Activated carbon tablets: instructions for adults and children for cleansing, price and reviews. Activated carbon - instructions for use


Trade name of the drug:

Activated carbon

International nonproprietary name:

activated carbon

Dosage form:



for 1 tablet:
active substance: activated carbon - 250 mg.
excipients: potato starch.


Round, flat-cylindrical, black, slightly rough tablets with a chamfer and a notch.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

Enterosorbent agent.

ATX code:


Pharmacological properties


It has an enterosorbing, detoxifying and antidiarrheal effect. Belongs to the group of polyvalent physicochemical antidotes and has high surface activity. Adsorbs poisons and toxins from the gastrointestinal tract before their absorption, including alkaloids, glycosides, barbiturates and other hypnotics and narcotics, salts of heavy metals, toxins of bacterial, plant, animal origin, phenol derivatives, hydrocyanic acids, sulfonamides, gases. The drug also adsorbs an excess of certain metabolic products - bilirubin, urea, cholesterol, as well as endogenous metabolites responsible for the development of endogenous toxicosis. Weakly adsorbs acids and alkalis (including iron salts, cyanides, malathion, methanol, ethylene glycol). Active as a sorbent during hemoperfusion. Does not irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Not absorbed, not broken down, excreted completely through the gastrointestinal tract within 24 hours.

Indications for use

Exogenous and endogenous intoxications of various origins (as a detoxifying agent). Foodborne toxic infections, dysentery, salmonellosis (with complex treatment). Poisoning with drugs (psychotropic, sleeping pills, narcotics), alkaloids, salts of heavy metals and other poisons. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by dyspepsia and flatulence. Food and drug allergies. Hyperbilirubinemia (viral hepatitis and other jaundices) and hyperazotemia (renal failure). To reduce gas formation in the intestines before ultrasound and x-ray examinations. In order to prevent chronic intoxication in hazardous industries.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract (including gastric and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis), bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal atony, simultaneous administration of antitoxic drugs, the effect of which develops after absorption ( methionine and others).
With caution

Patients with diabetes and those on a low-carbohydrate diet.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The drug can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus and child. You should consult your doctor.

Directions for use and doses

Orally, in tablets or in the form of an aqueous suspension of crushed tablets, 1-2 hours before or after meals and taking other medications. The required number of tablets is stirred in 100 ml (1/2 cup) of chilled water.
Adults are prescribed an average of 1.0-2.0 g (4-8 tablets) 3-4 times a day. The maximum single dose for adults is up to 8.0 g (16 tablets).
For children, the drug is prescribed at an average of 0.05 g/kg body weight 3 times a day, depending on body weight. The maximum single dose is up to 0.2 g/kg body weight. The course of treatment for acute diseases is 3-5 days, for allergies and chronic diseases - up to 14 days. Repeated course - after 2 weeks on the recommendation of a doctor.
In case of acute poisoning, treatment is prescribed with gastric lavage using a suspension of activated carbon, then 20-30 g of the drug is given orally.
For flatulence, 1.0-2.0 g (4-8 tablets) is prescribed orally 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-7 days.

Side effect

Dyspepsia, constipation or diarrhea, dark coloration of stool. With long-term use (more than 14 days), the absorption of vitamins, calcium and other nutrients from the gastrointestinal tract may be reduced.
If side effects not described in these instructions occur, you should stop taking the drug and inform your doctor.


To date, no cases of overdose have been registered.

Interaction with other drugs

Reduces the absorption and effectiveness of concomitantly taken medications.

Special instructions

When treating intoxications, it is necessary to create an excess of carbon in the stomach (before gastric lavage) and in the intestines (after gastric lavage). Reducing the concentration of carbon in the medium promotes desorption of the bound substance and its absorption (to prevent resorption of the released substance, repeated gastric lavage and administration of carbon are recommended). The presence of food masses in the gastrointestinal tract requires the introduction of coal in high doses, since the contents of the gastrointestinal tract are sorbed by coal and its activity decreases. If poisoning is caused by substances involved in the enterohepatic circulation (cardiac glycosides, indomethacin, morphine and other opiates), charcoal must be used for several days. When using the drug for more than 10-14 days, prophylactic administration of vitamins and calcium supplements is necessary.
Patients with diabetes mellitus and those on a low-carbohydrate diet should take into account that one tablet of the drug contains about 47 mg of carbohydrates (0.004 XE).
It is recommended to store in a dry place, away from substances that release gases or vapors into the atmosphere. Storage in air (especially humid) reduces sorption capacity.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

The use of the drug does not affect the ability to perform potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions (driving vehicles, working with moving mechanisms, working as a dispatcher and operator).

Release form

Tablets 250 mg.
10 tablets per blister-free packaging. 10 tablets per blister pack.
1 or 2 contour cellless packages along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.
1 or 2 blister packs along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.
100, 200, 400, 500, 600, 1000 contour cellless packaging without a pack (for hospitals) with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a box or box made of corrugated cardboard.
100, 200, 400, 500. 600, 1000 blister packs without a pack (for hospitals) with an equal number of instructions for use are placed in a box or box made of corrugated cardboard.

Storage conditions

In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

3 years.
Do not use after expiration date.

Vacation conditions

Available without a prescription.


Manufacturer/Address of place of production/Organization receiving consumer complaints

JSC "Tatkhimfarmpreparaty", Russia
420091. Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, st. Belomorskaya, 260

Activated carbon is an adsorbent. This is a substance that has a porous structure. It is obtained from various carbon-containing materials of organic origin (plant and animal). Activated carbon is obtained from charcoal, coconut charcoal, and various types of coke. The substance has high adsorption. This property is widely used in medicine.

Release form

Activated carbon is produced in tablets of 0.25 and 0.5 grams. The package contains ten tablets.

Pharmacological properties of Activated carbon

According to the instructions, activated carbon can adsorb gases, toxins, alkaloids, and glycosides. The adsorption property also manifests itself if it is necessary to cleanse the body of heavy metal salts and salicylates. Purification is also possible in case of poisoning with barbiturates and other compounds. Activated carbon helps to reduce the absorption of such harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract several times. It also promotes their excretion from the body in feces.

Activated carbon, however, does little to reduce the absorption of acids and alkalis, including iron salts and cyanides. When used, Activated Carbon does not irritate the mucous membranes. If you use Activated Charcoal in the form of a patch, then this application will promote faster healing of ulcers. For maximum effect, activated carbon must be administered immediately after poisoning. The effect will be good if you use the drug at least during the first hours.

If the poisoning was caused by substances that participate in the enterohepatic circulation, for example cardiac glycosides, indomethacin, morphine, then in this case it is necessary to use activated carbon for several days. The use of the drug as a sorbent for hemoperfusion is especially effective in cases of acute poisoning with barbiturates, glutethimide, or theophylline.

Indications for use

The main indications for the use of Activated Carbon are gastrointestinal disorders: dyspepsia, flatulence, increased acidity and hypersecretion of gastric juice. Reviews of Activated Carbon say that its use is effective for food poisoning, poisoning with alkaloids, heavy metal salts and glycosides.

Use activated carbon for weight loss. With its help, the body begins to cleanse itself. As a result, impurities, toxins, and at the same time extra pounds go away. The authors of the method of losing weight with the help of Activated Charcoal believe that the cleansing that charcoal does will help remove extra pounds, because obesity is often a problem with the stomach and intestines, so you first need to remove these problems.

It is recommended to take activated carbon for weight loss as follows: you need to take one tablet of activated carbon for every 10 kg of weight for 10-30 days. The tablets are taken three times a day, before each main meal. Activated carbon is washed down with a glass of water. According to the second recipe for the charcoal diet, you need to drink ten tablets of Activated Carbon per day for weight loss. Take 2 tablets before each meal (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner). This is the case if a person practices five meals a day. If there are fewer meals, then it is better to use the first method.

Directions for use and dosage

According to the instructions, in case of poisoning, you should drink 20–30 grams of activated carbon per dose. It is better to use the drug as a suspension in water. Gastric lavage is done with such a suspension of Activated Carbon in water. For increased acidity and flatulence, charcoal is prescribed orally, 1–2 grams in the form of a suspension in water 3–4 times a day. For flatulence and dyspepsia, activated carbon is used 1-3 tablets 3-4 times a day.


According to the instructions, Activated carbon is contraindicated for use if there are ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. Do not use the drug for stomach bleeding.

There have been no studies on the safety of using Activated Carbon in pregnant and nursing mothers, so this drug is used only if the significance of the effect for the mother outweighs the risk of side effects in the fetus or child. In any case, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

One of the most necessary medicines in every first aid kit is activated carbon. The use of activated carbon is not limited to food poisoning; this remedy will come to the rescue in other situations.

What is activated carbon used for?

Being a natural sorbent, the drug is used to bind and remove harmful and toxic substances from the body. As part of complex therapy, it is taken for:

  • Food poisoning
  • Ingestion of heavy metal salts into the body
  • Dysentery
  • Cholera
  • Typhoid fever
  • Gastritis
  • Colitis
  • Increased stomach acidity
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

What is activated carbon?

The medicine is made from natural materials (peat, coal), which are heated in an airless space and then treated with chemicals. Thanks to this technology, the finished tablet has a porous structure.

The pores make it possible to significantly increase the suction surface of the sorbent. Crushed tablets (powder) have even greater absorption capacity, therefore, for a greater and faster effect, it is recommended to crush and chew the tablets before use.

Help with poisoning

It is important to know that the sooner help is provided in case of poisoning, the greater the effect can be achieved.

At the first signs of ill health, you need to take 6-8 tablets of activated carbon, washing them down with enough water. The crushed tablets can be mixed in a glass of water and drunk. Considering that charcoal does not dissolve in water, the resulting suspension must be shaken thoroughly before use.

The drug is continued until recovery, drinking 3-4 tablets at a time.

In case of acute intoxication, first cleanse the stomach with charcoal diluted in water (10-20 g of charcoal per 0.1 liter of water), and then give the patient 6-8 tablets.

Coal has a local effect on the body, is not absorbed by the intestines and is excreted in the same volume in which it was taken, turning the stool black.

It is treated according to the same scheme; the instructions for the drug recommend taking 3-5 tablets an hour or two before alcohol to reduce the damage done to the body.

In case of severe vomiting, you must first take antiemetic drugs, and only then take activated charcoal.

Intestinal problems

Activated carbon is effective for problems with stool: diarrhea, constipation, flatulence.

The causes of intestinal dysfunction are:

  1. Fermentation
  2. Rotting
  3. Gastritis
  4. Pancreatitis

How much and how often to take charcoal depends on the severity of the problem:

  • At the initial stage, it is enough to take the drug in the morning and evening, 2 tablets per dose;
  • Constipation or diarrhea lasting more than two days is treated according to the regimen of 3 tablets at a time, three times a day;
  • The medicine is taken before or after meals, with an interval of 1-2 hours.

If treatment at home does not bring results, you must seek qualified medical help. Prolonged diarrhea threatens serious dehydration and further deterioration of the condition.

However, if constipation is caused by an atonic state of the intestines, there is a suspicion of intestinal obstruction, rectal bleeding; if the ulcer worsens, you should not drink activated charcoal.

Coal adsorbs gases, toxins, and waste products, thus cleansing the intestines.

Additionally, you can carry out several cleansing courses by taking charcoal three times a day before meals, dosage – 1 tablet for every 10 kilos of body weight. Course duration is 1-2 weeks.

Relieve allergies

If you have a food allergy, taking activated charcoal will speed up the removal of the allergen from the body. The standard regimen is 3 tablets per dose, 3-4 times a day. A specialist will help you choose an individual dosage.

Is it possible to lose weight with magic pills?

There is no evidence that activated carbon is a drug for weight loss. In some cases, it helps to lose weight by cleansing the intestines, but you should not get carried away with such weight loss methods.

When taking activated carbon, it is necessary to provide the body with vitamins and minerals, since carbon also binds and removes them. In addition, long-term use of the drug is fraught with disruption of the intestinal microflora, so probiotics during this period will also not be superfluous.

You can’t expect a quick and noticeable effect on weight loss from coal. It is used in combination with a low-calorie diet and active physical activity (gym, gym, swimming pool, fitness).

For pregnant and lactating women

Activated carbon is one of the few drugs that can be taken while breastfeeding without fear of harming the baby. Neither powder nor tablets release medicinal substances into the blood that can pass through the placental barrier to the fetus or through breast milk during feeding. The drug acts locally in the intestines and is excreted from the body through the digestive tract.

Due to the hormonal changes that occur in a woman’s body in the first trimester, many people experience irregular bowel movements, constipation, increased gas formation, and intestinal colic. Activated carbon will overcome all these problems. Additionally, it will reduce the acidity of the stomach and relieve heartburn, which also appears quite often at this time.

To solve “digestive” problems, you should take 2-3 tablets 2 hours after meals. It is important to remember that coal also removes beneficial substances from the intestines, which the expectant mother needs doubly. Therefore, despite the harmlessness of coal, one should not get carried away with such preventive measures.

The use of activated carbon in pediatrics

The drug is prescribed to children, since possible side effects are minimized, and it is necessary to help the child.

The medicine is prescribed for:

  • Poisoning (food, chemical, medicinal);
  • Infectious diseases manifested by vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, dyspepsia);

It is difficult for small children to swallow a tablet, so the drug is given crushed, in the form of an aqueous suspension. In addition, the sorbent is available in the form of ready-made powder, paste - forms that are more convenient for treating children.

Activated carbon is prescribed to newborn children as part of complex therapy for the treatment of neonatal jaundice. Moms should not be afraid, coal will not cause any harm. Parents should remember that thanks to coal, the feces will be black and this is absolutely natural.

Hollywood smile

The use of activated carbon for teeth whitening is popular. Numerous tests have proven that regularly brushing your teeth with charcoal powder helps make them noticeably whiter. This fact cannot but arouse enthusiasm, since the drug is cheap and accessible to everyone, and the effect is promised to be stunning.

However, before you begin whitening, you should understand how the powder works. The enamel turns yellow and darkens due to the fact that food dyes, particles of food, tea, coffee, and cigarette smoke remain on its surface. These substances are partially sorbed by coal and removed from the surface, visually making teeth whiter.

But no matter how finely dispersed the powder is, it still acts on the principle of an abrasive - it removes food debris from the teeth mechanically, leaving scratches on the enamel that are invisible for the time being. Constant dental treatment can lead to serious dental problems, so you should not overdo it.

Radiant facial skin

Activated carbon is included in face masks. It absorbs substances that clog pores, opening them, reduces skin oiliness, and fights inflammation.

The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes; if you exceed the time, you can achieve the absolutely opposite effect: small particles of coal eat into the skin so deeply and reliably that they will give it a dark, earthy tint, which will not be easy to get rid of.

Crushed tablets or finished powder are mixed with other ingredients and applied to pre-steamed skin.

  • The mask for blackheads includes a crushed activated carbon tablet and 1 tsp. gelatin. Add 2 tsp to the mixture. milk and put in the microwave for 15-20 seconds. Before applying, the mask must be cooled and applied to problem areas (nose, chin, forehead). The mask is removed after drying.
  • Ice tones and refreshes the skin. A greater effect can be achieved if crushed charcoal tablets are added to the water before freezing.
  • A mask made from charcoal (1 tablet), yogurt without additives and dyes (2 tsp) and lemon juice (1 tsp) will help give you a healthy look and cleanse it.
  • We recommend a mask of charcoal (2 tablets), aloe juice (1 tsp) and sea salt (½ tsp). You can add 2 drops of tea tree oil to the mixture, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect.
  • In the absence of additional ingredients, crushed tablets are mixed with warm water or milk until pasty and applied to the face.

In addition to black, pharmacies sell a drug called “White Coal”. A marketing ploy designed to attract attention to a new drug and increase sales. The medicine based on cellulose and silicon oxide has a high adsorption capacity, and accordingly the dosage is several times lower.

The drug improves intestinal motility and does not cause constipation. However, this medicine is not recommended for children.

Activated carbon from a pharmacy is intended for purely medical purposes; it should not be used for filters in an aquarium, since all inhabitants may die. For these purposes, specialized stores sell a substance intended for water purification with the same name.

Activated carbon helps relieve signs of poisoning and cope with severe infectious diseases, but this drug should be taken according to the instructions, since thoughtless use of carbon to obtain the mythical effect of rapid weight loss, for example, will bring harm, not benefit.

Activated carbon (also called active carbon) is a substance that is very porous in its structure. It is made from organic materials containing a high percentage of carbon. Most often, tree wood, coconut and walnut shells, as well as charcoal, stone or bitumen coal are used for this.

At the first stage of the production cycle, the raw materials are charred using high temperature, and after that the material is activated. Due to the presence of a huge number of micropores in the specified raw material, the resulting product is characterized by a large specific surface area and high sorption properties. This especially applies to sorbents made from coconut shells. These and other characteristics of activated carbon allow it to be widely used in many industries and medicine.

This drug has found application in the medical field in the preparation of certain solutions and dosage forms. It is also successfully used in the production of respirators and gas masks for respiratory protection.

Activated carbon is used in technological processes in the production of antibiotics, aldochol, and blood substitutes.

The unique property of the drug absorbing various toxins from the body, as well as the antidiarrheal effect it produces, have made it an indispensable “helper” and “savior”.

This sorbent is absolutely harmless and should be present in every home or travel first aid kit. Its use does not cause stomach irritation. It is also able to cope with pathogenic intestinal bacteria and perfectly absorbs all the released harmful decay products of microorganisms.

Activated carbon treatment

The sorbent also has a huge therapeutic effect in case of poisoning with low-quality food products, alcohol, salts of heavy metals, cardiac glycosides, and various chemical compounds.

The drug is prescribed for dysentery and salmonellosis.

It is successfully used in the treatment of cholecystitis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, dermatitis, bronchial asthma, allergies, and metabolic disorders.

Activated carbon is prescribed to cancer patients after undergoing chemotherapy and ionizing radiation.

To reduce gas formation in the intestines, this drug is recommended to be taken in preparation for an examination or before surgery in the abdominal cavity.

For problems with the digestive tract and flatulence, activated carbon should be taken at the rate of: one tablet per 8-10 kg of weight three times a day, 60 minutes before meals. The course of treatment can be three to seven days.

Coal is used in the same way for poisoning or dysentery. However, we should not forget that in these cases it is necessary to call a doctor who will adjust the treatment and supplement it with special effective drugs.

The sorbent is also used for allergies. It cleanses the blood of harmful substances, eliminates rashes, relieves itching and swelling. Typically, charcoal tablets are prescribed according to the following regimen: 3 tablets in the morning, 4 tablets at lunch and 3 tablets in the evening. The course of treatment lasts two weeks. Then take a break for 15 days and repeat the course.

Activated carbon is also popular among those who want to lose weight. In this case, it is recommended to take it this way. For the first three days, the sorbent is taken in three tablets. Then add one pill daily when taking it. Bring the number of tablets to 10. (Maximum to 12). Take a break of up to 1.5 months. This treatment of obesity allows you to cleanse the body and blood of toxins, reduce flatulence and promote the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Application in cosmetology

Activated carbon can not only remove toxins and... This sorbent can support and improve skin condition. With the help of such simple folk recipes, you can quickly get rid of acne, blackheads and small skin rashes.

For 15 days, take active charcoal every evening, 2 hours after dinner. Dose: 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight. (But no more than 12 tablets). The drug should be taken with a glass of water. The procedure is carried out every other day.

They also make cleansing masks with activated carbon on the affected skin. To do this, dissolve 7-8 tablets in a small amount of warm water and add a teaspoon of aloe juice. Mix everything and apply on the face for 30 minutes.

This mask will eliminate skin problems and significantly improve the shape of your face. You need to grind 8 tablets of activated carbon, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of gelatin (pre-soaked in water) and two spoons of black (or other) clay. Add a little water to this mixture to form a thick, porridge-like mass. The mask is made every three days. After the procedure, the skin is lubricated with moisturizing cream. The course of treatment is no more than 15 days.

It should still be remembered that activated carbon, in addition to its benefits, can also cause significant harm to the body. The fact is that, while removing toxins, the drug simultaneously absorbs and removes from the intestines all the minerals and vitamins necessary for life. Therefore, when using this sorbent, it is necessary to replenish the body with all the necessary substances after treatment. Don't forget to also talk to your doctor about taking activated charcoal.

Let's talk about a proven antacid. Activated carbon is familiar to everyone. How to apply it correctly? And does it have any contraindications?

This medicine is made from wood coals or coal coke. For many years, it would seem that there is no simpler and more proven remedy, and more modern preparations have already been created. However, even now activated carbon is successfully used by doctors as a sorbent.

Today, these black tablets are used not only as a sorbent, but also in cosmetology and in the everyday life of inventive housewives.
In case of poisoning, charcoal is taken orally, the medicine binds harmful metabolic products and toxins, normalizes the process of gas formation and removes harmful substances from the body naturally.

Indications for use

Historically, this drug was used to detoxify the body, but at this stage the range of uses of activated carbon is much wider:

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract (dyspepsia, flatulence, poisoning, processes of rotting and fermentation in the intestines)
Sepsis and intoxication in severe burn disease
Infectious diseases (salmonellosis and dysentery)
For diseases of the liver and biliary tract (chronic and acute hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic cholecystitis)
Allergic conditions (food allergies)
Preparation for endoscopic examination of the gastrointestinal tract
As part of weight loss diets
Cosmetic wraps and masks to improve the condition of the skin
Application in cosmetology to eliminate dandruff, in dentistry-removal yellow plaque on teeth
However, activated carbon is initially a medicinal drug; you should not use it in unlimited quantities. Before starting use, be sure to consult your doctor.

Activated carbon for children

Indications for the use of the drug in children are the same as for adults, their list is extensive. Its main focus is detoxification for allergic diseases and gastrointestinal diseases.

It is used as an antidiarrheal agent. In most cases, parents make an independent decision to use activated carbon in the treatment of their child.
Despite all the positive aspects of the drug, there are conditions in which children should not be given activated charcoal:

Bleeding of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
Gastrointestinal ulcers
Combination of treatment with other antacids

If you do not take into account these contraindications, you use activated charcoal in the treatment of a child, you may encounter indigestion, constipation, thromboembolism, vitamin deficiency, hypoglycemic states.
The consequences are quite severe for the child’s body, so be careful about the contraindications of the drug.

The use of activated carbon in children is allowed from an early age to relieve attacks of colic and increased gas formation.

Doses for children are:

Up to 1 year - crush the tablets, mix with water and give 1-2 tablets throughout the day
1 year-3 years - 2-4 tablets per day
3-6 years - 4-6 tablets per day
Over the age of 6 years, up to 10-12 tablets per day based on body weight

When using the drug in children, do not forget that it is used on an empty stomach.

Activated carbon dosage

  • The usual dosage of “1 tablet 2 times a day” is not suitable for taking activated carbon. For each pathology, the amount of the drug may vary
  • If you encounter symptoms of poisoning, the drug is prescribed 1 tablet per kilogram of body weight immediately, then we wash the stomach (to cleanse the stomach of any remaining toxic substance). Then we take the same dose of activated carbon orally. If poisoning occurs as a result of ingestion of irritating liquids, gastric lavage is not performed.
  • For symptoms of flatulence or to prepare for an examination, a dose of 1-3 tablets is prescribed 3 times a day. If these symptoms are caused by poisoning, it is recommended to crush the tablets and dilute them in half a glass of water and take them as a suspension.
  • The duration of treatment ranges from 3 days to two weeks. When treating activated carbon, you should not take other medications, they will not be effective

Activated carbon tablets

The usual form of release of this drug is tablets with a dosage of 0.25 g of active substance in one tablet. It is in this dosage that the drug is calculated for medicinal purposes.
But we have already mentioned that this drug has found wide application in other areas of human life and activity, therefore activated carbon is produced in the form of granules (for preparing a suspension) or capsules for oral administration. It is also a paste and powder for suspension.


The following conditions are contraindications for taking the drug:
Ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Hypersensitivity to the drug
Bleeding of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract
Simultaneous use of antitoxic drugs, along with activated carbon

Activated carbon or Polysorb?

Today, many doctors consider activated carbon to be a relic of the past, since more modern and safe means have been created.

Polysorb is one of a number of sorbing agents that has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora (which is important for the child’s body). The drug is excreted from the body without having a cumulative effect.

This is an effective sorbent that acts in the intestinal lumen, which quickly and effectively binds and removes toxic substances and pathogens present in the intestines and bloodstream. This drug also has a positive effect on the restoration and normalization of liver and kidney functions, and stimulates the immune system.


There are no analogues of activated carbon with the same active substance, however, thanks to modern medicine, drugs have been developed that have a similar sorbing effect:

Activated carbon reviews

After reading many reviews, we can come to the conclusion that, as an enteral adsorbent, activated carbon is outdated, although it has the most economically advantageous pricing policy. However, as a cosmetic product, this drug is widely used with a large number of positive reviews.

Video: Activated carbon



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