White immortelle cat's paw where to buy. Immortelle

The season of summer colors and floral aromas in most regions of Russia does not last long, and on gloomy and rainy autumn days and gray frosty winter months one longs to return to a fragrant summer garden.

Compositions of dried flowers will help preserve the summer mood; they will fill the house with warmth, colors and a subtle aroma. At the same time, growing dried flowers and making compositions from them with your own hands is quite simple and very exciting.

What flowers are called dried flowers: 20 most popular types

Theoretically any flowering plant after drying, it can be considered a dried flower, but from the point of view of floristry, not every plant is able to maintain its integrity and aesthetics after cutting and drying. Most of the “stars” of a flower garden, as they dry out, lose the brightness of their colors and the shape of the flower, become fragile and quickly shed their leaves and petals. Therefore, only a few special types are used for artistic crafts. In this case, not only buds and blossoming flowers are used, but also seed pods or fruits.

Dried flowers are relatively durable compared to other garden and wild flowers and herbs, but without special treatments, home bouquets and crafts can remain fresh for no more than a year. For summer residents, this option is very convenient: choose the species and varieties you like in the spring, make cuttings, prepare the material, decorate the house for winter period, and with the beginning of the new season, bring fresh ideas to life.

Most dried flowers are characterized by unpretentiousness to growing conditions and resistance to adverse weather factors. By allocating some space in the garden for these plants, you don’t have to prepare for additional hassle. Most species are highly drought-resistant and light-loving.

In order not to get confused in the variety of varieties, beginners in this field can choose only a few types to begin with. The following photos and names of dried flowers with a brief description will help with this.

Ammobium winged . Perfect for growing in central Russia. Forms numerous small baskets. In floristry, blooming inflorescences with tall shoots are used.

Helipterum . It has several types and varieties that differ in the appearance, size and color of the inflorescences. Procured during full disclosure flowers.

Helichrysum (immortelle, tsmin, “cat’s paws”). It can have simple and double inflorescences of white or red color; varieties with multi-colored inflorescences have been bred. From a distance, the fluffy inflorescences are very reminiscent of the soft paws of cats, which became the basis for popular name. The preparation of the material begins in half-dissolution.

Statice (kermek) . Forms corymbose inflorescences consisting of small brightly colored flowers. The most attractive are bouquets cut at the height of flowering.

Xeranthemum (dried flower) . On thin, strongly branching stems, small simple baskets of white, purple, pink or red color are formed. Cut when the inflorescences are in full bloom.

Amaranth . It is distinguished by large racemose inflorescences on a strong stem. For a winter bouquet, brushes are used at the beginning of flowering.

Carthamus (safflower dye). Produces large flowers of yellow, orange and red colors, which are cut off in the full flowering phase.

Gomphrena . A very popular dried flower with white, lilac, red and pink spherical inflorescences and decorative leaves.

Craspedia . Interesting view with dense, yellow, spherical inflorescences on a slender shoot without leaves. For compositions, small bunches of several inflorescences are often used.

Celosia pinnate . It is distinguished by large inflorescences - panicles, which, depending on the species, can be yellow, orange, red, purple and even soft cream.

Mordovnik . It belongs to the “thorny” category and has large, blue, spherical inflorescences.

Feverweed . Another bright representative of the “thorns”. It is distinguished by steel-colored capitate inflorescences with openwork leaves.

Physalis ("lanterns") . This plant is grown not for its inconspicuous white flowers, but for its fruits, surrounded by enlarged sepals of a bright carrot color. From the outside, these lanterns look like paper.

Briza (shaker) . A popular dried flower herb with spectacular numerous spike-shaped inflorescences of milky color.

Lagurus (haretail) . Another representative of ornamental grasses with lush inflorescences reminiscent of a hare's tail.

Lunaria (lunar) . One of the few dried flowers that can decorate and summer garden with its blossoms, and the house with its fruits. For arrangements, it is not the actual fruits that are used, but the remaining elements after the destruction of the pods. Translucent moon-shaped partitions look very cute.

Aflatun onion. One of the representatives of decorative bows, which has recently been gaining popularity.

Nigella . Forms delicate single flowers of different colors. Decorative seed pods are valuable for floristry.

Tansy . Even after drying it medicinal plant releases phytoncides that purify the air. IN middle lane Russia is often found growing wild.

Echinacea. Another medicinal plant that will complement the winter bouquet. It is not the inflorescences that are cut off, but the seed head after the petals fall. You can also use gaillardia instead of echinacea. Such fluffy balls on a straight, leafless shoot will add more originality to the composition.

The list of plants from the “dried flowers” ​​group is not limited to our 20. All decorative grains (millet, barley, miscanthus, polypogon, brome, etc.) are excellent for winter arrangements. Inflorescences are used for fragrant bouquets herbs(hyssop, lofant, lemon balm). Lavender is often present in compositions. It is not at all necessary to plant the necessary plants in your garden - suitable material can also be found among wildflowers.

Rules for cutting and drying dried flowers

There is no single cutting period for dried flowers. When to cut the inflorescences depends on the specific species. Flower growers rely on their many years of experience. The only thing in common is that by the time of cutting the plant must enter the desired growth phase: if we need flowers, then this phase will be the complete dissolution of the flower bud, and if there are seed pods and fruits, then the ripening of the seeds at the end of the growing season. Do not allow standing plants to dry out or wither. It is necessary to cut off green shoots full of vital energy.

Cutting must be carried out in dry weather. Before this, prepare a place for drying in advance and necessary tools. The room should be dry, ventilated and dark. The brightest and largest specimens without defects or signs of disease are selected as material for future crafts. The inflorescences are cut off along with the long shoot. The longer the shoot or peduncle, the more convenient it is to dry it, and the excess can always be trimmed.

To get high-quality material for work, you need to know how to properly dry dried flowers. Small bunches are made from cut shoots, which are tied and hung with the inflorescences down. Some species require drying with the inflorescences facing up (for example, craspedia).

No access sunlight dried flowers retain their bright natural color. To bleach plants (if further coloring is planned), every two days they are sprayed with water from a spray bottle with a fine spray.

The material for paintings and panels is dried, straightened, giving them the required form and secured with threads to the board. Subsequently, the inflorescences and fruits are stored in cardboard boxes until use.

Air drying is the simplest and in an accessible way, but there is also alternative options. Drying with moisture-absorbing silica gel is used for large flowers (peonies and roses). To do this, the flowers are covered with a mixture of silica gel and sand and left for 3-5 days, checking the condition of the inflorescences daily to prevent overdrying. To make paintings and panels, you can use material obtained through herbarium drying, familiar from childhood. More experienced amateur florists also use drying in glycerin.

In florist stores you can purchase dyes and varnishes to extend the life of the future composition.

Using dried flowers to decorate your home

Floristry plays an important role for dried flowers, while amateur flower growers do not always imagine how dried flowers can be used in the interior.

The entire variety of flower arrangements can be divided into the following blocks:

  • winter bouquet;
  • painting;
  • decorative panel;
  • author's crafts;
  • compositions in the form of baskets and wreaths.

When looking for ways to decorate your home with dried flowers, the very first thing that comes to mind is a living bouquet in a decorative vase. This idea seems to be the simplest and easiest to implement. However, to make a bouquet of dried flowers with your own hands, you need to know some tricks. It is advisable to select a vase depending on the prevailing tones in the bouquet.

For example, light yellow “straw” bouquets go well with wood, glass and clay, and for multi-color compositions you can choose a bright ceramic vase.

When composing a bouquet, shoots with inflorescences are separated into bundles and tied with floral tape. Then the individual elements are collected into a common bouquet and also tied.

Material for paintings in the form of flat appliqués is dried by pressing. A herbarium can be made from your favorite garden flowers or you can collect wild plants. Not only inflorescences, but also leaves, seeds, and curved shoots can be used as decorative elements. Lay out any composition on thick plain paper, fix everything with glue and place finished work under glass photo frames.

It is considered more difficult to produce three-dimensional paintings in which cut inflorescences with a preserved shape are used.

A bright panel of dried flowers will certainly fit into the interior of the kitchen. To make such a panel as shown in the photo, you will first need to make a base in the form of a ring from willow twigs, and then fasten the blanks: spirea, rye, tansy, tsmin, rose, aster, chrysanthemum. The list of dried flowers can be completely replaced.

Any wicker basket is suitable for making compositions with dried flowers. As a base for attaching flowers, use a floral sponge, which is used to fill the basket. The top of the sponge is masked with moss and the dried flowers begin to be attached. In the future, you can only replace the flowers with fresher ones.

Wreaths made of dried flowers look completely different in the interior. Taking up very little space on the wall or door, they are able to fill the room with a special aura. To make a hoop, you can use dry twigs, flexible willow shoots, metal rods or wire. The material is not natural origin mask with wool or cotton thread.

Grow dried flowers on summer cottage won't be difficult. Most species grow well not only in the Moscow region, but also in Far East. Moreover, high summer temperatures can negatively affect the growth of shoots and the formation of inflorescences. But if it is not possible to grow your own flowers, high-quality material for creative crafts can always be purchased at florist stores.

IN folk medicine The medicinal properties of immortelle flowers are mainly used in the form of decoctions, teas and infusions. The medicinal properties of immortelle herb should be paid attention, first of all, to those people who have been diagnosed with diseases biliary tract and bubble.

Immortelle belongs to dried flowers, that is appearance flower and plant does not change over time (hence the name). The beneficial properties of immortelle were known many hundreds of years ago; it was actively used by healers and physicians of ancient times.

Immortelle, thanks to him beneficial properties, used to treat hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis. Water decoction Immortelle flower baskets are used for tuberculosis, to stop uterine bleeding. The decoction has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial and antispasmodic effects on the body. The active substances contained in the plant can change the chemical composition and viscosity of bile, increase the tone of the liver and gallbladder, and reduce the level of bilirubin and cholesterol.

Thanks to essential oil, immortelle decoctions prevent and relieve nervous tension, eliminate insomnia, helps fight depression and depressed states. Decoctions of the plant have a relieving effect on asthma, whooping cough, and other diseases that cause severe coughing.

There are practically no absolute contraindications for immortelle; there are only certain restrictions on its use. After some time they begin to interfere full-time work liver and gall bladder. That is why treatment with immortelle should not last more than 3 months. For people with obstructive jaundice and hypertension, any immortelle preparations are strictly contraindicated.

Immortelle grass is a perennial subshrub, a representative of the Astrov family. Immortelle got its name due to its vitality: even the inflorescences of a plucked plant do not fade and retain their beauty. Immortelle owes its beautiful name to its bright yellow or orange petals, which make the plant surprisingly attractive. Most often, immortelle is found in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

Plucked flower from great love and the woman’s sadness was filled with such strength that not only did it not wither, but over time it became even more beautiful. These beautiful yellow flowers still grow on mass graves and burial mounds. People believe that they protect the eternal sleep of the dead and do not let them forget about their feat.

Immortelle harm and contraindications

The bush was dried and beautiful fragrant bouquets were formed from individual branches. Sometimes other dried plants were added to these bouquets. Such floral arrangements were hung in rooms along with silk ribbons and bird feathers. Immortelle flower baskets are collected by cutting them off with whole panicles. The quality of raw materials largely depends on the correct collection and preparation of the plant.

Dried raw materials have a weak aroma and a spicy-bitter taste. It is better to store flowers in paper bags. Despite the active development of pharmacology, many out of habit turn to folk recipes for the treatment and prevention of diseases. Every year, doctors and scientists try to find a cure for depigmentation. Recent research (Roberto Wilson) has proven that the oil of this plant also has sunscreen properties.

Decoctions from the flowers of the plant are used as medicine. Pharmacists produce drugs for treatment based on this plant. chronic cholecystitis and hepatocholicestitis (inflammation of the liver, which is caused by viruses). Preparations based on immortelle do an excellent job of all these tasks.

The plant goes well with meat and fish dishes. For example, it adds a light taste and aroma to beef and wine dishes. Immortelle is often used in fish stews. Spice is also added to sweet and sour sauce for meat. The leaves of the plant have a spicy-bitter taste.

Immortelle benefits and treatment

Many medicines based on immortelle, you can prepare it at home. For example, a decoction of flowers helps well: pour boiling water over a few tablespoons of dried flowers and simmer in a water bath for half an hour. Decoctions enhance intestinal motility and gallbladder tone.

Where is sandy immortelle used?

It turns out that the benefits of immortelle are not limited to its medicinal properties. In cooking, immortelle has found use as a seasoning. Preparations with immortelle herb suppress the development of staphylococci and no less dangerous streptococci. Herbalists know that immortelle has virtually no contraindications, but it has a lot of medicinal properties. Despite the fact that immortelle is considered low-toxic and harmless plant restrictions on its use still exist.

Annual dried flowers

Usually the term “dried flowers” ​​refers to annuals. There is even such a term as “true dried flowers” ​​or “immortelle”. These include all those plants that are listed below, as well as ammobium, celosia, amaranth, gomphrena and some others. Almost all of them are very easy to grow by sowing the seeds in May directly into the flower bed. The only condition is that the location should be sunny and the soil should not be too heavy.
Cut them off when the flowers are partially or fully open; dry in a dark place upside down.

Helichrysum (Immortelle).

Helichrysum is perhaps the most famous representative of this group. Which is quite natural: in terms of the variety of shades of dry helichrysum inflorescences, no one can compete with it. Its flowers can be red, white, yellow, orange, pink, lilac and crimson.

Plant height varies from 25-30 cm (Bikini series) to 80 cm (tall varieties). As a rule, in stores you can find seeds of a mixture of helichrysum shades, although there are also individual varieties.

For bouquets, they are dried in bunches, hanging down with inflorescences.


Helipterum is very similar to helichrysum, but its flowers differ in that they have a clearly visible yellow or dark center. The color range of helipterum flowers is significantly inferior to helichrysum - it contains white and all shades of pink. But helipterum has one clear advantage: in a bouquet, its flowers look much more natural than those of helichrysum; Often you can’t even believe that they are completely dry!
Helipterum bushes are very small (up to 45 cm high), with thin stems.
In stores you can only find packets of mixed seeds of different shades.

For dry bouquets, cut in full bloom and dried in bunches, hanging down with inflorescences.


More precisely, rodanthe is another name for Mangles' helipterum. However, on bags with its seeds the name “rodanthe” or “rodant” is more often found. This plant is very similar to ordinary helipterum, but has even thinner stems and generally looks smaller. Rodanthe flowers are smaller, but there are more of them. Rodanthe looks simply charming in bouquets.

Typically, monochromatic varieties with bright pink or white inflorescences are found on sale.

XERANTHEMUM (Dried flower)

And this plant is very similar to all the previous ones - both in height and in the shape of the inflorescences. The color of xeranthemum flowers also comes in white and all shades of pink, purple and lilac. Their simple or double inflorescences have hard, more pointed petals.

They are cut for drying in full bloom and dried in bunches, hanging with the inflorescences down.

KERMEK (Limonium, Statica)

Plants of this species can be either annual or perennial. But the most popular is the annual kermek (or statice) with multi-colored inflorescences similar to scallops.

Dry in bunches with inflorescences down or in vases without water.


Homeland - Australia (New South Wales).

A perennial plant grown in our country as an annual. The stems are erect, highly branched in the upper part, white-pubescent, winged, 45-60 cm tall. The basal leaves are elongated-oval, tapering towards the base; stem - small, whole or almost whole, fused at the base with the wings of the stem. The inflorescence is a basket about 1.5 cm in diameter, covered with a large wrapper of dry white or yellowish leaves. The flowers are all tubular, small, yellow, turning black as they fade. Blooms profusely from mid-June until frost. The decorative effect of the inflorescences is created by numerous large filmy petal-shaped involucre scales.

The most popular among florists is the variety "Bikini" (see photo), which won a gold medal at one of the most prestigious European flower exhibitions - "Fleuroselect", since its inflorescences are the same in size and shape, and strong shoots reach 30-40 cm. The diameter of the inflorescences of this variation is about 2 cm.

It is grown almost exclusively for cutting as a good dried flower. When dried, it makes an excellent material for dry bouquets and wreaths.
The stems are cut off for drying.


Celosia is a good cut crop. If you grow it in film or glass greenhouses, the inflorescences are larger and the stems are longer than in open ground.

It is ready for drying when the inflorescence has become large enough, but has not yet lightened or turned brown bottom part. In clear weather (preferably in the afternoon, so that the plant has time to dry from the dew), the flower stalks are carefully cut off with garden pruners, leaving a part of the shoot with three to five leaves on the plant. In this case, new flower stalks begin to develop from the buds located in the axils of the leaves, soon after cutting.

The leaves are removed from the cut shoots and hung down with inflorescences, tied in small bunches. You can dry the plants in a dry and warm room, shading it from direct sunlight.

Hutton's celosia is especially good for winter bouquets. Silver celosia shoots contain a lot of water, so they take a long time to dry.

Celosia pinnate

Unlike celosia comb, pinnate has paniculate inflorescences, the color is yellow, orange, salmon, red, purple, and sometimes cream. For drying, the stems with fully blossomed inflorescences are cut off, the leaves are removed, and dried in bunches hung upside down.

Celosia comb or Cockscomb

The stems of celosia are thick, strong, ending in an original thick inflorescence in the form of a comb. The color of the inflorescences is yellow, orange, red, salmon, crimson, purple. For drying, they are cut in full bloom, large leaves are removed, and dried in small bunches.


Amaranth (Amaranthus) is annual plant amaranth family. Plants reach 2-3 m in height, have a stem thickness of 8-10 cm and a weight of 3 to 30 kg. The inflorescence is a lush panicle up to 1.5 m long different shapes and density. The seeds are small and vary in color. They retain germination for up to 5 years.

Amaranth is native to Central and South America. The indigenous population of South America began cultivating amaranth 8 thousand years ago. Amaranth products were part of the diet of the Aztecs and Incas for many centuries. Amaranth is a natural source of calcium.

Amaranth caudate is an annual plant that grows wild in Central Asia. Arrangers usually use its flowers, which have unusual shape. You can also use aconite leaves to make dry bouquets.
Cut off the inflorescences at the beginning of flowering.


Gomphrena is a dried flower with original inflorescences in the form of small cones. Gomphrena blooms from June until frost. The first inflorescences that appear remain decorative until late autumn, while new inflorescences appear on the side shoots, so the plant becomes even more elegant by autumn.

Annual and perennial herbaceous plants belonging to the group of dried flowers, up to 50 cm high, with greyish, shiny, opposite leaves and small flowers collected in spherical inflorescences. Florists are well aware of Gomphrena globulus. Particularly popular is the variety "Pink Pinheads", whose bracts are bright pink. Having cut off almost fully developed inflorescences, they can be dried and used to make compositions of dried flowers.

Photo from the Internet

DRIED FLOWER OR CAT'S PAW Cat's paw is a medicinal plant that, when used correctly, helps prevent and even treat various diseases. Features of the medicinal plant Cat's paw dioica is a perennial herbaceous plant. It reaches a height of 10–20 cm, has a thin rhizome, from which reclining shoots arise, bearing small leaves, stems with inflorescences. Cat's paw flowers are collected in a basket, painted pink or white. They appear in mid-May and persist until the end of July, and in June - August the plant bears fruit - small oblong achenes. Distinctive feature cat's paw is a soft felt-like pubescence of the stems, making them tender to the touch. The cat's paw is widespread - it can be found throughout Russia: in the European part of the country, in the Caucasus, in Siberia and in the Far East. For growth, it prefers pine forests, dry meadows and clearings with sandy soil, illuminated by the sun. The grass accumulates maximum quantity useful substances before flowering begins, so the above-ground part is harvested before the plant blooms. It is recommended to collect the inflorescences shortly before the opening of the baskets. Why is it useful? cat paw? In folk medicine, this herb is used as a means of stimulating regeneration and stopping bleeding, as well as having a choleretic effect. The hemostatic ability of a cat's paw is comparable to similar action some traditional medicines(adrenaline and calcium chloride). The medicinal properties of this dried flower are due to the content of a rich set of biologically active substances. The plant contains: vitamins ( ascorbic acid and phylloquinone); tannins; resins; essential oils; saponins; alkaloids; octacosane Because of its ability to effectively stop bleeding, the cat's paw has found wide application in gynecology for the treatment of diseases that are accompanied by long-term and heavy menstruation. In addition, the choleretic effect of the plant comes in handy for many diseases. gastrointestinal tract. Tannins make a cat's paw useful for skin diseases, and alkaloids help fight heart disease. Indications for use Using this dried flower, you can prepare medicines for oral administration and for local treatment. The use of cat's paw is indicated for the following diseases: gastritis; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; cholelithiasis; cholecystitis; hepatitis; diarrhea; hemorrhoids and anal fissures; endometriosis; uterine fibroids; arterial hypertension; pulmonary tuberculosis; eczema; diathesis; furunculosis. In gynecology, cat's paw is used to prepare infusions: 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed herb, pour ½ cup of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. The finished infusion should be strained and taken from day 4 menstrual bleeding 1 tbsp. l. every hour until your period stops. Dried flowers are also suitable for preparing a solution for vaginal douching, however, before carrying out such procedures, it is better to consult a doctor; they are rarely prescribed in gynecology today. To prepare an infusion with a choleretic effect, you will need 2 tbsp of dry crushed herb. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over it and leave for 60 minutes. Then pour the infusion into a saucepan and bring the dried flowers to a boil. Remove the broth from the heat and let it brew for another 1 hour. Strain the finished infusion and take 1 tbsp 3 times a day. l. an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days. For bleeding from hemorrhoids, the use of lotions is indicated. To prepare them, brew 2 tbsp. l. flowers 250 ml of boiling water and leave until the infusion has cooled. Then strain it, soak a gauze swab in the infusion and apply it to hemorrhoids for 15 – 30 minutes. Treatment should be continued for a week. Cat's foot helps in the treatment of skin diseases. To prepare a decoction with it, you will need 2 tbsp of herb. l. It should be filled with 1.5 glasses of water and cooked in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then cool the broth, strain, pour into the bath and take it daily for 10 - 15 minutes. Application medicinal infusions and decoctions based on cat's paws also help fight bleeding gums. In addition, dried flowers have the ability to calm nervous system and treat a sore throat.

Flower bouquets are beautiful, but they don't last long. However, there are ones that you can admire for many months, or even years. Among florists they wear common name, and a bouquet of such flowers can decorate your home for a long time. These plants may belong to different families, but they are united by the ability to maintain shape and color for a long period.

This is a perennial dried flower, but in our latitudes it is grown as an annual. The stem is branched, reaches 70 cm in height. The inflorescences are white, with a large yellow center. The diameter of the inflorescence is 1.5–2 cm. Ammobium begins to bloom in mid-June, flowering continues until the first frost.

An annual plant of American origin. Its stems can be simple or branched, sometimes growing up to one and a half meters in height. The inflorescences of decorative species such as caudate, dark or paniculate are collected in long spikelets or panicles. They can be of different colors: golden, purple, red, etc. Flowering begins in June and stops with the onset of autumn cold weather.

Did you know? is not exhausted decorative species. For thousands of years, this plant was the staple crop of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. The Spaniards called it "Aztec wheat" and "Inca bread." It is also used as pet food. This plant is also widely used in food, amaranth oil is especially valuable.

The genus belongs to the amaranth family. About 60 species of this dried flower are known, among them there are both annual and perennial, but in our country, as a rule, annuals are bred, since they cannot withstand winter cold.

The height of the plant reaches 90 cm. Small flowers are collected in spectacular inflorescences, which can be various shapes: pinnate, comb, spikelet. Their colors can be red, purple, yellow, etc. Celosia blooms from late June until autumn frosts.

This flower is better known as immortelle. It belongs to the Aster family. The plant can be perennial, but is also grown as an annual. The stem is straight, reaches a meter in height. The flowers form large inflorescences-baskets. Their colors are very diverse - golden, red, white-pink, purple, etc.

There are more than 600 species of immortelle. The most famous are helichrysum bractae, helichrysum milford, and helichrysum sandy. Flowering - from June to October.

This is an annual plant from the Asteraceae family. It is also called dried flower. The stems of xeranthemum are straight and branched. Height up to 60 cm. Inflorescences are purple, white or pink baskets. In temperate climates it blooms from mid-summer to early autumn.

This plant is more often called. It is annual, sometimes biennial, and belongs to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. It has a straight branched stem reaching one and a half meters in height. Inflorescence - a basket of red, orange or yellow. Outwardly it resembles . Flowering from June to September.

Did you know? Buddhist monks dye their robes with a dye extracted from carthamus, and in cosmetology, safflower oil is valued as softening and strengthening the skin.

Like many others on our list, this dried flower belongs to the Aster family. The stem is erect, grows up to 90 cm. The plant is perennial, but there is also an annual species. Small tube-shaped flowers form a spectacular spherical inflorescence up to 4 cm in diameter, various shades yellow color. Craspedia blooms in August and September.

Kermek (limonium)

This type of dried flower belongs to the lead family. Among the numerous representatives of this family, you can find both shrubs and herbaceous specimens, including both annual and perennial ones. The height of the plants, depending on the type and growth conditions, is from 30 to 1.3 m. This plant blooms from July until the end of autumn.
Externally, the inflorescences look very impressive - slightly wrinkled and elongated panicles of the most varied colors. They can be purple, green, yellow, white and pink.

Appearance, when proper care, resemble a colored cloud. A wild plant, broadleaf kermek, is also called tumbleweed, because in the fall, when strong wind Dry inflorescences often break off from the stem and roll across the steppe.

Although this Mediterranean plant is not yet a favorite among gardeners, it certainly looks elegant in its graceful simplicity. This variety of dried flower is ideal for rustic plantings and is also used for complex decisions landscape design. Catananche began to be cultivated in Europe in the 16th century.

The plant has only 5 species. The most popular variety has a pale blue flower reminiscent of chicory. Catananche flowers can also be white, yellow and purple, depending on the species. The petals have jagged edges. The height of the erect stem is up to 60 cm.

May and June are the flowering time of this dried flower. But some varieties of catananche, for example, "Capids Dart", can bloom right up to frost. This plant is also a frost-resistant species; catananche bushes do not die even at temperatures as low as -30 °C. The information that the catananche lives only two years is erroneous. It’s just that this plant, after 2–3 years of flowering, partly loses its decorative effect and requires more frequent division than other perennials.

Briza (shaker)

This plant of the cereal family was described by the ancient Greek physician Galen, but in addition to useful healing properties it is often used in decorative interiors. "Cuckoo's Tears"- this is how people called this type of dried flower because of its unusual inflorescence, reminiscent of droplets (tears) on thin stems. A small breath of wind is enough for them to start swaying, which adds a certain flavor to the breeze.

Briza grows wild in Europe, Africa, western Asia, and also in South America. These are usually annual and perennial plants. The stems are thin and solitary, erect with branches at the bottom up to 80 cm high. The apical inflorescence is shaped like a spreading panicle from 3 to 20 cm long and consists of 20–50 spikelets. The spikelets are quite large, drooping, 10–25 mm long. The tear cones themselves round shape, ovoid, or triangular in shape. At the beginning of flowering they are green, eventually turning brownish-golden.


This dried flower has another name - "haretail", because of the fluffy inflorescence, which really resembles a hare’s tail. In stylized photos this plant looks especially impressive.

Lagurus is a cereal annual. It is approximately 50–60 cm in height. The plant blooms all summer; its fluffy white heads are often painted in different colors, making spectacular bouquets of them. Lagurus is very popular with children because of the original shape of the inflorescence and soft, fluff-like leaves.

This is an asteraceous or asteraceous plant with a bright, bitter, musky odor. Distributed throughout the northern hemisphere in temperate climatic zones. Tansy grows up to one and a half meters in height and has bright yellow inflorescences collected in baskets on strong, elastic dark green stems.

Important! Tansy is popular among gardeners not only as an ornamental plant, but also as a natural remedy against mosquitoes, flies and other unpleasant things. This dried flower is often used for medicinal purposes; it is not without reason that tansy is called another name - parasite. It must also be remembered that the fruits and inflorescences of tansy are moderately poisonous.

Features of growing dried flowers

As a rule, plants of this type are very unpretentious, and their cultivation is not difficult. Seeds are usually sown in March-April, in open ground plants are planted in the second half of May, some heat-loving species - in early June. Usually planted in a sunny area of ​​the flower garden. Most types of these flowers are drought-resistant and do not require additional watering. On the contrary, plants may suffer from waterlogged soil.

How to cut and dry flowers

The right dried flowers will lift your spirits on the darkest and harshest winter days. In principle, any flower can be dried, but dried flowers do not lose their shape when dried and retain their bright colors.

Dried flowers are collected in different periods, from spring to autumn, when flowers, according to the florist, acquire the most suitable look for a future winter bouquet. Flowers should be cut in dry weather, preferably late in the morning. Plants are harvested in large quantities in order to subsequently select the best specimens. In addition, dried flowers are very fragile and are easily damaged when composing an arrangement.
The easiest way to dry is natural. With this method, cut flowers are hung by the stems with the tops down. Drying is carried out in a dry, dark room - sun rays can change the colors of flowers for the worse.

Important! When dried, the colors that are best preserved are orange, pink, blue and purple. But the red flowers are darkening.

You can also dry the plant using cotton wool. To do this, use a box with a hole made in the bottom and a layer of cotton wool. The plant stem is threaded through the hole, the flower is covered with cotton wool, and the box is hung in a dark room.

Cut flower buds are often dried in small containers, covered with substances that absorb moisture well. Calcined fine sand or semolina are used as such substances.

A bouquet of dried flowers, depending on the prevailing shades, will first of all require an appropriate decorative vase. Thus, bouquets with a predominance of various shades of yellow go well with wooden or clay vases. If a florist creates a multi-color composition, then such work will look great in bright ceramics.

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