A tendon in my leg is swollen, how to relieve pain. Photo gallery: folk remedies for sprained legs

Pain in the tendon of the foot is a fairly common phenomenon. Most often, this is an unfavorable symptom that indicates the development of a pathological process. It is important to know the reasons why painful sensations in the foot.

Why might pain occur?

The tendon, or aponeurosis, is a connective tissue structure that ends each striated muscle. It is this that provides the connection between the muscle layer and the bone. In their structure, these are actually parallel strands of collagen fibers, which are interconnected by fibrocytes and proteoglycans. Normally, such a structure is quite strong and practically inextensible.

Tendon pain occurs when an inflammatory process or degenerative changes develop. As a rule, this symptom is characteristic of the following diseases:

  1. With tendonitis, an inflammatory process develops in the connective tissue. In this case, only a small area or the entire structure may be affected. If therapy is not prescribed in a timely manner, degenerative changes occur not only in the tendon, but also in the nearby muscle tissue. As a result, the motor activity of the entire lower limb is disrupted.
  2. Tenosynovitis is often detected simultaneously with tendonitis. This is an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the synovial tendon sheath.
  3. If the inflammation covers the tendon membranes, then this disease is called tenosynovitis.
  4. The cause of pain in the tendon of the foot can be injury or tissue rupture. This is possible with excessive physical exertion that exceeds the mechanical endurance limit of the connective tissue. In this case, the tendon rupture may be complete or incomplete. In the event of such an injury, as a rule, the bone is not affected, and complete separation of muscle tissue is recorded quite rarely.

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Reasons for the development of inflammation

If we talk about the reasons for the development of the inflammatory process in the area of ​​the aponeurosis of the foot, then experts indicate the following factors:

  1. High physical activity on your feet. Often this pathology develops in long-distance runners.
  2. Various mechanical tendon injuries. Sometimes they can be minor and initially do not lead to impaired motor activity. However, at the site of damage, a small focus of the inflammatory process appears, which, as it develops, leads to degenerative changes. As a result, the leg loses mobility in the area of ​​the foot joint.
  3. Inflammation can be caused by a disorder metabolic processes. In this case, calcium salts are deposited in bone tissue with the formation of specific growths. They make it difficult to move the joints.
  4. Age-related degenerative processes in the joints in older people can also cause inflammation and pain in the tendon of the foot.
  5. The entry of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora through the wound surface or through the bloodstream into the area of ​​the aponeurosis of the foot often causes the development of an inflammatory process in them.
  6. Congenital or acquired pathological changes in the structure of the skeleton. Sometimes the difference in leg length becomes the cause of permanent trauma in the muscular-articular system, which ultimately ends in inflammation.
  7. Some medications for long-term use provide adverse influence on bone, muscle and connective tissue. They can not only provoke salt deposition in the bones, but also cause inflammatory and degenerative changes in the tendons of the lower extremities.

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How does the inflammatory process manifest itself?

Despite the variety of forms and causes of inflammation in the foot area, there are a number of clinical manifestations, characteristic of such pathologies:

  1. The first thing a patient points out when seeking medical help from a doctor is pain. Moreover, the place of localization this symptom the patient indicates accurately. His foot tendons hurt. Moreover, the nature of algia can be varied both in intensity and in the location of possible irradiation.
  2. Even if there is no intense pain, the patient still indicates the presence of an inexplicable feeling of discomfort in the lower limb.
  3. Motor activity in the affected muscle-articular joint is impaired.
  4. As a rule, the development of the disease in the leg is easily determined by the pronounced swelling of the surrounding tissues.
  5. Sometimes, in addition to swelling, the skin is hyperemic and hot to the touch.
  6. With an intense pathological process, the joint in the area of ​​inflammation formation is deformed.

If these symptoms occur, you should seek medical help.

In case of untimely and incorrect treatment, the resulting changes in the tendon tissue can become irreversible.

In this case, the movement of the foot in the joint will be significantly limited, as a result the person may become disabled.

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How to make a diagnosis?

Treatment of such diseases is carried out by a traumatologist. However, before nominating drug therapy, it is necessary to determine the localization of the focus of the inflammatory process and make a diagnosis. In this case, diagnosis begins with interviewing the patient and palpation examination of the location of pain. Based on the data obtained, a preliminary diagnosis is made.

To confirm it, a set of clinical diagnostic studies is prescribed. What does it include?

  1. Clinical blood and urine tests will be prescribed. If there is an inflammatory process that causes pain in the area of ​​the aponeurosis of the foot, specific changes in the blood count will be the first confirmation of the alleged diagnosis.
  2. An X-ray of the foot will be performed in several projections. It is with this study that the resulting image can reveal the presence salt deposits or dystrophic changes in bone and joint structures.
  3. If a tendon rupture is suspected, then computed tomography or MRI.

The foot, thanks to its complex structure, performs two important functions - movement in space and softening these movements (cushioning), reducing forces on the spine. When exposed to constant stress, tendons receive microtrauma and become inflamed. Inflammation of the tendons of the foot, for which treatment is started on time, is completely cured.

The muscles of the foot are attached to the human skeleton through tendons. As the foot flexes and extends while walking, the muscles contract and relax. This allows the bones to change their position relative to each other, which makes the foot a kind of shock absorber. Each muscle is able to withstand strictly defined loads. Otherwise, they are overstretched and damaged.

Based on the main functions of the foot, the causes of inflammation of its tendons will be:

  • extreme physical activity;
  • performing any work in uncomfortable position;
  • a blow to the tendon or a fall on the area where it is located;
  • flat feet;
  • love for narrow shoes and high heels.

The disease often affects older people. This is often associated with a decrease in collagen content in the tissue and a decrease in muscle elasticity. In addition, joint diseases and a weakened immune response of the body contribute to tendon damage.

Flat feet lead to incorrect placement of the bones of the foot, their displacement from their usual place. As a result, individual muscles are overstretched, their tendons are injured and inflamed.

Symptoms of the disease

Patients often note a clear connection between doing some hard work and the appearance of the first signs of illness. They make themselves felt within a few hours after the load. The tendon can become inflamed on one or both legs at the same time.

The patient is concerned about:

The patient spares his sore leg and begins to limp. If the leg is lowered downwards for a long time, the symptoms of the disease intensify, and a sensation of pulsation appears in the area of ​​the foot. It becomes easier when he plunges his foot into something cold.

How to treat tendinitis

To make a correct diagnosis, in addition to questioning, complaints and examining the inflamed area, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging of the affected tendon. This will allow you to avoid making a mistake with the diagnosis and cure the disease faster.

Rest the sore leg

First of all, the doctor recommends limiting all movements. This will allow you to protect the sore tendon from stress as much as possible and reduce pain. The patient should lie down more. It is better to position the affected leg so that it is higher than the torso. Wrap your foot with an elastic bandage. It is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • It is necessary to bandage in the morning, before the patient gets out of bed;
  • the turns of the bandage should start from the toes;
  • before each turn it is important to tighten the bandage a little;
  • it is important to ensure that the bandage does not fit too tightly;
  • Each subsequent turn must overlap with the previous one.

Second important point is cold. A cool compress is applied to the affected area. It should be dry cold - any container with cold water or ice. First, place a gasket under the compress. natural fabric. It is important to ensure that the ice container is not too cold. Otherwise, you may get frostbite. Low temperature helps reduce signs of inflammation - pain, swelling, redness.

Drug treatment

The patient is prescribed drugs to reduce the manifestations of inflammation - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Nemisulide, Ibuprofen). They can be prescribed in the form of injections, tablets, ointments. Everything can be determined only by a specialist.

It should be remembered that tablets, capsules or powders are recommended to be taken after meals. They should be taken with plenty of liquid. Such precautions are necessary because these drugs can damage the gastric mucosa and can lead to the development of ulcers.

Local treatment

To recover faster, it is recommended to use compresses with various medications. These can be ointments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cinquefoil or compresses with Dimexide. For the compress, make a solution of one part Dimexide and three parts water. An ampoule of Hydrocortisone is also added there (sometimes it is recommended to add Lincomycin). All this is mixed and applied to the sore spot. This compress is changed twice a day.

You can apply wormwood compresses. To do this, steam a tablespoon of dry herb with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. You can make baths with wormwood.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

To relieve signs of inflammation, UHF therapy, electrophoresis, and paraffin applications are well suited. These procedures help reduce pain, improve blood circulation in the area of ​​the diseased tendon, and speed up its healing.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is resorted to only in cases where the tendon is torn or pus has collected in its synovial sheath. In the first situation, the pus is released, in the second, the tendon is sutured.


To avoid illness, you should follow several simple rules– do not wear narrow high-heeled shoes, try to avoid working in an uncomfortable position. If heavy physical activity is ahead, it is better to wrap the ankle and shin area with an elastic bandage. To avoid flat feet, you should wear an instep support and train the muscles of the arch with special physical therapy exercises.

All parts of the body are important. Each part is responsible for a specific activity. The legs are loaded more than others. Legs carry the weight of a person, lift and move weights. The strongest muscles of the body are in the lower extremities. Diseases associated with damage to the joints or tendons of the legs are serious and common. Serious treatment is often required.

Parts of the body are “fixed.” Tendons - “fasteners” for muscles - connect muscles to the bones of the human skeleton. The tendons of the legs are considered the strongest. There are frequent calls from people complaining that their tendons hurt. Doctors find out the causes, the extent of the disease, and prescribe therapeutic measures.

Tendon structure, causes of pain

Connective tissues - tendons - are formed from collagen, the nodes of which hold high-molecular protein chains. Tendons are designed to connect muscles and bones; their structure is strong, with a low degree of stretch.

Leg tendons

Damage to the tendons of the legs is a common disease. Common causes of pain:

Inconvenient shoes; Walking on lumpy, rocky terrain; Increased load on “not warmed up” muscles; Sudden careless movements.

Despite their strength, tendons are susceptible to sprains and ruptures. Pain does not appear immediately in people involved in sports exposed to other stresses. Pain occurs at the site of a sprain or tear. This happens due to an unnatural effect on the tendons, pain occurs - a protective signal for the body experiencing discomfort.

The Achilles tendon is a major weak point in the legs.

A common problem associated with tendon damage in the legs is rupture and sprain in the foot. The strong and thick connective tissue in this area, the Achilles tendon, connects the legs and feet. Upper section The Achilles tendon is thin, going lower it thickens, before reaching the heel bone, it expands. Thanks to the tendon, a person runs, jumps, walks on his toes, and rises to heights.

The Achilles tendon, when moving, experiences loads eight times the body weight. In a standing position, the load becomes several times less than the person’s body weight. Connective tissue can withstand breaking loads of up to four hundred kilograms. Due to constant loads, the fabric often stretches in the area calcaneus.

Achilles tendon

Degree of Achilles tendon damage

Tendon damage in the foot area has three degrees:

A slight sprain in the foot, characterized by an unpleasant aching painful sensation on both sides of the ankle. Signs: redness at the site of sprain, swelling. It is difficult for a person to transfer weight to the heel. If a click occurs during movement, consult a doctor: soft tissue may be damaged, it allows the tendon to “slide” over the bone. Leads to abrasion of the bone tissue of the legs, causing inflammation of the tendons and bones. The phase is called first-degree tendinitis. When part of the ligamentous tissue is torn, severe pain occurs when standing on your feet in the morning or when lowering onto your heels. Ankle mobility is limited. The phase of tendon stretching is called second degree tendinitis. Dangerous degree of tendinitis is third. Tissue is torn away from the bone, sometimes with rupture of the adjacent muscles. Serious is required medical treatment, the patient is unable to stand on the affected leg or move.

What does ignoring pain lead to?

Often people do not pay attention to pain in the foot area and delay treatment. This attitude towards stretching the Achilles tendon leads to a chronic inflammatory process.

Ignoring pain in the leg tendons leads to thinning of the connective tissue, complete atrophy. Atrophy of muscles and tendons leads to immobilization of the limb.

Negative effects on the Achilles tendon

Often the causes of rupture and stretching of the tendons of the legs are careless walking and unnecessary physical activity. There are objective factors:

Running on hard surfaces; Incorrectly selected shoes for sports training; Overload of the leg muscles; Congenital damage to the heel bone; Curvature of the legs, a person is not able to walk correctly; Sharp blows in the area of ​​“cold” tendons.

If the Achilles tendon is damaged, you need to stop moving and putting pressure on your feet. First, determine the stage of the lesion. Patients are sent to doctors on stretchers, and the first pre-medical measures are taken: a tight bandage must be made from scrap materials and the affected area must be secured. Do not prescribe treatment yourself without consulting a doctor.

Achilles tendon fixation

Treatment of first degree tendinitis

Damage to the Achilles tendon has three degrees. At each stage, the doctor prescribes treatment. Tendinitis of the first degree affects people who move a lot.

Pay attention to pain only when the first symptoms appear. The process has already started, treatment is required. With each movement, more damage occurs to the Achilles tendon. If signs of tendon damage appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Restriction of movement for three days is required. No treatment required. If pain occurs, apply ice. They are treated with a gentle massage, application of ointments and gels that relieve inflammation. Treatment must be continued for seven days, even after the person can walk painlessly again.

Leg tendinitis

Treatment of second degree tendinitis

The second degree of Achilles tendon sprain is more serious and requires a doctor. Initially, the doctor will ask about the nature of the pain and order an x-ray to make sure that the connective tissue is affected, or that there may be another disease of the legs. At the same time, tests are prescribed to determine the stage of the inflammatory process. There are frequent cases when a process in the tendons causes an increase in body temperature. Treatment is prescribed taking into account the degree of inflammation.

Treatment of the second stage of tendinitis consists of the following measures:

Limiting loads; The leg is kept elevated, with the toes extended; Application of a tight bandage; Anti-inflammatory injections; Physiotherapy of one sore leg or both legs; Physical therapy; Rehabilitation process.

Treatment of third degree tendinitis

The most dangerous stage of damage to the Achilles tendon is the third degree of tendinitis. In this case, the connective tissue ruptures. The pain becomes unbearable. Surgery is inevitable. Primary measures are not suitable. You need to keep your leg, in the foot area, in one position. Do not use anything until the doctor arrives. By securing the injured area with a tight bandage, you can displace the torn tissue. The doctor will use professional movements to determine the location of the lesion and apply a bandage himself.

In case of a complete rupture, surgery is performed under the internal or local anesthesia. Orthopedic surgeons protect the edges of the tendon, connect special threads, connect with each other. After the operation, the feet are fixed in plaster for three months. At this stage, a person is protected from movement. Anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out, vitamins are prescribed to help tissue restoration. The treatment is long-term.

Achilles tendon strains and ruptures are preventable. You should carefully choose your shoes, avoid walking on bad roads, climb carefully, and create comfort for your feet. Preventive measures are the basis for preventing diseases.

It is difficult to be attentive: we are constantly in a hurry, running, regardless of the weather and roads. There are a lot of things to do. Feet go through a lot of stress, so you need to pay more attention to your health.

It is no secret that the tendon in the leg plays a determining factor in physical activity a person, and if something happens to him (inflammation, sprain or rupture), then this significantly limits our freedom of action. That is why information on why this happens, how to avoid it, and also how to treat similar illness, is very relevant.

What is a tendon and what are its main functions?

Tendons in the leg are structures of connective tissue that are attached to bone and muscle. Their main function is to ensure the normal placement and stable performance of all organs. In addition, they guide joint movement. As a rule, the concept of “stretching” does not entirely correspond to reality, since the tendons themselves cannot stretch due to the fact that they do not have the necessary elasticity and predisposition to this. In fact, their complete or partial rupture occurs.

Causes of tendon damage

Statistics show that pain in the tendons of the legs occurs for the following reasons:

Various falls; Sharp turns of the foot when moving over rough terrain. It is also worth considering that half of the complaints about ligament rupture come from women after fast walking in heels. Intense sports; Wearing uncomfortable shoes; Arthritis; Congenital weak tendons; Non-standard placement and, accordingly, further uneven development of components musculoskeletal system. To put it in simple language - different lengths of limbs. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system; Various infections.

In addition, a tendon rupture in the leg is often called a “sports disease”, since almost 70% of requests come from athletes.

Types of sprains

As practice shows, the causes of sprains are divided into 2 types. And if the first type (degenerative) includes those caused by wear and tear of the tendons that occurs due to the aging of the whole organism and, most often, are diagnosed in people over 40 years old, then the second type (traumatic) includes ruptures that occur as a result of various falls, sudden movements or lifting excessive weight. A distinctive feature of the latter type of sprains is that they occur suddenly and are characterized by severe pain.

There is also a division into categories depending on the damage caused to each individual ligament.


A tendon sprain in the leg manifests itself as follows:

Severe pain as in calm state, and during the performance of not very complex actions; Quite limited movements near the source of pain (it is impossible to bend or straighten the leg); Increased temperature; Bluish discoloration of the skin; Changes in the outer contour of the joint located in close proximity to the probable site of the sprain; Various swelling ;Sound accompaniment (clicking, crunching) while trying to move the injured leg; A feeling of tingling and numbness in the area where you are experiencing pain.

But it is worth considering that the symptoms indicating that the tendons in the legs hurt may also have their own specific signs inherent in each specific type of rupture.

Meniscal damage

As a rule, a tendon rupture in the leg accompanied by a fracture is one of the main symptoms of a meniscus injury. Most often, such problems arise in athletes, which brings them a sufficient number of problems. But due to the similarity of symptoms, it is not always possible to immediately diagnose correct diagnosis. His only hallmark severe pain occurs when trying to straighten a bent leg.

Ankle sprain

Damage to the ankle is indicated by severe swelling, and when the weight of the body is transferred to the injured leg, a sharp pain occurs, which increases with movement. In addition, if injury is suspected, a “drawer” inspection may be required. In this case, the shin is held firmly below with one hand, and in the meantime, with the help of the second hand, they very carefully press on the back of the foot, ensuring that it moves forward. If the initial diagnosis is correct, then it will change its location without much effort. There is also a high probability of detecting blood in the area of ​​the bruise.

Remember, a tendon sprain on the leg can be either subtle (usually goes away within a few days) or pronounced (in this case, immediate assistance from a specialist is required).


As a rule, to complete the picture, the doctor conducts an initial survey of the patient about what exactly happened to him and what feelings he experienced at that moment. If a person complains of pain in the tendons of the legs, then an examination is first carried out healthy legs. This is done with the aim of familiarizing the patient with the examination procedure itself and in the future, when the turn comes to the sore leg, he is already subconsciously ready for what comes next. As a result, the patient perceives all the doctor’s manipulations relatively calmly. Also, this approach allows the doctor to compare the results that he obtained during the examination of the patient’s legs, which will greatly facilitate the diagnosis in the future.

In addition, the specialist will prescribe additional studies to finally confirm or refute the initial diagnosis. These include:

Computed tomography, which allows not only to confirm the diagnosis, but also to track the effectiveness of the treatment. Magnetic resonance imaging. This type of examination makes it possible to obtain very accurate information not only about which tendon on the leg is damaged, but also how many fibers are torn. X-ray examination. Its use makes it possible to identify the possibility of developing complications (fractures and dislocations). Ultrasound examination of the damaged organ.

First aid if a tendon in the leg is torn

As practice shows, when such a nuisance happens, the nearest medical facility is located several kilometers away. Therefore, in order for future treatment to be successful without possible complications, it is necessary to provide the victim with first aid, which includes the following manipulations:

Freeing the sore leg from shoes and socks, which will reduce pressure on the swollen area. Providing rest for the damaged area, which will slightly distract the person from the fact that the tendons on his legs hurt. Creating a special backing from fabric folded several times and placing it under damaged area. Raising the leg to the maximum possible height (usually up to the heart area), which improves blood flow several times. Applying ice or a piece of cloth, previously soaked with cold water, to the damaged area. But, if the situation allows, then it is better not to resort to last option. It is recommended to place a piece of ice on top of a dry cloth to prevent soft tissue necrosis, which can occur due to severe frostbite. Ice should be applied in the first two hours after injury at intervals of 20 minutes. Next, two hours during the first day will be enough.

Remember that the speed of further recovery may depend on how these procedures are carried out. In addition, in case of intense pain, it is recommended to take painkillers.

Treatment of leg tendons

Depending on the degree of sprain, various therapeutic measures are prescribed. For example, partial rupture ligaments (grade 1) requires conservative treatment, in which the damaged area is elastic bandage A special bandage is applied to limit joint mobility. The period of wearing it varies from 3 to 5 days. In addition, medications that relieve inflammation may be prescribed. If, for example, a tendon is torn thumb legs, then the patient is instructed to use a special finger clamp and, if necessary, painkiller injections. In addition, to increase outflow venous blood, it is recommended to smear the damaged area with Troxevasin gel.

With fairly pronounced pain, swelling and limited movement of the joints (grade 2), immobilization of the joints should be more long-term character(up to two weeks). In addition, it is best to keep your leg elevated for the first 3 days. As mentioned, ice should only be applied in the first 24 hours. The gel can be used the same as in the previous case.

If, after the injury, very severe pain is observed, the inability to make even the slightest movement of the joint (grade 3), then in this case it may be necessary to apply a plaster cast or even surgery on the tendon of the leg. The period of leg immobilization can last more than a month (depending on the severity of the injury). During this time, painkillers and injections are taken.

What could be the consequences?

As a rule, the prognosis after treatment is quite favorable if therapy was started on time. Otherwise, the tendon in the leg may almost completely cease to perform its function, which, in turn, will seriously affect a person’s mobility.

Recovery exercises

To restore joint mobility after an injury, after treatment is completed, special restorative procedures are prescribed, which include:

Walking in comfortable shoes, but it should occur with a soft roll from heel to toe. Special attention It is worth paying attention to the fact that you do not need to turn the toe out very much. Half squats on the toes with further raising of the toes and their subsequent return to the starting position. In addition, it is worth spending time on certain exercises in the water, since in these conditions it is possible to develop the damaged tendon without loading it with excess weight.

The main thing is to understand that if you contact the appropriate medical institution, you can minimize both the treatment process and subsequent rehabilitation.

Definition of tendons

Tendons connect muscles to bones. They come in the form of jumpers that divide the muscle into several sections. And also short, long, wide, narrow. There may be cord-like, round, ribbon-like and lamellar tendons. The digastric muscles have intermediate tendons. They pass along the lateral surface of the muscle body and penetrate into its thickness.

Like a muscle, tendons are made up of parallel bundles. First-order bundles are surrounded by layers of loose connective tissue and form a second-order bundle. A group of second-order beams forms a third-order beam. Tendons are composed of dense fibrous connective tissue; they contain more fibrous elements than cellular elements.

Due to this, their distinctive property is high strength and low extensibility. The tendon part of the muscles grows faster from 15 to 25 years than the muscle belly. Until the age of 15, the tendons are poorly developed, and their growth has the same intensity as muscle growth. In the body of older people, changes occur in tissues, the elasticity of tendons is impaired, which often leads to injury.

The longitudinal elasticity of the tendon tissue protects the tendons from rupture during sudden movements and overexertion. Therefore, in order to prevent tendon injuries, it is necessary to activate, develop and strengthen them, regular exercise and performing certain special exercises will restore their elasticity and strength.

There is a great saying that contains great wisdom: “He who exercises his sinews in his youth will receive vigor in his old age.” If physical effort is needed to train muscles, then tendons are trained using static tension. With physical stress, tendons and fascia are enriched with oxygen and become elastic, gaining endurance and strength.

Tendons must be elastic; loss of this property leads to displacement internal organs, changes in natural forms, the formation of knots and compactions. The strength of the tendons was known to the hero Zass Alexander Ivanovich, who created his own training method.

Commander Grigory Ivanovich Kotovsky, sitting in captivity, practiced static exercises and was famous for his unprecedented strength and endurance.

To identify tendon pathology, methods are used - palpation, thermography, ultrasonography, biopsy.

When tendons inside a joint are damaged, arthroscopy is effective. Anomalies in the development of tendons are a consequence of malformations of the musculoskeletal system, atypical movement or unusual attachment.

Tendon inflammation

There are several types inflammatory diseases tendons, accompanied by disruption of the musculoskeletal system.

1. Tendonitis is an inflammatory process that occurs quite often. The reasons for its occurrence are always the same and therefore, during diagnosis, identifying this pathology is quite simple. Tendonitis occurs from prolonged chronic overexertion, which causes degenerative changes and tears in the tendon. This type of inflammation helps reduce the strength of the tendon and increases the risk of rupture.

Tendonitis can also be infectious. Athletes mainly suffer from the dystrophic type due to heavy physical stress on muscles, ligaments and tendons. Various rheumatic joint diseases also contribute to the development of such inflammation.

2. Paratenonitis - aseptic inflammation of the peritendinous tissue. It occurs when there is repeated trauma in the joint area. In this case, in the connective tissue, between the fascia and the tendon, after pinpoint hemorrhages and the appearance of swelling, fibrous tissue deposits occur. Nodular seals lead to painful sensations, movements are limited, and activity is lost.

The disease damages the Achilles tendon, extensors of the forearm, and the lower third of the leg. Paratenonitis can have an acute and chronic course. Treatment for tendon inflammation is immobilization of the hand or foot. Traditional physiotherapeutic procedures are also effective.

Treatment acute inflammation tendon (tendinitis) provides antibacterial and restorative methods. In the case of aseptic tendinitis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

Local treatment consists of fixing the diseased limb. After they pass acute manifestations diseases can be prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures. Warming up should be performed after the acute manifestations of the disease have passed.

This set of procedures includes UHF, microwave therapy, ultrasound, ultraviolet rays. Useful special physical therapy. Gentle warmth and magnetic fields, improving blood circulation, relieves inflammatory phenomena, tissue swelling goes away, and damaged parts of the tendons are restored.

Tendon sprain

Sprains are the most common type of injury and usually occur in the ankle and knee joints from a sudden movement that exceeds their amplitude. Tendons connect muscles to bones, and ligaments connect bones. These two definitions are often confused. A sprain is in fact always a microscopic tear with a small stretch; with a moderate degree of injury, individual collagen fibers may rupture; if the injury is severe, the entire ligament is torn.

Having a high ability to regenerate, ligaments are restored at any degree of injury. The strongest muscles in humans are found in the lower extremities. This also means that the tendons that attach the muscles to the bones in the legs must withstand enormous forces. But, unfortunately, unsuccessful movements and falls occur, causing sprained tendons in the leg.

Achilles tendon sprain occurs when the muscles are not warmed up enough during sports activities, when wearing uncomfortable shoes, or when moving on uneven, rocky surfaces. Tendon sprains can be divided into three degrees of difficulty:

First degree - minor pain after injury, intensifying with physical impact. Second degree – severe pain, swelling of the skin over the damaged tendon. Muscle weakness and increasing pain during physical activity are detected. Third degree - complete or partial rupture of the tendon, muscle contraction occurs. At the moment of rupture, there may be a popping sensation, sharp, severe pain and swelling.

Typically, third degree tendon damage is repaired surgically. Many victims of the first and second degrees do not pay special attention to treatment and in vain, a weakening of muscle strength may occur, the development of inflammation in the tendon and in the “case” - where there are several of them. This phenomenon is mainly observed in the tendons of the foot muscles and is called tenosynovitis.

Chronic inflammation is complicated by the atrophic process, which affects the thinning of tendon fibers; they can easily be torn with small loads. When the tendons on the leg are sprained, first aid consists of immobilization and fixation in an elevated position. Then you need to apply ice for 20-30 minutes (repeat 4-5 times a day), after which each time apply pressure bandage using an elastic bandage to limit the spread of swelling.

Ice will stop bleeding from damaged vessels. Severe pain is relieved by drugs such as diclofenac, analgin, ketanov. On the second day, after inflammation and swelling have subsided, if there is no development of a hematoma, the next stage of treatment is applied, namely thermal procedures. The effect of heat normalizes blood flow and the damage heals. The use of anti-inflammatory ointments is effective, among which Finalgon, Efkamon, Voltaren have become popular.

The tendon recovers faster at rest, thanks to the consumption of foods rich in animal and plant proteins. After a week, under the supervision of a specialist, a set of exercises is gradually applied to the sore muscle. Mechanical damage occurs as a result of the direct or indirect action of a traumatic agent.

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Direct action - impact with a blunt object. Indirect action- sharp muscle contraction. There are closed injuries, among which there are ruptures and much less often dislocations. TO closed damage include spontaneous ruptures, they usually occur when chronic injury And dystrophic changes in the tendon structure. Also, the cause of rupture can be infectious-toxic and metabolic-toxic factors, for example, diabetes, arthritis, infectious diseases.

There are subcutaneous partial or complete ruptures without damaging the skin. Tendon dislocation as a result of ligament rupture ends in hemorrhage, swelling and pain when moving the joint. The displacement can be so strong that the defects are visible when visual inspection. Especially if it concerns the extensors of the fingers. Treatment of a dislocation is its reduction, immobilization with a plaster cast for a 3-4 week period.

Surgical intervention is indicated for old and habitual dislocations, with a constant reminder of the damage pain syndrome, with obvious change functional activity. Tendon rupture usually announces itself with a loud cracking sound, unbearable pain and disruption motor function torn muscle. Open injuries are observed with stab, cut, chopped wounds, and with severe injuries. Damage levels:

Separation of the tendon from its insertion site. Rupture along the entire length of the tendons. Tendon rupture in the area where it transitions into muscle. Such phenomena are most likely to occur in older people, and in those whose profession involves muscle strain or in athletes.

Rupture and damage to hand tendons

Open injuries (puncture, cut, chopped wounds) are observed in severe injuries, for example, after a hand gets caught in working machinery in production. Mostly muscle tendon damage occurs. upper limb at the level of the hand and forearm, most often these are flexors. Both individual tendon injuries and combinations with damage to nearby vessels and nerves are noted.

When the hand finds itself between the moving parts of the unit, it is crushed, resulting in lacerations, the muscles contract and the ends of the tendons diverge. A puncture wound completely cuts the tendons in a limb. Required here surgical repair The operation is quite complex and lengthy because it is necessary to sew up all the damaged tendons in order to normalize the function of the hand. The application of an extensor dynamic splint accelerates the healing process of tendon wounds.

Rupture and damage to finger tendons

When the tendons of the fingers are torn, a lack of active flexion in the distal interphalangeal joints of the hand can be detected. This is evidence that the deep flexor muscle is damaged. If the absence is determined active movements in the interphalangeal joints, the superficial and deep flexors of the fingers are damaged. But the function of the lumbrical muscles, which provides active flexion at the metacarpophalangeal joints, may be preserved.

By examining the sensitivity of the fingers, nerve damage is detected. The X-ray method for bruised and crushed wounds will definitely show the degree of damage to bones and joints. Open injuries to the flexor tendons of the fingers are more common. If there is damage in the area of ​​the distal interphalangeal joint, flexion of the nail phalanx by 60° is possible, but extension is impossible.

If the tendon-aponeurotic stretch of the extensor fingers of the hand is affected at the level of the proximal interphalangeal joint, even if the integrity of its central part is damaged, extension of the nail phalanx is possible, sometimes the middle one can be in a flexed position. It is quite common for the nail and middle phalanges to be in a bent position while all three parts are affected. The extensor finger can be damaged in the area of ​​the main phalanx, then active extension in the joints between the phalanges occurs, but there is no activity of extension of the main phalanx.

It is necessary to treat injuries to the flexors and extensors of the fingers surgically. The exception is fresh tears in the area of ​​the distal interphalangeal joint; here, fixing the nail phalanx in a hyperextension position and bending the middle phalanx at a right angle for 1 to 1.5 months effectively helps.

Regarding open damage, then first aid is to stop the bleeding, after which it is advisable to cover the wound sterile bandage and apply transport tire. At the trauma center, the diagnosis will be clarified, the wound will be treated, and a tendon suture will be made, which, by the way, is contraindicated for lacerations, bruised wounds, bone fractures and joint injuries. Modern surgeons recommend plastic surgery for chronic injuries of the flexor and extensor tendons of the fingers.

Rupture and damage to foot tendons

Degrees of damage to the tendons of the foot:

First degree – slight pain, slight swelling of the ankle. You can step on your foot. Unpleasant sensations disappear after a few days of treatment with special ointments and compresses. Second degree – medium-sized swelling of the joint, sharp pain when moving the foot. Third degree – tendon rupture, severe persistent pain, significant swelling of the joint.

Rupture and damage to the Achilles or calcaneal tendon (triceps muscle), which is attached to the heel tubercle and is very thick, appears as a result strong voltage. Usually the gap in this zone is complete. Causes of damage include direct trauma after being hit by a hard object and indirect impact resulting from a sharp contraction of the triceps surae muscle.

The risk group includes athletes; injury can occur, for example, in runners with a sudden load on the tendon when the foot lifts off the surface at the start, in track and field athletes with sharp dorsiflexion of the foot during a fall from a height. Partial damage to the Achilles tendon occurs due to direct trauma with a cutting object. The victim experiences acute pain, a sensation of a blow to the tendon.

On the back surface lower third hemorrhage and swelling are observed in the lower leg. You can see a dent in the rupture area. The patient cannot stand on the balls of his feet and plantar flexion of the foot is impossible. First aid consists of pain relief with medications and delivery to the trauma department.

Treatment for fresh ruptures (no more than two weeks) is a closed percutaneous suture. A plaster cast is applied to the affected area for 4 weeks, the leg remains in one position all the time. After removing the thread from the suture, the leg is fixed for 4 weeks in a different position.

If the injury is old (more than 2 weeks), usually scar tissue has already formed at the ends of the tendons, it is removed, a skin incision is made over the tendon, and the ends of the tendon are sutured with a special suture according to Dr. Tkachenko’s method. If there is a tissue defect, plastic surgery is performed, followed by the application of a plaster cast for a period of 6 weeks. Full recovery is guaranteed with the use of special exercises and physiotherapy.

The Achilles tendon is the strongest; when the muscles are tense, it stretches and allows you to stand on your toes or perform a jump. X-rays are used for diagnosis ankle joint in lateral projection, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound equipment. Damage can also be determined using traditional palpation.

Rupture and damage to tendons in the legs

In the legs, there is a rupture of the quadriceps tendon. The quadriceps femoris tendon attaches to the surface and sides of the patella and tibial tuberosity. This is a very strong connection, but the muscle also has strength, so its sharp contraction causes the tendon to rupture in the transverse direction in the area just below the attachment to the patella. At the moment of rupture, a crack is heard and a sharp pain is felt above the knee.

Retraction occurs, hemorrhage occurs, and tissues swell. The quadriceps muscle loses its tone, its tension leads to a hemispherical protrusion. Attempts to straighten the lower leg become unsuccessful. First aid - splinting and transport to hospital. To treat a rupture of the quadriceps tendon, pain relief is used and the ends of the tendon are sutured with threads made of absorbable material. Plaster cast applied for 6 weeks. Then physical therapy and physiotherapy are indicated.

Tendon pain

Many people experience pain in the tendons of their legs and arms. Doctors state that they have to deal with such complaints in their practice every day.

Pathogenic processes in tendons such as tendonitis, tendinosis and tenosynovitis are not uncommon. Tendinitis develops with incorrect posture, prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable position, and lack of warming up of the muscles during sports. Infectious diseases, arthritis of the joints and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, different lengths of the limbs increase the load on the muscles and tendons.

If there is pain in the tendons, then it is also noticeable in the neighboring tissues. Soreness may occur suddenly or gradually increase. Unbearable pain is characterized by the presence of calcium deposits, impaired mobility and capsulitis of the shoulder. Sharp pain observed with tendinosis, because it is associated with tendon rupture. Tenosynovitis also causes tendon pain. The cause of pain in the tendons may be excessive force of the organ. At long-term loads, tissue degeneration develops, metabolism is disrupted.

The calcaneal tendon connects the calf muscles directly to the heel. It is thanks to these elastic fibers that the foot can perform the most complex flexion-extension and rotational movements. Jumping, running, rising on your toes, jumping - all these actions become problematic if the tendon above the heel hurts. And, contrary to popular belief, not only athletes, but people far from professional sports may encounter such a problem.

General characteristics: risk groups

The structure of the tendon located above the heel is considered unique, since the tissues are able to withstand incredible loads. Thanks to the presence of collagen, the fibers retain their strength and elasticity. The elasticity and ability to stretch is provided by the protein elastin. Any violation of the composition of the fibers or their damage, inflammation inevitably provokes discomfort.

The Achilles tendon can hurt due to:

  • overstrain of the calf muscle;
  • inadequate load on the legs;
  • physiological features of the structure of the foot;
  • use of low-quality, uncomfortable shoes;
  • violations of training techniques;
  • reducing the elasticity of fibers;
  • metabolic disorders, hormonal problems in the body;
  • infectious lesions.

If we consider the issue from the point of view of the frequency of occurrence of painful situations, then the first place will be occupied by problems among athletes. It is excessive physical activity that leads to damage to the microfibers of the Achilles tendon. In fact, the tissues do not have time to recover after a hard workout and are forced to take on new loads. With prolonged negative impact on the tendon, there is a high probability of its inflammation and even rupture.

Women who prefer high-heeled shoes are also at risk. They are very familiar with the situation when the area on the heel and above, the muscles of the lower leg begin to ache incredibly immediately after taking off such shoes. In fact, fabrics long time were in a reduced state. With a sudden transition to a low sole, not only the position of the foot changes, but also the condition of the tendons and muscles, which are forced to sharply stretch, which causes nagging pain.

WITH similar problem people also face different types flat feet. Incorrect positioning of the foot inevitably provokes unnatural overstretching of the ligament fibers.

But why do tendons hurt in older people who don’t exercise? professional sports, don't wear heels? The answer lies in age-related loss of elastin. The tendon loses its ability to stretch and becomes more rigid. Therefore, movements aimed at stretching it provoke micro-tears and, accordingly, pain.

Injuries and diseases of the heel tendon

The tendon inevitably becomes inflamed as a result of microtraumas, sprains, and ruptures. It is the inflammatory process that provokes painful sensations. In this case, the pain can be sharp and pulling. It is impossible to perform basic foot movements. Externally, there is swelling in the heel area, at its base and redness skin. The pain may radiate to the lower leg area, under the knee.

Both the tendon itself and the tissues surrounding it can become inflamed. It is the type of inflammation and the name of the connective or soft elements that is reflected in the name of the disease and its course. The most dangerous damage a complete rupture is considered, resulting in loss of functional ability of the foot.


Inflammation of the tendon itself is called tendinitis. This is a fairly common problem for people whose legs are constantly exposed to stress. During training or just while doing physical work Micro-tears appear in the fibers. Most often, such an injury occurs when landing on the toes while jumping or running. The impact force in this case is the body weight itself. The triceps surae muscle takes the brunt of the load, and the heel tendon is overstretched.

Having received a microtrauma, a person may simply not pay attention to minor discomfort. Moreover, after rest the pain goes away. But when you resume putting stress on your leg, the pain returns. Moreover, not only the area above the heel can hurt, but it can also spread along the muscle.

Therefore, when discomfort in the lower leg, in the heel, associated with physical activity, it is worth stopping any stress on the sore leg, since there is a high probability that the symptoms are associated with microtrauma of the heel tendon.

If such damage is not treated and training continues, the disease becomes chronic.

The pain in this case becomes nagging and constant. It is problematic to walk, especially on steps and inclined planes. After a night's rest, a person feels pain above the heel, as well as below the knee.

ABOUT chronic inflammation the tendons will tell you characteristic features, which appear:

  • swelling and hardening of the tendon itself;
  • problems with flexion of the foot;
  • clicks, squeaks with any movements;
  • , along the muscle to the thigh;
  • tension in the lower leg;
  • decreased ankle mobility;

Treatment chronic form tendonitis takes much longer and requires strict adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician, since its absence or wrong approach therapy may lead to disability.

Achilles bursitis

The junction of the tendon with the calcaneus is limited on both sides by the subcutaneous calcaneal bursa. These are special periarticular bags that provide the supply of lubricant that prevents friction of the tendon against the bone and external tissues. In case of inflammation, a diagnosis of achylobursitis or Albert's disease is made.

There may be several reasons for the development of such a pathology, including traumatic and inflammatory ones.

Most often, achillobursitis occurs against the background of:

  • arthritis, when inflammation covers the periarticular tissues and the symptoms worsen;
  • injuries sustained as a result of prolonged training;
  • wearing tight or uncomfortable shoes;
  • excess body weight.

The disease can also be infectious in nature, that is, develop after a viral or bacterial cold.

With this pathology, the heel area swells, turns red, and increases in size. Any attempts to stand on your toes or heels provoke increased pain. Movement in the ankle is difficult.

In a chronic or advanced form of the disease, the pain becomes constantly pulsating, there is an increase in temperature and significant redness of the skin.

Acute inflammatory processes often cause tendon rupture.


Video - Achilles tendon


IN medical practice The disease is referred to as crepitant tenovaginitis. The inflammatory process in this pathology involves both the tendon itself and its sheath, as well as nearby muscle tissue.

The most common etiological factors are:

  • tendon overstrain;
  • chronic damage;
  • frequent repetition of the same type of sudden movements of the feet over a short period of time.

A characteristic sign of the disease, except painful sensations, is a crunching sound during movements. Patients complain of weakness of the foot, and they have to exert excessive effort to perform habitual movements.


The disease is associated with the replacement of elastic tendon tissues with scar, more dense ones. As a result, the fibers become overgrown with growths, acquire an uneven surface, and become rough.

Tendinosis refers to dystrophic pathologies of the chronic type. It usually develops slowly and in the initial stages remains without treatment, since patients do not give lung values discomfort in the heel area. Subsequently, the tissues completely lose their elasticity, and in some cases simply die. Accordingly, the tendon cannot perform its functions, and the ankle loses mobility. Any movement is accompanied by pain.

Tendon rupture

Tendon ruptures occur among athletes who begin training without prior warming up. However, such consequences can occur as complications of any inflammatory or degenerative disease Achilles tendon.

The pain during rupture is sharp, burning. The foot loses the ability to perform any movements.

Such damage requires immediate hospitalization and surgical intervention.

How to treat diseases and injuries of the tendon above the heel

If any unpleasant sensations occur in the Achilles tendon area, even minor ones, you must immediately stop any stress on the leg. If trouble occurs during training, you should not continue exercising through pain, which will greatly worsen the situation.

In any case, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination. The symptoms of problems with the Achilles are quite similar to injuries to the heel bone, ankle, and inflammatory pathologies of the joint. Therefore, diagnosis always begins with an x-ray. An ultrasound or MRI may be needed to see the condition of the soft tissues.

To exclude infectious nature inflammation, the doctor will prescribe blood tests.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the patient is advised to provide temporary rest to the leg. What can orthoses be used for? elastic bandaging. In some cases, the application of a plaster splint or bandage is required until the pain is completely relieved. To relieve swelling and soothe pain, cold compresses are allowed for the first couple of days.

In the future, you can move on to warming procedures. To do this, use various ointments, gels, compresses, paraffin applications, baths.

The drugs will help relieve pain and relieve inflammation non-steroidal group. Most often, tablet medications are used. IN difficult cases injections may be prescribed.

During rehabilitation, the emphasis is on massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, and therapeutic exercises.

If the disease is associated infectious lesion, antibacterial and antiviral drugs are prescribed.

Surgery is required for complete rupture of the tendon, as well as severe damage to the bursae, stiffness and tissue death.

The rehabilitation period will depend on the complexity of the injury. Minimal tendon recovery takes about 2 weeks.

The main thing is to understand that any of these diseases can recur. And oh full recovery you can forget if you do not comply with the requirements of secondary prevention, including strengthening and increasing the elasticity of ligaments, warming up before training.



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