Yellow rowan useful properties and contraindications. Red rowan: beneficial medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing properties of rowan berries are known to many people. However, in fact, this plant brings much more benefits than it seems. It has long been believed that rowan is a plant that brings happiness to the house and protects it from evil spirits. It’s not for nothing that such legends appeared. Rowan really protects people, but not because magical influence on their aura, but due to the fact that it has a huge number of healing properties. Jams, jams, infusions, and teas are prepared from the berries of this plant. They are dried so that in winter you can always get a portion fresh vitamins and minerals.

Wild and equally useful. Many people are put off by the bitter taste that is felt after eating this berry. Don't let this alarm you, because behind this unpleasant moment there is a huge benefit. Rowan is red and chokeberry.

Useful properties and contraindications of red rowan

This plant is distributed in almost all regions of Europe. Red rowan, medicinal properties and whose contraindications are interrelated, often does not attract people’s attention. It is considered a beautiful tree that has no practical use. Because of this, the medicinal properties of rowan are often underestimated, which is a big mistake. So, the benefits of red rowan are its following qualities:

  • Rowan is a natural storehouse of vitamins. It is especially rich in vitamin C, of ​​which there is much more in berries than in lemons. Therefore, when colds Rowan tea will be very useful. Moreover, no pharmaceutical will not cure vitamin deficiency the way mountain ash will.
  • This plant is also not offended by macroelements. The medicinal properties of rowan also consist in the fact that zinc, manganese, magnesium, copper, and potassium can be found in it. By the way, this plant contains much more iron than apples.
  • People with a slow metabolism can eat rowan dishes to speed it up. This also applies to patients who have undergone major operations. The healing properties of red rowan fruits saturate the cells and tissues of the body a large number energy needed to restore the body.
  • Red rowan significantly enhances therapeutic effect on the nettle body. For anemia, it is useful to use an infusion of these plants.
  • If you have problems with blood vessels, use rowan as a medicinal plant.
  • Red rowan perfectly stimulates the cardiovascular system. It is difficult to overestimate this property.
  • Organs such as the liver and stomach are exposed daily harmful factors. The healing properties of rowan protect them from negative influences.
  • If you have kidney problems, then eat rowan, which has a diuretic effect.
  • If necessary, rowan can be used to treat constipation, as it has a slight laxative effect.
  • If you have poor blood clotting, then you probably need to know that rowan can stop bleeding from various injuries.
  • Berries can also suppress gas formation.
  • Rowan slows down the growth of any pathogenic bacteria.
  • The medicinal properties of rowan can prevent any fungal diseases, including thrush.
  • Rowan bark is also useful, the medicinal properties of which are that the decoction can significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • For diabetes mellitus, rowan significantly reduces the risk of all kinds of complications.
  • This berry is even used in cosmetology. It promotes skin rejuvenation, smoothing wrinkles and eliminating skin defects.

There are also contraindications to the use of this plant. These include:

  • Increased stomach acidity.
  • Peptic ulcer disease.
  • Early pregnancy.
  • Thrombophlebitis and susceptibility to this disease.

There are not many contraindications to the use of rowan, but they should be treated with caution. So that the plant brings maximum benefit, you need to know how to use it.

How to use rowan

You need to pick the berries after the first frost so that the medicinal properties of rowan are not lost over time. It is used like this:

  • Eaten fresh.
  • Make a decoction, juice.
  • Make jam or jam.
  • They make tea.
  • Berries are dried.

In the latter case, you need to know how to properly dry the plant so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.

How to dry red rowan berries

After harvesting, most people dry it to enjoy the berries winter period. However, during the drying process it is necessary to use the right technology so that the medicinal properties of rowan are preserved in full. So, the algorithm of actions in this case:

  • Clean the berries from dirt, twigs and other useless elements.
  • Wash the crop thoroughly.
  • Blot the berries with a towel and leave them on it until completely dry.
  • Spread the berries in an even layer on paper or a special drying rack.
  • Stir the berries periodically to prevent mold from forming on them.
  • After drying, sort through the berries, discarding all blackened fruits.
  • Transfer the berries to a glass or wooden bowl, tightly closing the lid.

Rowan berries should be stored at room temperature. If you do everything correctly, the plant will retain its beneficial properties within 2 years.

Popular uses of red rowan

Methods of using rowan that have been tried and tested for centuries cannot be compared even with modern ones. medical methods treatment. So, how to properly use the plant for various problems:

  • If you have gastritis, then drink 1 teaspoon of rowan juice before each meal.
  • If you need to cleanse your intestines, then drink 50 g of rowan juice three times a day. You can add honey to it.
  • If you need to strengthen your immune system, saturate your body with vitamins or get rid of anemia, take 1 teaspoon of rowan berries, pour 2 cups of boiling water over it, cool the broth, add honey to it and drink slowly throughout the day.
  • Rowan can also relieve sore throat. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of fresh berries to 1 glass. boiled water and gargle with the resulting infusion throughout the day.
  • Rowan is useful not only for diseases. Medicinal properties and contraindications for women are of particular importance, since when correct dosage The juice of this plant relieves toxicosis. In this case, you just need to eat fresh rowan berries in small quantities. You can also add honey to them.
  • To get rid of warts, wipe them with rowan juice for several weeks.
  • To use rowan as cosmetic product, pass the berries through a meat grinder, and then make face masks from the resulting mass.

It is also necessary to know what harm this plant can cause.

Possible harm of red rowan

Although the plant has a huge number of beneficial properties, one cannot underestimate the harm that it can cause if used incorrectly or if contraindications are neglected. So, the harmful properties of rowan:

  • Parasorbic acid, which is contained in red rowan berries, acts in large quantities on the body as a strong antibiotic. In this regard, you should not eat many fruits of the plant in one day. You risk significantly worsening the functioning of the immune system and making the body vulnerable to certain types of bacteria.
  • If raw foods If you digest poorly, then you should not get carried away with rowan berries. The pectin they contain can cause stomach upsets, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
  • For hypertension, eating rowan can significantly worsen the condition if eaten in large quantities.
  • Modern doctors claim that treating an open wound with rowan juice does not bring any benefit.
  • If rowan relieves sore throat, it can aggravate stomatitis. You should not rinse your mouth with fruit juice if you have this disease.
  • If you are prone to allergic reactions, then rowan will most likely not benefit you, since it is one of the most powerful allergens.
  • If you have been diagnosed acid reflux, then rowan juice will only worsen the situation.

All these factors can arise only if rowan is consumed in large quantities. When used correctly, none of the above side effect you are not in danger. That is why these factors cannot be called contraindications for use.

Remember that if you eat dried fruits, they lose their antibiotic properties. In this case, you do not have to worry that problems with the functioning of the immune system will arise after eating berries.

Red rowan has low calorie content, so if you eat properly or follow a diet, the fruits will not harm you.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of chokeberry

Chokeberry is popularly called chokeberry. It looks like a small shrub with black fruits. Unlike red rowan, a plant with black fruits does not grow everywhere; it is grown in ornamental or medicinal purposes. Only chokeberry leaves and berries are used; the bark has not been used. Rowan berries are harvested in early October, although they ripen at the end of summer. This is due to the fact that greatest benefit The berries will be brought in the fall. By the way, at this time of year so many useful substances can only boast. The medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of the plant are known to all traditional healers.

We can talk about the beneficial properties of this plant for a very long time. It is in no way inferior to red rowan, and in some respects even surpasses it. So, the medicinal properties of chokeberry berries:

  • Rowan can bring blood cholesterol levels back to normal.
  • Due to the presence of pectin in the berries, chokeberry is able to remove waste and toxins from the intestines.
  • It is useful to consume black rowan berries for high blood pressure, since the plant can treat hypertension.
  • Rowan has a diuretic effect.
  • Fruits help treat atherosclerosis, this has been scientifically proven.
  • For any problems with the cardiovascular system, chokeberry will help strengthen it.
  • Potassium contained in the plant prevents the formation of edema.
  • If you consume black rowan for diabetes, the risk of complications will be significantly reduced.
  • Since chokeberry is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, this plant is very useful for vitamin deficiency or colds. It boosts immunity and fights viruses.
  • The plant significantly increases the acidity of the stomach, promoting the secretion gastric juice.
  • Rowan juice is an excellent antiseptic.
  • Like red rowan, chokeberry eliminates problems with blood clotting.
  • Surprisingly, black rowan is capable of removing radioactive elements and heavy metals from the body.
  • Chokeberry destroys harmful microorganisms and fights cancer.
  • Rowan stimulates the liver, protecting it from the harmful effects of various food components.
  • Even with nervous tension It is useful to eat black rowan berries. They reduce stress by leading to emotional state person to a stable and balanced person.

Chokeberry contains almost all the substances necessary for human health. Medicinal properties and contraindications, as already mentioned, are closely related, so it is worth talking about when the plant should not be used. It is forbidden to use chokeberry if you have:

Not only in these cases, black rowan is prohibited for consumption. Medicinal properties and contraindications apply only to adults. Children, elderly people and pregnant women should consult a doctor before consuming chokeberry in any form.

Chokeberry: medicinal properties and contraindications. Pressure

Particular attention should be paid to rowan as a food component that greatly affects blood pressure. This is due to the fact that the plant is prohibited for hypotension. If you have problems with blood pressure or even a predisposition to them, then before eating rowan, you should consult a doctor, or it is better to completely abandon the use of chokeberry. The plant reduces blood pressure, so it is effective for hypertension, and if the disease progresses. Pathology that is on initial stage, it is better to treat in other ways; chokeberry is not suitable for this. Its medicinal properties (it lowers blood pressure excellently) have been used by medicine for a long time.

What is the best way to eat chokeberry?

In order for the plant to bring maximum benefit, it must be prepared correctly. Basic rules for eating rowan:

  • Whenever possible, eat fresh chokeberries more often.
  • For the winter, you can wither rowan, make juice, mousse or jam from it.
  • The plant does not lose its properties even when frozen.

Chokeberry has a pleasant sweet and sour taste with bitterness, unlike mahogany fruits, so it can be eaten fresh. It will not cause harm if you are not allergic to the plant. In addition, do not overuse rowan. In very large quantities it can cause stomach upset.

The medicinal properties of which are preserved only with minimal processing, will not be beneficial if dried. Instead, it needs to be wilted. Below we will tell you how to do this.

How to wilt chokeberry

To wither chokeberry, you need to wash it, dry it and spread it in a thin layer on paper, leaving it to dry in the sun.

You can also achieve a similar effect using an oven. To do this, the rowan fruits must be dried by spreading them on a baking sheet. Initially, the temperature needs to be adjusted so that one is in the range of 30-40 degrees. When the berries stop releasing juice, increase the temperature to sixty degrees. Make sure that the plant does not lose its black color, as this is an indicator of the preservation of all the necessary beneficial properties.

An alternative to dried rowan is frozen chokeberry. However, in this case, the berries lose vitamin P, but other beneficial properties are preserved. In the cold season, rowan berries need to be thawed. She saves taste qualities, so it is pleasant to eat it raw.

Chokeberry: medicinal properties. Recipes

To strengthen and maintain health, it is not enough just to know about the beneficial properties of rowan; you need to be able to prepare it correctly. Here are some medicinal recipes:

  • Pour water over the berries in a ratio of 1:10. Heat the resulting liquid slowly over a fire. The broth should be left for at least twenty minutes, then strained, divided into 3 portions and consumed throughout the day. This recipe strengthens the immune system and saturates the body with vitamins.
  • For hypertension, it is enough to eat 100 grams of rowan berries daily.
  • is a universal means of disease prevention. It is very easy to prepare. Boil the berries for five minutes, then add two cups of sugar to the liquid. Boil the resulting mixture until a thick mass is obtained. Let the jam cool, after which it can be sorted into jars.
  • Alcohol tincture of black rowan is an excellent tonic. To prepare it, you need to grind the rowan berries into a homogeneous mass. After this, add sugar and cloves to the container and let the berries brew in a dark, cool place. After two months, add alcohol to the container and mix thoroughly. The prepared tincture can be added to tea.

Thus, rowan is universal remedy from many diseases. It has a huge number of useful properties, with virtually no contraindications. It is worth considering that berries can cause allergic reactions, but if you do not consume them in large quantities, then you have nothing to fear.

Red and black fruits are different in their composition and properties, so you need to know about the characteristics of both types of plants. Do not forget that if used incorrectly, you can get the opposite result than expected.

Treatment with red rowan


Probably, many are familiar with the phenomenon of flatulence, when there is constant gurgling and rumbling in the stomach. I myself suffer from this problem, so I have accumulated a lot of recipes, many of which I have already tested on myself.

I will share a method for treating flatulence using rowan fruits.

Mix rowan fruits (4 parts) with mint leaves (3 parts), dill seeds (3 parts) and valerian root (2 parts).

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of the mixture, brew with 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for 1 hour and strain.

Take 0.5 cups 2 times a day.

So that your teeth don't hurt...

Many people do not even realize that red rowan heals toothache, but that's how it is.

To help yourself, you need to take 3 bunches of rowan, wash them, add 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Then leave for 10 minutes and rinse your mouth with the broth that has not yet cooled down.

In early spring, for this purpose, you can break rowan branches and prepare a decoction from them, and in summer, green foliage is also suitable.

It is enough to do the procedure 2-3 times, and you can forget about toothache for a long time.

Medicinal tree

Clusters of bright red rowan hang on the branches for a long time and wait for the first frost. They are usually picked after frost so that the berries do not contain bitterness.

Our ancestors planted rowan under the windows of their houses. It was believed that if you lean your back against this tree, you can receive vital energy from it.

Rowan (and bark, and flowers, and its fruits) has healing properties. Rowan berries contain glucose and fructose, organic acids, alcohol, sorbitol, tannins and essential oil. As for vitamins, rowan contains as much of them as the best multivitamin tablets. Bright red berries contain more carotene than carrots. Rowan also contains a lot of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and other macro- and microelements.

For gastritis with low acidity Grind 5 cups of fresh red rowan berries with 3 cups of granulated sugar, let it brew for 6-8 hours in a warm place, then put the pan on the stove and cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes, strain. During exacerbations, take the resulting syrup 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

For early-stage diabetes mellitus, in addition to the main treatment, take the following infusion: mix 1 tbsp. spoon of fresh or dried berries rowan and yarrow herbs, 1 tsp each, a spoonful of clover leaves and alfalfa grass. Pour the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave covered for half an hour, strain and drink 0.25 cups 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is at least 2 weeks.

Rowan-pear compote will also help lower blood sugar levels.

Pour 1 cup of dried red rowan berries and chopped pear fruits into an enamel pan, add 1 liter of water and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Then leave in a warm place for 3-4 hours. Add honey or sweetener to the compote to taste and drink throughout the day.

For atherosclerosis, take 2 tbsp. spoons dried fruits rowan, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flax seed, crushed strawberry leaves and medicinal marigold flowers. Pour the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Leave, covered, for 30-40 minutes, then strain. Take the decoction 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

For cystitis, mix 3 teaspoons of rowan fruits with 1 teaspoon of lingonberry leaves. Pour the mixture into 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 4 hours, strain. Drink 0.5 cup infusion with 1 teaspoon of honey 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is until the condition improves.

In case of exacerbation of cholecystitis, take equal quantities of dried fruits of red rowan (or chokeberry) and rose hips, corn silk and yarrow herb.

2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Leave for half an hour, strain. Take the decoction 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

For insomnia, nervous fatigue take 50 g of dried berries and 3 tbsp. spoons of dried red rowan flowers, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oregano herb and 4 tbsp. spoons of peppermint leaves. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, pour into a paper bag or glass jar and store in a dark place. To cook healing drink, 1 tbsp. Pour 1 cup of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes, cool and drink before bed. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Red rowan for scurvy

Please tell us how you can use red rowan berries to cure such a rare disease these days as scurvy?

With scurvy, the gums are affected: they turn blue, swell, become painful, loose and bleed easily.

Clinical observations have shown that main reason scurvy is a lack of vitamin C in food. Scurvy is cured by abundant consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries rich in vitamin C, lubricating the gums and oral cavity tincture of tannin, rinse.

Rowan holds the record for vitamin C content. Therefore, it is very useful to eat as many ripe fruits of this plant as possible.

You can also prepare a vitamin decoction from rowan.

1 tbsp. Add a spoonful of rowan berries to 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and leave for 4 hours.

Drink rowan infusion 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day.

Healing fruits

Rowan is not only beautiful with creamy white flowers and bright red fruits, but also useful plant. Rowan berries contain potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, aluminum, nickel, cobalt, phosphorus, iodine, vitamins P, E, B. A ascorbic acid they contain more than lemons.

IN medicinal purposes They use the bark, buds, leaves, flowers, and fruits of rowan.

Rowan berry preparations reduce capillary fragility, normalize metabolic processes in the body, and relieve swelling.

They are successfully used to treat atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, gout, rheumatism, and urolithiasis.

The fruits of this plant help with headaches, coughs, and vomiting. Rowan berries, like flowers, are a mild laxative. Juice from fresh fruits is taken when chronic constipation(1 teaspoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals), as well as to increase the acidity of gastric juice. Juice from red rowan berries also helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and the amount of fat in the liver.

Dry fruits and juice from fresh berries (1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals) are useful for hypertension and lung diseases.

A decoction of rowan bark is used to treat cerebral vascular sclerosis.

200 g of bark pour 2 liters cold water and boil for 2 hours. Take 30 ml before meals 3 times a day.

Cleansing the kidneys

Rowan tea is a wonderful drink that perfectly cleanses the kidneys.

To prepare tea, take 1 tbsp. spoon of rowan berries, brew with 1 cup of boiling water and let brew for 1 hour. Drink 0.5 glasses 2-3 times a day.

Time tested

Who doesn’t know such a tree as red rowan. This beauty delights us with its clusters of bright orange berries starting in the fall and throughout the winter. By the way, red rowan is no less useful than chokeberry. I will write some recipes that are time-tested and very useful and effective.

Rowan berry clusters should be picked after the first frost, when the berries develop a pleasant bitter-sour taste. Rowan fruits contain a lot of vitamins that our body needs. The berries of this miracle plant have anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties. They perfectly reduce blood pressure and increase blood clotting.

Syrup made from fresh rowan berries and sugar is used for vitamin deficiency, kidney stones, rheumatism and joint pain. This syrup is also effective for menopause and menstrual irregularities.

Add 300 g of sugar to the juice squeezed from 1 kg of rowan fruits and cook over low heat until the liquid begins to thicken. Syrup take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

If you have a severe cough, are bothered by pain in the liver, are tormented by hemorrhoids, or are suffering from female diseases, try preparing a decoction of red rowan flowers.

To do this, take 2 tbsp. spoons of flowers, pour them with 1 glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. You should drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day after meals.

At general weakness and fatigue, as well as after illness, you can prepare a wonderful decoction from the leaves and berries of red rowan.

You need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of leaves and 1 tbsp. spoon of red rowan berries, pour 1 glass of cold water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Then strain and drink 50 ml 2-3 times a day at any time.

If you suffer from hypertension, make yourself a decoction from the bark of this healing tree.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of bark, chop it, pour 1 cup of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes from the moment it boils. Then remove from the stove, wrap it up and let it brew for six hours. Then strain and take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.

A decoction of rowan bark is also used as contraceptive. To do this, take 0.5 glasses of this “drink” 3 times a day.

For atherosclerosis, liver and kidney diseases, an infusion of rowan berries will help.

Take 20 g of red rowan berries, pour 1 glass of boiling water, wrap and leave for 4 hours. Drink 100 ml 2 times a day before meals.

An infusion of rowan berries is a good gargle for sore throat and oral diseases.

For kidney and liver diseases, you can make tea from rowan leaves.

Pour 30 g of leaves into 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrap and let sit for half an hour. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day. I’ll also write about how to properly prepare liqueur. Take 2 kg of rowan berries, 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of water and 1 liter of vodka. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 3 weeks. You can drink 50 g 2 times a day before meals.

Remember that red rowan has contraindications. It should not be used in case of thrombosis and increased blood clotting.

Rowan cured

In the Russian folk calendar there is the day “Peter-Paul Rowanberry”, which falls at the end of September - the time of ripening of rowan berries. On this day, branches with fruits were tied into bunches and hung under the roofs of houses. It was believed that rowan can protect a person from all sorts of troubles. Rowan branches were used to decorate not only living quarters, but also sheds and various outbuildings; Rowan branches were even stuck at the edge of each field. Rowan is sung in songs, poems, proverbs, and riddles are written about it. Most often, in the popular imagination, rowan is a thin and tender girl, suffering, yearning.

The use of rowan for medicinal purposes has been known since ancient times. Back in Ancient Rome Rowan was used to strengthen the stomach.

In modern scientific medicine fresh and dry rowan fruits are recommended for vitamin deficiency.

Rowan fruit powder is included in the diet for patients diabetes mellitus and obesity.

Juice from fresh rowan berries is used for low stomach acidity (1 teaspoon before meals).

I’ll also tell you about one amazing case of healing with the help of rowan. Doctors diagnosed the man with a stomach tumor. They didn’t do the operation; they thought it was too late. One woman advised a patient to drink rowan tincture.

50 g of rowan berries had to be poured with 0.5 liters of vodka, left for 10 days in a dark place and taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

I don’t know how many bottles of tincture the man drank, but he healed his stomach.

Love kvass

At obliterating atherosclerosis of the lower extremities, large areas of small vessels are clogged with alkaline salts, which leads to necrosis of muscle areas.

Treatment should begin with cleansing the gastrointestinal tract.

For this purpose, kvass is prepared from red rowan, as well as from garlic, horseradish, parsley, persimmon, lemon, Rhodiola rosea, cinquefoil, and calendula.

Take 3 liters of whey, 0.5 cups of selected raw materials, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of sour cream.

Preparation. Grind the sour cream thoroughly with granulated sugar and dilute with serum. Place the raw materials in a gauze bag with a weight and fill with whey with sour cream and sugar. Then place in a warm place to ferment for 2-3 weeks. Stir the product periodically (every 1-2 days), removing mold from the surface. It is advisable to strain the kvass after a week and pour it into a clean container.

When the kvass is ready, pour out 1 liter for consumption, and add 1 liter of boiled water at room temperature and one glass of sugar to the jar. Kvass poured from a jar can be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. When it runs out, a new portion of kvass will be ready. This can be done up to three times, after which the kvass is prepared again, replacing the raw materials.

Kvass is consumed within a month from 1 tbsp. spoons up to 0.5 cups (as tolerated) 15-20 minutes before meals.

It is advisable to include in food seaweed and other seafood (shrimp, herring, crabs, squid, etc.).

Consume more fermented products(without vinegar!): cabbage, apples, squash. Vodka and vegetable oils exclude from the diet.

The body should receive more nicotinic acid. This acid is found in chokeberry fruits, as well as in raw potatoes, tomatoes, and brewer's yeast.

Be sure to wipe your feet with vinegar tincture of calendula, wild rosemary, black radish, lily, bearberry, lemon, coltsfoot 1-2 times a day.

Hypertension must be treated

Last year I suffered two strokes and I believe that they were entirely my fault. Workload at school (checking notebooks, making plans), excessive community service, stress, “snacks” on the go - all this led to hypertension. I rarely measured my blood pressure, avoided pills, and as a result - hypertensive crises. The ambulance will arrive, the doctors will give me an injection, I will lie down at night, and in the morning I will “crawl” to my lessons again. I refused treatment in the hospital, I thought that the school wouldn’t manage without me.

Dear, dear readers, please do not repeat my mistakes. Hypertension must be treated starting from stage I (I am now stage III).

I regulate the pressure with red rowan.

I brew 3-4 sprigs of rowan with 1 glass of boiling water and let it brew. I drink 0.5 cups in the morning and at night. In the fall, when the berries are ripe, I simply eat them fresh or in the form of jam. Now I try to measure my blood pressure in the morning, at lunchtime and in the evening, but if necessary, then at night.

How exactly it is used and for what medicinal properties it is valued, you can find out right now.

General information

Rowan is a plant that is a representative of the genus of trees from the rose family. This plant reaches a height of about 15 meters. The name comes from the word " sorb", which translated from the Celtic language means " bitter" or " tart" This name was given to the plant only because its fruits taste like that. Modern experts identify more than 100 types of this plant, however, the most famous is still the common rowan. Popularly, the plant is often called hazel grouse, sparrow, carabiner, etc.

Distribution and ecology

Today, this plant can be found throughout Europe, North America, as well as Asia. Its favorite places to grow are fields, parks, banks of rivers and lakes, roadsides, squares, and forests. Its plantings are also observed in the mountainous and forested regions of the Caucasus and Crimea.

Botanical features

The trunk of the plant reaches from 30 to 40 cm in diameter. The bark of the trunk is characterized by a brown-gray color, but the young shoots are light gray or grayish-white. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, serrated at the edges. Their length is 3–5 cm. The inflorescence is represented by a shield, the flowers reach 6–15 mm in diameter. The flowers are white in color. The fruits are most often spherical. They are often represented by juicy apples with small seeds, which are oval along the edge. The weight of each fruit is 0.5 - 0.6 grams. The color of the fruits, as well as their taste, directly depend on the variety of rowan. The color can be bright red, yellowish or orange, but the taste can be bitter or tart. The fruits ripen in most cases in early autumn. The plant lives up to 100, and sometimes up to 200 years.

Folk signs

  • The plant is blooming - time to sow flax.
  • Seeing a lot of mountain ash in the forest means a rainy autumn.
  • Plants are practically nowhere to be seen - autumn will be dry.
  • If the plant blooms very late, the autumn will be warm and long.
  • If you cut down a tree, expect trouble in the form of your own death or the death of loved ones.
  • The tree withered on its own - expect trouble.

Interesting information

Since ancient times, this plant has been classified as magical. Both the ancient Slavs and the Celts used it for various rituals. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russian winemakers began to use the plant to prepare various tinctures. It is often used as a rootstock ( wild game to which the highest grade of fruit tree is grafted) for other genera of the rose family, namely pears and quinces. In 1964, they began to issue a postage stamp depicting this plant.

Meaning and Application

Quite often, rowan is bred as an ornamental tree. The fruits of the plant are widely used in cooking, but its wood is used for making carpentry. The plant also acts as a honey plant. The powder obtained from dried fruits is used as a filling for pies. IN folk medicine Special infusions and decoctions are prepared from this plant, which are used for treatment large quantities various diseases.

Collection and preparation

It is recommended to collect flowers while the plant is flowering. The fruits are harvested with the onset of the first frost. Whole inflorescences should be picked. You can separate the fruits from the stalks at home. Only those berries that have been collected together with the stalks and leaves can be preserved fresh. Place them in the attic in a layer of 10 - 75 cm and keep them at a temperature close to 0 degrees.

Useful chemical composition

The plant contains numerous beneficial components.
Their list includes:
  • sucrose;
  • fructose;
  • sorbose;
  • organic acids;
  • carotene;
  • vitamins B, C, PP, K, E;
  • glycosides;
  • proteins;
  • provitamin A;
  • dietary fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • phytoncides;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • tannins;
  • magnesium;
  • amygdalin.

As for provitamin A, there is more of it in the fruits of this plant than in carrots. In terms of vitamin C content, these fruits are superior even to lemon.

Therapeutic properties

Rowan has numerous healing properties, namely:
  • diuretic;
  • restorative;
  • hemostatic;
  • antisclerotic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • choleretic;
  • antiallergic;
  • radioprotective;
  • X-ray protective;
  • decongestant;
  • antispasmodic;
  • mild laxative;
  • strengthening.

Use in traditional medicine

IN official medicine This plant is popular only abroad. In some countries, it is used as a high-vitamin remedy, which also has a hemostatic and laxative effect. They also treat pathologies bladder, liver, and also kidneys.

In Bulgaria people turn to the plant for help with nephrolithiasis ( kidney stone disease) and rheumatism. In Norway they are used to treat dropsy, in Poland they treat diabetes mellitus, but in Austria and Norway they are used to fight dysentery.

Open wounds, fractures, hemorrhoids, scurvy - all these are also indications for the use of these fruits. Recent studies have proven that preparations, the main component of which is rowan, can have a positive effect on the body's fat metabolism. They significantly reduce both blood cholesterol levels and the amount of fat in the liver area. Based on the lipophilic complex of this plant, a completely new medicine was created called sorbilin , which has both wound-healing and gastroprotective, anti-inflammatory, as well as anti-burn effects.

By influencing the human body, the healing components of this plant help increase resistance to oxygen starvation, inhibit growth pathogenic microorganisms, suppress gas formation in the intestinal area, stimulate hematopoiesis, and also increase blood clotting.

Indications for use in folk medicine

Traditional healers use various parts of the plant to treat a range of pathological conditions, namely:
  • gastritis with low acidity;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • atherosclerosis ( a chronic disease accompanied by hardening and loss of elasticity of the walls of the arteries, as well as a narrowing of their lumen);
  • fungal pathologies;
  • Graves' disease ( diffuse toxic goiter);
  • kidney stone disease;
  • anemia;
  • dysentery;
  • glomerulonephritis ( kidney pathology, characterized by inflammation of the glomeruli);
  • dyspepsia ( various digestive disorders);
  • urinary tract diseases;
Indications for the use of this plant are also considered to be various pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system such as hypertension, heart pain, arrhythmia, heart failure and coronary circulatory disorders.


  • Increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • Increased blood clotting;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Tendency to diarrhea;
  • Individual intolerance components that make up the plant;
  • Age over 45 years;
  • Tendency to form blood clots.
In fact, there are many contraindications, which is why the use of rowan in mandatory should be discussed at a specialist consultation.

Rowan and magic

In most cases, magicians turn for help not to the fruits, but to the wood of this plant, since it is this that, in their opinion, is characterized by powerful magical power, which is in no way inferior to the power of such sacred trees as hazel, oak and ash. According to their beliefs, rowan wood is able to protect against the spell of others, as well as control a person’s feelings. She successfully resists diseases and witchcraft. In ancient times, church ministers made crosses from this plant and placed them in the church. An Icelandic magical treatise says that a rowan staff, on which a special magical sign is carved, helps to avoid the visit of a hostile guest. Ancient people often placed rowan logs in residential buildings in order to protect their homes from evil spirits. The Druids also used this plant in their magical arts. Rowan is also considered to be the tree of sexuality and female beauty. Communication with her allows you to reveal almost all female instincts. Such communication is especially useful for women aged 40 years, since it is to them that this plant gives all its strength.

Myths and legends

There are numerous myths and legends about this plant. An old English legend tells how a certain young man, who went on a long voyage, could not get into his native castle, captured by an evil witch. It was she who constantly caused storms on the ship’s route. The young hero managed to free his castle only when he replaced the ship’s oak keel with a rowan one. Rowan wood helped dispel evil witchcraft.
According to another legend, a woman turned into this tree, at whose feet her beloved husband died. He was killed by evil people who really wanted to separate the lovers. The wife kissed her husband and turned to the Lord to help her protect herself from the murderers. It was at that second that the woman turned into a tree with fruits as red as blood. And the blood was shed solely in the name of love.

Rowan in folk recipes

1. For cerebral vascular sclerosis: 200 gr. Brew rowan bark for 120 minutes in 500 ml of water. Strain the broth and take 1 tbsp orally. l. three times a day half an hour before meals.

2. For constipation: ripe berries pass through a meat grinder, mix in half with granulated sugar and take 1 - 2 tbsp orally. l. 3 times a day. Each time, wash down the resulting product with plenty of water.

3. For anemia and exhaustion: 2 tsp. Steam the fruits for 60 minutes in 2 glasses of boiled water. Strain the infusion, add a little sugar and drink it in 3-4 doses throughout the day.

4. For dysentery: We eat 100 grams three times a day. fruits of this plant. It is important to consume them a quarter of an hour before meals.

5. For loss of appetite and upset stomach: pour the fruits with a small amount of water and boil them well. Then rub through a sieve and mix with an equal amount of sugar, as well as a small portion of white wine. Boil the mixture until you get a mass similar to puree. This mass should be taken 1 tsp. 3 – 4 times a day.

6. For diarrhea: 1 tbsp. l. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the dried and crushed berries and let it brew for 8 – 10 minutes. The resulting infusion is recommended to be consumed 1 cup in the morning and evening.

7. For vitamin deficiencies: 1 tsp. steam the fruits in 250 ml of boiled water. Strain the infusion and take half a glass orally three times a day.

8. With increased blood pressure : 1 tbsp. l. Steam the fruits and leaves for 4 hours in 1 cup of boiling water. Strain the resulting infusion and take 0.5 cups 2 – 3 times a day.

9. For rheumatism: 20 gr. Pour 200 ml of vodka into the dried fruits and leave to infuse for 7 days. Then filter the tincture and take 1 tsp. three times a day.

10. For scurvy and general weakness: 15 gr. pour the raw material with 1 glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. The fire should be low. After this, leave the broth to infuse for another 120 minutes, filter it and take 2 tbsp. l. 2 – 3 times a day.

11. For cough and goiter: 10 gr. Brew raw materials for 10 minutes in 1 glass of boiled water. It is recommended to drink 50 grams of this decoction. twice - three times a day.

12. For bleeding: 20 gr. Pour 250 ml of boiling water over the dried fruits and leave to infuse for 4 hours. We take the strained infusion half a glass 2-3 times a day before meals.

13. For general weakness: mix 20 gr. dried fruits with 25 gr. rosehip. Pour the mixture with 500 ml of water and boil it for 10 minutes. Then leave the broth in a warm place for at least 12 hours, after which we filter it and take half a glass 2 - 3 times a day.

14. For gastric atony: We thoroughly rinse, sort and add rowan berries to the bottle. Then we cover them with sugar and leave them for a month. After this, we filter the syrup and add alcohol to it, taking into account the following proportions: for every half liter of syrup, 25 grams. 70% alcohol. Accept this remedy follows 2 - 3 tbsp. l. every morning on an empty stomach.

15. At heavy menstruation : 2 tbsp. l. dry or fresh berries, pour 500 ml of boiling water and wait until the infusion cools down. After this, we filter it and drink it throughout the day.

16. For gastritis with low acidity: 400 gr. fresh berries must be ground in a mortar and poured with 2 liters of boiling water. After 4 hours, shake the infusion thoroughly, strain it and sweeten it with honey. It should be taken half a glass 3-4 times a day.

17. To remove warts: fresh fruits knead, then apply the resulting pulp to problem areas and fix it with a bandage overnight. In the morning, wash off the mixture. We repeat the procedure 8 – 10 times.

Benefits for animals

Rowan has found its wide application in veterinary medicine. The plant is used as a diuretic, tonic, and anti-inflammatory agent. With its help, it is possible to improve the digestion process. Veterinarians especially often prepare special water infusion, intended for the treatment of large animals and calves. The recipe for its preparation is as follows: steam 1 part of the fruit in 10 parts of boiling water. It is recommended to give this product to large animals 100–200 ml, but to small animals 10–30 ml per dose.

Application in cosmetology

Today, rowan can be found in quite a large amount cosmetics. These are masks, creams, balms, shampoos, scrubs, etc. Moreover, in many products it is the main component, which is not surprising, since even in ancient times people knew its powerful disinfecting property. Under the influence of such cosmetics skin becomes smooth, tender and healthy.
The hair, in turn, becomes shiny and silky, but the nails stop peeling and breaking. Masks made from the fruits of this plant perfectly cleanse and nourish. They also smooth out wrinkles, preventing premature aging of the skin.

Recipes for beautiful skin, hair and nails

1. Decoction for strengthening hair: 150 gr. Mix the fruits with a small amount of birch leaves and boil for 5 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and rub it into the hair roots.

2. Mask for normal skin: mix the pulp obtained from rowan berries with a mixture consisting of raw yolk, 1 tsp. butter and the same amount of honey. Apply the mixture to your face for a quarter of an hour, then wash it off warm water. It is recommended to apply this mask immediately after preparing it. Otherwise, all its healing properties will be lost.

3. Anti-wrinkle mask: Mix the crushed fruits with carrots, after grating them. Apply the resulting mixture onto your face and leave it on for 15 minutes.

4. Mask for all skin types: 4 tbsp. l. mixed chopped fruits with 1 tbsp. l. fresh bee honey and apply a thick layer to the skin of the face. Place gauze on top and then a terry towel. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. The skin after this procedure will become fresh and smooth. The course of therapy is 10 - 12 masks.

5. Mask for rosacea: 1 tsp. mix rowan juice with 1 egg white. Apply the mixture for 15 - 20 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. The course of therapy consists of 15 masks, which must be applied no more than 2 times a week.

6. Whitening mask: 2 tbsp. l. mix kefir with 1 tbsp. l. mashed berries and the same amount of parsley or lemon juice. Apply the mask for 15 – 20 minutes, and then wash it off with water at room temperature.

7. Mask for oily skin : mix rowan juice with 1 tbsp. l. kefir and apply the resulting mass to the face and neck. After a quarter of an hour, wash it off with boiled warm water.

8. Mask for skin with enlarged pores: We take a gauze napkin, thoroughly moisten it in rowan juice and apply it to the face for 15 - 20 minutes. During this time, experts recommend changing the mask 3–4 times. The procedure should be carried out twice a week. The course of therapy is 15 masks.

9. Nail strengthening mixture: We pass half a glass of fruit through a meat grinder, after which we mix the resulting pulp with sour cream. Dip your nails into the mixture and keep them in it for 5 minutes. This procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a week.

Therapeutic effect of rowan juice

Since rowan juice contains huge amount useful substances, it is also used to treat a number of pathological conditions. Rowan juice is considered to be effective means treatment of both gastritis with low acidity and dysentery, hemorrhoids, hypertension, atherosclerosis, toxicosis, inflammation of the gallbladder, kidney stones, as well as cholecystitis. With its help, you can get rid of insomnia, lower blood pressure to normal, and forget about headaches. Since the juice contains sorbic acid, which has a powerful bactericidal effect, it is also used for preserving both vegetables and juices. Uterine bleeding during menopause, digestive disorders, phenomena of senile atony ( relaxation) large and small intestines, various disorders of bile secretion - all these are also indications for the use of this juice.

How to make juice at home?

We thoroughly wash and sort the fresh berries, then lower them into boiling, lightly salted water for 3 to 5 minutes ( add 30 grams per 1 liter of water. salt). This procedure will remove the bitterness. After this, we wash the fruits in cold water, remove excess moisture and pass them through a meat grinder. Filter the resulting juice through gauze, folding it in 2 - 3 layers. Pour the pressed pulp with warm water in a 1:1 ratio and mix everything thoroughly. After 30 - 40 minutes we put it under the press again. Mix the first and second pressing juices and heat them to 85 - 90 degrees. Pour the juice into jars and pasteurize them at a temperature of 85 degrees. Jars per liter should be pasteurized for about 20 minutes, for half a liter - 15 minutes.

In cooking

The fruits of the plant are widely used in both confectionery and alcoholic beverage production. Various preparations for the winter are prepared from the berries. They are also pickled. Rowan syrup, enriched with numerous vitamins and microelements, is added to fruit drinks, teas and other drinks. Marmalade, jam, kvass, syrup, jelly, and also jelly are prepared from the fruits. They are also included in coffee and tea substitutes. In the distillery industry, rowan is used to prepare tinctures, liqueurs and liqueurs.

Cooking recipes

1. Rowan wine: You will need 5 kg of berries, half a liter of wine starter, 1 kg of sugar, and 1 liter of water. We thoroughly wash the fresh berries and chop them in a food processor. Fill the resulting mass with water and add wine yeast and sugar. Let the mixture ferment for 10 days. For fermentation you will need a breathable plug and room temperature. After 10 days, install a water seal and keep the wine until the end of fermentation. Remove from the sediment, keep for another 3 days in a cool place and remove from the sediment again. Pour into bottles and seal carefully.

2. Rowan jam: We take 1 kg of washed berries that were picked after the first frost and put them in hot water for 2 minutes. Then cut 1 kg of peeled apples into slices, Antonovka is best. It is also recommended to blanch apples. Thoroughly mix the apples and rowan berries and pour the mixture with hot syrup. Preparing the syrup is very simple: for 1 kg of sugar, take 2 glasses of water. We leave everything for 3 - 4 hours, after which we cook in 3 - 4 doses at intervals of 6 hours. This is how any jam is made. If the apples are not sour, add a small amount to the mixture citric acid. Place the resulting jam into jars and seal carefully.

3. Rowan with garlic: You will need 5 cups of fruit, 2 heads of garlic, as well as salt and sugar to taste. We sort the berries, wash them and pass them through a meat grinder. We pass the garlic and garlic through a meat grinder, after which both ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Add salt and sugar to the resulting mass and use it as a sauce for meat or fish.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Red rowan is a small tree that is resistant to frost and sudden changes in weather conditions. Today you can find rowan almost everywhere; there is no point in cultivating it in your garden. Due to its wide distribution, housewives prepare the fruits for the winter and delight their relatives with fresh berries. Hence, the question becomes relevant: what benefits do the fruits contain? Are there any harms and contraindications to their use? Let's deal with everything in order.

Composition of red rowan

It is most logical to consider the benefits of a product based on its chemical composition. Rowan includes quite a lot of substances that must be supplied to the body without fail.

Thus, berries accumulate vitamin PP, tocopherol, vitamin K, and ascorbic acid in large volumes. Interestingly, there is more vitamin C in rowan than in the notorious red currant.

In addition, the fruits are rich in vitamin P, pyridoxine, folic acid, pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, retinol and other equally valuable enzymes.

The accumulation of carotene in rowan exceeds the level of this substance in carrots. Therefore, rowan juice and fresh fruits are prescribed for people who have visual impairment.

The berries are not deprived of phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, potassium, calcium, sodium, manganese, iron, copper and zinc. All these mineral compounds are required internal organs and systems for full functioning.

Organic acids such as ursulic, citric, malic and tartaric accumulate in red fruits. And for bitter taste Rowan owes sorbic acid, which has the most powerful antioxidant effect.

However, everything is not limited to pronounced bitterness. Sorbose, sucrose, glucose, and fructose accumulate in fruits. All of the listed compounds are natural saccharides.

The berries boast pectin compounds, dietary fiber(including particulars vegetable fiber), starch, ash, tannin binders, flavonoids.

Not only the fruits, but also the foliage and bark are beneficial. These parts of the tree contain many glycosides and essential oils. Despite such an abundance of essential elements, the calorie content of rowan does not exceed 51 Kcal.

The benefits of red rowan

  1. Vitamin P supports the psycho-emotional environment of a person. Rowan and decoctions from it should be used for depressive disorders, nervousness, sleep problems, general lethargy and apathy.
  2. Vitamin A is responsible for vision, so rowan is prescribed for people with eye diseases. Berries prevent cataracts, strengthen muscles and produce natural tears. Thanks to this, dry eyes disappear when permanent job using a PC and driving a car.
  3. A lot of ascorbic acid accumulates in rowan. The fruits should be eaten when the seasonal flu epidemic and vitamin deficiency begin. You can easily keep your immune system in good shape.
  4. The juice stimulates the production of new blood cells, cleanses blood vessels from bad cholesterol and opens the walls of the blood channels. Against this background, all metabolic processes in the body improve.
  5. Tocopherol is one of the natural antioxidants. Together with dietary fiber, this compound preserves youth, removes stagnation, toxins, and radioactive substances. The body rejuvenates at all levels.
  6. If there is a disorder in the digestive system, it is useful to consume fresh berries or juice based on them. This will stimulate digestion and prevent food from fermenting in the intestines.
  7. Red berries are good for people with high blood pressure. Rowan has urinary properties and also eliminates bile, facilitating the functioning of the liver. This property is useful for men who abuse alcohol.
  8. Due to its laxative effect, rowan is prescribed for constipation, including chronic constipation. Berries quickly remove stagnation and obstruction in the intestines, and also improve the microflora of the internal organ.
  9. The fruit contains iodine, which is necessary for the prevention and treatment of diseases. thyroid gland. And potassium and magnesium control heart function, reducing the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks in older people.
  10. The benefits of rowan leaves in the fight against dermatological problems. For fungus, it is necessary to make compresses and lotions from fresh raw materials. The leaves relieve itching from insect and animal bites.
  11. If you are switching to proper nutrition and want to improve your body’s health, pay attention to the properties of the red berry. So, it contains a lot of mineral compounds and vitamins, but little protein. This quality is valued by people with kidney and liver problems.
  12. In addition, it is observed positive influence berries on the body of people with diabetes. Rowan will lower blood glucose levels and relieve strong dependence on insulin.
  13. The benefits of mountain ash are manifested in the treatment of various skin diseases. Berries effectively fight warts. It is enough to cut the fruit into pieces and apply one of them to the growth. Secure the product with adhesive tape.
  14. Berries have unique properties, they will help the fair sex cope with problems during menopause. Rowan also perfectly cleanses the body of bad cholesterol. This way the liver is unloaded.
  15. The fruits have an interesting quality that allows them to bind carbohydrates together. As a result, it is easier for the body to cope with extra pounds. Most often used in dietetics natural juice or powder.

  1. For treatment men's health In folk medicine, fresh rowan pulp is often used to treat hemorrhoids and burns. The product will be of particular benefit to older and middle-aged people.
  2. Regular intake of berries allows you to tidy up cardiovascular system and avoid the occurrence of pathologies. Similar diseases develop with age and are also caused by bad habits.
  3. To avoid the development of prostatitis, it is recommended to regularly drink rowanberry decoction. The drink has a mild diuretic effect and medicinal properties.

The benefits of rowan for children

  1. Unfortunately, children do not like the taste of bitter rowan. If you look from the other side, such a product is simply necessary for a growing body. Berries can be included in a baby’s diet from the age of 1 year.
  2. Thanks to this, rowan will significantly increase the body's protective functions. Berries completely compensate for the lack of any vitamins and substances. The product is considered an excellent preventive and remedy for seasonal diseases.
  3. Regular eating of rowan leads to proper development muscle fibers. The product stabilizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract in a short time. The juice of the fruit can quickly heal skin lesions.
  4. If a child refuses to consume fresh berries, you can make jam, compote and preserves. Children love these treats. It is worth remembering that a fresh product will bring the greatest benefit.

Harm of rowan

  1. Despite all the benefits, like any gifts of nature, rowan can be harmful to the body. In this case, the main rule remains that the fruits should not be abused. Rowan contains dangerous parasobic acid.
  2. Fresh fruits act as an antibiotic, so the consequences will not be long in coming. Rowan can also cause harm due to high content it contains pectin. The enzyme causes diarrhea and stomach upset.
  3. Harm can occur if there is ischemia, hypertension, or another cardiac problem. Experts say that open wounds It is prohibited to process fresh product. Do not rinse your mouth with rowan solution for stomatitis and gingivitis.

Rowan is one of the most healthy berries. Before using the product for medicinal purposes, you should make sure there are no contraindications. It is advisable to visit a doctor and undergo examinations. Rowan often causes an allergic reaction. Therefore, when introducing the product into a child’s diet, you need to be extremely careful. Collect fruits after the first frost, they are most useful.

Video: red rowan - vitamins for eyes and skin

WITH Latin language The word "rowan" is translated as "attracting birds." Indeed, the bright fruits of the tree attract many birds. Previously, the berries were used as bait to catch birds. The beneficial properties of rowan were known back in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. First of all, its disinfecting properties were valued. IN ancient times put a rowan branch in the water so that it for a long time was drinkable. There are many legends, rituals associated with this plant, folk signs and believe. In Rus', it was considered a tree of family happiness and prosperity, so newlyweds planted it in front of the windows of their new house. Previously, the infirm were treated with the “rowan spirit”. For this purpose, a sick person was placed under a tree so that it would “draw out” the disease.

Features of mountain ash

IN traditional medicine rowan fruits are prescribed as tonic with vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis. In pharmacology, it also refers to drugs that affect digestive system and metabolism. What are the benefits of rowan berries? What is its healing power?


The rowan tree is found in the temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere. It can be seen throughout Russia, not counting the Far North. It also grows in the mountains, where it becomes a subspecies of shrub. It takes root well in the Urals and the North Caucasus, but more often it can be found in the forest, forest-steppe zone. Rowan is a solitary tree. Rarely forms continuous thickets. It can be found in the undergrowth of deciduous, coniferous, mixed forests, between bushes, as well as on the edges and clearings, clearings, on the banks of streams, where there is a lot of light. Although the tree tolerates shade well, it can withstand severe frosts. In city gardens, alleys and parks, rowan is a real decoration. It pleases the eye with beautiful fruits not only in autumn, but also in winter.

Botanical description

The mountain ash is well known even to small children. It is easily recognized by its bright red or bright orange fruits.

Among ornamental trees, rowan is considered a long-liver. Some species can live up to 200 years. The tree begins to bear fruit after the seventh year of life. A good harvest can be harvested every three years.

Other types

There are about 100 species of rowan. Many varieties are bred as ornamental and fruit plants. The bitter taste of the berries “forced” breeders to grow new varieties with fruits that were more tender and palatable. There are two large variety groups - Moravian and Nezhin rowan. Large-fruited varieties were bred in Germany and the Czech Republic. The famous Russian biologist and breeder I.V. Michurin played a major role in growing new tree varieties. The scientist crossed the mountain ash with other varieties of this tree, as well as with apple, hawthorn, medlar, pear and other plants. As a result of breeding work, new food, melliferous, ornamental, and phytomeliorative tree species have appeared. The two most common ones are used as medicinal raw materials. known species- rowan and chokeberry. About the medicinal properties of chokeberry.

Procurement of raw materials

You can collect fruits from wild and ornamental varieties. Trees should grow in an ecologically clean area, away from roads and industrial zones. The beneficial properties of red rowan accumulate maximum only in ripe fruits. A sign of ripeness is the juicy pulp and bright orange color of the berries.

  • Collection. Wild varieties have bitter fruits, so they are recommended to be picked after the first frost. Then the taste of the berries will be more tender and softer. When harvesting, whole clusters of rowan berries are cut off and then the fruits are separated.
  • Blank. If possible, the berries are dried for several days in a ventilated area. Spread out in a thin layer. Then dry in an oven or dryer at a temperature of 50°C. After drying, the fruits become wrinkled, but do not lose their bright color. Blackened berries are removed. The berries should not stick together; this indicates moisture remaining in the fruit.
  • Storage . Dry raw materials are stored in linen or paper bags for 2 years, protected from dampness. The berries can also be frozen whole, packed in bags. Or you can puree it and freeze it that way.

Chemical composition and healing effect

The main healing property of rowan is a multivitamin. This is a unique plant in its chemical composition, which is useful in the complex treatment of various diseases.

Rowan improves metabolic processes in the body, normalizes metabolism. It is also used externally for skin lesions - in the form of lotions, baths, compresses.


Rowan is primarily prescribed for vitamin deficiency and hypovitaminosis, as well as for their prevention, especially in the spring. What diseases and symptoms are indications for the use of this medicinal plant?

  • Hypertension.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Rheumatism.
  • Gout.
  • Reduced acidity of gastric juice.
  • Salt metabolism disorders.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • High blood cholesterol.
  • Obesity.
  • Atony of the large intestine.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Spasms of cerebral vessels.
  • Asthenia and anemia.
  • Dysmenorrhea (painful periods).
  • Bronchitis (for better discharge sputum).

In some sources you can find information that rowan is used in complex therapy oncological diseases, to support immunity and restore the body after exhausting procedures.


What are the contraindications of rowan?

  • Individual intolerance and allergic reaction.
  • Gastritis with high acidity.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Coronary heart disease.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Hypotension.
  • Children under 3 years old.

Preparations based on rowan only in in rare cases may cause harm to the body. But if you have any chronic diseases, you need to consult a specialist before taking this medicinal plant. Is it possible to drink rowan during pregnancy? Information on this topic is contradictory. A woman should ask her gynecologist this question.

Red rowan is not a toxic plant. However, you should not abuse it, especially fresh berries and juice. Sorbic acid may cause mild poisoning in case of overdose, since it is a natural antibiotic. But poisoning is extremely rare, because the bitter fruits of rowan prevent this. It is known that when heat treatment sorbic acid is destroyed and does not pose any danger.

The use of rowan in folk medicine

In folk medicine, rowan is used in different forms - tinctures, infusions, teas, fortified drinks, decoctions, juice, jam. Most often, fruits are used, less often - flowers, and even less often - rowan bark and leaves. Although the latter contain no less useful substances than fruits.


The infusion is drunk for hypovitaminosis, general exhaustion of the body and anemia. It can be cooked in different ways, but it is important not to boil the fruits so that their valuable properties are not lost.


  1. Put 1 tbsp. spoon of fruit into an enamel pan.
  2. Pour in 2 cups of cold water and close with a lid.
  3. Keep in a boiling water bath for 10–15 minutes.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.

Before taking, the infusion must be strained. It can be diluted boiled water. Take ½ glass 4 times a day. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

Alcohol tincture

It can be used as a medicinal and prophylactic.


  1. Take 200 g of rowan fruits.
  2. Pour in a liter of vodka.
  3. Leave for 2 weeks.
  4. Strain.

Take the tincture in small doses - a teaspoon 3 times a day. Store in a dark and cool place. It can be prepared from fresh and dried rowan. Dried fruits help well with diarrhea; they are even recommended to be chewed without cooking.

Rowan flower decoction

Rowan flowers, which are collected in May-June, have medicinal properties. Decoctions are prepared from the inflorescences for disorders of the liver and endocrine system, hemorrhoids, cough, and gynecological diseases.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of rowan flowers.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Leave for 15–20 minutes.
  4. Strain.

Take a decoction of ½ cup 3 times a day. You can also infuse the decoction in a thermos for 3-4 hours and drink ¼ cup 3 times a day. In addition, decoctions of rowan flowers and leaves can be added to medicinal baths for joint pain. Decoctions are used to gargle for pharyngitis and laryngitis.

Vitamin tea

This is a good preventive measure during influenza and ARVI epidemics. It is also useful to drink in the spring, when the body experiences acute shortage vitamins and microelements.


  1. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of rowan and rosehip berries.
  2. Pour 2 cups boiling water.
  3. Leave in a thermos for 6–8 hours.

Take ½ cup of warm tea several times a day. You can add honey and ginger to this drink to enhance its tonic properties.


It is recommended to drink juice for gastritis with low acidity, cholecystitis, and vitamin deficiency. You can squeeze out small portions of juice using a juicer. It’s good if the juice retains the pulp, then it contains a lot of carotene. You can prepare the juice for long-term storage.


  1. Prepared 1 kg of berries are immersed in salted boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Rinse the berries with cold water.
  3. Rub through a sieve.
  4. The finished puree is poured with hot syrup (200 g of sugar per 2 glasses of water).
  5. Pour into liter jars, sterilize for 15 minutes and seal.

Freshly squeezed juice is taken in a strict dosage - 1 teaspoon 4 times a day, preferably drunk half an hour before meals. Fresh juice It is also used externally to treat papillomas and warts.


Rowan berries make a delicious delicacy. It is used to make jam, compote, jelly, syrup, pastille, marmalade, liqueurs and liqueur. There are many recipes for cooking
rowan berry jam. Here's one of them.


  1. Prepare 1 kg of fresh fruit.
  2. Make syrup from 1.3 kg of sugar and 2 glasses of water.
  3. Pour the hot syrup over the berries and leave for 2-3 hours.
  4. Cook over low heat, stirring until thickened.
  5. Remove from heat and leave the jam for another 5 hours.
  6. Place in dry, sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Instead of sugar, you can use fructose. You can also add some apples, which will give the jam a pleasant aroma and sourness. Rowan makes good jams and jellies because it contains a natural thickener - pectin.


You can prepare fortified drinks from the puree by diluting them with boiled water. You can also eat puree with water or tea.


  1. Pass 1 kg of berries through a meat grinder.
  2. Add 1 kg of sugar and mix thoroughly.
  3. Place in dry, sterilized jars.
  4. Store the puree in the refrigerator.

Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 2-4 times a day.

Some application features

In pharmacology, rowan is produced in two dosage forms- in the form of dried fruits and multivitamin syrup. But the fruits are also widely used in the confectionery and alcoholic beverage industries, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, and crop production.

Rowan is of great benefit in landscaping urban areas. In forest reclamation, the tree is used as a snow-protective and wind-resistant planting. The wood is used in turning and carpentry, and musical instruments are made from it.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of rowan are described in detail in folk medicine. It is used to treat the digestive system, vitamin deficiency, rheumatism, hypertension, anemia, it relieves skin inflammation, joint pain, and strengthens the immune system. In industrial pharmacology, rowan is used less frequently, although it is valued for its general strengthening and multivitamin properties.



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