Product combinations. How to correctly combine products: useful tips

Today I invite you to take a slight break from cumbersome recipes and remember the classic win-win combinations of products, based on which you can create as many recipes as you want. I will deliberately not write about sauces - everyone already knows that, for example, they are best friends, but to fully cover this topic, even a dissertation is not enough. In the same way, I don’t mention olive - and it’s clear that it goes with absolutely everything. We don't touch the salt either.

How to use these combinations? Firstly, for their intended purpose - by combining these products in dishes, you can be sure that the result will be decent. Secondly, as a starting point for further reflection - for example, in a combination of blue cheese and pears, just replace the latter with figs, and it will sparkle with new colors.

I deliberately omitted some classic, obvious combinations - I’m interested in what you’ll add to this list.

Duck + oranges. Moreover, oranges in any form - as a seasoning, orange slices in a salad with duck, orange sauce for breasts, and so on. Why this works is unclear, but it works.

Game + juniper berries when combined, they enhance the spirit of “wildness” and “primitiveness” of the dish significantly. By the way, this is exactly the rare case when the opposite is true - if you want to add “forest” to, say, lamb, add juniper.

Fish + fennel, and this time not seeds, but greens. I have not seen fennel greens on sale separately, and therefore, when buying fennel, I choose the curliest one. Fennel has a more subtle, delicate, aniseed flavor than dill, so it's definitely a better pairing.

Melon + ham- by the way, ready-made, which seems to exist everywhere where ham is made and melons are planted. Other berries and fruits in combination with dried ham are also good, but melon is especially good.

The popular website ADME made an infographic based on this post, which I am posting here for clarity:

And now - combinations suggested by readers:

Cheese + mustard

Fish + lemon

Fish + horseradish

Mushrooms + basil

Mushrooms + marjoram

Eggplant + basil

Eggs + cilantro + cheese

Hercules + cheese

Eggplant + garlic

Beans + bacon

Cauliflower + cheese

Rhubarb + raisins

Potatoes + bay leaf + onion

Cheese + grapes

Lamb + cilantro

Lard + garlic

Millet + pumpkin

Biscuit + cream

Pineapple + ham

Beets + prunes

Nuts + cinnamon + honey

Chicken + nuts

Pomegranate + lamb

Beef (minced) + basil

Pumpkin + cinnamon

Pumpkin + nutmeg

Soy sauce + honey

Pork + cloves

Rice + raisins

Pumpkin + garlic + parsley

Asparagus + eggs

Celery + apple

Onion + vinegar

Strawberries + cream

Beans + chili

Beans + nuts

Liver + apples

Chocolate + nuts

Herring + apples

Beef + eggplant

Eggs + tomatoes

Soy sauce + honey + orange zest

Cheese + dried oregano

Cabbage + cumin

Crayfish + dill seeds

Do you have anything to add? Write in the comments!

When protein food enters the body, an acidic environment is produced in the stomach; when carbohydrates enter, an alkaline environment is produced. How to combine foods correctly so that the incoming food is digested as much as possible in the human body. With proper nutrition, the PH environment of the body is normalized.

More information about combining foods when eating separately:

1. Meat, fish, poultry (lean).
The first column is the most important, because This is where it is easiest to break product compatibility rules. Meat, fish, poultry must be lean. When processing these foods, all external fat must be removed. For all types of meat, the combination with green and non-starchy vegetables is beneficial, since this combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps them digest and remove excess cholesterol from the blood. The combination of animal proteins with alcohol causes great harm, because... alcohol precipitates pepsin, which is necessary for the digestion of animal proteins.

2. Cereals, legumes.
These are beans, beans, soybeans, peas, lentils, etc. The compatibility of grain legumes with other products is explained by their dual nature. As starches, they go well with fats, especially easy-to-digest fats - vegetable oil and sour cream, and as a source of vegetable protein they are good with herbs and starchy vegetables.

3. Butter, cream.
Only a product obtained from cream and meeting the requirements of GOST 37-91 “Cow butter”, with a fat content of at least 82.5%, can be called butter. Everything that is produced not according to GOST, but according to specifications (technical conditions) or with a fat content of less than 82.5% is no longer butter, even if the packaging says: “Cow butter”, “Butter with reduced content...”, etc. P. Under no circumstances should butter be stored in glass butter dishes - when exposed to light, all the vitamins in the butter lose their qualities within the first 24 hours. It is recommended to consume butter in limited quantities.

4. Sour cream.
Sour cream is obtained from cream by mixing it with starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria. It contains a sufficient amount of vitamins A, D, K, B, C, nicotinic acid PP, as well as microelements valuable for our body - cobalt, calcium, copper, manganese, molybdenum. We recommend limiting its use.

5. Vegetable oil.
Vegetable oil is a very healthy product if it is consumed raw and unrefined.

6. Sugar, confectionery.
These are sugar, jams, syrups. Consumption of sugar and confectionery products should be avoided. All sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. Neither saliva nor gastric juice are needed to digest them: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other foods, then lingering in the stomach for a long time, they very soon cause fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce the mobility of the stomach. Sour belching and heartburn are the results of this process.
Honey is excluded from the category of sugars because honey is a product already processed by the digestive apparatus of bees, is absorbed into the blood 20 minutes after ingestion and does not burden the liver and all other body systems.

7. Bread, cereals, potatoes.
Starchy foods: wheat, rye, oats and products made from them (bread, noodles, pasta, etc.). Cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, etc. All products rich in starch should always be treated with great attention, because starch itself, in its pure form, is an extremely difficult to digest product. The ban on combining animal proteins with starchy foods is the first and, perhaps, the most important law of separate nutrition. Bread is considered a separate meal (for example, with butter), and not a required addition to every meal. However, bread made from unrefined, whole grains can be eaten with various salads, regardless of their composition.

8. Sour fruits, tomatoes.
Sour fruits include: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, cranberries; sour fruits: apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes. Tomatoes stand out from all vegetables for their high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic.
Semi-acidic fruits: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, strawberries, sweet-tasting: apples, cherries, plums, grapes, apricots, peaches.

9. Sweet fruits, dried fruits.
Their combination with milk and nuts is acceptable, but in small quantities, because... it's hard on digestion. But it’s better not to combine fruits (sour and sweet) with anything at all, because... they are absorbed in the intestines. You need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating. This rule should be especially strict in relation to watermelons and melons.

10. Vegetables are green and not starchy.
These include the tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild “table” herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, green peas. Radishes, rutabaga, radishes and turnips are “semi-starchy” vegetables, which, in combination with various products, are more likely to be green and non-starchy.

11. Vegetables are starchy.
This category includes: beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower. The combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation; other combinations are either good or acceptable.

12. Milk.
Milk is a separate food, not a drink. Once in the stomach, the milk must curdle under the influence of acidic juices. If there is other food in the stomach, then the milk particles envelop it, isolating it from the gastric juice. And until the curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed, rots, and the digestion process is delayed. We recommend that it is better to eat milk separately from other foods.

13. Cottage cheese, fermented milk products.
Cottage cheese is a difficult-to-digest complete protein. Products that are homogeneous with sour milk (sour cream, cheese, feta cheese) are compatible.

14. Cheese, feta cheese.
The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the homemade type, i.e. something between cottage cheese and cheese. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed. Cheese cheese is a healthy protein product, which, however, requires soaking in cold water to remove excess salt.

15. Eggs.
This protein product is not easy to digest. However, eggs are not so bad: combining them with green and non-starchy vegetables neutralizes the harm from the high cholesterol content in the yolk.

16. Nuts.
Due to their rich fat content, nuts are similar to cheese. However, cheese contains animal fats, and nuts are easily digestible vegetable fats. We recommend eating more plant foods than animal foods.

17. Melon.
Melon is incompatible with any other products! Strictly eat separately from other foods within 3 hours.

Let us repeat once again the basic principles of separate nutrition:

1. Never eat flour and protein-containing foods in the same meal.
These types of foods require different gastric juices to digest. And if you want your digestion to proceed normally, then you should not artificially complicate the work of your stomach. Food of the same type (or combined with each other) is digested well. Proteins are digested in the stomach with the help of highly acidic gastric juices, which make it difficult to digest amidons. Flour products in such gastric juice can begin to ferment... Do not forget that oilseeds contain a high percentage of proteins.

Avoid combinations:
fish + rice;
chicken + fries;
steak + pasta;
ham sandwich;
a cheese sandwich;
breaded fish;
flour-based sauces for meat;
nut brownies.

2. During one meal, you should only eat protein-containing foods from one group. Excess proteins lead to the production of uric acid, which is mainly responsible for rheumatism and gout.

Avoid combinations:
omelet with ham;
Omelet with cheese.

3. Consume only one flour product per meal.
Even one flour product is enough to replenish your body's energy reserves. Too rich food is harmful to the body, and this especially applies to people leading a sedentary lifestyle.

4. Never mix sugar or sugar-containing fruits with animal proteins in the same meal. This combination leads to fermentation in the stomach. And sugar interferes with the digestion of proteins.

5. Never mix flour and sour fruits during one meal. The levels of digestion of flour and fruit are different. And acidic gastric juices, which are secreted in the stomach to digest fruits, are not suitable for digesting flour products.

6. It is better to eat melon and watermelon an hour before meals and not combine it with anything.
These are poorly digestible foods, and they do not combine in any way. Melon is finally digested only in the intestines. If it is eaten with something else, then it remains in the stomach and provokes all sorts of ailments - gastritis pain, gas, belching, etc.

Avoid combinations:
melon + ham;
melon + bread;
melon + cake;
melon + fruit salad.

7. It is better to drink milk separately from any combination with other products.
You can, however, combine it with fruits, salads, fresh or boiled vegetables.
Milk is a protein-containing product that will be poorly digested together with other proteins or flour products.
If you cannot drink milk, then yoghurt, kefir, and yogurt are a great way out.

8. It is preferable to eat vegetable oil rather than animal oil. Olive, soybean, sunflower, and corn oils are healthy and contain essential fatty acids. In addition, soybean, sunflower and corn oils prevent the formation of cholesterol.
Vegetable oil goes well with protein-containing products and flour products; it is only important not to eat proteins and flour at the same time.

9. It is advisable to avoid dried fruits.
Dried fruits contain both proteins and carbon oxides (flour), and this contradicts rule 1 and is poorly digested. If you cannot do without them, eat dried fruits along with green vegetables - fresh or boiled.

Eat right and be healthy!

Our article will tell you how to combine foods correctly so that they improve your body's health and contribute to faster weight loss.

  • Every adult knows how important it is to eat right. After all, it is a balanced diet that helps the human body function properly and always remain healthy. Apart from this, the perfect combination of foods helps people keep their weight under control.
  • The best part is that if you plan your menu correctly, you won’t have to go on a diet and count the calories you eat to normalize your weight. You will eat the dishes you are accustomed to and at the same time lose weight a little. But when choosing the right foods that contribute to the health of the body, remember that in order for them to have the desired effect, they must be able to be correctly combined with the rest of the food.
  • If you do not follow a few simple rules, then seemingly healthy food will not bring even minimal benefit to the body. So let's figure out how to combine products to get the maximum benefit from them.

The right combination of products

  • Sometimes when we sit down to have lunch or dinner, we don’t even think about how many incompatible foods we eat. After working all day, we stuff ourselves with a salad, some kind of soup, a chop and, of course, don’t forget to treat ourselves to dessert
  • All this food, entering our stomach, cannot be quickly absorbed and begins to ferment there. For this reason, after some time we begin to feel an unpleasant heaviness in the stomach, and sometimes nausea and heartburn. But if we were more attentive to ourselves, we would know that there are foods that absolutely cannot be put in one dish
  • Modern scientists, for example, have proven that a salad of cucumbers and tomatoes brings minimal benefits to the body. Due to the fact that the stomach needs different enzymes to digest these vegetables, they simply irritate our gastrointestinal tract without giving it useful substances
  • From this we can only conclude that the basic principle of proper nutrition is the combination of foods into groups that are absorbed by the body with the same enzymes and in approximately the same time

Nutrition pyramid

Food pyramid of proper nutrition:

  • The foundation of your diet should be foods containing fiber and various nutrients. Therefore, plan your diet in such a way that it includes cereals and oatmeal. If we talk about bread, then you need to eat it too, just give preference to products made from wholemeal flour. Products in this category are best combined with steamed or oven-baked vegetables
  • Be sure to include as many vegetables and fruits as possible in your diet. These foods, when used correctly, can help supply your body with dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, folic acid and a variety of vitamins. But remember, in nature there are plant foods that categorically do not tolerate any combinations. For example, if you plan to eat melon, then no other fruit should enter your stomach during the day.
  • Be sure to eat protein every day. Your body can get them from meat, fish, dairy products, as well as nuts and legumes. But even in this case, you need to be very careful when choosing products for cooking. If you want to avoid problems, then under no circumstances combine eggs and dairy products or meat and potatoes in one dish.
  • If possible, completely eliminate alcohol, artificial coffee, store-bought sweets and soda from your diet. If you still want to pamper yourself, then just prepare yourself salads from combined fruits or homemade yoghurts sweetened with natural honey

Compatible products: table

Product compatibility table

  • You probably already understand that in order for food to be well digested, it is extremely important to be able to correctly combine foods in one dish. By following simple rules, you can always stay healthy, cheerful and well-fed
  • If you throw everything into your stomach, it will not give you anything other than health problems. Improper nutrition very quickly leads to severe fatigue, absent-mindedness and malfunctions of almost all internal organs. But if you gradually start eating healthy food prepared according to all the rules, you will very soon notice that without overeating, you become healthier and more energetic
  • This is due to the fact that food, entering an uncongested stomach, is very quickly digested and excreted through the intestines. Thanks to this, it will not rot and ferment, which means your body will not be poisoned by toxins and wastes

Healthy food combinations

Main product combinations:

  • Meat products. In our country, meat is considered the most popular product. But unfortunately, most often we eat it with potatoes or pasta and only sometimes we use healthy cereals as a side dish. But in order for meat to benefit us, it is best to eat it together with cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini and eggplants
  • Cereals. They are considered the healthiest food for the human body. They go very well with all the vegetables, fruits and herbs we know. If we talk about fat, then in this case it is best to add olive, sunflower or corn oil to food
  • Dairy products. Cheese, sour cream, curdled milk and fermented baked milk interact quite well with vegetables, dill, parsley and cilantro. Therefore, you can safely add them to salads and light vegetable casseroles. But it is better to drink pure milk separately from all foods. Since the fats that it contains block the production of gastric enzymes for some time, no matter what you use it with, it will not bring you any benefit.
  • Bakery products. Remember, even the healthiest bread should be eaten in small quantities. Since it contains a minimal amount of useful substances, it will simply take up space in your stomach. If you still can’t give up eating bread, then eat it with herbs, fresh salads and vegetable soups
  • Starchy foods. These include cereals, chestnuts and corn. These products are very good friends with vegetable fats, absolutely all greens and vegetables. A combination of starchy foods with each other is also allowed, but such food can only be eaten by those who do not have problems with excess weight

What products cannot be combined: incompatible products - table

Herbert Shelton Food Combination Chart

  • Man is so constructed that he is not afraid of any prohibitions. Therefore, despite the fact that everyone knows well that some foods are incompatible in one dish, they still continue to eat them. Sometimes people go so far as to eat melon with honey, although this combination can lead to quite severe gastrointestinal upset. And any visit is a lot of stress for our body.
  • Hours-long feasts, fatty and spicy foods, washed down with alcohol and fruit juices overload the digestive system for a long time. In this case, the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract can only be restored with a strict diet and plenty of drinking. If you want to avoid such problems, then try to follow the rules given in our article

Wrong food combinations

  • Bread and coffee. Although it is acceptable to have breakfast in the morning with a sandwich with lean meat and salad on rye bread, washing it all down with coffee, even natural coffee, is strictly prohibited. Since it contains antioxidants that slow down digestion, it may slow down the absorption of beneficial nutrients.
  • Tomatoes and products containing starch. Since starch-containing products require an alkaline environment, the acids that are in tomatoes simply will not allow them to be overcooked and digested. This means that if you regularly eat such food, then you will be provided with excessive bloating
  • Chicken fillet with hard cheese. Everyone knows that cheese is a storehouse of phosphorus, and meat is zinc. Individually, these products are simply indispensable for the proper functioning of the human body. But if you combine them in one dish, they will block each other from being poisoned, thereby provoking fermentation and diarrhea
  • Potatoes and chicken eggs. Potato tubers contain a huge amount of minerals that do not go well with egg whites. Therefore, if you eat such food, you will simply deprive your body of calcium and iron, which are found in eggs
  • Fresh vegetables and wine. Never drink a light salad with white or red wine. Alcohol will cause fermentation and block the absorption of vitamin B. If you want to drink a glass of wine, then do it an hour before your main meal
  • Tea and yeast baked goods. Although this combination is quite normal for people, any nutritionist will tell you that the tannins that are in this drink completely kill the vitamins contained in the yeast dough. In addition, tea blocks the absorption of magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc and iron for a long time

How to combine foods to lose weight?

Combination of products that promote weight loss

  • Quite a lot of people think that in order to lose weight you must adhere to a strict diet. But in practice it turns out that restricting food or refusing any products does not give a permanent result
  • And as soon as a person begins to eat the way he used to, all fat deposits reappear in problem areas. Therefore, it will be better if you just learn how to combine products correctly and do this not for a certain time, but for the rest of your life.

Products that will help you lose weight

Combination of foods that promote weight loss:

  • You can easily use dried apricots, prunes and dates for a snack at the same time. This combination will allow you to quickly satisfy your hunger, saturate the body with useful vitamins and minerals and contribute to more proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The only limitation in this case may be nuts. If they are eaten at the same time as dried fruits, this can provoke fermentation
  • If you want to lose weight with health benefits, then combine proteins with vegetables and herbs. The best part is that in this case you will not be limited in the choice of dishes. You can eat steamed cutlets, baked meat and stewed fish. Just remember, all meat products should be served with cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. In winter, cabbage and pumpkin will replace these products.
  • A combination of vegetables and absolutely all cereals (except, of course, pasta) is great for weight loss. If you eat rice or buckwheat with stewed zucchini or eggplant, then your body will receive a maximum of nutrients that will not be stored in fat, but will be spent on energy production
  • A completely acceptable combination for those losing weight is the simultaneous consumption of dairy products and nuts. Although this food is most often used as a snack, it perfectly satisfies hunger, improves the functioning of internal organs and reduces blood glucose levels

Products that go with fish

Fish with healthy products

  • Of course, we are most accustomed to eating fish and potatoes. The dish turns out delicious, aromatic and not very expensive. But by saving on ingredients, we simply reduce the nutritional value of fish protein
  • Since potatoes contain starch in large quantities, this greatly slows down the digestion process. This means that due to prolonged exposure to gastric juice, the fish loses almost all of its beneficial properties and does not bring us any benefit.

Products that will help make fish more healthy:

  • If you bought a fairly lean fish and want to make it a little fattier, then grease it with vegetable fat and cook it in the oven. The best option in this case would be to use sunflower or mustard oil.
  • Fish loves spices, so be sure to season it with pepper, coriander and cardamom. And don’t forget to serve dill, parsley, cilantro, basil or fennel with the finished dish
  • It is best to serve vegetables as a side dish for fish. They can be completely different, the main thing is that their combination does not have a negative impact on the process of food absorption. Vegetables can be stewed, baked in the oven or grilled. Yes, and it will be better if they are not very spicy and salty

What can you combine meat products with?

Combination of meat and healthy products

  • Meat is an ideal source of protein, so this product is vital for the human body. But since the stomach needs to produce a lot of acid to poison it, it is advisable not to eat it with alkaline foods
  • In general, meat should not be eaten very often and in small portions. It will be better if you try to help your body cope with this food. If you know that today you will have a cutlet or chop for lunch, then try not to drink water during the meal, as well as 30-40 minutes after it
  • During this time, the stomach will produce a sufficient amount of acid (if it is not overloaded, of course) and the eaten meat will be practically digested. If you drink a lot of liquid, this will reduce the concentration of gastric juice and slow down the absorption process

Rules for combining meat with other products:

  • Meat goes best with non-starchy vegetables. Therefore, for example, beets and carrots cannot be served with chops, cutlets and rolls
  • If you plan to only eat meat for lunch, then eat it with plenty of greens. It will block the negative effects of animal proteins and promote the production of gastric juice
  • Buckwheat goes well with meat. These two foods are digested by the same enzymes, so combining them will not lead to any negative consequences

Foods that go well with chicken

  • Chicken meat is a dietary product and is the most easily digestible source of protein. In addition, of all the popular types of meat in our country, chicken contains the largest amount of nutrients.
  • Therefore, if you want to always remain beautiful and healthy, then prepare delicious dishes exclusively with chicken meat. The healthiest part of chicken is the breast. It is in this part that there is no fat at all, which greatly increases the calorie content of its remaining parts.
  • But that doesn't mean you can't eat chicken legs or wings. They can also be quite easily used for cooking. Just be sure to remove all skin and bits of fat from red meat before you start cooking.
  • And in order for white meat to bring you maximum benefit, just like other foods, it must be properly combined with other products.

Products that go with chicken:

  • Absolutely all greens
  • Citrus
  • Cabbage (except cauliflower)
  • Pumpkin crops
  • Legumes
  • Tomatoes and peppers

Video: Food Compatibility

Hello, dear readers of my blog! While studying information about proper nutrition, I repeatedly came across the concept of “Food compatibility chart for proper nutrition.” I decided to familiarize myself with the basics of separate nutrition, understand food groups and learn how to combine them.

The right combination of foods for a healthy diet

The main ideologist of the compatibility (incompatibility) of products is Herbert Shelton. He conducted research for several years and identified the enzymes involved in the digestion of food. This allowed him to think through and implement the concept of separate nutrition according to Shelton. Its basics are perfectly demonstrated by the product compatibility table.

Combination of foods for proper nutrition table

So, what is a table and how to use it? Seventeen cells horizontally, seventeen vertically. The most popular products are listed here. For convenience, they are numbered. Each number has a corresponding column.

A certain color at the intersection of a row and a column indicates the level of compatibility:

  • Yellow – combined at an acceptable level;
  • Green – combine well;
  • Red – they don’t combine well.

So that you finally understand the principle of working with a table, I will give an example. Bread and meat - can they be served on one dish and consumed in one meal? Bread - number 7. Meat - number 1. Let's see what color is at the intersection of row No. 7 and column No. 1 - red. Consequently, they do not combine well, which means a lot of time will be spent on digesting them.

For convenience, I recommend downloading the product compatibility table and placing it in a visible place. This way you won’t go wrong with the right selection of ingredients for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Look at the “color” of compatibility and adjust the menu.

Products from the table

I won't tell you about products such as eggs or vegetable oil. Everything is clear here. But let’s call them generalized groups, which consist of several products at once; I propose to talk separately.

Meat, fish, poultry- These are proteins of animal origin and a group of the most difficult to digest foods. It is better to cook them without fat. They go well with green and non-starchy vegetables. Worse with starchy foods, incompatible with bread, cereals, potatoes. Let me remind you that you cannot drink alcohol with animal proteins.

Sample menu:

  • Baked chicken with stewed carrot and cauliflower puree
  • Fish cutlets with salad of iceberg leaves, arugula, radish
  • Veal soup with celery, leeks, carrots

Pulses– this includes lentils, beans, beans, peas, soybeans. But this does not include green peas and green beans. Pulses are capricious and are well compatible with herbs and vegetables (starchy and non-starchy).

Sample menu:

  • Chickpea salad with steamed pumpkin, carrots, pumpkin seed oil dressing
  • Lentil cutlets with white cabbage salad, dill, olive oil dressing
  • Beans stewed with cauliflower, carrots, celery

Bread, cereals, potatoes– oats, wheat, rye, buckwheat, rice, millet. Of course, potatoes, bread. Pairs well with herbs and vegetables.

Sample menu:

  • Potatoes stewed with eggplants, bell peppers, carrots, onions
  • Toasts with aromatic green butter (for this you need to mix butter with a fat content of at least 80% with basil, chili pepper, parsley)
  • Green buckwheat with baked beet salad, garlic, sesame oil dressing

Sour fruits, tomatoes– these are grapefruits, tangerines, oranges, lemons, pineapple, cranberries, pomegranates, grapes, sour apples. Plus tomatoes, so beloved by many gourmets. They combine most successfully with vegetables, cheese, and nuts.

Sample menu:

  • Smoothie made from green apples, spinach, lemon juice
  • Baked apples with nuts and cinnamon
  • Caprese salad

Semi-acidic fruits– raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, sweet apples, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries.

Sample menu:

  • Freshly squeezed grapefruit and orange juice
  • Fruit salad of apples, strawberries, blueberries
  • Ice cream made from frozen berries, flavored with cinnamon and a dash of honey.

Sweet fruits, dried fruits– bananas, persimmons, figs, dates, raisins.

Sample menu:

  • Banana, date, almond milk smoothie
  • Prunes stuffed with hazelnuts and honey
  • Dried fruits compote

Vegetables are green and non-starchy– parsley, celery, dill, beet tops, radishes, lettuce. This also includes white cabbage, onions, green onions, eggplants, cucumbers, garlic, bell peppers, and green peas.

Sample menu:

  • Salad of radishes, cucumbers, dill, white cabbage with sunflower oil dressing
  • Eggplant baked with tomatoes, cheese, garnished with basil
  • Soup from cabbage, celery, carrots, garlic, bell pepper

Starchy vegetables– carrots, beets, zucchini, horseradish, squash, pumpkin, cauliflower, celery root, parsley. This group of products also includes turnips, radishes, radishes, and rutabaga.

Sample menu:

  • Oven-baked carrots with pumpkin, seasoned with pumpkin seeds, olive oil
  • Zucchini spaghetti with pesto sauce
  • Cauliflower puree soup

I would also like to say something about melon. It doesn't go with anything. It must be eaten separately, as an independent dish.

Separate meals for weight loss

Compatibility of products for proper nutrition is also very important for losing weight. This is not a diet, it is a special approach that takes into account how one product combines with another. See how the real inhabitants of nature - animals - behave. They do not combine different foods. They don’t fry it or process it. Only a person carries out a lot of manipulations with food before it enters his stomach. This can cause bloating, heartburn or nausea. The problem is that the products are not digested. But they are not assimilated because they do not fit together. The simpler the food, the less processed it is, the fewer different components it contains, the easier it is for the body. When there are no such problems, the excess weight goes away by itself.

Therefore, all you have to do is be more vigilant about cooking and eat only compatible foods at one meal.


Olesya: By changing my diet and starting to cook using the compatibility table, I lost weight from 65 kg to 53 kg. Plus shaping twice a week. I hung a table in the kitchen and cook according to it. It’s difficult at first, but then I got used to it.

Elena: This is already the second week since I switched to separate meals. 5 kg are already gone. I decided to switch to this diet not to lose weight, but to have stomach problems. The heaviness went away, and after eating the lightness.

Alexandra: I didn’t suffer from excess weight, I ate separately. And after giving birth, everything changed. I didn’t have enough time to cook, I ate everything in a row, and gained 12 kilos. Only after 1.5 years I decided to pull myself together. With separate meals, I forgot not only the problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but also the extra pounds.

Arguments against the food compatibility table

There are people who believe that separate meals and cooking according to the food compatibility table are harmful. They make the following arguments:

Below in the comments see the opinion of a gastroenterologist

I really like to repeat that only the body itself will help you determine the right type of nutrition.

With this separate diet, my sister-in-law lost 9 kilograms. Well, and shaping 3 times a week. That's the whole secret. I hung this sign over the kitchen table and every time I needed to cook, I turned to it. And in order not to overeat, I bought a simple kitchen scale to weigh dishes.

He says it was difficult at first. It took me a week to get used to the new diet. The sign helped her be more disciplined. In 3 months I dropped from 64 kilos to 53. I changed my entire wardrobe to size 42. And she began to look much younger. Here's the story.

To help everyone who wants to lose weight. At the same time, do not torture yourself with a hunger strike, chewing one cucumber per day and washing it down with water. I recommend reading the book “Diet for Gourmets. Nutrition plan from Dr. Kovalkov." This is one of the well-known nutritionists in RuNet. I ordered one myself and am now sorting out the recipes. In fact, they are very simple and easy to prepare. And with our Russian products. I recommend.

By the way, here is a video of him:

Be sure to focus on your well-being. Well, if in doubt, then consult a competent doctor. Get tested and make sure everything goes smoothly and without health consequences.

I say see you soon, dear readers! And good plumbing to you. And subscribe to new articles. I will continue to study the topic of proper nutrition.

Sincerely, Olga Sologub

The right combination of foods will help improve your body health

By the concept of “healthy lifestyle”, many of us mean adherence to the rules of separate nutrition. If you decide to follow this eating plan, you should understand that certain foods can only be eaten separately from each other. The correct combination of foods is the principle of separate nutrition.

What is the essence of proper nutrition?

The idea of ​​the right combination of products has been developed for a long time. Even the ancient Roman physician Celsus identified certain foods that could not be consumed at the same time, since their combination worsened the functioning of the stomach and other digestive organs. He also urged people to be careful when consuming stewed, salty, smoked, fatty and sweet foods.

Later, the question of the compatibility of nutritional components received scientific confirmation in numerous studies by Pavlov. Scientists have proven that the processing of certain foods requires digestive juices of different quantity and quality. The same applies to the time during which nutrients are absorbed.

The American doctor Herbert Shelton most accurately and correctly revealed and substantiated the topic of separate nutrition. Shelton's concept formed the basis of separate nutrition and food combination tables.

Compatibility Rules

To eliminate digestive system disorders and maintain a normal acid-base balance, it is important to know what can be combined with each other and what needs to be consumed separately at a certain time interval.

Proponents of this popular concept give beginners the following recommendations:

  • It is not recommended to eat carbohydrate and acidic foods at the same time. You cannot eat bananas, dates, bread, potatoes and peas with lemon, orange, grapefruit, cranberries, tomatoes;
  • It is forbidden to consume proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. It is better not to combine nuts, meat, eggs, cheese and other protein foods with concentrated carbohydrates - bread, cereals, cakes, sweet fruits;
  • You should not combine 2 concentrated proteins. To process two proteins that have different compositions and do not belong to the same species, different digestive juices and time intervals for their digestion are required. Therefore, strictly follow the rule: one protein per meal. This rule is well known to people who want to lose weight or maintain their weight at a normal level;
  • You can't eat fats with proteins. Butter, sour cream, vegetable oil cannot be combined with meat dishes, eggs, cheese, nuts and other proteins. Fat has a suppressive effect on the digestive glands, slowing down the production of gastric juice;
  • Don't combine sour fruits with proteins. Orange, lemon, tomato, and sour apples will not be beneficial if mixed with meat, nuts and eggs. Remember: the simpler the dishes and the less complex food mixtures, the more efficient the digestion, and therefore the more benefits for your body;
  • Avoid eating starchy foods and sugar at the same time. Eating fresh figs, bananas with sugar can cause fermentation and rotting in the stomach, which in turn causes weight gain. A proper combination of weight loss products will improve the digestive system, normalize metabolism and allow you to get rid of the hated excess weight;
  • It is not recommended to consume two concentrated starches at one time. If you eat several foods containing starch at the same time, only one of them will be absorbed in the body. The second will remain untouched and will lie in the stomach, preventing the absorption of other food. In addition, such a harmful combination will cause fermentation in the stomach, resulting in heartburn and belching.

When adhering to proper nutrition, do not forget that at least two hours should pass between eating foods belonging to different groups. Food that is homogeneous in composition is processed during this period, after which it self-destructs from the body.

If you consume proteins and carbohydrates at the same time, acidic and alkaline secretions are produced. This leads to the fact that food is not completely processed and is deposited in the walls of the large intestine.

At first, you may not feel the negative impact of this process on your body, but soon this can lead to the development of diseases of the digestive system. By choosing healthy combinations of products, you will improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve your body’s health, and give yourself a good mood, youth and longevity.

Advantages of separate power supply

When following the principles of separate nutrition, the following positive changes occur in the human body:

  • the intestines are cleansed of accumulated sediment of unprocessed food;
  • bad breath disappears;
  • constipation and dysbacteriosis are eliminated;
  • the gastrointestinal tract is cleansed;
  • toxins are removed from the body;
  • the activity of almost all organs is normalized;
  • weight decreases.

People who stick to proper nutrition for a long time note that they have an increase in energy. Indeed, you will become more energetic and alert, since your body will spend much less energy on digesting the food you eat.

Making the menu correctly

Menu planning is one of the difficult tasks when maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Your health depends on how you plan your diet and what foods you include in it. If you do not know the acceptable compatibility, a special table will help you with this.

Starchy foods

Starchy foods should be introduced into your menu with extreme caution. It is the most difficult to digest and cannot be combined with animal proteins. This group includes oats, rye, and wheat, so it includes pasta, bread, and cereals.

The most common mistake many of us make is eating bread as an additional product, although in fact, if you follow the rules of separate nutrition, it should be eaten separately. If the bread is made from whole unrefined grains, it can be eaten with a vegetable salad.

The starchy group also includes some vegetables, the consumption of which should be limited, especially if you want to lose weight. Eat potatoes, beans, peas, beets, and radishes carefully.


Pulses are unique in that they are both a source of plant protein and starch. As a protein, they pair well with starchy vegetables and greens. Considering that they contain starch, they can be combined with light fats.

Pulses can be safely mixed with vegetable oil, but only in unrefined and raw form. This group of products includes soybeans, beans, lentils and peas.

Dairy products

Fermented milk products, especially cottage cheese, are a rich source of complete protein. You should know that this protein is difficult to digest, so only a combination with foods based on sour milk - sour cream, feta cheese, whey - is permissible.

Milk is perceived by many people only as an additive to the main food. However, if you eat it with other food, the process of rotting in the stomach will become inevitable. The fact is that milk envelops particles of other food, protecting it from contact with gastric juice.

It turns out that the processing of this food will begin only after the milk is digested. If you like milk, drink it for your health, but only separately from other products!

Eggs contain vitamins B, C, D, E, as well as amino acids and trace elements such as iron, phosphorus, iodine, selenium. They contain folic acid, choline, and biotin. However, chicken eggs also contain cholesterol, which has a harmful effect on the body. Given this property of eggs, many people refuse to eat them or eat them in very limited quantities.

You can neutralize cholesterol by combining eggs with non-starchy, green vegetables. Eat them with cucumbers, white cabbage, onions and green onions, bell peppers, eggplants, and green peas.

After studying the food combination table, you will learn that meat can also be mixed with non-starchy vegetables. This combination will improve digestion and remove cholesterol from the blood, which enters the body when eating meat. Few people think about the dangers of alcohol, because drinking it with meat is harmful to the body.

The harm lies in the fact that alcohol makes it impossible to digest protein. The combination of wine and food becomes possible only by consuming a small amount of this alcoholic drink with carbohydrates.

If you don't know which products are compatible, use the special tables. Plan your diet carefully and you will extend your life by many years!

Separate meals - losing weight the Hollywood way!

Separate food- a dietary concept popular all over the world, based on the idea of ​​compatibility and incompatibility of different foods.

The separate nutrition system gained worldwide fame thanks to the American naturopath Herbert Shelton and his star patients - Hollywood actors.

The main postulate of the separate power supply system proposed by Shelton is conditions, necessary for digesting different types of foods are radically different.

The author of the separate nutrition system is confident that when one type of food enters the stomach, the processes of digestion and further metabolism of nutrients are significantly facilitated, and when mixed foods are consumed, they are inhibited and disrupted, which causes metabolic disorders.

What products cannot be combined?

With proper separate nutrition, certain combinations of foods should be avoided. Yes, Shelton. does not recommend combining:

  • carbohydrate foods (pasta, buckwheat, sweets, etc.) with acidic foods (meat, fish, sausage, etc.);
  • foods rich in protein (lean meats, eggs, grains and legumes, etc.) with foods rich in carbohydrates (bread, pastries, chocolate, etc.);
  • two concentrated protein products;
  • fats with proteins;
  • sour fruits with proteins;
  • starch with sugar;
  • various starches;
  • melons and watermelons with any other food;
  • milk with any other food.

TABLE of food combinations for separate meals:

Products belonging to the same group are completely compatible with each other, and the combination of products belonging to different groups is determined according to the table:

At least two hours should pass between consuming products from different categories.


But there are no products that contain only proteins or only fats (even cottage cheese and kefir contain both proteins and carbohydrates). In any product, all three components are present, only in different proportions.

To digest carbohydrates, an alkali is required, and to process proteins, an acid is required, however, carbohydrates that begin to be digested in the oral cavity, entering the stomach, are no longer broken down so quickly, and the process is slowed down. Proteins, meanwhile, are actively processed in the stomach, and not in the oral cavity. Therefore, both proteins and carbohydrates enter the intestines together, and it is in the intestines that the absorption of what we eat occurs.

Sometimes we confuse individual intolerance to a certain type of food with a food incompatibility. For example, we react negatively to carbohydrate foods and therefore begin to think that carbohydrates do not go well with proteins. We begin to eat separately, although it would be more correct to simply identify the product that causes discomfort and remove it from the diet.

2. Separate nutrition stabilizes the digestion process, says the author of the separate nutrition system.

If a person overloads himself with one type of food, he will definitely become ill. For example, if you eat a lot of lard or a lot of apples at one time to fill yourself up, various negative reactions may occur in the form of diarrhea or nausea.

The combination of products, as a rule, does not cause such reactions, because there are enough enzymes produced. But it is quite difficult to imagine a person who first eats tomatoes and then washes them down with vegetable oil instead of mixing these products and eating a salad.

Therefore, in order to lose weight, it will be more useful to reduce the amount of food you usually consume, but leave all the ingredients. That is, for example, eat not two cutlets, but one with potatoes and salad. At the same time, put less potatoes and greens on your plate than you ate before you decided to lose weight. You shouldn’t immediately switch to separate meals and separate the cutlet from the salad.

3. Mixed nutrition provokes fermentation and part of the food passes through the intestines in transit.

It is known that microelements are absorbed rather poorly from plant foods. For example, iron is only 10 percent. If you eat only apples, then your body will not have enough iron (to get the daily iron requirement of 17 mg from apples alone, without combining them with anything, you will need to eat a whole bucket of them).

By eating an apple, and after it a piece of cheese, the body will absorb the required amount of iron, because the protein from the cheese will be a kind of transport for microelements. And at the same time there will be no fermentation if a person does not overeat.

Each enzyme produced in the human digestive tract has its own special purpose. I.P. Pavlov spoke about “milk juice”, “meat juice”, “bread juice”. Thus, the nature of the food determines the composition of the enzymes released for its processing. But this is only one side of the matter.

You can often hear and even read in the serious works of famous scientists that everything that Shelton writes about is impracticable or difficult to implement, especially in our time and in our conditions, that his instructions are too strict, inflexible, etc.

And indeed, not everyone can adhere to such food combination rules.

But thanks to the simplified table of G. Shelton, edited by I.I. Litvina, there are more and more fans of separate meals.

Product compatibility table edited by Litvina

“Health Table” compiled by I.I. Litvina, has become very popular and is now universally called the “food compatibility table” or “separate nutrition table.” When they talk about a table of separate meals, they mean this table, and not Shelton himself.

(For example:

  • line No. 7 and column No. 7 - correspond to the category “Bread, cereals, potatoes”,
  • line No. 14 and column No. 14 correspond to the category “Cottage cheese, fermented milk products”).

We look at the intersection of the row and column corresponding to the category numbers

(the intersection of row No. 7 and column No. 14, as well as the intersection of row No. 14 and column No. 7, correspond to a “red” result, which means that these two product categories are not compatible with each other).

The result about the compatibility of the products you have chosen will correspond to the result of the main table:

  • Red color- unacceptable combination,
  • Yellow- acceptable combination in case of unimpaired digestion,
  • Green color- good combination.

The category "SOUR FRUITS, TOMATOES" includes:

The category "SEMI-ACIDIC FRUITS" includes:

The category "SWEET FRUITS, DRIED FRUITS" includes:

  • Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs.
  • All dried fruits, dried melon, nutmeg raisins, prunes, dried pear.

The category "GREEN AND NON-STARCH VEGETABLES" includes:

  • White cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, green peas, lettuce, asparagus, young zucchini, young pumpkin, green and onions, garlic, wild “table” herbs.
  • Tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets).
  • Radishes, rutabaga, radishes and turnips are “semi-starchy” vegetables, which, in combination with various products, are more likely to be green and non-starchy.

The category "STARCH VEGETABLES" includes:

  • Beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower.

Classification of products according to the separate nutrition system


The first column and, perhaps, the most important, since it is here that it is easiest to violate the rules of product compatibility, and, moreover, with the greatest harm to health.

Each enzyme produced in the human digestive tract has its own special purpose. I.P. Pavlov spoke about “milk juice”, “meat juice”, “bread juice”. Thus, the nature of the food determines the composition of the enzymes released for its processing. But this is only one side of the matter.

There is, in addition, an incomprehensibly perfect mechanism for the release of these juices over time:

  • the strongest juice necessary for digesting meat is secreted in the first hour of digestion,
  • for bread - after three hours,
  • for milk - in the last hour.

In addition, the strength of the juice, its quantity, acidity, and therefore the activity of the stomach glands, and the speed of digestion of food vary depending on its quality.

The human body directs all its energy to the area where the hardest work lies ahead, taking it away from other organs, which sometimes suffer severely from this. Some physiologists compare the efficiency of the digestive organs with the efficiency of an antediluvian steam locomotive.

Animal proteins are the most difficult to digest food. That's why there are so many "failures" in the first column. They are alarming, and this is already a great benefit. Don’t the eternal workers of our body - the digestive organs, which do not stop their work day or night, when they only slow it down a little - deserve sympathy and help?

To the words “meat”, “poultry”, “fish” the word “lean” has been added. The fact is that both Shelton and all naturopathic nutritionists believe that during the processing of these products it is necessary to remove all external fat, and the internal fat itself is rendered if you cook the meat on a grill or using the kebab method - on an open fire.

For all types of meat, the combination with green and non-starchy vegetables is very beneficial. G. Shelton believes that this combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps them digest and remove excess cholesterol from the blood, which is extremely important for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

As for starchy vegetables (see more about them below), the combination of animal proteins with them cannot be considered ideal, but it is still better than the combination with bread, potatoes, cereals, and pasta.

Fish All naturopathic nutritionists consider animal protein to be just as difficult to digest as meat, but perhaps the attitude towards it is a little more lenient. At least yogis believed that eating fish did not interfere with serious asana practice (as opposed to meat), and Bragg, a staunch vegetarian, admitted that he eats freshly caught fish several times a year.

Alcohol in combination with animal proteins causes great harm: it precipitates pepsin, which is necessary for their digestion.

The question often arises: why is the combination of meat with seemingly related animal proteins - milk, eggs, cottage cheese, cheeses - rated negatively in the table (if the adopted system were five-point, then it would not even be “two”, but “ unit")? Each of them, as mentioned above, requires special digestive secretions and different times for the most active digestion. Unfortunately, in our everyday nutrition (especially in public, hospital, sanatorium), as well as in “culinary masterpieces,” proteins of different types are often mixed.


This is a rather complex and even controversial product that requires a lot of attention when combined with other types of food. However, it should be borne in mind that green beans and green peas do not belong to this category: they belong to non-starchy vegetables and are compatible with all products except milk (even this prohibition is not strict).

And yet, beans, peas, and lentils should not be excluded from the diet, since they are a rich source of vegetable protein, similar in composition to “slaughter meat.”

On the other hand, legumes are rich in starchy substances. This makes them difficult to assimilate, requiring significant work of the gastrointestinal tract. The peculiarities of the compatibility of legumes with other products are thus explained by their dual nature.

Like starches, they go well with fats, especially those that are easy to digest - vegetable oil and sour cream(which naturopathic nutritionists view somehow more warmly than other animal fats). Undoubtedly, legumes are good with all kinds of greens and starchy vegetables.


These products are one-dimensional in origin (at least they should be). Combining them with sour cream is also, in principle, acceptable for the same reason. Considering the compatibility of animal proteins with fats, Shelton cites the results of research by many physiologists and nutritionists, indicating the slowing effect of fats on digestion, which, of course, leads to significant stress on all body systems.

Even protein foods like nuts or cheese, which themselves contain almost 50% fat, are not easy to digest. Only an abundance of green and non-starchy raw vegetables can mitigate the unfavorable combination of proteins and fats.

For obvious logical reasons, a combination of, for example, cheese with butter can be considered acceptable, but why absorb so much animal fat in one meal?..

With all foods containing starch, butter and cream (like all fats) make a good combination.


Belonging to the category of fats and not proteins, as is sometimes believed, it is incompatible with meat products, sugar, nuts(concentrated protein of plant origin) and, of course, with milk.


As you can easily see, some forbidden food combinations are unacceptable to us not even due to physiological incompatibility, but according to traditional rules of cooking and... according to taste: it would never even occur to anyone to eat vegetable oil with sugar, cottage cheese, milk, cheese. And there are at least half of these taste prohibitions in the table!

Vegetable oil is a highly beneficial product, but only if it is consumed raw and unrefined. An example of a logical combination: vegetable oil and nuts containing a lot of vegetable fat.


"Eat protein and starchy foods at different times with sugars!"- that’s what Shelton called one of the sections of his book. All sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. Neither saliva nor gastric juice are needed to digest them: they are absorbed directly in the intestines. If sweets are eaten with other foods, then, lingering in the stomach for a long time, they very soon cause fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce the mobility of the stomach. Sour belching and heartburn are the results of this process.

That's why Shelton is so vocal against feeding children cereals with sugar, bread with jam and preserves, sweet milk. He considers tonsillitis, gastritis, constipation, which modern children often suffer from, to be a direct consequence of feeding them so-called balanced foods (sugar contains many calories, but naturopathic nutritionists consider them “empty”), which causes constant fermentation in the digestive tract and, as a result, - poisoning of the body.

“What is the benefit of consuming the theoretically required amount of calories every day?” says Shelton. “If food ferments and rots, then it does not give its calories to the body.” Such food does not provide the body with vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates, instead of providing energy to the body, are converted not into monosaccharides, but into alcohol and acetic acid.

Confectionery, containing, in addition to sweet foods, white flour (a dead product devoid of all biologically active substances), cause even greater harm (desserts, sweet pies, buns, etc.).

G. Shelton also included in the category of sugars honey, referring to the opinion of some researchers who discovered acids in it that are unfavorable for the body. However, many modern scientists do not agree with this opinion. D. S. Jarvis, for example, explains (D. S. Jarvis. Honey and other natural products. Apimondia Publishing House, 1975) that honey is a product that has already been processed by the bee’s digestive apparatus; 20 minutes after administration, it is absorbed into the blood without loading the liver and all other body systems (that’s why he advised athletes to take honey about 30 minutes before the start of the competition).


These are foods that naturopathic nutritionists call “starches” (sugars and starches are usually combined under the umbrella term carbohydrates). Products rich in starch should always be treated with great attention: starch itself, in its pure form, is an extremely difficult to digest product and requires careful adherence to compatibility rules. The column dedicated to starches does not look as gloomy as, for example, the columns of meat, sugar and milk, but the ban on combining animal proteins with starchy foods is the first and, perhaps, the most important law of separate nutrition.

Excess sugars and starches that are not completely absorbed and not converted into energy accumulate in the cells in the form of fat.

N. Walker warns that undigested starch particles, entering the blood, thicken it and are deposited on the walls of blood vessels.

Natural combinations of proteins, starches and fats (milk, cereals, cream, etc.) are not difficult to digest, but random combinations, and even in large quantities, are difficult for the body to cope with. "Nature doesn't make sandwiches!" says Shelton. And we will add hamburgers and Big Macs to this.

The first stages of digestion of protein and starchy foods take place in different environments:

  • proteins require an acidic environment, which is necessary to activate the enzyme pepsin, which is involved in their digestion,
  • and starch is alkaline (saliva amylase, etc.).

Therefore, nutritionists believe that such mixtures as sausages and cutlets, rolls, etc. are especially indigestible. The glands that secrete juices intended for processing proteins are located in the lower part of the stomach, therefore, when these juices begin to affect starchy foods consumed , for example, with meat, fermentation and rotting of the food inevitably occurs. Entering the duodenum in this form, the food mass requires purification from the formed poisons, and here the pancreas, gallbladder and liver are activated, which literally strains itself to save the body from poisoning (if it is strong and healthy, then it succeeds... for the time being), while forgetting about her other direct responsibilities entrusted to her by nature.

Shelton praises the British for carefully preserving traditions, particularly in nutrition; they always eat the meat first, and then, after a while, the pudding. This is what we should do, but instead of puddings we have all kinds of traditional side dishes - potatoes, cereals, pasta, etc. It is better not to mix these two products at all in one meal.

Bread naturopathic nutritionists consider it a separate meal (for example, with butter), and not a mandatory addition to every meal. However, the attitude toward bread made from unrefined, whole grains is very lenient: Shelton allows it to be eaten “in all sorts of wrong combinations,” primarily with various salads, regardless of their composition. The combination of all starch-rich foods with fats is very beneficial for digestion, which determines a good attitude towards the combination of fats with legumes and starchy vegetables.

To various pies The attitude of naturopathic nutritionists is that if you want to eat a piece of cake, pair it with a lot of raw vegetable salad and eat nothing else at that meal.


  • Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, cranberries.
  • Sour-tasting: apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes.
  • Tomatoes stand out from all vegetables for their high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic.

First of all, the question arises: why are these seemingly completely different products combined into one category? The fact is that tomatoes stand out from all vegetables with a high content of acids - citric, malic, oxalic. Thus, in terms of compatibility with other products, they are adjacent to sour fruits, which in all cases include citrus fruits and pomegranates, and all others - according to taste.

"Eat protein and starchy foods at different times with acids!" - writes Shelton.

He emphasizes the particular harmfulness of such combinations.

Indiscriminate consumption of lemon, grapefruit, orange or tomato juices, as well as vinegar, sour seasonings, etc. during meals, immediately before and after meals. he considers the cause of many gastrointestinal diseases: pepsin is completely destroyed, the action of salivary amylase ceases.

The table says no to combinations of protein and starchy foods with acidic fruits and tomatoes, but Shelton believes that they can be eaten at least 30 minutes before meals. Even small children are allowed to give milk 30 minutes after sour fruits and tomatoes.

Unfortunately, tomatoes are often eaten incorrectly in everyday life, which in some cases forces one to completely abandon this healthy and affordable vegetable. But during the tomato season, even the most chronic constipation recedes.

Eating both sweet and very sour fruits, according to Shelton, is unfavorable for digestion. This condition is easy to fulfill.


  • Blueberries, fresh figs, mango, wild strawberries, raspberries, strawberries.
  • Sweet to taste: apples, cherries, plums, grapes, apricots, peaches, pears.


  • Bananas, dates, persimmons, figs, all dried fruits, dried melon, nutmeg raisins, prunes, dried pear.

This column of the table looks a little gloomy, however, it is still more cheerful than the column “Sugar, confectionery”, because refined sugar is essentially a chemical substance, a dead product, and sweet fruits and dried fruits (which retain all the valuable properties of fresh ones, but, of course, , appear in a more concentrated form) - a “living cell,” as yogis say. Their combination with milk and nuts is also acceptable, but in small quantities, as it is difficult for digestion.

It should always be kept in mind that It’s generally better not to combine fruits (both sour and sweet) with anything, since they are absorbed in the intestines (you need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating). Shelton considers this rule to be especially strict in relation to watermelons and melons, which, being vegetables by origin, are similar to fruits in their absorption characteristics.

It is known what a huge role natural vitamins and mineral salts play in the functioning of all body systems. Fruits that rot and ferment in the stomach (which is inevitable when any other food is present in it) completely lose all their most valuable substances, and yet people who consume them incorrectly are confident that they receive great benefits.


These include tops of all edible plants(parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild “table” herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplants, bell peppers, green peas.

Radishes, rutabaga, radishes and turnips are like “semi-starchy” vegetables, which, in combination with various products, are more likely to be related to green and non-starchy vegetables than to starchy ones. All green and non-starchy vegetables - truly a "green street"!

Only their combination with milk was noted as unacceptable, and even then for the sake of urban traditions: in villages they often drink milk, eating it with cucumbers and green onions from the garden, without any harm to digestion.


  • These include beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, and cauliflower.

The significant content of starchy substances imposes some restrictions on these vegetables compared to green and non-starchy ones. Quite a few “C” students also appeared in this column: better than anything else, but not perfect.

The combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation, so there is a strong refusal here. The remaining combinations are either good or acceptable. Starchy vegetables are the best addition to starchy foods.


Milk is a separate food, not a drink that accompanies breakfast, lunch, and dinner. In the animal world, all babies, when they feed on milk, do not take any more food. This is food intended for feeding offspring.

When milk enters the stomach, it must curdle under the influence of sour juices - this is an indispensable condition for its digestion. If there is other food in the stomach, then the milk particles envelop it, isolating it from the gastric juice. And until the curdled milk is digested, the food remains unprocessed, rots, and the digestion process is delayed. It is known that this property of milk is used in case of poisoning: milk envelops spoiled or poisonous food, preventing it from affecting the body and thus allowing time to be taken for urgent measures.

Cottage cheese, fermented milk products

They should also be combined with other foods with caution. Cottage cheese- this is by no means a light food for pensioners, but a difficult-to-digest complete protein (casein in milk, from which buttons were once made).

Sour cream, cheese, feta cheese are products that are homogeneous with sour milk, so they are compatible.

As for sweet fruits and dried fruits, consuming them with yogurt, acidophilus, etc. will not cause harm, but in moderation. Shelton himself loved to eat sour milk with berries.


Naturopathic nutritionists are wary of cheeses due to their pungency, increased salinity and “overexposure” (which in itself leads to the accumulation of decay products). Roquefort type cheeses are especially disliked, as are all cheeses that have a strong odor. Processed cheeses are also rejected as an unnatural and significantly processed product. The most acceptable food is young cheeses like homemade ones, that is, something between cottage cheese and cheese. Cheese cheese is a healthy protein product, which, however, requires soaking in cold water to remove excess salt.

Cheeses and feta cheese are a combination of protein and fat in almost equal parts, which slows down the process of decomposition of food in the stomach. Therefore, both cheese and feta cheese can be combined, for example, even with foods rich in starch, as well as sour fruits and tomatoes. In the first case - without much delight, and in the second - with great pleasure, since cheese and feta cheese in cooking serve as the most common seasoning for vegetable dishes. Cottage cheese and fermented milk products are homogeneous with cheese, so they are quite compatible.

Shelton praised the combination of cheese and green vegetables, but lamented that it was not tasty. Maybe this was unusual for traditional American cuisine? Although Shelton objects to sandwiches with cheese, according to his own logic, such a combination is acceptable due to the high fat content.


This protein product is not easy to digest and is therefore always recommended by nutritionists with restrictions. Combining eggs with green and non-starchy vegetables will neutralize the harm caused by the high cholesterol content in the yolk. Their combination with a small amount of “light” fat (sour cream) and starchy vegetables is acceptable.


G. Shelton in his book often puts them next to cheese due to their rich fat content. He believes that both cheese and nuts, even if they are not immediately digested, still do not decompose as quickly as other products in the presence, for example, of acids (vegetable and medicinal).

However, we probably shouldn’t forget that cheese contains animal fats, and nuts are easily digestible vegetable fats, so the combination of nuts with cheese and dairy products still looks somehow unnatural. It is also true that such combinations appear very rarely in everyday cuisine, although they are sometimes found in some pretentious recipes of national cuisines.

No matter how controversial some of the provisions put forward by G. Shelton (and with him many generations of doctors and scientists, dating back to ancient times), it is clear that they deserve close attention. Fortunately, in our time no one will argue that the human stomach and its entire digestive tract are capable of easily and simply processing and assimilating foods in all possible combinations.

A close acquaintance, for example, with Herbert Shelton's books "Proper Food Combination" (San Antonio, 1971), "Orthotrophy" (San Antonio, 1959) and "The Best Nutrition" (San Antonio, 1972) leaves no doubt about the fact that each of us hundreds, and maybe thousands of times in our lives, unwittingly and unconsciously ate “Shelton”, without even noticing it.

No one has ever gotten sick from eating meat first and then potatoes, or porridge without sugar, or milk without pie. But we certainly do ourselves great harm when we randomly eat everything in order to satisfy our hunger.

The time has come to analyze Shelton's conclusions from the point of view of our conditions and capabilities and introduce the basic rules for combining products as a full-fledged component in the system of natural healing. Doctor of Medical Sciences I.P. Neumyvakin, who works in the field of astronautics, noting the advantages of separate nutrition, wrote: "The game is worth the candle when the winnings are health". published

From the book by I.I. Litvina "Health Cooking from Principles to Recipes"

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

The Internet is full of headlines: “minus 25 kilograms in a week”, “this method works wonders”, “you won’t believe how you can lose weight without effort” and a huge number of actresses who were allegedly helped by the miracle remedy. In fact, losing weight is the result of proper, balanced nutrition and regular physical activity.
Currently, dieting has become fashionable, because thin models and actresses are shown to us on TV, trying to impose an ideal. But if you don’t follow fashion, but really want to lose excess weight and turn it into muscle mass, then you should seriously think about separate nutrition.

How to eat properly so that the body receives the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins? What should I eat and with what, so that the food is completely absorbed and does not create problems in the gastrointestinal tract? will help you navigate what to eat and what to use :). Such nutrition and

William Hay and Herbert Shelton are considered to be the founders of separate nutrition; their views coincide in some recommendations, but there are also some differences.

The most important thing remains: the rule of separate meals! Its basis is the distribution of products into several categories:

First of all, products from the category of proteins and carbohydrates are incompatible. For example: fish, meat, eggs, nuts contain protein, and bread, pasta and all types of cereals are carbohydrates.
In order for protein to be digested and absorbed, an acidic environment is necessary, and for the absorption of carbohydrates, an alkaline environment is required. It’s much easier to deal with vegetables (except potatoes and eggplants)! They can be consumed with both protein foods and foods containing carbohydrates.

Separate Power Basics

  1. Only eat if you are really hungry.
  2. You can drink water no later than 10 minutes before meals and 1.5 - 2 hours after.
  3. Chew food thoroughly.
  4. Refusal of negative thoughts.
  5. Eat small portions.
  6. Be sure to get enough sleep and rest
  7. The simpler the product, the better.
  8. Don't eat food that is too cold or too hot.
  9. Eat fruits and berries separately from other foods.
  10. Eliminate sugar, sausage, butter, margarine from your diet,
    mayonnaise, coffee and canned food.

Product compatibility table for separate power supply

Product compatibility table for separate power supply

The benefits of this type of nutrition

The advantage of this type of nutrition is that it facilitates the work of the stomach, at the same time improving well-being and getting rid of harmful substances. Everything that the stomach does not have time to digest accumulates and is deposited, and the process of rotting in the body begins. For example, if you eat a piece of meat with bread, and then a pear, then our digestion slows down significantly; the body will need much more time to digest and absorb all the foods at the same time. In this case, a person may experience heaviness in the stomach and discomfort.
When we eat only compatible foods, our body does not have to “overwork” and it easily digests food. A person slowly but surely loses extra pounds, and along with them all unnecessary and harmful substances go away, which negatively affect not only well-being, but also the condition of the skin and skin. With separate meals, the result can last for a long time, since weight loss occurs gradually, the person does not starve, and the body receives all the essential substances.


A person finds himself constantly tied to a diet, since separate meals imply regular meals. At the very beginning, the body needs to get used to such monotonous food. And very often there is a feeling of hunger and a desire to snack. It is not always possible to eat at home, but you always have to be “ready” and have a full lunch or breakfast with you.

The next drawback is the eternal dilemma of “is it possible” or “is it not possible”; for the first few weeks you will be forced to give up your usual dishes, since the products in them will be incompatible. Long-standing habits and preferences will have to change. Some doctors say that if we eat separately, our stomach may forget how to function normally, as this will disrupt normal digestion. After such a diet, he will not be able to digest some foods at the same time, so he will have to adhere to this regime constantly.

There are many opinions about separate meals, for example, N. Semenova suggests giving up dairy products, M. Montignac suggests eating more often and drinking half a glass of red wine every day, and Malakhov suggests different herbal infusions and fresh juices. Only the person himself can choose separate nutrition as a way to improve health or lose weight; the main thing is to know what result he is striving for. It's never too late to try.

Did you know that some products, when combined with others, do not give us all their beneficial elements, and sometimes only cause harm? What combinations are not particularly useful to have in your recipe book?

Cocoa powder and milk

What foods don't go well together?

Milk has calcium in excess, and cocoa, strange as it may seem, contains oxalic acid. It is this that slows down the rate of calcium absorption. This can lead to major stomach upsets. People with kidney problems are not recommended to drink cocoa with milk, also because this combination initiates the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder. If you really love this drink, you can replace cocoa with carob powder.

Coca-Cola with food

This topic is already quite sensational among the world of nutritionists, journalists and ordinary people, however, the number of fans of this soda is not decreasing, but, on the contrary, is growing almost every day. The thing is that cola destroys everything in its path, as a result of which all nutritional elements simply dissolve, and the body does not receive an ounce of benefit. The reason for such enormous harm is caffeine, the concentration of which is simply off scale; it prevents the body from absorbing the micronutrients necessary to ensure normal functioning. In this case, even lemonade would be more appropriate than a coffee-colored carbonated drink.

Coffee drinks and scrambled eggs

This type of morning meal is the most popular breakfast. But caffeine, which is again found in coffee, kills all the beneficial environment in eggs, leaving only cholesterol, it also interferes with the absorption of healthy fats and is the reason that calcium simply does not reach its destination. This phenomenon is noticed not only in this, but also in other combinations of products with coffee.


Another one of the most popular breakfasts, affordable and not taking a huge amount of time to prepare. This product is especially popular among those who are losing weight, gaining weight, or simply watching their diet and keeping their body in good shape. The trouble is that all microelements and vitamins are not absorbed at all with such a breakfast or snack; in a situation if they were not all contained in one food product, the harmfulness of such consumption could be disputed. To get the maximum benefit from such a breakfast, it is better to eat fruit in advance, at least half an hour before the main meal.

And finally - the best combinations of fruits when preparing summer refreshing drinks!



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