Is it possible to cure human papillomavirus (HPV) permanently? How dangerous is the human papillomavirus and how to treat it.

Treatment of human papillomavirus is carried out only after a medical examination. The reason for visiting a specialist is often characteristic growths, which are the main signal about the development of the disease.

The human papillomavirus manifests itself as characteristic formations on the body

Is it possible to cure papillomavirus?

There are two common myths about HPV therapy:

  1. The papilloma virus is completely curable.
  2. It is impossible to get rid of this infection; it always leads to cancer and death.

The wording itself – “cure the virus” – in this case is incorrect. It is impossible to kill strains and completely remove them from the body, but you can stop their activity or cure a disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms.

Papillomavirus (HPV) does not always harm human health. Only certain types of papillomavirus (16 and 18) pose a high oncogenic risk. It is because of them that cancer appears.

The treatment regimen must also be drawn up by a specialist; in most cases, surgical intervention is required.

Treatment methods for papilloma virus are determined by a specialist

In total, there are more than 600 strains of papilloma, which are divided into 3 groups:

  • harmless;
  • causing warts;
  • microorganisms that cause cancer.
The most aggressive viruses belong to the latter group, which is why they are more difficult to treat.

Symptoms manifest themselves during periods of weakened immune system or occur against the background of stress or the development of diseases. A carrier of the virus can transmit the infection to other people through physical contact and not even know it. A person is unable to determine the type of microorganisms on his own and, accordingly, to apply the necessary medications.

Which doctor treats human papillomavirus infection?

It is necessary to contact a specialist who is treating the area where the growths (warts) appeared. There is no universal doctor who treats papilloma.

In women and men, human papillomavirus infection can appear in the following places:

  • oral cavity (you need to see a dentist);
  • intimate area (treatment will be carried out by a gynecologist or urologist);
  • eyelids (ophthalmologist).

Gynecology deals with the treatment of neoplasms in the vagina and cervix. In women, the virus often manifests itself in these places.

A gynecologist treats papilloma in women

Treatment methods for human papillomavirus

Self-medication of the papilloma virus is a useless and risky exercise, which will most likely lead to disastrous consequences. Some drugs can relieve general symptoms of infection, but proper therapy still requires a visit to a specialist.

Warts are removed surgically or laser. In some cases, they disappear without outside intervention.

Drug treatment

Treatment of the virus requires the selection of medications that can restore the protective functions of the immune system and overcome the disease itself.


Injections are administered intravenously. Injections are prescribed strictly after visiting a specialist. The following drugs are used for therapy:

  1. Cycloferon. The medicine is prescribed to every second patient with HPV. The drug is especially effective for medium-oncogenic viruses. Cost: about 350 rubles.
  2. Interferon alpha. A drug to boost immunity and fight dangerous microorganisms. Has anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative effects. Cost: about 120 rubles.
  3. Panavir. A herbal remedy that helps increase the body's resistance to strains. The price of the drug starts from 110 rubles.
  4. Ingaron. Solution for intramuscular administration. Stimulates the immune system and fights pathogenic microorganisms. Cost: about 130 rubles.

All medications on this list are immunomodulators, meaning they affect the immune system. This property is very important for the treatment of all types of papillomavirus.

Cycloferon is a common drug for the treatment of HPV

Tablets against papillomavirus

Tablets that are prescribed for HPV therapy:

  1. Isoprinosine. The medication affects the immune system and has an antiviral effect. Price: about 1000 rubles.
  2. Lycopid. This drug is an effective immunomodulator. Price: from 800 rubles.
  3. Lavomax. Tablets that have an antiviral effect. Price: about 300 rubles.
  4. Alpizarin. Herbal antiviral and antibacterial drug. Available in the form of tablets and ointments, which are also used to treat papilloma. The ointment is applied to the warts. Cost of the drug: about 200 rubles.
To treat HPV, antiviral drugs are prescribed, as well as vitamins and antibiotics (on an individual basis).

Isoprinosine strengthens human immunity


Suppositories are used in cases where viral papilloma manifests itself in the intimate area. These medications are used to treat growths that form on the cervix, genitals, and vagina. The most effective suppositories:

  • Genferon - about 500 rubles;
  • Betadine – from 400 rubles;
  • Viferon - approximate price 280 rubles.

Suppositories are the main medications for the treatment of genital papilloma. They have antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, fight edema, and eliminate warts. Suppositories are not recommended for use by children under 7 years of age and pregnant women.

Suppositories are used to treat HPV in intimate areas

Ointments for HPV

When used regularly, ointments can eliminate growths. Treatments for HPV include:

  1. Oxolinic ointment. Often used to destroy warts in intimate places. The product effectively fights viruses and does not dry out the skin. Price: 30 rubles.
  2. San Fen Zhong. Ointment of Chinese origin, has a burning effect. The easiest way to purchase it is on the Internet. Cost: about 200 rubles.
  3. Stefalin. Quite an expensive ointment, 8 ml cost approximately 4,000 rubles. The drug is fast and effective. This ointment can remove moles and papillomas in 14–30 days (depending on the degree of damage).

Salicylic ointment can also be used for therapeutic purposes. It has a drying effect, kills germs and viruses, and fights inflammation.

Oxolinic ointment is a good remedy for the treatment of papilloma


Vitamins are used to restore immunity and improve health. They reduce the body's susceptibility to pathogenic microorganisms. It is vitamins that help fight the cause of the disease. Patients are recommended to take the following vitamin complexes:

  • Aevit (price about 50 rubles);
  • Complivit (costs about 150 rubles);
  • Alphabet (price from 250 rubles).

These medicines contain several beneficial substances, due to which they have a beneficial effect on the entire body. The specialist may prescribe other medications after the examination.

Vitamins will strengthen health and immunity

What other means are used to eliminate papilloma?

Traditional treatment

Traditional recipes are used to eliminate growths. The most common and accessible method of destroying warts is to smear them with potato juice. This method can be used for 30–40 days. Potato juice is also used to eliminate tumors in the intimate area.

Lemon and vinegar tincture

Lemon zest mixed with 100 ml of vinegar helps against the virus. The medicine should be left in a cool, dry place for 7 days. After this, the tincture can be used 2-3 times a day, lubricating the warts with it. The course of treatment takes from 2 weeks.

Experts do not recommend using traditional methods without prior medical consultation. Most types of HPV are treated at any public clinic, where you can always turn for help.

Lemon and vinegar will help get rid of papilloma at home

Fir oil and celandine

Fresh stems and flowers of celandine must be mixed with fir oil. These components help get rid of growths and have an antiviral effect. The mixture must be applied pointwise. Dandelion juice can be used as an additional ingredient. Course of treatment: from 10 to 40 days (depending on the degree of damage).

Fir oil has antiviral properties

The cheapest and easiest option is to lubricate the warts with ammonia. This method is suitable only for adults. Alcohol should not be used in the genital area and mucous membranes. There has been more than one case where the use of this folk method led to extensive peeling and irritation of the skin. The advantage of ammonia is its rapid action. Treatment takes from several days to 2 weeks.

Ammonia is a simple way to fight HPV


  1. Using a condom. The contraceptive is not able to provide 100% protection against HPV, but it reduces the risk of infection several times.
  2. Vaccination. Many people are afraid to get vaccinated against papilloma, but this fear is unfounded and stupid. Vaccination can protect against the most aggressive (oncogenic and moderately oncogenic) types of the virus.
  3. Healthy lifestyle. This item includes healthy eating, giving up bad habits and avoiding stressful situations. Papillomas are constantly present in the human body, but they manifest themselves only during periods of decline in the immune and nervous systems.

Vitamin complexes can be used for prevention.

To answer the question of whether HPV can be cured forever, you need to understand the mechanism of its introduction into the human body and learn more about the effect of drugs on the virus. A significant part of the world's population is infected. However, people often do not know that they are carriers of the virus. There may be no signs of infection, making diagnosis difficult. The activity of the virus increases under a number of conditions. The main factor provoking the growth of tumors is a decrease in immunity.

More details and HPV

The papilloma virus can persist for a long time in the external environment. It is transmitted from person to person. The infection integrates into the cells of the body and promotes their intensive division. As a result, growths appear - papillomas. They are excess tissue and can develop uncontrollably. The growth rate of neoplasms depends on the condition of the body.

Papillomas occur in different parts of the body:

  • genitals;
  • armpits;
  • face.

The localization of growths is determined by the type of virus. There are about 70 types of HPV. Some of them are the most dangerous. Such genotypes are oncogenic. These include HPV 16, 18, . Neoplasms caused by these types of viruses must be removed. Some of them contribute to the development of cervical cancer in women.

Can HPV be cured?

To date, there is no method yet that would get rid of papillomavirus forever. If you are interested in the question of whether HPV can be cured, the answer will be ambiguous. On the one hand, the use of existing methods does not give the desired result, but only blocks the activity of the infection. On the other hand, it is still possible to get rid of the virus forever, but this happens in rare cases and naturally.

If you eliminate factors that contribute to the development of infection, and also increase immunity, the body will get rid of HPV on its own. However, it is extremely difficult to eliminate all the reasons why the virus begins to develop. As a rule, it is realistic to remove only one or several factors. Reasons for the active development of infection:

All these factors lead to weakened immunity, which in turn contributes to an increase in infection activity. To completely get rid of the human papillomavirus, it is necessary not only to restore the body’s protective functions, but also to undergo a course of therapy. However, there are known cases of self-healing, when the infection developed asymptomatically, and over time the body was able to overcome it.

In most cases, the virus remains in the cells of the human body for life. He may not show himself at all. Recently, cases of the development of malignant tumors due to infection with oncogenic HPV genotypes have become more frequent. This means that it is difficult to predict how a particular type of infection will behave. However, it is better to undergo treatment, despite the fact that the virus is incurable. This will reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Therapeutic measures

You can try to get rid of papillomas forever. The chance of this happening is small, but it still exists. The course of treatment consists of three stages:

  1. Antiviral drugs.
  2. Removing growths.

The active ingredients in the first group of drugs contribute to the body's production of interferon. Most of these drugs will contain recombinant interferon alpha-2b. Immune-boosting medications help fight the virus naturally by increasing the number of immune cells. When protective functions are restored, the body begins to actively influence the processes that occur during the development and spread of the virus. The infection stops multiplying, so new papillomas do not appear.

There are also immunomodulatory drugs. They can also be used to treat HPV in women and men. They differ from immunostimulating drugs in that they are directly involved in the process of immune function. Such drugs have serious contraindications. However, drugs from these two groups are successfully used to treat HPV.

Drug Review

Immunostimulating drugs can be of different types: general or local action. In the first case, the active substance affects the entire body. Locally acting drugs are applied to the skin where papillomas appear. This measure will give results if it is planned to remove tumors.

There are cases when the body naturally overcomes the virus after a course of treatment: the use of a local immunostimulant, an antiviral agent for several weeks before the papilloma removal procedure. Such medications are also recommended for use after excision of excess tissue. Product overview:

Combination drugs

This group includes drugs that combine several properties. They equally effectively stimulate the immune system and stop the activity of the virus. If it is necessary to cure type 18, it is recommended to use some remedies from this group:

Antiviral drugs

If it is necessary to suppress the activity of the virus, combination medications, which were discussed above, are most often used. However, along with them, doctors prescribe Isoprinosine. This is a drug that helps reduce viral activity. The main compound in the composition is inosine pranobex. The medicine is prescribed for a number of complex pathological conditions when the body is affected by hepatitis B, C viruses, papillomavirus, herpes, cytomegalovirus, and encephalitis.

Isoprinosine has a complex effect: it helps reduce clinical symptoms of infection, increase the body’s resistance, and also accelerates convalescence. The drug has restrictions on use: kidney dysfunction, stone formation, arrhythmia, gout, breastfeeding and gestation, individual reaction to the components of the drug, children's age (up to 3 years).

Removal of papillomas

It is recommended to remove excess tissue from the surface of the skin; different methods are used for this: cryotherapy, laser therapy, radio wave therapy, electrocoagulation method, surgery. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis. Neoplasms do not require hospital treatment. The exception is complex cases when cancer develops.

The infection cannot be treated, and a relapse may well occur after some time. In this case, the growths will increase, and new papillomas will appear nearby. If the formation is removed correctly, the risk of relapse is significantly reduced.

You can also get rid of papillomas at home, but you must first find out what genotype the person is infected with. If this is not done, then the removal method will not be able to stop the infection.

On the contrary, it will spread with renewed vigor. In addition, there is a possibility that the papilloma will be only partially removed at home, which then increases the risk of developing cancer.

Condylomas, papillomas, warts - all these growths are the result of the activity of human papillomavirus infection. The virus penetrates through any microtrauma on the skin or mucous membranes, takes root in the upper epithelial layers and begins to infect healthy cells, resulting in their uncontrolled division and growth - this is how skin neoplasms appear. Some serotypes of the virus (there are more than 100 types in total) are initially oncogenic, while others do not pose a potential threat to human health. You can avoid malignancy and cure HPV only by contacting a doctor who, after conducting tests, will prescribe adequate therapy.

Both women and men are equally susceptible to infection, but in relation to the female half of humanity, the risk of papillomas transforming into a cancerous tumor increases.

The following serotypes of the virus have a high degree of oncogenicity - 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52. They pose a particular danger to women because they provoke the development of dysplasia (destruction of the mucous membrane, this is a precancerous condition) and can lead to cervical cancer.

In order to get rid of the manifestations of papillomavirus, you need to, firstly, contact a doctor, and secondly, undergo the prescribed course of therapy. Typically the treatment regimen is as follows:

  • Tumors are removed by electrocoagulation, laser or radio wave destruction, cryotherapy;
  • Prescribe medications - these are antiviral, immunostimulating drugs (tablets, ointments, suppositories or injections);
  • The use of vitamin complexes to maintain immunity.

However, are these measures enough to cure the human papillomavirus forever, or is a complete cure still impossible?

Is it possible to be completely cured of HPV?

You can become infected with HPV through household contact or sexual contact, but this does not mean that immediately after infection you will develop characteristic growths - it all depends on the functioning of the person’s immune system.

Thus, it is possible to recover from papillomavirus forever only at a young age (up to 25 years) - complete recovery is recorded in 80% of diagnosed cases. Immunocorrect therapy, mechanical removal of growths and strong immunity - together this is enough to cope with a viral attack - elimination occurs, that is, the body is completely cleared of HPV.

At an older age, it is impossible to completely cure the disease, because the immune system is no longer so strong. Having penetrated the epithelial layer, the virus takes root and remains there, in “sleeping” mode. This latent course of the disease lasts as long as the immune system is able to suppress the virus, but as soon as it fails, HPV becomes activated and growths appear (on the skin or mucous membranes).

HPV is an immune-dependent virus and, unfortunately, there is no medicine yet that can eradicate it; it all depends on the individual characteristics of the human body - the stronger the immune system, the greater the chances of overcoming the infection.

Despite the fact that after 30 years it is no longer possible to cure papillomavirus completely, therapy is still necessary. A set of measures is aimed at inhibiting the activity of HPV, eliminating symptomatic manifestations and stimulating the immune system.

Destruction of neoplasms

After the type of pathogen has been established, the doctor begins treatment and begins by removing (destruction) of pathological neoplasms. There are several ways to get rid of growths:

  • Electrocoagulation– papilloma is burned out by high-frequency current. The procedure is painful and requires anesthesia. In one session, several dozen tumors can be removed;
  • Laser surgery– today this method is preferred. The growths are removed painlessly, the laser beam does not injure surrounding tissues, removal is possible on any part of the body;

  • Radio wave method– the procedure is non-contact, performed under anesthesia. The effect of radio waves is selective - they cut off only pathological tissues, without affecting healthy skin. No blood loss, infection, scarring;
  • Cryotherapy– freezing of the growth. Liquid nitrogen is used to treat the new growth, after which it dies. The downside is that it is difficult for the doctor to control the depth of exposure, so damage to healthy tissue is possible.

Classic removal (using a scalpel) is used in emergency cases - when the tumor is malignant or the lesion is large.

In addition to hardware methods, you can use chemicals to cauterize papillomas. Such drugs are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, so people often resort to removing tumors on their own.

How to deal with growths yourself

Not all papillomas can be removed at home. If the neoplasm has changed, grown, bleeds or hurts, do not cauterize it yourself under any circumstances - these may be symptoms of malignancy - consult a doctor immediately.

If there are no contraindications, papilloma can be removed at home using necrotizing or freezing medications:

  • Verrukacid is a modern analogue of Fezerol. Apply only on top of the growth; if the product gets on healthy skin, it will cause a burn. Treatment of small papillomas is carried out once, but if the growth is large and hard, the procedure must be repeated 2-4 times (the intervals between applications are several minutes). A crust appears at the site of the pathological growth, which disappears after 2 weeks;
  • Solcoderm - only the surface of the neoplasm is treated; for ease of application, the drug is equipped with a special applicator. After the procedure, the papilloma should change color; if this does not happen, the treatment is repeated (until characteristic modifications appear). Then, for several days, it is recommended to lubricate the affected area with ethyl alcohol. Complete healing occurs in 10-14 days;
  • Cryopharma – used for freezing tumors. The applicator is applied to the growth, pressed and held for no more than 40 seconds. Then, over the course of 2 weeks, the scab dies off.

There are a lot of drugs with a similar effect; decide which one to use together with your doctor.

Removing the growth is just symptomatic therapy; along with it, it is necessary to use antiviral drugs and immunostimulants that will help suppress the activity of the virus, thereby preventing the re-growth of papillomas.

Antiviral, immunostimulating therapy

Medicines to suppress HPV can be used in different forms (depending on the location and severity of the disease). The most effective are systemic drugs - tablets, injections:

  • Isoprinosine is a medicinal tablet that suppresses the activity of the virus and stimulates the production of its own interferon. The usual regimen is 2 tablets per day, course 2 weeks;

  • Cycloferon is usually used for injection, but the drug is also available in tablets. Activates the production of interferon (that is, increases the body's immune forces), and also has an antiviral effect. Course of 10 injections every other day;
  • Allokin-alpha is an injection medicine. Inhibits the virus and improves immunity. The drug is administered subcutaneously (1 injection every 2 days), a course of 6 injections.

Groprinosin, Famvir, Valtrex, Likopid, Alpizorin, and many other medications are used in the complex therapy of HPV.

You can be treated not only with systemic but also local medications - these are ointments, suppositories, creams, which are used primarily to treat the mucous membranes of the vagina.

  • Candles (suppositories) – Laferobion, Kipferon, Galavit, Betadine, Genferon, others.
  • Gels, creams – Viferon, Panavir, 3% Oxolinic ointment, Aldara, Malavit, Bonafton, others.

Despite the fact that HPV is not completely curable, after complex therapy you will be able to get rid of its negative manifestations for a long time (maybe even forever). In order for the effect of treatment to last as long as possible, it is necessary to monitor the state of the immune system - a balanced diet and a course of vitamin complexes (Aevit, Alphavit, Complivit, etc.) will help avoid relapse.

Video on topic

Human papillomavirus infection is currently a common pathology. The causative agent of the disease mainly affects the mucous membranes of the throat, mouth, nose, and genitals. They are selected after undergoing an examination, during which the type of virus can be determined. Modern treatment methods can only get rid of the external symptoms of the disease.

Causes of papillomas

Experts say that most of the population is infected with the papilloma virus, but the disease does not always manifest itself. Some people are not even aware of the infection and are only carriers. The appearance of characteristic formations on the skin indicates the presence in the body of diseases of inflammatory etiology in an advanced stage. Papillomas can also occur due to severe stress.

Infection occurs not only through sexual contact (unprotected). Although this method is more common than others. You can become infected with the virus through contact with a carrier’s skin or through a kiss. The virus enters the body through wounds and scratches on the skin.


Papillomas look like moles with a short stalk. They look unaesthetic, especially on open areas of the body. Neoplasms appear most often in the genital area, both in women and in the stronger sex. Papillomas can have various shapes: flat, pointed, thread-like, mosaic-shaped. The color of the growth is slightly different from the skin and can be lighter or, conversely, darker. Depending on the external manifestation of the disease, the specialist selects the optimal medicine for papilloma.

A person infected with the virus is usually only concerned about the appearance of characteristic moles or warts. However, it has been established that internal organs are also under attack. During medical diagnostics, formations are identified on the mucous membrane of the stomach, bladder, and cervix.

How is papilloma treated?

Which medications are suitable for getting rid of those caused by HPV can only be determined by the attending physician (dermatologist, gynecologist or andrologist). It is highly undesirable to get rid of papillomas on your own. Modern medicine offers several ways to treat the pathological condition. Medication is the basis of therapy. The medicine for papillomas acts on the problem from the inside, blocking the proliferation of infection and improving the body's protective functions.

From the mucous epithelium and skin using methods such as cryodestruction, electrocoagulation, laser and surgical removal. One of the modern methods of getting rid of an unpleasant cosmetic defect is the use of a radioknife, which cuts off not only the tumor itself, but also the epithelium.

Effective drugs for papillomavirus infection

It should be borne in mind that there are no medications that can destroy the papilloma virus in the body. A properly selected medicine for papillomas can improve the condition of the immune system and suppress the replication of the virus. It is not recommended to take such medications without a doctor's prescription.

To combat viral infections in dermatology and gynecology, the following medications are most often recommended:

  1. "Isoprinosine."
  2. "Cycloferon".
  3. "Interferon".
  4. "Panavir".
  5. "Viferon".
  6. "Feresol".
  7. "Verrukacid."

Some medications are quite complex and can cause side effects. After passing the examination, the doctor determines an individual dosage regimen.

Description of the drug "Isoprinosine"

Isoprinosine is considered one of the most effective drugs (according to many doctors) for eliminating papillomavirus infection. The drug belongs to the group of antiviral drugs and is capable of directly affecting the pathogen, preventing it from developing.

The drug for the correction of pathological conditions of the immune system is available in the form of tablets. The active ingredient is inosine pranobex (500 mg). The tablets have both antiviral and immunostimulating effects. “Isoprinosine” effectively suppresses the development of HPV (the production of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase is blocked), and by stimulating the body’s protective function, viral particles and infected cells are completely destroyed.

using Isoprinosine

The treatment regimen and dosage are calculated depending on the type of virus. For ordinary papillomas, drug treatment is quite sufficient. If condylomas are observed on the skin, in addition to tablets, surgical intervention is indicated.

Medicine for papillomas is taken for at least 14 days. The course of treatment can be extended up to 28 days on the recommendation of a specialist. The dosage depends on the patient's age. Children over 12 years of age and adults need to take two Isoprinosine tablets three times a day. In pediatric practice, tablets are prescribed to children from 3 years of age, calculating the dose of the active substance depending on the child’s weight. For 10 kg of body weight, 500 mg of inosine pranobex is indicated. That is, if a child weighs 15 kg, he needs to take 750 mg per day. The result obtained is divided into three doses (250 mg at a time).

When surgically removing papillomas and condylomas, it is also necessary to carry out antiviral therapy to prevent relapse of the disease. Before using the medicine, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Natural drug "Panavir"

Another medicine for papillomas is Panavir, which is based on substances of natural origin. The product has a wide spectrum of action and is used as a powerful immunomodulator and antiviral drug. Panavir is produced in the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, gel and spray for external application, and solution for injection.

The active substance of Panavir is an extract from potato tops. It has been established that the substance has strong immunomodulatory properties and promotes the production of interferon in the body. For the treatment of papillomas, it is most often prescribed in the form of a gel, which is applied twice a day. In the form of rectal and vaginal suppositories, the product, according to experts, is also effective. Suppositories help get rid of papillomas in the anus and vagina.

Treatment of papillomas should begin at an early stage, without waiting for the moment when they begin to increase in size. According to patient reviews, the gel is well tolerated and does not cause allergic reactions. In most cases, it helps get rid of warts and various types of papillomas. If the growths are minor, it is sufficient to use only a product for external application. In more advanced cases, complex therapy is indicated.

In the form of a spray and gel, Panavir is used in pediatric practice. This natural-based medicine against papillomas can also be used to treat pregnant women.

"Ferezol" for papillomas

You can fight cosmetic defects on the skin caused by the presence of the papilloma virus in the body using the drug Feresol. The product is designed specifically for removing skin growths. The solution is effective for warts, papillomas and condylomas. However, it should also be used as directed by a specialist. The effectiveness of the drug is based on its cauterizing and mummifying effect.

How to use it correctly?

According to the instructions, the liquid medicine for papillomas is applied directly to the affected area and try to avoid getting the solution on healthy skin. You can first steam the area of ​​the dermis with the neoplasm and allow the moisture to dry completely. This manipulation will allow the drug to penetrate into the deeper layers of the tumor. You can apply the medicine using a small stick.

If the papilloma is small in size, then a single use of the Feresol solution may be sufficient for removal. For large affected areas, it is necessary to apply the drug several times at intervals of 15-20 minutes. It is dangerous to use the product on some areas of the body, such as the armpits, due to the high risk of burns.

What do the doctors say?

Experts strongly recommend that patients not self-medicate with condylomas and papillomas. Only a doctor can determine the appropriate therapy after the patient has been examined. The optimal medicine for papillomas and warts is selected individually for each patient. Some patients may only need medication to treat the disease, while others cannot do without surgical removal of the growths. The duration of treatment also depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the state of the immune system.

Every sixth person is a carrier of the papillomavirus - this is indicated in WHO data. The human papillomavirus is transmitted through contact, including sexual contact. Occasionally, cases of household HPV infection have been reported in medical practice. Infection can occur during childbirth through the vertical route (from mother to baby).

At first glance, carriage of papillomavirus may not seem dangerous. The person complains only about the mucous membranes -.

These benign neoplasms can form on any part of the body:

  • face;
  • under the breast;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the genitals;
  • on the mucous membranes of internal organs, oral and nasal cavities.

Lack of therapy for HPV is fraught with the development of malignant tumors in men and women. The activity of the virus contributes to the development of cancer of the larynx and oral cavity.

The papillomavirus does not affect the course of pregnancy. But during this period, expectant mothers may observe an increase in the number of condylomas () or their unexpected disappearance. Accumulations of large condylomas in the genital tract threaten severe bleeding and difficulty in childbirth.

The most dangerous complications of infection during pregnancy include the risk of infection of the fetus during passage through the genital tract. After childbirth, the child of an infected mother develops respiratory tract polyposis. However, there have also been cases when the infection in children disappeared several months after birth.

Caesarean section slightly reduces the risk of infection in the newborn. Experts insist on such intervention if there is a massive accumulation of condylomas in the genital tract of a woman in labor or if it is impossible to give birth naturally.

Conservative therapy in the treatment of papillomavirus

How to treat human papillomavirus? Help for the patient begins with the prescription of conservative therapy.

If a wart or condyloma has not degenerated into a malignant tumor, doctors focus on drugs that act on cells with the HPV genome.

As for immunomodulators, their use becomes possible only after establishing the patient’s immune status and determining the sensitivity of immune cells to specific medications. Prescribing antiherpetic drugs is pointless, since they are not able to improve the condition of a person who is a carrier of the papillomavirus.

Typically, to treat an infection, experts prescribe:

Isoprinosine is prescribed for the treatment of human papillomavirus infection. Its active ingredient is a purine derivative, which has an immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Children are treated with it after 3 years of age. Indications for prescribing the drug are the presence of papillomas on the vocal cords, genitals and larynx, fibrous manifestations of human papillomavirus infection, cytomegalovirus infection, etc.

People suffering from human papillomavirus - reviews of Isoprinosine are positive. By following the dosages prescribed by the doctor, it is really possible to achieve the disappearance of papillomas.

To strengthen the immune system at home, brew tea from hop cones, oregano, motherwort, linden blossom, lemon balm, coriander seeds and marsh cudweed, and valerian roots. The crushed components are taken in quantities of 1 tbsp. l. each, pour into a thermos and pour over 2 cups of boiling water. The next morning the drink is ready to drink. They drink it 4 times. per day in equal portions.

Hardware procedures in the treatment of HPV

Symptoms of human papillomavirus infection are warts,. They get rid of them using electro- and chemical coagulation and cryodestruction. possible through radio and laser therapy.

How to cure human papillomavirus? Chemical coagulation is carried out with the drugs Solkovagin and Solcoderm.

They are good for treating manifestations of papillomavirus on the vaginal mucosa and cervix. These medications are a mixture of organic and non-organic acids, but they are effective only for removing single condylomas. The procedure is approved for the treatment of nulliparous women. But along with its effectiveness, it is worth noting the average pain and possible formation of scars.

Cryodestruction, or treatment of tumors with low-temperature liquid nitrogen, is fast and painless. When removing single ones from the cervix, scars may remain on it.

What to do if the human papillomavirus manifests itself - through the appearance of flat and condylomas on the skin? In this case, doctors use a surgical laser. The device facilitates the removal of growths at any depth without consequences - scarring. Complications of the procedure may include bleeding and narrowing of the cervical canal of the uterus.

The priority direction in HPV therapy belongs to the Gardasil vaccine. The drug is able to defeat even highly oncogenic types of the virus. The vaccine minimizes the risk of cancer and accelerates the production of immune memory. This means that under its influence, protective antibodies are produced that were present in the body before infection.

A radiosurgical method for treating manifestations of papillomavirus is performed with the Surgitron device. Along with the removal of condyloma, the specialist performs coagulation of blood vessels. The excised element must be subjected to histological examination.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs