The skin is cracking and what vitamin is missing? Vitamins for hands

Our skin, even with proper daily care and regular cleansing, periodically faces certain problems. Thus, dry patches and redness appear on the skin of the face, the skin takes on an unhealthy pale gray tint and flakes off. Scrubs, peelings and masks, as well as changing cosmetics do not help. What's going on? In fact, our skin signals to us that it lacks certain vitamins and elements.

Let's look at the most common facial skin problems and find out which vitamins are missing and which foods urgently need to be included in your daily diet.

- The skin becomes dry and begins to peel. Dry patches appear on the skin and lips peel. After washing your face in the morning, your skin feels very tight. A state of discomfort arises.

You have a shortage vitamin A(retinol) and carotene. These vitamins are responsible for the normal functioning of the sweat glands, which retain moisture and ensure skin elasticity.

The diet should include: liver, dairy products, egg yolk, carrots, pumpkin, red peppers, tomatoes, dried apricots, tangerines, oranges, parsley and dill.

- Rough skin. Flaw vitamin B3 , proteins and amino acids tryptophan, nicotinic acid deficiency ( Vitamin PP). In medicine, this problem is called pellagra. Pellagra is a disease, one of the vitamin deficiencies, which occurs due to chronic malnutrition or the same type of diet. This leads to a disorder of carbohydrate and protein metabolism.

With such a skin problem, you need to lean on cereals and wholemeal bread. Include dried mushrooms, legumes (beans, peas, soybeans), garlic, cabbage, bell peppers, potatoes and asparagus in the menu.

- Pale skin, unhealthy sallow complexion. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, peeling all over the body talks about shortage vitamin B2(riboflavin). B2 gives the skin a blooming appearance, is involved in carbohydrate metabolism, the absorption of proteins and fats, and is responsible for hemoglobin.

Sources of vitamin B2 are milk and dairy products: yogurt, kefir, cheeses, sour cream, lean meat, liver, egg yolk, baker's yeast.

Vitamin B12 also responsible for skin condition, healthy complexion, hemoglobin. Products that contain vitamin B12 are lean beef, liver, sorrel, egg yolk, spinach, cabbage, beets, carrots, radishes, raisins, figs, oranges, tangerines, oatmeal and buckwheat.

- The skin loses its firmness, elasticity, and fades. Wounds and abrasions take a long time to heal.

You are lacking vitamin C and zinc. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, responsible for skin elasticity, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels.

Sources of vitamin C are rose hips, black currants, lemons, oranges, tangerines, walnuts, sea buckthorn, sauerkraut, parsley.

Zinc has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect, protects the skin from germs and bacteria. Zinc is found in nuts: almonds, peanuts, walnuts, garlic, bell peppers, carrots, and cabbage.

- The skin loses elasticity, sagging, unhealthy complexion. This often happens among those who are keen on low-calorie diets and vegetarians. Such problems indicate a lack of iron. This element is part of hemoglobin and takes an active part in tissue respiration.

Iron found in foods such as lean beef, liver, sorrel, egg yolk, spinach, cabbage, beets, carrots, radishes, raisins, figs, oranges, tangerines, oatmeal and buckwheat.

- Nails break, allergic rashes appear on the body, hair splits and falls out. Your body is not getting the required dose of calcium. Sources calcium- milk and dairy products, eggs, cauliflower, lettuce, onions, parsley, apples.

- Redness of the skin on the nose and cheeks, the skin peels.

Such skin problems occur if you consume large quantities of spices, pickles, or alcohol; they dilate the capillaries, which is why the skin becomes red.

- Pustules and acne.

This often occurs due to excessive consumption of fatty and sweet foods.

- A yellowish complexion occurs due to a passion for strong black tea and coffee drinks.

Diversify your diet, add to your daily menu those foods that contain the vitamins and elements you need, and avoid those foods that cause skin problems.

If your face and hands begin to dry out and peel, redness and irritation appear, the first thing most people do is lubricate them with a nourishing cream. The action is correct, since most often such a symptom appears under the influence of external factors.

If the reason lies deeper, only external cosmetics will not be enough to solve it.

We need effective and - most importantly! – suitable vitamins for dry skin. In combination with a good cream, vitamins for dry skin will help cope with the problem.

It is rightly noted that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But the skin is a mirror of your health and the condition of the whole body. By looking at your face and hands, a good cosmetologist or doctor can learn a lot about your diet, your habits, chronic diseases, lifestyle and age.

If the dermis becomes dry and tight, covered with scales, spots, and itching, this can be caused by three main factors:

  1. External influence - ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind, dry climate, polluted air.
  2. Metabolic disorders associated with chronic diseases or age-related changes.
  3. Vitamin deficiency is a lack of any nutrients in the body.

If you know which vitamins are missing when you have dry skin, the fight against the problem will be more effective and faster. Very rarely, a patient suffers from congenital dry skin - more often it is acquired, caused by poor nutrition, care, illness, and stress.

In any case, the problem needs to be solved comprehensively. At the same time, this is a secondary issue, since it will temporarily eliminate only external symptoms. And in order to remove their cause, it is imperative to establish which vitamin is missing when the skin is dry - and to compensate for its deficiency.

What vitamins are needed for dry skin?

Vitamins for dry skin of the body and face are as necessary as increased hydration and nutrition. But not all vitamins are equally effective for different patients. Which ones to take can only be determined by being examined by a doctor and undergoing the appropriate tests.

It is very important to choose the right combination, since some vitamins begin to “work” only in combination with certain microelements, but some combinations can reduce the positive effect.

So, if you have dry skin, despite regular care using high-quality cosmetics, what is missing in your body?

Vitamin A

Aka retinol. All pharmacy vitamins for dry skin include this substance; it is irreplaceable, as it is directly involved in the regeneration, renewal and proper formation of epithelial cells.

In addition, it is a strong antioxidant that protects cells from free radicals, degeneration and aging. When there is a shortage, the following happens:

  • general and local immunity decreases;
  • the sensitivity of the skin increases;
  • wounds do not heal well, and pimples and blemishes take a very long time to disappear;
  • the skin loses elasticity, becomes tight and dry.

It is necessary to pay attention to the amount of retinol contained in the purchased product. Depending on age, living and working conditions, nutrition and health status, it is recommended to receive from 300 to 1300 mg of this substance per day. In addition to pharmacy vitamins for dry skin, retinol can be obtained from the following products:

  • carrots, pumpkin, apricot;
  • peas, asparagus, all green vegetables;
  • milk and cheese;
  • egg yolk.

Retinol is optimally absorbed in combination with fats and oils. When choosing complex vitamins to moisturize the skin, please note that in addition to retinol, it must contain vitamin E - we will talk about it below.

Tip: If you like to get vitamins for dry skin of your hands and body naturally, and not from food additives, pay attention to fortified juices, yoghurts, muesli, and cereal products. In eco-shops today it is easy to find products with a high content of retinol - this is indicated on the label.

Vitamin E

A lack of vitamin E can lead to serious changes in the body. At the same time, the skin peels, cracks and requires immediate hydration and nutrition.

A natural antioxidant needed to protect against damage. For pathology, it is used in the form of an oil solution, which can be added to any moisturizer, since it is fat-soluble and is sold in capsules.

Vitamin E noticeably softens the skin, makes it elastic, velvety, stimulates the healing of scars and scars, and prevents the appearance of cracks.

When pharmacy vitamins are not available, the table should regularly have:

  • beans, lentils, beans;
  • spinach, green salad, other fresh greens;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • vegetable oils – preferably olive, flaxseed, wheat germ oil.

Don't forget that vitamins A and E work best together.

Vitamin B

What vitamin deficiency causes dry skin on the hands, face, brittle hair and peeling nails? Answer: with a deficiency of B vitamins.

This is a whole complex of various substances, which must also be included in good vitamins for dry skin. If they are lacking, it becomes hypersensitive, prone to peeling and irritation, and quickly cracks when exposed to wind, dry or frosty air.

Group B is responsible for:

  • carbohydrate metabolism;
  • fat metabolism;
  • transport of nutrients.

This vitamin will help with dry skin in winter, and you can get it from:

  • meat and fish;
  • milk and eggs;
  • cereals and bran;
  • legumes;
  • fresh fruit.

You won’t have to ask which vitamins are best to take if you have dry skin if you take brewer’s yeast regularly. Some believe that this supplement may affect body weight.

However, this may not always be true: if the patient adheres to the principles of proper nutrition, does not overeat and does not neglect physical exercise, taking brewer's yeast will not affect his (or her) figure in any way. But the condition of the skin will noticeably improve, not only dryness and tightness will disappear, but also red acne.

If there is a vitamin deficiency in the body, the following changes may occur:

  • symptoms of irritation;
  • peeling symptoms;
  • seborrhea;
  • cracks;
  • dermatitis.

Vitamin C

What vitamins are missing if your facial skin is dry, cracks appear in the corners of your mouth, and your complexion deteriorates? Ascorbic acid deficiency is the correct answer.

This substance plays a big role in rejuvenating the body and forming natural immunity. Every day, ascorbic acid is needed in large quantities, especially in the cold season, by residents of megacities and environmentally unfavorable areas, and by people who are often sick.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant. Required for:

  • renewal of cellular composition;
  • production of collagen, which is responsible for elasticity and firmness;
  • activation of blood microcirculation.

What is missing on the table if dry skin is not moisturized even after using creams, lotions and oils:

  • citrus and forest berries;
  • tomatoes, bell peppers;
  • onions, potatoes, sauerkraut;
  • kiwi, strawberries and pineapples.

Nice diet, isn't it? The vitamins contained in these products for dry skin are optimally selected. They can be taken orally or used to make homemade masks.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is necessary for the human body to prevent the development of scaly skin. Preparations for peeling contain it in the required quantity.

Vitamin H

Vitamin H is one of the most important vitamins responsible for the condition of the skin. Necessary for collagen synthesis. If you are deficient in it, you need to know what to drink when your body and hands are dry in order to get the maximum effect.

Deficiency causes dermatological diseases:

  • dermatitis;
  • eczema;
  • ulcers

Vitamin PP

Vitamin PP belongs to the skin. Its deficiency leads to pellagra, which can be fatal if left untreated.

A lack of each essential substance leads to the appearance of a complex of characteristic symptoms. In this case, the deficiency can be accompanied by both individual manifestations characteristic of this type of pathology and general symptoms: dry skin, peeling, the appearance of cracks or ulcers.

It is impossible to say which vitamins will be superfluous for dry skin. If you are worried about severe tightness, you need them all in greater or lesser quantities. But a clear deficiency of one of them can lead to serious problems, including the development of psoriasis, eczema, and neurodermatitis.

Useful recommendation: Is it difficult to remember which vitamins are missing when you have dry skin and where they are found? For convenience and easy remembering, vitamins for peeling skin can be classified as follows: Vitamin A - yellow fruits and vegetables, Vitamin B - nuts, cereals, seeds, Vitamin C - oranges and berries, Vitamin E - vegetable oil.

In addition, almost all the necessary vitamins for dry skin of the face and body can be obtained from dairy products, eggs, meat and fish - these products should also not be forgotten.

How to choose the right vitamins for dry skin

A dermatologist will be able to determine exactly what vitamin is missing if the skin is peeling. Although vitamins for peeling skin on the face and body cannot be called a full-fledged drug, it is not recommended to start a course of treatment on your own.

Some additives in multivitamin complexes can provoke allergies or hypervitaminosis if the dosage is violated. Then vitamins for very dry skin will not help, but, on the contrary, will aggravate the patient’s condition.

What vitamins are best to take for dry skin? You can do it in two ways:

  1. Buy all the vitamins for dry skin separately and combine them yourself.
  2. Drink multivitamins against dry skin.

The second method is preferable: drinking one capsule once or twice a day is much more convenient and faster than swallowing handfuls of dragees and tablets - you will definitely forget something, and drink more than you need.

To get the maximum effect, you can add special vitamins to moisturize the face and body in a cosmetic cream or lotion, and prepare masks with them. It is also advisable to compensate for the lack of vitamins through food if your skin is constantly dry.

Important: To completely solve the problem, to get rid of peeling, tightness, and irritation for a long time, multivitamin complexes should be taken regularly for at least 2 months - as well as following a diet.

It is better to buy vitamins for dry skin in tablets or capsules at a pharmacy to avoid counterfeits and expired products, and take them strictly according to the instructions. If the doctor recommended vitamins for dry body skin in the form of injections, it is better to carry out the procedures in a medical institution, and not in a cosmetology salon.

Our skin reflects all internal processes in the body - this is a fact. If it is dry, tight, prone to peeling and irritation, then moisturizing only the upper layers of the dermis is not enough. Properly selected vitamin complexes will help restore softness, elasticity and beautiful color to the skin of the face and body, nourishing it from the inside.

Knowing the causes of unpleasant sensations, we can prevent them. The skin of the hands cracks and peels when exposed to two main unfavorable factors - the environment and the state of one’s own body.

Allergies occur when exposed to negative environmental influences. Most often for household detergents - washing powder, dishwashing gels, sink cleaners. They contain aggressive substances that dissolve not only dirt, but also normal natural lubrication on the skin, causing it to peel.

Peeling from aromatic soaps is less common. Allergic peeling usually appears between the fingers.

Exposure of the skin to cold, wind, water, and active chemicals causes disruption of its normal condition. For example, an antibacterial wash disrupts the acid balance of the skin and causes it to peel. Incorrectly selected cosmetics have the same effect.

Under the drying effects of climatic factors(wind, cold) first redness appears, then the skin peels off. If you have been out in the wind or cold for a long time without warm gloves, the skin on your hands may even crack.

With frequent washing and mopping with cold water, cracks appear on the fingers. As a rule, cracks are located near the corners of the nails and require treatment; their appearance is accompanied by painful sensations.

The second group of unfavorable factors are problems in a woman’s body, which are reflected on the skin of the hands by peeling and the appearance of cracks:

  • Avitaminosis– lack of vital vitamins and minerals. Often occurs in winter and early spring in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits (vitamins in the spring?).
  • Hereditary dry skin of the hands(dry skin on any part of the body requires nourishing care).
  • Diseases(fungal infections can appear on the skin in the form of peeling).
  • Taking medications(for example, after antibiotics, your palms may peel).

Hand skin care

Hand care will help to avoid peeling and cracking even when exposed to unfavorable factors. To do this, it is necessary to supply the skin with moisture and provide it with nutrition (vitamins and minerals).

With a sufficient amount of vital vitamins, the skin can cope with dryness painlessly. It is most effective to supply the skin with vitamins and minerals from two sides - from the inside of the body (with nutrition) and from the outside, directly to the skin (in creams).

Food balanced in vitamin and mineral composition brings great benefits not only when the skin on the fingers is peeling, but also for the general condition of the body. In winter and spring, when there is little fresh fruit and not enough sun, artificial vitamin and mineral complexes containing vitamins A, B, B12, D, E will help.

Moisturizing nourishing creams

Moisturizing nourishing hand cream contains vitamins for dry skin, mineral supplements to normalize protective functions.

Nutritious creams made from natural ingredients from chain distributors of dietary supplements (Dietary Supplements) have proven themselves to be excellent. These are NEW WAYS, NSP (Natria cosmetics), Coral Club (Live&Love cosmeceuticals), NNPTSTO. Despite the high cost, these cosmetic products are in demand. After all, the face and hands are the calling cards of a lady.

  1. The cost of 50 ml of “Intensive Care” cream (NNPCTO) is about $35, the cream contains platinum nanoparticles, vitamins A, C, E and D-panthenol, cocoa butter and olives.
  2. The cost of 250 ml of Tender Care restoring lotion (NEW WAYS) is $25, it contains almond oil, lecithin, vitamins E and A.

Moisturizing hand masks from the folk medicine cabinet act similarly - they provide the skin with vitamin nutrition and maintain mineral and fat balance.

Olive oil and honey, grated potatoes, sour cream with yolk, a mixture of glycerin and ammonia - these are some of the products from the folk cosmetic first aid kit.


The main vitamins needed by the skin are as follows:


The list of minerals necessary for the skin is as follows:

The skin of the hands speaks about the condition of the body. A healthy body has healthy skin. Living in a clean environment, drinking structured water, and a balanced diet should be the norm.

Vitamin and mineral complexes in winter, walks in the fresh air, physical activity - all this will ensure good health and longevity, and velvety hand skin will be an additional gift.

Where you can find a lot of vitamin A, which is necessary for youthful skin on your hands and face, read with a convenient table of products at the end.

What vitamins will help against hair loss in women and men -

Useful video

How to make a soft moisturizing and nourishing mask for the skin of your hands from fresh products rich in vitamins and minerals:

Complaints that the skin on the fingers and between them has begun to crack is especially relevant in the cold season. Cracks can be shallow or deep, they cause pain and interfere with work. To understand how to deal with them, it is imperative to determine why the wounds occur.

The mechanism of formation of cracks in the skin

Linear breaks in the skin of the fingers, interdigital areas, the back side, and the wrist area are collectively called cracks. They can be superficial or deep.

The places between the fingers and the areas on the folds of the phalanges suffer, but such defects also occur on the palms.

Breaks occur gradually. First, the fingers peel off, microcracks form, which then deepen, itch, and bleed.

Symptoms of pathology

Cracks in the hands cause discomfort. If a bacterial infection gets into them, swelling and inflammation begin, and pus is produced and accumulates in the wound. Symptoms depend on location:

  1. Finger pads - the epithelium becomes coarser, then rises, an open, painful gap is formed.
  2. The interdigital space is a very delicate place. If a person is used to working without gloves with water and chemicals, then a burning sensation is felt in these areas, and the skin gradually cracks.
  3. The area around the nails - deep bleeding cracks form around them and in the corners. They interfere with everyday life, work, and spending time at the computer.

What do cracks on your hands look like?

General signs of disorders in the epithelium are gradual coarsening of the skin, dryness, and discoloration along Langer's lines. The stripes turn white and become clearer. After this, damage occurs. The condition of the nails also changes - they peel, turn white, and break, as in the photo below.

Why do cracks appear on fingers?

To select therapy, you need to identify the causes of cracks in your hands - incorrect treatment will only worsen the problem. They are divided into external and internal. Options:

  1. External ones are cold, dry air, prolonged contact with chemicals, water without protective equipment.
  2. Internal – diseases of systems/organs, skin lesions, nail fungus.

External stimuli

Dry skin on the fingers may be due to external factors. These include:

  • temperature difference;
  • dry air;
  • chemical irritants;
  • constant contact with water.

The phalanges of the fingers crack if you quickly rub your palms after being in the cold. When exposed to sudden heat, the blood vessels fail to cope. The skin loses elasticity and moisture. Cracks appear.

If the air is dry, the skin peels and then cracks.

If you have low indoor humidity, humidify the air periodically, especially in winter.

This will prevent troubles with the skin of your hands - it will remain soft and tender.

When working with chemicals, in oil, salt, metallurgical or other hazardous industries, the fingers gradually crack and pain appears.

Those who frequently come into contact with water and detergents have a problem with painful cracks on their fingers and palms. Constant wetting and household chemicals wash away natural lubrication and moisture, dry out the skin, and cause injury.

Internal pathologies

The skin on the fingers also bursts due to diseases in the body, various conditions. This:

  1. Lack of vitamins. For skin health, you need vitamins A, B, ascorbic acid and plant foods containing them.
  2. Hormonal imbalance. The ratio is disrupted during menopause, during and after pregnancy, and with hypothyroidism.
  3. Heredity. There is a genetic tendency to allergies or atopic dermatitis, leading to cracks in the skin.
  4. Skin diseases. This includes all types of eczema, psoriasis, and contact dermatitis.
  5. Problems in the body. The most common causes are diabetes mellitus, anemia, Raynaud's disease, scleroderma, hematopoietic pathologies, and neurological crisis.
  6. Fungal infections. Dermatomycosis and onychomycosis cause cracking of the skin between the fingers, under the nail plates.
  7. Allergy. More often it is caused by irritants in household chemicals.

Are cracks in the skin of the hands dangerous?

When the skin is damaged, its protective functions are weakened. Through them, infectious pathogens easily enter the blood. Consequences:

  • The risk of purulent and fungal lesions, complicating healing, increases.
  • When severe cracking occurs, acute pain occurs and it is impossible to work.
  • Microbes penetrate the body, panaritium develops - inflammatory processes and abscesses near the nail bed.

What to do if the skin on your fingers is cracked

If you find cracks, consult a dermatologist.

He identifies factors in the development of the problem and prescribes treatment. Therapy depends on the cause of the irritation:

  • If the cause is external, then to get rid of the cracks you need to remove the external irritant and use local moisturizing and healing agents - ointment, cream, solution.
  • If the cause is inside the body, then the doctor prescribes complex therapy to get rid of the pathology.
  • The duration of treatment is affected by:
    • severity of the disease;
    • associated and individual factors (allergy, pregnancy, others);
    • neglect of the disease;
    • state of the immune system.

For internal reasons, to strengthen the immune system and eliminate dry skin, you need to take vitamin complexes. During therapy you cannot:

  1. Keep your hands in the water for a long time.
  2. Work without gloves.
  3. Apply varnish to the nail plates.

How to treat cracked fingers at home

After consulting with your doctor, you can treat your skin at home. The optimal method is herbal baths, which are done every day. Recipe:

  1. Take 2-3 capsules of retinol and tocopherol (vitamin A and E), a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably olive, and lemon juice, 4-5 drops.
  2. Heat the oil slightly, pour in the vitamins and citrus juice. Mix everything.
  3. Keep your hands in the mixture for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Afterwards, do not wipe your hands, but blot them a little with paper napkins.

The second recipe includes 150 g of oatmeal cooked in milk and 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil:

  1. Pour 1 tsp into the mixture. natural honey.
  2. Keep your hands in the composition for 10 minutes.
  3. Then rinse them with chamomile or any other decoction, apply baby cream.

If you don’t have time at all, you can take a five-minute bath with chamomile infusion and tea tree or jojoba essential oil.

A safe proportion that gives a noticeable effect is to take 10 drops of essential oil per 250 ml of warm liquid.

What to apply to your hands for cracks and dryness

  1. D-Panthenol is a wound-healing cream for chapped hands with riboflavin and thiamine. It has an antiseptic effect thanks to chlorhexidine.
  2. Bepanten - contains a vitamin complex - calciferol, tocopherol, retinol, lanolin. The product relieves inflammation, heals wounds, softens the skin.
  3. Eplan is an analgesic, regenerating, antiseptic, wound healing solution. It softens and moisturizes the skin, kills pathogenic microorganisms, and prevents the appearance of pus.
  4. Sea buckthorn cream is a natural product based on berry juice. The composition quickly heals the skin and protects from external influences.

All products must be used according to the instructions. The main thing is to do this regularly, without skipping procedures, otherwise there will be no effect. If the medication worsens your condition or an allergic reaction occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of hand skin with folk remedies

Therapy with alternative means is effective if the damage occurs due to external reasons. Here are some recipes:

  • Dilute beeswax in a water bath. The wax should be hot, but not hot enough to burn you. Dip your fingertips into wax. Once it hardens, you need to put on cotton gloves. Keep for 12 hours. Carry out the procedure every day until the damage heals.
  • Pour glycerin into warm milk and stir. Take baths for 10–15 minutes several times a day.

A useful composition is obtained if you take chamomile, plantain, string, and calendula in equal parts. Sequencing:

  1. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. herbal mixture. Leave it overnight.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 tsp. Grind almond cream with 1 tsp. honey
  3. Combine with 1 tbsp. l. herbal tincture.
  4. Apply the mixture to the affected areas several times a day until the wounds heal.

How to avoid cracks in your fingers

Preventive measures will help prevent damage to the skin of your hands. What to do to avoid the appearance of epithelial breaks on the palms, fingers and hands:

  1. Do not use aggressive cleaning products - only gels and soaps that do not have an alkaline base.
  2. Use a towel/napkins - hot air from the dryer destroys the natural lubricant on the skin.
  3. Work with gloves - thin latex gloves are suitable for home use, and construction gloves made of thick fabric are suitable for gardening and repairs.
  4. Take care of your hands - apply creams in winter and summer. In cold weather we need nourishing ones, in warm weather we need protective and moisturizing ones.
  5. Proper nutrition, balanced diet. If food does not contain all the nutrients the body needs, this can lead to vitamin deficiency, which often causes skin problems. Drink two liters of water daily, avoid mono-diets.


Ladies' hands are an indicator of women's health and beauty. Well-groomed fingers and nails, smooth skin and the absence of any problems are everyone’s dream. But what to do if the skin on your hands is not ideal? This article will tell you what vitamin is missing if the skin on your hands is peeling and will give valuable tips on how to maintain beautiful hands.

Vitamins for hands

In order to keep your hands in perfect condition, the body requires comprehensive nutrition and vitamins. If with the first everything is more and less clear, then the question of vitamins remains open. When you don’t know which vitamin is missing, if the skin on your hands is peeling, comprehensive treatment may be useless. As a rule, a large list of vitamins is responsible for the condition of the skin, and the deficiency of each can manifest itself in different ways and, accordingly, requires an individual approach to the problem.

In order for women's hands to always look well-groomed, the following vitamins are needed:

  1. Vitamin A is responsible for skin youth and elasticity, which is why dryness and flaking are the first signs of a lack of this vitamin.
  2. B vitamins - necessary for skin cell regeneration and nutrition. If the body lacks any B vitamins, the skin begins to crack.
  3. Vitamin C - prevents premature aging of the skin, as it supplies it with oxygen. As soon as the skin lacks vitamin C, it will become pale.
  4. Vitamin E is responsible for the normal water-fat balance of the skin; as a result, a lack of vitamin E will immediately manifest itself in the form of dry and flaky skin, including the skin of the hands.

Causes of peeling hand skin

Most women are at a loss as soon as they start having any problems with the skin of their hands - what to do? How to quickly get your hands in order? What caused the peeling? Let's start from the end.

There can be many reasons for peeling hands and they are all completely different:

  1. overdrying with soap;
  2. chapping as a result of being in the cold without gloves;
  3. contact with skin irritants, in particular detergents;
  4. lack of vitamins, especially vitamin A.

If most of the reasons listed are more related to mechanical damage to the skin, then the lack of vitamins is a problem that comes from within. First of all, this manifests itself as a lack of vitamin A, which is involved in the formation of skin cells. Also, deterioration of the skin condition may indicate a lack of vitamin E.

It is impossible to get rid of peeling quickly. Firstly, you need to pay attention to your diet, because the beauty of the skin comes from within and cosmetic products alone will not be able to tidy up the skin of your hands. Secondly, since you have allowed this to happen, one-time measures will not help. It is necessary to constantly care for the skin of your hands to prevent peeling in the future.

And the answer to the main question is “what to do?” very simple - you need to make hand masks. Simply lubricating with cream is not enough for all the necessary substances to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, and hand baths will be good for preventing peeling.

Peeling skin on hands: may be a manifestation of vitamin deficiency

Hand masks with vitamins

To keep your hand skin attractive for a long time, you need to make hand masks containing vitamins A and E.

Mask for frequent use

In order to prepare a mask that can be applied to flaky skin of your hands several times a day, you will need to mix the following oils:

  1. Any vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  2. Sea buckthorn oil - 30ml;
  3. Vitamin A oil solution - 15 drops.

All oils are mixed and the resulting composition can be lubricated on flaky hands several times every day.

Moisturizing mask with vitamins

Of course, moisturizer is essential for flaky hands, but it’s even better if you use a moisturizing mask. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Vitamin A - 10 drops;
  2. Vitamin E - 10 drops;
  3. Almond oil - 1 tablespoon;
  4. Egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  5. Banana - half, about 100g.

The banana and chicken yolk are thoroughly mixed to form a puree, to which almond oil and solutions of vitamins A and E are then added. The finished mask can be applied to dry skin of the hands, then put on special plastic or rubber gloves and insulate. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes. After the required time, the mask can be washed off with warm water.

Moisturizing mask with carrots

Everyone knows how much vitamin A there is in carrots, which is why a hand mask based on it will be a real salvation for dry and flaky skin. You will need:

  1. Carrots - 2 tablespoons;
  2. Banana - 1 pc.;
  3. Butter - 1 teaspoon;
  4. Honey - 1 tablespoon.

Grate the carrots, grind the banana to a puree, melt the butter, and heat the honey until it becomes liquid. Then all the ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin of the hands in a thin layer, and special gloves are put on top. The holding time of the mask is 30 minutes.

Vitamin mask

To enrich the skin of your hands with the necessary vitamins, you will need the following mixture:

  1. Honey - 1 teaspoon;
  2. Vitamin A - 10 drops;
  3. Vitamin E - 10 drops.

Thoroughly mix the heated honey with oil vitamins A and E, then apply the mask to clean, clean hands and leave for about 25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Using nourishing creams, weekly baths and hand masks with vitamins will make the skin velvety, soft and tender. Proper nutrition and reliable hand skin care will prevent your hands from flaking and causing discomfort, which is so important for every woman.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs