All bad habits list. Bad habits and their impact on human health

A person acquires bad habits faster than good ones, and it is very difficult to get rid of them; it requires a lot of effort. Scientists have proven that it takes several months or years for a person to get used to good habits, but even a week is enough for harmful ones. For this purpose we carried out special study. I had to drink a glass of fresh juice every morning and run. Some did only part of the task, others did it not constantly, but after a few days. Everyone got used to it only after 4 months.

Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, delicious food produce the hormone of happiness, it is almost impossible to get rid of them.

What is a habit?

We can talk about a habit when a person constantly, without thinking about it, performs the same actions, without making much effort.

A habit can easily appear. For example, when a person is just learning to drive a car, it is difficult for him to get used to everything; later, he does everything automatically.

Habits, especially bad ones, are very difficult to break; to do this you need to constantly control yourself.

Bad human habits

This type has a negative impact on a person’s life; bad habits prevent one from fully realizing oneself in life and bring many problems both to oneself and to the people around him.

List of good and bad habits. Harmful:

  1. Smoking
  2. Alcohol
  3. Substance abuse
  4. Drug and gaming addiction
  5. Drug abuse
  6. Overeating

Such habits are not so dangerous, but still unpleasant - loud laughter, rudeness, bad manners. Psychologists consider bad habits as a disease; they are confident that they need to be treated. It is believed that if a person is exposed to them, it means that he is not all right with his psyche, he has an unstable nervous system. For example, we can talk about nervous disorder if a person constantly bites his nails, picks his nose, behaves aggressively, overeats, is jealous of everything, sleeps a lot and works little.

Useful human habits

It is very important to develop this type habits, and you will immediately notice how your life has changed in better side, because with the help of healthy habits you can improve your health, gain beauty and feel like a full-fledged person.

List of good and bad habits. Useful:

  1. The successful person who gets up early is the one who sleeps 7:00 a night, because he manages to do everything and feels good. Anyone who sleeps until one o'clock in the afternoon and goes to bed late cannot achieve the necessary goal in life, because of this he has problems various problems and difficulties.
  2. You need to eat healthy, balanced and rational. Avoid fried, spicy, smoked foods and replace these foods with fruits and vegetables. There is no need to constantly abuse fast food, Pepsi and other products that not only spoil your appearance, but also affect your health. Best consumed various cereals, they are very useful, too fresh juices, a complex of vitamins and minerals. And most importantly, know when to eat in moderation, do not overeat - this is very harmful and dangerous habit. Don't forget to have breakfast, it is in the morning that you saturate your body with energy.
  3. Be happy with what you have, be grateful to everyone and everything. This habit is very difficult to develop in yourself. But know that in nature there is a law of energy exchange, which says that as much as you give, you will receive as much. If you are constantly positive, share your joy with others, give your energy to people, it will immediately return to you, you will get sick less. People who constantly accumulate negativity, jealousy, envy, hatred in themselves are not happy, they have many various diseases, it has already been proven that they are most often prone to oncological diseases. Therefore, you need to rejoice in everything.
  4. Never envy someone else's life, pay attention to your life.
  5. Try to do more than you planned, then you won’t be late, worry or experience stress.
  6. You need to live for today, you don’t need to wait for what will happen, you need to enjoy what is here and now. Because if a person hopes that the future will be the way he wants, but this does not work out, he begins to worry a lot and may fall into a depressed state.
  7. You cannot live in the past, this is a very bad habit, it is even worse when a person lives in the future, because new opportunities do not open up for a person, he begins to withdraw into himself, does not move forward, and this is very dangerous for the psyche.
  8. Always remain optimistic, no need to push yourself negative thoughts, try to look at the problem in a completely different way, then you will be happy and healthy. Scientists have already proven that pessimists have much more diseases than optimists.
  9. Play your favorite sport.
  10. Walk in the fresh air as much as possible, it fills your body required quantity oxygen.

How to develop a good habit and get rid of a bad one

Remember, it's all up to you, you will need sufficient quantity time and willpower. To get rid of a bad habit, you need to create special conditions, if you want to quit smoking, don’t pay attention to cigarettes in the store, buy something else. When you want to eat less, shop for the week and put only healthy foods in the refrigerator.

Constantly monitor your subconscious; if you cannot do this on your own, ask for help from a person close to you.

The NLP method helps well, for this you need to sit down, completely relax and begin to clear your head of all extraneous thoughts, turn off everything that torments you, sit like this for up to 10 minutes. Remember, nothing should disturb you, so the place should be calm and quiet. Then imagine yourself without bad habits, convince yourself that your life will improve for the better, how good you feel without alcohol, smoking, etc. Imagine yourself successful and happy man, you did it, which means your self-hypnosis is effective.

Make sure you have more good habits in your life than bad ones!

The great philosopher Democritus once said: “Just as there is a disease of the body, there is also a disease of the lifestyle.” This suggests that the negative component of our lifestyle is interconnected with our body. What we do to ourselves is what we ultimately get as a result: either health and cheerfulness, or illness and pessimism. Just giving up bad habits allows you to rid yourself of so much harm, which will invariably lead to a higher quality of life and human existence on earth.

Useful and bad habits

When we talk about bad habits, we shouldn't ignore the good ones. Each of us should know what he is going to exchange for a skill that is causing harm. Therefore, of course, there are good and bad habits that need to be named in order to have a more complete understanding of the opportunities that open up to us.

Useful habits

To help you get rid of bad habits, focus your attention on the good things that will soon enter your life and make it more fulfilling and positive than before. These are the following good habits and skills:

  1. Get up early! This is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. Note that you always wake up happier and earlier than everyone else if you have a day ahead with pleasant events. So, expect these events, look for opportunities for their presence in your life, fill your life with bright and joyful plans that will give you cheerfulness in the morning.
  2. Eat right! By acquiring such a habit, you saturate your body with all the microelements necessary for its activity, which are converted into useful energy. All you have to do is spend it wisely.
  3. Reading books. This habit significantly replenishes your vocabulary, broadens your horizons and helps you acquire the skill of independent thinking.
  4. Live for today. Many people spend most of their time dreaming and planning for tomorrow, while today is simply ignored. Thus, it is difficult for a person to achieve anything in his life, and therefore he has only empty ambitions, but not the results of his labors.
  5. Continuous learning about something. The ability to learn should not be lost by a person throughout his life. It's a pity that this is not taught enough in society. After all, any experience is useful in life, and your worldview is significantly enriched.
  6. Think positively and appreciate humor. Such people who know how to find the positive in a given situation always have strong nerves than those who give themselves entirely to stress.
  7. Say a firm “No!” to envy, and “Yes!” to gratitude. Being able to give thanks is important habit, which has a beneficial effect on you. The ability to internally distance yourself from envy makes you a more good-natured person to whom people are drawn.

Bad habits

In society, it is customary to consider familiar behavioral models as bad habits, which are condemned for good reason. Specialists from different areas(medicine, dietetics, sports and others) unanimously declare factors threatening all humanity, such as:

  1. Smoking. It has a destructive effect not only on the smoker himself, but also on the person who is next to him, inhaling tobacco smoke that is dangerous to health.
  2. Alcoholism. This habit makes a person so bad that he poisons the lives of people close to him, and not just his own.
  3. Gluttony. At all times, most world religions have recognized such gluttony as a mortal sin. Today we see what it can lead to.
  4. Drug addiction, substance abuse, drug dependence. The scale of the spread of this scourge in society can hardly be called a habit, because it is already on the verge of acquiring the status of a disease. It is so difficult to get rid of these addictions.
  5. Captured by games. Computer games, slot machines, casinos, night card clubs and other establishments captivate a person so much that he already loses touch with real world and dies in front of his loved ones. In addition, many of these games deal a crushing blow to the family budget.
  6. Laziness. This habit makes itself felt when a person sleeps a lot, does not manifest himself in life, and does not realize his positive talents and skills.

Causes of problematic habits

What are the causes of bad habits? Why have they been so actively attacking humanity for centuries? Modern factors, which contribute to the emergence of addictions that destroy health, come down to the following, observable and even predictable moments of life:

  1. Heredity. Often bad habits come with the information carried by the genetic background passed on to us by our parents. Statistics confirm that a child born to parents suffering from alcoholism is 5 times more likely to follow their path.
  2. Social influence. There are such concepts as society, society, and there is an understanding of society as close circle. Pay attention to the people you interact with, how they influence you, and who you become when you are around them.
  3. Escape from real life full of problems. Those people who cannot, do not want or are too lazy to decide their life problems, escape from reality with the help of sedatives such as alcohol, drugs and even excessive sleep.
  4. Weak character. When a person does not have a tempered will, he is powerless to overcome this or that addiction on his own.
  5. Prolonged stress. Even if a person strong character, but circumstances stronger than him burst into his life, then he may give up and begin to help himself with the help of alcohol or other addictions. It is very important for such people, first of all, to get out of stress state and try to acquire stress tolerance skills.

Ways to combat bad habits

It should be noted that the fight against bad habits is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. However, with effort, you can achieve unprecedented success. What you can do for yourself in the situation of addiction in your life comes down to the following ways to get rid of bad habits:

  • do not “feed” bad habits, do not support them and do not give yourself any indulgences;
  • start looking for good habits and skills for yourself that would successfully replace and displace the bad ones;
  • do not get hung up on feelings of discomfort, because parting with any addiction is difficult at first;
  • do not make any exceptions to the rules you will follow.

But not everyone wants to get rid of a bad habit. And all because there are certain reasons for the emergence of problematic habits, and by eliminating them, it is not always possible to immediately get rid of the problem itself. addiction. After all, it is a consequence, and you have to fight the consequences longer than their root factors. Therefore, after determining the reason that provoked the emergence of a bad habit, it is necessary to immediately begin to eliminate it. in various ways and methods.

Useful tips

Most often, bad habits begin to form in childhood, when the child copies the actions of his parents.

Therefore, we can say that in order to rid a child of bad habits, you need to start with yourself.

However, if we are talking not only about children, but also about adults, then it is worth noting that there is no clear answer to the question of how to get rid of bad habits. However, there are several universal methods.

It's never too late to give up your bad habits and start living a healthier, happier life.

Quitting bad habits

First you should know important steps to get rid of bad habits

We are all familiar with bad habits such as smoking or alcohol, and we will talk about them in detail below. But you should also know that stubbornness, pride and shyness are also harmful and need to be worked on, especially if you suffer from serious bad habits such as smoking, gambling, and others.

How to deal with them:

1. Conquer your inner critic.

The very first thing to do is to understand that no one is perfect, and you must accept your imperfections. The critic inside you often prevents you from moving forward, making you feel guilty.

Try to make a list of those things in which you are not perfect: jealousy, envy, greed. Consider all your bad habits, such as picking your nose, grumbling, and others.

Now listen to what your inner critic. He will tell you that you are imperfect in many things, that you don’t know how to do much and will never learn anything new, that you will never achieve your goal, that everything is too difficult or even impossible.

It will take 5-10 minutes to listen to all this, but you need to think about it all and, when all this negativity is over, tear up your list.

2. Be prepared for a difficult and long journey.

You won't be able to get rid of bad habits overnight. Get ready for a long journey that will last at least 3 months. You will have several difficult days, but you need to persevere, and when all these days pass, you will begin to think very well about yourself, your self-esteem will increase and self-respect will appear from the fact that you were able to comply with the regime.

There is one interesting technique, the idea of ​​which is that if you really want to return to your previous regime and stop struggling with addiction, tell yourself: “Okay, I’ll do that, only tomorrow,” and when tomorrow comes, repeat to yourself again the same. You can save for several months, and during this time you can easily develop a useful habit.

3. Don't forget about rewards.

When you are in the middle of your journey of getting rid of bad habits, prepare yourself various incentives. The brain motivates various rewards. For example, you might say to yourself, “If these pants fit me, I’ll buy myself new shoes.”

4. Avoid triggers.

There are certain things that turn on the mechanisms of bad habits. Let's say if you are a shopaholic, then it is better to stay away from shopping centers, and if you like to drink often, do not go near the shelves with alcohol in the store, and also avoid bars.

You can even come up with a protective phrase for yourself that begins with “If... then...”. For example: “If I notice a bar nearby, I’ll go to the opposite side of the street” or “If I want to eat a cake, I’ll eat a couple of vegetables.”

Let your brain know what to do if a bad habit starts creeping up.

5. Avoid those who encourage you to engage in bad habits.

There are people who invite you for a smoke break, treat you to alcohol when you don’t want it, or provoke you to show aggression.

A piece of paper and a pen may help. Just list all the advantages that will appear when you stop communicating with such people.

6. Don't be shy to ask for help.

7. Be persistent and stubborn in a good way.

You shouldn’t criticize yourself after making a mistake; in the end, everyone makes mistakes. Try to prepare yourself for a fall in advance, work on yourself, improve yourself. All useful skills The things you learned earlier will not go away, they will remain in your head so that you can apply them in the future.

There is no need to give up, the main thing is to believe in yourself and understand that you are capable of much.

8. Find a foothold for yourself.

You need strong motivation that will constantly remind you why you need to get rid of a bad habit.

You can find such a point in your family, for example, or work.

9. Stick to your action plan.

Make a plan for yourself and strictly follow it to get rid of a bad habit, or at least reduce its “dose”. If we are talking about alcohol, then try to drink not 100 g of alcoholic beverage, but half, then reduce it to 30 g, and then stop drinking altogether.

10. Find a hobby that excites you.

This could be sports, creating something beautiful and useful, devoting oneself to the development of children, and so on.

* Try to learn as much as possible about your bad habit. It is important for you to know what it can lead to and how to get rid of it.

* If we're talking about about children, then, in order to rid them (or prevent the development) of bad habits, show them films and videos on the desired topic, show them what happens to smoker's lungs, with the liver of an alcoholic, or with the body and head of a drug addict. Thematic conversations with specialists (doctors, psychologists) can also help.

Bad habits and life

Here are the most bad habits you should give up:

Constant desire to snack, even when you are not hungry

Why is it dangerous:

If you can't always figure out when you're hungry and when you're not hungry, this can lead to chronic overeating and excess weight. This in turn can lead to diabetes, heart disease and other serious problems. If you frequently snack on unhealthy foods, you are also filling your body with unhealthy ingredients.

Why you should stop:

If you act decisively, anyone can fix it. bad habits in food and achieve a healthier, more natural weight. Pay attention to what your body tells you when it needs food and switch to healthy snacks. This way you can lose weight and avoid energy slumps. Your weight will drop to a healthier level and you will replace unhealthy trans fats, sugar, refined carbohydrates and extra salt for more nutrients.


Monitor your body and understand when it needs food and when it doesn’t.

Stop eating until you stop. If you feel a little full, you can finish your meal.

Eat because you are hungry, not because you are stressed, bored or sad.

Replace not healthy food to healthy: as soon as you stock up on fruits, vegetables, nuts and low-fat products whole grains, you'll start healthy image life.

Eat a snack the same way you eat lunch or dinner. Sit down at the table, eat a healthy snack on your plate and a glass of water

Read also:10 Bad Driver Habits That Kill Your Car

Bad habits as a way of life

Spending a long time on the couch in front of the TV

Why This dangerous :

The more time you spend on the couch watching TV, the less you move, increasing your chances of gaining overweight and develop type 2 diabetes. A large-scale study of more than 9,000 people found that those who aimlessly switched TV channels for more than two hours a day ate more, including junk, high-calorie foods, and drank more sugary drinks than those who spent less time watching TV. If TV replaces your friends or old hobbies, this can also increase the risk of memory loss.

Why you should stop:

TV replacement in an active way life can help you burn more calories, become leaner and fitter, and quickly reduce your chances of developing different problems with health. You will have more sound sleep and also more energy, better mood, sharper mind and more social connections, which may even help you boost your self-confidence.


Follow the 2/30 rule: this means watching no more than two hours a day of TV and spending at least 30 minutes doing physical exercise.

Turn on the TV only when you want to watch something specific. Don't mindlessly switch channels.

Don't snack in front of the TV: you can easily eat hundreds of chips and not even realize it.

Exercise while watching: Do squats and/or push-ups while watching TV.

Try to go out more often fresh air, and even go out of town on weekends. Meet friends, do more fun things, and stimulate your mind every day.

About bad habits

Behavior that makes you anxious, angry, or stressed

Why This dangerous :

A lifestyle that doesn't make you happy creates a cascade of stress hormones that raise your blood pressure and blood sugar, lower your immunity, and make you feel angry.

Stress was inherent in nature, as a short-term reaction to a threat, but in modern life many people suffer from chronic stress, which is extremely bad for your health. Stress can lead to overweight and overeating, which in turn leads to heart disease and diabetes.

Why you should stop:

Stress reduction techniques have been shown to lower blood sugar levels, improve immunity, reduce depression, relieve chronic pain, lower blood sugar and may protect your heart. A feeling of joy and control over your life is always worth its weight in gold.


Learn to stop stressing too much: How you react to stressful situations determines your stress level. Next time you're in stressful situation, make every effort to cope with it and not harm your health.

Learn a formal process for stress relief: among the most proven are yoga, meditation and deep breathing.

A fresh look at optimism: Pessimism is a learned behavior. Regaining your sense of hope will help you overcome stress and restore your sense of happiness in the long run.

Eat healthy and exercise: A healthy lifestyle works wonders when it comes to dealing with stressful situations.

Enjoy a relaxing hobby: calm down by completely immersing yourself in some activity - drawing, coloring, sewing, putting together puzzles, for example.

Discover the child in you: remember that inside every adult lives small child. Stop suppressing your sense of fun and silliness and remember to enjoy the little things.

Bad habit of drinking a lot of alcohol

Why This dangerous :

If you drink a lot of alcohol, it becomes poisonous. Women who regularly drink two or more drinks per day and men who regularly drink three or more alcoholic drinks exposed per day increased risk liver damage and cancer development, including liver cancer and oral cavity. In addition, alcohol can lead to high blood pressure and depression. Women who are more sensitive to alcohol may also develop heart disease, brittle bones and even memory loss.

Why you should stop:

Soon after you stop drinking alcohol, your digestion will improve and you will sleep better. Your blood sugar levels will drop and stabilize, your blood pressure may drop to a healthier range, and even your brain will recover. You will have healthy liver And cardiovascular system. And these are just the physical aspects, but besides them, positive changes can occur in your life, for example, relationships with family and friends will improve.


Stick to healthy limits: two or fewer drinks a day for men, and one for women.

Drink alcohol with meals: You'll likely drink less at the table.

Drink in moderation. Don't drink to escape your problems. Find more healthy way overcoming them.

Can't stop? Admit your addiction, talk to a doctor, and join a support group.

Talk to a nutritionist about high calorie diet to help your liver regenerate if you have problems.

Bad habit of smoking

Why This dangerous :

This is one of the most harmful habits that affects our health. Smoking causes 30% of deaths from cardiovascular diseases, 30% of deaths from cancer, of which 80-90% of all cases of lung cancer are due to smoking. In addition, smoking increases the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, throat and bladder. This bad habit also astronomically increases your chances of heart attacks, strokes and high blood pressure. And don't forget about the problems with respiratory tract, such as bronchitis and asthma attacks.

Why you should stop:

The benefits of quitting smoking are: quick recovery health. Your lungs and cardiovascular system begin to recover within minutes of last cigarette. Within a month, your lungs will function better, you will cough less, feel more energetic, and have less shortness of breath. Once you quit smoking, you will significantly reduce your risk of developing cancer or heart disease, as well as improve your sense of smell and taste and increase your stamina. You will also receive more fresh breath, youthful skin and get rid of the unpleasant smell of tobacco on your clothes.


Treat smoking as a drug addiction, and not as just a bad habit. Before you quit, be prepared for a challenging journey. You need a strategy, a support group, and a Plan B if your first methods don't work.

Ask your doctor about a drug that may help you quit smoking.

Get support: Talk to friends and family for advice.

Timing Rule: Plan to throw at quiet period your life, not when you are under a lot of stress.

Try a "nicotine freeze": use a nicotine patch or gum to help you gradually adjust to life without cigarettes or nicotine.

Remember that failure is not the end: use your failures to learn how to overcome obstacles and create a plan to solve future problems.

Bad habits and their influence: drug use

The worst thing about drug use is that it leads to both physical and mental disorders of the body. Drug addiction is more likely to lead to death than smoking or alcohol.

Why is it dangerous:

Drugs are highly addictive. They lead to insomnia, people suffer from nasal congestion, dry mucous membranes, their hands may tremble, and their pupils become so enlarged that their eyes find it very difficult to react to changes in lighting.

Why you need to stop:

The drug is a poison that destroys the human brain. A person significantly increases the risk fatal outcome from heart failure caused by drug use.

Drug addicts lose their instinct of self-preservation, so among them large number suicide attempts.


Contact specialists who can help you cope with addiction.

Talk about the problem with family and friends who can help you fight psychologically.

Bad human habits: shopaholism

This problem is also called oniomania or shopping addiction.

Why This dangerous:

Problems associated with uncontrolled spending of money may have serious consequences for health. In a Rutgers University survey, respondents said financial stress contributed to high blood pressure, depression, insomnia, headaches, digestive problems, ulcers, excessive smoking and drinking, and weight gain or loss.

Why you should stop:

Try to refrain from unnecessary purchases. It's hard, but getting out of debt is a lot like losing weight. It takes time and it can be hard on your ego and your lifestyle, but you have to be vigilant at all times because it is very easy to fall back into old habits.

But if you succeed in your quest to control your spending, then you will control your results and your life with less stress. You'll sleep better, stop overeating, and have fewer headaches. By reining in your spending and focusing on simple joys in life, you will also be able to improve your relationships.


Learn more about how to manage your funds wisely.

Freeze your credit cards, literally. Put them in a vase, add water and put them in the freezer until you can stop using them.

Create a budget: how much money comes in per month? How much do you spend on essentials and how much frivolously? Follow along and find out what you need to cut costs.

Automate healthy monthly habits: Use online banking to move a portion of your paychecks into a savings account and set up bill payments automatically.

Set your priorities wisely: Don't shop for fun. Identify important goals and create financial plan for each of them.

Other examples of bad habits

Gambling addiction

Gambling addiction is special type mental dependence, which is characterized by a pathological passion for playing slot machines.

As a rule, this habit develops in those people who do not receive proper pleasure from their life and from their place in society. Such people try to escape from the world around them. Slot machines are so addictive that a person is simply unable to disconnect from the virtual world.

Coffee mania

It's no secret that coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, but drinking it too often (more than 3 cups a day) can lead to a bad habit. The point is that high dose caffeine can worsen the condition of hypertensive patients, cause gastrointestinal diseases, and coffee is also harmful for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

But it is worth noting that all these problems arise when a person clearly overdoes his daily dose of caffeine.

It is also worth noting that coffee should not be consumed with alcohol, and especially not with tobacco smoke. This combination can be hard on your cardiovascular system.

Lack of sleep

Sleep is extremely important for any person, and its lack will lead to serious health problems.

Here are some symptoms of sleep deprivation:


Circles under the eyes

Slight swelling of the face

Loss of skin tone


Unreasonable irritability

Decreased concentration


Horse racing blood pressure

Rapid heartbeat

Loss of appetite

Stomach problems.

*If a person for a long time lacks sleep, he may develop: gastritis, hypertension and obesity.

The habit of constantly touching and picking at the skin

This habit can arise from various reasons. This may be a banal desire to have a perfect face, or it may be neurosis, or simply a person has nowhere to put his fingers.

There are girls who are ashamed even of themselves small pimple, and therefore they examine their face in detail and pick even those places that others cannot see. They want to get rid of the pimple at all costs.

But it is worth noting that this habit can lead to skin inflammation, and in some cases, inflammation occurs that cannot be cured without surgery.

Bad habits of teenagers

Rhinotillexomania or nose picking

Experts consider moderate nose picking to be normal, but there is also quite a bit of severe forms this bad habit. Sometimes picking your nose too actively leads to bleeding, and it can also cause severe damage nasal mucosa.

Knuckle cracking

This habit usually develops in childhood, and over time it can harm the joints of the fingers, as the person regularly causes minor injuries. Clicking your fingers can lead to loss of mobility and even arthrosis at a young age.


There are people who cannot stop when they see new equipment, and they definitely need to buy it. This could be a new smartphone, computer, headphones or something else. This habit can lead to depression and other problems. This is especially true when a person does not have enough money for a new gadget, but at the same time he feels an urgent need to acquire a new device.

Most often, technomania occurs in teenagers and children who, when they see something new from friends or on TV, strive to acquire it as quickly as possible.

Gaming addiction in children

Bad habits are a frequent companion of human life. Various kinds Addictions interfere with self-realization, harm health and sometimes lead to personality degradation.

We have selected for you 13 of the most harmful and destructive human habits.

If you find yourself with one or two, immediately throw all your strength into the fight.

Bad habits - how they appear

For dependence to occur there must be suitable comfortable conditions(something like a nutrient broth for bacteria to multiply). Causes of bad habits:

  • laziness,
  • loneliness,
  • boredom,
  • lack of will,
  • weak character, inability to stop in time,
  • frequent stress, nervous tension, experiences,
  • heavy life periods(divorce, funeral of loved ones, moving, new job).

Whatever the reason for a bad habit, it is not an excuse.

This is a problem of personal choice and internal energy. Where one heals heart wounds with alcohol and shopping, the other hits a punching bag and sits with friends in a cafe.

TOP 13 bad habits

1. Television, computer, gaming and Internet addiction

The most glaring problem modern society. Dive into virtual reality– this is a waste of time on empty, useless dialogues, views, searches.

Online communication is gradually replacing everyday human relationships, dense TV series “switch off” consciousness, and games alienate people from family and everyday chores.

Most of all computer and gaming addiction susceptible to closed ones, . Escaping reality is life-saving for them, and the opportunity to become someone else is attractive.

The older generation has the impression that gambling addiction is a problem of youth.

This is not true: fully grown men happily fight in “tanks”, while forgetting to do their homework with their children and kiss their wife goodnight.

2. Alcoholism

Drinking that occurs due to stress quickly develops into a habit. And now, without a familiar glass, the evening seems ruined, and life seems boring.

To take the path of alcoholism, you don’t have to drink vodka. For some, it all starts with a glass of wine with lunch, for others - with a couple of liters of beer for dinner.

3. Smoking tobacco

Mark Twain is remembered not only for “Tom Sawyer,” but also for dozens of vivid aphorisms about tobacco addiction.

His most eloquent phrase: “Quitting smoking is not so difficult. I’ve quit hundreds of times myself!”

The complexity of combating this bad habit can only be rivaled by item No. 4 in our rating. Tobacco contains not only nicotine, but as many as four hundred substances that systematically poison the smoker’s body.

4. Drug addiction

In terms of consequences, this is the most harmful habit of humanity. The average drug addict lives 30 years less than the average citizen.

Addiction to hard drugs leads to complete personality degradation, mental disorders, total health problems and death.

5. Shopping addiction

Wasteful spending burdens the family budget.

Shopaholics engage in “joint shopping”, catch deals in online stores, queue up at sales and, as a result, buy a ton of unnecessary junk.

The most neglected case is shopping in a TV store, where the order is made under the influence of loneliness and popcorn.

6. Coffee mania

Dependence on invigorating drinks Containing caffeine (coffee, strong tea, cola, energy drinks) occurs during periods of intense work.

Urgency, strict deadline, irregular schedule, long-term project... And now you are already drinking your fifth cup of coffee in the morning, trying to please your boss.

The heart and nervous system. But as soon as you reduce the dose a little, the body starts on the path to recovery.

7. Chronic lack of sleep

The habit of falling asleep after two or three o'clock in the morning and jumping at the alarm clock occurs among those who manically value their time.

The movie at night is so good, and the silence outside the window is so inspiring!

Over time, they begin to suffer from lack of sleep internal systems, health fails.

8. Diets

Those who like to go on varied diets are also hostages of a bad habit.

The thing is that our body is rebuilt during a period of severe food restrictions. Metabolism slows down and the body enters energy saving mode.

Once you give yourself a tiny bit of slack and eat to your heart’s content, the fat immediately returns. Moreover, he comes not to the place where he has already established a place, but to new locations.

suffer internal organs, immunity, blood circulation, heart muscle.

9. Overeating

Gluttony is not without reason considered one of the seven sins.

But most of all it harms not society, but the person himself. Occurrence and exacerbation chronic diseases- just the beginning.

10. Gambling addiction

It's not just about roulette and the one-armed bandit. This category includes any disputes and bets, card games, sports betting.

“Easy money” attracts risk-takers, and they can’t stop. “I’ll be lucky this time!” – the typical owner of this bad habit says confidently. And he hurries to catch luck by the tail, waving his last shirt.

11. Drug addiction

For some, it is expressed in a total love for the treatment process itself, when the pharmacy becomes a mecca. At the first sneeze, you buy a full basket of antibiotics, which eventually stop working.

Others become dependent on specific medications - sedatives, painkillers or vasoconstrictors (a typical example is drops for the common cold).

It can be difficult to get off this needle: like drugs, medications are addictive not only on a psychological, but also on a physiological level.

12. The habit of using curse words in everyday speech

It all starts in youth with the desire to imitate older comrades or become part of the crowd. Gradually, addiction occurs.

In advanced cases, a person uses swear words every 4-6 words. Speech clogged with profanity is harmful internal culture, negatively affects the upbringing of children and, in general, lowers social status.

13. Minor bad habits (repetitive gestures, movements)

Clicking joints, wiggling ears, pulling hair, picking nose, constant desire chew your nails or ballpoint pen...

They are comparable to nervous tics and betray a weak, weak-willed nature that does not control its behavior.

A bitten nail won't cause much harm, but the process looks extremely unaesthetic.



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