Atherosclerosis causes symptoms treatment principles prevention. Atherosclerosis of the renal arteries. Atherosclerosis of the main renal arteries

The basis vascular wall consists of muscle fibers, on the outside it is covered by the connective tissue adventitia membrane, on the inside by the endothelium, which, together with the underlying thin layer connective tissue forms the inner lining of the vessel - intima.

The endothelium has a barrier function and repels cellular elements, therefore intravascular thrombosis does not normally occur. If the intimal structure is disrupted, leukocytes migrate to the site of damage, and from bloodstream lipoproteins are deposited - the process of formation of atherosclerotic plaque begins.

Stress Research Shows Most Commonly Reported Triggers heart attack- emotionally disturbing events, especially if they are associated with anger. Drinking too much alcohol can damage the heart muscle and worsen other risk factors for atherosclerosis. Men should not drink more than two drinks per day, and women should not drink more than one drink per day.

Triglycerides High levels of fat, called. Unfortunately, some people lose this natural elasticity when their arteries become clogged. Smooth internal walls your arteries become rough, clogged and stiff when plaque builds up over time. In fact, clogged arteries indicate some disturbance in the blood flow, and excess plaque deposition can completely stop the blood flow in the organs of the affected body.

Causes and signs of atherosclerosis

There is no unified theory for the development of atherosclerotic lesions; however, most scientists and clinicians consider damage to the vascular endothelium and a decrease in its barrier function to be the trigger for plaque formation. The damaged area of ​​the inner lining of the artery becomes a target for atherogenic factors.

National Institutes of Health: Plaques form when certain substances that circulate in your blood become attached to the walls of your arteries. These substances include cholesterol, fatty acids, calcium, cellular debris and fibrin, which are responsible for blood clotting.

When plaque buildup begins to clog the arteries, the cells in the artery walls go through the process of multiplying. During this process, they are released additional substances, and the clogged arteries become even worse. When the plaques attached to the arteries burst, they trigger the blood clotting process and further worsen the clogged arteries. Usually clogged arteries are associated with cardiovascular problem, but can affect any part of your body.

Increased blood levels atherogenic lipoproteins low density also promotes the progression of atherosclerotic lesions. On initial stage the damaged intima is impregnated with lipoproteins - an atheromatous spot is formed - the initial stage of plaque formation.

Nonlinear blood flow is normally observed in places where arteries branch, but with their spasm and increased blood pressure, it can occur anywhere. In this case, create favorable conditions both for endothelial damage and lipoprotein deposition.

If moderate or severe, the symptoms of atherosclerosis depend on which arteries become clogged. Artery walls can collapse under the following circumstances. Known or unknown inflammatory infections and diseases such as arthritis.

  • Smoking or using tobacco in any form.
  • High levels of triglycerides in the blood.
  • High blood cholesterol levels.
  • High blood pressure.
  • High blood sugar.
According to American Association hearts.

Signs of vascular atherosclerosis in the arteries of the brain

The process of atherosclerosis and exact reasons remains to be discovered, but some researchers believe that the theory is that damage to the endothelial lining of the artery can trigger the process of atherosclerosis. Persistent hypertension, high level cholesterol or triglycerides and smoking are the three main things that can damage the endothelial layer of your artery walls.

Risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a polyetiological process. This means that for a lesion to occur, a combination of several unfavorable factors, not just one launcher.

In this case, they often talk not about the causes, but about the risk factors of the disease. These include:

  • Smoking– nicotine provokes vasospasm and negatively affects the barrier properties of the endothelium. Besides, chronic intoxication nicotine leads to a change in the ratio of atherogenic and non-atherogenic lipoproteins in peripheral blood what is additional reason plaque formation.
  • Poor nutrition, alcohol abuse and sedentary lifestyle life can lead to the causes of violation fat metabolism and obesity, and also provoke an increase in blood pressure. The combination of increased levels of low-density lipoproteins and high blood pressure gives impetus to the onset of atherogenesis.
  • Emotional overload in combination with reduced physical activity: stress reaction (preparing the body for intense physical activity). If this mechanism is not implemented, the effect of stress hormones is too long and causes endothelial damage.
  • Gender and age: female sex hormones prevent damage to the vascular wall, so atherosclerotic vascular damage in women more often occurs after menopause. In general, the likelihood of developing the disease increases with age.
  • Heredity: some features of the structure of the endothelium and fat metabolism, which are inherited, create favorable conditions for the formation atherosclerotic plaques.


Depending on which factor is primary, hemodynamic and metabolic forms of atherosclerosis are distinguished. In the first case, the primary vascular disorders(structural anomalies, inferiority of the endothelium,), in the second - metabolic disorders(increased levels of low-density lipoproteins, hyperglycemia).

Disease coronary artery: when the arteries that supply oxygenated blood And nutrients to your heart are clogged, you may gradually develop coronary heart disease such as angina and heart attacks. Diseases carotid artery: When the arteries that supply oxygenated blood and nutrients to the brain are clogged, you can develop carotid artery disease, which is indicated by symptoms such as transient ischemic attack or strokes. Disease peripheral artery: When the arteries that supply oxygenated blood and nutrients to your arms or legs become clogged, you may develop peripheral arterial disease and related circulatory problems. In some in rare cases Gangrene or tissue may occur due to poor circulation. Aneurysms: This serious complication, which can happen in any part of your body. Some people do not feel any symptoms associated with aneurysms, but others may suffer from uncontrollable throbbing and pain in the affected parts of the body. If this happens, you may need urgent medical care. National Health Service: Preventing a Heart Attack or Other serious consequences cardiovascular diseases should be the focus of any treatment of atherosclerosis.

Depending on the period of flow, three phases are distinguished:

  • The initial phase (preclinical) occurs without symptoms. Changes in the lining of blood vessels are already occurring, but they are not sufficient to disrupt the function of the organ or tissue. At this stage, atherosclerosis can be detected by laboratory indicators, therefore a biochemical blood test for lipoprotein content is included in the list of studies required when undergoing a preventive medical examination.
  • The phase of advanced clinical manifestations, which, in turn, is divided into:
    • ischemic– the formed plaque partially blocks the lumen of the vessel, and the blood supply to the tissue suffers; at increased load ischemic lesion becomes apparent; in relation to coronary vessels- This ;
    • trombonecrotic– an overgrown atheromatous plaque is easily injured, provoking vessel thrombosis, while the blood supply to the tissue completely stops, and it can become necrotic; An example of clinical manifestations at this stage is either dry gangrene or mesenteric thrombosis.
  • The sclerotic stage is characterized by persistent narrowing of blood vessels and gradual connective tissue degeneration of tissue, for example, cerebro- or cardiosclerosis.

Depending on the activity of the atherosclerotic process, the following are distinguished:

  • progressive atherosclerosis – the formation of new or growth of existing atheromatous plaques continues, gradually worsening clinical manifestations, the risk of complications is high;
  • stabilized atherosclerosis – the development and formation of new plaques is suspended, clinical manifestations remain unchanged or regress, the risk of complications is low;
  • regressive atherosclerosis – clinical symptoms declining, improving general condition and laboratory blood parameters.

What are the main symptoms of atherosclerosis?

Diagnostics and examination

If you take statins to lower your cholesterol on a regular basis, take blood pressure medications or make some lifestyle changes to help you live more healthy life, the focus is always on maintaining controllability and preventing atherosclerosis to the extent it could cause serious problems with health.

IN difficult cases surgeons perform bypass surgery to create another oxygenated passage of blood by harvesting blood vessels from the leg or chest. However, these methods do not provide any protection against future attacks. Surgical procedures are invasive, risky and expensive. Its success depends on the symptoms and limitations of atherosclerosis.

On initial stages the formation of an atherosclerotic plaque is asymptomatic, and vascular patency disorders are not so strong as to cause clinical manifestations.

Circulatory disorders in tissues begin at the stage of plaque fibrosis and calcification, and signs of atherosclerosis are determined by the location of the lesion:

Natural remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis

However, if you are experiencing lung symptoms or mild atherosclerosis, natural alternatives may be more effective in managing your life. Actually, natural remedies for the treatment of atherosclerosis can lower cholesterol and blood pressure without causing side effects, but you should consult your doctor before starting these remedies for atherosclerosis.

We have several research alternatives and have found the following natural remedies for atherosclerosis to be very effective in unblocking arteries by lowering blood pressure and restoring cholesterol levels. If you are not completely satisfied - for any reason - return the product to them within 1 year for a full refund less shipping costs.

  • atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries manifests itself as chronic headache, memory impairment, decreased mental performance and concentration; progression of the process can lead to personal changes and mental disorders; a typical complication that occurs when the lumen of the vessel is completely closed -;
  • atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries leads to the development coronary disease hearts; clinically it manifests itself in the form of attacks severe pain behind the sternum in the heart area after physical or emotional stress, as well as a decrease physical performance; the plaque can completely block the lumen of the coronary artery or provoke its thrombosis - in this case it will develop;
  • atherosclerosis of arteries abdominal cavity leads to partial or complete ischemia of the mesentery and intestines; in the first case, pain after eating, bloating and stool disturbances occur; in the second case, acute thrombosis mesenteric vessels - a condition requiring emergency surgical care;
  • atherosclerosis of the aorta manifests itself chronically arterial hypertension; at long term an aortic aneurysm may occur.


Based on patient complaints and changes identified during clinical examination, the doctor may suspect the presence of atherosclerosis. To clarify and confirm the diagnosis, laboratory and instrumental studies are prescribed:

Duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic arteries

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The best treatment for clogged arteries

Why not #1? You may use this add-on for support purposes only. cardiovascular system and optimal condition of the artery. Smoking Alcohol and alcoholic drinks Unbalanced diet High cholesterol High blood pressure Diabetes Belly fat Stress Sedentary lifestyle.

Causes of atherosclerosis, an important cause of myocardial infarction

The risk of decreased arterial narrowing increases with age, hypertension, smoking, rich diet, lack of exercise, diabetes. The diameter of our arteries can be reduced to the point of obstruction, due to inflammation favored by excess cholesterol and sugar: atherosclerosis.

  • Biochemical analysis blood for cholesterol content. Using this method, it is determined as total cholesterol, and the ratio of high- and low-density lipoprotein levels. The latter have a high atherogenic potential, so an increase in their level, especially in combination with a decrease in lipoprotein levels high density, indicates the active course of the atherosclerotic process.
  • X-ray research methods. Radiography chest carried out if atherosclerosis of the aorta is suspected; it can be used to judge the degree of its deformation and the presence of calcifications. To research more small vessels Angiography is used (coronary angiography, cerebral vasography) - obtaining a series of radiographs after intravascular injection of a radiopaque substance. Using this study, you can see the location and size of plaques, as well as assess the degree of narrowing of the lumen of the vessel.
  • Ultrasound More often used to study the vessels of the extremities, it can also be used to identify the presence of plaques and assess the degree of narrowing of the vessel.

Treatment of atherosclerosis

Treatment of atherosclerosis in mandatory includes lifestyle correction and control of the course of concomitant diseases (, diabetes mellitus). If this is not enough, medication is prescribed.

Causes and risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis

All these elements contribute to what is called atherosclerosis, a process that lasts several decades and can be established as a teenager. White blood cells act as waste collectors. It all starts with inflammation in the inner layer of the arteries. In response to various and varied attacks, due to the presence of certain microbes, lack of oxygen and excess cholesterol or sugar, the cells lining inner part blood vessels require the help of leukocytes circulating in the blood.

If the vessels of the extremities, heart or mesenteric vessels are damaged, it is possible to restore their patency surgically.

Non-drug treatment of atherosclerosis

  • Diet with low content cholesterol. The best option counts Mediterranean diet. Recommended use olive oil, fish and seafood, greens, fresh vegetables and fruits. Fatty meats are excluded from meat dishes recommended chicken fillet and lean beef.
  • Rational physical activity helps normalize vascular tone, is the best prevention obesity and arterial hypertension.
  • Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, minimizing stressful situations. It is very important to learn how to cope with stress without the use of medications and psychoactive substances.
  • Lifestyle correction is the basis of atherosclerosis therapy, without which no drugs or surgical methods will be effective. For treatment, medications are used that interfere with the absorption of cholesterol into digestive tract or accelerating its breakdown. The selection of the drug and dose should be carried out by a doctor.

Therefore, its activation causes a series of inflammatory reactions, until she completely buys the arteries. By first adhering to the wall of blood vessels and infiltrating, these white blood cells, called macrophages, act as waste collectors and cleanse the arteries. But if they have too much work to do, they cannot resist it. With the help of another category of white blood cells, lymphocytes, they then begin to release molecules that support inflammation and create damage. These are atheroma plaques.

Cholesterol: your frequently asked questions. And the time has come for the muscle cells to migrate, from the outside to the inside of the artery wall, where they release clusters of fibers. IN normal times this wall and white blood cells absorb cholesterol in the form of droplets. But beyond a certain threshold, fat eventually accumulates and fibers secreted muscle cells, overlap. Thus, the resulting sediment reduces the calibration of the arteries and impairs blood circulation, which is already the source of disorders such as chest pain.

Surgical treatment

  • Removal of the affected vessel, if the blood supply can be restored due to the compensatory development of collaterals. Most often these are arteries of the limbs of medium caliber. Remove the affected vessel when high risk thrombosis, thrombus rupture and related complications.
  • Balloon angioplasty or coronary stenting is used in case of damage to the vessels of the heart, in order to restore blood supply to the heart muscle when the lumen of the feeding artery is critically narrowed.


The only one reliable way prevention of atherosclerotic vascular damage is healthy image life. Studies have shown that the first cholesterol stains can appear on the walls of blood vessels as early as childhood Therefore, prevention should begin from childhood.

But another danger threatens like the sword of Damocles: the instability of the plate, which can break and lose itself. The higher the body fat ratio, the more unstable the atheroma plate is. So many of the fibers that support it are attacked by white blood cells. The weakening pieces can then coagulate and form clots that stay in place or move around.

In the hope that an increasingly refined understanding of these inflammatory mechanisms will open the way to new treatments, we already have drugs that act on atherosclerotic plaque and blood fluidity. But nothing can replace the basic prevention that occurs in balanced diet, physical exercise And complete absence tobacco

Complications with already developed atherosclerosis can be prevented if you take prescribed medications and follow the recommendations of your doctor. If there are concomitant diseases, their treatment is also a mandatory measure in the prevention of complications.

Prognosis for atherosclerosis

Subject to lifestyle correction, smoking cessation and timely treatment the prognosis is favorable: stabilization and even regression of the atherosclerotic process is quite possible. Regression of atherosclerosis is possible only at the initial, preclinical stage. If any of the main symptoms of atherosclerosis have already appeared, maintenance treatment will be lifelong.

Atherosclerosis can be avoided by controlling risk factors - high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, smoking, obesity and sedentary life, i.e. Depending on a person's risk factor, prevention includes lowering blood cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, quitting smoking, losing weight, or starting an exercise program.

Avoiding foods that produce high blood cholesterol and eating cholesterol without food are habits that help control blood cholesterol levels. Practicing exercise can lead to weight loss, which in turn helps lower blood cholesterol levels.

If treatment is refused and risk factors persist, the likelihood of complications becomes extremely high. In this case, the prognosis for both the health and life of the patient is unfavorable.

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- this is one of the serious and dangerous chronic diseases heart vessels And brain, in which single or multiple foci are formed cholesterol And lipid sediments , original atheromatous plaques , consisting of calcium and connective tissue in the inner lining of the arteries.

Quitting smoking helps lower blood cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Atherosclerosis is general term for the degenerative process of the artery wall, which leads to hardening and thickening of the arteries. Due to decreased elasticity of the arterial wall, systolic blood pressure increases. blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure decreases. It is almost universal in old age and predominates in men, as women divert blood fats to produce estrogen.

What can your doctor do?

This main reason death in the Western world. Uneven inner surface artery with atherosclerosis predisposes to blood clotting in this area with acute arterial obstruction leading suddenly to a lack of blood for all tissues supplied by this artery, which enter ischemia or necrosis. For this reason, and depending on the artery affected, the first sign of atherosclerosis may be death.

An artery whose wall is damaged becomes less elastic and, as a result, becomes denser. Gradually growing connective tissue and calcification lead to deformation and significant narrowing of the lumen between the walls of the artery up to its complete blockage, thereby causing a chronic lack of blood supply and organ ischemia, which feeds through the affected artery. Acute arterial blockage is also possible blood clots or contents from the disintegrated substance of an atheromatous plaque, which causes complications of atherosclerosis, leading to the formation of necrosis ( heart attack ) or in an organ supplied by an artery.

General damage to all arteries organism is quite rare. Very often observed blockage of blood vessels certain organs: brain and heart, lower limbs or kidneys. The progression of atherosclerosis is expressed in the fact that with intense functional load the blood flow to the organ is insufficient. This leads to unpleasant sensations from the organ. The clinical picture of the disease varies depending on the location and distribution of the affected arteries. Atherosclerosis has chronic course and is the reason disability and even premature death.

Predisposes to atherosclerosis, increased level neuropsychic stress, high performance cholesterol levels unhealthy image life, insufficient motor activity, smoking, etc. Middle age, in which atherosclerosis most often affects human body from 40 to 45 years. Men are susceptible to atherosclerosis 3, and sometimes 4 times. more often than women, this is due to the fact that the prevention of atherosclerosis in the stronger sex is often not taken seriously. In particular, men continue to smoke and drink alcohol, despite the threat of the disease.

Symptoms of atherosclerosis

Like any disease, atherosclerosis has its main signs by which the disease can be recognized. Symptoms of atherosclerosis can be varied. It all depends on the degree and location of damage to a particular vessel. Damaged blood vessels in the brain lead to insufficient blood supply and, as a consequence, to a deterioration in its functions. The first symptom in this case is decreased memory for recent events. Diagnosis of atherosclerosis in this development of events shows irreversible changes.

Further observed emotional instability and gradual decreased intelligence. Very often, patients complain of a feeling of pulsation and “noise” in the head. All other symptoms of atherosclerosis depend to a greater extent on which part of the brain is affected. Atherosclerosis affecting the vessels of the brain very often becomes the main cause ischemic .

Complications of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerotic lesion of the aorta appears gradually increasing arterial hypertension, noises appearing in front of the abdominal aorta in the ascending direction. A complication in this case is insufficient blood supply to the brain and, as a consequence, fainting , strokes . Threatening to the life of the patient is dissecting aortic hematoma . The disease manifests itself as an attack of pain in the chest or abdominal cavity. All symptoms of acute blood loss occur. The most common and life-threatening complication of aortic atherosclerosis is characterized by a sudden rupture with bleeding in chest cavity or into the abdominal space, leading to fatal outcome. Aneurysm thoracic aorta manifested by hoarseness of voice, rough systolic murmurs,.

No or few symptoms indicate an aortic aneurysm abdominal region most dangerous to the patient's life.

Atherosclerotic lesion mesenteric arteries , which nourish the intestines, manifests itself the following symptoms:

  • Attacks of colic-like abdominal pain ( abdominal toad ), often with bloating and vomiting, which most often occurs after eating.
  • arterial arteries with necrosis of the wall of the mesentery and intestine.

Atherosclerotic damage to the arteries and vessels of the lower extremities is characterized by the following symptoms: chilliness of the legs, pain in the calves that occurs when walking, and deformation of the nails, weakening of the pulsation of the arteries, development dry gangrene .

Atherosclerosis of the renal artery manifests itself chronic failure blood circulation (ischemia) of the kidney, nephrosclerosis and chronic renal failure. Renal artery thrombosis manifests itself acutely kidney pain, pain when and when tapping lumbar region from the formed thrombosis.

Regardless of the location of atherosclerotic lesions, two types of complications are distinguished. Chronic and acute. TO chronic complications include chronic vascular insufficiency, which is accompanied hypoxia , atrophic and dystrophic changes in the affected organ. Acute complications, most often caused by the occurrence of blood clots, emboli and vascular spasms, in such cases, immediate treatment of atherosclerosis and its complications is required. Acute occlusion , accompanied acute ischemia, leads to the development of heart attacks.

Diagnosis of atherosclerosis

At the first manifestations of atherosclerosis, you must immediately consult a doctor and undergo a mandatory examination. Very often, atherosclerosis develops unnoticed over a period of time. long period. General direction Diagnosis of atherosclerosis generally looks like this:

  • interviewing the patient to find out the symptoms - coronary heart disease, signs of cerebral circulatory disorders, abdominal pain,;
  • Examination of the patient. Includes identifying signs premature aging body. Pay attention to following signs: hair loss, as well as changes in the nail plates on the toes, excessive growth hair in ears and a number of other signs of damage internal organs. This is followed by listening to the internal organs and palpating all accessible arteries. Analysis of identified systolic murmur at the moment of listening to the heart, increasing blood pressure.
  • Determination of risk factors contributing to atherosclerosis. Detection of hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, nervous stress, presence bad habits or other factors that directly affect the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Laboratory and instrumental diagnostics atherosclerosis. Laboratory assessment fatty (lipid) changes in the body. ECHO-cardiography . Ultrasound scanning vessels of the head, neck and lower extremities. Electrocardiography .

Treatment of atherosclerosis

Treatment of atherosclerosis is usually a long process. The treatment regimen, which lasts at least 6 months, includes several components. Reception hypolipidemic drugs , which reduce blood lipid levels, improve tissue oxygenation, improve blood rheology and increase the elasticity of vessel walls. Development special diet in order to reduce the patient's cholesterol level. Stop smoking, as nicotine impairs blood circulation and promotes thrombosis. Taking medications that reduce the risk of thrombosis.

The presence of atherosclerotic plaques, which prevent normal blood supply to organs, determines the use of surgical methods treatment of atherosclerosis. Surgically the damaged area is removed blood vessel, blood clot, and vascular prosthetics is also performed. This method is used to treat atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries of the lower extremities, internal organs and coronary heart arteries.

Prevention of atherosclerosis

Prevention of atherosclerosis consists of eliminating the largest number risk factors and lifestyle changes. Categorical cessation of smoking, fight against obesity, increase physical activity, elimination of stressful situations. Studies have shown that eliminating one factor contributing to the development of atherosclerosis reduces the risk of developing the disease by half. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle will help avoid diseases such as atherosclerosis.



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