Rinse your nose at home. Rinsing the nose is an obligatory attribute of personal hygiene, which we are undeservedly afraid of.


Dear readers, each of us usually includes a shower and brushing our teeth in our morning hygiene routine. Some of us are more careful about our hygiene. Not so long ago we talked about. And today I want to tell you about another useful procedure - nasal rinsing.

What kind of procedure is this, why is it so important to carry it out every day, what diseases can it help with, how to rinse your nose correctly, and much more we will talk to you about.

Some of us are familiar with nasal rinsing from childhood, when a pediatrician recommended it for a cold. And it was used along with gargling. Nowadays in the ENT office you can find special devices for mechanical rinsing of the nose, and this procedure official medicine recommended for certain diseases.

It is interesting that the ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda, which dates back about 5 thousand years, even today devotes attention to rinsing the nose great value, and as part of the teachings of yoga, relates this procedure to cleansing the body and streamlining thoughts. So why do you need to rinse your nose?

Nasal rinsing. Why rinse your nose

The human nose is normally covered thin layer mucus, which is in healthy condition does not interfere with us at all and is a barrier that retains various microorganisms, bacteria, viruses or simply foreign bodies and dust that enters the nose along with the inhaled air from penetration into the respiratory system.

Now imagine what accumulates in the nose and paranasal sinuses at the end of the day for a resident of a large metropolis, when he comes home from work. And if, in addition, a person works in a hazardous industry, for example, in a weaving factory. Dead cells should also be added here. internal regions nose and harmful microflora. Knowing all this, it becomes clear without further discussion why it is simply necessary to rinse your nose every day.

Also valuable property washing the nose is that with the help of this procedure you can protect yourself from illness during epidemics, i.e. during the cold period. The fact is that the nasal cavity, throat and ear are interconnected. During an epidemic, for example, influenza, the pathogen enters the body most often through the nose and, if not prevented, it easily continues its path to the throat and ear. The easiest and in a simple way not getting sick is just washing it off.

If you are already sick or have a cold, then rinsing your nose helps remove plaque, excess mucus, and pus, which are an excellent environment for infection to grow. In addition, you should know that if you use remedies for the common cold without first rinsing the nose, the medicines will get on the nasal secretions and will simply be removed from the nose without having time to take effect. In addition, when you have a runny nose this procedure Helps clear your nose without resorting to medications.

I remember how my daughters, when they were little, asked me to prepare a solution for rinsing their nose. I just always felt relieved after the procedure.

It should also be said that with age, some nasal congestion becomes normal. Flushing allows you to restore normal breathing.

Nasal rinsing. Indications for use in diseases

Besides that it's good therapeutic effect Nasal rinsing helps with the following diseases:

  • allergy – removes, washes away the allergen from internal surfaces nose;
  • chronic runny nose (rhinitis), including allergic;
  • inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx (sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, sphenoiditis, etc.);
  • tonsillitis,
  • adenoiditis,
  • pneumonia;
  • chronic respiratory diseases (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.).
  • headache,
  • fatigue,
  • myopia, farsightedness,
  • insomnia, depression,
  • nervous fatigue.

How to properly rinse your nose at home. Nasal rinsing solutions

To prepare a solution for rinsing the nose, you should use clean dishes, boiled water, and the temperature of the liquid itself should be as close as possible to body temperature, i.e. to 36.6o C.

Please pay special attention on the water temperature! Very important point so as not to burn nasal cavity!

After preparing the solution, strain it to avoid irritation of the nasal mucosa.

If after or during the procedure you feel a burning sensation or other discomfort in your nose, then make the solution weaker, since everyone has a different sensitivity threshold.

How to rinse your nose with salt water

The simplest type of solution for rinsing the nose is saline. To prepare it, dissolve 0.5-1 tsp. salt in 1 tbsp. warm water.

How to rinse your nose with saline solution

A type of saline solution for rinsing the nose is saline solution, which is sold in a pharmacy and is a sterile 0.9% solution of salt in distilled water.

Also available in pharmacies large number nasal rinsing preparations. They all contain saline solution.

Nasal solution with iodine

To enhance the bactericidal properties of the saline solution, add a few drops of iodine to it. 1-2 drops of iodine are enough. The remaining proportions are the same: for 1 cup of warm water, 1 teaspoon of salt.

Sea salt for nose

Also, to prepare a solution for rinsing the nose, sea salt is used, which is best purchased at a pharmacy. The proportions are the same as in the recipe with regular salt.

Soda-salt solution

During the period of illness, a soda-salt solution, prepared at the rate of 0.5 tsp, has a good bactericidal effect. salt, 0.5 tsp. soda for 1 tbsp. water. This solution can be used 1-2 times a week.

Other recipes for nasal rinse solution

To rinse the nose you can do herbal infusions using, for example, calendula flowers, pharmacy tincture eucalyptus, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc. or just regular black or green tea. There are recommendations to brew medicinal plants in saline solution.

You can also use an ordinary nasal rinse. mineral water without gas.

Nasal rinsing devices

To rinse the nose, use a vessel with a narrow elongated spout or neck. For these purposes, yogis use a special container called a neti pot, which resembles a small teapot with a long spout. A neti pot can be bought in special stores that sell everything for studying Eastern culture.

If you were unable to buy a yoga teapot, do not be upset, as we have special plastic and rubber devices for rinsing the nose in our pharmacies. There you can also buy kits, which, in addition to the device itself, also include a certain number of sachets with a drug for rinsing the nose, which you simply need to dissolve in water.

I have bought such devices at the pharmacy more than once. Very simple and accessible home use Dolphin, Aqualor, Aqua Maris and some others. And they are inexpensive, and they are simple and easy to use.

In addition, there will probably be something suitable in the house. This could be: a mug with a spout, a regular teapot, a drink bottle with a sports cap like a cyclists' cap, a large plastic bottle of nasal drops, etc. Some people use a syringe or a rubber bulb for the procedure.

Which device to choose depends entirely on the comfort you will experience during the procedure. Also remember that devices that supply water into the nose under pressure (syringe, rubber bulb, etc.) should be handled very carefully and not create a strong stream. I still wouldn’t recommend using a syringe; this is more of a procedure to be carried out in medical institutions.

How to rinse your nose at home

There are several ways to rinse your nose.

The “nostril to nostril” or yogic method

Tilt your head over the sink, and now tilt it slightly to one side so that one nostril is higher than the other. Open your mouth slightly and pour the prepared liquid into the nostril that is higher, which will flow out from the other nostril, which is located below.

Do the same with the other nostril. To rinse each nostril you will need approximately 150-250 ml. liquids. It should also be remembered that during the procedure the head should not be placed on the shoulder, otherwise the poured liquid may enter the ear and lead to otitis media.

The nose-to-mouth method

This method helps cleanse not only the nose, but also the throat and is used for various inflammations throat, sore throat, inflamed tonsils, with the onset of a cold, and also as a preventive measure.

Throw your head back, open your mouth and stick out your tongue slightly. Now pour a small amount of the prepared liquid into the nostril: the water immediately goes into the throat and needs to be spat out. Throw your head back again and pour a little water into the same nostril, i.e. at this method Water is not poured in immediately, but in parts. Carry out the same actions with the other nostril.

Method “through nose retraction” or Muslim

This method is the easiest. Place the rinsing liquid in your cupped palms and suck it in with your nose. The liquid gets into the throat and needs to be spat out.

How to properly rinse your nose. How often can you rinse your nose?

During rinsing, the nose must ALWAYS breathe. Otherwise, the liquid being poured in, instead of pouring out, may penetrate into the ear and then otitis may occur: then you cannot do without a doctor.

  • As hygiene procedure The nose can be rinsed in the morning, before meals or in the evening.
  • For a runny nose or for treatment, the number of procedures can be increased to 3-4 times a day, 1-2 hours after meals.
  • Be sure to check the “functionality” of the nose, i.e. Is it mortgaged? If there are any doubts, then 10 minutes before the procedure, be sure to use vasoconstrictor drops, for example, Nasonex, Nazol, Naphthyzin, etc.
  • After the procedure, be sure to blow your nose well to remove any remaining fluid from the nasal cavities.
  • Liquid may continue to flow from the nose for another 15-20 minutes after rinsing, so you should not carry out the procedure immediately before bed.
  • After carrying out the procedure for half an hour in the summer and 1-2 hours in the winter, you should not go outside to avoid hypothermia.

How to rinse your nose. Contraindications

Despite all its obvious usefulness, this procedure has contraindications. This:

  • neoplasms of the nasal cavities,
  • epilepsy,
  • predisposition to otitis, as well as otitis in any form,
  • other ear diseases,
  • nasal obstruction, which cannot be relieved with vasoconstrictor drugs,
  • perforation of the eardrum.

Although there are recommendations to rinse the nose for therapeutic purposes if you are prone to nosebleeds, there is also an opinion that this should not be done, since this procedure can provoke bleeding. If you suffer from this disease, consult with a doctor you trust before rinsing.

For the same reason, consult your doctor if you suffer from polyps.

Also, difficulties with this procedure may arise in people with a deviated nasal septum.

Also, during the first few nasal rinsing procedures, you may experience:

  • slight headache
  • slight ear congestion,
  • sneezing,
  • slight burning sensation in the nose,
  • redness of the eyes.

Here is the information for today. And soon we will talk about how to rinse a child’s nose. Follow the material on the blog.

And for the soul, today we will listen to Alfred Schnittke Declaration of Love

Very artistic and so poignant.. Amazing music. Give yourself a treat.

See also



    07 Sep 2018 at 13:35








    21 March 2017 at 13:39

Secretion of mucus in the nasal cavity - defense mechanism body, preventing dust, microorganisms, bacteria and foreign particles from entering the respiratory system. Rinsing the nose at home allows you to remove excess mucus, dead cells, and pathogenic microflora. After this procedure, the work of the mucous membrane is optimized, and nasal breathing is greatly facilitated.

Indications for nasal rinsing

Sinus rinsing is indicated for various diseases:

In addition to these diseases, the nose is washed in the following conditions:

Preparing the washing liquid

You can rinse your nose using various solutions and liquids. You can purchase such solutions at a pharmacy or prepare them at home.

  1. Solution from sea ​​salt . High-quality sea salt is sold in pharmacies or any cosmetic store. Immediately before use, the salt is diluted in the following ratio: pour a third of a teaspoon of salt into a glass boiled water, dissolve. Read more about
  2. A solution from ordinary table salt . Prepare according to the previous recipe.
  3. Pharmacy fee for rinsing the nose. The pharmacy sells various ready-made solutions. Such solutions are prepared in a pharmacy by adding to them essential oils. These liquids are very simple to use: just read the instructions.
  4. Herbal solutions. The nose is washed with infusions of water the following herbs: chamomile, calendula, string, eucalyptus leaf, St. John's wort. Before use, pass the prepared infusion through cheesecloth. It is not recommended to decide on your own which herb solution to rinse your nose with - you need to consult a doctor.
  5. Furacilin. It's quite popular antimicrobial agent also used to rinse the sinuses. The nasal rinsing procedure is used as an auxiliary medicine for frontal sinusitis and sinusitis. The prepared solution of furatsilin can be bought at the pharmacy, but you can also prepare it yourself by dissolving one tablet in a glass of boiled water. Before dissolving, crush the furatsilin tablet, and then pour the resulting powder with boiled water. hot water, then leave for 1-1.5 hours to completely dissolve.

How to properly rinse your nose?

To rinse the nose, use such dishes to make it convenient. Ideal option- buy a special mug with a spout, you can find it at the pharmacy. A regular or teapot is good for this purpose.

IN medical practice There are options for rinsing the nose, which are conventionally divided into three types depending on the flow of the rinsing solution:

  • from nostril to nostril(this method involves tilting your head so that one of the nostrils is located higher than the other, then liquid is poured into the upper nostril, and it flows out of the other, then the procedure is repeated with the second nostril),
  • nose to mouth, for rinsing the nasopharynx at home (suck in the liquid through the nose and pour out through the mouth),
  • through nose retraction(this method is the simplest - just take the washing liquid in your palm and suck it in with your nose, then remove it through your mouth or nose).

To carry out the nostril-to-nostril rinsing procedure, you must perform the following steps:

  1. pour a little solution into the nasal rinsing device, preheating it to a temperature of 23 - 30 degrees,
  2. take the container with the solution in your hands and bend over the sink, do deep breath and open your mouth slightly
  3. Place the spout of the teapot to the nostril that is higher, slowly pour the liquid so that this solution flows out of the second nostril
  4. remove any remaining liquid with a handkerchief
  5. the same thing needs to be done with the other nostril,
  6. Blow out any remaining liquid.
  7. To consolidate the effect, you should not go outside for a couple of hours.

It is possible that when rinsing the nose, water does not flow out of the other nostril, this indicates that there are problems with the patency of the nasal sinuses. You can use vasoconstrictors (naphthyzin, sonarin, etc.) and try again after 10 minutes. If it doesn’t work out and your nose is still stuffy, don’t try too hard. Water can enter the oropharynx, or even the middle ear through the auditory tube, and this is fraught with acute otitis media. Therefore, it is better not to risk it and contact an ENT specialist; he will rinse your nose using a special suction aspirator.

How often should you rinse your nose?

In order to prevent respiratory and other diseases, it is recommended to rinse the sinuses once a day, preferably before bed. But in medicinal purposes this procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day.

Rinsing the nose in in rare cases, but still contraindicated:

Nasal rinsing is quite simple, but at the same time sufficient effective procedure which can be easily done at home. But before rinsing, mandatory You should consult your doctor for recommendations.

Pharmacy drugs.

We will separately consider rinsing the nose with special medications.


With this medication, two therapeutic procedures are performed simultaneously

  • gargling (for sore throat, ARVI, flu, pharyngitis),
  • rinsing the nose (for sinusitis, runny nose, rhinitis, adenoiditis).

Given medicine perfectly removes germs and viruses from the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, stops their development and reproduction.

After the first use, the patient will feel relief. And if you use the solution 3 times a day, then after two days your runny nose will stop and your throat will stop hurting.

The advantage of Dolphin is that it “works” in all areas of the nasopharynx, even those inaccessible to sprays and drops. Thanks to this effect, swelling is quickly relieved, and pathogenic mucus is effectively removed.

Photo instructions will tell you how to use dolphin to rinse your nose.

Aqua Maris

Aqua Maris effectively restores the nasal mucosa, irrigates all nasal passages and removes pathogens from them.

In addition to destroying microbes, the spray significantly increases immunity and ensures optimal functioning of the cilia of the nasal mucosa, resulting in naturally mucus, viruses and bacteria are removed.

The drug is made on the basis of water Adriatic Sea, its composition is exclusively natural minerals. Nasal rinsing with Aqua Maris is recommended for pregnant and lactating women.


Aqualor is a medicine for intensive rinsing of the sinuses of the nasal cavity for children and adults. Used for severe congestion nose Aqualor is most effective when surgical operations nasal cavity, the effect of the medicine is:

  • significantly accelerates healing and recovery,
  • softens and removes crusts,
  • cleanses the nasal cavity from blood clots and mucus,
  • washes away almost all bacteria.

Nasal rinsing with Aqualor is used for the following diseases:

  • complex treatment adenoiditis,
  • complex treatment of influenza and ARVI,
  • rhinitis, etc.

The advantages of this medical product in the next one.

  1. Significantly increases local immunity.
  2. Strengthens the effect of antibiotics and other drugs.
  3. Restores healthy nasal breathing.

Video materials

You can see how to properly rinse your nose at home in next video, using the example of the drug Aquamaris.


The purpose of nasal irrigation is to clear the nasal passages and support healthy tissue function. Inside the nose there are cells that produce mucus (which lubricates and lines the airways that go deep into the throat).

This layer of mucus also traps dust and microbes that can carry infection: bacteria, viruses and fungi. Antibodies contained in mucus help the body resist this invasion (the mucus of a healthy person carries microbes from the nasal cavity to the stomach, and then they are removed from the body through the intestines). When a person is healthy, the mucus film is carried by the cilia of the cells lining the nasal cavity. It is completely replaced every 10-20 minutes. However, if the film of mucus becomes thin and thin, the mucus may leak from the nose or flow back down the throat. And thick or excess mucus cannot be transported by the cilia, which leads to stagnation, blockage of the sinuses and prevents the free passage of mucus.

Procedures for cleansing the nose and healing the mucous membrane have been known since ancient times. One of best procedures It is carried out using the so-called neti teapot - a special small vessel for pouring salt water through the nostrils. This procedure is very simple and can quickly become one of the most enjoyable exercises.

Fill a neti teapot (or any small teapot) with warm salt solution (body temperature). It is better to use pure, non-iodized salt, which is used for preparing marinades. The amount of salt to prepare the solution depends on the coarseness of its grinding. Use half a teaspoon (if it's coarse salt) or a little over a quarter teaspoon of finely ground salt, such as non-iodized table salt. Make sure the salt is completely dissolved. If you have prepared the solution correctly (not too much, but not too little salt), then it will not cause discomfort, but, on the contrary, will bring relief. Passing through the nasal sinuses, the solution removes excess mucus and thereby frees them. The action of the solution will relieve inflammation and remove fluid from inflamed tissues.

The procedure can be easily mastered within a few tries.

  • Lean face down over the sink.
  • Turn your head to the side, with one nostril higher than the other.
  • Breathe through your mouth (there is no need to hold your breath, this may prevent the free passage of water).
  • Insert the teapot spout into the upper nostril. The water will flow freely through the nose and after a moment will come out of the lower nostril.
  • Pour the entire contents of the kettle through one nostril, do the same through the other, turning your head. You can use half the contents of the kettle on each side. In any case, washing must be done on both sides.

How you hold your head is very important. If water flows into your mouth instead of out of your lower nostril, you need to lean deeper. If water does not flow out of the second nostril, you should either straighten up slightly or turn your head more. A little experimentation will bring success. If something still doesn’t work out, consult an experienced teacher. Usually the problem is easily solved.

After you have completed the procedure, 5-10 exhalations of medium force will help you clear your nose of mucus and remaining water. At this time, it is important not to pinch your nose (or one nostril) and keep your mouth slightly open, otherwise water or mucus may get into the open nostrils. eustachian tubes. Just exhale forcefully into the sink or into a napkin, which should be pressed loosely to your nose. Remember that the purpose of this flush is to remove excess mucus, so don't be squeamish. You yourself will come to a method that is convenient for you.

If some saline solution remains in your nose, then some yoga exercises may help. Head tilts different directions will help you remove excess water. Typically, in this case, the following two exercises are recommended: regular forward bends and forward bends with turns when the head is turned up. As you experiment, you will find the best position for you. When coming out of the pose, liquid may drip from the nose. Exhale it lightly and take several exhalations of medium force.

Result: Nasal rinses are beneficial for everyone. They can be done even by those who are not familiar with other yoga exercises. The obvious effect of nasal rinses is to remove excess mucus. But it will help not only those who have difficulty breathing. If you need more arguments to try rinsing your nose, here are a good dozen reasons:

  • You will feel easy to breathe even after being in a dusty or smoky environment. Your breathing will flow easily and freely. This promotes relaxation on a deep level.
  • After some time, as a result of performing rinses, your sense of smell will improve. Once your sense of smell improves, you will feel like you have a better sense of taste.
  • The opening of the Eustachian tubes will be facilitated.
  • Facilitates drainage of passages from air sinuses and channels of the skull into the nasal passages, which prevents or alleviates sinus disease ( brine, however, does not enter the sinuses).
  • According to yoga manuals, the condition optic nerve improves with the proximity of flowing water, breathing through the mouth.

Caution: nasal rinses cannot replace treatment in cases chronic inflammation or obstruction of the nasal passages. In these cases, you need to consult a doctor.

Once you decide to do nasal rinses, plan to do the procedures while you are studying, daily for 3-6 days. Then experiment to find out how much you need them and what time of day is best for them. Here are some tips:

  • Try using the teapot every morning for a month to see the overall effect.
  • Carry out rinsing before performing asanas or meditations.
  • Rinse your nose thoroughly if you come into contact with dust, smoke or soot. Notice that this brings relief.
  • During seasonal exacerbations allergic reactions perform two or more daily washes.
  • It is better to rinse before meals than after them in order to fit into the natural rhythm of nasal mucus renewal.

Rinsing the nose with salt water is popular today and is considered good remedy treatment of runny nose. The procedure cleanses the nasal cavity of any kind pathogenic microorganisms, prevents further development colds or eliminates them completely. You can also rinse your nose to maintain healthy people normal operation respiratory systems. The final result depends on the correct preparation of the solution and the procedure.


Therapeutic effect of the rinsing procedure

  1. An aqueous solution of salt disinfects the nasopharynx, reduces inflammation, significantly reducing the likelihood of developing an infectious disease.
  2. Completely eliminates various allergic irritants, reducing the risk of an allergic reaction.
  3. Reduces swelling of the mucous membrane, facilitating nasal breathing.
  4. Strengthens the vessels of the nasal cavity, increases local immunity.

Proper rinsing of the nose with salt water during the treatment of sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, runny nose, etc. helps speed up the recovery process, and also prevents the development of complications in advanced cases of the disease.

Preparing the rinsing solution

Saline solution for rinsing the nose is considered absolutely harmless; it can even be used by children and pregnant women, which cannot be said about medicines, the use of which is associated with the risk of side effects.

The solution can be prepared from both table salt and sea salt, but without additives (you can buy it at a regular pharmacy for a low price). Last option is more preferable, since sea salt contains a number of useful minerals and provides therapeutic and preventive action on the mucous membrane.

Options for sea salt rinsing solutions

For 1 glass of boiled water at room temperature, take ½ tsp. sea ​​salt.

For 1 glass of boiled water at a comfortable temperature, take 2 tsp. sea ​​salt. This dosage is relevant for people working in very dusty rooms.

For 1 liter of warm boiled water, take 2 tsp. sea ​​salt. The product is good for gargling and clearing the nose in case of illness. inflammatory in nature, acute and chronic sinusitis. To rinse a child’s nose, the solution is prepared from ¼ tsp. salt and a glass of boiled water at room temperature.

If for some reason you were unable to find sea salt, you can use regular table salt. For 0.5 liters of warm water, take 1 tsp.

To prepare a saline solution to cleanse the nasal cavity, you can also use salt in combination with baking soda, for 1 glass of warm boiled water, take ½ tsp. products. The solution will have bactericidal effect. The solution cannot be used to prevent disease, only for medicinal purposes.

How often can you rinse your nose?

For preventive purposes, 2-3 procedures per week are sufficient. It is recommended to use 200-250 ml of solution per procedure. For the purpose of therapy inflammatory disease rinsing the nasal cavity should be done daily 3-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks, depending on the condition. People with diseases of the upper respiratory tract V chronic form, or forced to work in very dusty areas, the procedure is recommended for continuous use.

Technique of the procedure

Today there are many methods and devices for cleansing the nose of pathogenic contents. In pharmacies you can buy a special watering can, which resembles an ordinary small teapot with an elongated neck and a narrow spout. You can use a regular bulb syringe, which, with careful and correct use very convenient.

Video: Rinse your nose correctly.

To rinse your nose with salt water, you need to lean over the sink, slightly turn your head to the side and open your mouth. Next, slowly pour saline solution from a watering can into the nasal passage, which is higher. If the rinse is performed correctly, the liquid should flow out of the nostril below. During manipulation, you should hold your breath so as not to “pour” the solution into the lungs or bronchi. Then turn your head slightly in the other direction and repeat the manipulation with the other nostril.

It is not recommended for children to rinse before the age of 6 years. Until this age, the solution can be irrigated into the nasal cavity several times a day. To do this, pour the solution into a bottle with a spray dispenser. Change the solution daily. After each irrigation, 5-10 minutes later, you should let the child blow his nose, if possible.

Before using this method of treatment and prevention of runny nose and other colds It is important to consult a specialist.

Rinsing is not recommended if there is existing nasal congestion; it will not have any effect. In this case, you should use a product with vasoconstrictor effect and then rinse. After washing, you should not go outside for the next two hours. This is necessary to prevent the development of a runny nose due to hypothermia due to the remaining fluid in the sinuses.

The only contraindication to rinsing your nose with salt water is a tendency to otitis media.

Anna Shust, especially for the portal “Moms of the Big City”:

Nadezhda Emelyanova- pediatrician, pediatric neurologist, homeopathic doctor. She has additional specializations: “Non-drug methods of treatment and reflexology”, “Neuropathy”, “Classical and clinical homeopathy”. Experience as a pediatrician - 17 years. dedicated to the most important issues for parents: children's health And soft methods treatment.

In his medical practice In fact, every day I encounter such a phenomenon as otitis media, provoked by nasal rinsing. Parents think that they are treating the child, but in fact they, with their own hands, under the guidance of pediatricians and, what is especially sad and unacceptable, ENT doctors, create additional serious problem. In general, I would like to talk more broadly - about common active local therapy in the nasal cavity: vasoconstrictors, antibacterial, antiseptic drops- all kinds of liquids are dripped into the nose of children from birth. How safe is it? Is it possible to grow healthy child without nose drops? What is world practice in this area of ​​medicine?

What is, for example, “irrigation therapy”? Methodologically and ideologically, these are echoes of the so-called “cleansing therapy”, which was practiced earlier, 100, 200, 300 years ago, and echoes of the later emerging infectious disease paradigm, when doctors perceive a disease (in this case, a runny nose) solely as infectious process, giving microbes and viruses an inappropriately significant place, much more significant than the macroorganism itself and its self-regulation systems. Based on these considerations, nasal rinsing is an important component in treatment. We will wash the germs, kill the viruses, remove the mucus, and health will come. Is this true?

  • An excursion into the history of medicine is always interesting, which sometimes helps to understand and critically comprehend some practices in modern medicine. Cleansing therapy was extremely popular in past centuries and was based on the postulates of ancient healers about illness as a violation of the ratio and quality of fluids filling the body, about the contamination of these fluids. The heyday and decline of cleansing therapy occurred in the 16th–19th centuries, when bloodletting and enema (as options for cleansing therapy) were very popular, especially in the upper strata of society - foreign and ours. A textbook example and illustration is the treatment of King Louis ΧΙΙΙ of France, who received 47 bloodlettings a year, 215 emetics and 312 enemas from his physician. That is, the monarch received one enema per day for a year as prescribed by the doctor.

Today, such treatment methods seem absurd, but once upon a time they seemed advanced to doctors and were practiced everywhere, just like today’s nasal rinsing or vasoconstrictor drops.

- And yet, why is it harmful to rinse the nose and instill drops? And how should parents react to snot?

Let's figure it out. Why might you need to rinse your nose at all? The basis of this procedure is the thesis that there is something dirty and wrong, unclean in the nose. Snot and runny nose are attributed to some negative properties and strive to get rid of them as quickly as possible, dry or moisten the nasal mucosa, also relieve swelling with drops - defeat a runny nose.

In fact, it is a unique protective mucus, biological fluid with a unique composition. This and a whole army leukocytes and lymphocytes (both dead and still very much alive), which protect the nasopharynx from the invasion of infection, nonspecific factors local protection having bactericidal properties, complex proteins (mucins), salt, water and so on. Snot is exactly what helps us get rid of infection and build immunity.

The nasal mucosa is arranged in an interesting and extremely complex manner. The vascular network in the nasal cavity, according to researchers, exceeds in complexity the same vasculature in the liver (the Chinese nicknamed the liver for its function and participation in blood circulation “Elder Queen”), and instillation vasoconstrictor drops in this regard - medieval barbarism, the same as half-forgotten bloodletting. The use of such drops disrupts blood circulation in the mucous membrane for several months, and this side effect has been well studied and described, but the vasoconstrictor drops themselves have not been proven effective and are not at all safe; their use in foreign pediatrics is limited.

On the Internet and in medical publications All over the world you can find a number of cases where, after instilling drops into the nose, a child experiences collapse or even coma; strokes have been described in adults after using such drops.

The nasal mucosa itself is delicate; work is in full swing in its submucosal layer: lymphocytes and leukocytes brought by blood fight bacteria and viruses. In the submucosal layer in the microlymph nodes, detachments of these cell warriors are dispersed, ready, at a signal, to rush to the aid of those already fighting.

Protective mucus, consisting of complex proteins, covers the ciliated epithelium in two layers - sol below, gel on top, very fluid. It flows at such a tremendous speed that a virus or bacteria, even if they really want to join the cell and begin to destroy it, cannot do this easily while the mucous membrane is covered with protective mucus.

Therefore, first look at a runny nose from a different angle: what is snot? How should parents react to them? Snot are our friends! React positively! That is, physiologically, we have in the body cleansing the nose by itself. There is absolutely no point in adding anything else from the outside to this cleansing.

- It’s clear with vasoconstrictors, but how can ordinary salt water for rinsing damage?

The fact is that when using these seemingly harmless drugs, in reality the effect that is opposite to that expected is obtained. Instead of cure, we often get worsening of the disease and its transition to otitis media. And this along with proven ineffectiveness: it has been proven that saline solutions do not reduce the duration of a runny nose and do not in any way affect its intensity compared to placebo.

- What can cause otitis media when rinsing the nose?

The anatomical and physiological features of the children's skull are such that children have a short and wide auditory tube, some also inclined towards the ear. If you liquefy and blur the mucus in the nose, then this mucus begins to flow more intensely towards the ear, where a direct path is open for it. This provokes otitis media. You can’t even blow your nose too vigorously (and you need to explain this to children), because liquid mucus when the pressure increases, it flows straight into the ear cavity. Huge number Otitis in modern children is provoked precisely by rinsing the nose.

What happens next? Doctors begin to treat inflammation of the middle ear with antibiotics. This, by the way, is also the wrong tactic! For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends watchful waiting (i.e., hands-off management) for catarrhal otitis media because most catarrhal otitis end with recovery without antibiotics or any treatment at all.

The opposite is also true. When my patients don’t put anything in their children’s noses and don’t rinse their noses, we practically don’t see otitis media in children! However, there is an exception to this rule - these are children with overgrown adenoid tissue, which sometimes blocks the mouth auditory tube, disrupts ventilation and causes ear pain. But even in this case, it is not the child’s nose that needs to be treated, but the whole child, because adenoid hypertrophy is special case hypertrophy of the lymph nodes of the whole body, a consequence of the intense work of the immune system, in this case it is necessary to treat the entire body, and not the nose separately.

To summarize what we are talking about, the simplest and effective advice to preserve the health of the child, which could be given to young parents who have not yet “healed” children, would sound like this: never touch the child’s nose with any manipulations, nozzle suction, rinsing, or anything else . It is important for parents of children with chronic ENT pathologies to realize that local therapy, aimed at fighting germs and mucus, is a dead-end path; here I will advise treating the child as a whole, gradually moving away from nasal drops and local procedures.

- Do you use nasal drops for runny noses in your children?

Of course not. I never prescribe it to child patients, and I discourage mothers from doing it. Imagine, throughout your entire childhood - not once any drops in your nose!

- How in this case do you recommend coping with a runny nose during acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections? A sick child has a stream of snot and it’s hard to breathe. How to alleviate the condition?

Firstly, you still need to be patient a little: nasal congestion associated with swelling of the mucous membrane cannot last forever: a maximum of two to three days - and regulation vascular tone will happen naturally and physiologically. Secondly, during illness (unless there is very high temperature) - hover your feet before going to bed hot water within 10–15 minutes. During this procedure, snot will flow in streams, this is very good; during the procedure, the flow rate of nasal secretion changes. You can do cold and warm inhalations, humidify and cool the air in the room, and often bathe a child with a runny nose and cough. Thirdly, take according to indications, if necessary, phytotherapeutic and homeopathic medicines, which gently and sparingly help to overcome the acute crisis of immune regulation. Good also to use home physiotherapy, if possible. And wait!



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