Vitamins for nails: inexpensive and effective options. Inexpensive vitamins for hair, nails and skin: reviews from trichologists

Girls at any age want to have healthy hair and nails. It is for this reason that girls try to find the best vitamins to solve any problems. What vitamins are needed for growth, strengthening hair and nails, as well as nourishing the scalp?

Delving deeper into human physiology, we will understand that nails and hair are made of elastic keratin. This is why nails and hair need the same vitamins.

In specialized clinics, doctors diagnose vitamin deficiency after carefully examining the appearance of nails and hair. And what changes are responsible for what?

  • Brittleness of the nail plate, as well as curls, indicates a lack of calcium in the body;
  • The formation of white spots on the nail plate indicates a malfunction in the body;
  • Dull hair and the formation of dandruff on the scalp indicate a lack of B vitamins.

The lack of vitamins affects, first of all, the curls and nail plates. This is why it is extremely important to monitor the foods you eat, because... they must contain all the required amount of vitamins.

If the body lacks microelements, then they should be replenished by taking special vitamins designed for hair growth and strengthening nails, as well as for nourishing the scalp.

Essential microelements

What elements are necessary for normal hair growth, as well as strengthening nails?

Problems associated with poor hair growth and brittle nails are usually caused by a lack of vitamin A in the body. A person should consume 1 mg of vitamin A per day. Of course, this dose should be obtained daily from foods rich in this element. Pork and beef liver are especially useful. It should be eaten at least 100 grams per day.

However, not only curls and nails need additional nutrition, but also the scalp. This is why the body needs element E. By nourishing the scalp, it helps restore blood circulation and prevent brittle nails. The results of taking vitamins will not be visible immediately, so you will have to be patient and make sure that the required daily dosage of elements is always present in the body. The daily dosage is 10 mg. This vitamin is found in butter and vegetable oils.

If the body lacks elements Group C, then this, first of all, is reflected in the nails, which begin to peel. The curls also suffer: they simply fall out. Vitamins of group C are involved in blood circulation and strengthen follicles. The daily dose of the vitamin should be 90 mg. They are found in peppers, mushrooms, oranges, rose hips, and cabbage.

Manufacturers of dietary supplements bombard consumers with tempting promises from the labels of their products. Is everything so sweet and smooth or should there be some straw laid down somewhere? We look for flaws and praise the advantages of the best vitamins for hair!

Rating of the best vitamins for hair - TOP 11


Packaging volume

Average price in rubles/pcs.



60 tablets

Vertex, Russia

9 out of 10


Vitabiotics, UK

9 out of 10

Inneov (Inneov) “Density of hair”

60 tablets

Inneov Lab, France

10 out of 10


60 tablets

Dansk farmaceutisk industri, Denmark

10 out of 10

Merz Beauty

60 dragees (2 packs)

Merz, Germany

10 out of 10


30 tablets

Veropharm, Russia

9 out of 10

Vitrum Beauty(Vitrum Beauty)

30 tablets

Unipharm, Inc., USA

10 out of 10


KRKA, Slovenia

8 out of 10


TEVA Private Ltd. Co., Hungary

10 out of 10


Merz, Germany

10 out of 10

Lady , s formula"Healthy hair and nails"

60 tablets

PharmaMed, USA

10 out of 10

Alerana is a popular remedy for strengthening brittle hair.


Approximate price: 470 rubles per pack of 60 tablets

What stands out: dual formula “Day-Night” for round-the-clock recovery

Why in the ranking: The drug is recommended by leading trichologists in Russia as the optimal complex of essential vitamins for beautiful hair. Budget dietary supplement effectively fights hair loss and brittleness as a result of stress and poor environment

Customer reviews of Aleran hair vitamins:

“...3 years ago, my hair fell out from stress, it was just terrible!!! I bought “alerana” at the pharmacy, I didn’t hope for anything, but the hair loss stopped, the hair returned to its original state, I’m very happy!..”

“’s convenient that the vitamins are divided into daytime and nighttime - they are absorbed better than regular multi-complexes. After a month of taking it, I even started to grow new hairs!..”

Perfectil - the best rated vitamins for hair loss


Approximate price: 513 rubles per package of 30 capsules

What stands out: presence of extracts of miraculous echinacea and bardana root

Why in the ranking: It’s not the cheapest vitamin, but according to doctors, it’s one of the best among drugs containing herbal ingredients. A vitamin “round dance” of 25 active components allows you to stop hair loss in a short time, strengthening the follicles

Customer reviews of Perfectil vitamins:

“...the price is wow, but the result definitely exceeded all my hopes! In the fall I’ll splurge on a new monthly course...”

“...after pregnancy I took two courses in a row due to massive hair loss - Perfectil helped me...”

Inneov "Hair Density" - good vitamins for hair thickness and extreme growth


Approximate price: 1244 rubles for 60 tablets

What stands out: the presence of a powerful antioxidant (taurine) - a protector of hair follicles from damage

Why in the ranking: mega-popular French complex for emergency hair restoration. Thanks to polyphenols of active ingredients (green tea, grape seeds), it enhances blood microcirculation, therefore, a high-quality flow of vitamins to the hair. Enriched with zinc, involved in the important synthesis of keratin

Customer reviews:

“...Inneov - the best for hair! They were the only ones that suited me: my stomach didn’t hurt, I didn’t feel sick, my hair became stronger...”

“...I’ve been taking this complex for the third year, the hair structure has become gorgeous, it grows faster, but the result does not appear immediately, the main thing is to drink the pills completely...”

“...after washing my hair fell out a lot, I tried more budget vitamins, but I really felt the benefits of Inneov...”

Femicode - vitamins for comprehensive hair strengthening


Approximate price: about 1063 rubles for 60 tablets

What stands out: the presence of natural silicon (horsetail) and a whole range of vitamins from group B

Why in the ranking: a well-promoted Danish brand with an enviable reputation. The medical association of our country gives a high rating to the drug. The complex is designed both for preventive use and for the treatment of hair loss, dry hair, etc. The presence of biotin in the composition puts the drug among the best stimulators of accelerated hair growth.

Customer reviews:

“...after the Femicode course, not only did my hair become shiny, but my acne also disappeared somewhere - what a marvelous miracle!..”

“...because of the diet, I lost my hair and nails (((I was saved by Femicode. My hair really became better, more well-groomed or something..."

Merz Beauty - the best hair multivitamins for young mothers


Approximate price: 880 rubles a couple of packs of 30 tablets

What stands out: the classic combination of vitamins is supplemented by iron; ideal for expectant and nursing mothers as a source of vitamins

Why in the ranking: This reputable German all-rounder takes care not only of the health of the hair, but also of the entire body. "Merz Beauty" carefully restores hair "exhausted" by coloring and curling, without requiring additional care

Customer reviews of Merz Beauty vitamins:

“...I received vitamins as a gift, I didn’t believe in the effect, but I took a risk - the goodness wouldn’t go to waste. And the miracle happened! My hair has stopped coming out - I’ll buy another package to consolidate the result...”

“...Oh, yes, the Germans, oh, well done! I didn’t even doubt the effectiveness of these vitamins. My hair is shiny - it’s lovely, everyone is jealous, I recommend Merz to my friends...”

Vitasharm - the most inexpensive hair vitamins from the premium sector


Approximate price: only about 170 rubles for 30 beauty tablets

What stands out: contains nicotinamide

Why in the ranking: Despite the poverty of the basic vitamin “cocktail” represented by the group - A, B1, B2, B6, as well as calcium pantothenate, the effect of taking Vitasharm is fantastic! Silky, elastic hair without a hint of weakness or hair loss. The secret is simple: the fewer vitamins that enter the body at once, the higher their absorption rate!

Our rating: 9/10. “Vitasharm” could have received 10 rating units, but compared to other competitors it looks sluggish due to the paucity of the composition and the lack of exotic components - it is necessary to keep up with the times. But for the manufacturer’s cunning we’ll give him a solid 9 points

Customer reviews of Vitasharm hair vitamins:

“...stimulates hair growth - I’ve definitely experienced it myself! I give 5 points out of 5..."

“...for such ridiculous money - this is a super drug! I am satisfied with the Vitasharm vitamins, my hair has become stronger..."

Vitrum Beauty: “Grow, braid, to the waist...”


Approximate price: 626 rubles for 30 tablets

What stands out: enriched with folic and pantothenic acids

Why in the ranking: the drug can be called the American brother of the German “Merz Beauty”, both are leading favorites among our selective compatriots. The composition of “VITRUM” is universal: a standard range of vitamins and minerals is supplemented with calcium and iron. A product with a comprehensive approach to beauty and, I must say, a very competent one. After a month's course, hair grows by leaps and bounds!

Every woman cares about her beauty and youth. Poor ecology, stress, poor nutrition and regular lack of sleep can interfere with it.

The condition of the skin, hair and nails is an indicator of seasonal hypovitaminosis in a woman’s body. Therefore, the desire to remain beautiful is not enough.

Vitamins that support female beauty, youth and health all year round at the highest level will come to the rescue.

Vitamin E

Natural antioxidant. Prevents the formation of carcinogens, reducing the risk of developing cancerous tumors and slowing down aging. It is also necessary for the proper functioning of the sex glands and the formation of a sufficient amount of sex hormones.

It has the property of softening the skin, increasing its elasticity and preventing wrinkles. Contained in sprouted wheat, vegetable oils, yolk, salmon, oatmeal.

Vitamin A

It is also necessary for the functioning of the gonads; its deficiency causes disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Protects body cells from harmful environmental factors, reduces the risk of cancer processes. Necessary for the formation of new cells, thereby slowing down the aging process. Vitamin A is essential for good vision.

Its deficiency leads to dry skin, the formation of skin ulcers and night blindness. Contained in carrots, pumpkin, apricot, butter, cottage cheese, egg yolk, fish oil.

Vitamin C

The strongest antioxidant. Participates in all energy processes, the synthesis of collagen and female sex hormones. Helps remove toxins and heavy metals, improving complexion.

Protects the body from stress and restores strength. Helps the immune system fight viruses. Reduces sensitivity to allergens. Increases calcium absorption! Contained in citrus fruits, green vegetables, berries, sauerkraut.

B vitamins

Necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system. Helps cope with stress. With a lack of vitamin B5, hair loss begins!

Vitamin D

Formed under the influence of ultraviolet light in the skin. It is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which ensure the strength of bones, whiteness of teeth and the beauty of nails and hair. It also improves immunity and reduces the risk of developing dermatological diseases.

A sufficient amount of vitamin D helps prevent the development of malignant tumors of the breast and ovaries!

In addition to vitamins, the preparations contain trace elements calcium, magnesium, potassium, fluorine, iron, zinc, which take part in energy processes and the construction of body cells.

Such help is necessary for every modern woman in an urbanized environment.

Let's look at the most popular vitamins on our market, their pros and cons


This is a complex drug. It exists in many dosage forms: tablets for oral administration, chewing candies, effervescent tablets dissolved in water.

Contains vitamins A, B1, E, D3, C and B6, B9, B12, as well as coenzyme Q10, which reduces the risk of premature aging. Taken with meals 1 time per day. The course lasts 1 month, repeated twice a year in spring and autumn.

The price is about 600 rubles for 30 tablets. Supradin can be taken by the whole family. In chewable form, children will also like it. Excellent quality and average price.

Lack of vitamins Supradin is the absence of microelements: zinc, selenium and silicon - the most important antioxidants. Their deficiency in the body leads to decreased skin elasticity, poor healing of wounds and cracks, dryness and irritation, brittle nails and hair.

Complivit Radiance

Contains 12 vitamins (C, A, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, D3, H), many beauty minerals and catechins, an antioxidant that helps prolong youth and reduces the risk of cancer.

Take 1 tablet per day before meals. Course 30 days.

Price 350 rubles for 30 tablets.

This is an excellent option for prevention for those who do not have time to take multiple vitamins per day.


Contains a complete vitamin and mineral complex, as well as coenzyme Q10, green tea extract.

Which has a good healing effect, especially in conjunction with cosmetic procedures.

It is important to know that coenzyme Q10 is a coenzyme and is directly involved in energy production in cells. In addition, coenzyme Q restores the antioxidant activity of vitamin E.

Vitrum Beauty

It also contains all the necessary vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but also horsetail extract, which is a source of organic silicon.

It should be understood that silicon is important in the complex of vitamins and minerals, as it ensures the absorption of most components of vitamin preparations, strengthens hair, nails and skin, increasing its elasticity.

Take 2 tablets a day after meals for a month. The cost of 30 tablets is 700 rubles. A course requires 60 tablets.

An excellent product that will make you feel full of strength and health. But the pricing policy is its drawback.

Calcium-D3 Nycomed forte

This is a combined drug that regulates the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.

It has a beneficial effect on teeth, hair, nails, making them stronger and more resistant to damaging environmental factors.

It contains calcium and vitamin D3. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day or 2 tablets 1 time a day. Duration of treatment is 4-6 weeks.

The price of 100 tablets is 500 rubles. Suitable for those who want to strengthen hair and nails and do not need other vitamins, as well as women in the postmenopausal period.


The capsule can be opened and its contents squeezed into a face or hand cream, as well as into a hair mask or balm. The skin will become elastic and the hair will become soft.

An excellent and budget option for those who do not want to take a lot of vitamins, but want to have velvety skin and shiny hair. Take one capsule orally 3 times a day.

It is not always necessary to take vitamin tablets. Their presence in various cosmetic preparations is sufficient.

Only a dermatologist can help you make a rational choice of a product for external use, since it is necessary to take into account not only the composition of the drug, but also the condition of the body as a whole!

For example, the AEVIT Series from the Libriderm® company produces vitamins A and E in the form of creams, shampoo, and hygienic lipstick, making taking care of your appearance quite convenient and rational, especially during the cold season.

The same company offers Vitamin E in the form of creams for the care of the skin of the hands, body, face, and around the eyes. For skin prone to dryness, flaking and irritation, the Libriderm® company produces a series of creams with vitamin F.

Vitamin F has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails, stimulates healing, has anti-inflammatory activity, and is a necessary component of all antiseborrheic shampoos.

There are many vitamin preparations on the Russian market for every taste and budget, but you must remember that they all have contraindications!

To prevent seasonal changes in skin condition and hair loss, any medications are taken 2 times a year in the autumn-spring period, when changes in weather conditions very noticeably affect the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

If pregnancy is planned in the next year or has already occurred, or you are breastfeeding, then self-administration of any medications, even vitamin ones, is not recommended. It is worth seeking advice from a specialist!

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Today life has changed a lot and dictates very harsh conditions. A woman must support her family and do all the housework and raise children. However, if society is very loyal to a man, then the woman must look 100%. This is why vitamins for hair, nails, and skin have become so popular today. An unhealthy lifestyle and stress, an unbalanced diet, all our worries and worries are primarily reflected in our appearance.

Vitamins or complete nutrition?

Usually we remember this already when we see a clear result, the premature fading of natural beauty. Of course, one can object to this; there is such an abundance of different creams and masks, shampoos on the market today that should solve all problems. However, if you do not start watching your diet, the benefits will be negligible. It is very difficult to find complete sources of the substances we need on the market all year round, so vitamins for hair, nails, and skin come to the fore.

Let's evaluate our condition

If you lack certain microelements, this will instantly lead to metabolic disorders, which will affect your appearance in the most unpleasant way. Some will develop cosmetic defects on their face, others will gain extra pounds, and others will lose weight. Hair is an important indicator. If your curls have become dull and lifeless, this is the first signal of problems. The second warning sign is your nails. If they break, it means that the metabolism is far from ideal. You need to quickly buy good vitamins for hair and nails.

The beauty of our skin

For your body to function like a clock, it needs all the minerals and vitamins. But each of them has its own specifics, so today we will separately look at vitamins for hair, nails, and skin. First of all, we need to remember our largest organ. This is, of course, leather.

She primarily suffers from a lack of vitamins. In this case, the skin loses its elasticity, which means it not only loses its attractiveness, but also performs its protective functions worse. Vitamins for hair, nails, and skin can protect and restore a healthy appearance. Some of them can be obtained from simple foods.

First of all, you need to remember about retinol. It is this that actively protects the skin from drying out, which means it is important in the summer. It also restores lost elasticity. Only with a limited diet will you experience a deficiency of this microelement. Eat a fairly varied diet, eat fish and liver, cottage cheese and carrots, greens. These products are inexpensive and should be on your table regularly.

Surely, when hearing about vitamins for skin, hair and nails, everyone immediately remembers vitamin E. This is a real “rejuvenating apple”, the vitamin is an amazing antioxidant, is responsible for cell renewal and protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Vitamin E is even easier to find on our table; its sources are vegetable oil and fish, eggs, milk and herbs.

Vitamins necessary for the beauty of your hair

Another indicator of problems in our body is hair. With stress and various diets, they begin to fall out very intensively. What woman would like this state of affairs? It's time to remember that there are vitamins for skin, hair and nails. It must be said that hair loss concerns most women and men. In this case, the very first and correct decision will be to optimize nutrition, as well as select a biologically active food supplement that will help normalize the condition. The most important and necessary for hair health are B vitamins. Only sufficient amounts of vitamins B1 and B12 stimulate hair growth and provide it with the necessary energy and strength. You can get these important elements from meat and dairy products, as well as eggs. This is often why during a diet we see a strong deterioration in the condition of our hair. The body lacks nutrients. To correct this condition, it is necessary to use vitamins for hair, nails and skin growth.

Vitamin B1 gives shine and strength to your hair. Most of it is found in the liver and kidneys, so you should love offal. Vitamin B9 helps prevent premature graying. It can be found in almost all vegetables and fruits. The most important element for severe hair loss, as well as baldness, is vitamin B6. It prevents hair loss and also allows new, healthy hair to grow. In order for them to grow beautiful and strong, they also need vitamins A, E and C. In addition, if we talk about hair health, it should be noted that a balance of minerals and nutrients is necessary, all of them together complement and enhance the effect of vitamins.

Beautiful nails

Before choosing the best vitamins for the beauty of skin, hair, and nails, you need to become familiar with how a lack of various microelements can affect the health of our nails. Surely you have encountered such a problem as fan delamination. Nails look untidy, and the only option is to cut them at the root. That's right, and then start taking vitamins so that new ones grow beautiful and strong.

Essential microelements

Most often, if the nails become brittle and weak, the cause is a lack of vitamin A. But, as you know, everything in the body is interconnected, so it will have the best effect together with iodine and calcium. The easiest way to get this important set of microelements is from chicken and pork liver, as well as butter. Another important vitamin that is necessary for the good condition of nails is vitamin C. There is a lot of it in such healthy vegetables as cabbage, red rose hips, currants and citrus fruits. All of the listed substances are the best vitamins for skin, hair and nails. As you can see, they are very easy to obtain from the simplest and most affordable products. However, it also happens that the diet is quite balanced, but the body still lacks something. Hair becomes dull and nails don't look their best. This happens because any stress causes the immediate burning of B vitamins, which means that the hair will no longer receive them. To ensure that at any time you do not suffer from deficiencies of such important substances, there are various supplements and complexes. Now we will look at the rating of vitamins for hair, nails and skin; this selection will make your choice easier and will be the first step towards beauty.

The number one drug for your health and beauty

These are special vitamin pills called “Merz Beauty”. This complex of vitamins for skin, hair and nails solves a number of problems at once. If you have weak, dry, colored hair, or especially permed hair, then this product is just for you. A balanced complex of B vitamins (B1, B5, B6, B12 and PP), in addition it is a source of iron, silicon and calcium. This complex is new on the market, but has managed to gain popularity. It is prescribed for chronic overload, vitamin deficiencies and other conditions characterized by a lack of micro- and macroelements. Judging by the reviews, the result is visible very quickly.

Hair preparation "Pantovigar"

It should be immediately noted that these are not classic vitamins for skin, face, hair and nails, but a specialized medicine. It should not be taken without a doctor's recommendation. The composition includes a number of different substances, these are medical yeast, calcium pantothenate, cystine, keratin and many useful acids. In addition, the composition contains auxiliary substances. This drug is prescribed for degenerative changes in the hair structure, especially with chemical exposure and non-hormonal hair loss. This drug will not give an immediate effect; its effect is cumulative. The course of treatment is about 6 months, and patience is required. There may be no results in the first month, but by the middle of the course of treatment everyone around will notice it.

Third place - the drug "Perfectil"

This is a complex drug with a very complex composition. This is probably why there are the most conflicting reviews about it. Headaches, heaviness in the stomach, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms that people write about provide food for thought. It is clear that among the 25 microelements and nutrients included in its composition, there may well be one to which a person is allergic, or simply has an individual intolerance. In this regard, drugs with a simple composition are preferable.

The composition contains vitamins and microelements, minerals and extracts of medicinal herbs. However, if your body accepted such a cocktail normally, then in a month you will definitely say that these are the best vitamins for skin, hair, and nails. Reviews from thousands of women say that taking this drug completely solved the hair problem, and the skin began to glow with health.

Preparation for improving the structure of nails and hair “Revalid”

Today, a unique product that helps not only improve the appearance, but also change the structure of the hair from the inside, heal the nail plate, and improve the condition of the hair follicles. The composition includes useful extracts of oats and millet, wheat sprouts, yeast and a number of microelements. In addition, the capsules contain B vitamins. This drug is often prescribed if hair loss is observed due to severe stress. Judging by what women report about the drug, after about 2 weeks the first result is already noticeable.

Specialized complex "Alerana"

This is a Russian drug that is not inferior to the most advertised products. That is, here are classic complex vitamins for hair, nails and skin, and they help to a greater extent with systematic dietary disorders. The complex perfectly promotes hair growth. After a short time you will notice the difference yourself. This drug is one of the few that works not only during the day, but also at night. This division allows you to achieve better results. Daytime mostly contains minerals that restore and protect hair follicles. The night formula contains almost all of Group B, as well as silicon, calcium and many beneficial acids, which helps stimulate hair growth. The course lasts 1-3 months. As reviews say, after about 10 days, hair loss problems recede, nails become more beautiful and stronger, and the skin is evened out, with a healthy shine and blush.

Economical solution: Fitoval vitamins

These are another capsules for solving problems with hair loss, as well as preventing problems with skin and nails. They are very effective, and problems of growth disorders are especially well solved with their help. Weak and brittle hair and nails are strengthened very quickly. The composition is not anything special; it is still the same B vitamins with various additives and microelements. But the price of this product is very attractive. As a result of taking it, you will see lasting results within a week, and you only need to take one capsule every day. Gives lasting results, destroying the stereotype “the more expensive the better.” It is undesirable to take the drug on an empty stomach, otherwise you may experience unpleasant sensations, nausea and heaviness. Judging by the reviews, this is one of the best and most affordable products for your beauty. To summarize, we can say that any of the courses presented will give results, but before starting treatment, consult your doctor.

Today, women's beauty is protected by a lot of means, starting with traditional home recipes and ending with professional salon procedures. Pharmacology does not stand aside either, reasonably noting that a beautiful person is, first of all, a healthy person. Indeed, hygiene, care and cosmetics together provide invaluable assistance in maintaining external attractiveness, but they are also powerless when the body does not receive adequate nutrition.

Photo from the site:

Even the condition of nails and hair will first of all depend on what internal nutrition they have, and only then on external factors. Today, especially for our users, we will try to determine the best vitamins for hair and nail growth. We hope our little investigation will be useful.

Vitamins for nail growth: are there any benefits?

First, let's figure out what the structure of nails is. The main component of nail plates is a special protein, keratin. It is also the main building element of hair and is involved in the structure of the skin. In other words, poor nail condition is usually accompanied by dull hair and problematic skin.

Photo from website:

In addition to keratin, nails contain sulfur, or rather a special protein called cysteine, which contains sulfur. It is cysteine ​​that is responsible for the density of the nail plate; sulfur molecules create a kind of strengthener that tightly binds keratin proteins together. The sulfur content in nails is determined primarily by genetic factors, and the amount of this element also depends on the diet with which it enters the body.

Between the layers of keratin there are particles of fat and water, which make the nails shiny and elastic.


Keratin molecules actively absorb moisture, not only from the inside, but also as a result of external contact with water. Moreover, the nail absorbs “internal” moisture as needed. But the absorption of “external” water cannot be “controlled”, as a result of which the nail plate becomes thicker, but softer. Therefore, in order to maintain the strength of your nails, try to minimize, as much as possible, the contact of water on your nails.

In addition to these two leading components, the following are responsible for the strong structure of the nail plate: calcium, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, selenium. All of them are found in the human body in different ranges, but in any case they require constant replenishment, which comes mainly from food.

But here, too, not everything is so simple. In order for all these substances to be well absorbed, powerful vitamin support is needed. What vitamins are needed for nail growth are primarily: E, A, C and the group of vitamins B. Most of them enter the body through food, some are synthesized by our body, for example, vitamin B 12.

Photo from the site:

As you can see, if the thickness of nails is determined genetically, then their health largely depends on nutrition. It depends on how complete it is and how rich it is in useful microelements. Unfortunately, modern reality is such that a person, due to circumstances, cannot obtain the required amount of useful substances. This is due to the fascination with fashionable diets, the philosophy of vegetarianism, individual taste needs and the reign of fast food in the “food chain” of modern people.

But even if a person monitors his diet, he cannot fully guarantee that he receives the right amount of vitamins and minerals. This is precisely why doctors have developed mineral and vitamin complexes that are designed to maintain the body in normal condition. They can both affect the entire body and a separate local problem. We are interested in drugs that are applied directly to the nails. They will be discussed further.


The thickness of nails is determined genetically and no factors or methods can change this. If a person is given thin nails, they will remain so for life. Only procedures to strengthen the nail plate using artificial materials can help.

Rules for taking vitamins to strengthen and grow nails

Before we begin to analyze the effectiveness of vitamin preparations, it would not be amiss to once again recall the basic rules for taking vitamins, including vitamins for hair and nail growth:

Photo from website:

  1. Completion of a full course of “vitaminization”. A one-time dose of vitamins for hair and nail growth will not provide any healing or restorative effect. The body in general and nails in particular have a cumulative effect. Only a systematic regimen of taking the drug can correct the problem.
  2. Systematicity. In order for the beneficial substances to be absorbed and really bring an effect, you should monitor the regimen of their intake and avoid omissions.
  3. Compliance with dosage. To influence the problem, the dosage must be accurately calculated. Insufficient vitamin “nutrition” will not give any result. But one should not go to the other extreme - hypervitaminosis can lead to serious disruptions in the body, even death.
  4. Prevention. Even if everything is fine with your hair, skin and nails, it’s worth taking a preventive course of a vitamin-mineral complex, this is especially true in the spring - during the season of acute vitamin deficiency.
  5. The most important rule, but for some reason ignored by everyone, is consultation with your doctor. It may happen that some components of the vitamin preparation are not suitable for you due to your health status or the presence of individual intolerance. The doctor will determine the optimal composition for you.

By following these simple but important rules, you can achieve good results.

Vitamins for nail growth: inexpensive and effective

In order to help our readers decide on the best vitamin and mineral complexes, we conducted a detailed analysis of the characteristics based on consumer reviews. To ensure the objectivity of the results, reviews of vitamins for nail growth were taken from the reputable sites “Otzovik”, “Irecommend” and “Yandex Market”. The review will present the most common and best-selling vitamin complexes. We deliberately chose the mass market segment, omitting the premium category, understanding that a wide part of our audience is still focused on the middle price category.

Photo from website:

The presented analysis will highlight such characteristics as: price, composition, course of administration, predicted and real results, assessment of effectiveness based on consumer reviews and the overall result. So, let's get started - the best-selling vitamins for hair and nail growth, reviews and forecasts.

VitaminsDOPPELHERZAktiv for healthy nails and hair

Photo from the site:

Price range: OK. 300 rub.

Active components: wheat germ (oil), millet extract, vitamins B 5 and B 6, zinc sulfate, biotin, iron.

Well: 2 months

Expected result: strengthening hair and nails, activating their growth, improving the condition of the skin.

Consumer reviews: consumers note the effectiveness of the complex in relation to nail growth and insignificant results in hair condition. As for the skin, the result is zero. Also, consumers of the vitamin complex note that the effect of taking vitamins occurs literally within a week, but disappears sharply after finishing the vitamin course.

Overall performance rating: 70 %.

The vitamin complex is effective in strengthening nails, but does not have a cumulative effect, and their effectiveness decreases after the end of the course of treatment.

Vitamins "Solgar"

Photo from the site:

Price range: OK. 600 rub.

Active components: Vitamins D 3, E, C, almost a complete set of B vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 6, B 12); trace elements: iron, zinc, iodine, chromium, zinc, silicon, magnesium, selenium, manganese; echinacea and bardana extracts.

Well: 30 days.

Expected result: fights dermatitis, prevents nail brittleness, eliminates dry skin, restores hair structure.

Consumer reviews: Most users agree that the drug has zero effectiveness. Its composition resembles ordinary chalk. There are also side effects such as nausea and individual intolerance to the drug. And only a few noted a slight improvement in the condition of their nails. They stopped exfoliating, but did not notice any phenomenal growth.

Overall performance rating: 65 %.

Verdict of the “Perfect Manicure”: Despite the rich vitamin and mineral composition, the complex is practically useless, and the vitamins are not absorbed. In addition, the pricing policy of the drug is clearly overpriced and is not worth the effect obtained.


The rich vitamin and mineral composition of the drug does not mean its high effectiveness. Often, a complex with a less diverse active series will be much more effective. The whole point is that a number of vitamins and minerals “compete” with each other, suppressing the action of the other. And such complexes, where vitamin and mineral groups are balanced, even if not in such a rich composition, are much more effective.

Vitamins COMPLIVIT "Calcium"D 3"

Photo from the site:

Price range: OK. 200 rub.

Active components: calcium and vitamin D 3 for its absorption.

Well: 30 days.

Expected result: replenishment of calcium deficiency in the body, healthy teeth, beautiful hair and nails.



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