Sigmoid colon ICD 10. Sigmoid colon cancer: causes, treatment, prognosis

To diagnose benign tumors of the large intestine, laboratory and instrumental research methods are used. Objective examination data in most cases are uninformative. In some cases, pale skin and bloody discharge from the anus may be noted.
  Among the laboratory methods, a general blood test is used, in which, in the presence of bleeding, a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin is noted. Signs of anemia are most often observed with multiple bleeding colon polyps. If benign tumors of the large intestine are complicated by inflammation of the mucous membrane, erosion or the addition of a secondary infection, a general blood test reveals an increase in the level of leukocytes and an acceleration of ESR. When performing a stool occult blood test, minor bleeding that is not noticeable upon examination is diagnosed.
  Among the instrumental diagnostic methods, irrigoscopy (x-ray examination of the large intestine) is used: for better visualization of the intestine, contrast containing barium is injected. Using this study, defects in the filling of the mucosa are detected, which indicates the presence of a tumor. The radiological criterion for benign tumors of the large intestine is the presence of a mobile filling defect with smooth, even and clear edges without changes in the relief of the mucous membrane. The presence of these signs makes it possible to distinguish benign neoplasms from malignant ones.
  An important method for diagnosing benign tumors is endoscopy of various parts of the large intestine. Using sigmoidoscopy, the rectum and lower parts of the large intestine are examined. Colonoscopy makes it possible to examine the entire intestine for benign tumors. When carrying out this diagnostic procedure, the proctologist can take tissue samples for morphological examination, which will make it possible to clarify the morphology of the tumor and determine treatment tactics.
  In most cases (60-75%), benign tumors of the large intestine are well visualized using a rectoscope or colonoscope. Polyps can be located either on a thin stalk or on a wide base. The mucosa of benign tumors of the large intestine is a normal pink color, although in some cases it can be purplish-red, standing out from the surrounding tissue. With the development of inflammation, the mucous membrane of benign tumors becomes swollen and hyperemic, which is clearly visible during endoscopy of the large intestine. If erosions occur, a mucosal defect with edematous edges, covered with fibrinous plaque, is visualized.

Colon cancer is considered one of the most common cancers affecting the digestive tract organ such as the intestines. Since it consists of several departments, each of them separately or all at once can be involved in pathology.

The main reason for the formation of a malignant neoplasm is poor human nutrition. However, experts in the field of gastroenterology identify several other predisposing factors.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it proceeds for quite a long time without the manifestation of any symptoms, and those signs that are expressed cannot accurately indicate the presence of cancer. The main symptoms are pain, flatulence and the appearance of pathological impurities in the stool.

Diagnosis involves a comprehensive examination, starting from palpation of the abdomen and ending with a wide range of instrumental procedures. Treatment is carried out only by surgery.

In the international classification of diseases, this pathology has several meanings, depending on which part of the large intestine was affected. Thus, the ICD-10 code will be C17-C19.


Colon cancer is a collective term, since this organ consists of the following sections:

  • blind;
  • colon - which can be ascending, descending and transverse;
  • sigmoid;
  • straight.

It is worth noting that this type of oncology in females ranks second - only breast cancer is ahead of it. In men, in terms of frequency of diagnosis, this disease is second only to prostate and lung cancer.

The main reasons for the development of this disease are:

  • the course of inflammatory pathologies in the large intestine - this should include. The distinctive features of such ailments are that the first affects only the upper layer of the organ, and the second spreads to all tissues;
  • complicated heredity - if one of your close relatives has been diagnosed with a similar pathology, then the person’s chances of developing cancer increase significantly. Knowing this, you can independently prevent its occurrence - to do this, you just need to give up bad habits, eat right and regularly visit a gastroenterologist. Clinicians claim that such a predisposing factor acts as the source of the disease in 25% of cases;
  • Poor nutrition – increases the risk of developing the disease, such a diet, which is based on fats and carbohydrates, against the background of which the human body does not receive enough fiber. It is for this reason that the basis of therapy is diet for colon cancer;
  • lack of physical activity in a person’s life – those who constantly work in a sitting or standing position, as well as those who, due to their own laziness, do not want to bother themselves with physical activity, are at high risk of developing oncology;
  • long-term addiction to bad habits - long-term studies of the widespread occurrence of such cancer have shown that those who abuse alcohol and smoke cigarettes are 40% more likely to suffer from this disease than those who lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • formation - such neoplasms are benign, but under the influence of unfavorable factors they can transform into cancer;
  • prolonged and uncontrolled use of certain groups of medications, in particular anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agents;
  • a person has high body weight;
  • disruption of the metabolism of proteins and fats.

It is believed that the main risk group is people over forty years of age and males, since they are several times more likely to develop this disease. However, the possibility of its development in young people cannot be ruled out.


As mentioned above, malignant neoplasms of the colon in women and men can be localized in different areas of this organ, but the frequency of their involvement may differ. For example,

  • the sigmoid and descending colon act as the focus of cancer most often - in 36% of cases;
  • the cecum and ascending colon are affected in approximately 27% of the total diagnosis of the disease;
  • rectal cancer accounts for 19%
  • colon cancer – 10%.

According to the nature of their growth, malignant tumors are:

  • exophytic - this means that the formations grow into the intestinal lumen;
  • endophytic - spread into the thickness of the walls of this organ;
  • mixed - have characteristics of the two above forms.

Depending on their histological structure, colon cancer tumors can look like:

  • adenocarcinoma – detected in 80% of cases;
  • mucoid cancer;
  • signet ring cell or mucocellular cancer;
  • squamous cell oncology;
  • basal cell carcinoma;
  • glandular squamous cell carcinoma;
  • undifferentiated and unclassified cancer.

Depending on the depth of penetration and spread of metastases, the following stages of cancer are distinguished:

  • precancerous condition - there is insufficient data to evaluate the tumor;
  • zero – the structure of the mucous layer of the large intestine is disrupted;
  • initial - in addition to the mucous layer, submucosal tissues are affected;
  • moderate severity – the muscle layer is susceptible to infiltration;
  • severe – growth of the formation is observed throughout all layers of this organ;
  • complicated - in addition to the involvement of all structural parts of the intestinal wall in the pathology, there is a spread of metastases to nearby organs.

The disease is also divided by the presence or absence of metastases in regional or distant lymph nodes.


Although cancer can affect different parts of this organ, colon cancer has the same symptoms.

In the first stages of the disease, symptoms may be completely absent due to minor tissue damage. Nevertheless, general clinical manifestations that are characteristic of many gastrointestinal ailments can be expressed. Given that they are weakly expressed, people often do not pay attention to them, thereby independently aggravating their condition.

The first symptoms of colon cancer are:

  • constant discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • increased gas formation;
  • stool disorder;
  • unpleasant sensations during the act of defecation;
  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • general weakness.

As the pathological process spreads, the above signs of cancer will become more pronounced, and other manifestations will also appear, including:

  • alternating profuse diarrhea with constipation;
  • the appearance of impurities in the stool - we are talking about blood and mucus. It is noteworthy that depending on the damage to a particular area of ​​the large intestine, they will have a different appearance. For example, when localized in the sigmoid or rectum, blood and mucus will envelop the feces. In all other cases, the stool will change its color, which can vary from red to black;
  • anemia – occurs against the background of internal intestinal bleeding;
  • pale and dry skin;
  • unjustified sharp decrease in body weight;
  • brittle hair and weakness of nail plates;
  • signs of vitamin deficiency;
  • increased body temperature and fever.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that when metastases spread to other organs, for example, to the liver, stomach, spleen, lungs or pancreas, the main symptoms will be supplemented by other manifestations from the affected segment.


It is almost impossible to make a correct diagnosis in the early stages of the formation of the disease - in such cases, colon cancer will be a diagnostic surprise identified during an instrumental examination of a person.

If nonspecific symptoms occur, a whole range of appropriate measures will be required. First of all, the gastroenterologist needs to:

  • get acquainted with the life history and medical history of not only the patient, but also his close relatives - during subsequent diagnosis, this will indicate the most characteristic cause of oncology in a particular patient;
  • conduct a thorough physical examination - this is necessary so that in some cases the presence of damage to this organ can be detected by palpation and percussion of the anterior wall of the abdominal cavity. A digital examination of the rectum and a gynecological examination (for women) will also be required;
  • interview the patient in detail to find out the first time of appearance and severity of cancer symptoms. This will help not only to get a general picture of the course of the disease, but also to determine the stage of its progression.

Laboratory research is limited to:

  • general clinical blood test - to confirm the occurrence of a pathological process in the body;
  • microscopic examination of feces;
  • test to determine CEA.

To visualize a malignant neoplasm, determine its localization and detect distant or local metastases, the following instrumental procedures are performed:

It is necessary to differentiate colon cancer with metastases from the following diseases:

  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • actinomycosis or tuberculosis of the colon;
  • benign tumors;
  • polyposis and diverticulitis;
  • ovarian cysts and tumors.


The most effective method of treating this disease is surgery. The tactics for performing the operation will differ depending on which part of the colon was affected:

  • cecum and ascending colon - right hemicolectomy is performed;
  • transverse colon – complete excision;
  • descending colon - left-sided hemicolectomy;
  • sigmoid colon - sigmoidectomy.

They also resort to step-by-step intervention, which includes:

  • bowel resection;
  • colostomy;
  • closure of intestinal stoma;
  • reconstructive surgery.

Chemotherapy for colon cancer is an additional treatment option. It can be performed both before and after surgery, and also acts as the only method of therapy for inoperable tumors.

After surgical treatment, it is necessary to follow proper nutrition for colon cancer. The diet consists of avoiding fatty foods and minimizing the consumption of carbohydrates, as well as enriching the menu with the following products:

  • all varieties of cabbage - cauliflower, white cabbage, Peking cabbage, etc.;
  • soybeans and tomatoes;
  • onion and garlic;
  • nuts, seeds and dried fruits;
  • kelp;
  • fish and eggs;
  • tea, jelly and compote.

All food must be prepared by boiling and steaming, and drinking plenty of water is also required. Other nutritional recommendations are provided by a gastroenterologist or nutritionist.

Possible complications

Oncological damage to the large intestine in women and men can lead to the following consequences:

  • the affected organ;
  • compression of internal organs by a tumor;
  • disturbance of the urination process;
  • potency disorder;

Prevention and prognosis

To reduce the likelihood of developing such a disease, you must follow simple rules:

  • completely give up bad habits;
  • eat properly and nutritiously;
  • engage in timely treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies that can lead to colon cancer;
  • lead a moderately active lifestyle;
  • take medications only as prescribed by a clinician;
  • be regularly examined by a gastroenterologist, especially for those who have a genetic predisposition.

The prognosis of the disease directly depends on at what stage of the cancer the diagnosis was made. In the first, the five-year survival rate reaches 93%, in the second – 75%, in the third – less than 50%, in the fourth – 5%. Without treatment, a person with this disease can live for about one year.

Frequency . Colon and rectal cancer in most European countries and in Russia, it ranks sixth overall after cancer of the stomach, lung, breast, and female genital organs and tends to further increase. More than 60% of cases occur in the distal colon. In recent years, there has been a trend toward an increase in the number of patients with proximal colon cancer. Peak incidence- age over 60 years.

Code according to the international classification of diseases ICD-10:


Risk factors. Diet.. In developed countries, malignancy of the colon mucosa is promoted by an increase in the content of meat in the diet, especially beef and pork, and a decrease in fiber. The high content of meat and animal fat accelerates the growth of intestinal bacteria that produce carcinogens. This process can be stimulated by bile salts. Natural vitamins A, C and E inactivate carcinogens, and turnips and cauliflower induce the expression of benzpyrene hydroxylase, which can inactivate absorbed carcinogens. A sharp decrease in the incidence of the disease has been noted among vegetarians. The incidence of colonorectal cancer is high among workers in asbestos production and sawmills. Genetic factors. The possibility of hereditary transmission proves the presence of familial polyposis syndromes and an increase (3-5 times) in the risk of developing colorectal cancer among first-degree relatives of patients with carcinoma or polyps (nonpolyposis familial, type 1, MSH2, COCA1, FCC1, 120435, 2p22 p21; . 114500, TP53, 17p13.1; . APC, GS, 114500, 5q21 q22; .KRAS2, RASK2, 190070, 12p12.1; 159350, 5q21; 164790, 1p13.2; 600079, 7q11.23; . TGFBR2 (transforming growth factor receptor gene), 190182, 3p22; hereditary non-polyposis, type 3, PMS1, PMSL1, 2q31 q33; Other risk factors... Ulcerative colitis, especially pancolitis and disease more than 10 years old (10% risk) Crohn's disease History of colon cancer Polyposis syndrome: diffuse familial polyposis, single and multiple polyps, villous tumors... History of female genital or breast cancer.. Familial cancer syndromes.. Immunodeficiency conditions.

Classifications and staging
. Macroscopic forms of cancer of the colon and rectum.. Exophytic - tumors growing into the intestinal lumen.. Saucer-shaped - oval-shaped tumors with raised edges and a flat bottom.. Endophytic - tumors infiltrating the intestinal wall without clear boundaries. Histological forms .. Adenocarcinoma of varying degrees of maturity predominates (60% of cases) .. Mucous cancer (12-15%) .. Solid cancer (10-12%) .. Squamous cell and glandular squamous cell carcinoma are rarely detected.
. TNM - classification (for colon cancer).. Tis - carcinoma in situ or invasion of the basement membrane without invasion of the submucosal layer.. T1 - tumor invades the submucosal layer.. T2 - tumor invades the muscular layer.. T3 - tumor invades the subserous layer. or adjacent to non-peritoneal tissue sections. T4 - direct tumor invasion into adjacent organs or invasion of the visceral peritoneum. This category also includes cases of germination of non-adjacent parts of the colon (for example, germination of a tumor of the sigmoid colon into the cecum). N0 - metastases to regional lymph nodes are not detected. N1 - there are metastases in 1-3 regional lymph nodes.
. Grouping by stages. Stage 0: TisN0M0. Stage I: T1-2N0M0. Stage II: T3-4N0M0. Stage III: T1-4N1-2M0. Stage IV: T1-4N0-2M1.
. Dukes classification as modified by Estler and Koller(1953) .. Stage A. The tumor does not extend beyond the mucous membrane.. Stage B1. The tumor invades the muscularis, but does not affect the serosa. Regional lymph nodes are not affected. Stage B2. The tumor grows throughout the intestinal wall. Regional lymph nodes are not affected. Stage C1. Regional lymph nodes are affected. Stage C2. The tumor invades the serous membrane. Regional lymph nodes are affected. Stage D. Distant metastases (mainly to the liver).
Clinical picture depends on the location, size of the tumor and the presence of metastases.
. Right colon cancer causes anemia due to slow, chronic blood loss. Often a tumor-like infiltrate is detected in the abdominal cavity and abdominal pain occurs, but due to the large diameter of the proximal colon and liquid intestinal contents, acute intestinal obstruction develops quite rarely and in the later stages of the disease.
. Cancer of the left colon is manifested by disturbances in the functional and motor activity of the intestine. The development of intestinal obstruction is predisposed by the small diameter of the distal parts of the colon, dense feces and frequent circular lesions of the intestine by the tumor. A pathognomonic sign of colon and rectal cancer is pathological impurities in the stool (dark blood, mucus).
. Hematogenous tumor metastasis usually affects the liver; Possible damage to bones, lungs and brain.

Carcinoid tumors are neuroepithelial tumors arising from argentaffinocytes (Kulchitsky cells) and elements of the nerve plexuses of the intestinal wall (see also Carcinoid tumor, Carcinoid syndrome). Colon involvement accounts for about 2% of all gastrointestinal carcinoids. Most often they occur in the appendix, jejunum or rectum. The degree of malignancy of carcinoid tumors depends on their size. Tumor diameter<1 см малигнизируются в 1% случаев, 1-2 см — в 10% случаев, >2 cm - in 80% of cases. Carcinoid tumors grow much slower than cancer. The process begins in the submucosal layer, then spreads to the muscular layer. The serous and mucous membranes are affected much later. Some carcinoids have the ability to metastasize to regional lymph nodes and distant organs (liver, lungs, bones, spleen). However, metastases can grow for years and manifest only as carcinoid syndrome.
Tumors of the vermiform appendix. Carcinoid tumors. Adenocarcinoma. A mucocele (retention or mucous cyst) can behave like a tumor. Perforation of the cyst or contamination of the abdominal cavity during its resection can lead to the development of peritoneal pseudomyxoma, a rare disease characterized by the accumulation of large amounts of mucus in the abdominal cavity.
Other neoplasms (benign and malignant) of the colon are observed quite rarely. From lymphoid tissue - lymphomas. From adipose tissue - lipomas and liposarcoma. From muscle tissue - leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma.

Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus is usually less malignant than adenocarcinoma; manifested by bleeding, pain, tumor formation and defecation disorders, changes in intestinal motility. Treatment is radiation and surgery, the 5-year survival rate is 60%.
Cloacogenic carcinoma is a tumor of the transitional epithelium in the area of ​​the dentate line of the anal canal; accounts for 2.5% of all cases of anorectal cancer; occurs at the junction of the ectoderm and endodermal cloaca - a blind caudal stretch of the hindgut, more often in women (in a ratio of 3:1), peak age - 55-70 years. Combined treatment: The operation is performed after radiation therapy.
Diagnostics. Rectal digital examination allows you to detect a tumor, determine the nature of its growth, and its connection with adjacent organs. Irrigoscopy (contrast examination of the colon with barium) makes it possible to establish the location, extent of the tumor and its size, but the main thing is to exclude the multiplicity of lesions and polyps. Endoscopy with biopsy - sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy allow you to clarify the location of the colon tumor; establish the histological structure. Endorectal ultrasound (for rectal cancer) makes it possible to determine tumor growth into adjacent organs (vagina, prostate gland). CT, ultrasound, and liver scintigraphy are performed to exclude distant metastases. If acute intestinal obstruction is suspected, a plain radiography of the abdominal organs is necessary. Laparoscopy is indicated to exclude generalization of the malignant process. Occult blood test. In high-risk patients, guaiac testing for fecal occult blood should be performed frequently and closely monitored for unexplained blood loss. Determination of CEAg is not used for screening, but the method can be used for dynamic monitoring of patients with a history of colon carcinoma; an elevated titer indicates relapse or metastasis.
Treatment. Surgery for colon cancer is the treatment of choice. The extent of the operation depends on the location of the tumor and the general condition of the patient. Radical surgery involves removal of the affected parts of the intestine along with the mesentery and regional lymphatic system.

Types of operations for colon cancer.. For cancer of the right half of the colon - right-sided hemicolectomy with ileotransverse anastomosis.. For cancer of the middle third of the transverse colon - resection of the transverse colon with end-to-end bell anastomosis.. For cancer of the left half of the colon - left-sided hemicolectomy.. For cancer of the sigmoid colon - resection.. Operations can be performed with a one-stage restoration of the intestinal passage, or with a colostomy in case of complications of cancer (intestinal obstruction, tumor perforation, bleeding).. In case of an inoperable tumor or distant metastases - palliative operations with the aim of prevention of complications (intestinal obstruction, bleeding): application of ileotransversoanastomosis, transversosigmoanastomosis, ileo- or colostomy.
. Types of operations for rectal cancer. When the tumor is located in the distal part of the rectum and at a distance<7 см от края заднего прохода — брюшно - промежностная экстирпация прямой кишки (операция Майлса) .. Сфинктеросохраняющие операции можно выполнить при локализации нижнего края опухоли на расстоянии 7 см от края заднего прохода и выше... Брюшно - анальная резекция прямой кишки с низведением дистальных отделов ободочной кишки возможна при опухоли, расположенной на расстоянии 7-12 см от края заднего прохода... Передняя резекция прямой кишки: производят при опухолях верхнеампулярного и ректосигмоидного отделов, нижний полюс которых располагается на расстоянии 10-12 см от края заднего прохода... При малигнизированных полипах и ворсинчатых опухолях прямой кишки выполняют экономные операции: трансанальное иссечение или электрокоагуляцию опухоли через ректоскоп, иссечение стенки кишки с опухолью после колотомии.

Combined treatment.. Preoperative radiation therapy for rectal cancer reduces the biological activity of the tumor, reduces its metastatic potential and the number of postoperative relapses in the surgical area.. Local postoperative irradiation is indicated if there is doubt about the radicality of the intervention.. Chemotherapy is carried out in the adjuvant mode for an advanced process, poorly differentiated tumors ... A combination of fluorouracil with lecovorin or levamisole is used. Treatment carried out for a year, as an independent method it is rarely used, after symptomatic operations.
Forecast. The overall 10-year survival rate is 45% and has not changed significantly in recent years. For cancer limited to the mucosa (often detected by occult blood testing or colonoscopy), survival rates reach 80-90%; with damage to regional lymph nodes - 50-60%. Main Factors factors that influence the prognosis of surgical treatment of colon cancer: the extent of the tumor around the circumference of the intestinal wall, the depth of germination, the anatomical and histological structure of the tumor, regional and distant metastasis. After liver resection for single metastases, the 5-year survival rate is 25%. After pulmonary resection for isolated metastases, the 5-year survival rate is 20%.
Recurrence of colon tumor. Determination of CEAg content is a method for diagnosing recurrent colorectal cancer. The CEAg titer is determined every 3 months during the first 2 years after surgery. A persistent increase in its content indicates the possibility of recurrence or metastasis. Relapses of colon cancer often cause intense pain, lead to exhaustion of the patient and are very difficult to treat. Surgery for recurrent colon tumors is usually palliative in nature and is aimed at eliminating complications (intestinal obstruction).

ICD-10. C18 Malignant neoplasm of the colon. C19 Malignant neoplasm of the rectosigmoid junction. C20 Malignant neoplasm of the rectum. C21 Malignant neoplasm of the anus [anus] and anal canal. D01 Carcinoma in situ of other and unspecified digestive organs

Clinical signs of colon cancer are represented by 5 leading syndromes: pain, intestinal disorders, intestinal obstruction, pathological discharge, and deterioration in the general condition of patients. Abdominal pain is the earliest and most consistent sign of colon cancer. Depending on the location of the tumor and the stage of the malignant process, they can be different in nature and intensity. Patients may characterize abdominal pain as pressing, aching, or cramping. If there is severe pain in the right hypochondrium, it is necessary to exclude cholecystitis and duodenal ulcer in the patient; in case of localization of pain in the right iliac region, the differential diagnosis is made with acute appendicitis.
  Already in the initial stages of colon cancer, symptoms of intestinal discomfort are noted, including belching, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the stomach. At the same time, intestinal disorders develop, indicating a violation of intestinal motility and the passage of intestinal contents: diarrhea, constipation (or their alternation), rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence. With exophytic growing colon cancer (most often left-sided localization), partial or complete obstructive intestinal obstruction may eventually develop.
  The development of cancer of the distal parts of the sigmoid and rectum may be indicated by the appearance of pathological impurities (blood, mucus, pus) in the stool. Heavy intestinal bleeding rarely occurs, but prolonged blood loss leads to the development of chronic posthemorrhagic anemia. Violation of general health in case of colon cancer is associated with intoxication caused by the disintegration of the cancer tumor and stagnation of intestinal contents. Patients usually complain of malaise, fatigue, low-grade fever, weakness, and emaciation. Sometimes the first symptom of colon cancer is the presence of a palpable mass in the abdomen.
  Depending on the clinical course, the following forms of colon cancer are distinguished:
  toxic. Anemic - general symptoms predominate in the clinic (fever, progressive hypochromic anemia).
  enterocolitic. The main manifestations are associated with intestinal disorders, which requires differentiation of colon cancer from enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis, and dysentery.
  dyspeptic. The symptom complex is represented by gastrointestinal discomfort, reminiscent of the clinical picture of gastritis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis.
  obstructive. Accompanied by progressive intestinal obstruction.
  pseudo-inflammatory. It is characterized by signs of an inflammatory process in the abdominal cavity, occurring with fever, abdominal pain, leukocytosis, etc. This form of colon cancer can be disguised as adnexitis, appendiceal infiltrate, pyelonephritis.

Colon cancer must be understood as a malignant neoplasm that grows from the mucous membrane of the large intestine. Very often the tumor is localized in the sigmoid, rectum and cecum.

The sigmoid colon is the segment of the large intestine that lies in front of the rectum. Visually, this intestine resembles the Greek letter “sigma” - Σ, hence its name.

The sigmoid colon occupies an important place in the process of digestion and saturation of the body with nutrients. Based on this, sigmoid colon cancer (ICD 10. Class II (C00-D48), C18, C18.7) is a rather dangerous oncological disease that can be fatal.

According to research data, this type of cancer is diagnosed quite rarely (5-6% of all cases; men over the age of 50 are susceptible to the disease. But still, this process is a relatively favorable form of cancer. With timely diagnosis and adequate treatment, the outcome of the disease improves significantly , compared to stomach cancer.

Occurrence of disease

The medical history of sigmoid colon cancer is influenced by the following factors:

  • nature of diet - excessive consumption of fatty, meat and flour dishes, lack of products of plant origin;
  • diseases of the large intestine (polyps, colitis);
  • bowel dysfunction (constipation);
  • hereditary factors;
  • elderly age.

Clinical picture

Symptoms of colon cancer can vary depending on the location of the tumor process. In the early stages, pronounced symptoms, as a rule, are absent, but when collecting an anamnesis, one can identify a deterioration in general well-being, loss of ability to work, and loss of appetite. Weight loss with sigmoid colon cancer is rare; some patients even gain weight.

<>As the disease progresses, various intestinal symptoms are observed:

  • Constipation and diarrhea;
  • Rumbling in the intestines;
  • Dull and cramping pain in the abdomen that does not depend on food intake;
  • Unilateral bloating (with narrowing of the intestinal lumen by a tumor);
  • Anemia (the result of chronic blood loss).

Subsequently, the symptoms rapidly increase; in severe cases, intestinal obstruction, inflammatory processes (cellulitis, abscesses, peritonitis), and bleeding occur.

According to research data, this type of cancer is diagnosed quite rarely (5-6% of all cases; men over the age of 50 are susceptible to the disease. But still, this process is a relatively favorable form of cancer.

Diagnosis and treatment

Diagnosis of this form of colon cancer includes anamnesis, external examination, palpation, laboratory tests of stool for obvious or occult blood, X-ray examination, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy.

This oncological process can be cured exclusively by surgery. The method of choice is wide resection of the affected area of ​​the intestine with regional lymph nodes.

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