Reasons for the appearance of subcutaneous bumps on the human body. Lumps and lumps under the skin

Sometimes you may see a lump or hard lump under the skin. Most are harmless, but some can be painful and irritating. These bumps can appear on any part of the body.

Most lumps are harmless and are not a cause for concern. However, in in rare cases may be required additional diagnostics. This happens when cancerous tumors. Benign balls under the skin have the following signs:

  • the compaction grows slowly and not painfully;
  • soft consistency;
  • located in the superficial or fatty layer of the skin:
  • mobile, it can be felt.

On an arm or leg

Most lumps and bumps under the skin are harmless and go away without treatment. But to make a correct diagnosis and eliminate the main causes of their occurrence, you need to consult a doctor as early as possible.

A dense ball on an arm or leg is most often a lipoma (fat), fibroma or cyst.

Lipoma– a relatively soft lump consisting of fatty tissue that grows slowly.

Fibrolipoma or fibrous lipoma is formed from fatty and connective tissue simultaneously. The lower the percentage of fat in it, the harder it is.

Fibroma on the toe and sole of the foot

Fibroma– a hard, small subcutaneous lump consisting of connective fibrous tissue.

These are all safe formations that gradually grow slowly.

Cyst is a sac under the skin filled with fluid (usually pus). Its main difference from lipoma and fibroma is that they are located deep under the skin, and the cyst is closer to the surface. All these seals are usually not required compulsory treatment, but sometimes require removal operations.

A lipoma, fibroma or cyst can appear on other parts of the body. In addition to the arms and legs, they often form on the back or chest.

On the face

The reasons for the appearance of lumps on the face that are not related to injury are most likely to be:

  • Pig ( mumps) – viral infection, mainly affecting children. Lumps will be associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes of the lower part of the face;
  • Allergic reaction – causes swelling in the deep layers of the skin;
  • A tooth abscess can lead to swelling in the jaw area.

Enlarged lymph nodes due to mumps (left) and facial swelling due to a tooth infection (right)

In the groin, thighs and buttocks

The appearance of hard lumps in the vagina, on inside thighs and buttocks can be caused by the following factors:

  • inflamed inguinal lymph nodes, which is a sign of infection;
  • cyst - a harmless formation filled with fluid;
  • an abscess is a painful collection of pus;
  • genital warts - are sexually transmitted infections and are fleshy growths;
  • hanging moles or warts.

Hanging mole(A), abscess (B) and genital warts with HPV (C)

On the knuckle of a finger or wrist

A subcutaneous hard ball or lump on the wrist or finger joint is most often a hygroma, a type of cyst that forms around the joints and tendons.

Hygroma (synovyl cyst) is a fairly soft, smooth ball filled with a dense jelly-like liquid. The causes of its occurrence are unknown, but most often it is associated with aging or damage to joints and tendons.

Hygroma appears near the joints

If the hygroma does not cause pain or anxiety, you can leave it or treat it yourself, but to remove it, you need to visit a dermatologist. Although often after removal, the problem may return over time.

Small hard ball under the skin

A hard ball under the skin may turn out to be a fibrous lipoma - a mobile seal consisting of fat and connective tissue that grows. An ordinary lipoma (fat) consists only of adipose tissue, therefore it is softer. And fibrous is more dense due to connective tissue. Sizes vary from a pea to several centimeters in diameter. Lipomas are safe.

If the ball turns out to be not a lipoma, then most likely it will be a cyst - a sac under the skin filled with pus. They are very similar, but important difference– the cyst will be closer to the surface and usually goes away without treatment.

Large flat lump under the skin

A large lump that appears under the skin causes concern for most people; many consider it a sign of cancer. To minimize complications, you need to undergo a series of tests that will help determine the cause of the appearance of such seals.

If the neoplasm turns out to be malignant, then a course of radiation and chemical therapy or surgery to remove cancerous tissue.

A hard, painful area under the skin

Trauma or infection may cause sudden appearance dense painful area. Moreover, during infection, the skin around the seal will be red and hot to the touch, and the injury is accompanied by swelling and hemorrhage. At improper treatment The wound can become infected and then redness and increased temperature will be added.

Hard balls under the skin due to ingrown hairs

Under certain conditions, not all the hair is shaved off; part of it remains under the skin and cannot break out, so it bends and grows inward hair follicle. This is how ingrown hairs appear, they cause inflammation, pain and form small hard balls in the area of ​​shaving. Most often this is the back of the head and area. Sometimes an ingrown hair can become enlarged (cyst) after infection.

Ingrown hairs

Anyone who shaves, uses tweezers, or uses wax for hair removal may experience similar problems. Such “bumps” often go away on their own, but they can also sometimes be helped when the hair is very close to the surface.

The appearance of a dense ball on the skin after an insect bite

Bug or spider bites can also cause swelling and hard bumps on the skin. Most insects are harmless, but there are a few poisonous individuals whose stings penetrate deep into human skin and their venom is dangerous.

Signs of a poisonous spider bite:

  • severe pain that begins about an hour after the bite;
  • abdominal cramps (from a black widow bite);
  • heavy sweating;
  • swelling and fever in severe cases.

Pimples have turned into hard balls

Pimples are places where the skin becomes inflamed. They appear when dead skin cells, sebum and bacteria clog the pores, forming hard balls. Acne ( acne) is a common problem among teenagers, but can appear at any other age. Bacteria multiply quickly under the skin and this leads to the appearance of new acne.

There are acne different types: pimples, papules, pustules, cysts or nodules, so there is no one way to treat acne. In severe cases of the disease, tablets and local treatment are prescribed.

If acne large size, then laser and phototherapy, drainage and steroid injections are performed to reduce swelling.

Lump under the skin after vaccination

Vaccination – reliable way protection against infections that do not cause serious side effects. But some children develop various symptoms, such as:

  • fever within 2-3 days after vaccination;
  • redness at the injection site;
  • a dense area at the injection site (in this case, a cold compress will help);
  • a rash in the form of red dots may cover the child from head to toe, but it is harmless and will go away within a week;
  • in rare cases, the entire vaccination area may become red, swollen, and hot (pain reliever and hydrocortisone ointment will help).

A lump under the skin in humans is a fairly common phenomenon, occurring throughout the body. These formations can appear on the back, shoulder, thigh, lower leg, and if it concerns the face, then on the chin, cheek, and forehead. Bumps are also very often observed on the hands. , they can be seen on the palm, finger, wrist.

What is a subcutaneous lump?

The lump is scientifically called hygroma; it is a small neoplasm, o round shape, protruding on the body. Depending on where it appears, on the back, finger, wrist, forehead or other parts of the body, its surface varies:

  • Smooth
  • Rough
  • Dense
  • Soft.

Also, often such a formation in a person can be completely painless, and in some cases cause pain. A small lump under the skin in some cases fills with a thick liquid. If the tumor reaches large sizes, then there are often blood clots inside it. In addition, the bumps may contain pus, which is associated with a skin abscess, and may also change color.

At the very beginning, the appearance of a bump on the body does not cause any concern, especially if it is not on the face, but, for example, on the back. For a long time, the lump may be painless and not show itself in any way. But sometimes it starts to grow and become painful. Also, in some cases, a person begins to develop formations throughout his body. In this situation, you need to seek help from doctors.

Causes of subcutaneous lumps

The causes are quite varied, the main ones being:

  • Fat metabolism disorder
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Cysts forming inside the skin
  • Soft tissue oncology
  • Growth of sebaceous glands
  • Birthmarks, usually on the back
  • Some infections
  • Seal capillaries
  • Pityriasis pilaris
  • Lipomas and boils
  • Injuries and strong physical activity
  • Tissue inflammation
  • Acne
  • Fluid in tendons that accumulates when chronic pathologies synovial bursa.

Often, bumps appear on the arm, wrist, palm or finger from excessive physical labor, as well as due to friction or pressure, long work at the computer, etc. Bumps on the toe may appear from wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes. Also, a lump on the leg under the skin may indicate:

  • For salt deposition
  • Flat feet
  • Arthrosis
  • Bursitis.

Lump under the skin on the hands

Most often these formations are found on the hand; they can located on the finger and wrist; on the palm they are observed much less frequently. Often the ball appears in the wrist area with back side It is mostly dense and completely painless. Most often, such a tumor appears due to heavy load on the hand. The cause of lumps on the fingers is often arthritis, deformation of cartilage, etc. This significantly reduces the work of the fingers, it becomes painful to squeeze the palms, and discomfort occurs. With such formations, you should not overwork your hands and you should urgently consult a doctor.

Bumps on the face

The bumps under the skin on the face are quite unpleasant phenomenon. They can form on the forehead, chin, and cheeks. If, for example, they appear on the back and do not cause inconvenience, then you can live in peace. However, if the bumps are on the forehead or chin, then they cause a person aesthetic inconvenience and cause some discomfort. For the most part they are like this subcutaneous formations on the forehead and other parts of the face may be caused by:

  • Acne
  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands
  • Blockage of the sebaceous glands
  • Inflammatory process
  • Infectious disease.

Treatment of lumps under the skin

When the bumps do not bother a person, especially if they are on the back, then you can do without treatment. But if the formation grows, changes color and begins to cause pain and discomfort, proper measures should be taken. In most cases they use drug treatment. However, if it does not bring any effect, they resort to surgical intervention and completely remove the cones. Sometimes the cause of such neoplasms under the skin on the forehead and other parts of the body is a weakened immune system, then the therapeutic course must necessarily include drugs that strengthen the immune system. Besides this, traditional medicine also suggests some ways to treat lumps under the skin. In order to use them, it is best to consult with your doctors. If the cause of such formations is mechanical or physical impact, then these factors should also be eliminated.

Often people note that a lump has appeared under the skin, a thickening or protrusion on the different areas bodies. This can be a symptom of many diseases, including cancer, which is why you should treat this problem with extreme caution.

Diseases that are accompanied by the formation of lumps under the skin:

Also, bumps under the skin of certain varieties like to appear

Lipoma and fibrolipoma are the most common types of lumps under the skin.

Lipoma is a benign formation that occurs in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, which is why people often hear its names: wen or fatty tumor. The lipoma is soft to the touch, painless and removable. If the tumor contains dense fibrous tissue– it is called fibrolipoma, and is denser to the touch. A lump under the skin like a lipoma often appears on the arms, legs, back, abdomen, and breasts. Their appearance is facilitated by injuries and heredity.

In the photo there are lumps under the skin on the hands that look like lipomas. Can become relatively hard.

Atheroma is a lump under the skin, which they also like to call a wen.

Atheroma is a benign skin tumor that occurs due to disruption of the ducts of the sebaceous glands. Exists in two main variants: epidermal cyst and cyst sebaceous gland. A lump under the skin, such as an epidermal cyst, has a blocked duct of the sebaceous gland in the form of a brown or black dot. Likes to appear on the back, back of the neck, face, stomach, and other places on the body. A lump under the skin that looks like a sebaceous gland cyst does not have a blocked duct and looks like part of a sphere covered with normal epidermis. Associated with hair growth, appears on the head.
Both types of atheroma have a well-palpable capsule that feels like a ball.

The lump under the skin on the head is a sebaceous gland cyst. There are often a lot of them.

A lump under the skin on the body is an epidermal cyst. When pressed, sebaceous discharge comes out.

Hygroma is a lump under the skin associated with muscle tendons and joints.

Hygroma, or tendon ganglion, is a tumor-like formation, the cause of which is injury, past tenosynovitis (inflammatory process in synovium tendons), bursitis (inflammation of the joint capsule). Diagnosis of hygroma early stages difficult. Since, with a small size, it does not cause pain. A lump under the skin like a hygroma likes to appear on the hands near the joints, on the legs near the feet. It feels like a ball to the touch and usually does not hurt.

A lateral neck cyst is a common type of lump under the skin in this area.

A lateral neck cyst is a lump under the skin that is associated with a intrauterine development. Maybe long time don't show yourself. However, after neck injuries or infectious diseases (sore throat, acute respiratory infections, flu), it begins to stretch and grow. It looks like a rounded protrusion above the skin of the neck, in which elasticity can be noted to the touch, like a ball.

A lump under the skin due to damage to the lymph nodes (lymphoma, lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy, cancer metastases).

Lymph nodes are fortresses on the path of the spread of infections and malignant tumors. If microbes or cancer turn out to be stronger, they take over these fortresses, making them their own. Lymph nodes are located in the folds and folds of the neck, in the armpits, in the groin, and on the folds of the arms and legs.
The mildest variant of lymph node damage is called lymphadenopathy, and a slight enlargement of the lymph nodes occurs. They may feel like small bumps under the skin that hurt. In the case of lymphadenitis, the lymph node enlarges significantly, becomes very painful lump under the skin, may turn red and rupture with the release of pus. In the case of metastases and damage to the lymph nodes by lymphoma, they increase to 1.5-2 cm or more, and practically do not hurt.

A lump under the skin due to bone overgrowth (osteoma).

Osteoma is a tumor arising from the bones. Hard lump under the skin (growth on outer surface bones) appears in people on bones in the head, arms, legs and pelvis. Osteomas can be transmitted genetically from parents to children, and also occur as a result of injuries, various diseases, such as syphilis, rheumatism, gout. Statistically, it occurs more often in men. X-ray examination helps in diagnosis.

A malignant lump under the skin that looks like a sarcoma.

Sarcoma is a group of tumors with aggressive growth (malignant). These diseases can arise from connective tissue (bone, cartilage, fat), grow from the walls of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels and muscle fibers. If left untreated, they are accompanied by rapid progressive growth and the appearance of metastases. The lump under the skin, like a sarcoma, does not hurt, is relatively hard to the touch, with fuzzy outlines, covered with reddened skin, occurs anywhere on the body, arms and legs. Metastases of internal organ cancer look approximately the same.

The lump under the skin of the back in the photo is leiomyosarcoma. This is a malignant tumor. Note the dilated vessels.

In the photo, the lump under the skin on the neck in this case is a metastasis of esophageal cancer.

Lumps under the skin on the arms and legs due to damage to the joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis is systemic disease connective tissue, which affects small joints. It appears as hard bumps in the areas of the affected joints with redness and pain. Typically, bumps appear under the skin of the joints on the arms in the area of ​​the hands. In the absence of adequate treatment, the disease quickly progresses and leads to disability in patients.
Osteoarthritis mainly affects large joints lower limbs due to injuries endocrine diseases, for obesity. In advanced cases, hard lumps under the skin appear around the joints. Pain appears in the affected joints, swelling, and rarely redness.
Gout is a disease associated with metabolic disorders, as a result of which uric acid is deposited in soft tissues in the form of specific hard lumps under the skin that hurt - tophi, the size of which varies from a few millimeters to two centimeters.
Finally, the cause of the appearance of lumps under the skin around the joints of the arms and legs is determined by a surgeon, rheumatologist, or orthopedic traumatologist.

A lump under the skin in and around the breast area.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. It may appear as a lump under the skin or on the surface of the mammary gland (not only in women) and nearby. It has aggressive growth and a tendency to actively metastasize.
Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland - benign disease, which does not cause discomfort and is most often diagnosed during doctor's examinations. The formation is round, smooth, elastic, ranging in size from one to five centimeters.
There are also breast cysts and other benign tumors. Correct diagnosis determined by a gynecologist, oncologist or mammologist.

A lump under the skin on the arm, leg, neck, back. Why does it hurt?

Lump under the skin on the arm.

  • A lump under the skin, such as a lipoma, hygroma, or sarcoma, often appears on the hand.
  • Lumps caused by inflammatory processes in the joints (rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis) are common.
  • Atheroma and osteoma occur less frequently, mainly in the shoulder area. Lipomas appear on the front surface of the shoulder or forearm.
  • Sarcomas and benign tumors occur anywhere on the arm.
  • Hygromas occur as a result of injuries, and from excessive load. Bumps under the skin of the type hygroma can often be seen on the hands of pianists, laundresses, and writers.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis may affect several small joints hands, which increase in size, which is especially noticeable on the fingers.
  • It should be remembered that on the hand in axillary area and in the elbow bend there are lymph nodes that can also be affected characteristic diseases. This manifests itself as a lump under the skin on the arm in these places.

Lump under the skin on the leg.

  • A lump under the skin, such as a lipoma or sarcoma, appears on the leg relatively more often than on the arm.
  • Less commonly, hygromas appear on the hand.
  • More often than in the arms, the joints in the legs are affected by osteoarthritis and gout.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis appears less frequently here than on the hands.
  • Atheromas often occur, especially on the thigh and buttock.
  • Osteomas tend to move closer to the pelvis.
  • Osteoarthritis often affects the hip or knee joints, usually symmetrically.
  • A lump under the skin, such as a lipoma, can often be found on the outer part of the leg in the thigh area. Here it can reach large sizes (more than 10 cm).
  • For hygroma typical place in the leg area is the foot. It can be either one or many small ones. It may bother the patient when there is pressure on it from shoes.
  • Gouty tophi can occur near the joints, they are painful and interfere with walking. It is possible to form one larger one, or many small ones.
  • Sarcoma can occur on any part of the leg. This can be either a primary tumor or a secondary one (metastasis).

A lump under the skin on the leg in the toe area is a hygroma or tendon ganglion. Appeared after an injury.

The photo shows a lump under the skin of the body like osteoarthritis. Often found in the area of ​​the sternoclavicular joint.

Lump under the skin on the neck.

  • A lump under the skin on the neck likes to appear due to the following reasons: reactive lymphadenopathy, lateral cyst neck, atheroma, nodular goiter or cancer thyroid gland.
  • It is useful in establishing the correct diagnosis to conduct an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and lymph nodes of the neck.
  • Atheroma usually appears on the back of the neck. With strong pressure, a light, thick discharge from the sebaceous gland may be released.
  • For colds, chronic diseases ear, nose throat, and with dental pathology, the lymph nodes in the neck may become enlarged. These are most often small bumps under the skin that hurt.
  • At oncological diseases(lymphoma, leukemia, sarcoma, metastases) the lymph nodes increase significantly in size, but remain completely painless, merge with each other, and are inactive.
  • Lateral neck cyst specific reason the appearance of a lump under the skin on the neck, which not all doctors know about, can reach large sizes.

Lump under the skin on the back.

  • A lump under the skin on the back appears due to lipoma and other benign tumors, atheroma, sarcoma, metastases of malignant tumors.
  • Due to unavailability for self-examination tumors reach large sizes.
  • For the back, the appearance of atheromas is typical, due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. It looks like a round, slightly hard lump. It doesn't hurt until it festers.
  • Due to the fact that the skin here is very thick, a lump under the skin on the back, such as a lipoma, is difficult to determine when it is small in size.

Why does the lump under the skin hurt?

  • A lump under the skin hurts with lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy, atheroma, hygroma and other diseases.
  • Often pain occurs due to the addition of a microbial infection to a pre-existing disease. Pain, swelling, hyperemia (redness) at its location and a rise in temperature appear.
  • Pain is always caused by a lump under the skin such as gouty tophi (nodules), joints with rheumatoid, reactive arthritis, osteoarthritis, since the inflammatory process affects organs that are subject to constant movement.

The formation of bunions on the legs is a common phenomenon. Sometimes a person does not attach any importance to this education. A visit to the doctor is postponed until the lump begins to rapidly increase in size, hurt when walking, and turn red.

Lumps on feet

These formations can be multiple, single, soft, or hard to the touch. They can be benign or malignant. In the absence timely diagnosis and treatment, subcutaneous bumps can cause inflammatory process, suppuration. The favorite place is the shin.

According to statistics, every seventh inhabitant of the planet has pain in the legs. People do not attach importance to this, citing a bruise and visiting a doctor in advanced stages. Let's look at the main seals that appear on the skin and have negative consequences.


A very common disease that is accompanied by painful sensations. Corns occur as a result of keratinization of dead skin and its hardening. Reasons: incorrect selection of shoes, which causes the foot to feel discomfort, excessive sweating feet, flat feet, overweight and so on.

By appearance they can be flat or concave, with a shaft of yellow-brown color. This area of ​​skin is almost completely devoid of sensitivity. If the skin is excessively dry, cracks may occur. Absence drug therapy may cause the process of foot deformation to start.


Very often they can form on the legs. They are easy to distinguish from corns, because they have clear contours and rounded shape. Based on the type of calluses, they are classified into dry and wet. The reasons for the appearance may be wearing uncomfortable shoes, small in size, new shoes. Wet callus looks like a raised area above the skin with fluid inside. When it is damaged, fluid or blood is released from the wound. This phenomenon very dangerous because big risk introduction of infection into the wound.

It is prohibited to cut or open seals at home.

If these manipulations are indicated, they are carried out only in a hospital setting.


in the photo there are bumps on the legs under the skin

They refer to benign formations, which appear in the fleshy areas of the body. Warts are thought to be caused by infection with the papilloma virus. Occurs when there is a decrease protective functions body. In appearance, a wart is very similar to a callus, but unlike latest skin characterized by increased roughness. A wart gives the sensation of having a stone in the shoe, which causes pain when pressed.

The superficial wart strain is not contagious to humans. Cases of transmission of the virus from person to person are quite rare. Favorable conditions A moist, warm environment is ideal for the development of the virus. Any damage allows the virus access to the body. When it will manifest itself is a matter of time and condition immune system.


Preventive measures

To prevent an annoying and painful nodule from appearing on your body, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • selection of comfortable, proportionate shoes made from high-quality and natural materials;
  • select shoes with the most comfortable instep; too high or low a heel negatively affects the health of the foot;
  • for increased comfort you can use orthopedic insoles that support the foot in the correct position;
  • will cope with rubbing, and silicone inserts will help reduce impacts on the foot;
  • everyday hygiene procedures which include washing feet, baths, removing rough skin with a stone;
  • At night, lubricate your feet with a rich cream and put on cotton socks;
  • contrast shower.

Experts say that moderate physical activity has a beneficial effect on the condition of the legs. It's useful to do hiking, cycling, jogging, skiing and skating. Performing special gymnastic exercises. Self-massage has a beneficial effect on the condition of the feet and helps improve blood circulation.

It is very useful to walk barefoot on the grass, especially in the morning, when the grass is still covered in dew. Any injuries, microcracks and cuts must be carefully treated with antiseptics. After all, this is a direct path for infections to enter the body. If, however, a lump appears on the leg, it is necessary not to delay and begin treatment. Constant monitoring of your health will help you cope with many problems.

Various formations under the skin: bumps, balls, compactions, tumors - this is a common problem that almost every person faces. In most cases, these formations are harmless, but some of them require emergency treatment.

Lumps and lumps under the skin can develop on any part of the body: face, arms and legs, back, abdomen, etc. Sometimes these formations are hidden in the folds of the skin, on the scalp, or grow so slowly that for a long time remain invisible and are discovered when they reach large sizes. They are usually asymptomatic benign neoplasms skin and soft tissues.

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Lumps, seals, causing pain or discomfort are more often a consequence of infection. They may be accompanied by an increase in general or local temperature. The skin over them usually turns red. arise comorbid disorders: general malaise, headache, weakness, etc. When timely treatment Such formations usually pass quickly.

Much less common are malignant neoplasms of the skin and underlying tissues, which can be palpated or noticed on your own. You need to be able to recognize these diseases in time and consult a doctor as soon as possible. Below we outline the most common skin lesions that may cause concern.

Lipoma (wen)

Lumps under the skin most often turn out to be lipomas. These are benign, completely safe tumors from fat cells. Lipoma can be felt under the skin as a soft formation with clear boundaries, sometimes with a bumpy surface. The skin over the lipoma is of normal color and density, easily folded.


Atheroma is often confused with lipoma, also called a wen. In fact, it is a cyst, that is, stretched sebaceous gland, which is clogged excretory duct. Contents of atheroma - sebum, gradually accumulates, stretching the gland capsule.

To the touch it is a dense, round formation with clear boundaries. The skin over the atheroma cannot be folded; sometimes the surface of the skin takes on a bluish color and you can see a point on it - a clogged duct. Atheroma can become inflamed and fester. If necessary, it can be removed by a surgeon.

Nodules on the joints

Various diseases joints: arthritis and arthrosis are often accompanied by the appearance of small, hard, immobile nodules under the skin. Similar formations in the area elbow joint are called rheumatoid nodules and are characteristic of rheumatoid arthritis. Nodules on the extensor surface of the joints of the fingers - Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes accompany deforming osteoarthritis.

Gouty nodes - tophi, which are accumulations of salts, can reach a significant size uric acid and grow on people's joints, for many years those suffering from gout.


It feels like a soft protrusion under the skin, which can appear during exercise and disappear completely when lying down or at rest. A hernia forms in the navel area, postoperative scar on the stomach, in the groin, on inner surface hips. The hernia may be painful when palpated. Sometimes you can push it back in with your fingers.

A hernia is formed internal organs abdomen, which are squeezed out through weak points V abdominal wall during promotion intra-abdominal pressure: when coughing, lifting heavy objects, etc. Find out whether a hernia can be cured using traditional methods, and why it is dangerous.

Enlarged lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy)

Most often accompanied colds. Lymph nodes are small round formations that can be felt under the skin in the form of soft elastic balls the size of a pea to a plum, not fused to the surface of the skin.

Lymph nodes are located in groups in the neck area, under lower jaw, above and below the collarbones, in the armpits, in the elbow and knee bends, in the groin and other parts of the body. These are components of the immune system that, like a filter, pass interstitial fluid through themselves, clearing it of infection, foreign inclusions and damaged cells, including tumor cells.

An increase in the size of the lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy), which becomes painful when palpated, usually accompanies infectious diseases: sore throat, otitis media, gumboil, panaritium, as well as wounds and burns. Treatment of the underlying disease leads to a reduction in the node.

If the skin over the lymph node turns red and palpation becomes sharply painful, lymphadenitis is likely to develop - purulent lesion the node itself. In this case, you need to contact a surgeon. Minor surgery may be required, and early treatment can sometimes clear up the infection with antibiotics.

Their causes are different: most often it is a viral infection, mechanical injury, hormonal disorders. Sometimes warts and papillomas grow “out of the blue”, without apparent reason and can be located on any part of the body, including the mucous membranes of the genital organs. For the most part, these are harmless growths that cause only cosmetic discomfort or interfere with wearing clothes or underwear. However, the variety of their shapes, colors and sizes does not allow one to independently distinguish a benign wart, condyloma or soft fibroma from malignant diseases skin. Therefore, if a suspicious growth appears on the skin, it is advisable to show it to a dermatologist or oncologist.

Lump in the breast (in the mammary gland)

Almost every woman in the world experiences lumps in her breasts. different periods life. In the second phase of the cycle, especially on the eve of menstruation, small lumps may be felt in the breasts. Usually, with the onset of menstruation, these formations disappear and are associated with normal change mammary glands under the influence of hormones.

If hardening or peas in the breast are palpable and after menstruation, it is advisable to contact a gynecologist who will examine the mammary glands and, if necessary, prescribe additional research. In most cases, breast formations turn out to be benign; some of them are recommended to be removed, while others can be treated conservatively.

The reason for urgent appeal to the doctor are:

  • rapid increase in the size of the node;
  • pain in the mammary glands, regardless of the phase of the cycle;
  • the formation does not have clear boundaries or the contours are uneven;
  • over the node there is retracted or deformed skin, an ulcer;
  • there is discharge from the nipple;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes can be felt in the armpits.

Skin inflammation and ulcers

A whole group of skin lesions may be associated with infection. The most common cause of inflammation and suppuration is the bacterium staphylococcus. The skin in the affected area turns red, swelling and induration of varying sizes appear. The surface of the skin becomes hot and painful to the touch, and overall body temperature may also increase.

Sometimes inflammation quickly spreads across the skin, covering large areas. Such a diffuse lesion is typical for erysipelas(faces). More serious condition- phlegmon is purulent inflammation subcutaneous fat tissue. Focal ones are common inflammatory diseases: carbuncle and furuncle, which are formed when damaged hair follicles and sebaceous glands.

Surgeons treat purulent-inflammatory diseases of the skin and soft tissues. If redness, pain and swelling appear on the skin, accompanied by an increase in temperature, you need to seek help as soon as possible. On initial stages the problem can be solved with the help of antibiotics; in more advanced cases, surgery has to be resorted to.

Malignant tumors

Compared to others skin formations malignant tumors are very rare. As a rule, at first a focus of compaction or a nodule appears in the thickness of the skin, which gradually grows. Usually the tumor does not hurt or itch. The surface of the skin may be normal, flaky, crusty, or dark in color.

Signs of malignancy are:

  • uneven and unclear boundaries of the tumor;
  • enlargement of nearby lymph nodes;
  • rapid growth education;
  • adhesion to the surface of the skin, inactivity when palpating;
  • bleeding and ulceration on the surface of the lesion.

A tumor can develop at the site of a mole, like melanoma. May be located under the skin, like a sarcoma, or in situ lymph node- lymphoma. If you suspect malignancy skin, you need to see an oncologist as soon as possible.

Which doctor should I contact with a lump or lump on the skin?

If you are concerned about growths on your body, find good doctor using the NaPravku service:

If you think another specialist is needed, please use our help section “Who treats it” . There, based on your symptoms, you can more accurately decide on the choice of a doctor. You can also start with primary diagnosis at the therapist.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs