a dream means pleasant conversations.

Tree - why do you dream about it in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • Seeing a tree with fruits in a dream means prosperity and profit.
  • Dreaming of flowering trees means happiness and success in business.
  • Seeing a broken tree in a dream means a quarrel.
  • If you dreamed of cutting down trees, it means loss.
  • Dreamed of falling from a tree - to losses or demotion.
  • Planting trees in a dream means wealth.
  • I dreamed of climbing a tree - to show honor.
  • Why do you dream of a mahogany tree - useful chores.

Interpretation of Trees from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

  • A blooming, slender tree with fruits speaks for itself - this is happiness, blossoming, success.
  • A dried tree means loss of vitality, old age, failure and disappointment.
  • Climbing a tree or knocking it down is a complete success.
  • Falling from a tree means failure, degradation, misfortune.
  • Why do you dream of a falling tree, dead, uprooted - the death of a sleeping person or a loved one; major stagnation in business.
  • Sawed trees into logs, stumps - to money, is a sign of inheritance; if the trunk is very thick, then the inheritance is large or long-awaited.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

  • Uproot trees, stumps - you will have to overcome obstacles.
  • A flowering tree is a great happiness.
  • A burning tree means incurring losses.
  • A dry tree is disrespect.
  • Why do you dream of a fruit tree - to meet a good friend.
  • A cut down tree means lost hopes.
  • Climbing a tree means having happiness in everything.
  • Falling from a tree means enduring ridicule.
  • To cut down trees is to harm yourself with daring.
  • Cutting trees is happiness.
  • A densely leafed tree - prospects for profit.
  • I dreamed of a leafless tree, a clean trunk - a loss.
  • Sitting under the crown of a tree is good news.
  • Burning a tree is sad.
  • Floating on a tree on water means unfulfilled hopes.

The meaning of the dream about New Plantings (Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong)

  • Why dream of planting a tree - Great happiness and prosperity. Climbing a big tree - Fame, fame, luck, happiness.
  • The tree you are climbing suddenly breaks - portends a mortal wound, illness.
  • Sharing flowers with someone - portends separation from this person.
  • Flowers bloom on a dry tree - portends happiness and prosperity for children and grandchildren.
  • Leaves are falling from a large tree - a happy event in the house.
  • Standing under a tree - A noble person remaining in the shadows, unknown to anyone.
  • Trees grow in the palm of your hand - Grief due to the death of your father and mother.
  • A big one breaks unexpectedly - portends trouble, misfortune.
  • You come home carrying it on your shoulder - Joy in connection with material gain, acquisition.
  • If you dreamed that you were going to cut down a large tree, this portends big profits and material well-being.
  • Lush vegetation, grass and trees - portends family prosperity.
  • A fruit tree grows in the yard - portends the birth of a son.
  • A pine tree grows in the yard - You will receive a very high post, one of the three first ministers.
  • A pine tree grows in the house - portends a turn in business towards improving well-being.
  • A cypress tree grows in the house - portends great happiness and good luck.
  • Bamboo grows in front of the yard - There will be a lot of joy.
  • A maple grows in the yard - Good luck in business, success.
  • An orchid grows in front of the yard - More grandchildren will be born.
  • If you walk among the fruit trees, there will be material profit.
  • You enter an orchard - portends great wealth.
  • A mulberry grows in the yard - portends a reason for sadness.
  • There are a lot of fruits on the fruit trees - This indicates that the children and grandchildren are in good condition.
  • Breaking off young bamboo shoots, you come home - Your wife will give birth to a son.
  • You see young bamboo shoots - portends the birth of new children and grandchildren.

Why do you dream and how to interpret a Tree according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

  • Blooming - great happiness
  • burning tree - incur losses
  • dry - disrespect
  • with fruits - meet a good friend
  • felled tree - lost hopes
  • climb on it - have happiness in everything
  • fall from it - endure ridicule
  • felling a tree means harming yourself with daring
  • sawing is happiness
  • leafy tree - prospects for profit
  • leafless - loss
  • sit under it - good news
  • burning a tree - sadness
  • cutting down a tree means loss of property
  • sailing on it on the water is an unfulfilled hope
  • collecting wood - heartache
  • carry a tree - you will get into trouble
  • buy a tree - have troubles
  • tree eaten away by worms - you will suffer losses

Tree (family) - Your family will respect you.

See Wood - All wooden objects have the same meaning as wood, the symbolism should take into account the functional meaning of the object, for example a table, chair, frame, sawn timber. World tree. Family symbolism.

What does it mean to see a Tree (according to the Christian dream book)

  • Dream Interpretation, why you dream of a tree with young foliage, it means that all your plans and dreams will soon come true.
  • Dead trees symbolize sadness and loss.
  • Climbing a tree in a dream means rapid advancement up the career ladder.
  • Cutting down a tree in a dream or uprooting it means that you will waste your strength and wealth.
  • Dreaming of a forest means changes in business. Green forests promise good luck, while leafless forests promise changes that will be detrimental to your interests.
  • A forest fire predicts the completion of plans, well-being and even prosperity.
  • If you are busy chopping wood, this portends the beginning of a struggle for success that will end brilliantly for you.

How to understand why a Tree was seen in a dream? (based on a collection of interpretations by Simeon Prozorov)

  • If you wander in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements. If you are cold and hungry, an unpleasant trip awaits you. Admiring the majestic green crowns in a dream, you receive a sign of future success and glory.
  • Why do you dream of tree leaves falling and rustling under your feet - they can predict loss for you.
  • If you dream of a dead forest with withered trees, expect disappointment.
  • The devastated state of trees is a deterioration of women's morals.
  • The freshness and purity of the foliage of trees with flowers and fruits on them is a sign of good women's health. Please note that in some cases tree leaves are interpreted as gold and silver coins.

The meaning of a dream about Greenery (Gypsy dream book)

  • Why do you dream of trees being green or in color - it foretells oblivion of past sorrows, joy and unexpected pleasure.
  • Trees fallen, burning or broken by lightning signify boredom, grief, sadness and despair.
  • Trees without color signify troubles with business.
  • Why do you dream of a dry tree - the dream foreshadows an unexpected loss of something and a misused power of attorney.
  • Trees in full bloom signify great joy and prosperity.
  • Trees covered with fruits mean wealth.
  • Cutting down a tree is a sign of a severe illness or important loss.
  • Climbing a tall tree means power and honor, also good news.
  • Falling from a tree signifies to the one who has had this dream that he will lose the favor of some important person.
  • Dreaming of collecting fruits from trees foretells receiving an inheritance.
  • Seeing yourself turned into a tree foreshadows illness.

What does it mean to dream with a Tree (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring to see a tree - soon the whole family will be together.
  • If in the summer you dreamed of a tree, it means a stubborn boss.
  • In the fall, why did you dream about a tree - to plant trees in the country.
  • In winter, why do you dream about a tree - for profit.

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

see green - profit; success; climbing a tree is a difficult luck; fruity and picking fruit - long-term success; chop - loss; plant - wealth; with fruits - well-being; blooming - success in business; chopped off or uprooted - death, mourning; burning - losses; sitting on a tree - high reward and position; sitting under a tree is excellent news; fall from a tree - ridicule; fruit - a faithful friend, son; stand under a tree - you are silenced; grows up - happy opportunities; carrying a tree - benefit; tree shadow - patronage; big person help; dried out - failure or illness; failures and disappointments in love; old man.

I dreamed about firewood

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing an armful of firewood in a dream means an unsatisfactory state of affairs and a disagreement, a quarrel with a loved one. If you dream of a large log, the kind that is usually burned on Christmas Eve, then this is a good dream: your most joyful expectations are destined to come true on the days of some major celebrations.

Why do you dream about firewood?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

mistake, stupidity (to screw things up, they say); folded - outside help.

I dreamed of a maple

according to the dream book of plants

Maple leaf - For the Chinese and Japanese, it means autumn. Emblem of lovers. Emblem of Canada.

I dreamed about a Christmas tree

according to Miller's dream book

A dream about a Christmas tree promises quick, very joyful events for you. If you watch the decorations being removed from the tree, this promises you sorrows that will replace fun.

Why do you dream about a Christmas tree?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


I dreamed about a cherry

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a cherry in a dream means that you will achieve popularity due to your friendliness and selflessness. Eating cherries - portends the possession of some very desirable item. Seeing green cherries is a harbinger of approaching good luck.

The meaning of a dream about cherries

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a cherry blossom in a dream means that a wonderful feeling of love will soon descend on you. A fruiting cherry with ripe berries promises a person the pleasure of an intimate relationship with a new partner. The beauty lies in the novelty of the relationship. But a dried cherry, alas and ah, indicates that your feelings have faded and there is no hope of returning to the past.

I dreamed about a cherry

according to the dream book of plants

Like a tree that bears flowers before leaves, the cherry symbolizes that a person is born into this world naked and that the earth receives him naked. For the Chinese, cherry symbolizes spring blossoms, hope, youth, courage, as well as feminine beauty and the feminine principle in nature. The cherry blossom is the emblem of Japan. Symbolizes purity of thoughts.

I dreamed about an apple tree

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes splendor

Why do you dream about an apple tree?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

without apples - news of death.

I dreamed about the forest

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you see a tree with young foliage, it means that all your plans and dreams will come true. Dead trees symbolize sadness and loss. Climbing a tree in a dream means quick promotion. Cutting down a tree in a dream or uprooting it means that you will waste your strength and wealth. Seeing a forest in a dream means changes in business. Green forests promise good luck, while leafless forests promise changes that will be detrimental to your interests. A forest fire promises completion of plans, well-being and even, perhaps, prosperity. If in a dream you are busy chopping wood, then this foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end brilliantly for you. If in a dream you are wandering in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements. If at the same time you are cold and hungry, an unpleasant trip awaits you. Admiring the majestic green crowns in a dream, you receive a sign of future success and glory. Fallen leaves rustling under your feet can promise you loss. If you dream of a dead forest with withered trees, expect disappointment.

Why do you dream of a forest?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

foreign side; walking through the forest - romantic love affairs, new acquaintances; walking in the forest - difficulties in your personal life; chop - to well-being; seeing thick trees in the distance is sadness; ice and snow in the forest are empty hopes; sitting or lying in a green forest - personal improvement; for the sick - to recovery (Chinese), the same means to lie down, sit in the Garden or in the Park.

Seeing a forest in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

When we hear the word “forest”, various epithets come to mind: magical, frightening, majestic, sacred, dangerous or phallic. The forest is associated with feelings of pleasure, space and fear, as well as the need to pass through it. These are the central points for interpretation. If all the events of the dream take place in the forest, it means that it can be considered as an ordinary - calm and favorable, or vice versa - a scene for unfolding events. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his surroundings in reality. If the forest has to be crossed, who does it and for what purpose? To gain something or to avoid something? If you go into the forest alone in search of special abilities, strength and wisdom from the hermit who lives there, then the forest in this case acts as a place of testing and search. If you have to hide in the forest, perhaps this is an attempt to escape the intrusive influence of business and the consequences of the technological revolution. You apparently need renewal and a sense of peace in life. A trip to the forest by an opposite-sex couple should be viewed from the perspective of Freudian psychoanalysis. The forest is a romantic place where our desires and potential are revealed. What associations do you primarily associate with the forest in real life - relaxation and tranquility, fear of getting lost, unlimited choice or discovery? Do you feel that life is pressing on you so much that you are not even able to see individual trees in a single forest?

I dreamed about a birch tree

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes grace. Symbol of fertility and light. Protects against witches, drives away evil spirits, so lazy people and sleepwalkers were fed birch porridge. Among the Scandinavians and Teutons, the birch tree is dedicated to Thor, Donar and Frigga. According to legend, the last battle will take place near a birch tree. In shamanism, the birch is a Cosmic Tree, and the shaman made seven or nine ascending notches on its trunk or birch pole, which symbolizes the ascent through the planetary spheres to the Supreme Spirit. In addition, the birch tree is the emblem of Estonia.

The meaning of a dream about a birch tree

according to Freud's dream book

She personifies purity and innocence. So, if a man dreams of a birch tree, this means that he would not mind spending time with an innocent girl. A girl’s dream about a birch tree promises a love adventure that will awaken previously unknown feelings and sensations in her. Well, for a mature, experienced woman, birch foretells that she will soon have quite close communication with a person who will be distinguished by inexperience and naivety.

Why do you dream about birch?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


I dreamed about an apricot

according to the dream book of plants

Since apricot is a self-pollinating plant, it symbolizes androgyny, or the yin-yang connection. In Chinese tradition it means death or timidity.

Why do you dream about apricot?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

there is peace, joy (for a woman).

I dreamed about an apricot

according to Miller's dream book

Apricot orchards in your dreams mean that your future, although it appears rosy to you, still contains hidden sadness. Eating apricots in a dream means that unpleasant events are approaching. If others eat them, then your environment in real life will not match your inclinations. A friend will say this: “Apricots mean that you are wasting your time on trifles.”

The meaning of a dream about apricot

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed that you ate apricot fruits, it means that your intimate relationship is at that stage of development when you are just getting to know each other and getting great pleasure from it. You are still on the threshold of a miracle - and therefore the future seems wonderful to you. Picking an apricot in a dream - for a man, such a dream means that he will meet a naive and completely inexperienced partner, from sex with whom he will, however, receive a lot of positive emotions and pleasure. If a woman had such a dream, it promises a love adventure that will not continue. You realize its futility immediately.

Why do you dream of an orange?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to see is a surprise; there is a disaster, a quarrel.

I dreamed about an orange

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - nobility The orange tree flower symbolizes fertility, so Saracen brides wore it as a sign of fertility. For the Chinese, it is a symbol of immortality and good luck. In Christianity, the orange flower signifies purity, chastity and virginity, which is why it was used in a wedding wreath. In depictions of paradise, the orange is the fruit of the Fall; in the hand of the infant Christ it can be depicted instead of an apple. In Ancient Greece, the orange flower was the emblem of Diana. In Japan, the orange flower symbolizes pure love.

The meaning of a dream about an orange

according to Freud's dream book

Symbolically means temptation, pleasure. If you dreamed of an orange, it means that you tend to show sexual fantasies towards a stranger. You often imagine what he is like in this regard, and whether or not you could have sex with him right now if he expressed such a desire. However, there is nothing shameful or forbidden in this, since you are just analyzing your desires. Eating an orange in a dream means that very soon someone will give you great pleasure. Moreover, you will not at all expect that this person is capable of such emotions. Peeling an orange means that in real life you absolutely do not accept spontaneous sex, since you find it unromantic and rude. But sometimes spontaneous sex can be very romantic. Anyway, it's worth a try.

I dreamed of a squirrel

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of squirrels, it means that your dear friends will soon visit you. This dream also promises you success in your work. Anyone who kills a squirrel in a dream faces loneliness and the hostility of others. Treating a squirrel kindly in a dream promises you family joys. If you dream that a dog is chasing a squirrel, it means that you are in danger of alienation and quarrels with friends.

Seeing a squirrel in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

Among the Celts, the squirrel, depicted with a bird, is a symbol of the Irish goddess Medb. For Christians it means greed and greed; among the Japanese it is fertility and is usually associated with the grapevine. Among the Scandinavians, the squirrel "Ratatoskr" portends rain and snow. A squirrel in the branches of Yggdrasil means malevolence and bringing chaos, fueling disputes between the eagle and the snake.

Why do you dream about a squirrel?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


The meaning of a dream about a squirrel

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a squirrel in a dream means that you are soon destined to experience a meeting with an old lover. The meeting will awaken mutual desire in you - and you will have a good time. But a brief meeting will not be followed by any continuation.

Why do you dream about boards?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

sawing - to death; to process in the room - for the wedding.

I dreamed of a pine tree

according to the dream book of plants

Directness, vitality, fertility, strength of character, silence, solitude, phallic symbol. Being evergreen, it symbolizes immortality. It was believed that it protected the body from rotting, hence the making of coffins from it and its presence in cemeteries; turns away evil. Due to its shape, the pine cone is both a fiery and phallic symbol, representing male creative power, fertility and good luck. Bastille identifies the spiraling top of the pine cone with the vortex or spiral - the great creative forces. China: longevity, courage, loyalty, perseverance in difficult circumstances; emblem of Confucius. Often depicted together with a stork and a white deer. When the cult of Serapis developed in Egypt, the pine tree became its emblem. Zeus emblem. The pine cone, as a phallic symbol and a symbol of fertility, was an attribute of Dionysus and crowned his thyrsus. It is also the emblem of Artemis. As a means of contraception, it was associated with Aesculapius. Japan: longevity; in this capacity it is found together with the stork and white deer. Rome: emblem of Jupiter and Venus, as a pure tree symbolizes virginity and is associated with Diana. Also associated with Mithra. Semitic tradition: the cone is a symbol of life and fertility. The tree itself is dedicated to Attis of Phrygia and Cybele, whose companion he was.

Why do you dream about pine trees?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

slowing things down; stop.

I dreamed of a pine tree

according to Miller's dream book

A pine tree seen in a dream means constant success in any business. If a woman sees a dried pine tree in a dream, worries and bereavements await her.

I dreamed of an oak tree

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are looking at an oak grove means great prosperity and successful business in all areas. Seeing an oak tree strewn with acorns means an increase in your well-being and favor in everything. A broken oak signifies sudden and stunning surprises. For lovers to see oak trees in a dream is a harbinger that they will soon begin life together under very favorable circumstances.

I dreamed of an oak tree

according to the dream book of plants

Oak is a symbol of longevity, wisdom, strength and endurance. The oak is dedicated to Zeus, Thor, Perun and other gods of thunder. The altar of Zeus was surrounded by oak trees, and an oak grove grew around the temple of Perun. In honor of Perun, bonfires made of oak branches were constantly burned. Druids performed their rituals under oak trees, for whom the oak symbolized the axis of the world. Oak is a symbol of male strength. The acorn was an offering to the Norse god Thor. Among the Celts, the acorn had a phallic meaning. In addition, the acorn is a symbol of prosperity, fertility and spiritual energy. According to some beliefs, Christ was crucified on an oak cross. In some countries, oak leaves are used as military insignia.

Why do you dream about oak?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

profit; happiness in marriage; acorns are children.

I dreamed about an ash tree

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes greatness. Sacred Cosmic Tree of the Scandinavians Yggdrasil. It is also dedicated to Zeus Jupiter. Represents adaptability, prudence, modesty. It is also associated with the blood that splashed after the castration of Uranus. The nymphs of the ash tree were Melii.

Why do you dream about bumps?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

(spruce) - unexpected happiness. SORREL-trouble.

I dreamed about poplars

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing poplars budding or blooming in a dream is a good sign. A dream in which a girl sees herself next to her lover under a blossoming or blooming poplar will serve as a promise to her that her most unrealizable and whimsical desires will come true. Her lover will be refined and handsome. She will be surrounded by friends, and her health will not cause concern. If she dreams of dried or leafless poplars, it means disappointment awaits her.

I dreamed of a mountain ash

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes wisdom and protection from fairies and witchcraft. Tree of Life among the Gauls. In Scandinavian and ancient Germanic mythology, it is dedicated to Thor Donar and protects against magic.

The meaning of a dream about rowan

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a rowan tree covered with berries in a dream promises you a harmonious intimate relationship with a person whom you did not imagine as a lover, and therefore a close relationship with him will be a revelation for you.

Why do you dream about bird cherry?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

rejected love.

I dreamed of a plum

according to the dream book of plants

Reminds you to keep your promise! In China it symbolizes longevity, winter, beauty, purity, hermitage; unripe plum - student. Since the plum blossoms in winter, it also represents strength, resilience and triumph. Plum, bamboo and pine are the “three friends of winter.” For the Japanese, the plum flower is a symbol of spring triumphing over winter, virtue and courage overcoming difficulties, marriage and happiness. The plum tree is a symbol of the samurai.

I dreamed about yew

according to the dream book of plants

Means funeral, grief, sadness. Celtic and Christian symbol of immortality. Magic tree of the Celts.

The meaning of a dream about a willow

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a willow, it means that you consider the carnal feeling that often takes possession of you to be sinful. You don't want to obey your instincts, but your body most often "betrays" you. Most likely, you are a puritan at heart and therefore deny the pleasure provided by sex. Relax and tell yourself that the days of the Inquisition are long gone and you have nothing to fear from condemnation.

I dreamed about a board

according to Miller's dream book

If a girl sees herself in a dream crossing a muddy stream on rotten rotten boards, this means that she will be acutely worried about the indifference towards herself of those she loves, or other troubles and sorrows; in addition, her honor may be at the point of ruin. Walking on a good, strong floor is a good sign, but a person who has such a dream must be extremely careful in his behavior.

I dreamed about chestnuts

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are holding or sorting chestnuts in your hands foretells losses in business, but in life - a pleasant companion. Eating chestnuts is a sign of future sadness, but ultimately it will be replaced by happiness. For a young woman to dream that she is eating chestnuts or telling fortunes on them, portends a wealthy suitor and good health.

I dreamed about an elm

according to the dream book of plants

In Christianity it symbolizes dignity. Its height and wide-spread branches represent the source of strength and support that the Holy Scripture is for believers.

The meaning of a dream about spruce

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a spruce tree, this indicates that in real life you are trying to convince everyone, including yourself, that you absolutely do not accept sexual relations without heartfelt affection. You are a romantic, and this prevents you from mindlessly giving yourself over to sex to get pleasure.

I dreamed about a willow tree

according to the dream book of plants

A charmed tree dedicated to the moon goddess. The weeping willow symbolizes grief, unhappy love. Associated with funerals. In Buddhism, it personifies meekness. The Celts associate it with Jesus, who is depicted cutting down a willow tree. Among the Chinese, willow is a symbol of spring, femininity, meekness, grace and charm, artistic ability, and separation. An attribute of Guan Yin, who sprinkles living water using a willow twig. Represents the beginning of yin. Moon tree. In Christianity, willow branches are carried as a symbol of palm fronds on Palm Sunday. In the Greco-Roman tradition, the willow is dedicated to Europe and is the emblem of Artemis. Among the Jews, the willow symbolizes grief - the sobbing of the Babylonian willows in exile. Willow Day is celebrated during the Feast of Tabernacles. In Japan, willow symbolizes patience and perseverance. It is especially revered by the Ainu people, because the spine of the first man, according to their ideas, was made of willow. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, the willow is the emblem of Tammuz and signifies triumph, fun and happiness. The willow is the World Tree of Akkad, dedicated to the Akkadian Zeus. The willow twig is the emblem of Artemis and a symbol of childbirth. For Taoists, it represents strength in weakness. Willow is contrasted with pine and oak: the latter cannot withstand the storm and break under gusts of wind; the willow branches, yielding to the impulse, then return to their previous position and remain intact.

Why do you dream about cypress?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

delay in business.

I dreamed of a cypress

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes grief. A phallic symbol, as well as an emblem of death and funeral. It was believed that cypress could preserve the body from decomposition, hence its use in cemeteries. Crowned by the Sun or Moon, it personifies the androgynous gnrmaphrodite. For the Chinese it means grace, happiness, but also death. In Christianity it symbolizes endurance, hence its Christian symbolism of perseverance and valor, a just person, mourning and death. In the Greco-Roman tradition it was used as an emblem of Zeus, Apollo, Venus and Hermes and meant life. As an attribute of the gods of the underworld and fate, it signifies death. Dedicated to Hades Pluto. The Phoenicians dedicated Astarte and Mel-kart, the Tree of Life.

The meaning of a dream about pine needles

according to Freud's dream book

Walking on pine needles in a dream means you never make secrets of your life and do not try to show off others in order to embellish yourself in their eyes. You are naive, honest, trusting and believe that other people are like you. When you see an example to the contrary, you will be bitterly disappointed. Well, your worldview is to blame for this, or more precisely, you yourself. And the dream you saw suggests that another disappointment will soon befall you.

I dreamed about laurel

according to the dream book of plants

Laurel is a symbol of victory, protection, immortality and secret knowledge. Fragrant varieties of laurel were a coronation emblem in Greece and Rome for warriors as a symbol of victory, poets associated laurel with the god Apollo and emperors. Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to all official ceremonies, it is believed that this was intended to hide his baldness rather than remind the Romans of his status as an immortal. Emperor Tiberius grabbed his laurel wreath during a thunderstorm, because he believed that laurel could protect against lightning. On English coins, Charles II, George I, George II and Elizabeth II were depicted wearing laurel wreaths. As a symbol of superiority, the laurel wreath was included in the symbols of the automobile companies Alfa Romeo, Fiat, and Mercedes-Benz. Laurel is a symbol of purification. Apollo purified himself in the laurel groves of the Tempean Valley of Thessaly after killing the monstrous serpent Python. The nymph Daphne turned into a laurel, fleeing the harassment of Apollo. Laurel is a symbol of magical power. Plant of soothsayers and witches. Before making a prediction, they burned or chewed bay leaves. In North America, laurel is considered a talisman, and in China, laurel is a tree under which the moon hare prepares the elixir of immortality. In the Christian tradition, laurel is a symbol of eternal life. In Freemasonry, during initiation into the 4th degree of the Master's secret, a laurel wreath is placed on the altar.

I dreamed about a hazelnut

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes reconciliation

Why do you dream about lemon?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book


I dreamed of an alder

according to the dream book of plants

Associated with death, fire in the forge and the forces of evaporation. Among the Celts, black alder is a miracle tree, symbolizing resurrection and deification. In Greek tradition, black alder is the emblem of Pan. Associated with spring and fire festivals.

I dreamed about mistletoe

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes the essence of life, divine substance, panacea, immortality. Being neither tree nor bush, mistletoe represents everything that is "neither one nor the other." Expanding this concept, it symbolizes freedom from restrictions. A person, being under the mistletoe, becomes free from restrictions, but has no protection and enters a world of chaos. Mistletoe is the Golden Bough of the Druids and Aeneas and represents the feminine principle opposed to the masculine in the form of the oak tree. It symbolizes new life and rebirth during the winter solstice. Traditions say that mistletoe was born from a lightning strike on an oak branch and is thus endowed with additional spiritual qualities see lightning. The juice of its berries is food for the body and spirit. Associated with the Norse goddess Baldur. Some authorities believe that the Druids' gathering of mistletoe fruits with a golden sickle is associated with the myth of Kronos castrating Uranus.

I dreamed about an acorn

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing acorns in a dream means pleasant events awaiting you ahead. If you collect them from the ground, then in reality your hard work will reward you with great luck. If a woman dreams that she is eating acorns, this is a sign that her life will soon become more pleasant and bring her joy. Dropping acorns from a tree means fulfilling your plans in business and love. Green acorns on a tree or scattered on the ground are also a sign of good changes. And just picking them off the tree when they are green or picking them up when they are rotten does not bode well.

The meaning of a dream about an acorn

according to Freud's dream book

If you saw an acorn in a dream, then this indicates that in reality you are experiencing a period of the emergence of new relationships. You haven’t yet thought about what they will be like intimately, and prefer to communicate on a platonic level.

Dreamed of an olive branch

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes peace

Why do you dream of olive?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

fulfillment of desires; comfort.

I dreamed about an olive tree

according to the dream book of plants

Means immortality, fertility. In the wedding ceremony it is intended to ensure fertility, peace and abundance since its oil is very valuable. The olive branch, especially in the beak of a dove, is, first of all, a symbol of peace, as well as the Golden Age. It also served as a reward for the winner in competitions in honor of the Lunar Virgo, like an apple tree branch in competitions in honor of the Sun Bridegroom. The olive tree is considered the abode of the Moon and serves as its emblem. The olive crown on the head of the winner identified the girl with Hera and the Moon, and the wreath of the winner of the Olympic Games from wild olive branches symbolized Zeus; and both are the sacred marriage of Zeus and Hera, the Sun and the Moon. The olive leaf signifies renewal of life. In China it means peace, resilience, generosity and sophistication. In Christianity, the olive is the fruit of the church, orthodoxy and peace. A dove with an olive branch symbolizes the flying away souls of the righteous who have died in peace. In Annunciation scenes, the Archangel Gabriel is sometimes depicted with an olive branch. In the Greco-Roman tradition, the olive represents achievement and peace. It was believed that the olive tree on the Acropolis carried the life and destiny of the people. Emblem of Zeus Jupiter, Athena Minerva, Apollo and Cybele. The olive wreath was worn by the winner of the competition in honor of Hera and Athena. In the Jewish tradition, this is strength, beauty, and safety on the journey.

I dreamed about holly

according to the dream book of plants

Means goodwill and joy; attribute of the Sun gods. In Rome it was dedicated to Saturn and was used during Saturnalia as a symbol of health and happiness. In Christianity, it is sometimes depicted as the tree from which the cross for Christ was made, like oak and aspen, with its sharp leaves representing the crown of thorns and suffering, and its red berries representing the blood of Christ. This is the emblem of Saints Jerome and John the Baptist.

Why do you dream about a grove?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Means strength, nobility and incorruptibility. In Christianity, it symbolizes greatness, dignity, beauty and Christ Ezekiel, 17:22. Among the Jews, cedar is the sacred tree of Solomon's temple. For the Sumerians, cedar is the Cosmic Tree, the Tree of Life, which has magical properties. Dedicated to Tammuz. Emblem of Lebanon.

I dreamed about peaches

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are eating or looking at peaches means illness of children, disappointment in business profits and unfulfilled joys. But if you see them on the trees in the foliage, you will achieve the desired position; after much effort and risk with health and money, your affairs will go well. Seeing dried peaches is a sign that ill-wishers will get ahead of you. If a young woman dreams of picking ripe, fragrant peaches from lush trees, she, thanks to her charm and intelligence, will marry a wealthy and wise man. If she tries peaches and they turn out to be green and hard, she will face cruelty from relatives or a disease that will deprive her of her attractiveness.

I dreamed of a palm tree

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes victory. Means solar beginning, jubilation, honesty, glory. Since the palm tree always grows straight, it means a blessing, a triumph, a victory. “Never shedding its leaves, the palm tree is constantly decorated with the same greenery. People consider this strength of this tree acceptable and suitable for depicting victory” Plutarch. It is also the Tree of Life and, being self-replicating, it is identified with the androgyne. As a phallic symbol, the palm tree means male strength and fertility, but if it is depicted with dates, then it is a female symbol: “Your figure is like a palm tree, and your breasts are like bunches of grapes” Song of Songs. A palm tree that bears good fruit in old age symbolizes longevity and prosperity in old age. Arabia: Tree of Life. China: retirement, dignity, fertility. Christianity: the righteous man who "will blossom like a palm tree"; immortality, and in this meaning she is sometimes depicted together with the Phoenix; divine blessing, Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem; the triumph of the martyr over death; paradise. Palm branches mean glory, triumph, resurrection, victory over death and sin. In early Catholicism, it was a funerary symbol, as well as “an attribute of a person who has made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, hence the very word “pilgrim.” The emblem of St. Peter the Recluse, depicted with a palm branch in his hand, and many martyrs. Palm Sunday is originally “palm” Sunday celebrated in honor of the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Egypt: "calendar" tree, giving a new branch once a month. Greece: emblem of Apollo of Delphi and Delos. Jewish tradition: the righteous, emblem of Judea after the Exodus. Sumerian-Semitic tradition: Tree of Life, emblem of the Phoenician Baal Tamar, Lord of the Palm, as well as Astarte and Assyro-Babylonian Ishtar.

I dreamed about bamboo

according to the dream book of plants

The symbol of grace, constancy, flexibility and plasticity, good upbringing, long-term friendship, longevity and flourishing old age is constantly green. Bamboo represents the perfect man who may bow before the storm, but then rises again. For the Chinese, this plant means longevity, filial virtue, and also winter, since, along with plum and pine, bamboo is one of its three friends. Buddha emblem. Sometimes, this is a symbol of a scientist who outwardly behaves proudly, but inside is emptiness and insignificance. The seven-armed bamboo stick signifies the seven degrees of initiation and witchcraft. Bamboo and swallow represent friendship; with a crane - long life and happiness. For the Japanese, bamboo symbolizes loyalty and truthfulness.

Why do you dream about a laurel tree?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

inheritance, prosperity through a wife.

I dreamed about a fig tree

according to the dream book of plants

Fertility, life, peace, prosperity. The fig tree sometimes represents the Tree of Knowledge and combines the symbolism of both masculine and feminine principles, since the fig leaf has the masculine symbolism of the lingam, and the fig has the feminine symbolism of the yoni. The fig leaf signifies lust and sex. “The fig leaf signifies drunkenness and movement and is said to resemble the male penis” Plutarch. A basket of figs signifies fertility and represents the woman as a goddess or mother. Associated with the vine as a place of peace and quiet, and also with the breast as “a tree with many breasts.” In Buddhism, this is the sacred Bo Tree, under which Buddha achieved insight. In Christian symbolism, the fig is used instead of the apple in the Garden of Eden. In the Greco-Roman tradition, it is dedicated to Dionysus Bacchus, Priapus, Jupiter and Silvanus. Has a phallic meaning. For Jews it means peace, prosperity, multitude. Symbol of Israel with vine. In Islam, the Tree of Heaven is sacred because Muhammad swore by it. The peoples of Oceania have the Tree of Life and the object of all kinds of rituals.

Many well-known dream books associate dreams about trees with the dreamer’s life. The image of a tree that appeared in a dream is identified with health and life expectancy. Often dreams in which a tree appears bring clarity to some confusing situation currently occurring. Important and appearance dreamed plant. Dream interpreters recommend paying attention to the crown (dense or without foliage), the age of the tree and other signs that can help in deciphering the dream.

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    Climbing a tree in a dream

    If a person climbed a tree in a dream, good news awaits him soon. Climbing to the top means being burdened by the monotony of your life. Seeing yourself climbing a tree trunk in a dream means a promotion or salary increase is expected soon.

    Climbing branches means the dreamer feels unsure of himself and his abilities. Seeing yourself sitting on a branch in a dream means big profits. If the branch is thick, there will be prosperity in the family for a long time.

    Looking around from the top of a tree - such a dream promises fame and success. Everything that is planned will come true, and good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors.

    A person sees himself climbing a flowering tree - to very early enrichment. Possible winning the lottery or an unexpected inheritance.

    Climbing a tree that grows in the house is a sign of family well-being.

    Climbing onto a branch that suddenly broke off means an imminent illness for the dreamer or people close to him.

    A man dreamed that he was climbing down from a tree - fear of responsibility, fear of not being able to cope with an order from his superiors, fear of starting a new business.

    The interpretation also depends on which tree the person climbed:

    • high - great success in the future;
    • cut down - the collapse of all hopes;
    • green - a difficult path ahead;
    • dried out - the upcoming business will not bring benefits;
    • with abundant fruits - wealth and prosperity.

    Plant trees

    Planting a tree in a dream is a very good sign. If the tree has taken root, it symbolizes success in all endeavors.

    Replanting a plant that subsequently blooms is an unexpected joy. The arrival of relatives or an unexpected find or gift is possible.

    The planted tree has dried up - a symbol of failure. Such a dream foretells a person unexpected expenses, large loans or debts.

    Planting a tree in the ground is a sign that a person is on the verge of life changes. If the planted plant begins to grow quickly, the business started will bring great profit. Planting a seedling in frozen ground means overcoming difficulties, promoting things that have not been going on for a long time.

    Planting trees with a large group of people in a dream means that in reality a person has many good friends whom you can always turn to for help.

    During landing, a downpour poured in - such a dream signals minor troubles or obstacles in business.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Interpretation for women

    If a young woman sees in a dream that she is planting a fruit tree, you can soon expect an addition to the family.

    Planting a weeping willow on the banks of a river or lake means a long separation from a loved one. A long-distance business trip or an invitation to work in another country is possible. Also, the weeping willow symbolizes longing or loss. There is a possibility of a major quarrel with a loved one and even a break in the relationship.

    I dreamed of planting an oak tree - in a woman’s life there is a reliable friend and protector. You can always count on his help in everything. An oak tree can symbolize a mentor or teacher to whom a woman comes for advice and support.

    Watching a stranger plant a seedling - soon a lover will appear in the girl’s life. Planting a tree with a stranger means that in the near future the dreamer will marry her loved one.

    A girl sees in a dream how she buys seedlings with her future husband on the eve of the wedding - family life will be happy and long.

    Interpretation for men

    If a man digs a hole to plant a tree in a dream, achieving his goal will not be difficult for him. A new business project will bring profit and success.

    If a young guy dreams that he planted a birch tree, the girl he is in love with will reciprocate his feelings. A planted birch tree has grown into a large tree with beautiful bark - the relationship will be strong and long, a wedding is possible.

    Planting an oak tree - for a man, a dream means nepotism and loyalty to principles. A large oak tree growing from a small seedling means loyalty in the family and respect from colleagues.

    Planting seedlings together with a boy means that the man will soon have a son, and with a girl - a daughter.

    A young guy plants a small seedling, which then grows into a strong, large tree - gaining self-confidence.

    What type of trees did you dream about?

    A more accurate interpretation of the dream depends on which tree a person dreams about:

    • Cherry seedling - soon the family will live in abundance. Also, a dream in which you happened to plant cherries means an unexpected surprise or gift.
    • A planted cherry tree means moving to another place of residence, a change of scenery. A vacation trip outside the country is possible.
    • A pear tree seen in a dream is not a good sign. Pear is a symbol of tears, betrayal, separation.
    • Peach tree - the dreamer will live his life in the love and respect of loved ones.
    • Saplings of exotic trees such as tangerine or orange - a meeting with old friends with whom there has been no contact for a long time.
    • A seedling with lemon fruits - you will soon experience a feeling of jealousy.

    I dreamed of a burning tree

    A dream in which there was a tree engulfed in flames is interpreted in both a positive and negative sense.

    Seeing a completely burnt tree in a dream means fatigue from work, overwork. A person seeing such a dream needs rest. You dream of the crown of a tree burning with a bright flame without smoke - a bright streak will soon come in life. For businessmen, the company will come out of the crisis and enter into new contracts that will generate income. He dreams of a burning trunk, but the fire does not harm him - a good dream for a creative person. Such a dream predicts a way out of a creative crisis and the start of work on a new interesting project.

    A burning plant sparks and emits thick smoke - a quarrel with friends or work colleagues. Negative family relationships.

    When seeing a burning tree, the dreamer experiences fear - experiences that occur in reality are groundless.

    If you dreamed that it was on fire:

    • willow - the dreamer must show flexibility and make concessions;
    • aspen - in the near future all fears for the well-being of the family will go away;
    • lemon - quarrels and scandals based on jealousy;
    • pear - anticipation of meeting with loved ones;
    • apple tree - the person whom the dreamer helped will show ingratitude;
    • oak - burnt to the ground means loss of strength; burning, but not burning - gaining strength;
    • pine - turning to God, spiritual growth;
    • palm tree - breakup, divorce, loneliness.

    Fired forest or garden

    To see a garden burning in a dream means loss of money, an unprofitable enterprise. To see a garden, owned by the dreamer, burning - one should expect a robbery or other troubles related to the home.

    Watching a city park or garden catch fire is a road accident in which the dreamer will be either an observer or a participant.

    I dreamed that a forest caught fire - troubles in a new project, possibly related to safety violations.

    If you dream that green spaces within the city are on fire - the dream signals danger on the street, on the way home or to work.

    A burning forest is located next to the fields - the dream foretells a lack of rain and a poor harvest.

    Burning dead wood means big changes in life. A spiritual revolution, an appeal to a new faith, is possible.

    A green young forest is burning - trouble will soon happen to the dreamer. The size of the misfortune depends on whether a large area is on fire or not.

    Where did you see the burning tree?

    If you dream of a tree standing alone in the middle of an empty space, spiritual development will take on new dimensions.

    I saw a crown engulfed in fire opposite the window - the dream foreshadows a meeting with a new lover after a difficult breakup or divorce.

    Only one tree caught fire in the garden - a loved one is in trouble and will soon ask for help.

    The crown is burning in the yard - to the illness of the dreamer or one of his relatives.

    A tree caught fire in the house - quarrels and scandals in the family, divorce of spouses.

    Felled or fallen tree

    A falling trunk fell directly on the dreamer - to an imminent illness or exacerbation of a chronic disease.

    The tree fell due to a hurricane - an envious person appeared in the environment, spreading gossip about the dreamer.

    The dreamer cut down the trunk - in the near future he will greatly let down his loved ones.

    Animals have dug up the roots and the tree has fallen - you should hold back your ambitions, otherwise it will lead to negative consequences. If a fallen trunk fell due to the fact that its roots were washed away by water, it is important to monitor your diet and not eat harmful foods.

    The dreamer fell along with the trunk - there will soon be financial difficulties.

    A man dreamed that he found a felled tree at night - such a dream signals danger in financial matters. Deception on the part of business partners, theft or loss of money on the stock exchange is possible.

    Seeing a cut down trunk in a dream means troubles in family life, quarrels and scandals leading to a break in relationships, troubles associated with children.

    Watching someone cut down trees means the dreamer has an opponent who will be difficult to resist.

    Based on some signs of a felled tree, you can more accurately interpret the dream:

    • branched crown - a loss of large funds associated with business or work is expected in the near future;
    • a dry tree without leaves is a lingering disease;
    • green crown with lots of foliage - discord in relationships with loved ones or a conflict that threatens a complete break in relationships;
    • crown, abundantly strewn with flowers - constantly pursuing failures, stagnation in business, crisis in personal life;
    • the branches are strewn with fruits - an unsuccessful business project that will not bring results.

    Blooming trees

    Walking through a blooming garden means you will have a vacation with family or friends in the near future. This could be a trip to the sea or a holiday abroad.

    Climbing the trunk of a flowering tree means getting a lucrative offer or promotion.

    Watching a seedling that has blossomed with someone means that your relationship with this person will improve.

    Standing in the shade of a blooming crown is the time to confess your feelings to your loved one.

    I dreamed of bees hovering around a flowering tree - for a young girl such a dream means the courtship of several suitors. For a man, a dream foretells increased attention from younger women. After such a dream, a woman should prepare to meet her first love or old friend.

    Seeing a plum blossom in a dream means an unhappy marriage. Plum foreshadows a marriage of convenience or a marriage without love and sincere feelings.

    Blooming lilac - for easy flirting. Cut branches of lilac on the window - perhaps flirting will develop into more serious feelings.

    What time of year did the trees bloom?

    In winter, bright days will soon come in the dreamer's life. There will be success in all undertakings, all undertakings will bring income. An unmarried girl who sees a flowering tree in winter will soon wear a white bride's dress. A young man who has had a similar dream will have his feelings reciprocated.

    In autumn - the return of lost feelings. If one of the spouses who are in a quarrel had such a dream, reconciliation will soon follow. A woman who had a dream about flowering trees will meet her former lover and begin a new relationship with him.

    In spring there is an addition to the family. If a woman saw a dream, she will become pregnant in the near future. For a man, such a dream promises the birth of his first child from his beloved woman.

    In summer - failures on the love front. For a girl or young woman, the dream predicts quarrels with a loved one based on jealousy, sadness and melancholy. The dream warns a man that his beloved is not who she seems: he should be careful.

    Fruit trees

    Dream books interpret dreams in which trees with fruits were present as a good sign.

    Fruits in a dream symbolize spiritual and economic growth, the implementation of plans, and the fulfillment of desires. However, the meaning of the dream depends on what the fruit tree was like.

    Apple tree

    To see an apple orchard in a dream means there will be a fruitful year. For young spouses, the dream foreshadows an addition to the family. I dreamed of branches with red apples - what the heart desires will soon come true. For a young girl, a dream predicts an early meeting with her future husband.

    There is a dream about an apple tree and fallen apples under it - the dream signals that not everyone whom the dreamer considers friends are actually such.

    An apple tree with ripe fruits - a person who sees such a dream will be lucky in love affairs. An apple tree with spoiled, wormy fruits is a symbol of failure. New projects will not bring results, there will be discord on the personal front, conflicts and quarrels with colleagues will become commonplace.


    A tree with juicy fruits is an easy love affair, an easy, non-binding flirtation.

    An apricot orchard seen in a dream predicts a successful marriage. If the bride or groom had such a dream before the wedding, love and happiness will reign in the marriage. A married couple dreamed of a garden with apricots - soon old feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

    Collecting apricot fruits does not threaten the dreamer’s health. Putting fruits in a basket means you should protect your health.

    For a man to pick fruits from a tree - the dream foreshadows his first love for an innocent girl.

    Green fruits signal to the dreamer that he is not yet ready for family life. Perhaps you should think a little more before proposing to the woman you love.


    Cherry blossoms dream of a romantic date. For a girl or young woman, cherry blossoms signal a new love.

    Unripe cherries predict great luck for the dreamer. In the near future, a lottery win or an unexpected salary increase is expected. Cherry with ripe fruits - a bright and rich intimate life, pleasure from communicating with a partner.

    Dry cherry - old feelings have faded. Relationships drag on only out of habit; there is no affection or love left.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Miller's Dream Book

If in a dream you see a tree with young foliage, it means that all your plans and dreams are coming true. Dead trees symbolize sadness and loss.

Climbing a tree in a dream means quick promotion.

Cutting down a tree in a dream or uprooting it means that you will waste your strength and wealth.

Seeing a forest in a dream means changes in business. Green forests promise luck, while leafless forests promise changes that are detrimental to your interests.

A forest fire promises completion of plans, well-being and even, perhaps, prosperity.

If in a dream you are busy chopping wood, then this foreshadows the beginning of a struggle for success, which will end brilliantly for you.

If in a dream you are wandering in a dense forest, then you will face failures in your career and family disagreements. If you are cold and hungry, an unpleasant trip awaits you.

Admiring the majestic green crowns in a dream, you receive a sign of future success and glory.

Fallen leaves rustling under your feet can promise you loss.

If you dream of a dead forest with withered trees, expect disappointment.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Freud's Dream Book

Wood, as a material from which various objects are made, is one of the main female symbols. Therefore, one must be very careful when interpreting those symbols that are considered masculine if they are made of wood.

The tree, the main part of which should still be considered the trunk, is a symbol of the male genital organs.

If a man sees a tree in a dream, this indicates his interest in homosexuality.

If there are several trees (but this is not a forest yet), the dreamer may also strive for group sex, and he is interested in the option: several men and one woman.

A man sitting under a tree experiences a desire for same-sex relationships, and a woman sitting under a tree is not satisfied with her sexual partners and dreams of a man who is ideal in all respects.

If you are planting a tree or caring for a growing tree, you are striving for a new (or first) sexual relationship. Sleep is characteristic of periods of puberty, as well as the decline of sexual activity.

If you cut down a tree, you doubt your sexual activity and viability.

If you cannot cut down a tree, this means that your fears are unfounded and you are absolutely healthy.

If the tree is cut down, you may experience disturbances or disorders in the activity of the genital organs.

The process of cutting down trees can also indicate the dreamer’s hidden homosexuality.

A broken or dried tree portends failure in love affairs, possibly due to diseases of the genital organs.

If a man waters a tree, he is prone to self-satisfaction.

If a woman waters a tree, she strives for the joys of family sex and wants to have children.

A torn tree speaks of your penchant for self-satisfaction and fear of being exposed.

Lightning striking a tree or a burning tree warns you against entering into casual relationships.

If you watch others take care of a tree(s), this indicates that you have an Oedipus complex. It may either be suppressed or exist in your dreams.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

A flowering tree is a great happiness; burning - incur losses; dry - disrespect; with fruits - meet a good friend; cut down - lost hopes; to climb a tree - to have happiness in everything; fall from it - endure ridicule; felling a tree means harming yourself with daring; sawing - happiness; leafy - prospects for profit; leafless - loss; sitting under it means good news; burn - sadness; to chop - loss of property; floating on a tree on the water - unfulfilled hopes; collecting wood is a pain in the heart; wear - you will get into trouble; buy - have troubles; worn out by worms - you will suffer losses; climbing a tree is a happy twist of fate.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Family dream book

Tree – One tree symbolizes loneliness, the search for a loved one.

Young green tree - you need to pay more attention to your loved ones or start looking for a friend or loved one.

Seeing a lonely old tree with flying leaves and broken branches in a dream means serious illness or lonely old age in poverty.

Seeing a falling tree, cut down or torn out by the wind, broken, is a harbinger of imminent death.

To cut down a tree yourself - by your actions you can destroy a person close to you or just an acquaintance or colleague.

A flowering tree is a symbol of success and joy awaiting you soon.

A tree with fruits that you collect means you will receive unexpected income and profit.

Several trees, a forest - you are tired of communicating with people. You want to be alone, to relax.

Getting lost in the forest means you don't know who you can trust or how to find a way out of the situation in which you find yourself.

OAK If you often dream about this tree, it means that you dream of being a strong, resilient person, relying only on yourself in everything. You dream of success, which, however, you fully deserve. You are in good health.

Planting young oak trees means you will take on a new business that will bring you success and profit. But on Sundays and Mondays it symbolizes the desire to find a way out of a situation that does not suit you.

Resting under an oak tree, hiding behind it or on it means that you will soon need someone's help, you need a strong person whom you can rely on.

An oak tree whose leaves are falling or has already fallen symbolizes problems that you cannot cope with. You will have difficulties at work or with your health, but they are still solvable, it just takes time, everything will work out.

Stumbling over the roots of an oak tree or seeing a fallen oak tree is an unpleasant surprise. Someone wants to harm you.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Trees in a dream symbolize your life and various affairs with which you are one way or another connected.

A mighty tree with a lush crown is a sign of your good health and successful plans.

Frail trees indicate that you clearly lack solidity to prosper.

Leaves flying from a tree indicate that it is time for you to sum up the results of some major stage in your activities, since delay can be disastrous.

Uprooted trees are a sign that some business may be destroyed by too violent emotions and conflicts.

A burning tree suggests that outbursts of anger threaten to damage your affairs.

A dried or withering tree encourages you to pay attention to the state of your health. Often this same dream foreshadows failure in some important matter.

Why do you dream about a tree?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Trees are a significant event in your life; if a pregnant woman sees a dream, it means a successful birth: the higher and larger the trees, the more successful the birth will be.

Coffee Tree is a fun ride.

Redwood is a hopeless situation.

Pruning fruit trees leads to material loss (the more branches you cut, the more you will lose).

Why do you dream about a tree?

Spring dream book

Tree - soon the whole family will be assembled.

Climbing a tree is a stupid childish trick.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Summer dream book

Tree - to a stubborn boss.

Climbing a tree means panic.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Autumn dream book

Tree - for planting trees in the country.

Climbing a tree symbolizes the desire to stand out from the crowd.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Seeing flowering trees in a dream foreshadows the onset of perhaps the happiest moment in your life.

A burning tree in a forest engulfed in fire portends that in reality you will suffer significant losses.

Dry trees do not bode well; they will no longer respect you for something that, in your opinion, does not deserve condemnation at all.

Trees in the garden hung with ripe fruits indicate that you will be lucky enough to find a new good friend.

A felled tree portends regret over unfulfilled hopes.

A large old tree with a huge crown promises significant profits.

Trees without leaves in winter, dusted with snow or covered with frost - a sign that the loss you have incurred is irreparable.

Seeing exotic trees in a dream during an exciting journey means that all sorrows and sorrows will quickly be forgotten, giving way to a cheerful mood and cheerfulness.

A tree uprooted from the ground as a result of a hurricane portends sadness, melancholy and despair. A tree split by lightning means a quarrel with friends.

A tree without bark on its trunk portends a painful, feeble old age in loneliness and poverty. Wet after a rainstorm - a change in marital relationships in a negative direction. A tree cut down and cut into logs is a sign of death and mourning.

A tree of valuable ornamental species means troubles that will be rewarded a hundredfold.

Breaking or cutting down trees in a dream means losses and regret.

Planting trees under a house is a harbinger of imminent wealth and prosperity.

Climbing a tree means gaining power.

Falling from a tree means experiencing humiliation, ridicule and insults in reality.

Cutting trees - fortunately, carrying them with someone - will strain you from physical exertion.

Sitting under a tree means receiving valuable information that will significantly advance your business.

Burning trees means succumbing to a depressing mood. Extinguishing means loss of property and deprivation of rights.

Floating on a tree on water means the end of hopes and a complete change in views.

Buying tree seedlings means having additional troubles.

Seeing sick trees infested with worms is a sign of waste where savings were supposed to be made.

Seeing someone turn into a tree in a dream means illness.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Climbing a tree means encountering many obstacles.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Esoteric dream book

A spreading, large tree means poor health.

Felled, broken - the disease is dangerous, if you do not pay attention, it can lead to death.

Thin, fragile - somewhere nearby there is a “vampire”.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Climbing a tree in a dream means a happy turn of fate.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Azar's Dream Book

Buying a tree means hassle

A flowering tree is a great happiness

Blooming cherry blossoms - happiness and favor of fate

Blooming apple tree - good news

To fell a tree - to harm oneself with daring

A tree covered with caterpillars - failure due to your mistakes

A tree eaten away by worms means you will suffer losses

Burning tree - incur losses

Leafless tree - loss

Cut down is a loss.

Climbing a tree means having happiness in everything.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Seeing a tree means profit; climbing a tree - loss, failure; fruity or picking fruit - long-term success; chop - loss; plant - wealth; with fruits - well-being; blooming - success in business; chopped off or uprooted - death, mourning; burning - losses.

Sitting on a tree is a high reward and position; sitting under a tree is excellent news; fall from a tree - ridicule; fruit - a faithful friend.

Sawed logs, stumps - to money, inheritance; if the trunk is very thick, then the inheritance is large or long-awaited.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Modern dream book

Seeing trees with young green foliage in a dream is a prediction of the happy embodiment of hopes and dreams.

Dried trees are a sign of sadness and loss.

Climbing trees means rising in business or study.

If you dream that you climbed a tree, the dream means rapid advancement and good luck. The dream warns: be careful when handling money, otherwise things will end badly.

Cutting down or uprooting a tree is an omen that you will thoughtlessly waste your energy and wealth.

Seeing a freshly cut tree in a dream foreshadows an unexpected misfortune that will fall out of the blue in the middle of a happy and comfortable life.

Seeing a flowering tree in a dream foretells a cheerful life. But at first you will have a lot of trouble preparing for your vacation.

If you dream of a tree with ripe fruits, it means that some things that required a lot of effort from you will finally begin to bring benefits.

If you saw in a dream a tree with its roots uprooted from the ground, great experiences await you due to the illness or death of a loved one.

If you dreamed that you fell from a tree and were seriously injured, your efforts to complete the work you started will not be crowned with success. You may lose your job or be severely humiliated.

A dream in which you watch someone cutting down a tree - death awaits one of your friends.

I dreamed of a flowering tree - your endeavors will be crowned with success.

Dry tree - soon you will experience serious need.

If you dreamed of a tree without leaves, your lot will be poverty.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Eastern dream book

Trees with young green foliage are a sign of the embodiment of hopes.

Dried trees are a symbol of sadness and loss.

If you climb a tree, a brilliant career awaits you. However, you should be careful with money.

A dream in which you cut down or cut down a tree means: you risk wasting your energy in vain.

Seeing a freshly cut tree is a sign of unexpected misfortune, which falls out of the blue in the middle of a happy and comfortable life.

If you see a fruit-bearing tree, you will finally be able to reap the fruits of your labor.

I dreamed of a tree being torn out of the ground - worries about the illness of a loved one are coming.

Falling from a tree and hitting yourself hard is a sign that, despite all your attempts, you will not be able to complete your plan. You might lose your job.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

blooming success, joy, prosperity; felled - loss; with fruits - profit; naked tree - difficult old age; covered with snow - family troubles; climbing a tree on horseback means success in business and fame.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

A tree in a dream is a person, his life and health / a person as a cosmic phenomenon; the fate of a certain person / in men’s dreams, a tree can symbolize a woman’s body and desires directed towards it.

Most often, what you do with a tree affects your loved ones.

What someone else does to a tree concerns you.

Blooming - your happy days / a person preparing for the journey of life / a bride of marriageable age.

Before our eyes it became without leaves, it was easily pulled out - the husband and beloved died.

With fruits - your well-being, the result of your labors, the acquisition of spiritual treasures, a fruitful period of your life / a woman in the prime of life and beauty.

A leafy dry tree means misfortune, a difficult time in your life, a broken life, despair.

Withered - labors and sorrows / spiritually passive person.

Autumn yellow - sad old age / young old woman / ancient wisdom of extinct races.

Autumn red - a drunkard / a self-absorbed person / a cheerful, happy old age.

A tree in the snow - variable happiness / a person who has outlived himself, hopelessly behind the times.

Broken - illness, quarrels.

Broken by lightning - misfortunes generated by pride.

Torn out by a storm - misfortunes that are irreversible for a person’s fate.

The tree is covered with leaves and flowers before our eyes - unexpected joy / experiencing a second youth.

A storm tears off all the leaves from a tree - temporary misfortunes.

Before our eyes, a tree instantly withers and flies away - sadness.

A tree easily pulls out of the ground - you will lose a friend.

It falls unexpectedly - misfortune, someone's unexpected death, unjustified fear for one's health.

Falls, washed away by water - irreparable harm to health from sensual love, voluptuousness.

Falls, undermined by animals - misfortunes from unbridled passions and licentiousness.

A flaming tree is health that is dying in labor.

A green tree is cut down - the end of hopes / to have an evil feeling towards another person.

To cut down a dead tree is to say goodbye to someone in your life with whom it is high time to part with long ago / to acquire an illness / to touch upon the memory of a dead person; moving the tree means loss.

To tear out green things from the ground means to nourish vengeful feelings; your angry feelings towards a certain person needlessly spread to others.

Felled - your fate does not depend on your will / a foregone conclusion / a missing or seriously ill person.

A fallen dry tree is a certain deceased / death of the spiritual principle in a person.

Seeing a rotten trunk on the ground means oblivion of your labors.

Planting a tree is wealth.

Cutting branches from a standing tree means unfairly slandering or thinking badly about a person / benefit at the expense of health.

To cut down a fallen branch is a sad duty; work that goes against your conscience and sense of duty.

To sit on them is to protect your happiness, to fear for it.

It's an honor to climb on it.

Climbing high and feeling fear - a certain event will allow you to look into the future.

Sitting on a tall tree is good news.

Climbing to the top of a tree is melancholy; to be burdened by gray everyday life.

To get off of it upside down is to mentally penetrate into a certain world.

Falling from a tree is a danger to the life of a wife (husband); you bring into your life something incompatible with its foundations.

Strange trees, a tree to which you attach special importance in a dream - the tree of your destiny; the number of branches, height, density of the crown and everything that is on it symbolizes your life path.

Iron, gold or silver is someone’s bleak fate.

A tree that has a head instead of fruit - a tree of evil.

Poisonous, fear-inducing things are your eternal enemy.

A tree with arms instead of branches - a kind of collective desire.

A tree with living moving branches - the forces of motherhood.

The moaning, talking tree is the tree of your family.

Incredibly thick - something from ancient times, invading your life.

With many trunks - friendship, strong ties between people.

Continuously crying is a symbol of the world of your perceptions.

A luminous or flaming, but unburnt tree is something cosmic, invading your life.

The tree you are hiding behind is to seek supernatural protection.

Why do you dream about a tree?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A flowering, slender tree with fruits speaks for itself - this is happiness, blossoming, success.

Dried - loss of vitality, old age, failure and disappointment.

Climbing a tree or knocking it down is a complete success.

Falling from a tree means failure, degradation, misfortune.

Falling, dead, uprooted - the death of a sleeping person or a loved one; major stagnation in business.

A big tree according to the dream book. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a tree?

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing green, lush and majestic trees in a dream is a sign of happiness and quick success. The thicker their trunks, the more money and benefits you will receive and the stronger your position will be. A lush crown of a tree in a dream is a harbinger of big profits in the future. A tree without leaves, on the contrary, foreshadows imminent losses and failures in business, followed by large material losses. Sitting under a tree in a dream is a sign that you will soon receive long-awaited news that will finally calm you down. Floating on a log on the water is a harbinger of disappointments and unfulfilled desires. See why you dream about bushes, why you dream about branches, why you dream about a stump, why you dream about a rotten tree.

Seeing trees growing before your eyes is a harbinger of quick creative success that will bring you satisfaction. To see flowering trees in a dream is a harbinger of imminent great happiness and a harbinger of a quick improvement in affairs, joy and prosperity. Trees with fruits that you saw in a dream mean that soon you will have success in business and profit according to the number and size of the fruits you see. However, at the same time, it should be taken into account that fruits can be different - sour, sweet, inedible, etc. Picking fruits from trees (or collecting cones) is a great and lasting success that will strengthen your position for a long time. Planting trees or seeing them grow before your eyes is a harbinger that your wildest hopes may come true in the very near future. See trees by name and fruit.

Fading, withering, barren, dried out, torn out trees that you saw in a dream mean that disappointment, creative crisis, failures in business, and collapse of hopes await you soon. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows betrayal or deception. For lovers, such a dream predicts that their love will soon pass. For the elderly and sick, such a dream can threaten imminent death. A tree that is rotten or eaten away by worms means losses. Such a dream warns that your affairs are not going well, which is greatly facilitated by your frivolous attitude towards serious subjects. Seeing a burning tree in a dream warns you of possible material losses or a spiritual crisis. Sometimes such a dream can warn lovers that their passion can have a detrimental effect on their health, state of mind and material well-being. Setting fire to a tree in a dream is a harbinger of deep sadness and experiences for which you will have no one to blame but yourself. Cutting down a tree in a dream means that through rash actions you yourself will contribute to the loss of your own property, well-being or peace in the family. Sometimes such a dream warns that you are bringing trouble upon yourself. A tree uprooted is a sign of great losses, collapse of plans and hopes. And most often such a dream predicts death and mourning. Sometimes such a dream predicts the death of a loved one, a divorce, or a breakup with a friend. Climbing a tree in a dream is a sign of great honors and quick rise above others, a sign of happiness and prosperity in all matters. Falling from a tree in a dream and getting hurt is a warning that the powers that be, whose path you cross, will soon be dissatisfied with you, you may lose their favor and lose your place. For businessmen, such a dream foreshadows the loss of their fortune and the complete collapse of their enterprise. To see a tree stump in a dream - if not rotten - means laying the foundations of a solid business. The dream in which you uproot stumps has the same meaning. However, in this case, the dream suggests that success will come to you with great difficulty. A rotten stump in a dream means failure in business. A tree branch in a dream is a harbinger of a solid income. Sitting firmly on it means the strength of your position. If the branch seems fragile and you are afraid that it will not stand, then the dream warns you of possible changes and instability of your position. This dream warns against frivolous actions, risky undertakings and ardor in sorting out relationships. A dream in which you dream that a huge tree grows from the belly of your daughter or wife, which obscures the sky, then expect the birth of a child who will have a great future, honor, fame and wealth. A man seeing a beech tree in a dream predicts that his wife is unfaithful to him. For a patient, such a dream foretells an improvement in health. For a merchant, a dream about a beech tree predicts big profits. For the rest, this dream is a sign of wasted time, disappointed hopes, futility of efforts. See also why you dream about a forest, why you dream about fruits.

Why do you dream of trees according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

Planting young trees in a dream:
Planting young trees in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream foreshadows good news from children or news of a new addition to the family.

Huge tree in a dream:
Seeing a huge tree in a dream is a prophecy of a quick acquaintance with an influential person who, like an angel, will help you in all matters.

Dry or broken tree in a dream:
If you saw a dry or broken tree in a dream, then such a dream is a bad omen. News awaits you about the fatal illness of a person close to you.

Cutting down trees in a dream:
Cutting down trees in a dream is evidence that you not only have a bad attitude towards the environment, but also in every possible way encourage your children and loved ones to treat nature in a similar way. Stop before it’s too late: teach your loved ones to love trees and animals, otherwise your children will be deprived of the joy of hearing birds singing, walking through the forest and seeing the blue sky.

Many felled trees in a dream:
If you dreamed of a large number of felled trees, then such a dream foreshadows troublesome affairs that will not end well

Standing in the shade of trees in a dream:
If in a dream you are standing in the shade of trees, then in real life you should stop hiding your true feelings. Trust people more, and you will have many good, loyal friends.

Picking fruits from trees in a dream:
Picking fruits from trees in a dream is a harbinger of big profits. Perhaps you will receive a large inheritance from unknown relatives, or the money you once invested in a dubious enterprise will bring unexpected income.

Why do you dream of trees according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed that you were picking fruit from a tree, a small inheritance awaits you; falling from a tree in a dream means danger, or from a low tree means enduring ridicule; seeing a green tree in a dream is a way out of a difficult situation; a dry tree in a dream means big losses; a flowering tree in a dream - a happy ending to a matter, to health and happiness; to see a tree falling or falling in a dream is unlucky; to see in a dream a tree floating on water - to experience troubles; cutting down a green tree in a dream means the discovery of unexpected talents or abilities; cutting down a dry tree in a dream means losing property; a burnt tree in a dream means losses; a burning tree in a dream - to a poor old age; a drying tree in a dream - to gossip; a tree with snow in a dream - family trouble; climbing a tree in a dream is a minor financial nuisance; a tree with fruits in a dream - meeting a good friend; a cut down tree in a dream means losing hope; felling a tree in a dream means harming your health; sawing a tree in a dream means little financial success; thick - prospects for profit; leafless - to a loss; sit under a tree - receive good news; floating on a tree on the water - unfulfilled dreams; watering a tree in a dream means getting into minor trouble; buying a tree in a dream means having troubles; seeing a tree eaten away by worms in a dream means receiving losses.



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