Spatial and temporal organization of an autistic child’s activities and daily routine. Autism treatment at home with folk remedies

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What is Autism in children -

Autism in children also known as infantile autism, is a disorder from the group of autism spectrum or persistent developmental disorders. Autism begins in childhood, often continuing into adulthood.

Epidemiology. According to various data, the frequency is from 2 to 6 children per 1 thousand.

“Classical” autism accounts for ¼ to ½ of all autistic disorders. The male to female ratio among autistic people is approximately 3:1. A clear relationship between the disorder and socioeconomic status was not found, as previously assumed.

What provokes / Causes of Autism in children:

Approximately 10-15% of autistic children have identifiable medical conditions. There is a greater chance of finding the cause of autism if the child has severe or profound generalized learning disabilities. Autistic disorders in children often arise from certain illnesses, usually resulting in generalized learning disabilities. This is, for example, with seizures.

Scientists suggest that hereditary (genetic) causes play a role in the development of classic autism. It is not just one gene that plays a role, but many interacting ones. It is assumed that genetic factors play a lesser role in the development of autism, which is associated with severe and profound generalized learning disabilities. These signs can be largely explained by widespread brain damage.

Unfavorable births are unlikely to be the cause of autism. There is no evidence that psychosocial disadvantage plays any role in the etiology of autism. There is also no proven connection of this disorder with an early traumatic event, insensitivity of parents or their lack of responsiveness towards their child. But some scientists still hold the opposite opinion.

Pathogenesis (what happens?) during Autism in children:

Many researchers believe that autism is caused by a primary defect in one neurological system or one psychological function. But it is also believed that autism occurs due to a specific combination of structural or functional abnormalities.

Neurobiological studies did not show focal deficits—virtually all parts of the brain were involved, and no localization was systematically confirmed.

Some children with autism have abnormally large head circumferences and large brains, suggesting that widespread abnormalities of neurological development—more than just focal ones—are thought to be important.

It was assumed that the cause of autism in children lies in a primary psychological deficit, but attempts to prove this have had little success. Two theories have gained recognition. The first believes that the primary deficit in autism is in “Theory of Mind”, i.e. in the ability to attribute independent mental states to predict and explain actions. Therefore, it is difficult for autistic people to imagine the point of view of another person (with all the ensuing patterns of behavior and consequences). But they can easily learn skills that require mechanical or behavioral understanding of objects and people.

Another theory is that the primary deficit in autism is in executive function and the kind of problems with planning and organizational skills that lead to poor performance on “frontal lobe” tests.

Other researchers who have studied the topic of primary psychological deficits in autism talk about a congenital impairment of the ability to emotionally adapt to others and an impaired ability to synthesize different information, drawing conclusions from it and producing ideas.

But none of these theories explains the repetitive and stereotypical behavior of children with autism, as well as the low behavior that is characteristic of most such children.

Symptoms of Autism in Children:

Social disorders relate to interactions with others. Children with autism are alienated and have poor behavior eye contact, show a lack of interest in a person as a person (may treat people as machines for dispensing sweets, a source of entertainment, etc.). An autistic person does not seek comfort from other people when they are in pain.

In half of autistic children, social interests (interest in other people) develop over time, but problems with reciprocity, social responsiveness, and the ability to empathize still remain. These children find it difficult to regulate their behavior depending on the social context. Social context refers to the purpose of the event, as well as the pre-existing relationships between participants.

Autistic people do not recognize other people's feelings well, and therefore react poorly to them or not at all. Most often, children with autism are attached to their parents and can be affectionate, even very affectionate. But it is more likely that an autistic child will hug his parents and approach them than accept hugs and attempts at communication from mom, dad and others who are close to him.

An autistic child communicates with others according to his own rules, which children his age may not like at all. Therefore, as a rule, interactions with peers are very limited.

If an autistic person begins to speak (not in specific cases, but in principle), then speech its usually not only delayed, but also anomalous. Among possible deviations: “parroting” - repetition of words or phrases (), which occurs immediately or with a delay; inversion of pronouns (for example, “you” instead of “I”), the use of phrases and words he himself invented, reliance on clichés and repeated questions.

Some autistic children speak only when they want to demand something from others and are not inclined to engage in dialogue. Some children with autistic disabilities can talk in detail about their hobbies or current activities, without paying attention to whether the conversation is interesting to the interlocutor (they do not recognize appropriate social cues). Speech often differs from speech normal person by tone or intonation. Often it is monotonous, the child “mumbles.” The gestures are also abnormal.

Limited and repetitive activities and interests an autistic child includes:

Resistance to change (for example, a small rearrangement of furniture causes severe)

Insistent requirement to comply established procedures and rituals,


Hand waving

Playing with ordering (they arrange objects according to their own system), attachment to unusual objects (for example, a pencil case or a support for indoor plants),

The attraction of unusual aspects of the world (for example, the sensation of touching zippers or people's hair),

An all-consuming preoccupation with limited topics (eg, gas prices, television schedules).

Fantasy play for autism in children, as a rule, absent (with the exception of adolescents). When symbolic play is present, it is often limited to simple repeated acting out of just one or two episodes from a favorite story or television program.

Early onset as a sign of autism in a child

In the first year of life, this disorder is rarely detected. But what is considered a peculiarity of the child in infancy turns out to be signs not normal development. For example, if you never liked to be cuddled, even in infancy, or the development of speech was significantly delayed.

But in about a third of cases, in the 2nd or 3rd year of life, after a period of normal or almost normal development, these children go through a stage of regression, losing previously acquired skills of social interaction, communication and play.

Some children are diagnosed with atypical or unspecified developmental disorder if they do not meet all the criteria for autism.

Associated symptoms

Generalized learning disability

Most people have it. In children with the most severe forms of autism, the IQ distribution is as follows: 50% have an IQ below 50, 70% have an IQ below 70, and almost 100% have an IQ below 100.

Lighter autistic disorders disorders, such as Asperger's syndrome, are increasingly being identified in children with normal and high intelligence, and they are often accompanied by generalized learning disabilities.

The IQ of autistic people is most conveniently measured using nonverbal texts. In severe autism, verbal IQ is almost always lower than nonverbal IQ because related problems with a speech. In Asperger's syndrome and high-functioning autism, nonverbal IQ is often lower than verbal IQ.


It occurs in ¼ of autistic children with generalized learning disabilities and approximately in autistic children with normal IQ. Seizures often begin in adolescence. If seizures occur in children with generalized learning disabilities but without autistic problems, they often begin in early childhood rather than adolescence.

Other psychiatric problems

In addition to those already described typical signs, many children with autistic disorders have additional problems with hyperactivity, behavior and emotions. There are complaints from caregivers, teachers and parents about poor concentration and excessive activity of the child. From a carefully collected history, one can understand what is the immediate response to tasks imposed by adults. This also applies to school activities. But at the same time, the child concentrates well on the tasks that he has set for himself, which are interesting to him - for example, lining up objects in a row. In other cases, a little autistic person’s attention is poorly concentrated in absolutely any type of activity.

Severe and frequent outbursts of anger are typical for children with this diagnosis. They are caused by the fact that the child himself cannot convey the message to adults about his needs, or by the fact that someone violates their usual order and rituals. The intervention of others can cause aggressive attacks.

Autistic people with generalized learning disabilities are susceptible to self-injurious behavior. They pick at their eyes, bite their hands, and can bang their heads against walls. Among the rituals to which they are subjected are also excessive vagaries in eating habits.

Intense fears can cause phobic avoidance. Moreover, fears can be those that are inherent in ordinary children, or idiosyncratic - for example, the fear of gas stations. Autism is not the cause of delusion.


Asperger's syndrome some scientists view it as easy option autism. It differs from classic autism in that:

  1. Developmental delay vocabulary and there is little or no grammar, but other aspects of language are abnormal, as in autism. Often the speech is pedantic and stilted, the intonation is abnormal. Gesticulation may be limited or excessive. The child easily begins monologues on any topic, which are very difficult to stop.
  2. Early withdrawal is less common than in autism. A child with Asperger's syndrome is often interested in other people. But interactions with other people are awkward.
  3. Restricted and repetitive behavior is most evident in hobbies or limited interests. For example, parking a toy car.
  4. Severe clumsiness is presumably more common in autism than in autism.

Generalized learning disability without autism. Speech is absent, as is symbolic play, if the child's mental age is less than 12 months. Social responsiveness in such children is at a fairly high level, corresponding to their mental age.

Generalized learning disability with features of autism. Many children diagnosed with generalized learning disabilities have problems affecting communication, social interactions and play. They also have varying degrees Repetitive and restricted behavior is evident. Only a small part of such children have all the grounds for diagnosis childhood autism. But most can be diagnosed with atypical autism.

Rett syndrome - this dominant X-linked disorder occurs almost exclusively in girls and is very similar to autism. At approximately 1 year of age, the child experiences global developmental regression. He loses previously acquired abilities, head growth slows down, characteristic stereotypies appear in the form of “hand washing” and limited ability to use his hands. Children also experience episodic deep breaths and laughter for no reason. Mobility impairments progress.

Most children diagnosed with Rett syndrome have a reasonable level of social responsiveness given their low mental age and physical limitations.

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If you have previously performed any research, Be sure to take their results to a doctor for consultation. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

At yours? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor to not only prevent a terrible disease, but also maintain healthy mind in the body and the organism as a whole.

If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need in the section. Also register on the medical portal Eurolab to keep abreast of the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

Other diseases from the group Children's diseases (pediatrics):

Bacillus cereus in children
Adenovirus infection in children
Nutritional dyspepsia
Allergic diathesis in children
Allergic conjunctivitis in children
Allergic rhinitis in children
Sore throat in children
Aneurysm of the interatrial septum
Aneurysm in children
Anemia in children
Arrhythmia in children
Arterial hypertension in children
Ascariasis in children
Asphyxia of newborns
Atopic dermatitis in children
Rabies in children
Blepharitis in children
Heart blocks in children
Lateral neck cyst in children
Marfan disease (syndrome)
Hirschsprung's disease in children
Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis) in children
Legionnaires' disease in children
Meniere's disease in children
Botulism in children
Bronchial asthma in children
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Brucellosis in children
Typhoid fever in children
Spring catarrh in children
Chicken pox in children
Viral conjunctivitis in children
Temporal lobe epilepsy in children
Visceral leishmaniasis in children
HIV infection in children
Intracranial birth injury
Intestinal inflammation in a child
Congenital heart defects (CHD) in children
Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in children
Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children
Hemophilia in children
Haemophilus influenzae infection in children
Generalized learning disabilities in children
Generalized anxiety disorder in children
Geographical language in a child
Hepatitis G in children
Hepatitis A in children
Hepatitis B in children
Hepatitis D in children
Hepatitis E in children
Hepatitis C in children
Herpes in children
Herpes in newborns
Hydrocephalic syndrome in children
Hyperactivity in children
Hypervitaminosis in children
Hyperexcitability in children
Hypovitaminosis in children
Fetal hypoxia
Hypotension in children
Hypotrophy in a child
Histiocytosis in children
Glaucoma in children
Deafness (deaf-mute)
Gonoblenorrhea in children
Flu in children
Dacryoadenitis in children
Dacryocystitis in children
Depression in children
Dysentery (shigellosis) in children
Dysbacteriosis in children
Dysmetabolic nephropathy in children
Diphtheria in children
Benign lymphoreticulosis in children
Iron deficiency anemia in a child
Yellow fever in children
Occipital epilepsy in children
Heartburn (GERD) in children
Immunodeficiency in children
Impetigo in children
Infectious mononucleosis in children
Deviated nasal septum in children
Ischemic neuropathy in children
Campylobacteriosis in children
Canaliculitis in children
Candidiasis (thrush) in children
Carotid-cavernous anastomosis in children
Keratitis in children
Klebsiella in children
Tick-borne typhus in children
Tick-borne encephalitis in children
Clostridia in children
Coarctation of the aorta in children
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in children
Whooping cough in children
Coxsackie and ECHO infection in children
Conjunctivitis in children
Coronavirus infection in children
Measles in children
Urticaria in children
Rubella in children
Cryptorchidism in children
Croup in a child
Lobar pneumonia in children
Crimean hemorrhagic fever (CHF) in children
Q fever in children
Labyrinthitis in children
Lactase deficiency in children
Laryngitis (acute)
Pulmonary hypertension of newborns
Leukemia in children
Drug allergies in children
Leptospirosis in children
Lethargic encephalitis in children
Lymphogranulomatosis in children
Lymphoma in children
Listeriosis in children
Ebola fever in children
Frontal epilepsy in children
Malabsorption in children
Malaria in children
MARS in children
Mastoiditis in children
Meningitis in children
Meningococcal infection in children
Meningococcal meningitis in children
Metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents
Myasthenia in children
Migraine in children
Mycoplasmosis in children
Myocardial dystrophy in children
Myocarditis in children
Myoclonic epilepsy of early childhood
Mitral stenosis
Urolithiasis (UCD) in children
Cystic fibrosis in children
Otitis externa in children
Speech disorders in children
Neuroses in children
Mitral valve insufficiency
Incomplete intestinal rotation
Sensorineural hearing loss in children
Neurofibromatosis in children
Diabetes insipidus in children
Nephrotic syndrome in children
Nosebleeds in children
Obsessive-compulsive disorder in children
Obstructive bronchitis in children
Obesity in children
Omsk hemorrhagic fever (OHF) in children
Opisthorchiasis in children
Herpes zoster in children
Brain tumors in children
Tumors of the spinal cord and spine in children
Ear tumor
Psittacosis in children
Smallpox rickettsiosis in children
Acute renal failure in children
Pinworms in children
Acute sinusitis
Acute herpetic stomatitis in children
Acute pancreatitis in children
Acute pyelonephritis in children
Quincke's edema in children
Otitis media in children (chronic)
Otomycosis in children
Otosclerosis in children
Focal pneumonia in children
Parainfluenza in children
Parawhooping cough in children
Paratrophy in children
Paroxysmal tachycardia in children
Mumps in children
Pericarditis in children
Pyloric stenosis in children
Child's food allergy
Pleurisy in children
Pneumococcal infection in children
Pneumonia in children
Pneumothorax in children

Supporters of TEACH emphasize that for an autistic child it is important to choose a comfortable table and chair that are suitable for their height, and arrange the table so that nothing distracts his attention, and, on the contrary, highlights the objects to which you would like to draw his attention. Pleasant and easy tasks, alternating tasks with entertainment will help reduce the child’s negativism towards the learning situation.

When learning, the rhythm of the lesson is important. An autistic child is able to remain for a very short time in a situation where he is required to pay voluntary attention and perform voluntary actions. Training at first can be very short (3-5 minutes), but it is necessary that the child immediately experiences success. Operant and especially emotional-corrective approaches recommend playing with luck emotionally.

The temporary organization of his life also helps to reduce anxiety and regulate the behavior of an autistic child. The existence of a clear daily routine, family habits and traditions, if the sequence of events is predictable, they must be strictly observed, repeating day after day (eating, walking, sleeping, studying, etc.).

In the operant approach, the idea of ​​the need for learning in a natural situation, when reinforcement is achieved by the child himself as a result of performing the action necessary for this, has recently become increasingly popular. Some operations that are especially difficult for a child can be inserted into a game plot that is interesting to the child in order to give him the opportunity to practice outside of a learning situation.

The combination of clear spatial organization, schedules and playful moments can significantly facilitate the teaching of everyday behavior skills to an autistic child.

The possibilities of using the methods described above are illustrated by examples from the practice of correctional education of a child and adult with early childhood autism.

Prevention of autism

The disease autism did not exist at all before the use of mercury as a preservative in vaccines. Thus, the best prevention of autism would be to maximally prevent the entry of mercury into the child’s body at least until the age of 3.

Developing countries are currently in a particular risk zone - the displacement of vaccinations with thimerosal from the market of developed countries automatically led to their appearance on the markets developing countries. In order for a child to receive a critical dose of mercury, only 3 vaccines with the preservative thimerosal are enough; mercury is a fat-soluble element and therefore has a cumulative effect.

Prevention of autism is quite obvious - autism is a condition into which a child has been driven by completely undermining his immune system. Our immune system is like a vessel; it can withstand a certain amount of external stress, but when its reserves are exhausted, then a breakdown occurs. It is impossible to predict how it will end; everything is very individual and genetic predisposition most likely plays a decisive role here. Unload the child’s immune system in advance, do not let it go through this breakdown - this will be the most reliable prevention of autism for him. The following precautions will greatly help both the child and the parents. And this is not only the prevention of autism, but also all other diseases that arise due to problems with the immune system: Asperger's syndrome, lupus, diabetes, various types of depression and panic disorders, cancer. Now let’s talk about who needs autism prevention first of all.

1. According to statistics, very often parents of autistic people or their relatives have problems such as various types of depression (vegetative-vascular disorders, manic-depressive syndrome, paranoia, systematic binge drinking, drug addiction, all this applies to depressive disorders or what they lead to). Children with such parents or relatives are primarily at risk.

2. A child will be predisposed to autism if at least one of the parents in the family fits the category of what is commonly called “autistic character” (computer geniuses often belong to them). These people are not autistic, but they do not really like society, they usually do not have many friends, they would rather sit and tinker with hardware than chat with friends. Such statistics also already exist.

3. Another category of people who need to take a very close look at their kids are people who are a little out of touch with reality, immersed in the search for the meaning of life, and keen on studying philosophical and religious concepts. The logic here is simple - such parents are more sensitive to their surroundings, the child needs fewer such parents so that his body cannot withstand the stress of today's cruel world, and he does not join the ranks of autists.

The Autism Research Institute recently published data from recent studies that leave no doubt about the nature of the occurrence of autism - autism is mercury poisoning that occurred in very early childhood. After this publication, the United States began to ban the use of vaccines with thimerosal for children under 3 years of age at the individual State level. Currently, several states have completely abandoned such vaccines, where this happened, the level of autism has sharply dropped from 1 case per 160 children to 1 case per 1300 children! Those. new autistic people are no longer born there. Finally, the UK also banned the use of such vaccines, where the level of autism has already approached a critical level: 1 autistic person in 80 children.

Now many autistic people fully recover after undergoing chelation therapy - cleansing the body of heavy metals, the procedure is expensive, quite difficult and quite lengthy (takes up to 2 years). In fact, autism did not exist at all before the use of mercury as a preservative in vaccines. Thus, the best prevention of autism would be to maximally prevent the entry of mercury into the child’s body at least until the age of 3.

Developing countries and CIS countries are currently in a special risk zone - the displacement of vaccinations with thimerosal from the market of developed countries automatically led to their appearance in the markets of developing countries. Now I receive letters from Russian mothers who have started checking the composition of vaccines: there are simply no other vaccines there anymore! In order for a child to receive a critical dose of mercury, only 3 vaccines with the preservative thimerosal are enough; mercury is a fat-soluble element and therefore has a cumulative effect.

Now in the USA the press is filled with articles about the dangers of modern vaccinations, and in a few more years it will no longer be possible to hide the terrible truth - modern vaccines do not pass the necessary safety tests, and the preservative temirosal appeared on the market 60 years ago almost without them at all. The necessary checks are now entrusted to the manufacturer itself, which automatically means that they are not carried out as they should due to the financial interest of the company not to lose its money. This most ambitious crime against our children will certainly end in the ruin of many of these companies due to the fact that they will soon simply be overwhelmed with lawsuits.

Today, there are 3 main ways a child can receive a large dose of mercury:
- vaccination with vaccines containing the mercury preservative thimerosal;
- eating seafood during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
- amalgam fillings for the mother during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Prevent your child from being poisoned by mercury, and your baby is 100% insured against autism. If your child has already received a dose of mercury from the sources listed above, you will have to follow all other recommendations. Completing at least some of them will greatly improve your child’s condition.

It won't be long before you hear from doctors and official sources about what leads children to the point where a completely normally developing baby suddenly experiences a regression in development and symptoms of RDA appear. After all, in this case we will have to admit that in modern world There are so many things that are done “wrong” that our medicine does not help us get rid of diseases, but, on the contrary, creates more and more problems for us over time.

Prevention of autism is quite obvious - autism is a condition into which a child is driven by completely undermining his immune system. Our immune system is like a vessel; it can withstand a certain amount of external stress, but when its reserves are exhausted, then such a breakdown occurs. It is impossible to predict how it will end; everything is very individual and here, most likely, the so-called genetic predisposition. Unload the child’s immune system in advance, do not let it go through this breakdown - this will be the most reliable prevention of autism for him.

The following precautions will greatly help both your child and you. I didn’t make them up, DAN materials were used as a source of information! conferences and recommendations of our DAN! doctors And this is not only the prevention of autism, but also the prevention of all other diseases that arise due to problems with the immune system: Asperger's syndrome, lupus, diabetes, various types of depression and panic disorders, cancer. Now let’s talk about who needs autism prevention first of all.

According to statistics, very often parents of autistic people or their relatives have problems such as various types of depression (vegetative-vascular disorders, manic-depressive syndrome, paranoia, systematic binge drinking, drug addiction, all this refers to depressive disorders or what they lead to). Children with such parents or relatives are primarily at risk.

A child will be predisposed to autism if at least one of the parents in the family fits the category of what is commonly called “autistic character” (computer geniuses often fall into this category). These people are not autistic, but they do not really like society, they usually do not have many friends, they would rather sit and tinker with hardware than chat with friends. Such statistics also already exist.

Another category of people who need to take a very close look at their kids are people who are a little out of touch with reality, immersed in the search for the meaning of life, and keen on studying philosophical and religious concepts. The logic here is simple - such parents are more sensitive to their surroundings, the child of such parents needs much less so that his body cannot withstand the load of today's cruel world and he does not join the ranks of autists.

But even if the child has no genetic predisposition, but with early childhood If you see at least some of the symptoms listed below, then your child needs to be treated with increased attention. But even minimal manifestations, such as very poor appetite, very great indiscriminateness in food or excessive selectivity, severe fearfulness for no reason or, conversely, a complete lack of fear. Hyperactivity or lethargy, which is atypical for children, can all be the first signs of trouble. This suggests that the child already has problems; if they exceed the norm acceptable to him, he will become autistic. Where is this border? No one knows this, everyone has their own. In such a child, the problem may not reach the level where it is already called autism, but the child will subsequently have problems in contacts with peers, understanding others, concentrating, remembering educational material, etc. All of these milder problems have the same roots in autism.

Don’t listen to those who say that “it’s okay, it will outgrow, mine has outgrown.” In the past, such children often outgrew their problems, but not now. The situation has changed a lot even in the last 3-5 years. I increasingly hear stories from parents about how their older child, having very similar problems in childhood, was able to outgrow them, but the younger one has already become autistic.

So, what you should pay attention to:
Vaccination. Modern vaccines are overloaded with heavy metal compounds that are used as preservatives, the child’s body may not be able to remove them. No one can say which child will successfully remove these compounds from the body, and which will develop mercury poisoning. The symptoms of mercury poisoning are the same as the symptoms of autism. Therefore, it is better to vaccinate children as late as possible. This is especially true for the MMR vaccine (it has 3 components at once and the amount of preservatives in it is unusually large). Hepatitis B and influenza vaccines are currently the most dangerous on the North American vaccine market; they do not yet exist in a preservative-free form. There are other problems associated with vaccines that can lead to autoimmune problems. Now I would not vaccinate a child until at least 3 years old. If you still decide to vaccinate, do not do 2 vaccinations together, never vaccinate a child who has just been ill or who is unhealthy. Don’t do unnecessary vaccinations - think about whether you need to get vaccinated against chickenpox or whether it’s better to get over it. In general, decide for yourself, just know that vaccination is a big risk. The child may not become autistic, but may develop another neurological disorder. The statistics for such disorders in the United States look quite ominous: neurological disorders every 6th child is susceptible! You can read more about vaccinations in the book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About(tm) Children’s Vaccinations

Amalgam fillings The presence of such fillings in the mother during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a risk factor for the development of autism in the child, according to recent studies. The more such fillings a mother has, the greater the risk. Amalgam fillings are made up of 50% mercury and they constantly release this mercury. If you have such fillings, after necessary tests you can see the presence of mercury in the blood, this means that your unborn child gets it all the time. The sensitivity of an unborn child to toxins is up to 10 times greater than the sensitivity of an already born baby to them.

GMO foods. If a child is artificially born, he must eat a formula that does not contain GMO components, they are the ones that greatly undermine the baby’s immunity from early childhood. If the child eats mother's milk, mom's diet should not contain GMO products. I am sure that my baby’s immunity was undermined precisely because he ate Infalak formula, which contains GMO components, until he was a year old. Why did the pediatrician recommend this mixture to us? Lists of infant formulas that do not contain GMO ingredients are available on the Green Peace website. There is also information that Europe, China, Japan, and Malaysia have already introduced laws on mandatory labeling of products containing GMOs. Russia and the States are in a worse situation now, where there are no such laws yet. Feeding a baby foods containing GMO ingredients is very critical for the immune system.

Food intolerances. The diet of a child under 3 years old should not include at least whole cow's milk - it is not digestible even by adults, and it is even better not to give any products made from cow's milk. The same applies to baby formulas; it is better that they are made in goat milk, it contains much more easily digestible casein. You should not give a child under 3 years of age grains and especially wheat (it is now ALL GMO in North America! Russia buys a lot of wheat from Canada). To avoid the development of gluten intolerance, you should not give your child anything other than brown rice products before this age. This intolerance is most common reason depression and learning problems in adults and children [Source: The Crazy Makers: How the Food Industry Is Destroying Our Brains and Harming Our Children].

Research shows that when heavy metals enter the body, they affect the enzymatic system, primarily the enzymes that break down the proteins gluten and casein. Undigested peptides enter the child’s blood, poisoning him like opiates. They are also a powerful source of toxins, overloading the child’s already compromised immune system. As a result of creating the wrong nutrient medium in the intestine with such undigested food debris, pathogenic microflora develops in the intestine, which affects the intestinal walls, which leads to the entry of undigested food debris and toxins released by pathogenic microflora directly into the blood, bypassing all protective barriers body. Therefore, the ideal prevention of autism would be the advice given in many books - not to give grains to a child under 3 years of age. Moreover, the mother’s addiction to baking and dairy products during pregnancy puts the child at risk of developing such intolerance.

It is better to use organic vegetables and fruits (not GMO, not poisoned by chemicals), for Russia best option, probably private traders. They won’t pour so many chemicals into their garden (on a large farm, fruits are sprayed up to 70 times per season with various chemicals). It is better to minimize the consumption of foods that contribute to the growth of yeast infections in the intestines - grapes, vinegar, alcohol (I say this more for nursing mothers). It is yeast infections that often lead to multiple food allergies. A special place is occupied by food products containing chemical components - all kinds of Coca-Cola, chips, hamburgers, all of this costs money, spoils your and your child’s health and does not contain anything useful for the body.

Also avoid seafood, which now contains very high levels of highly toxic organic mercury.

Naturopathy (food supplements). In theory, a baby usually gets everything he needs either from mom's milk or formula. It follows that it is very important to feed the mother correctly and choose the right formula - this is the main thing. Mom must receive enough vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fats and essential amino acids. Protein production is especially critical - from there the growing body receives building proteins; calcium and polyunsaturated fats - building material for the brain (an ideal quality resource fish oil from small sea fish that has been purified from toxins, I use Cod Liver Oil) Mom should eat organic foods and they should not be GMO. Everything that mom doesn't get from food, she should get from food additives. During pregnancy and for a child under one year old, this is very critical.

After the child switches to autonomous nutrition, he must get everything from food or from food supplements, if his diet is not varied and does not cover the required standards for all the necessary components. If a child does not receive enough of the necessary substances, his immune system will not be in good condition. in good condition. If the child allergic reaction for some kind of additive, which means he does not assimilate what lies at its basis! So check for food allergies, make sure that your supplements are not made from foods that the child is intolerant to. There is no allergy to vitamin C, but there is often an allergy to citrus fruits from which this vitamin could be made. More important question in naturopathy – choosing a brand. Supplements are different, they must be made from high-quality organic natural raw materials, from non-GMO products and nothing unnecessary should be added to them. There is also such a problem in our world - they write one thing on the label, but inside it is completely different.

Use of household chemicals. Modern household chemicals contain terrible components, and for adults they cause many problems, but children cannot remove toxins, so these problems are many times more serious for them. Switch to safe detergents and cleaning products before your baby is born. If you have difficulties with the financial side of the issue, prepare them yourself. You can go the route of making your own detergents.

Cosmetics. Even your cosmetics often contain very dangerous components; do not use them during pregnancy and breastfeeding. For the baby himself, use only safe products. You may not even realize what terrible chemicals they contain. baby oil, baby cream, shampoo, bath foam, toothpaste etc. Use only proven brands! Not much money is needed for a baby and it lasts a very long time, so you shouldn’t skimp on it.

Air. Once you remove (remove, don't just stop using!) all toxic chemicals from your home, your air quality will improve dramatically. For some reason, people often talk about air pollution outside the home, despite the fact that it has long been known that due to the use of toxic products in everyday life, the level of pollution inside the premises is several times or even tens of times higher than the level of pollution outside, regardless of whether where is your house located. In winter, try to ventilate the room more often, humidify the air, and use filters if possible. Remove from your home all containers containing non-flowing water or change it more often - it is a breeding ground for bacteria.

Water. Water today is one of the sources of heavy metals. The body is usually able to remove them, but this puts an extra burden on an already overloaded immune system. The child should not drink water from the tap; use store-bought water for cooking and drinking. spring water or filter tap water, but then it must be a high-quality filter

Dishes. Plastic bottles, cups and plates are now very often used for feeding children. Do not microwave using plastic utensils. When heated, this plastic ends up in the child's food. Do not cook on the stove using Teflon cookware, Teflon contains very hazardous substances. Use only steel and glass utensils to prepare food for your child. Plastic packaging is also not the best solution for storing food.

Use of medications. Even Talenol is not harmless, remember this. He plants kidneys for the child from early childhood. Try to get by natural means. In North America, these are products of naturopathic companies; in Russia, look for medicines produced in Germany and other European countries, which are made on the basis of natural ingredients. If you still have to give your child antibiotics, use them with nystatin and probiotics. Otherwise, you risk destroying your baby’s microflora from early childhood with all the ensuing consequences (yeast infections -> leaky gut syndrome -> multiple allergies -> autism symptoms). The same effect can be achieved by giving a nursing mother antibiotics.

By applying at least some of these recommendations, you will already push potential illness away from yourself and your child. As you gradually move along this path and improve the situation around you, you will notice many pleasant moments: your illnesses will simply begin to disappear by themselves. Six months passed before I decided to remove dangerous toxic household chemicals from the house. Now that the body has already been cleansed, I can immediately feel by the change in my well-being whether toxic chemicals are used where I end up or not. And before it was strange transient allergies, headaches, higher fatigue, I had no idea about the origin of these problems. After this, the child completely stopped getting sick, even when he was in kindergarten and the children around him were sick with the flu.

And one last thing. Surely the first thing you thought after reading these recommendations: “this is impossible to do” or “where can I get the money for all this?” Moreover, the first replica will replace the second even if you suddenly have a lot of money automatically, believe me. Although most of them do not require additional material costs at all or require almost none. But no one says that you have to do everything at once. By clearing your home of unhealthy things step by step, you will create an oasis where your body can find rest. When you begin to feel an improvement in your well-being and see from the behavior of your children that their lives have become easier, you will have an incentive to continue working in this direction.

Autism is a disease that occurs due to a disorder in the brain. In general, there are several types of autistic disorders, such as Asperger's syndrome, but the main characteristic of all types is the difficulty of interacting with society. Until now, science does not know the causes of autism in children, so it is possible to understand exactly why a child was born this way only in 15% of cases, and the number of such children is approximately 10 people per 10,000. And, according to statistics, most often among those who understand The reasons are genes.

Autistic people are born mainly into families in which parents or other relatives suffer from autism or its various manifestations, for example, depression. By the way, this includes not only unreasonable long-term melancholy, but also paranoia, alcoholic binges, drug addiction or vegetative-vascular disorders. Those parents whose relatives do not really like to be in society and prefer solitary activities to communication should be wary.

But sometimes this can be caused by taking certain medications during pregnancy. A striking example This could be a case from the 60s, when women suffering from toxicosis were prescribed the drug Thalidomide. It was later discovered that it causes autistic disorders in the fetus.

It turned out that valproic acid, which is taken for cramps, has a similar effect, but should never be taken during pregnancy.

In general, every family has a desire to reduce the risk of autism in a child, so scientists have been researching this issue for a long time and trying to find universal ways to protect children from this disease even at the stage of pregnancy. To begin with, even before conception, it is necessary to fully prepare your body for pregnancy, this also applies to expectant fathers, but for the most part, expectant mothers need to prepare, and it is advisable that the preparation begins six months before pregnancy. For example, go to proper nutrition, establish a daily routine, get enough sleep to reduce stress levels, improve work immune system, take the necessary vitamins and, of course, have your body completely checked by specialists. In principle, these recommendations should also be followed during pregnancy. It is important to maintain positive emotions, do not expose yourself to stress, eat well, see a doctor and do not take any medications without consulting a specialist.

You can recognize autism in a child by early years. There are several signs of autism in children. Firstly, the baby does not give any reaction to people's speech, for example, does not turn his head in the direction from which the voice sounds. Secondly, after a year of life, he does not gesture in any way, for example, he does not point with his finger at the object he needs. Thirdly, if he forgot how to do something that he had already done before, for example, he stopped talking. Some begin to convince parents that this is normal, that the child will later outgrow this condition and catch up with his peers in development.

In fact, without the help of parents and specialists, his condition can only worsen.

Many mothers say that their children did not look people in the eyes, were afraid of any noise, and played while sitting in the corner. In addition, the games consisted of monotonous movements, for example, rolling a car back and forth. It is worth realizing that autism significantly interferes with a child’s development, and does not simply limit his communication, so such signs should never be ignored. Of course you can read some methodological manual on the treatment of autism in children, but the main advice from me will be one - if you notice the above signs in your child, contact a specialist, only he can really competently help your child and professionally advise you. Carefully monitor not only the child’s health, but also his development and emotional state.

Natalia Denisova

Take time and read a letter from a young mother from Canada, a former citizen of Russia.
5 years ago we moved to Canada with full confidence The fact is that here our future children will be taken care of much better than where we lived before. Now I can say that it was my belief in Canadian care for people that became the reason for the serious, incurable disease my child. My letter to you is about the danger from which my child has already suffered, and which is now hanging over the children of Russia.
My son was born here in Canada. 2.5 years ago, when he turned 2 years old, he was diagnosed with regressive global autism. This terrible disease, leaving parents no hope for the child’s recovery. Children with this diagnosis then have to be sent to a boarding school, because they become simply dangerous to others.
After the child was diagnosed with this, I lived for another year with faith in the local medicine and its ability to help my child. But the situation became worse and worse, the child grew up, while his development moved backward, not forward. When local specialists simply said that nothing could help me and I had to come to terms with the situation, I began to study the problem of autism on my own.
The results of these searches simply shocked me: - autism did not exist at all just 60 years ago! But that's when children's vaccines began using thimerosal, a mercury compound used as a preservative. There are many studies showing a clear relationship between thimerosal-containing vaccines and the rate of autism in a given country, a particular state, or just a selected group of people.
The level of autism drops tenfold over the course of several years in those countries that stop using vaccines with thimerosal at least for children under 3 years of age - this is the age when heavy metal poisoning can lead to the development of autism; later there will simply be other problems, but they will still exist. There is already a fairly large percentage of successfully cured (up to 90%) autistic people with the help of special therapy that allows one to cleanse the body of heavy metals (they always find high content mercury in the body). The earlier the treatment is started, the higher the success of therapy.
All these studies and all this information about the dangers of vaccines do not reach us only because pharmaceutical companies are making enormous efforts to achieve this. They make a lot of money from thimerosal vaccines. When I came across this flow of information, on the one hand, I couldn’t believe that Canadian doctors were using such dangerous vaccines on children. On the other hand, I had no choice but to try to help my child myself - all the doctors refused him anyway, saying that the situation was hopeless.
I found materials that the "Autism Research Institute", an organization that has been working on the problem of autism for almost 40 years, several years ago began holding conferences for doctors and researchers, where The results of research in this area and the implications of applying this research are discussed. As a result, they developed DAN (Defeat Autism Now) - a technique that can already be used to treat children with autism today. There are already doctors all over the world using it. But not in Russia! (I know of only one such doctor to date).
The principles underlying this treatment boil down to the following - remove everything harmful from the child, give him what is useful, and he will recover. The main part of the treatment, without which the child’s full recovery is impossible, is the removal of mercury from the body. The same mercury that settled in his tissues after vaccination.
Autism does not always develop, because some children can remove mercury from the body completely or partially, while others cannot. Children from the last category become autistic if this poisoning occurs before the age of 3. Research shows that in recent years there has been an increase in the number of children who developed normally until a certain age, and then lost skills and regressed.
This is exactly what happened to my child, he regressed at the age of 2 years. Now he is 4.5 years old, he does not speak, has no self-care skills, his development corresponds to the age of a 1.5 year old child. Over the past year and a half until now, our life has become constant struggle for the child. We have made good progress, the child is no longer regressing, he is developing, but we are still very far from final victory. I still don’t know whether we will be able to cure the child completely and how much time and money it will take.
Believe me, it is much easier to prevent this problem than to solve it later, even if you already know what causes it and how you can deal with it. Today, statistics on the incidence of autism in the United States are already close to 1 case in 160 children, and in some states it is 1 case in 130 children! The number of sick children is growing year by year, although 10 years ago it was a fairly rare disease: 3-4 cases per 10,000 children.
Statistics for Canada are better - 1 case of autism per 500 children. The situation in the States is much worse situation in Canada, because they vaccinate against hepatitis B in the first hours of life. The vaccine used contains a huge amount of mercury. But a year and a half ago, this vaccine was included in the compulsory vaccination plan in Canada... I’m already scared to look at local kids now and see all the signs that I observed in my child at this age. We will see how the data for Canada will change in the next year or two due to the start of using this terrible vaccine for everyone (we used to pay extra for it, so not everyone took it).
Most of the parents of these children, like me once, believe that this is just age problems. But this is not true, autism does not disappear on its own. Why am I addressing now specifically the residents of the CIS countries, primarily Russia? Because they were the ones who found themselves in the most terrible situation imaginable. These countries are completely unprepared for the autism epidemic.
Remember if you saw autistic people when you were growing up? I am sure that almost none of you, like me, have even heard of this problem before. And in Canada and the States everyone knows about it. Now some numbers. To raise an autistic child, the Canadian government spends about $3 million; However, still only 5% of autistic people are then able to live and work independently. Everyone else remains in the same place until the end of their days. special boarding schools, or in the care of parents, in the case of a mild form of autism. Often at least one parent of such a child is unable to work because he requires constant supervision.
In addition, more than 50% of these children are mentally retarded. Autism education is special therapy, carried out by individual programs, which costs about $30,000 a year, our program is funded by local authorities. Autistic children also need help from other specialists: a speech development specialist, a motor development specialist, etc. These specialists in Canada, as in the States, are also paid for by the government program. And in Russia?
Now look what's happening today. A campaign is now in full swing in the United States and other countries to completely ban vaccines containing mercury preservatives. Articles about this are already published on the front pages of the most famous print media, and many people are demanding that their doctors use thimerosal-free vaccines. They are already available in North America, you just need to inform your doctor that you do not want to poison your child with thimerosal.
But pharmaceutical companies do not want to give up and pay exorbitant fines, so they still do not officially admit their guilt in the tragedy of millions of autistic children. Moreover, they want to have time to sell already released goods. That is why they do not recognize the dangers of mercury in children's vaccines, although it has already been proven that thimerosal did not pass the necessary tests when its use began 60 years ago in children's vaccines. They don’t care how many more children will suffer from it, what’s important to them is not to miss out on their profits.
One of their latest maneuvers is to sell thimerosal vaccines to countries where such vaccines are not yet banned. Now people from Ukraine and Russia are writing to me about this - vaccination is mandatory, but it is no longer possible to find vaccines there without thimerosal! They are all with mercury! Check the vaccines your children are given, you will see that thimerosal is everywhere now. Studies show that 3 injections with this preservative given before the age of 3 lead to the fact that autism in such children develops 27 times more often than in other children. But cases of autism among unvaccinated children are practically unknown!
There is another huge problem in the CIS countries - it is impossible to carry out therapy there to cleanse a child of heavy metals, the so-called. chelation therapy. Even if we ignore the problem of autism and the fact that this therapy is the only real chance to cure such a child, with modern ecological situation, it is simply unthinkable that such therapy is not carried out anywhere in the CIS!
The main reason for writing this letter is the current propaganda campaign in Russia for vaccinating children against influenza. I leave it to the conscience of those who lie to you, proving the effectiveness of such vaccination, but don’t be lazy, look at the composition of the vaccine: ALL FLU VACCINES CONTAIN THIMEROSAL! If you can still find pure children's vaccines somewhere in the world, then flu vaccines without thimerosal simply do not exist!
When I say that this poison is dangerous for small children, this does not mean that it is safe for others. Look at the list of problems that you or your children can get from this very dubious protection: Heavy metal poisoning and problems associated with it... Toxins.htm
In conclusion, I would like to give a link to the section of my website dedicated to autism: ... autism.htm You will find a lot there useful information- from early symptoms of this problem to protocols for chelation of children and methods of teaching them. Here are links to materials that I would recommend each of you to study:
- What is autism? - general description problems and early symptoms autism
- Heavy metal poisoning and problems associated with it - comparison of symptoms of autism and mercury poisoning; behavioral structural and functional abnormalities associated with various toxic heavy metals... Toxins.htm
- The Early Childhood Autism Rating Scale is the primary test used to diagnose children suspected of having autism in North America;
For those who want to understand this problem thoroughly and parents of autistic children, I highly recommend studying the document describing the latest initiative from the Autism Research Institute, printed in 2005: “Treats for Mercury and Other Heavy Metal Poisoning in Autism and Related Disorders: A Consensus position". ... ercury.htm
Here are short excerpts from it: “Over the past few years, there has been increasing scientific and clinical evidence that a large proportion of children with autism are affected by poisoning from mercury and other heavy metals... There is a huge difference in susceptibility to mercury from person to person - heredity, age , gender and health status all influence susceptibility. In adults, there are 78 known variants, and in newborns there may be up to 10,000 of these variants. Metabolism and excretion processes also vary widely.
In experiments with animals, it became clear that newborns do not excrete mercury while they are on breastfeeding, the dairy diet increases the absorption of metals in gastrointestinal tract. To eliminate heavy metals, a certain amount of bile is necessary, and in newborns this is often not enough. Intestinal flora also plays a role in eliminating mercury from the body, thus the use of antibiotics reduces the body's ability to eliminate mercury. Stress and illness are factors that lower glutathione levels, which in turn leads to a decrease in the body's ability to remove heavy metals."
"Thimerosal is a preservative used in the manufacture of many drugs, including infant vaccines and immunoglobulin preparations containing 49.6% ethyl mercury. The history of thimerosal in vaccines is complex. It was first used in the late 1930s, and As the number of newborn vaccinations increased, so did the number of children vaccinated with thimerosal vaccine.
As part of its ongoing review of biological products, the FDA announced in 1999 that newborns who received a complex vaccine containing a mercury preservative could develop blood mercury levels that exceed safety standards. In 1999 American Association Pediatricians (AAP) recommended stopping the use of thimerosal in children's vaccines, and in 2001 the FDA asked vaccine manufacturers to remove thimerosal from children's vaccines. Today, thimerosal has been excluded from most childhood vaccines, but not all."
"Thimerosal as a mercuric preservative (consisting of 50% mercury) was until recently routinely used in most childhood vaccines. Some examples of thimerosal content in vaccines are Hepatitis B (12.5 mcg), DTaP (25 mcg), HiB (25 mcg ), and PCV (25 mcg). The Hepatitis B vaccine is given at birth, and for a child weighing 3.4 kg, the safe level of mercury according to EPA standards is 0.34 mg; thus, when administering the Hepatitis B vaccine, the recommended “safe” level is exceeded by 36 times; Lighter-weight children are at greater risk because vaccines are such a rare type of medicine that the dose is not dependent on age or weight (the same dose is usually given to both an adult and a premature infant). If the child received full list vaccinations in the 1990s, that means he was exposed to approximately 237.5 mcg of mercury in the first 15 months of life."
"...Research by Bernardin et al. shows that the symptoms described in the literature on autism are exactly the same as the symptoms described in the literature on mercury toxicity, and vice versa. Therefore, it is very possible that children affected by mercury poisoning in will later be diagnosed as "autistic", which is often simply a statement of the fact that they have communication / behavior problems / and social adaptation, the causes of which are unknown.
Mercury poisoning is likely the cause of many cases of “autism.” ...Infants have a limited ability to eliminate mercury, and children with autism have an even lower ability due to low level glutathione and active use oral antibiotics. Moreover, antibiotics increase the toxicity of mercury. "
"Many doctors argue that long-term detoxification in autistic children leads to high level removal of toxic metals, the content of which in the body decreases noticeably after several months of therapy. Several types of heavy metals are often eliminated from the body, so we must not forget that the time for elimination of different metals is not the same. Long-term detoxification therapy results in various kinds of improvements, and when done with young children, the most important result is the removal of the diagnosis of autism.”
On my forum I answer questions related to biomedical and educational therapies for autism. I want all people whose children have already suffered from vaccination to know that autism is not genetic disease, your children were simply poisoned, therefore, your children can be cured: If you have any questions for me personally after reading this letter, you can write to me by email. If you have questions about vaccination, you can ask them on the specialized forum of the author of the book “Ruthless Immunization” Alexander Kotka:
I really hope that thanks to this letter at least a few children will be able to avoid this terrible disease. Prevention of autism is very simple - just don’t poison children with mercury. Health to you and your children.
Best regards, Elina
[email protected]



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