6 rules of niche health. About the benefits of contrasting water procedures

In the East it is believed that only God can heal himself. The Japanese Katsuzo Nishi not only coped with his illnesses, but also developed a health system that prolongs youth.

The Health System of Japanese professor Katsuzo Nishi is based on six rules. They are effective and accessible to everyone.

Find your own source of truth in yourself - and the world that seemed dark and confusing to you will gain brightness and transparency; and there will be no secret labyrinths of adversity and problems, there will be only health and joy.

“To my deep regret, your son will not live to see 10 years old,” the doctor looked sadly at the boy’s parents. Mother and father froze in shock. There was no reason not to believe the doctor - in Tokyo they knew him well, they did not doubt his conclusions. And yet, this time the venerable specialist was wrong. No, not in the diagnosis. Intestinal tuberculosis and lymphatic inflammation apex of the lung... Anyone would have given up. He was wrong in his forecast. The young man whom he had just sentenced would live 75 years (from 1884 to 1959), become a major engineer, professor and become famous throughout the world by developing his own Health System. The Japanese government will even award him the title of “National Treasure.” But that will come later. In the meantime... In the meantime, Katsudzo Nishi began to read books. Studied works on medicine, anatomy, physiology, psychology, philosophy, mastered the practice different religions. How many books on the topic of health has he read? The pedantic Japanese counted their number: it turned out to be over 10 thousand volumes. Nishi studied and tested on himself the healing systems ever practiced in different countries. As a result, he not only overcame the disease. He created a System, the essence of which is life according to the laws of nature.

“The health system is not my invention,” Professor Nishi modestly admitted in his declining years. - I just selected the best and effective methods of all that were already available."

“I look at the human body not from the side of disease, but from the side of health,” wrote Nishi. He considered it absurd to view a person as a collection of unrelated organs that can be treated separately. Drug therapy Nishi was completely rejected. He was convinced: chief physician- these are the healing powers within us. " With a magic wand", multiplying them and eliminating any disturbances in the body, were the six rules formulated by Nishi. The six rules of the Nishi system include two recommendations and four complex exercises.


“It’s no coincidence that they say, if you have many diseases, treat your spine,” writes Katsudzo Nishi. He advised never to forget about posture. You must constantly control yourself: keep your back and shoulders straight, and your stomach taut. However, we spend a third of our lives sleeping, and this time can be used not only for rest, but also for correcting posture. Therefore, the bed should be level and firm.


Nishi recalls a Japanese proverb: “A crooked neck is a sign short life" A large and soft pillow makes cervical vertebrae suffer, but the hard one brings them back to normal, helps with headaches, diseases of the nasopharynx and eyes, and strengthens the spine.


This exercise, like all others, must be performed daily: morning and evening. It improves posture and increases blood circulation. Lie on your back on a hard, flat surface with your arms extended above your head and your toes pointing up. Several times alternately, counting to seven, stretch the spine: first with the heel right leg crawl forward along the floor, and simultaneously stretch your arms in the opposite direction. Then do the same with the heel of your left foot. After this, place your palms under your neck and pull your toes towards you. In this position, wriggle like a fish with your whole body left and right (but not up and down) - 2 minutes.


The Japanese scientist believed that capillary diseases are the basis of most human ailments. Of all the vessels, capillaries are the first to become clogged. This means that blood cannot reach every cell in the body. How to help capillaries in their difficult work? Vibrate! Morning and evening! Vibration improves blood flow in the arms and legs—and throughout the body. Lie on your back with a cushion under your neck and lift your arms and legs up so that your feet are parallel to the floor. Shake your arms and legs for 1-3 minutes.


This exercise improves blood supply to tissues, muscle and nerve function, internal organs. Katsuzo Nishi writes that doing it every day for 4 minutes has made childbirth easier for many pregnant women. Two of them were his clients: one was prescribed by doctors C-section because of narrow pelvis, the other had a transverse presentation. Both did an excellent job without the participation of surgeons

Preparatory part. Lie on your back, place a cushion under your neck. Close your palms and feet, keeping your knees apart. Press the pads of your fingers against each other 10 times. Then alternately squeeze your fingertips and palms 10 times. Straighten your clasped hands, place them behind your head and slowly move them over your face to your waist, with your fingers pointing towards your head, 10 times. Turn your fingers towards your feet and move them from the groin to the navel, 10 times. Extend your arms with clasped palms above you and bring them over your body, as if cutting the air with an ax, 10 times. Stretch your arms up and down to failure, 10 times. Place your palms over solar plexus, move your closed feet back and forth, approximately 1-1.5 foot lengths, 10 times. After this, move your palms and feet at the same time, trying to stretch the vertebrae, 10-60 times.

Main part. Without opening your feet and palms, close your eyes and stay in this position for 10-15 minutes. Your fingers should point to the ceiling.


In the sixth health rule of the Katsuzo Nishi System, movements of the back and abdomen are combined with self-hypnosis. Exercise coordinates the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, restores the acid-base balance of the body. And it just sets you up for health. Sit on your knees with your pelvis resting on your heels. Straighten your spine, keeping your balance on your tailbone.

Intermediate exercise. Perform it after each of the six preparatory exercises, once on each side. Extend your arms in front of your chest parallel to each other. Turn your head to the left, look over your shoulder, trying to see your tailbone. Imagine a golden glowing ball the size of an orange at the level of your tailbone and mentally roll it up your back, trying to feel its gentle healing touch with every vertebra. Return your head to the starting position and repeat on the other side. After this, raise your arms above your head and quickly do the same exercise again.

Preparatory exercises. Raise and lower your shoulders 10 times. Tilt your head to the right and left, 10 times in each direction. Tilt your head back and forth 10 times. Tilt your head right and back and left and back, 10 times to each shoulder. Tilt your head to the right, then slowly roll back towards your spine. Repeat on the other side. 10 times to each shoulder. Bend your elbows at right angles, spread them to the sides and clench your hands into fists. Tilt your head back so that your chin points to the ceiling. Counting to seven, move your elbows back, trying to connect them behind your back. Pull your chin towards the ceiling. Do it 10 times.

Basic exercise. Rock left and right while moving your stomach back and forth for 10 minutes. While doing the exercises, say to yourself: “I feel good, and every day it will get better and better. Every cell of my body is renewed. The blood becomes fresh, clean, healthy. The skin and blood vessels become elastic, elastic, the bones become strong, and the joints become flexible. All systems and organs work great. I am becoming healthier, smarter, kinder, more useful to people and myself. I feel good, and every day it will get better and better.”

Katsuzo Nishi advised starting to exercise today and referred to the truth beloved by samurai: “Yesterday and tomorrow do not exist. We only have what is happening now.”

Food of the enlightened. Nishi chose for himself and offers us macrobiotics. It is according to the principles of macrobiotics that menus have been compiled in Japanese Zen Buddhist monasteries for several millennia. Buddhists believe that such food improves consciousness. Its basis is natural plant products.


From 50-60% daily diet consists of cereals: rice, rye, millet and buckwheat. Not by chance Japanese character, denoting peace and harmony, has another meaning - “to eat grains.”

From 20-30% - vegetables and fruits. It is better to eat them fresh and with the skin on. Well, if you cook and stew, then use water.

From 5% - a mixture of vegetables and cereals.

From 5% - legumes and algae.

Macrobiotics does not involve abstaining from food of animal origin. But you need to use it occasionally and little by little. Fish is preferable to meat. Meat from wild animals is preferable to meat from domestic animals. All food should be chewed thoroughly: while we feel the taste, we absorb the energy of nature.

Method of “repairing” metabolism. How to cure yourself once and for all Tatyana Litvinova

Six rules of health by Katsuzo Nishi


What are Nisha's Six Golden Rules of Health?

1. Hard bed.

2. Firm cushion.

3. Exercise " Goldfish"(nutrition of the spine).

4. Exercise for capillaries.

5. Exercise “Closing the feet and palms.”

6. Exercise for the back and abdomen.

In her book “Say Goodbye to Diseases,” Maya Gogulan describes in detail each of the six rules of Nisha.

hard bed necessary to ensure that the body weight is distributed evenly, the muscles are relaxed as much as possible, then during sleep the body itself corrects subluxations and curvatures of the spine, which inevitably accumulate during the day, corrects posture, improves performance nervous system, blood supply to the brain, functioning of internal organs. It has a particularly good effect on increasing liver activity ( harmful substances, which accumulated during the day, are well removed from the body, the intestines are freed from constipation). A firm bed helps the entire body heal itself overnight.

Firm cushion. Nishi in his book recommends using a bolster pillow: “...You lie flat and place your neck on the pillow so that the third and fourth cervical vertebrae are literally resting on it. Needless to say, those who are not used to such a pillow will experience pain. In this case, you can put either a towel or a piece of soft cloth on it. However, you need to remember: you need to remove this fabric from time to time and gradually try to get used to the hard pillow. Thus, through certain time you will get used to it and sleep comfortably without any softener.” A hard pillow has an excellent effect on the functioning of the nasal septum - any inflammatory processes they go away, and since the condition of the nasal septum affects the condition of a number of internal organs, their functioning improves. In addition, when using a hard pillow, it stimulates cerebral circulation- and this is the prevention of atherosclerosis. And finally, if you sleep on a hard pillow, osteochondrosis cervicothoracic region spine will not become your problem. Soft traditional pillows contribute to neck curvature. There has long been a proverb in Japan: “A crooked neck is a sign of a short life.” Nishi recommends making the pillow out of wood. Maya Gogulan offers a softened option: a pillow made of cotton wool. “This is a cushion, the middle of which is filled with cotton wool, and on top of the cushion is covered with a horsehair mattress... It is even better if the hard pillow is filled with pebbles, since due to weak ventilation its temperature will remain constant.” You need to be prepared for the fact that in the first weeks of sleeping on a hard pillow, unpleasant and even painful sensations. They must be endured. The “Goldfish” exercise will help with this.

Exercise "Goldfish" works to eliminate any disorders in the spine. Starting position: lie on your back face up on a flat bed or on the floor, throw your arms behind your head, extending them to their full length, extend your legs too, place your feet on the heel perpendicular to the floor, pull your toes towards your face. Stretch several times, as if stretching the spine different sides: crawl forward along the floor with the heel of your right foot, and simultaneously stretch in the opposite direction with both outstretched arms. Then do the same with the heel of your left foot (stretch your heel forward, stretch with both hands in the opposite direction). Repeat this alternately 5-7 times with each heel and both hands. Then place your palms under the cervical vertebrae, connect your legs, and pull the toes of both feet towards your face. In this position, begin rapid vibrations, like a fish wriggling in the water. Vibrations are performed from right to left for 1–2 minutes. This exercise should be done every day in the morning and evening. In this case, the elongated spine should lie motionless; only the feet, standing perpendicular to the body, and the back of the head oscillate from right to left. What does this exercise do? By correcting the curvature of the vertebrae, this exercise thereby eliminates overstrain of the spinal nerves, trains ligaments, normalizes blood circulation, the functioning of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, liver and kidneys. The “Goldfish” exercise also promotes pulsation of the veins and improves intestinal function.

Exercise for capillaries. Starting position: lie on your back on a hard and flat surface, place a hard cushion pillow under your cervical vertebrae. Then raise both arms and legs up so that the soles of your feet are parallel to the floor. Performing the exercise: in this position, shake both arms and legs for 1–3 minutes. In the upper and lower limbs there is a huge number of capillaries. When shaking your arms and legs, additional vibration occurs in the capillaries, which contributes to increased contractions and more active pushing of blood. This improves blood circulation throughout the body.

Exercise “Closing the feet and palms.” Starting position: lie on your back on the floor or a hard, flat bed, put a hard cushion under your neck, close your feet and palms and spread your knees.


1) press the fingertips of both palms against each other (10 times);

2) press with the pads of your fingers, and then on the entire palm with your left and right hand(10 times);

3) press both closed palms (10 times);

4) extend your arms with tightly closed palms to their full length, throw them behind your head, then move them slowly over your face to your waist, as if cutting the body in half, with the fingers of your palms pointing forward (toward your head). Do this back and forth 10 times;

5) then turn the fingers of your closed palms towards your legs and move them, as if cutting your body in half, but from the bottom up - from the pubis to the navel (10 times);

6) bring the closed palms of your hands over the body, as if cutting through the air with an “axe”, stretch your arms as far as possible (10 times);

7) extend your arms to their full length with your palms closed up and down (10 times);

8) place your palms tightly closed on your chest above the solar plexus and move your closed feet 1–1.5 times the length of your feet back and forth, not allowing them to open (10 times);

9) move your closed palms and feet back and forth simultaneously, as if wanting to stretch the vertebrae (from 10 to 61 times).

Execution: after the preliminary exercises, place the closed palms of the hands on the chest perpendicular to the body (like an antenna), remaining in a “lying lotus” position, then proceed to the main part of the exercise.

Main part of the exercise: close your eyes, remaining calm in this position for 5–10 minutes. The body position is reminiscent of the Lotus pose in yoga, but in a lying position, with the feet closed and the knees turned out as much as possible. What does this exercise do? It coordinates the work of muscles, nerves, blood vessels of the right and left halves of the body, significantly improves the functioning of the adrenal glands, genitals, large intestine, and kidneys.

Exercise for the back and abdomen

Starting position: sit on the floor on your knees; pelvis on the heels (you can also “Turkish style”). The spine should be completely straight (“like a yardstick swallowed”). Leaning your whole body on your legs, do not deviate either to the left or to the right, neither forward nor backward. Ears directly above the shoulders, tongue touching the roof of the mouth, lips pursed tightly, eyes wide open, easy breathing and calm. When the pose is fixed in this way, do deep breath and start first with the preparatory part of the exercise.

Preparatory part of the exercise for the back and abdomen.

1) Raise your shoulders as high as possible, then lower them (10 times).

Intermediate exercise:

a) extend your arms in front of your chest parallel to each other and quickly look back through left shoulder, looking at the tailbone, then mentally look from the tailbone up the spine to the cervical vertebrae, put your head straight and just as quickly look back through right shoulder at the tailbone, look along the spine up to the cervical vertebrae;

b) raise your arms up parallel to each other, stretch up and quickly do the same as in intermediate exercise “a” (one time over each shoulder).

Intermediate exercises should be repeated after each of the next 6 exercises, once in each direction.

2) Tilt your head to the right and return to the starting position - straight (10 times), then the same - to the left (10 times).

3) Tilt your head all the way forward (10 times) and back (10 times), and place it straight.

4) Turn your head to the right and back (10 times), then to the left and back (10 times).

5) Tilt your head to the right ( right ear pull to the right shoulder), then, slowly stretching your neck to the fullest, roll your head back to the spine (check if your head is thrown back “all the way”), then 10 times to each shoulder.

6) Raise your arms up parallel to each other, then bend your elbows at a right angle, clench your hands into fists, tilt your head back “all the way” so that your chin looks at the ceiling. In this position, on the count of “7,” pull your elbows back, keeping your bent arms at shoulder level, as if wanting to bring them together behind your back, and at the same time pull your chin toward the ceiling, as if trying to reach it (10 times).

Main part of the exercise. After the preparatory part of the exercise for the back and abdomen, you need to relax for a while, then check your posture and proceed to the main part.

Having straightened your body, balancing its weight on your tailbone, begin to sway left and right, while moving your stomach back and forth, for 10 minutes every morning and every evening. At the same time, say out loud: “I feel good, every day I will get better, better, better and better. Every cell of my body is renewed; the blood becomes fresh, clean, healthy; glands internal secretion work great; muscles, skin, blood vessels become elastic, elastic, healthy, clean, renewed; bones - strong, joints - flexible, mobile; all organs and systems obey the work of the brain; the brain functions perfectly - the brain perfectly controls the functioning of all organs and systems; all organs and systems work wonderfully. I am becoming healthier, smarter, kinder, wiser, capable of great creative deeds, useful people and to myself. I feel good, and every day I will get better and better and better and better.”

What does this exercise do? “I feel the way I think about myself” - this is the truth that lies at the basis of treatment by suggestion. That is why in the exercise for the back and abdomen, it is recommended to simultaneously move the spine and abdomen using suggestion. This sets acid-base balance, blood circulation improves, enzyme function is preserved, physiological regulation is achieved physical condition, coordination of the work of the brain, external and internal nervous systems is established, the spiritual strength of the body is created, and the work of nerves, muscles, blood vessels throughout the body.

Nutrition rules from Maya Gogulan

Nutrition rules from Maya Gogulan are based on the doctrine of rational nutrition Herbert Shelton (Shelton’s theory of nutrition is described in detail in third section of the third chapter).

Gogulan concentrates the technique reasonable nutrition into three main principles:

Be sure to drink plenty of water.

Anything that can be eaten raw should be eaten raw. Eat raw food more than boiled (in a ratio of 3:1).

Observe product compatibility. (The product compatibility table is given in the third section of the third chapter.)

Laws healthy eating Maya Gogulan (from the book “Say Goodbye to Diseases”):

We are nourished by the sun, air, water and food.

The body must be in a state of balance between cell renewal and cell destruction. An imbalance leads to metabolic disorders. Like the body as a whole, each cell depends on nutrition.

It is necessary to exclude everything harmful from food - for example, refined foods, medications, stimulants.

Calories have nothing to do with health. You can eat high-calorie foods and be sick. The essence of nutrition should be the completeness of food: the presence in it of the “building elements” of a living cell - amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, microelements, vitamins, hormones, enzymes (enzymes), fiber.

Food should: give us the energy of Life; cleanse the body; restore; form vital cells; create acid-base balance; bring positive emotions. Only plants meet all the listed requirements (fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, berries, grains, roots, leaves).

basis good nutrition are nuts and seeds, honey, fruits and vegetables (and their juices), fermented milk products, cottage cheese.

The body needs fiber, which contains natural fibers. Fiber is found in raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and bran bread.

You need to drink up to three liters of water per day - or replace the water with an infusion of raspberry, black currant, or rose hip leaves.

Salt should be eliminated completely, replacing it with onions, garlic, horseradish, celery, parsley, and dill. It is necessary to include foods rich in potassium salts in the diet: spinach, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, parsley, garlic, black currants, cabbage, tomatoes, legumes.

Must be observed natural cycles vital functions of the body and digestion: from noon to 8 pm - reception (eating and digestion), from 8 pm to 4 am - assimilation (absorption and use), from 4 am to noon - waste removal (self-purification). During last cycle It is better not to eat at all or to eat fruit (and drink fruit juices).

Systematically follow the principles of cleansing the body (the rules for cleansing the body are given in the first section of the sixth chapter).

Maya Gogulan is convinced that any of us can radically change both the way we eat and the way we live in general, which will save us from diseases. Nishi system - how cornerstone health - is able to keep the bioenergetic level of our body in good shape, preventing the body from being destroyed, strengthening its immunity, setting it up for self-regulation and self-healing. Maya Gogulan says: "Wonderful naturopath Paul Bragg wrote: “To achieve happiness, you need to develop three habits: the habit of permanent health, the habit of constant work and the habit of constant learning...” So I will say, based on my own experience: these three habits were brought up in me by the Nisha health system.”

The Nisha health system is designed for any of us, not just trained people. All recommendations available in various teachings about breathing correctly, movement, massage, water therapy, nutrition in concentrated and at the same time in simple form embedded in this amazing system, aimed at normalizing the functioning of every cell of the body and every organ, which gives a wonderful result - sharp increase healing powers the whole organism as a whole.

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Six rules of health The first rule of health: a hard bed. If a person has many diseases, the cause must be sought in disorders of the spine. The spine is the basis of the skeletal, muscular and nervous systems; it performs very important functions in the body: 1. Load-bearing function.

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Katsuzo Nishi. Six “golden” rules of health Preface I was born weak child and throughout my childhood I was very often and very sick. The diagnosis that the doctors gave me was: intestinal tuberculosis and lymphatic inflammation of the apex of the lung, and one famous doctor carried out

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Six rules of health

Katsuzo Nishi is one of the most famous healers in Japan, who created personal experience six rules of health. Nishi believed that only he himself could cure a person if he wanted to. And there is irrefutable proof of this.

In his adolescence, Nishi received a diagnosis according to which he was not expected to live beyond the age of 20. Contrary to all scientific predictions, Katsuzo Nishi not only lived much longer than predicted, but also surprised everyone with his health even in old age.

The fundamental factor of the Nishi system is a good understanding of human physiology. The conclusions he made literally turned the world and its ideas about what illness is and how to achieve health using just a few simple manipulations with your body a day.
By the way, it will be said that six health rules from Nisha received wide publicity about 80 years ago. In our time, there are thousands of examples around the world in which seriously ill patients are cured of their illnesses, when doctors even throw up their hands in helplessness.

What you need to know before starting the exercises.

As you know, most of us have problems with the spine. Scoliosis and various curvatures are common. All this comes from correct posture. When a person slouches, his ligaments and muscles weaken and do not hold the vertebrae as tightly as they should, as a result of which they shift relative to themselves.

The golden rules of health by Katsudzo Nishi are aimed at developing correct posture with the help of simple exercises, swimming, proper nutrition to strengthen the vertebral systems, alternating wakefulness and sleep in a certain mode etc.

1. The first Golden Rule of Health is a FIRM BED.

A person spends one third of his life sleeping, so this time can be used not only for rest, but also for correcting posture. A flat and firm bed is important because in this case the weight is evenly distributed throughout the body and the muscles can completely relax. At the same time, only on such a bed is correction possible spinal column, which is in a curved state during the day during operation.

A hard bed stimulates skin activity, activates the work of skin venous vessels, prevents liver prolapse, and accelerates blood supply to the skin. All this provides sound sleep and a cheerful state after it.
Of course, you can sleep on the floor or on a piece of plywood, but the main thing to remember is that one of the important functions the bed is its ability to warm the human body from below, so when arranging your bed, take care of the correct placement of rigid structures.

In order to have a better sleep, it will be useful in the evening, about an hour before bedtime, to spend 20 minutes on fresh air. It is very convenient to take care of your health together with your loved one or friend.

2. The second Golden Rule of Health is a HARD PILLOW.

Most likely it’s not even a pillow, but a cushion-like pad for the head. It is best to use a wooden object for these purposes that is carefully adjusted to your parameters.
The bolster pillow must be of a certain size, which differs for each person. In simple terms, your new pillow should fill the hollow between the back of your head and scapular region, while the third and fourth cervical vertebrae will lie flat on a hard surface without bending. An example of a correct bed with a hard pillow and an incorrect one are shown in the figure.

Of course, it immediately becomes clear that such a pillow, out of habit, will cause a lot of inconvenience or even painful sensations, but all this is because we for a long time We got used to a different way of sleeping and now the correct one seems uncomfortable and wild to us. In order to soften discomfort, at first, the hard roller can be enveloped soft cloth, but remember, from time to time the fabric needs to be removed and thus gradually get rid of it. You need to get used to sleeping on the right pillow - this is the key to health.

3. The third Golden Rule of Health is the “GOLDFISH” EXERCISE.

This exercise affects the spinal nerves, relaxes them and relieves stress. Normalizes blood circulation, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, and stabilizes the functioning of the body's main systems, including the nervous system. Contributes proper operation intestines.

Starting position: lie on your back, naturally on a flat and hard surface, it can be a bed or the floor, throw your arms behind your head, legs stretched forward, stand on your heels, and pull your toes towards your face.

Technique for performing the exercise: first you need to stretch your body. We're reaching out right heel forward, and with your hands in the opposite direction, then do the same with your left heel. Then we put our hands under our heads, and without lifting our torso from the floor (making sure that our heels, hips and spine are pressed to the floor), we make wave-like movements like a fish from left to right (but not up and down - this is important condition) within 1−2 minutes.
It is recommended to perform this and subsequent exercises twice a day, morning and evening.

4. The fourth Golden Rule of Health is CAPILLARY EXERCISE.

The purpose of the exercise is to stimulate capillaries in organs, improve blood circulation throughout the body, movement and renewal of lymph. This exercise is good substitute running, because it allows you to remove the stress on your joints and heart, which is sometimes very important. If it is possible to perform it naked, then in addition to the above effects, you will also receive increased skin respiration, and this will lead to cleansing the body of toxins through the skin.

Starting position: lie on a hard base on your back, place the cushion we are already familiar with under your neck.

Execution technique: raise your legs up, point your feet so that they are parallel to the floor, raise your arms up too. In this position of your arms and legs, actively shake them for 1-3 minutes.

5. The fifth Golden Rule of Health is the “CLOSING PALM AND FEET” EXERCISE.

This exercise helps the forces of mind and body achieve balance, coordinating the functions of muscles, nerves and blood vessels. By doing it, we help the diaphragm work, which naturally improves blood circulation and reduces the load on the heart. This exercise is especially useful in the interaction of the muscles of the right and left sides of our body, which, in coordination, help the work of all internal organs. This exercise is especially useful to perform during pregnancy, as it promotes the favorable development of the fetus in the womb.

This exercise consists of two stages, preparatory and main parts.

Preparatory part of the exercise.

Starting position: lie on your back on a hard surface, place a cushion under your neck, then you need to close your feet and palms of your hands, spread your knees to the sides as shown in the figure.

Execution technique. In this position we will perform several different manipulations or movements, each of which must be repeated 10 times.
1. Without changing the position of the arms, legs and torso, simply press the fingertips against each other.
2. We begin to press the pads of our fingers on each other and continue pressing with the entire palm.
3. Firmly squeeze the surfaces of the palms completely
4. Extend your closed arms as far as possible behind your head and draw a line from behind your head to your waist, your fingers do not change position and “look” behind your head, keep your palms as close to your body as possible.
5. Turn the fingers of both hands so that they “look” at the feet and move them from the groin to the stomach.
6. We make movements similar to step 4, but now we don’t hold our hands close to the body, but do it at the maximum distance from the body, as if cutting through the air.
7. Stretch your arms up, bring them back, try to make the movement to its maximum length.
8. The hands remain closed above the solar plexus, and the feet move back and forth without opening the feet.
9. We combine the movements, moving the legs as indicated in paragraph 8, adding movements with the palms in a similar order.

The main part of the exercise.

Starting position: lie on your back, after completing point 9 of the preparatory part, palms are closed over the solar plexus, feet are closed, knees are spread apart.

Technique: close your eyes and lie down for 10-15 minutes without changing the position of your legs and arms.

6. The sixth Golden Rule of Health - EXERCISES FOR THE SPINE AND ABDOMEN.

One of the main components of a successful life using this method is faith in one’s strength. As they say, we are what we think about. If you set yourself up for a positive outcome and sacredly believe in the result, then it will not keep you waiting.

Exercise for the back and abdomen is intended specifically for those areas of our body in which the main vital energies, yes and important organs. It is useful for recovery acid-base balance in the body, promotes beneficial influence mental energy. It is divided into a preparatory part and a main part.

Starting position of the preparatory part: we sit on the floor on our knees, while lowering the pelvis onto the heels; if desired or more convenient, you can sit “Turkish”, do not forget to keep your back straight, hands resting on your knees. We perform all elements of the exercise 10 times in each direction.

1. This is a warm-up - we raise and lower our shoulders.
After the first element, perform intermediate steps; by the way, you will need to perform them after each of the elements of the preparatory part described below.
- stretch your arms forward in front of you, then look back sharply, as if trying to see your tailbone, then slowly move your gaze from your tailbone to your neck, of course you won’t be able to see your back - so do it mentally. Return your head to its original position and do the same manipulations only on the right side.
- perform the same actions, only now the arms are extended upward.
2. Tilt your head to the right and left (don’t forget to do an intermediate exercise)
3. Tilt your head forward and back (again an intermediate exercise)
4. We combine points 3 and 4: tilt our head to the right and back, then to the left and back (intermediate exercise)
5. Don’t forget that we do the preparatory period exercises 10 times in each direction. Tilt your head towards your shoulder, then slowly roll it over, touching the back of your head (doing the intermediate).
6. Raise your hands from your knees, bend them in elbow joints, forming a right angle and clasp your palms tightly, throw your head back, look at the ceiling and spread your elbows to the sides, trying to somehow connect them behind your back, at this time the chin stretches up (the last time we do an intermediate exercise)

Starting position of the main part: the same as in the preparatory part.

Technique: relax for a short period of time, then tighten your stomach again, straighten your back and do pendulum swings to the right and left, while moving your stomach back and forth. We perform these movements for 10 minutes. It will seem difficult at first, but you will get used to it very quickly.

All six of Nisha’s health rules are quite effective and very easy to follow; you just need to overcome laziness and start exercising.

Currently everything more people become victims of civilization. Violation of the connection between man and nature leads to moral exhaustion. In addition, many people are accustomed to sedentary image life, which provokes problems in the functioning of all organs and systems. Negative impact The spine is especially susceptible. To restore its functioning and improve the health of the body, you can use Nishi gymnastics.

Description of “Katsuzo Nishi Health Systems”

The healing method of the Japanese Katsuzo Nishi is becoming more and more popular today. Although this man did not have medical education, the state of his own health prompted him to look for techniques that would help cope not only with the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminate its causes.

Having studied philosophical teachings many countries, Nishi concluded that human organs need to be considered in close relationship with each other. This system does not recognize the use of medications.

The value of this technique lies in the combination of thorough systematic approach to the treatment of many diseases with affordable wellness procedures that are quite suitable for the elderly and children.

Nishi considers problems in the functioning of the spine to be the main cause of pathologies. Therefore, to normalize the state of the body, you should perform. Moreover, this system helps eliminate most problems, including intervertebral hernias.

Enormous importance in the methodology is given peripheral circulation. The Japanese believes that the basis of any pathology is disruption of the capillaries. The doctor offers simple ways to renew blood vessels. Vibration exercises and air baths will help with this.

An important component health system is proper nutrition, because it is what should give the cells energy. Breathing exercises are also important.

Also the reason chronic pathologies is a decline mental strength. IN depressed state a person experiences fatigue and emptiness, and as a result, interest in life disappears.

Golden rules of health according to Niches and exercises

The basis Japanese technique make up six rules. Exercises should be done naked. Thanks to this, skin respiration is stimulated, and the body is cleansed of toxins.

Hard bed. As the body ages muscle tissue, which holds the vertebrae, loses its tone. As a result, blood vessels and nerves are compressed and blood circulation is disrupted. Sleeping on a firm bed helps to properly distribute body weight. Thanks to this, it is possible to relax the muscles and eliminate curvature.

Firm pillow. The use of a soft pillow provokes dislocation of the vertebrae, which causes inflammation in the joints. As a result, the neck loses its mobility, and pain appears in the back of the head.
A hard pillow normalizes the condition of the spine, with its help you can restore the functioning of the nasal septum and ensure normal cerebral circulation, which prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis. It is recommended to choose a bolster pillow.

"Goldfish". It should be performed daily - in the mornings and evenings. Thanks to this, it will be possible to improve posture and cope with spinal curvatures, improve the functioning of the intestines, stabilize the state of the nervous system, and improve blood circulation.

To do the exercise you need:

  1. lie down, it is important that the surface is hard;
  2. straighten the limbs, feet should be on the heel;
  3. stretch out to stretch the spine in all directions;
  4. Place your palms under your neck, connect your legs, and pull your fingers as close to your face as possible, then vibrate your entire body.

Exercise for capillaries.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to improve the functioning of capillaries and provide tissue nutrients. To do this, you need to lie on your back, place a cushion under your neck; raise your limbs upward, your feet should be parallel to the floor; Shake your limbs for one to three minutes.

This exercise can replace jogging, but it eliminates the stress on the joints and heart, and these are precisely the contraindications that many people have.

Closing the palms and feet. Helps normalize movement coordination and significant improvement spinal conditions:

  1. lie on your back, place a cushion under your neck, put your feet and palms together, and spread your knees to the sides;
  2. press the pads of your fingers, then do it with your palms;
  3. Place your outstretched arms behind your head and hold them up to your waist, placing your fingers in the direction of your head;
  4. turn your hands towards your feet and make a movement in the direction from the groin to the navel;
  5. extend your joined hands far and move them over your body;
  6. place your hands above the solar plexus;
  7. move your palms back and forth.

Gymnastics for the stomach and back.

With its help, you can improve the functioning of the intestines and stabilize the functioning of the nervous system. First you need to sit down on your knees, place your pelvis on your heels, straighten your back and do the following movements - raise and lower your shoulders, tilt your head in all directions. Then tilt your head in right side, and then gradually, stretching your neck, roll it towards the spine. Raise your arms, then bend them and clench your hands into a fist. Throw your head back, then move your elbows back and stretch your chin toward the ceiling.

Nishi gymnastics is real way improve your body and cope with pathologies of internal organs. The main thing is to strictly follow all the recommendations and systematically do the exercises.

Video: Nishi gymnastics for beginners from Maya Gogulan

Maya Gogulan shares own experience on getting rid of cancer with the help of Nisha gymnastics. Regular exercise and compliance with the rules of this technique will significantly improve your health. How to perform exercises correctly and improve your body health, watch the video:

Video: Japanese gymnastics Nishi according to Sholokhov

Vladimir Sholokhov describes in detail the rules of implementation Japanese gymnastics A niche that can radically change your life. It is recommended to perform the exercises in the morning at dawn. If you can only do gymnastics in the evenings, this should be done in a gentle manner. To understand how to properly practice this system, watch the video.

These 5 ways are five simple exercises, most of them are well known in yoga. If you do them easily, then everything is fine with you.

Does this ever happen to you: you seem to have slept well, but in the morning you have a headache or stomach ache? And you begin to analyze and look for what are the reasons for your feeling unwell. In this case, health self-diagnosis will help - there are 5 simple ways they are given by Katsuzo Nishi in his book “Nishi Medicine. Golden rules of health.”These 5 ways are five simple exercises, most of them are well known in yoga. If you do them easily, then everything is fine with you.

1.Forward tilt

Bend at the waist and lean forward. The knees should be straight.Try to touch your fingers to the floor.If you succeeded, then your stomach and spine are in normal condition.

2. Wall support

Stand facing the wall, lean your hands on it.Try to make a 60° angle with the wall. Do not lift your heels off the floor.If you manage to be in this position, then your genitals and sciatic nerve are in order.

Exercise 3

Lean your back on the table with your elbows on it. The face is directed upward.Your body should form a 30° angle with the floor. Your pose should resemble a “board”.The thumbs lie on the table, the remaining fingers hang over the edge of the table. If you succeeded, congratulate yourself, your kidneys are doing well.

4. Plow

Lie on the floor, on your back, with your arms extended along your body.Raise your legs straight up and place them behind your head, so that the tips thumbs reached the floor.If you do not experience significant discomfort, then your liver is normal!

5. Fish

Sit on your knees, placing your bent legs under your buttocks.Now from this position try to lie on your back.Your knees should remain on the floor. Was it successful? This means your ureters and your intestines are fine.

That's all self-diagnosis of health.

If you have problems performing any of these five exercises, then those organs are not in order and you need to practice.

You can make these exercises much easier if you repeat the “capillary” exercise for blood vessels before and after them.

Exercise for capillaries

Lie on your back on a hard, flat surface. It is better to place a cushion under your neck (you can roll up a towel).

Raise your arms and legs parallel to the floor - your feet and palms point toward the ceiling. In this position, shake your arms and legs vigorously.

Perform the exercise from 1 to 3 minutes.

You can imagine that you are trying to throw balls with your hands and feet - this is one of the options for performing this exercise.

Do the exercise as best you can. If your arms or legs do not rise, do it at the height to which your arms or legs rise. Over time, everything will work out for you. Just do the exercise regularly.

Nishi recommends doing this exercise twice a day: in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before dinner.

Take care of your capillaries - it's that simple!

Exercises must be performed at a slow pace, without jerking or excessive effort.Performing these exercises stimulates those organs whose health they are an indicator of.Therefore, by training and performing these exercises, you restore your body and help get rid of diseases of the relevant organs! published



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