Who gave birth to children before 35 years of age. Late pregnancy and childbirth - pros and cons

That's all today more women give birth after 30-35 years, or even later. Someone like the lady in Western Europe, builds a career, a place to live, is looking for the one person with whom you want to give birth to the child you want, others cannot get pregnant due to health problems. Gynecologists, psychologists and mothers who had babies at such an adult age talk about the pros and cons of childbirth after 35 years.

Being ready for motherhood - a characteristic we expect from women as a society - comes at all times, and the body that makes this dream possible is a temptation that is difficult to resist. Pregnancy in the fifties, many of which are considered a state against nature, can be the perfect complement to mature womanhood.

Nowadays, many women start their families in their 30s, and pregnancy after 35 is no longer a surprise. Most women at this age get pregnant without problems and give birth to healthy children. However, studies have shown that pregnancy at age 35 may have some problems. To fully make the decision to have a child, every woman should be aware of the potential risks. What to know about pregnancy after 35 years?

Late childbirth - when a woman gives birth after 35 years. The optimal age for having a child is between 18 and 35 years. During this period of time, the woman’s body is fully prepared for the birth of the baby.

Die. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “late obstetric birth", when a woman gives birth to her first child after 27 years, and " late age women" (after 35 years) for birth, regardless of whether it is the first, second or third child.

The decline begins after graduation. For this reason, many women aged 35 and older may become pregnant after longer periods than younger women. looking for a child. The decline in fertility may be due to rarer or. A woman may have problems getting pregnant due to fallopian tubes or uterus. If a woman after 35 years is not pregnant, despite the trials and fruitless efforts of the child for six months, then it’s time to go to the doctor. In many cases, using treatment allows women to become pregnant.

Watch the film: “Designing Fertile Days”

Women over 35 may have difficulty conceiving a child, but on the other hand, they are more likely to. The likelihood is also higher after fertility treatment. Unfortunately, with age, the risk of having a child with birth defects. The most common chromosomal defect occurs mental retardation and physical defects. If a pregnant woman is over 40 years old, the probability of having a child with Down syndrome is 1.

What do psychologists think about this?

Psychologists say that the physiological necessary for the birth of a baby appears before the age of 25, but the psychological one - only after 8-10 years. It turns out that a woman only at 30-35 years old is completely ready on a psychological level to be a mother and accept positive attitude various difficulties that may arise during pregnancy and childbirth. A middle-aged woman blossoms with the onset of motherhood. Paternity at this age is conscious.

The risk also increases with age. Most miscarriages occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, regardless of the woman's age. Women who are 35 years old already have good chances on a healthy child, but complications occur more often than in young women. The most common pregnancy complications in women over 35 years of age are:

The risk of gestational diabetes in women over 35 years of age is approximately twice as high as in younger women. Pregnant women with diabetes are more likely than other women to give birth to very large babies. - can occur during pregnancy. Precious bearings may cause heavy bleeding during childbirth - this condition is dangerous for mother and child. - Having a baby before 37 weeks of pregnancy increases the risk serious problems with health. Miscarriage - after 40 years of age, the risk of miscarriage is 2-3 times higher, but the reasons for this phenomenon are not fully known.

  • Severe form high pressure called preeclampsia.
  • Problems with the placenta are the most common complication - the so-called.
  • After 35 years of age, the risk of such a complication is almost twice as high.
To reduce the risk of pregnancy complications, by being at least 35 years old, you should take care of your health before trying to have a baby.

Mom has a big one life experience, and if this is not her first child, then also the experience of raising a baby. She tries to devote as much time as possible to him, to make up for what, perhaps due to employment or financial problems, she could not give to her first child. Mothers devote themselves entirely to their child, since he comes first for them, because they no longer want to dance in nightclubs or sit with friends in a bar until the morning. Moreover, psychologists note that at this age men really want children, who can already provide for their family and are ready to devote no less time to their offspring than women.

Before you get pregnant and at the beginning. Birth healthy child- everything we have greatest desire. To make his dream come true, we can help him a little.

If so, you must prepare for it properly. This is very important both for your health and for your unborn child.

Most women dream of becoming a mother. Some of them, before becoming pregnant, spend a long time preparing for the role of mother and plan carefully to expand their family. Others seem to be destined, and pregnancy is a pleasant surprise for them. Preparing for pregnancy is not just about buying a baby, preparing the nursery and reading a maternity manual. Correct tests for pregnancy are the basis from which you should not give up.

Pros of late pregnancy and childbirth

(according to the observations of doctors and mothers themselves)

- at 30-40 years old - this is, as a rule, a well-planned and prepared step. Parents are already financially independent and mentally prepared to raise their offspring. For this reason, late children are generally more developed, smart and talented than their peers, and they are given more time and attention.

Pregnancy must be properly prepared. It is extremely important to carry out research and vaccination, as well as change your lifestyle. Women who do not have health problems are more likely to give birth to a healthy baby. An appropriate diet and normalized lifestyle increase the chances of a healthy child.

If you are planning a pregnancy, it is important that you look at your diet. Pregnancy is a time of great change, especially in a woman's body. Cry or ovulation is the release of an egg from the count follicle, which occurs in the ovary. This is part of the cycle in which the egg begins to travel through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. When can we fertilize an egg?

Mothers at this age are much more attentive to their own health and follow all doctor’s recommendations. And among them, postpartum is extremely rare, and menopause occurs later. And in general, they often feel much younger and more active than their peers.

After a late birth, a woman goes through menopause more easily, and the aging process is less painful. In addition, giving birth at an older age reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis or, and also reduces cholesterol levels in the body. Late mothers rarely develop infections genitourinary tract and problems appear with the hearing analyzer.

If you are wondering if you are pregnant, the best thing to do is take a pregnancy test, which you can buy at any pharmacy. If the test is performed correctly, the accuracy of the test results is almost 100% reliable. Sperm is produced in the testicles, but the mechanism of its formation comes from above. It is in the area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus that the signal for sperm production is created. What is the process of sperm formation?

Over the past 20 years there has been an increase in the number premature birth. This is due to the fact that the age of women making the decision to have their first child is constantly growing. Multiple pregnancies are also more common and are often resolved by medical indications ahead of time.

Disadvantages of childbirth after 35 years

The percentage of chronic diseases in women who become pregnant after 35 years of age is much higher than in young women.

Eggs that are laid in the body while still in embryonic period development, are subject to “” processes over the years. The older the expectant mother, the greater the chance that the development of the fetus will have certain deviations. Often late children are diagnosed genetic disorders– mutations that lead to various developmental abnormalities.

Childbirth is considered premature when it occurs between one week of pregnancy, counting from the first day of the last menstrual cycle. After a week of pregnancy, delivery is considered timely. However, this criterion may be confounded mainly due to the due date.

Extremely premature - if it was before 28 weeks; very premature - if between one and one week; Moderately premature - if it happened between a week and a week. The likelihood of preterm birth and the complications that can affect it depend on the length of time the pregnancy occurs. The closer your baby is due, the greater the chance your baby will live and thrive in the future.

Bearing a fetus and giving birth requires a significant amount of work from a woman. physical strength. And, having experienced such powerful stress, the body is greatly weakened. If the mother already has chronic diseases, they can worsen or progress.

“Late” mothers are more likely to experience complications: a premature or post-term baby, fetal hypoxia, etc. .

Due to premature birth, the baby may have a fully developed respiratory system and immune system. As a result, premature babies are more likely to be born prematurely, exposed to dangerous viral and bacterial infections. Premature babies are more likely than other patients to be diagnosed with retinopathy, an eye disease caused by retinal boosters, anemia, or apnea.

Risk factors for preterm birth

Babies born extremely dangerously premature are at risk. These are the groups with the highest mortality and are at risk of developing intellectual or nervous disorders. Premature contractions uterus; premature withdrawal amniotic fluid; premature termination medical pregnancy due to maternal or fetal disease. Placental disorders immunological or hormonal disorders. . There are many various factors which cause a risk of premature birth.

As a rule, due to the fact that the muscles are not so elastic, a woman is given C-section.

Women who give birth after 35 years of age experience problems after childbirth much more often, such as bleeding and infections. There may be difficulties with lactation and breastfeeding.

However, sometimes some problems of a psychological nature are observed. Mothers are too protective of their children, others, on the contrary, are afraid that the child will grow up very spoiled, so they are rather restrained in their feelings. In any case, excessive overprotection or restraint both physically and psychologically harm the child. There are other problems associated with late pregnancy. Parents are afraid that they will not have enough time or skill to raise their child and put him on his feet.

In addition to medical, it can be social and psychological factors. In women under 18 years of age and in women over 40 years of age who are pregnant for the first time, preterm birth is more common. Premature pregnancy- especially those who are exposed to preterm birth are women who have had previous prenatal abortions or preterm birth or who have had dead child. Maternal diseases - the risk of preterm birth is higher in women suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, liver or kidney disease. Infectious diseases diseases such as measles, rubella or toxoplasmosis are also dangerous. Overwork and stress - too much work, not just physical work and associated stress can cause premature birth. The right amount of rest during pregnancy is necessary. Gynecological defects - cervical insufficiency, fibroids, septum. Multiple pregnancy.

  • Low economic status of mothers.
  • Low incomes also usually lead to poorer social conditions.
  • Cigarettes - Pregnant cigarettes, drugs are strictly prohibited.
If there are preterm risk factors for preterm birth, it is recommended to have as much rest as possible, avoid physical activity and stress.

Number. Now almost 20% of women around the world give birth to their first children after 35 years of age.

The number of mothers over 40 is constantly increasing

In many countries, including Ukraine, there are now special programs, aimed specifically at working with women who give birth late.

Sometimes a woman has to go to bed. If risk factors have not been completely eliminated, a woman should remain vigilant and go to the hospital as soon as the first symptoms of preterm labor are noticed. The sooner you help her, the more likely slowing down labor.

Individual medical care

In the hospital intravenous drugs will prevent contractions of the uterus and, in the case of this, stimulate the development of the baby's lungs. Due to the many factors that can lead to preterm birth, there is no consistent medical protocol. Recommendations and pharmacological treatment are selected according to the individual needs of patients. Women who are at risk of preterm birth should be monitored by specialized clinics.

Generally the most big problem which occurs at this age is the risk that the child will receive a chromosomal pathology (Down syndrome). That's why such women go through a lot additional examinations except for ultrasound. And people who become pregnant after 40 years also undergo invasive prenatal diagnostics. It allows you to assess the likelihood of a genetic defect in the fetus. Diagnostic tests can be done before conception or during pregnancy.

The number of women giving birth after 35 years of age is increasing every year (by 1.5% over the last 3 years). Moreover, these are predominantly pregnant women 40 years of age and older.

Even when to the expectant mother 20 years old, and the father, for example, is 45, they already get into the group high risk. But even if the parents are young, there were problems with previous pregnancies, they are sent to the CMG (centre medical genetics). In particular, such problems include: prematurity, missed pregnancies, miscarriages (if there were more than 2), stillborn children, birth defects in first children, hereditary diseases.

It is also necessary to take into account that during pregnancy it is possible to diagnose diseases that lead to early disability, then parents must decide whether or not to give birth to this child. Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases when the defects in the unborn child are incompatible with life or are very severe, then doctors recommend terminating the pregnancy.

Reference. If a woman gives birth before the age of 35, the risk of having a child with defects and diseases is 5%, after 35 – 10-11%.

Doctors advise women not to be afraid of late labor, because healthy child Whether or not a baby will be born depends primarily not so much on the age of the mother, but on her responsibility.

The main thing is to register on time (up to 12 weeks), follow the doctors’ recommendations and undergo all examinations that the gynecologist and geneticist direct the pregnant woman to. Then, even if doctors discover some abnormalities in the fetus, they can be cured in time. The main thing is that a child at any age is wanted and planned.

Die. The optimal age for conceiving a child is between 18 and 40 years old.

Life stories

A Ukrainian woman gave birth to a healthy baby thanks to online advice from a Canadian doctor.

Nadezhda gave birth to her second son at 38 years old. It was desired, planned and long-awaited pregnancy. Before this, the woman had to go through 2 frozen pregnancies; the last girl died already in the 5th month after stress at work.

Therefore, when I became pregnant for the third time, I decided not to go to work and was constantly on sick leave. I no longer trusted our gynecologists, because they put me on hormones and antibiotics. And the Canadian doctor Elena Berezvovska, whom I contacted via the Internet (she provides free consultations), did not advise me to take them. I listened to her in everything, and antenatal clinic I had to pretend that I was drinking this crap that they attributed to me,” Nadezhda says about her experience. – Pregnancy at this age, as a rule, proceeds well if you have a positive attitude. Of course, after what I experienced, it was more difficult for me than for others, but I held on as best I could. When the time came to give birth, I couldn’t do it myself due to my weakness. labor activity. I had to go through a caesarean section. But everything ended well, now my son is one year and 4 months old.

Second world war– cause of late labor

In the post-war years, it was difficult for a woman to find a mate and give birth, because men childbearing age there were practically none left - the war took them all. Among the living there were only elderly men and very young boys 12-14 years old. It was very rare for a 20-25 year old girl to find a peer. Therefore, the girls remained unmarried or agreed to unequal marriages.

Marriage with a five-year age difference in favor of the woman was an ordinary thing. Well, there were no matches for 20-year-old girls, so we had to wait until the younger generation grew up. That’s why they got married late and had children,” says Olga, a 78-year-old grandmother. - Moreover, there was a kind of division between the girls - 24-year-old guys were “picked up” by brides who were over 30 years old, and we, the younger ones, were left with 20-year-olds. My husband and I are eight years apart. She got married at 29, her husband was only 21 years old. She gave birth to our first son at 30, and our second at 38. But this did not stop us from living happily all our lives.



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