Prevention after casual relationships, what drugs. Casual sexual intercourse: consequences, prevention

If you have had casual, unprotected sexual intercourse (traditional, oral, anal contact), or a condom has broken during contact, or you simply doubt the sexual health of your partner, this is a reason to urgently contact a venereologist to preventing the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted infections(STI).

  • See also for women - contraception (including emergency postcoital contraception within 72 hours)


With oral contact, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections is the same as with traditional contact. Such contacts transmit gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, herpes virus, human papillomavirus; in the presence of microcracks, erosions, chafing, and inflammation of the skin of the glans penis, the risk of transmitting HIV infection increases. Therefore, there is a prevailing opinion that it is impossible to become infected by mistake during oral sex. If unprotected oral sex occurs, it is necessary to be examined for sexually transmitted infections, and in the first 72 hours after contact, drug prophylaxis should be carried out.

If there are no symptoms the next day after sexual intercourse, this does not guarantee that infection has not occurred. In such a short period, the incubation period does not pass for any sexually transmitted infection. If in doubt, it is better to take preventative medication, thereby protecting yourself as much as possible from unpleasant consequences.

If you decide to use sexual services for money, you must understand that you are not the first and not the only one on this list. In many places where such services are provided, regular medical examinations and examinations are not always carried out. The conclusion is obvious.

Video: "The doctor's answers to your questions. The condom broke during sex."


Please check prices for the prevention of sexually transmitted infections after an accidental unprotected relationship with our specialists or the clinic administrator. (The price can vary quite significantly depending on the set of drugs used).

In our clinic you can always get competent advice and qualified diagnosis and treatment.

If you have any doubts, don’t delay, call and come right now!!!

We work daily from 9-00 to 21-00.


It is not true to say that condoms, Miramistin and Chlorhexidine solutions are useless. All these measures reduce the risk of infection. However, in recent years, there have been more and more cases when, after protected contact, people turn to a specialist with complaints. This is largely due to the quality and storage rules of condoms and antiseptic solutions.

Appointments and consultations with doctors


Service name price, rub.
Flora smear 900
Bakposev from 1 600
Development of an individual treatment plan from 1 000
DNA diagnosis of latent infections (chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, gardnerella, genital herpes, HPV, etc.) 300
Extensive development of an individual treatment plan from 2 500
Comprehensive analysis for major STIs 1 700
STI treatment from 3 500
Prevention after casual sexual intercourse (for 1 infection) from 1 000
PCR complex 12 3 000
Express blood tests (syphilis, HIV, hepatitis) 500 (per infection)

Gynecology (prices)

The time that has passed since intercourse is of great importance

The sooner you contact a venereologist, the higher the effectiveness of the prevention. Prevention is carried out in the first days after contact. It must be understood that this event is carried out when the patient does not yet have complaints and symptoms (that is, when the incubation period has not passed).

Timely prevention minimizes the risk of developing sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Modern methods make it possible to carry out preventive measures for diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, latent infections, as well as HIV. Attempts to carry out independent tablet prophylaxis usually lead to chronic forms of diseases and various complications. If you have the slightest doubt about your partner’s health, do not delay visiting a specialist. This can lead to more serious problems for your health!

Publications by doctors

In the post-Soviet space, sex life ceased to be a taboo topic back in the 90s. But sexually transmitted diseases remained something secret and terrible for many people. Hypocrisy, fear of exposure and public reproach often lead to dangerous delays in STD treatment.

Infection with papilloma virus

Human papillomavirus is a latent infection that is widespread among people of all ages. As a rule, it occurs in those who are sexually active. This virus is characterized by a large number of strains, which are divided into low-, medium-, and highly oncogenic.

Infectious pathologies that are transmitted during coitus are increasingly being registered by dermatovenerologists. Moreover, the patients include men and women of different ages. Why are STDs so common? First of all, due to promiscuity, when unfamiliar partners have sex without using a condom. But many pathologies are asymptomatic, therefore, being a carrier of bacteria or viruses, a person does not know about it and infects his sexual partners.

In recent years, the number of people infected with STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) has been steadily increasing. The increase in incidence is due to various reasons, such as frequent neglect of protective equipment, ignorance of the existence of prevention after accidental contacts, and large migration of the population both within the country and outside.

Answers to questions about prevention after casual relationships /

10.02.2018 Hello, I have a question on the head where the frenulum begins a little higher, only pimples appeared on the back side, appeared after oral sex on the same day, what could it be? 29.01.2018 If I have gonorrhea, how can I treat it? 28.01.2018 Hello, two days ago I had unprotected sexual intercourse with a person, most likely a carrier of sexually transmitted infections. When will it be possible to take tests (perhaps express tests) to detect sexually transmitted diseases, syphilis, and HIV? 28.11.2017 Hello, my regular partner started dripping fluid from the end of his penis, he went to get tested, they said gonorrhea, I don’t have any symptoms, no one had anything before, what should I do? 14.11.2017 Hello. After contact with an unfamiliar woman, after 3-4 days, my penis began to itch, white spots began to appear in my underpants, although I didn’t notice anything standing out and a burning sensation and pain appeared when I walk small, sometimes when I do small it comes out in the end blood. And every half hour I want to go to the toilet a little. What kind of disease? What is the name of? 23.10.2017 pain in the lower abdomen and a slight burning sensation at the tip of the penis and anus 15.10.2017 Good afternoon. 2 weeks after unprotected contact, red dots appeared on the head of the penis and after 3 days everything disappeared. Could this indicate that I have contracted a sexually transmitted disease? 17.08.2017 Good afternoon Please answer the question. Is it possible for secondary Syphilis to appear if you were treated at the first stage of syphilis with Ceftreaxone in 20 injections. The concern is a red rash on the chest and arms without itching (similar to roseola) 12.08.2017 Hello, after sexual intercourse small redness appeared like dots, but not on the entire head, there was no itching, no burning, no pain either, they appeared almost 2-3 days later, now 8 days have passed, the symptoms have not worsened but have not improved, what is this maybe what is the minimum incubation period?

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases includes several main types of studies. After an examination, the doctor should determine after what time to take tests for STDs. Most genital infections begin to manifest themselves clearly only after an incubation period, during which microorganisms actively develop in the genitourinary system. In this case, there are no external signs of the disease, but upon examination, a specialist may notice changes in the mucous membranes and discharge from the urethra and genitals, which the patient himself does not yet feel.

There is no need to wait for characteristic symptoms to appear before contacting a venereologist for examination. Immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse, you need to get tested for STDs.

Modern types of research make it possible to detect infection at an early stage, so you should not delay a visit to a venereologist. If you have contact with a little-known or unreliable partner, it is important to consult a doctor promptly and undergo a specialized examination.

However, doing this right away may be impractical and not very informative. After how many days to do an STD test depends on the type of possible disease and the selected/proposed study. Each type of infection has its own incubation period. It is very difficult to detect the presence of a pathogen before it develops and multiplies in the body. Many types of research used in this situation are simply not effective.

To understand the question of how long it takes to get tested for STDs after exposure, you should pay attention to the incubation period of the most common sexually transmitted diseases:

  • for gonorrhea, the development period ranges from 2 to 5 days;
  • for gonorrhea in association with trichomoniasis from 7 to 10 days;
  • for syphilis - from 2 weeks to 6 months;
  • for chlamydia - from 2 weeks to 2 months;
  • for HIV infection - from 2 weeks to 6 months.

The speed of the incubation period depends on the state of health of the person and the activity of his immune system. The more the body resists, the slower pathogens develop. How long after infection the STD test will show is determined by the type of test. The most common and informative types of tests to detect sexually transmitted infections include:

  • Bacterioscopy is the study of a stained or unstained smear under a microscope. This method can detect genital herpes, bacterial and fungal infections. The duration of the study itself depends on the technique used; an express analysis is possible, in which the result will be ready in 15-20 minutes.
  • Culture culture is a more complex and lengthy study in which biomaterial (blood, urine, smear of the urethra or vagina) is placed in a special nutrient medium. If pathogens are present in the material, they begin to actively multiply, which becomes obvious upon further study. The duration of the study depends on the type of pathogen and can last from 2 days to 2 weeks. Thanks to this analysis, specialists can accurately determine the type and combination of pathogens and select drugs active against them.
  • PCR diagnostics is the most accurate and informative type of research that allows you to identify any types of infectious pathogens (including HIV and hepatitis). During the study, the DNA of the pathogen is determined, and it does not matter how actively the pathogens have managed to reproduce. The high accuracy and sensitivity of this analysis makes it possible to diagnose an infection even with an extremely small number of pathogens. Various body fluids (urine, blood, semen) can be used as a biomaterial for research; a blood test is most often performed. The duration of the study is 4–5 hours.
  • Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a blood test aimed at identifying antibodies to infectious pathogens. An immunological study of blood reveals antibodies to pathogens, the presence of which indicates the fact of infection. This analysis will take no more than a day.

Of all types of research, PCR diagnostics have the greatest accuracy. A specialist must decide how long after exposure to get tested for STDs. In such a situation, you should contact a venereologist immediately. If, a few days after casual sex, signs of illness, atypical sensations or suspicious symptoms appear, then you must make an appointment with a doctor.

Signs of sexually transmitted diseases

Sexually transmitted infections can manifest themselves in different ways, but there are a number of symptoms that may indicate the presence of the disease. These include:

  • irritation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and urethra;
  • copious or unusual discharge from the genitals and urethra;
  • pain in the groin area;
  • burning and discomfort when urinating;
  • pain during intimacy or after sexual intercourse.

If such symptoms are accompanied by general weakness, fever and aching joints, then the answer to the question how many days later is an STD test needed becomes obvious - immediately!

Tests for STDs - after how many days to take them

Based on all the above factors and clinical practice, experts advise:

  • Contact a venereologist in the coming days after unprotected sexual contact with a little-known partner.
  • Perform regular examinations if you have several sexual partners at the same time.
  • Get tested for STDs when you have a new partner.
  • See a doctor immediately at the first signs of a sexually transmitted disease.
  • Regardless of the statute of limitations, after accidental contact, it is necessary to diagnose for STDs when planning a pregnancy.
  • The most informative and accurate test for sexually transmitted infections is PCR diagnostics. If possible, it makes sense to conduct this particular analysis.

When asked how long it takes to get tested for STDs, venereology defines a period of two weeks. That is, 14 days after contact, most sexually transmitted infections can already be detected and identified.

If a person has had unprotected sexual contact with an unfamiliar or casual partner, you need to consult a dermatologist-venereologist. Even if there are no changes in well-being immediately after intimacy, the infection can develop latently in the body. Getting tested for STDs after unprotected sex in order to protect yourself from the development of a dangerous pathology with possible complications is a completely logical and correct decision.

Attention! This article is posted for informational purposes only and under no circumstances constitutes scientific material or medical advice and should not serve as a substitute for an in-person consultation with a professional physician. For diagnostics, diagnosis and treatment, contact qualified doctors!

Number of reads: 112096 Date of publication: 10/23/2017

In addition to being unpleasant and often painful, sexually transmitted infections bring with them a lot of hidden dangers. Acute inflammatory disease of the urinary tract or genitals, provoked by a pathogen of sexually transmitted pathologies, is not difficult to cure today.

But the long-term existence of infectious agents leads to cellular modifications and the appearance of tumors. Including malignant ones. For example, chlamydia, human papillomaviruses are responsible for cancer of the cervix, bladder, prostate and penis. Also, chronicity of a sexually transmitted disease almost always leads to chronic pain syndrome. Limits sexual activity, impairs quality of life and fertility.

Even if we are not talking about infertility, a specific infection can reduce sperm motility, change their structure and lead to the conception of abnormal fetuses. In women, sexually transmitted diseases worsen the course of pregnancy and increase the risk of miscarriage. They can lead to deformities of fetuses, delays in their development, intrauterine infection, congenital forms of diseases, death after birth of babies or infection during childbirth. Therefore, it is always more advisable to prevent the penetration of pathogens of sexually transmitted infections into the body than to treat them themselves and their long-term consequences for a long and difficult time.

With the help of simple rules you can significantly improve your life, save money and time.

  • Emergency prevention of STDs

What is the point of preventing STDs?

The easiest way to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted pathologies is to regulate your behavioral aspects:

  • sex with a regular partner who holds the same views on sexual issues
  • regular preventive examinations
  • laboratory diagnostics

This significantly reduces the likelihood of getting most variations of sexually transmitted diseases.

Primary safety is also achieved by a healthy habit of using good quality barrier contraception. A more universal means of protection than a condom has not yet been invented.

The use of high-quality certified medical products becomes a prerequisite. But even cheap analogues in some cases are much better than unprotected sexual intercourse.

A reminder on the use of such preventive measures will help you cope with the situation and use contraceptives correctly if you have insufficient experience.

Innovation in this area extends to feminine hygiene products. However, female versions of condoms are less reliable in terms of sexually transmitted safety than male ones.

In addition to condom, oral sex, during which you cannot become infected except with trichomoniasis, can be protected with latex wipes. The combination of barrier methods and local antiseptics in spermicides increases the success of preventive measures and reduces the risk of infection.

Prevention measures, of course, are not limited to abstinence. However, a reasonable approach to organizing sexual leisure is guaranteed to protect most people from the unpleasant or dangerous consequences of sexually transmitted pathologies.

Emergency prevention of STDs

You can make sexual intercourse safer even after it has ended.

In case of unforeseen circumstances, when primary protection measures are not available, turned out to be of poor quality, damaged, or were not considered necessary to resort to. In such a situation, they most often resort to various antiseptic agents. They are based on strong oxidizing agents (chlorine, iodine) or alkalis. They have a detrimental effect on most bacterial, viral, fungal or protozoal pathogens of sexual ailments.

  • The most commonplace remedy can be considered alkali contained in laundry soap. Washing the external genitalia with such an alkaline solution reduces the likelihood of infection. However, douching with alkali or washing the urethra does not always have a beneficial effect on the condition of the mucous membrane of these parts of the urogenital tract and can cause burns and irritation. To mechanically remove infectious agents from the urethra, it is also recommended to urinate

  • It becomes more rational to use chlorine-containing Miramistina. This is a colorless solution, odorless and almost neutral in taste, which is sold in pharmacies without prescriptions. There are variations of bottles equipped with a urological attachment that facilitates instillation in men. a universal antiseptic that prevents the proliferation of gonococci, Treponema pallidum, Trichomonas, chlamydia, and fungi. viruses, staphylococci and streptococci. Does not cause significant irritation of mucous membranes (except in cases of individual intolerance to the drug). For emergency treatment, it is suitable for rinsing the mouth and throat, washing the vagina, urethra, rectum, treating the skin of the thighs and external genitalia. For successful disinfection, you should use the product no later than within two hours from the moment of sexual intercourse. The exposure time on mucous membranes is from two to three minutes. For men, it is recommended to inject 2-3 milliliters into the urethra. Women - 2 milliliters. After this, you should not urinate for two hours. For the vagina or rectum, a volume of 5 to 10 milliliters is sufficient
  • Chlorhexidine– also a chlorine-containing preparation for local action. Used similarly to Miramistin. The drug can also be used under the name Corsodil.
  • Betadine solution It is based on povidone-iodine and is also an oxidizing agent. Contraindicated in case of iodine intolerance

Local antiseptics are not always effective. For example, in men they cannot completely sanitize the paraurethral glands.

Also, in addition to local allergic reactions, they can cause bacterial imbalance in the genital tract in women. If used frequently, cause chronic burns of the mucous membrane and urethral stricture or cervical erosion.

Prevention of STDs after casual sex

Situations when it is advisable to use methods of emergency anti-venereal assistance are not so rare in real life. Even if you are as confident as possible in your partner, it is advisable to play it safe.

It is better to be excessively suspicious than to spend a lot of time and money on subsequent diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. After an unprotected act, antiseptics can be an effective defense.

If their use occurred within two hours, the external genitalia, pubic skin, inner thighs, and buttocks were treated. Also the urethra in a man, the vagina or anus.

An antiseptic solution containing acid or alkali reduces the risk of infection. Allows you to further reinforce the effect with emergency medication. That is, even if emergency prevention is not effective enough. But it will allow you to gain time and use more powerful means of delayed protection.

It should be remembered that not only aggressiveness, but also the amount of the pathogen plays a role in starting the infectious process. Even the banal mechanical washing away of bacteria with a stream of urine can reduce the risk of developing urethritis.

Those who love thrills and dangerous sex should remember the good habit of carrying first aid items such as miramistin or chlorhexidine. They can be purchased urgently at a pharmacy without a prescription in the first 120 minutes after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Drug prevention of STDs

These are rather delayed events. They are resorted to when barrier contraception or antiseptics have not been used or are considered insufficiently effective.

It is not advisable to simply contact a pharmacist at a pharmacy or a primary care physician. With a request to sell or prescribe tablets for prevention with a wide antibacterial spectrum of action.

Today, pathogens of sexually transmitted infections, like other microorganisms, are often quite resistant to most penicillins. Macrolides may damage the liver or cause membranous colitis.

Cephalosporins are so widely used that they are often ineffective. It should not be forgotten that sexually transmitted infections are not always a bacterial process.

There is a high probability of encountering a protozoal, fungal or viral attack. Preventive treatment should be prescribed by a venereologist, gynecologist or urologist. The drugs must be sufficiently safe and effective in this particular case.
Therefore, most often, before preventive treatment, a rapid diagnosis of the expected spectrum of infections is carried out.

As a rule, these are PCR studies of blood or scrapings of the endothelium of the urinary and genital tract. Most often, preventive drug treatment is carried out when an unpleasant fact becomes clear within a few days.

Your partner is sick with some type of sexually transmitted infection or is a carrier of it. For example, he has been diagnosed, and the fact of infection has been established or clinical signs of infection have appeared.

For women, the drugs of choice are suppositories with broad antimicrobial and antiviral activity: Betadine, Hexicon. Vaginal tablets can also be prescribed: Terzhinan, Clotrimazole.
A standard seven to ten day course of local treatment with these agents can resolve the issue of candidiasis, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, and bacterial vaginosis.

Preventive measures using oral tablets are more successful in men. Due to the shorter length of the genitourinary tract and its simpler course.

Antibiotics to protect against bacterial variations of venous diseases can be used once or in a short course as prescribed by a doctor. Most often, it is possible to carry out preventive treatment of bacterial infections, preventing their clinical manifestations.

This may be true for syphilis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, and chlamydia. Fluoroquinolones are most often used in combination with tetracyclines. Macrolides can also be used (Azithromycin has given way to Josamycin today).

In the first two months, penicillins can help fight syphilis. It will be enough to get a preventive injection from a venereologist.

But viral variations of venous diseases: herpes, HIV, cytomegalovirus, human papillomavirus cannot be suppressed with medication at the incubation stage. Therefore, barrier contraception, as well as personal chemical protective equipment, such as Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, should be used as widely as possible. The main thing is in a timely manner.

Drug prophylaxis has the same risks as conventional antibacterial therapy. It is possible to develop allergies, damage to the gastrointestinal tract, and reactions from the central nervous system.

Frequent forced use of such measures can create drug resistance in saprophytic microorganisms. It disrupts the normal microflora of the genital and urinary tract, opens the gates of fungal or viral infection, and weakens local immune defense.

For all questions related to primary or secondary prevention of STDs, you can consult a venereologist, treating gynecologist and urologist. In cases of suspected development of a sexually transmitted infection, it is advisable to seek diagnostic help. Timely concern for your own and your partner’s health is not suspiciousness, but a necessity.

Prevention is always preferable to quality treatment.

The lack of awareness among young people, and even older people, about sex issues leads to quite frequent unprotected sexual intercourse. Such sexual acts can occur in a state of alcohol or drug intoxication, random impulsive acts with an unknown partner, sex after youth discos, etc. As a rule, during casual sexual intercourse, few people think about the consequences, and of course, about any precautionary measures (there can be no talk of any condom). What to do if accidental sexual intercourse does occur, but you don’t want to expect possible consequences from it.

What could be the consequences of casual sex? Is there a risk of contracting AIDS, syphilis and other sexually transmitted infections? And also, is it possible to get pregnant after such unprotected intercourse?

Options for what happens after unprotected sex

After you have had unprotected sexual intercourse, there are 3 main options for your actions:

  • Immediately after sexual intercourse, you need to immediately carry out so-called preventive treatment, which includes the prevention of major diseases that are sexually transmitted - this is gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc. It is very important to prevent infections within 3-5 days after sexual intercourse . You will be able to find out whether the preventive treatment worked only after 3 weeks from a venereologist, by taking a blood test for infections.
  • According to the second scenario, you may not carry out any treatment or prevention of sexually transmitted infections, but wait 1 month and, for personal peace of mind, take a blood test for these infections. Before this period, the analysis will not be valid, since the incubation period of infections is exactly 30 days.
  • Further, the most impossible scenario is to ask your casual partner to take a blood test for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. But, you understand that not all casual partners agree to this.

Prevention of casual sex

Prevention of casual sexual intercourse is a single or intramuscular injection of drugs. In most cases, this is the use of antibiotics, which in a limited period of time eliminate both minor bacterial and infectious manifestations in the form of thrush, and quite serious ones - syphilis, ureaplasma.

Prevention of casual sexual intercourse can be carried out only once if the sexual intercourse was without a condom.

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases using pharmaceutical products

There is an option to treat the genital tract with chlorhexidine immediately after intercourse. But venereologists claim that this method is not reliable enough. The only thing is that you can resort to one-time treatment of the genitals with chlorhexidine when promiscuity occurs by accident. But, again, even after using chlorhexidine, it is necessary to take a blood test for sexually transmitted infections after 3 weeks. So, you can resort to one-time treatment of the genitals with Gibitan, Miramistin, Chlorhexidine.

Drug prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Drug prevention is the prevention of the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases, which theoretically can be transmitted to a healthy person from a partner through accidental sexual intercourse. Drug prevention is used within 2 days after unprotected sex.

Before the procedure, the patient must consult a dermatovenerologist, then drug prophylaxis is carried out.

Sexual life after drug prevention

After drug prophylaxis, you can be sexually active after 7 days. But in subsequent cases it will be necessary to resort to contraceptive methods, in particular the use of a condom. You should not risk your health and life (which is no less important) for the sake of sexual relations with an untested partner. If you are attracted to unprotected sex, then together with your partner, take a blood test for sexually transmitted infections.

After drug prophylaxis, you can be sure that you will not become infected with infections such as ureaplasma, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, and human papillomavirus.

By drug therapy you should mean one injection for infections and certain medications (tablets).

Are there any health risks from medical prophylaxis?

There is no danger to your health from medical prophylaxis, since absolutely all medications are selected taking into account patient tolerability and, of course, effectiveness. The only thing is that no one has canceled an allergic reaction to certain medications.

Necessary medications after casual sex

After accidental sexual intercourse, you must take the following antibiotics for 3-5 days:

  • Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid;
  • Penicillin injections - bicillin 3 or 5;
  • Cephalosporin or ciprofloxacin.

Complex therapy (which it would be desirable for both partners to undergo) is understood as: taking vibramycin 2 times a day after meals at a dosage of 100 mg for 7 days (an alternative to the drug is clarithromycin). To eliminate candidiasis - 100 mg per day for 3 days.

Emergency contraception methods

If your condom breaks during sexual intercourse, then you need to use emergency contraception methods. A woman can take medications such as Postinor, Exapel during the day. The only thing is that they can only be used once - otherwise there will be a hormonal imbalance with the occurrence of a lot of side effects. The active substances of these medications lead to problems with the desired pregnancy in the future.

As emergency contraception, you can also take 3 tablets at a time of such hormonal contraceptives as Yarina, Janine, Jazz, Rigevidon. And then, after 12 hours, a repeat dose of 3 tablets is taken.

What should you do if you have unprotected sexual contact (a condom breaks, contact while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, etc.) with a casual partner?

In this case, three options are possible:

First: within a few days after such sexual contact, prevention (preventive treatment) is possible. It will prevent the development of bacterial sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, syphilis, trichomoniasis). Prevention is carried out within several days after sexual intercourse. After 3-4 weeks you need to undergo examination by a venereologist. Preventive treatment regimens correspond to treatment regimens for a fresh, uncomplicated infection.

Second: you don’t have to carry out prophylaxis, wait 3-4 weeks, and then get examined by a venereologist. There is no point in being examined before 3-4 weeks, since during the incubation period there are no symptoms of the disease, and laboratory tests during this period are uninformative. The third, in most cases difficult to implement: you can convince your casual sexual partner to come to an appointment with a venereologist and be examined for sexually transmitted infections. If nothing is found on him, then you have not become infected with anything.

Which of the mentioned options is preferable? It depends on the specific situation. It is best to resolve this issue not independently, but together with a venereologist who will help assess the risk of infection.

How is the prevention of casual sex tolerated? Isn't it dangerous to health?

Most drugs prescribed for the prevention of casual relationships are prescribed once, that is, they are taken orally or administered intramuscularly only once. Therefore, in most cases, the side effects of antibiotic therapy (intestinal dysbiosis, candidiasis/thrush) do not have time to manifest themselves. Side effects of antibiotics usually appear with longer use.

The only thing you should be wary of when preventing casual relationships is drug allergies. Therefore, if you are allergic to medications, be sure to inform your doctor.

How often can casual sex be prevented?

Prevention after casual sexual intercourse is a last resort (backup) method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases. It cannot be done frequently and therefore cannot be considered as an alternative to a condom (as many would like).

In addition, prophylaxis after casual sexual intercourse does not prevent the development of viral diseases (herpes, genitals, human papillomavirus infection/genital warts, HIV infection).

How effective is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases with chlorhexidine (Gibitan, Miramistin, etc.)?

Prevention with chlorhexidine is not a very reliable method. She makes no guarantees. Moreover, in some cases, prophylaxis with chlorhexidine can do more harm than good. For example, a person, completely relying on this method, lives a promiscuous sex life, without a condom. However, he does not consider it necessary to be checked by a venereologist. As a result, he risks acquiring a whole “bouquet” of sexually transmitted diseases.

In women, douching with chlorhexidine contributes to the development of bacterial vaginosis - gardnerellosis.



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