Sleep paralysis causes. What is sleep paralysis

Many patients describe feeling awake but unable to move. This phenomenon is called sleep paralysis. Peculiarity this violation is that it can cause strong fear, especially if the condition is accompanied by visions of things that do not exist in reality, as well as non-existent voices. The incidence of sleep paralysis varies. Perhaps it's just isolated case, and some people are bothered by it several times during the night. Sleep paralysis has been known for a long time, and its symptoms were already described centuries ago. In those days, night paralysis was considered the work of various dark forces, such demons, witches and sorcerers.

Nowadays, similar phenomenon They often try to explain it by visits from aliens from other worlds, who paralyze a person’s will for the purpose of abduction. Basically, every culture has an abundance of stories about some ghostly creatures that make a person helpless every night. For centuries, people have been searching for an explanation for paralysis and the fear that comes with it. Nowadays, experts have established - basically it proves that all stages of sleep are not passed through by the body smoothly enough. Psychiatric disorders are extremely rare causes of sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis can occur both when falling asleep and when waking up. For several seconds, the person is completely unable to speak or perform any actions. Some people claim that they feel something similar to suffocation, a kind of pressure. But it should be taken into account that sleep paralysis can accompany other disorders; sometimes it occurs with narcolepsy. In this case, narcolepsy refers to severe drowsiness, a desire to sleep, which is caused by an impaired ability of the brain to regulate periods of sleep and wakefulness.

Scientists believe that sleep paralysis is an unremarkable biological event that is designed by nature. It is known that sleep paralysis occurs when there is a desynchronization of the processes of inclusion of consciousness and functions, including motor system bodies. The absence of motor activity confirms that the person is awake and aware of his reality, and physical body has not yet emerged from the state of sleep. Therefore, the main factors that provoke sleep paralysis are hidden in the person himself, and are caused by problems nervous system. As prophylactic In sleep paralysis, the leading role is played by active games, as well as a lifestyle without bad habits. Sports on fresh air Stably connects the brain and muscles, so after waking up a person immediately “turns on.”

Sleep paralysis is more common in patients adolescence, but adults of both sexes often suffer from it. It has also been established that the cause of this disorder in some cases is a person’s genetic predisposition. There are a number of other factors that contribute to the development of the disease. Among them, scientists primarily name lack of sleep, its altered sleep schedule, mental states in the form of stress. In some cases, sleep paralysis occurs when a person sleeps on their back. Other sleep problems are also a definite risk factor, for example, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, taking certain medicines, substance abuse, drug addiction.

Primary diagnosis based on characteristic symptoms, must be confirmed by a doctor. Typically, patients turn to a specialist if the symptoms of sleep paralysis bring lethargy and fatigue throughout the day, and significantly disturb sleep. In the treatment of sleep paralysis important role plays sufficient quantity information, so the psychotherapist can ask the patient to describe the symptoms that arise and keep a diary for several weeks. The doctor will also find out what diseases the patient previously suffered from, whether he has hereditary predisposition to sleep problems. If necessary, the patient receives a referral to a specialist who deals with sleep problems.

Questions about treatment methods for sleep paralysis are quite controversial, and many experts argue that special treatment in this case it is not always required. It is much more important to eliminate the factors causing disease. For example, treating a number of disorders, such as narcolepsy, can greatly help in the fight against sleep paralysis. Used as treatment the following techniques– improvement of sleep habits. That is, the duration healthy sleep a person should have at least six hours; for many people, stable night sleep within eight hours.

One of the strange things about night paralysis is the timing errors. The duration of paralysis is usually up to two minutes, but most often it lasts seconds. At the same time, it seems to the person that at least ten minutes have passed. It has been proven that this phenomenon in itself is not harmful, so doctors prescribe

Sleep paralysis is a condition in which a person awakens from sleep but is unable to move or speak. Sleep paralysis may also be accompanied by difficulty breathing, a feeling of impending doom, or a feeling that you are being watched. This unpleasant and often frightening condition can be prevented with the help of certain measures: sleep more, take herbal remedies or visit your doctor. If you experience sleep paralysis frequently, or if improving your sleep does not help you get rid of it, seek medical help.


Immediate measures

    Try to relax. Sleep paralysis is often a terrible feeling and you may feel the need to get rid of it, especially if it is accompanied by the feeling of being held down. The best way to do this is to relax. If you feel as if something is holding you in place, do not resist or try to break free - allow the unknown force to continue to act. This will help you wake up completely or fall back into sleep.

    • Try telling yourself: “I have sleep paralysis, this is a natural state, nothing threatens me.” Repeat something like this to yourself when you are trying to wake up fully or fall back asleep if you are experiencing sleep paralysis.
  1. Remember that everything is okay. Understanding this will help you relax if you experience sleep paralysis - if you know what is happening to you and understand that it is only a short-term phenomenon, it will be easier for you to relax. Although sleep paralysis may be a sign rare disease, the so-called narcolepsy, is usually not associated with any serious health problems. During sleep, you are in “atonia,” meaning your brain keeps your body calm and relaxed (which is probably why you don’t move according to what you dream about, which could be harmful to yourself and others). With sleep paralysis, you are aware of the condition.

    Wiggle your toes, try wincing or clenching your hand into a fist. Some people are able to break their sleep paralysis by moving an arm or leg. Try to focus all your attention on your toes or fingers and try to move them or make a fist with your fingers. Another way is to try to wince as if you felt bad smell. Repeat these steps several times to finally awaken.

    Talk to your partner. If you share a bed with a loved one, talk to them and tell them what you are experiencing. In this case, he will be able to help you get out of sleep paralysis. Ask your loved one to jog you if they notice that you are breathing heavily and irregularly. This doesn't always work - your partner may make a mistake and interrupt your normal sleep- but it's worth a try.

    Don't eat anything for about two hours before bed. Eating late can disrupt your sleep and increase your risk of sleep paralysis. If you are used to snacking before bed, try to do it no later than two hours before bed.

    Don't exercise before bed. Intensive physical activity V late time interfere with falling asleep, so try to plan your workouts for more early time, that is, in the morning or after lunch.

    • If you still need to exercise in evening time, give preference light exercise such as walking, lifting light weights, and stretching exercises.
  2. Limit or avoid caffeine intake in the afternoon and evening. Caffeine makes it difficult to fall asleep. Reduce your consumption or completely avoid caffeine-containing drinks such as coffee, tea, and Coca-Cola in the afternoon.

    • For example, if you're used to drinking a cup of coffee at 4 p.m., try replacing it with decaffeinated coffee or a cup of green tea.
  3. Relax before bed. Taking some time to relax before bed will improve your sleep and help prevent sleep paralysis. There are many relaxation techniques. For example, you can try the following methods:

    • progressive muscle relaxation
    • deep breathing
    • taking a bath
    • yoga or light stretching
    • soothing music

Herbal remedies

  1. Take valerian root. Valerian root has a calming effect, it helps you fall asleep and promotes deeper and longer sleep. Nutritional supplements with valerian root can be purchased in pharmacies or stores healthy eating. Before taking valerian root, be sure to consult your doctor.

    • Valerian root may interact with other drugs such as fexofenadine, alprazolam and lorazepam.
    • The usual dosage is 400-900 milligrams approximately two hours before bedtime, for 28 days.
  2. Try taking passionflower. Passion flower will help you calm down and improve your sleep quality. It can be purchased at a pharmacy or store healthy food. Consult your doctor before taking passionflower.

    • Passion flower can reduce blood pressure, so if you are taking medications to normalize blood pressure, consult your doctor first.
    • Do not take passionflower if pregnant as it may cause uterine contractions.
    • Try taking one 90-milligram passionflower tablet per day.
  3. Drink chamomile tea. Chamomile calms and improves the quality and duration of sleep. Try drinking 1-2 glasses (250-500 milliliters) of chamomile tea every night before bed. To make chamomile tea, place a tea bag in a mug and simply pour boiling water over it. Wait about 5 minutes for the tea to brew, then remove the tea bag. Wait until the tea has cooled slightly before drinking it.

Sleep paralysis (sleep stupor) is a fairly common phenomenon. It is not included in the international classification of diseases for a number of reasons, but there is a considerable amount of information in scientific publications of foreign authors.

Mentions of sleep paralysis can also be found in the works of historians various countries peace. There is a historical name for the phenomenon - “witch syndrome”, which is explained by an outdated view of it as the arbitrariness of supernatural forces.


As the name suggests, sleep paralysis is inextricably linked to the process of sleep. This condition occurs at the beginning of falling asleep, or after waking up in the morning, but in any case - in fast phase sleep. IN general outline, sleepy stupor is characterized by complete immobilization upon restoration of consciousness after awakening.

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  • Health to you and your loved ones!

In other words, being in a clear consciousness, a person is not able to perform any actions. This unusual phenomenon lasts only a couple of tens of seconds and is not at all life-threatening, but even this time interval is enough to experience unpleasant, frightening and obsessive emotions.

Thus, people who have experienced a state of sleepy stupor describe panic, fear of approaching death, various kinds hallucinations, difficulty breathing and others discomfort. According to statistics, this phenomenon occurred at least once in almost 40% of people’s lives. healthy people, as a rule, young. Characteristic is the lack of need for special treatment.

A few other facts about sleep paralysis:

  • an episode of sleep paralysis can be controlled and even prevented;
  • the duration of the attack is from several seconds to one or two minutes;
  • The attack can be completely stopped with the help of a strong irritant, for example, loud sound or flashes of light;
  • pathognomonic (cardinal) symptom – inability to speak and move;
  • most often develops in adolescents and young adults;
  • quite widespread in the world, estimates range from 5 to 60%;
  • safe for the body, but requires exclusion more serious problems with health;
  • There is wide variability in the frequency and intensity of paralysis between individuals.


To date, sleep paralysis syndrome has been studied in detail by somnologists. It has been established that its occurrence is due to an imbalance between the regulatory influence of the brain and tone skeletal muscles. Thus, deep sleep is accompanied by maximum muscle relaxation, while the sleep phase shallow sleep characterized by an increase muscle tone and even the occurrence of some involuntary muscle contractions.

The alternating change of two phases normally occurs gradually, without sharp fluctuations in muscle tone and brain activity. However, in some cases, a person may suddenly wake up a little earlier than his muscles receive the corresponding signal from the brain.

The reason for this is an imbalance in the interaction of neurotransmitters such as melatonin, choline, serotonin. It also causes hallucinatory manifestations and disorientation in the environment.

After a couple of minutes, the muscles will react to the late command and the person will be able to carry out the movements. But precisely in these couple of minutes, while conscious, he is actually completely paralyzed and unable to even speak.

Except immediate causes the occurrence of sleep paralysis, there are predisposing factors. These include:

  • hormonal disorders - the neurotransmitter system is subject to misregulation due to an imbalance of other hormonal systems;
  • previous use of psychoactive drugs and drugs, alcohol dependence;
  • violation of sleep and rest patterns (rapid change of time zones, irregular working hours);
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • comorbid mental disorders;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • young age;
  • previous nervous shock - loss of loved ones, accident, fire.

In addition, a dependence of the occurrence of symptoms on the sleeping position has been noted: sleep paralysis most often occurs when falling asleep on the back, and extremely rarely - on the right side.


Manifestations of sleepy stupor arise from its pathogenesis. In the vast majority of cases, a person wakes up and suddenly finds himself absolutely helpless. He is unable to move his limbs or call for help while being lucid and having clear thoughts.

This combination of symptoms provokes fear of approaching death, a feeling of pressure on the chest, difficulty breathing and difficult-to-control panic. Neurotransmitter imbalance leads to hallucinations various types, more often visual and auditory (one of the names of the syndrome is hypnagogic sleep paralysis).

So, a person feels the presence or touch of a stranger in the room, hears other people's voices. There may be false perceptions of doors opening, furniture being moved, and own body.

In addition, against the background panic attack sweating increases significantly, breathing rhythm is disrupted, and headache and myalgia. It is noteworthy that the attack occurs only during natural awakening and cannot be provoked by external awakening stimuli. After recovery normal condition a person who clearly captures all his experiences is not sure of their reality.


Since sleep paralysis is not a nosological entity and is not included in International Classification Diseases, then a diagnostic algorithm has not been developed for it.

As a rule, one begins to think about sleepy stupor on the basis subjective experiences patients who are distinguished by a certain stereotypicality. A reasonable suspicion of this condition is supported by identifying risk factors, clarifying the genetic history and excluding more serious ones. mental disorders. Studying the sleep structure using special equipment can help.

It would not be superfluous to record the symptoms and conditions of their occurrence in a special diary if similar signs appear regularly. If a connection between symptoms and signs of other neuropsychiatric disorders, diagnostics are carried out in the appropriate direction.

Night terrors
  • The sensations are very similar to an attack of sleepy stupor, but differ from it in the absence of muscle relaxation.
  • On the contrary, in this state a person can cause physical injury to himself and others.
  • In addition, the cause of such fears is strong emotional experiences, and the duration significantly exceeds that of paralysis and reaches 15-20 minutes.
  • Falling back to sleep occurs easily and calmly.
  • A condition with a genesis opposite to sleep paralysis.
  • In this case, there is a phase disorder deep sleep.
  • Sleepwalking is typical for children aged 7-13 years and is manifested by a lack of clear consciousness with fully coordinated muscle movements.
  • The classic image of a sleepwalker is a sleeping person unconsciously walking around the rooms, unable to explain his behavior if he is awakened at this moment.
For nightmares
  • Symptoms of severe emotional excitement arise against the backdrop of bright and colorful dreams with a scary plot for a person.
  • The awakening of the sleeper occurs at the peak of the horror that happens to him in a dream.
  • Unlike sleep paralysis, in which the symptoms disappear after full awakening, in the case of a nightmare emotional stress still going on for a long time, and falling asleep again is very problematic.
  • Frequent nightmares may indicate a mental disorder.
Talking in your sleep
  • More often associated with overwork and stress.
  • There are no other signs of sleep phase disturbance, however, when chronic, such a disorder can trigger the mechanism for the formation of sleep paralysis.
  • It often occurs after waking up, usually in the morning.
  • This condition has medical definition– pathological drowsiness.
  • This disorder is caused by disruption of the deep sleep phase and is characterized by muscle weakness and general lethargy.


It is useful for a person who regularly encounters witch syndrome to know the procedure for relieving this unpleasant and frightening condition. In most cases, you can take the necessary steps on your own, but sometimes the help of a loved one, such as a spouse or parents, can help.

First of all, if you experience an attack of sleep paralysis, you should never panic. If you experience a feeling of suffocation, it is important to remember that breathing is not actually impaired. Taking a few deep breaths helps a lot.

You can also try to scream. It will not be possible to scream physically due to general relaxation, but the increased energy at this moment brain activity will give a signal to the muscles and bring the body out of the stupor. To stop an attack, it is useful to wash your face cold water and cheer up a little.

Rational therapy under the supervision of a specialist consists of taking antidepressants and drugs of other classes.


Prevention takes a leading place in measures to eliminate the manifestations of witch syndrome. First of all, it is necessary to significantly reduce or completely eliminate the influence of provoking factors.

Getting rid of various kinds addictions (primarily alcohol and drugs), avoiding stress, normalizing the daily routine, bringing sleep within limits physiological need– all these steps reliably prevent the violations in question.

Taking into account the dependence on the preferred posture during sleep, in some cases attacks can be reliably prevented by simply changing the body position when falling asleep.

  • improving sleep conditions, which includes changing bed linen and pajamas, improving ventilation and indoor microclimate, and optimizing lighting;
  • regular physical exercise should not end later than a couple of hours before bedtime;
  • before going to bed, it makes sense to relax with a calm activity - this could be a good book or soothing music;
  • TV, working with a computer and a hearty dinner before bed are strictly prohibited not only in this context, but also in relation to all other neuropsychic disorders;
  • daytime sleep, if necessary, should end before 15 hours and should not exceed 90 minutes;
  • Dozing should be avoided during other hours, especially in the first half of the day;
  • It is very important not to be left alone with the problem. Having told to a loved one about what is happening and by enlisting his support, you can eliminate one of the risk factors - worry and stress.

How to induce sleep paralysis

Not everyone finds sleep paralysis an unpleasant experience. There are a number of people who deliberately strive to fall into a sleepy stupor. It turns out that you can provoke an episode of paralysis yourself.

You just need to follow the following instructions:

Use a posture that promotes paralysis On the back with the head thrown back, often in the absence of a pillow.
Try to accurately reproduce the sensations that occur when you quickly fall headfirst Gravity effect, wind, whistling and ringing in the ears, a feeling of the approach of the earth and an imminent impact.
Experience fear The technique involves maximum relaxation and drowsiness, after which you need to remember or feel something terrible.
Intense exercise before bed Push-ups or quick squats cause increased heart rate and relative oxygen starvation that help achieve the desired effect.
In some cases, sleep stupor syndrome can be caused by too much sleep.
  • You need to get a good night's sleep, but after waking up, do not get out of bed, that is, do not load your skeletal muscles.
  • After some time, drowsiness will make itself felt again, and at this moment a combination of still clear consciousness and completely relaxed muscles appears.

Is it dangerous?

As already mentioned, sleepy stupor does not pose any threat to life. All the symptoms that bother such people have a scientific basis.

Recommendations for stopping an attack have been no less scientifically developed. Moreover, if sleep paralysis bothers you often enough, the person is subconsciously ready for the next episode, accepts it quite calmly and finds a way out of the situation without any problems.

Thus, sleep paralysis syndrome is benign, not life-threatening condition. With the exclusion of risk factors, high-quality diagnostics and adequate therapy in most cases, it is possible to completely get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

This may seem like the beginning of another series of " X-Files”, but this happens in reality. A man wakes up in the middle of the night and feels the presence of some strange people in the corner of the room. He cannot see them, but he clearly hears their speech. They agree to kill. But instead of jumping out of bed and running away, the person feels that his body is completely paralyzed. He realizes in horror that his minutes in this world are numbered. Strange strangers approach the bed and stand at the head of the bed. The man closes his eyes, but immediately feels a disgusting spit in his face. Maybe this is a dream?


Within one scientific project, dedicated to sleep paralysis, scientists are investigating a condition in which a person wakes up at night, cannot move, and experiences nightmarish hallucinations. Released in the UK in October 2015 documentary"Nightmare." The film completely recreates 8 stories real people who spoke about their nocturnal hallucinations. Despite the fact that the phenomenon is quite common, scientists still do not conduct large-scale studies of sleep paralysis. In fact, it is a shame for all of science to move so slowly and reluctantly towards solving the mystery.

Hallucinations and risk factors

Sleep paralysis most often occurs either at the beginning of the night, as you fall asleep, or at the end of the night, just before waking up. Such hallucinations are usually divided into three categories. The first category makes you feel the presence of a stranger in the room, the second is the sensation strong pressure on the chest or suffocation, and the third makes you feel your own body flying over the bed. The third category of illusory experiences is usually isolated and does not overlap with the first two.

In fact, this phenomenon is more common than it might seem at first glance. In a recent study in the UK, almost 30% of respondents said they had experienced at least one episode of sleep paralysis in their lifetime. 8% of the 862 respondents reported hallucinations more frequently. This figure is consistent with a sample of 30 studies from other countries. Yes, on average similar condition experienced by 10% of respondents.

One of the symptoms of a sleep disorder

In medicine, there is a term “narcolepsy”, which characterizes a disease of the nervous system associated with sleep disorders. In this condition, the brain is unable to regulate the normal sleep-wake cycle. The condition we describe is one of the main symptoms of narcolepsy. It can also be caused by a number of other mental illness, or the stress that patients experience in the post-traumatic period.

Unfortunately, many people experience a similar condition for no apparent reason, not suffering from psychiatric or neurological diseases. However, stressful situations, painful experiences, heavy thoughts and bad quality dreams may have a certain influence on the occurrence of such situations. Thus, people who work shifts or rotations and have sleep cycle disorders were more likely to report sleep paralysis.

What is the role of genetics?

To discover a genetic predisposition to sleep paralysis, scientists compared the incidence of sleep paralysis in identical twins. They share almost 100% of their genes with their siblings, while fraternal twins share only 50% of their genes with their other half. It turned out that there really is a genetic relationship between this manifestation. Scientists have suggested that changes in a specific gene involved in regulating sleep-wake cycles are responsible for sleep paralysis. However, these assumptions have not yet been confirmed, and scientists still have long and painstaking work to do in this direction.

Why are people immobilized?

As you know, sleep has three stages. During the phase REM sleep the human brain has increased activity. At this time, rapid eye movement occurs, and colorful and realistic dreams invade a person’s consciousness. In addition to the brain and heart, only the eyeballs And respiratory system. But all the muscles of the body are temporarily completely paralyzed. Waking up during REM sleep automatically puts the muscles back into action. However, with sleep disorders or a malfunction in the genetic code, atony continues after awakening. This state does not last long, and most people only need a minute to fully recover.

Recording brain activity

Sleep paralysis is a unique state of consciousness. Scientists were able to track and record the brain activity of the experiment participant during sleep paralysis and compare these results with recordings made during the REM phase of sleep. It turned out that the records were identical.

How to treat this condition?

Unfortunately, to date no effective therapeutic measures to eliminate sleep paralysis. There was simply too little work done. In severe cases, doctors prescribe antidepressants to patients, in other cases they advise improving the quality of sleep. These measures will likely only help reduce the frequency of episodes.

Although such a manifestation seems terrible, people need to realize that this is only a temporary and completely harmless event. It's like nightmare, only a little more realistic. If researchers finally get down to business and find effective medicine, then in the future people will completely get rid of terrible hallucinations.

Imagine waking up and not even being able to move a finger. The room is dark, but you feel someone’s ominous presence - someone is standing next to the bed, or maybe sitting right on your chest, preventing you from taking a breath.

This strange phenomenon is known as “sleep paralysis,” Fr. Belief in the supernatural nature of paralysis always inspired great fear of it.

According to experts, at least 5 percent of people experienced the sensations described above. Some people wake up immobilized only once or twice in their lives, while for others this happens regularly. But there is good news for everyone who falls into this state: sleep paralysis is not dangerous to life and health.

Physiologically, the condition is close to natural paralysis, which occurs during the REM sleep phase. The biological meaning of paralysis during REM sleep is to prevent sudden movements and, accordingly, to prevent a person from waking up regularly from this. During sleep paralysis, the brain just wakes up, but the body does not, and the paralysis persists for some time.

Sometimes this state is accompanied by the feeling that it is possible to move a finger, but the transition from thought to movement takes an infinitely long time.

In addition to paralysis of the whole body, the most common symptoms are: a feeling of terror, a feeling of pressure (especially on the chest) or difficulty breathing, a feeling of the presence of a foreign being, an increased heart rate, a feeling of body movement (a person may feel as if he is turning over from one side to the other, although actually lies in place), some people seem to be trying to wake up. Typical auditory sensations are voices, footsteps or pulsating sounds, visual sensations are people or ghosts in the room. This is where the myths about incubi and succubi come from - demons that attack people in their sleep (and sometimes have sexual intercourse with them).

Sleep paralysis often occurs while sleeping on your back

Sleep paralysis often occurs when sleeping on your back (several times more often than in other positions). There is a low risk of sleep paralysis when sleeping on your side. May occur with sleep disturbances (especially if such disturbances are rare).

Sleep paralysis can only occur upon natural awakening. With rapid awakening, occurring under the influence external factors(bright light in the eyes, sound of an alarm clock), sleep paralysis does not happen.

Ways to combat sleep paralysis vary from person to person. General methods First of all, they include a regular, adequate sleep schedule. Many people recover from an attack of sleep paralysis by moving their eyes, tongue, or thumb right hand(left for lefties). On the contrary, it helps others complete relaxation muscles and calmness: at the same time, negative emotional sensations are softened and a soft exit from the state of paralysis occurs. Also, some are beginning to actively develop brain activity- for example, they begin to count or think about something. You can also try to make a sound from the nasopharynx (mooing), since it is impossible to open your mouth. Many people find it helpful to try to raise their head upward (decreasing the angle between the plane of the back of the head and the back).

In Russian folk tradition this phenomenon is associated with the brownie, who, according to legend, jumps on a person’s chest in order to warn of either good or evil.

In the Muslim tradition, paralysis is associated with the activities of the jinn.

In Chuvash mythology, there is a separate character for this phenomenon - Vubar, whose actions exactly coincide with the symptoms of sleep paralysis.

In Basque mythology, there is also a separate character for this phenomenon - Inguma, who appears in houses at night during sleep and squeezes the throat of someone sleeping, making it difficult to breathe and thereby causing horror.

In Japanese mythology, the giant Kanashibari demon is believed to place its foot on the chest of a sleeping person.

A study found that people with an analytical mind, who believe less in the supernatural, feel less depressed after a bout of sleep paralysis. According to scientists, they most often try to explain their condition with scientific point vision, while adherents of intuitive thinking look for answers in the area of ​​the irrational.



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