Use of motherwort tincture. Normal dosage of motherwort and symptoms of poisoning

Today it is found in almost every house, apartment, and family. And many people have no idea that even this seemingly harmless drug can cause severe poisoning. An overdose of motherwort is far from harmless and, although it is very difficult to be fatally poisoned by it, its consequences can be very unpleasant. This is what you should pay attention to if an overdose of motherwort occurred in a child or grandmother suffering from atherosclerotic phenomena, who simply could have forgotten how much of the drug she took.

In what cases do doctors prescribe this drug?

This plant is prescribed for various diseases. Motherwort is available in drops, tablets and tincture. This remedy is prescribed for the following diseases:

  • with increased anxiety, nervousness, and also if a person is depressed;
  • for heart attacks and panic attacks, tachycardia;
  • for various diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • and also if a person suffers from high blood pressure.

Motherwort is usually prescribed in tablets, as the tincture contains alcohol and can negatively affect concentration. However, the older generation is accustomed to using motherwort in drops and tinctures. This drug is usually available in pharmacies without a prescription, and it is available in almost every home if elderly people live there.

If this drug is prescribed in tablets, then, depending on the severity of the condition, the person is prescribed this drug in a dosage of up to 6 or 7 tablets per day. If you take motherwort in drops or tinctures, then either 1-2 tablespoons of alcohol tincture or 30 drops. This is the norm. The dosage may be less than indicated.


It is generally accepted that it is impossible to be poisoned by motherwort. However, in reality this is not the case. Children and people suffering from alcohol addiction can become very poisoned and in such a situation it is worth reviewing alcohol poisoning and its symptoms. Overdose also negatively affects the nervous and endocrine systems. Here are the main symptoms of an overdose of such a harmless drug as motherwort:

  • dizziness, headache and general weakness;

  • severe drowsiness;
  • cold extremities;
  • skin rashes;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure, often to critical levels;
  • strong thirst.

Such symptoms occur if an overdose does not occur with an alcohol-containing drug. For example, a person took a lot of pills. If the motherwort preparation was with alcohol, then in the first time after poisoning there appears a picture reminiscent of alcohol poisoning and severe intoxication: first activity, redness, euphoria, as when taking a large dose of alcohol, then sudden lethargy, a state of stupor.

What to do

In some cases, motherwort causes long and sound sleep. There is no need to take any measures in such a situation, since after waking up everything will be fine. If a motherwort overdose occurs in a child, then he needs to induce vomiting, especially if he took an alcoholic tincture.

Also, immediately after vomiting has been induced, you can take activated charcoal or any other similar drug. Motherwort is easily removed from the body if you take several tablets at once.

It is especially dangerous if a person has taken an increased dose of alcoholic tinctures. In this situation, the body itself causes a gag reflex, which reduces the symptoms of poisoning. In such a situation, if the patient is conscious, then he needs to be given some water - then the alcohol will leave the body along with the urine. You need to drink as much as possible. If there is a sharp drop in blood pressure or the poisoned person loses consciousness, then in such a situation he needs to bring a little ammonia to his nose. It is best to call medical help in such a situation, since a sharp drop in pressure can negatively affect the condition of the body. If measures do not help, then doctors will help immediately. The main thing is to monitor breathing and ensure that the patient does not fall asleep. If he is sleeping, then let him sleep it off. Usually, after waking up, the state of poisoning goes away on its own. But, if the pressure is extremely low, you need to drink strong sweet tea. Then the tone will increase.

Is motherwort poisoning dangerous in children and the elderly?

It extremely rarely leads to death, but the consequences for the nervous system and heart can be negative. In children, danger may occur if the child consumed motherwort with alcohol. In this situation, you need to immediately induce vomiting and then try to give the child sweet tea or water with activated charcoal. However, motherwort poisoning in children is extremely rare. The main risk group is elderly people suffering from memory loss, who may not remember how many tablets or drops they took, and alcoholics who don’t care what to drink as long as the medicine is alcohol-based.

For alcoholics, especially those over 40 years old, motherwort poisoning can cause a heart attack if the person has previously had heart problems. In some cases, poisoning can then cause prolonged headaches or sudden increases in blood pressure. In this situation, you should temporarily abstain from alcohol, as symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia may then appear.

For people prone to depression and low blood pressure, motherwort poisoning can cause great harm. This drug, even in tablets, can aggravate their condition and reduce blood pressure to critical levels, so you must definitely call a medical team. People suffering from depression may become even more apathetic due to low blood pressure and feel very lethargic and lethargic.

And for older people, motherwort poisoning is fraught with a decrease in vitality, depression of the nervous system and provoke depression. Therefore, it is important not to use this drug for some time after poisoning, even if it was prescribed to you by a doctor.

We offer for viewing a video that talks not only about the beneficial properties of motherwort, but also about its contraindications.

It would also be useful to know about.

The medicinal plant motherwort is used as a sedative in traditional medicine. Two types have medicinal properties: heartwort and hairy motherwort. The product is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Therefore, people often prescribe tablets or solution on their own and take them without consulting a doctor. This is where an overdose occurs - after all, only a doctor can correctly calculate the dose.

Characteristics and properties of motherwort

The effect of the drug on the body is similar to that of valerian and lily of the valley. But the effectiveness of motherwort is higher. For the prevention of cardiac diseases, doctors prefer to prescribe it.

The plant differs in composition:

  • Flavonoid glycosides - rutin, quinqueloside, cosmosiin, quercitrin, hyperoside, etc.
  • Stahydrine, choline, leonurine are a group of alkaloids.
  • Tannins and saponins.
  • Of the monoterpenes, leonuride is present.
  • The leaves contain a lot of ascorbic acid.
  • Leocardin is a representative of diterpene bitterness.
  • Essential oils.
  • Mineral salts.

The drug is available in tablets and drops. The tablet is easy to use - you can take it at any time; the bottle or blister easily fits into a handbag or pocket. Alcohol tincture is rarely used in treatment. Motherwort Evalar Forte is an effective remedy produced in accordance with the recommendations. There is a good tea on sale - Phytosedan, which has a strengthening effect on the human body. You can buy dried and crushed herbs packaged in a cardboard box to make your own infusion or decoction.

Motherwort has beneficial healing effects:

  • Calms the excited central nervous system;
  • Relieves nervousness;
  • Effectively fights mild mental disorders;
  • Relieves increased excitability and nervous tension;
  • Stabilizes functional changes in the body in women during menopause;
  • Normalizes heart contractions;
  • Supports and stimulates heart function;
  • Has a beneficial effect on the body in case of cardiac diseases;
  • Blocks muscle spasms;
  • Stimulates the activity of the urinary organs;
  • Stops inflammatory processes;
  • Strengthens the general condition of tissues and systems;
  • Relieves pain symptoms.
  • An aggressively excited reaction to external stimuli is observed.
  • Depressive state.
  • Lack of sleep for a long time.
  • Disturbances in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fixation of high blood pressure.
  • Cardiac diseases associated with heart rhythm disturbances, ischemic heart disease.
  • The thyroid gland is enlarged.

The medicine in tablets has a gentle effect on tissues and organ cells, so it is recommended to take it for 30 days. The tincture is prepared with alcohol - it is recommended to use it with caution, because... the effect of the drug is aggressive. Motherwort drops have antibacterial properties and can be used for external use to prevent infection of the skin.


Along with the positive effects, the drug has contraindications for use, which should not be neglected. It is necessary to stop using motherwort in the following cases:

  • An allergic reaction to a component contained in the drug.
  • Stable low blood pressure.
  • An inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa that occurs against the background of gastritis or peptic ulcer.
  • Cannot be used during pregnancy.
  • Alcohol tincture is prohibited for people with alcohol addiction.
  • Newborn children.
  • A person engaged in work that requires quick reactions should avoid taking motherwort.

Like any medicine, motherwort contains side effects. If a possible negative sign from the drug occurs, you need to stop taking it.

Medicine dosage

Alcohol tincture is prescribed to adults not involved in work, where activity and quick reaction are required. The dose ranges between 30-40 drops. The drop should be poured into a glass one-quarter filled with water. Take 3 times a day.

Alcohol tincture is prohibited for pregnant women and children. Drivers should also stop using it. It is recommended to prepare an infusion with water - pour the dried herb (3 tablespoons) with hot water (1 glass) and let it brew. Drink 1/4 of the prepared infusion in the morning and evening. If necessary, take it at lunch.

Take 2 tablets 3 times a day. The quantity may be increased. But this must be done by the attending physician! Self-prescription of the drug in excess of the norm leads to an overdose.

Signs of overdose

The effect of the drug does not appear immediately. To fix symptoms of improvement, you need to take the drug for 10-15 days. Many people feel that the dose prescribed by the doctor is not sufficient for recovery. Without consulting with the attending physician, the person increases the dosage. In this case, motherwort poisoning occurs, causing unpleasant symptoms. The body, weakened by the disease, receives an additional burden in the form of drug intoxication.

Symptoms of motherwort overdose:

  • The gastric mucosa is affected and this provokes an attack of nausea with vomiting.
  • The irritable bowel removes the toxin through diarrhea.
  • A sharp headache is accompanied by dizziness.
  • The mucous membrane of the mouth dries out, and there is a constant feeling of thirst.
  • The salivary glands work in excessive mode - profuse salivation.
  • Lack of response to external irritation.
  • The victim really wants to sleep.
  • Blood pressure drops to extremely low levels.
  • The heart rate decreases sharply.
  • Attention becomes scattered and impossible to concentrate.
  • An allergic reaction develops - urticaria, Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock.

Exceeding the dose of alcohol infusion causes more harm to human health.

Acute poisoning is supplemented by symptoms of alcohol poisoning:

  • Coordination is reduced or absent altogether.
  • The brain and consciousness react to external stimuli with inhibition.
  • Problems with speech appear - illegibility and confusion.
  • Complete disorientation in place and time.
  • The rules of good manners and social behavior are neglected and not followed.
  • There is an alcoholic smell.
  • Coma may occur due to alcohol intoxication.

Coma with the presence of alcoholic poisons and motherwort sometimes complicates the recovery of the victim, and death occurs.

Poisoning with alcohol tincture is immediately identified by signs. Symptoms of motherwort intoxication in tablets appear later - when the toxin fills the blood and stomach.

First aid

An overdose of a small amount of the drug may subside after rest and restful sleep. During sleep, the body will cope with the toxin itself, and there will be no need to carry out manipulations that require cleansing the body.

Significantly exceeding the dose causes a deterioration in the victim’s well-being. Relief measures are required.

  • First, rinse the stomach cavity - prepare warm water with soda or potassium permanganate, give the victim something to drink and induce vomiting.
  • Taking the sorbent will begin the process of binding and removing the poison from the body.
  • Strong tea with sugar will help raise blood pressure.
  • The alcohol tincture provokes profuse vomiting, which is aggravated by the patient’s disorientation - it is necessary to ensure that the vomit comes out without delay.
  • It is recommended to keep the victim conscious - ammonia can be used for this.

If the procedures did not have a healing effect and, on the contrary, provoked deterioration, you need to call an ambulance. The patient should not be left alone until the doctors arrive. Monitoring and monitoring of the victim's condition is required.

Treatment in hospital

Motherwort poisoning can occur in the elderly, pregnant women and children. In this case, hospitalization is required. Victims experience:

  • Complete lack of reaction to what is happening;
  • Depressed mental state, inability to communicate;
  • Vomiting and diarrhea do not stop;
  • Blood is present in urine and feces;
  • The pressure drops to extremely low levels;
  • Heart rate slows to 50 beats per minute;
  • Dehydration develops rapidly;
  • The patient is in a coma.

This condition can only be treated in a hospital in the toxicology department. Treatment takes place in the intensive care ward. It includes:

  • The intake of sorbents continues - Polysorb, Enterosgel, Smecta.
  • Droppers with glucose 5% and sodium chloride 0.9% are prescribed.
  • Special solutions are used to restore water and electrolyte balance.
  • Diuretics are prescribed to eliminate the toxin in the urine.
  • Oxygen therapy will help restore body functions.
  • Blood transfusion is performed when it is impossible to eliminate the toxin with ordinary manipulations.

Mild or moderate poisoning does not require hospitalization. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis under the supervision of a doctor.

Consequences of overdose

Motherwort poisoning does not cause serious consequences. But there are still unwanted complications that complicate a person’s life in the future:

  • An allergy to a component of the drug persists.
  • The inflammatory process in the pancreas requires an appropriate diet.
  • There is a feeling of irritation of the mucous membrane in the intestines.
  • Provokes complications against the background of peptic ulcer disease.
  • Kidney failure may occur.

Doctors advise not to abuse uncontrolled use of motherwort. This may cause unwanted poisoning. It is better to discuss all ailments with your doctor and undergo treatment under strict supervision. This will help keep you healthy.

Various herbal preparations are prescribed to treat certain diseases. These include motherwort, used for neurological disorders. Most people think that consuming such medications in excess dosage does not cause any consequences, but this is absolutely not the case. If this remedy is used inappropriately, an overdose of motherwort occurs and a number of medical measures are required to return the patient to a normal state.

Use of motherwort

The pharmaceutical industry produces motherwort in various medical forms - alcohol tincture and tablets. Tablets are made from dried motherwort raw materials and other components that improve absorption. Motherwort tincture is an alcohol tincture of the plant. Motherwort is prescribed for the following diseases:

  1. If the patient has increased excitability - as a sedative.
  2. For hypertension - prescribed as a complex drug.
  3. For diseases of the heart and vascular system.

The drug in tablets is taken once, to prevent stressful situations, or in courses for about a month. Motherwort tincture is prescribed much less frequently, as it contains ethyl alcohol, which is contraindicated for many diseases.

The medicine motherwort forte consists not only of dry herbs. The composition includes vitamins and minerals that normalize the condition of the cardiovascular system.

A doctor should calculate the daily dose of motherwort in tablets or alcohol tincture. The dosage and duration of the course are determined based on the weight and severity of the disease.

In what cases is an overdose possible?

Excessive consumption of herbal dosage forms can occur in isolated cases and is usually not fatal. Motherwort poisoning is possible in the situations listed below.

  • If the dosage is incorrectly selected, especially for the drug in drops.
  • If you drink a lot of motherwort, not as a medicine, but as an alcohol-containing drug. This usually happens to people prone to alcoholism. In some cases, such abuse can lead to dependence on the medication.
  • If the medicine is used uncontrollably by children. This can happen if the medicine is stored incorrectly.

When used for medicinal purposes, motherwort is not addictive.

Symptoms of intoxication

Theoretically, it is impossible to be poisoned by motherwort, but if the recommended dose is significantly exceeded, a person’s health condition deteriorates greatly. This applies to a greater extent to people with hypotension, whose already low blood pressure is reduced by a sedative.

An overdose of motherwort is also dangerous for young children, especially if it is an alcohol-containing medicine. Alcohol contained in drops can cause acute poisoning of a fragile body. The sedative has a harmful effect on all important human organs and systems, so the symptoms of exposure will be specific. An overdose of this drug manifests itself as follows:

  • abnormal drowsiness appears;
  • migraine develops, the person suffers from dizziness and general weakness;
  • the victim constantly asks for a drink;
  • digestive disorders such as nausea and vomiting appear;
  • the skin and mucous membranes turn red or rashes appear in the form of hives.

If a person drank the tincture, then signs of alcohol poisoning are very likely. At the very beginning, the patient is extremely excited, his coordination changes and there is a feeling of euphoria. You may also notice a strong odor of alcohol.

Emergency assistance in case of overdose

When an overdose of pills occurs accidentally, a person just needs to get a good night's sleep. After waking up, the general condition returns to normal and side effects do not manifest themselves in any way. If the amount of medicine consumed by the victim is unknown, then assistance is provided as follows:

  • the stomach is washed with plenty of water with the addition of soda. To artificially induce vomiting, you need to press on the base of the tongue;
  • Adsorbents can quickly remove excess medicine from the body;
  • with very low blood pressure, the patient is given strong and sweet tea.

If the victim has drunk too much alcohol tincture and has an aversion to alcohol, then symptoms of acute intoxication occur. During this period, it is necessary to monitor him especially carefully. A serious danger is uncontrolled vomiting. The person is placed in bed on his side so that he does not choke on vomit. If the patient loses consciousness, they give ammonia to sniff.

If the assistance provided has no effect, you need to call an ambulance. It is likely that, in addition to the tincture, the person abused another medicine.

Only experienced specialists can understand the cause of poisoning and prescribe adequate treatment.

Consequences of an overdose of motherwort

There may not be any health consequences as such. A person experiences a short-term deterioration in their general condition, which returns to normal after discontinuation of the drug. If the victim observes changes in health for too long, then you need to consult a doctor. Only tests and other laboratory tests will help find out the cause of the illness.

Preparations with motherwort are good herbal remedies aimed at reducing nervous tension. They should be used only as prescribed by a doctor and only in the prescribed dosage, then there will be no problems.

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Motherwort is a popular medicinal plant, used not only in folk but also in conservative medicine. Its beneficial properties help get rid of a number of negative symptoms in disorders of the central nervous system, heart, and gastrointestinal tract. However, excessive use of this drug can cause serious problems with the body.

What is the optimal dose of motherwort? Are there any noticeable symptoms after an overdose? How dangerous are the consequences of data poisoning? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Normal dose of motherwort per day

As modern clinical studies show, this plant contains flavonoid-type glycosides, alkaloids, tannins, ascorbic acid and other components. The medicine has a number of therapeutically proven effects on the human body:

  • Normalizes the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system;
  • Ensures stability of the autonomic nervous system;
  • Has a beneficial effect on heart rate, reducing the increased frequency of contractions and providing a direct hypotensive effect;
  • Helps overcome dyspeptic disorders as part of complex symptomatic therapy.

In terms of effectiveness, motherwort is often compared with drugs based on lily of the valley, but the intensity of its direct effect is significantly higher, especially in the context of cardiac therapy.

Symptoms of motherwort overdose

Negative symptoms of motherwort overdose can only appear when the recommended dosage is significantly exceeded. Main manifestations include:

  • Severe nausea and vomiting. In severe cases - with blood impurities;
  • Diarrhea. Less commonly – chronic constipation;
  • Moderate pain in the head, dizziness. In rare cases - loss of consciousness;
  • Increased salivation against the background of dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • Intense thirst;
  • Drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, slow reactions to external stimuli;
  • Significant reduction in blood pressure. In rare cases - up to critical values;
  • Decreased heart rate. In rare cases, systemic cardiovascular pathologies and hypothermia.

It should be noted that when taking extremely high dosages of the drug in the form of an alcohol tincture, the classic picture of alcohol intoxication joins the above-mentioned manifestations of overdose.

First aid and treatment

A victim of an overdose of motherwort tincture must be provided with all possible first aid, while at the same time calling a team of doctors to the scene for a professional assessment of the patient’s condition to determine the need for hospitalization in a hospital or outpatient therapy.

Typical first aid scheme:

  • Emptying the stomach from contents. It is advisable to carry out immediately after an overdose, but no later than 30-40 minutes. The victim drinks a sufficient amount of liquid (up to 1 to 2 liters), after which he induces a gag reflex and thus cleanses the stomach;
  • Reception of sorbents. It is performed after gastric lavage, most often with activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kilograms of the patient’s weight;
  • Uses of magnesium sulfate. This salt-based product acts as a laxative and allows you to remove up to half of the absorbed drug through the process of defecation.

Motherwort is widely used in both traditional and folk medicine. Pharmacology uses 2 types of this plant: motherwort cordial and five-lobed. In addition to organic compounds, this herbal medicine is rich in ascorbic acid and mineral salts.

The action of Leonurus (the Latin name of the plant) is similar to preparations obtained from lily of the valley and medicinal valerian. But in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, motherwort is more effective.

However, one should not equate the naturalness and safety of this medicine. The action of motherwort in case of overdose can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Advantages of the drug

The herbal medicine has many undeniable advantages. And it’s not just about its natural origin. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, normalizes increased excitability, stabilizes the nervous system in women during the premenopausal period (menopause), eliminates PMS symptoms, has a hypnotic effect and fights sleep disorders.

Its effect on the cardiovascular system is especially valuable. Motherwort normalizes high blood pressure and stabilizes heart rate. Thanks to leotine, an alkaloid contained in the plant, the heart muscle begins to contract less frequently.

The antibacterial effect and essential oils contained in motherwort are used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

Release form

This herbal medicine can be found on pharmacy shelves in several forms:

  • tablet:
  • tincture or infusion;
  • liquid extract;
  • medicinal collection;
  • composition of medicinal soothing tea.

The tablet form may contain additional substances that increase the absorption of the drug. Alcohol is used to make the tincture.

Under what conditions is motherwort prescribed?

The herbal medicine is prescribed for:

  • disruption of the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system (neurasthenia, psychasthenia, depression);
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • high blood pressure (hypertension);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (ischemia, angina);
  • sleep disorders;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • excited states during PMS and menopause.

The drug is water soluble and is used as a solution - 30 drops per half glass of water. The frequency of use should not exceed 4 times a day. In this case, the product is considered safe. However, the therapeutic effect appears slowly and takes a long period of time. As a result, many patients independently increase the dosage in the hope of an accelerated effect of the drug.

The result of such actions is the development of intoxication and the occurrence of various allergic reactions.

Overdose and its symptoms

Motherwort has a sedative effect on a number of systems: nervous, endocrine and cardiac. Overdose symptoms are most pronounced in these areas. Cases of motherwort tincture poisoning among children are common. The alcohol contained in the herbal infusion causes severe damage to children's liver, whose formation is completed only by 10-12 years.

The main symptoms of motherwort poisoning are:

  • drowsiness;
  • decreased concentration;
  • severe headaches and dizziness;
  • increased fatigue and weakness;
  • nausea, heartburn;
  • allergic reactions in the form of a rash;
  • hypothermia of the skin;
  • incoherent speech;
  • severe thirst and dry mouth;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • slowing heart rate.

For patients with hypotension, a sharp decrease in blood pressure is especially dangerous, and in allergy sufferers, a reaction to an overdose can manifest itself in the form of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

Often, symptoms of alcohol intoxication are added to the symptoms of motherwort poisoning. The combination of these two conditions under unfavorable circumstances can lead to coma or death.


The consequences of severe motherwort poisoning may affect the future. In some cases, this manifests itself in the form of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system or cardiac activity. Also, the result of an overdose is the development of acute renal failure.

The easier “results” of improper use of herbal medicine are inflammation of the pancreas, exacerbation of stomach and duodenal ulcers. Death occurs in exceptional cases.

First aid

As with any poisoning, when the first symptoms are detected, it is necessary to begin preventive measures to remove toxins from the victim’s body.

A small overdose is not dangerous. Taking a few extra tablets or drops will only increase your sleep period. If a large dose of the drug is used or in case of intoxication of the child’s body, it is necessary to call an ambulance and take the following measures:

  1. Rinse the stomach. For this purpose, boiled water, a solution of soda or potassium permanganate are suitable.
  2. Reception of sorbent. This medication will begin to remove toxins from the body. The simplest sorbent found in every first aid kit is activated carbon.
  3. If the poisoning is severe (combined with alcohol intoxication), then the victim may lose consciousness, then it is necessary to bring him to his senses with the help of ammonia and lay him on his side to avoid possible asphyxia.

In case of a high degree of overdose, the patient is placed in a medical facility, where therapy is started to restore water and electrolyte balance and normalize blood pressure. In case of complications, hemosorption and plasmapheresis methods can be used.



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