Acid reflux. Unexpected Acid Reflux Symptoms

In common parlance, gastroesophageal reflux disease is called “heartburn.” Its reason is the return “trip” stomach acid in the throat. It is usually seen in adults, but children can also suffer from it due to lack of proper diet. Most of all, heartburn attacks people who overeat and are addicted to smoking. But pregnant women suffer the most from this disease due to displacement of internal organs due to an increase in the size of the fetus, as well as disrupted hormonal levels.

Acid reflux is caused by malfunction lower esophageal sphincter. The function of this area of ​​the body should open up for a few seconds while swallowing food. However, when it is not working properly, it tends to remain open for longer periods of time, leading to this condition.

Malfunction of the antireflux barrier and gastroesophageal valve can also cause acid reflux.

In the case of children and infants this leads to malfunctions digestive system.

The second main reason that causes acid reflux is certain food products, which are used in large quantities and increase stomach acid levels. These include:

  • Citrus;
  • spicy foods;
  • alcohol;
  • caffeine;
  • dark chocolate;
  • mint;
  • carbonated drinks;

As stated above, tobacco can also cause heartburn. Especially in the morning, when they smoke a cigarette on an empty stomach and wash it down with strong black coffee. Therefore, if you are unable to give up this habit, then you should accustom yourself to a light breakfast (for example: oatmeal or any other kind of porridge), and only then take up a cigarette.

In addition, after eating, especially consuming foods with high content fat, don't go to bed. This can also be one of the main causes of acid reflux.

Here are some more gastroesophageal reflux diseases:

  • Overweight;
  • medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen and other blood thinning pills;
  • foods high in salt;
  • diets with low content dietary fiber;
  • sedentary lifestyle;

Symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease

Symptoms of acid reflux include difficulty eating. The person may feel that it is difficult for them to swallow and digest food. In children, it is often accompanied by ear infections, weight gain, and persistent sinus infections. The most important symptom of acid reflux is heartburn, which is a burning sensation in the stomach. Abdominal pain and nausea are other common symptoms. A burning and sore throat, along with belching and hiccups, are other important signs problems.

Acid reflux has many unpleasant effects on various parts of the body. First of all, it can lead to sleep disorders and snoring. In addition, it can lead to asthma.

Dyspepsia, a swallowing disorder, is also one of the most severe consequences acid reflux. Another result of this problem is bad breath. You may also experience inflammation in your esophagus, accompanied by the formation of ulcers. In severe cases, it can lead to Barrett's esophagus and even esophageal cancer.

Effective Home Remedies for Heartburn

Treating acid reflux is possible with various home remedies, which are explained in more detail below:

MeansHow does it help?

One teaspoon of apple cider vinegar should be consumed with half a glass of water. This is the most effective home remedy for the treatment of acid reflux disorder.

A mixture of anise and lavender should be consumed with distilled water to treat acid reflux. It is recommended to use only half a teaspoon of the mixture as it is very effective.

Other herbs.
Herbal remedies such as slippery elm, crayfish, meadowsweet, catnip, angelica root, ghent root and others are also suitable home remedies for treating acid reflux. Some of these herbs are banned/restricted in countries such as the UK so consult your local health professional before use.

Yogurt is also useful for treating acid flow.
Ginger root is available in the form of herbal capsules, which should be consumed regularly to reduce the effects of acid reflux. It is also very good to drink tea with the addition of ginger.
Consumption baking soda also useful as home remedy, as it helps raise pH levels and reduce acid reflux.

Proper nutrition.
A healthy diet containing fruits such as apples, bananas, pineapple and papaya and vegetables such as carrots, cabbage and others are also beneficial in treating acid reflux.

Chamomile tea.
Chamomile is one of the best herbs for the treatment of digestive disorders and acid reflux. Taking chamomile tea 3-4 times a day between meals will help reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of the digestive tract. This contributes normal digestion and reducing acid reflux disorder.

Fennel seeds.
You can chew half a teaspoon of dill seeds after meals to get relief from acid reflux disorder.

You can also rely on spices like cinnamon, mace and cardamom as good home remedies to treat acid reflux.

Extract orange peel.
Orange peel extracts are scientifically proven treatments for acid reflux and are easily available for use at home.

Acid reflux is caused by digestive juices rising from the stomach up the esophagus (their movement is accompanied by a burning sensation). Most people believe that the cause of discomfort is the consumption of products with a large number acids. In fact, it's the other way around: it's my fault low acidity and poor digestion.

Symptoms and causes of acid reflux

Esophageal sphincter with normal operation prevents acid from returning to the esophagus. When dysfunction occurs, the valve opens and acid escapes, causing not only discomfort, but also destroying the mucous membrane, which can lead to tissue scarring and, in severe cases, esophageal cancer.

Reflux is characterized by following symptoms:

- burning and pain in the chest;

- bitter taste in the mouth;

— sleep disorders;

- bloating;

- nausea, loss of appetite;

- dry mouth.

The following can cause disruption of the esophageal sphincter:

- overeating;

- Not correct mode nutrition - consumption of large portions at 1-2 times, instead of 5-6 meals;


- hiatal hernia;

- pregnancy;

- some foods (processed, refined, fried, sweet);

- taking antibiotics, drugs for the treatment of hypertension, asthma, arthritis, osteoporosis, heart disease;

chronic stress;

- deficit nutrients;

- smoking, alcohol and caffeine abuse.

Traditional Treatments for Reflux

Heartburn and reflux are treated with painkillers, inhibitors, antacids, blockers histamine receptors(cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine).

Among side effects: indigestion, anemia, increased fatigue, depression.

At long-term use inhibitors increases the risk of infection with clostridia and the development of pseudomembranous colitis (the intestines become inflamed, bleeding ulcers appear, and diarrhea does not stop). The risk of side effects is higher in older people and those with chronic diseases requiring long-term use of antibiotics.

Diet for acid reflux

Foods that help fight heartburn and improve acid reflux:

kefir and yogurt– maintain balance beneficial bacteria, improve digestion, calm digestive tract. It is important that fermented milk products contain live active cultures (the fermentation process should last about 24 hours);

beef bone broth– contains collagen (healing mucous membranes), glycine (providing sedative effect), proline (participating in collagen synthesis), glutamine (strengthens the immune system);

fermented vegetables(kimchi, pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage);

kombucha– source of probiotics;

apple cider vinegar– normalizes acidity;

coconut water – it contains potassium and electrolytes that help maintain an optimal level of hydration (you can make kefir based on this product);

coconut oil – a source of healthy fats. Contains lauric acid, which eliminates inflammation, improves immunity, and destroys pathogenic bacteria;

leafy vegetables, artichokes, asparagus, cucumbers, pumpkin;

hard cheese;

- tuna, herring, salmon, cod;

- almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds;

- honey;

- fennel, ginger;

- aloe juice.

A diet built using these ingredients is also indicated for leaky gut syndrome, ischemia, hyperactivity, and attention deficit.

Foods to avoid:

- alcohol - it is especially dangerous to abuse such drinks before bedtime;

- caffeine (found not only in coffee, energy drinks, but also in black tea) - irritates the esophagus, disrupts the functioning of the sphincter;

— carbonated drinks (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic);

- sugar, artificial sweeteners - fuel inflammation;

- fried foods - fatty and fried foods take longer to digest, causing excess production acids;

- processed foods that contain white flour, salt, corn starch, molasses (chips, crackers, cookies);

- chocolate - fats, caffeine and sugar in its composition aggravate the condition of reflux;

- dairy products (pasteurized, high fat, containing sugar) provoke the release of acid;

- refined vegetable oils;

- spices - cinnamon, cayenne pepper and other spices for healthy person useful, but with reflux they increase the burning sensation;

- tomatoes and dishes made from them - in general this healthy food, but consuming ketchup (even natural) and sauces containing tomatoes can worsen heartburn;

- citrus fruits;

- creamy and oily salad dressings;

- mint - reduces pressure in the sphincter, allowing acid to pass into the esophagus.

Additional funds fight reflux

1) Digestive enzymes - help break down food and absorb nutrients.

2) Probiotics – support healthy bacteria intestinal microflora, are crowding out pathogenic microorganisms.

3) Betaine and pepsin (taken before meals) - eliminate discomfort and improve digestion.

4) Ginger and chamomile tea (can be sweetened with honey) - reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

5) Magnesium – effective against heartburn.

6) L-glutamine – heals leaky gut, effective for colitis.

7) Melatonin – in people with acid reflux, the concentration of this hormone is significantly reduced.

8) Lemon juice – helps relieve symptoms of reflux, but is not suitable for everyone. Combine lemon juice You can add ginger to tea or water.

Conscious eating

With reflux, it is important to stop eating “on the run”, swallowing huge pieces. The better the processing food will pass in the oral cavity, the easier it will be for the stomach to cope with it. It is important not to overeat, eat small meals so that the pressure on the sphincter is minimal (otherwise, regurgitation of acid and undigested food is possible). Dinner should be planned 3 hours before bedtime or earlier. If you feel hungry, drink herbal tea with whole grain bread croutons.

It is necessary to wear loose clothing, avoiding pressure on the area of ​​the stomach and esophagus (do not get carried away with corsets and tight belts).

Lifestyle changes

In addition to following a diet and taking special supplements, the following will help prevent heartburn:

ability to cope with stress– it is important to learn to relax (using meditation, art therapy, yoga). Some reflex points in the area chest associated with digestion, influencing them (through massage, acupressure, acupuncture) can bring relief;

sleeping on your side(the head should be elevated). Raise the pillow, adjust the headboard, place a small cushion under the mattress - these actions will help prevent acid from returning to the esophagus;

sports in the morning, moderate loads. A categorical “no” to crunches - during this exercise the stomach is pinched, which increases painful sensations;

quitting smoking.

When treating reflux, you should not rely on medications; they only provide temporary relief from symptoms. To get positive result in the long term, you will have to follow a diet and adhere to the rules described above. If the symptoms are accompanied by hoarseness, shortness of breath, stomach pain after eating, diarrhea, problems with swallowing food, you should visit a gastroenterologist immediately.

More than a third of the inhabitants of our planet suffer from various diseases which are caused by digestive problems. One of the common causes of disease is acid reflux ().

Acid reflux refers to a condition in which acid from the stomach travels up the throat. This leads to damage to the throat, tongue, causes regular runny nose, bad breath, worsens the condition of the mucous membrane.

  • burning in the chest and throat
  • the appearance of ulcers on the tongue
  • bad breath
  • poor sleep with regular awakenings
  • dry mouth
  • bleeding gums
  • loss of appetite
  • feeling of acid in the mouth

People suffering from acid reflux often describe the condition as a painful burning sensation in the throat after eating. Most often, this condition is described with the phrase “increased stomach acidity,” although in fact this is not the case at all. Acid reflux can be caused by poor diet, dysbiosis or anatomical defects. The acidity is normal, but the gases formed in the stomach push gastric juice into the throat.

Residents Western countries suffer from acid reflux daily (up to 10% of people) as well as weekly (up to 30% of people) depending on their diet and lifestyle ().
In response to the diversity of causes of disease, various cultures have come up with many original ways to fight him. So among the ways to solve the problem they mention yoga, acupuncture and special diets. We're talking about alternative ways solutions to the problem, although it is worth starting treatment with a visit to a gastroenterologist.

Causes of acid reflux

  1. You eat too quickly, without having time to chew your food thoroughly - this is one of the most common causes of the disease.
  2. You overeat or put pressure on your stomach, preventing you from digesting food.
  3. You eat 1-2 times a day, but in large portions.
  4. You are overweight.
  5. With age, the acidity of the stomach has changed.
  6. Pregnancy can also be a reason.
  7. You eat food that is harmful to your stomach.
  8. You are taking medications that are harmful to the stomach (antibiotics, medications for asthma, arthritis, osteoporosis).
  9. You are regularly exposed to stress.
  10. You are deficient in essential substances for health.
  11. You have bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol, a lot of caffeine.

These reasons have been confirmed by many studies (,).

How to get rid of acid reflux?

Since the problem is related to digestion, it is logical to start solving it with food. First, you should decide on your diet. Food causing gas formation and acidic foods can harm you. Secondly, individual species foods can protect your throat from acid and improve digestion.

Literally every study of acid reflux confirms that the cause is poor nutrition. We eat too much pre-prepared food and do it quickly, without paying the necessary attention to chewing. Since each person's digestive system reacts differently to the same food, it is impossible to say specifically what is causing the problems for individual person without proper research. However, there is a whole class of foods that are harmful to everyone.

Try to use more products containing fiber, support intestinal microflora, take high quality. All this should reduce the pain that acid reflux causes.

Foods to help with acid reflux

Dairy products, kefir and yogurt help intestinal microflora, improve digestion and protect the digestive tract from acid. Choose products with live bacteria and minimum period storage

Supplements to help with digestion:

  • L-glutamine ()
  • Chamomile tea
  • Ginger tea
  • Magnesium complex ()
  • Probiotics

Try to sleep on a high pillow (), bend over less often after eating, play sports (but not after eating!), and stop smoking. Remember, medications are not enough. You must take care of your health and nutrition.

How to choose a pillow for acid reflux? Try to raise your head 10-15 cm from the plane of the bed. You can use a soft block or extra pillow if needed. Studies have shown that raising the head slightly reduces symptoms and improves throat health.

Avoid eating 3 hours before bedtime. Your stomach needs to digest food before you fall asleep.

Chew your food thoroughly, otherwise your stomach will have difficulty digesting it. This is very important.

Wear comfortable clothes after eating. Tight clothing can be harmful to digestion.

Refrain from physical activity and especially bending over after eating.

Foods to avoid

As you already read above, there is an entire category of foods that people prone to acid reflux need to avoid. Such food acts as a “fan for the flame”, intensifying unpleasant consequences from the acid that gets into the throat. This category includes meat, fast food, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine and some types of cheese ().

Alcohol. There is nothing wrong with drinking minimal amounts of alcohol. Most likely, you will not notice any difference in relation to the stomach and throat. However, avoid hard liquor and beer. It is worth abstaining from any alcohol before bed, and also limiting alcohol when eating food, as it can increase negative effect acid reflux.

Caffeine. Drinking coffee, some types of tea and energy drinks can impair the function of the sphincter that closes the stomach from the throat.

Carbonated drinks, including alcoholic, energy and mineral water. They affect gas formation and contribute to the entry of acid into the throat.

Sugar and artificial sweeteners. They can cause overeating and excess weight. With dysbiosis, sugar can become the main cause of acid reflux.

Fried food is greasy and harmful to your digestive system. It may cause the development harmful bacteria in the body.

Processed food (and what you buy in the deli or special section of the supermarket) contains a lot of salt and sugar. Avoid products with corn and potatoes. Avoid chips, crackers, and cereals. Majority similar products contain corn or corn syrup, which may cause acid reflux. Excess salt is another big problem for packaged products. One Swedish study of 1,000 people found that eating a diet high in salt contributed to acid reflux ().

Chocolate. Many people note that giving up cocoa and chocolate reduces heartburn. Many chocolate products contain trans fats, caffeine and sugar - worst enemies digestion.

Dairy products. Not all dairy products are created equal. Full fat milk may cause the production gastric juice and getting it in the throat. The same problem applies to cheeses. The stomach requires more juice to digest hard cheeses, so cheese can cause heartburn.

Spicy food may be beneficial for health (cayenne pepper, chili, cinnamon), but may worsen acid reflux unpleasant effect. You should test the effects of spicy food on yourself, as the body's reaction is individual for everyone.

Tomatoes and tomato products with onions. They are generally healthy, but may be a cause of acid reflux for some people. One way or another, everyone should avoid ketchup, it contains a lot of salt and sugar.

Citrus fruits and juices. They affect acidity and worsen symptoms.

Mayonnaise and salad sauces. They are fatty, contain salt and are bad for your health.

Mint has a bad effect on the sphincter that protects the throat, allowing acid to rise into the throat.


  1. Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid moves up the throat. Symptoms include heartburn, bad breath, belching, and pain when swallowing food.
  2. The causes of acid reflux are: poor diet, overeating, haste while eating, pregnancy, obesity, dysbacteriosis.
  3. You can get rid of acid reflux with: proper nutrition, diet and healthy food choices.

Acid reflux is a common problem, but don't think about it normal condition. Your lifestyle affects the functioning of the digestive system, and your condition depends on it. This vicious circle and it is extremely important for you to make sure that he is good. Play sports, eat right and maintain your youth and beauty.

If you experience discomfort from acid reflux for more than 2 weeks, then this is a reason to visit a specialist. Most likely, you will have to undergo tests and undergo a gastroscopy procedure, but you should not be afraid of it. Now it is done without pain or any discomfort.

In order for you not to see a doctor, you need to decide on a diet, refuse junk food, chew your food thoroughly and exercise!

In the background increased acidity stomach or for a number of physiological reasons, acid reflux may develop - a disease accompanied sour belching, hiccups, bad taste in the mouth. In the absence timely treatment, which consists in following a diet and proper nutrition, the disease can lead to serious damage to the mucous membranes of the esophagus and other negative consequences.

What is acid reflux

Involuntary reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus is called acid reflux (other names include gastroesophageal reflux disease, heartburn, reflux esophagitis). This process occurs due to a disruption in the mechanism of the gastroesophageal valve (lower esophageal sphincter), which performs the function of allowing chewed food into the stomach on the one hand, and prevents the possibility of acidic contents getting back into the esophagus, on the other.

This section of the digestive canal is not protected by a special epithelium, so esophageal reflux can lead to damage to the pharynx or vocal cords, cause pain and discomfort. Prolonged contact of the mucous membranes of the esophagus with the acidic gastric environment containing digestive enzymes can contribute to the development of inflammation.

Gastroesophageal reflux in some cases is normal physiological phenomenon– if it occurs immediately after eating, it does not cause discomfort and occurs with low frequency. With an increase in the number of refluxes throughout the day, especially at night, lengthening the duration of episodes, the appearance of a burning sensation in the throat, a sour or bitter taste in the mouth, we can talk about the development of gastroesophageal disease.

Lack of timely treatment for reflux leads to an increased risk of diseases such as stomach ulcers, esophageal cancer, and Barrett's disease. In the early stages, in most cases it is not required drug treatment– you just need to follow the correct diet, a certain diet, refuse bad habits and consumption of certain foods. In advanced cases, after visual inspection The gastroenterologist prescribes endoscopy or x-ray of the esophagus, pH-metry, measurement of pressure and the degree of closure of the gastroesophageal valve.

Causes of acid reflux

Gastric reflux can develop due to physiological reasons, be accompanying symptom some diseases of the digestive tract or a consequence of regular abuse of foods that cause an increase in the acidity of the stomach. Doctors consider the main causes of reflux to be:

Acid Reflux Symptoms

At the beginning of the development of the disease, attacks of heartburn (both after meals and independently of them), belching, accompanied by entry into the esophagus and oral cavity stomach contents. Many patients complain of nausea, frequent hiccups, burning or hot feeling in the throat. Other symptoms of reflux include:

  • difficulty swallowing (dysphagia);
  • difficulty passing food through the esophagus;
  • feeling of bloating in epigastric region;
  • bleeding;
  • chest pain (in the areas of the esophagus);
  • erosion of mucous membranes and damage to tooth enamel;
  • coughing attacks;
  • hoarseness (if the vocal cords are damaged).


Experts diagnose gastric reflux or esophageal reflux based on a survey of the patient to identify all the symptoms and based on the results of a number of modern diagnostic procedures. Endoscopy can detect erosive lesions, ulcers or inflammation in lower section digestive canal. Tests are carried out to assess the condition of the walls of the esophagus (by x-ray examination With contrast agent) and their contractility (manometry).

The degree of acidity of gastric juice is determined. If necessary, the pressure and degree of closure of the gastroesophageal valve are measured. In a number of severe, advanced cases, the patient is additionally prescribed a biopsy to assess the degree of damage to the mucous membranes and the risks of developing malignant degeneration of damaged tissues. Accurate diagnosis helps determine the severity of the disease and select an appropriate treatment regimen.

Treatment of gastric reflux

Early stages The development of the disease, as a rule, does not require medication. The same applies to reflux that develops during pregnancy. Therapy consists of following a diet that excludes a number of foods and, if necessary, aimed at weight loss, changing the diet (for example, reducing portion sizes while increasing the frequency of meals), quitting smoking, alcohol and cigarettes. Recommended to avoid tight clothes and raise the head of the bed by 10-15 cm. In advanced cases, drug therapy is prescribed.

Nutritional Features

To reduce the burden on the digestive tract when diagnosed with acid reflux, you should eat small portions, often, at regular intervals (every 4 hours). The last meal should be taken no later than two hours before bedtime. Avoid foods that aggravate symptoms from the diet - chocolate, coffee, fermented milk products, citrus fruits, sour juices, spices, alcohol, fatty, fried and spicy food. The diet includes antioxidant foods that reduce the acidity of gastric juice, preventing further damage to the mucous membranes:

  • orange vegetables and fruits containing antacids: persimmons, apricots, pumpkin, sweet pepper;
  • avocado;
  • broccoli;
  • bananas, potatoes and other foods containing potassium;
  • leafy greens(parsley, basil, spinach);
  • nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts);
  • berries (blueberries, blackberries);
  • lean chicken, turkey;
  • beef;
  • lean fish;
  • cereals (millet, rice, rolled oats);
  • bread made from whole grain flour.

Drug therapy

Medicines are prescribed by the attending physician based on the patient’s complaints and condition, depending on the goals drug therapy. The following medications are used to treat reflux: pharmacological groups:

  • Antacids, the action of which is aimed at reducing or neutralizing the acidity of gastric juice and relieving the main symptoms (Tams, Rennie).
  • H2-blockers of histamine receptors to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid (Famotidine, Ranitidine, Cimetidine).
  • Inhibitors proton pump- blockers of acid synthesis in the stomach (Omeprazole).

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies help relieve reflux symptoms. It is better to coordinate their use with your doctor, because most methods have contraindications and side effects. Towards effective folk remedies Treatments include baking soda, chamomile decoction and aloe juice. You can use one of the following recipes:

  • For prevention: powder from basil and fennel leaves. licorice and coriander root. The crushed ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, take 0.5 tsp. before meals with water.
  • To relieve an attack: dissolve 0.5 tsp in a glass of cold low-fat milk. chopped dried green cardamom and dill. Drink in small sips.
  • During the course of treatment: infusion of ground oats (1 tablespoon oats infused in 100 ml warm water for half an hour). Take in the morning on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.
  • Apple cider vinegar for prevention: add a few drops to the finished dish or dilute with 1 tsp. in 100 ml of water and drink after the onset of the attack.
  • Freshly squeezed carrots, potatoes or pumpkin juice for prevention: taken on an empty stomach, 150 ml every morning, for 14-18 days.
  • Flax seed powder for prevention: 1 tsp. crushed flaxseeds on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.


Figures and facts

Epidemiological data indicate that 15–20% of adults in developed countries experience symptoms of the disease at least once a week. In countries Western Europe and the United States, 40–50% of people experience heartburn all the time. In Russia, 63.6% of women and 61.7% of men complain of GERD, with 15.1% and 10.3% of them, respectively, experiencing symptoms often or constantly. The incidence of GERD is steadily increasing. The cost of antisecretory therapy for GERD alone in the world is estimated at $3 billion per year.

When to see a doctor

Some patients can manage reflux on their own with lifestyle changes or over-the-counter medications. But if the symptoms become more pronounced and lasting and you cannot control them on your own, you should still visit a doctor.

You should consult a doctor immediately if:

  • there is difficulty swallowing or a feeling that food is getting stuck on the way into the stomach;
  • a person loses weight without trying to do so;
  • there was pain behind the sternum;
  • a person chokes while eating;
  • had an episode of vomiting blood, stools that were bloody, black, or tarry.

If your child has symptoms of GERD, he should be taken to the doctor. There is no need to give children medications on their own. In children similar symptoms may be caused by a number of other disorders. It is very important to consult your doctor before starting treatment.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of GERD usually based on clinical picture and a positive response to treatment. Often the doctor will prescribe a trial treatment without additional research. If the diagnosis is unclear or there is a suspicion of more serious illness, doctors resort to tests.

  • Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGDS) - endoscopic examination used to examine the esophagus. A thin flexible tube is inserted through the esophagus into the stomach and then into the small intestine. The tube is equipped with a light source and a video camera, with the help of which an image is transmitted to the monitor screen. During the examination, the doctor sees damaged areas of the mucous membrane and can take a small sample damaged tissue(biopsy) to determine the cause of the damage.
  • 24-hour esophageal pH testing - primarily used to determine frequency acid reflux(return of stomach contents into the esophagus). It is usually used when the diagnosis remains unclear after endoscopy and trial treatment. The study is also informative if the patient continues to experience symptoms during treatment. For this study gastrointestinal tract is administered to the patient through the nose thin probe, which does not interfere with eating, drinking, talking.
  • Esophageal manometry - the patient swallows a thin, flexible tube that measures pressure during muscle contractions of the esophagus. Using this method, the location of the lower esophageal sphincter can be determined and its function can be assessed. This study is performed to verify the diagnosis and before surgical treatment GERD.

Treatment of the disease

You can relieve the symptoms of GERD yourself by:

  • lose weight (if you are overweight);
  • raise the head of the bed by 12–15 cm;
  • avoid foods that increase the severity of symptoms (coffee, chocolate, alcohol, mint, carbonated drinks, fatty foods);
  • reduce consumption alcoholic drinks(especially carbonated ones);
  • stop smoking;
  • Do not go to bed for 1–2 hours after eating.

There are several main groups of drugs that help cope with symptoms: antacids, alginates, histamine H2 receptor blockers and inhibitors proton pump. All of them reduce acid production in the stomach. But their mechanisms of action are different.



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