A 5 month old baby cries in his sleep. Why does a child cry or scream in his sleep? The child cries at night - the main reasons

Children infancy They cannot talk about their problems, so they often cry. Crying is an opportunity for a baby to inform parents of a desire or need.

Sometimes children may cry in their sleep, waking up or even continuing to sleep.

The occurrence of such a condition is possible due to many reasons. Often this occurs as a result of ordinary discomfort, but there are situations when crying in a dream is caused by various pathologies.

What the crying of an infant in a dream indicates is discussed in this article.

The baby begins to cry in his sleep when he feels certain inconveniences, for example, wet diapers, hot or cold air in the room where it is located.

The main reasons why a child cries in a dream are also:

  1. Intestinal. Usually, with this condition, the baby tenses his legs or begins to move them.
  2. Feeling hungry. Most often, crying for this reason occurs when parents feed the baby by the hour.
  3. Teething. This reason provokes crying in sleep after four months.

Also cry infants start in a dream if the mother is not around. When they stop feeling their mother, they cry and wake up.

IN frequent cases Sleeping normally does not allow the child to develop certain disease. Sleep is usually disturbed in infants due to pain in the ears or throat, or cough.

Why does the baby cry without waking up?

The child usually cries without waking up when he feels uncomfortable. The baby may be cold or very hot. This problem can be eliminated if you do not wrap the baby too much so that he does not overheat. In addition, it should be ensured optimal temperature and air humidity in the room where the child sleeps.

Sometimes, without waking up, children may cry if urination or defecation occurs. In this case, they feel discomfort and cry until the diaper is clean and dry.

Another reason for such crying in a dream is an overexcited state. To prevent this from happening, you need to evening time Do not disturb the baby with too active exercises or games. It is necessary to provide a calm and quiet environment for normal sleep.

Some children may even scream in their sleep due to psychological or neurological reasons. If the crying doesn't stop long time, you need to examine the child by a qualified neurologist.

Why does he cry in his sleep at two months?

Experts say that seventy percent of children constantly cry both during daytime and nighttime sleep. Most children under three months of age sleep restlessly.

At night, such crying is physiological. This condition not considered dangerous. This phenomenon is associated with the unstable functioning of the baby’s motor and nervous system. This will continue for some time until the baby’s biorhythms normalize.

Only thirty percent of newborn babies sleep normally.

Usually, by one year, babies stop crying in their sleep, only physiological or psychological problems may cause disorders.

Often, at just two months, babies cry while sleeping if they feel hungry. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to when crying begins. Typically, a child up to three months of age wants to eat every three to five hours.

Increased excitability and emotional stress at this age they can also provoke crying in their sleep. This condition can even be influenced by the arrival of new people in the house.

At two months, crying may result intestinal colic or bloating, because digestive system at this age it is not yet fully formed. The baby may whine without waking up until the sleep phase changes.

Why does a baby cry at six months?

At six months of age, a baby may cry not only as a result of physiological reasons.

Often crying in a dream indicates that the baby is beginning to erupt. This phenomenon may be accompanied by fever, lethargy and moodiness of the child.

In addition, at six months the baby may still be bothered by colic. But this condition is extremely rare; colic usually goes away by the age of six months.

Sometimes children cry in their sleep due to the stress they have experienced during the day. At this age, the baby is actively exploring the world and any phenomenon can cause him a stressful situation.

Frequent crying in your sleep is a reason to consult a specialist

If the cause of crying is not teeth and abdominal pain, it is important to pay attention to the child’s condition, because this may indicate various problems with health (stomatitis, otitis, colds, central nervous system disorder).

If, in addition to crying in a dream, there is elevated temperature, nasal discharge, nasopharyngeal congestion, cough or difficulty breathing, then in this case it is better to show the child to a doctor.

To infant was normal sleep, must be adhered to the following recommendations specialists:

  • It is necessary to ensure the optimal temperature in the room: from 18 to 21 degrees
  • It is important that the room where the child sleeps is ventilated and there should be no drafts
  • At children's sleep there should not be a loud or harsh sound
  • It is better not to engage in active games or exercises before going to bed at night.
  • To ensure that your child sleeps well, it is advisable to buy it before bedtime.
  • It is necessary to protect the baby from negative experiences, provide him with care and affection
  • Parents must adhere to

You can eliminate crying in your sleep by identifying its root cause.

If the baby is hungry, he calms down after feeding.

In case of intestinal colic, methods are used to eliminate abdominal pain. Pediatricians recommend giving your baby fennel tea or dill water. You can also do a light massage on your stomach, making clockwise movements.

Crying due to teething can be prevented by lubricating the baby's gums with a special gel before bedtime. It is better to consult with your pediatrician about which pain reliever to choose.

When a baby cries due to the absence of his parents, sleep will normalize if he sees them near him, especially in the arms of his mother or father.

Physiological night crying It is not considered dangerous and usually goes away before one year of age.

The video contains information for parents:

Motherhood - best time in a woman's life. When your baby is nearby, time stops, you forget about everything, you just want to see his smile and hear his happy laughter. Any mother is happy when her child is happy. Many problems in childhood They decide by simply hugging their mother. The topic of this article is children crying in their sleep. Why do children cry when they sleep, how to deal with it.

Why does a child cry in his sleep?

Probably every child has screamed in their sleep at some point. Why is this happening? What scares a child during sleep?

Everyone knows that children under one year old have their own sleep patterns. And during the first year of life, this regime will change regularly. Getting smaller. Until the sleep pattern becomes stable, the child will not learn to distinguish between day and night; whining in sleep, without waking up, will be a constant night companion. But if the cry is loud, constant and without interruption from sleep, then this is a reason to pay attention to the baby’s health.

The main causes of night crying in children:

  • Physiological - wet diaper, numb leg, dry nose, want to eat.
  • Overstimulation, do not deliberately try to exhaust the child before bedtime, nervous system gets excited quickly, but calms down slowly. And instead of a tired child, you can get overexcited and refuse to sleep at all.
  • Lots of information. For example, during the day the baby visited a new place for him and saw a bunch of strangers, and at night his brain tries to sort the information received.
  • Instincts. All children subconsciously want to be near their mother, to have a close skin-to-skin contact. Even in their sleep they notice that their mother is gone.
  • Bad dream. Yes, babies dream too.
  • . Pain in the stomach or head, annoying diaper rash on the butt, etc.

Be sure to consult your pediatrician to rule out possible problems with the baby's health.

The child wakes up and cries

If you suddenly wake up at night from a loud and prolonged cry of a child, you need to calm him down immediately. To do this, pick it up, rock it, kiss it. Let him know that mom is nearby and there is nothing more to be afraid of. As a rule, children immediately calm down when they feel their mother’s warmth. Provided that there are no problems in the form of a sore tummy.

If the child does not calm down, does not recognize his parents, arches over and pushes away his mother’s hands, then the phenomenon of night terror may be occurring. This process is natural, associated with age-related changes V children's brain. This is how the baby’s consciousness matures. This will go away on its own as soon as the child’s brain is strong enough.

The essence of this phenomenon is that the child experiences a sudden awakening at night. The baby is no longer sleeping so soundly, but has not woken up yet. And the fragile brain reacts to such stress with emissions negative emotions. A mixture of rage and panic.

At such moments, older children may talk and even walk around the room. But no adequate reaction on parents or their words. And the best thing you can do is do nothing. Strange as it may sound, it is impossible to help here, but it is easy to scare him more.

As soon as the baby can coherently answer what scared him, or the next morning, help him cope with his fear. The words “it was just a dream” have no effect on him yet. He needs to open the door and drive away what scared him so much.

A child cries in his sleep - what to do?

  1. Spend everything necessary examinations and make sure your baby is not in pain.
  2. Set a clear schedule, put your baby to bed and wake you up at the same time.
  3. Be sure to do it before bed water treatments using relaxants. For example, lavender.
  4. Ensure normal temperature conditions in your child's bedroom. If the air is too dry and the temperature is too low or high, you will not be comfortable sleeping there.
  5. An hour before bedtime, switch to calm ones that induce sleep. Read a book, sing a song.
  6. Do not sort things out in the family in front of the baby. They feel everything and suffer.
  7. Make sure your baby is fed and not overfed.
  8. Children sleep best next to their mother. If it is not possible to take your baby with you, place the crib next to yours. sleeping place tightly and remove the grill from 1 side.
  9. Try not turning off the lights in the bedroom completely. Leave a small, dim night light.

The best thing a mother can do for her child is to love him with endless maternal love. But remember that everything is good in moderation.

The baby, who cannot yet speak, expresses his anxiety by crying. After some time, parents independently begin to understand the peculiar language of their child. If to standard situations Over time, all parents get used to it, but sometimes situations arise when the baby begins to cry in his sleep. In such situations, parents first begin to check whether the diaper is dry, control the temperature in the room and the child’s posture. But all these factors turn out to be in order. Therefore, parents begin to think: why is she crying? infant in a dream?

Physiological reason

This condition is physiological night crying, and it does not pose any danger to the health of the baby. The baby cries during sleep due to unstable nervous and motor system. This is due to the fact that an emotionally intense day can provoke the appearance of dreams at night. The child, experiencing anxiety in his sleep, begins to cry heavily and does not wake up.

Even visiting guests or meeting new people at home can contribute to the development of such experiences. After such a busy day, the child must throw out unnecessary worries, which is why crying at night is observed. Therefore, parents can be calm - the baby screams and cries not because of illness.

There are situations when a baby begins to cry in his sleep, and as soon as the mother approaches his crib, the crying stops. In this way, the infant simply checks to see if his mother is nearby, since during the 9 months of pregnancy a strong bond has been established between them.

The baby may also begin to cry or wince during the transition. fast phase sleep in slow motion. The same effect often accompanies the sleep of adults, so it does not pose a danger to the baby. If the child is not disturbed by his whining and does not wake up, parents should not worry about the health of the baby. After some time, the baby’s nervous system will develop and become stable, which will allow the baby to experience sleep more smoothly.

Reason: discomfort

It happens that a newborn cries at night due to the appearance painful sensations or discomfort. The baby may be hot or cold, or he may have a wet diaper or diaper. The baby may suffer from abdominal pain, increased gas formation, teething. But if the baby does not wake up, but simply whines, then he is not experiencing any discomfort. He will wake up only when the sleep phase changes.

Other reasons

There are also other reasons why a baby screams or cries heavily in his sleep without waking up:

  1. Feeling hungry.
  2. Runny nose making breathing difficult.
  3. Extreme fatigue.
  4. Negative impressions after an active day.
  5. Presence of illness.

Many parents overload their child with excessive exercise and walking, after which cortisol, a stress hormone, accumulates in the baby’s body. Usually the reason for the formation of its excess is increased loads, a large flow of information.

What to do

Sobbing at night may subside on its own, or may abruptly give way to screaming. All parents often check, approaching his crib, how their child feels during sleep. If they see that the baby is sleeping, they do not need to wake him up or calm him down, as this can only harm him. In such a situation, the child will wake up, and then it will be difficult for him to fall asleep.

If a baby screams to find out if his mother is nearby, then he needs to be carefully and gradually accustomed to independent sleep. This will help gradually reduce crying to a minimum - both during sleep and before bed. If you show care to a child at his first call, he will get used to it, and each time the situation will worsen, and the volume of crying will increase.

It is worth considering that by 6 months, children should be able to calm down on their own without maternal care if their crying before bed is caused by loneliness. But such situations do not refer to the presence of pain or discomfort.

Help for the baby

To help your child become calmer during sleep and before bed, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • You need to spend a lot of time with your baby fresh air. Such walks have a positive effect on the function of the nervous system. Don’t forget to regularly ventilate your child’s room before going to bed and use a humidifier.
  • Before going to bed, you should not play active outdoor games with your baby, give him strong emotions. Such activities can overload the baby’s nervous system. Due to such intense activity, the baby will cry in his sleep and be capricious before bed.

  • To calm the baby while bathing, you need to use herbal infusions. They can be used only after the navel has completely healed. Usually infusions of thyme, oregano, string, and thyme are added to the water. But before such a bath, you should check the baby’s reaction to such an infusion. To do this, you just need to wipe a small area of ​​skin with it and wait a little. If redness does not appear, you can proceed to water procedures.
  • Also, before bedtime, the mother can place a bag of soothing herbs next to the baby. The baby will inhale their vapors while sleeping at night, which will calm his nervous system and relieve him of crying.

How to prevent night crying

To avoid crying during sleep, parents should be sensitive to their child and perform a certain ritual after an active day.

  • It is necessary to strictly adhere to the schedule of actions before putting the baby into the crib. Gradually, the child will remember this algorithm and it will be easier for him to fall asleep.
  • The day can end with a calm massage that will relax the baby. It is strictly forbidden to play active games before bedtime if the baby often screams or screams at night.

  • It is necessary to monitor the maintenance of optimal temperature regime in the room where the baby sleeps. Bed linen should be pleasant and warm.
  • All tense situations in the family should be excluded.
  • You should not put your baby in the crib after feeding, as this can impair digestion and cause colic at night.
  • There is no need to turn off the light in the room; it is better to leave it dim so that the baby is not afraid to fall asleep alone again if he often wakes up.

To understand why the baby cries out at night, you need to take a closer look at him. Basically, the causes of this condition do not harm children. But if the crying is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body’s systems, they should immediately begin to be eliminated by seeking help from a doctor.

A child's sleep can be very sensitive, he can react to any slightest sound. However, there are cases when parents notice that their child screams in his sleep. It turns out that not only the child himself lacks normal sleep, but also his parents, who are concerned about this behavior of their child.

If this is an infant, then he screams at night so that not only the parents, but also all the neighbors can hear. Having woken up from his own scream, the baby still does not know how to fall asleep on his own, as adults do. In such a situation, the mother can help the baby by rocking him in her arms or offering her breast. However, it is worth understanding the reasons why a child screams at night.

Why does a child cry out in his sleep?

Sleep disorders in childhood are quite common. Due to the fact that the child’s nervous system is not yet sufficiently developed, the child cries out at night. This may be due to the following reasons:

  • the baby has accumulated a lot of impressions from the previous day and is overly worried about the events that happened;
  • presence of psychological or physical injury;
  • active games before bedtime or prolonged sitting at the computer causes sleep disturbances, one of the manifestations of which is screaming;
  • nightmares can cause screaming in your sleep;
  • teeth are being cut;
  • the baby feels pain in any area of ​​the body and cannot convey his feelings to his parents in any other way;
  • It is very stuffy in the children's room where the child sleeps.

What to do if a child screams at night?

If or often screams a lot, then this may be a reason to contact a neurologist to establish the real reason such child behavior. To alleviate his condition, it is important for parents to follow bedtime rituals: dinner, quiet games, bathing, sleep. It would also be a good idea to limit your child’s viewing of TV and the computer. During When putting the baby to bed, the room should be fresh, quiet and comfortable, the lights should be dimmed. In this case, the child will easily go to sleep and will not experience a feeling of discomfort.

However, if a child regularly screams in his sleep, then in addition to visiting a neurologist, you need to do an EEG of the brain. In the absence of any pathology on the part of the body, the child can be shown child psychologist, which will help you find the reason for your child’s screams in his sleep. He will tell you how to adjust the toddler’s living conditions to help him feel safe and reduce the stress that causes the child to cry out at night.

Healthy, sound sleepthe best remedy to relieve stress. When a person sleeps well, he is said to sleep like a baby. However, not all babies sleep peacefully. Often young parents have to spend sleepless nights together with her baby, who cries in her sleep. In this article we will look at the main reasons why children cry at night and figure out what to do in such situations.

Why does a baby cry in his sleep?

Depending on the age, the reasons for night crying in children may differ. Thus, newborn babies are most often bothered by pain in the tummy, and already at an older age one of the reasons restless sleep It can become a nightmare for a child.

Causes in children under six months

  • Intestinal colic and bloating - common reasons crying in newborn babies. During the first three months The child’s intestines are rebuilt, which can cause tummy pain. If your baby cries loudly in his sleep (sometimes the crying turns into screaming), tosses and turns and curls up his legs, then most likely he is worried about colic.
  • Hunger can be one of the reasons why a baby cries at night.
  • Unstable mode - newborn babies do not distinguish between day and night. They can sleep perfectly during the day and wake up at night. The period of wakefulness at first is about 90 minutes, already at 2–8 one week old it increases to several hours, and by 3 months, some children can sleep peacefully throughout the night. Remember that each child is individual; for some, the regime becomes stable by the age of 2.
  • Absence of mother. The presence of the mother nearby is necessary for the child, just like timely nutrition and hygiene procedures. If your baby wakes up alone in the crib, he will immediately notify you with loud crying.
  • Discomfort. He may cry in his sleep if he peed himself or is just about to do so. Also, the room where the baby sleeps may be too hot or cold.
  • Disease. A sick child has shallow and restless sleep. Nasopharyngeal congestion and fever prevent children from sleeping at any age.

Children from 5 months to one year

  • Teething is the most probable cause night crying in babies from 5 months to a year. The child’s gums begin to itch and hurt, and the temperature may rise;
  • Experiences. Every day your child learns about the world: a visit, a walk or something else can cause stress in a child.

Night crying in children 2–3 years of age and older

  • Psychological aspects. Children at this age are very sensitive to experiences, whether they are positive or negative. Around this age, children are introduced to kindergartens, which causes a storm of emotions in the kids. Their appetite may also worsen, and those who are especially sensitive may even have a fever. If your child is already used to kindergarten and still cries in his sleep, take a closer look at the microclimate in the family - perhaps his nightly crying is somehow connected with the fact that relatives are loudly sorting things out.
  • Fear. Fear can also provoke crying in children at this age. If your baby is afraid of the dark, leave him a night light on at night; perhaps he is afraid of some picture or toy - remove it from the child’s eyes. Nightmares can also be caused by banal overeating.

If your baby is afraid, then try not to leave him alone for a while - he needs your support and a sense of security.

Unusual situations

What to do if the child suddenly starts crying, cries and arches, or cries constantly? The reasons for this behavior of the baby can be different, it is obvious that he is tormented by pain. It might be colic, high intracranial pressure etc. Be sure to consult your doctor, he will prescribe necessary treatment. You may need to undergo a series of examinations to clarify the reasons for this child’s sleep behavior.

What measures to take?

Knowing the reason for your baby's crying at night, you can try to solve this problem. If the cause is colic, then light massage tummy (clockwise), warm diaper on the tummy, dill water And special drops will help you cope with this problem and provide healthy sleep to the child. If your baby is teething, you need to consult a doctor and choose a special gel that will numb the gums. If the reason for the child’s crying is some kind of disease, you need to consult a doctor and immediately treat the baby. If the reason lies in the fear of the dark, leave the night light on at night.

The baby may cry due to some kind of emotional turmoil, in this case, try to calm him down: tell him how much you love him, how wonderful he is. It is very important to adjust the daily routine: if the child goes to bed at the same time, then it will be easier for him to fall asleep. It is not recommended to give your child a hearty dinner; the baby should eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime. You should not play gambling or active games before bed - reading a book or an evening walk is best.

In our article, we examined the main reasons for night crying in children. of different ages. As a rule, parents have no serious reasons for concern. But, nevertheless, if the baby often cries at night, you can seek help from a doctor who will help you pinpoint the cause and tell you how to solve this problem.



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