Reasons for the appearance of a painful ball on the earlobe. What can cause a ball to appear in your earlobe?

People usually don't pay much attention to their ears unless they need to be cleaned or earrings need to be replaced, but the situation changes dramatically if a ball forms in the earlobe - a small lump that can grow, cause discomfort and pain, or attract the attention of others. What is a ball in the earlobe and why does it form?

Reasons for the appearance of a lump in the earlobe

There can be several reasons for the appearance of seals inside the earlobe, depending on the location of formation, the type of seal and the characteristics of the process: how mobile the ball that appears is, painless to the touch, or whether the color and temperature of the skin above it has changed.

1. Atheroma or wen– the most common reason for the formation of a ball in the earlobe. Atheroma is a benign tumor formed from fat cells. The reasons for the formation of wen are not exactly known; they can form as a result of blockage of the duct of the sebaceous glands, due to poor lifestyle, overeating, endocrine diseases, or for no apparent reason. Wen are dense, painless, easily move under the skin, not differing from it in color or temperature. Such formations usually do not cause any inconvenience other than cosmetic ones, but they can fester and become inflamed. In this case, the tumor begins to grow, the skin around it turns red, becomes hot to the touch, and pain appears when pressing or trying to move the atheroma;

2. Epidermoid cyst– in appearance it is little distinguishable from atheroma, but is formed as a result of excessive proliferation of epidermal cells, resulting in the appearance of a dense capsule of epithelial cells. If the epidermoid cyst festers, it becomes painful to the touch and increases in size;

3. Traumatic tumor– a ball in the earlobe may appear due to injury, damage or an insect bite. The most common example is a lump in the lobe after ear piercing. Such formation can be painless or cause discomfort due to increased production of histamine; if an infection occurs, inflammation begins at the site of injury. The lump becomes painful, hot to the touch, the skin around it turns red and purulent discharge may appear;

4. Inflammatory infiltrate or common pimple– a small, red formation on the earlobe or inside the external auditory canal most often occurs due to blockage and suppuration of the skin glands or hair follicles. It is not difficult to distinguish a purulent pimple from other lumps on the earlobe: it rises above the surface of the skin, the skin around it is red, and there is purulent content inside.

If the ball in your earlobe begins to increase in size or the lump is painful, you cannot do without seeking medical help. Painful sensations signal the onset of the inflammatory process and suppuration of the formation, which can cause malignancy of the tumor or the spread of infection throughout the body.

Treatment methods

The appearance of even a painless and small ball in the earlobe is a reason to contact a surgeon or therapist. Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the type and cause of the formation, as well as the method of its treatment.

If the ball is formed as a result of purulent inflammation of the glands or hair follicles, such an abscess is opened or antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents are used.

Atheromas or epidermoid cysts must be removed surgically, as there is always a risk of inflammation or malignancy of the tumor. Today, such operations are carried out very quickly and even in a clinic: under local anesthesia, the capsule of the formation is opened, the contents are removed, and then the capsule itself is cut out. If the patient is afraid of surgical removal, you can use more modern methods of treatment - cauterization of the cyst with a laser or radio wave removal. These methods are painless, more effective and do not leave cosmetic defects.

Traditional methods of treatment

You can get rid of a seal in the ear using traditional methods, for example, applying cut aloe leaves to a ball for 20 days or lubricating the problem area with “Star” balm, which should help open the suppuration and resolve the formation.

But when using such methods, we must not forget about the danger of infection of the cyst, as well as the possibility of spreading the infection, therefore, in no case should you squeeze out the pus or contents of the cyst yourself, at home, or try to “crush” the ball on your earlobe.

Many patients are made nervous by such a small thing as a lump behind the ear - a raised seal near the bone that hurts when pressed. In most cases, this pathology does not cause pain and does not require medical intervention, but the condition may worsen, and a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided. In order to save time and effort, adults often turn to traditional medicine or simply self-medicate, which is strictly prohibited, because it can lead to serious consequences.

What to do if there is a lump behind your ear

There is no need to panic. Education in 60% of cases is painless. The patient does not notice that he has a lump behind his earlobe, and calmly walks like this until the lumps disappear on their own. You should contact a specialist if the pathology is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • It's a dull pain;
  • change in color of the damaged area;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • the formation of a lump is not infectious in nature.

It is strictly contraindicated to heat the lump in any way (with ointments, sunlight, rubbing, when working with fire) or to squeeze out the contents of the growth. This can cause an inflammatory process, make the area swell even more, and worsen the course of the disease. It is also forbidden to treat the cone with iodine or use other traditional methods. The only thing worth doing is to ensure that the affected area is clean to prevent infection.

Causes of a lump behind the ear

Before determining which form of the disease the patient is suffering from, the doctor determines the starting point. The most common cause of a small tumor behind the ear in adults is inflammation of the lymph nodes. The natural cause of a lump is a fistula. In addition, there is a wide range of factors that influence the formation of pathology. This:

  • infection through poor sterilization of instruments (when puncturing the earlobe, ear cartilage at the back, etc.);
  • presence of chronic diseases (diabetes, HIV, etc.);
  • excessive production of sebaceous fat;
  • increased sweating;
  • weak immunity.


This is the least problematic form when a lump is detected. Appears through clogged sebaceous glands. It can be located in any area: atheroma of the lobe, neck, cartilage. The lump does not cause discomfort to the patient, but simply confuses the wearer with its appearance. Patients describe the condition as a small ball filled with fluid that rolls around when pressed. The patient's condition may worsen if the cyst becomes infected. Then it develops into another species.


This is a more serious form of atheroma. It is characterized by the fact that it forms in soft tissues, being a benign tumor. In addition, if the atheroma is the size of a pea, the size of the lipoma starts at 10 cm. The lump itself is harmless, but over time, with the help of certain catalysts, it can develop into a malignant tumor. It can be caused by excess fat deposits in a certain area (hereinafter referred to as sebaceous cysts), their blockage, which prevents the uniform distribution of fat.


This is a hard, painless lump behind the ear. Fibroma is different in that the lump near the ear is located on a small “leg” that separates the ball itself from the skin. It can be located in any part of the body - from the jaw to the toes. Fibroids are hereditary in nature. If it does not bother the owner, he may not notice it for a long time, but if the swelling causes discomfort or is unattractive in appearance, it is worth consulting a doctor.


The disease causes inflammation of the lymph nodes, which leads to redness, itching, and pain (optional). This variety differs in that the lump under the skin is not a sebaceous deposit or a wen, but a swelling of the parotid lymph nodes. If they increase, the disease is called lymphadenopathy, or purulent lymphadenitis. Both types are formed due to inflammation and proliferation of microorganisms.


The disease mumps (mumps), which is familiar to every child, causes the appearance of neoplasms. Inflammation of the salivary glands, characteristic only of this disease, is noted. In addition to tumors, the disease is characterized by weakness, fever, all accompanied by inflammation of the throat mucosa. The disease is infectious and is transmitted from humans by airborne droplets.


In those who have had otitis media, all symptoms do not always disappear. In the case of mastoiditis, the disease causes the pores in the bone to fill with infectious fluid. The affected area may swell, begin to hurt, and increase in size, forming a hard, painful tumor. General health also decreases: weakness, fever, poor appetite are noticeable. If you are suffering from aching pain with the above symptoms, consult a doctor immediately. Inaction threatens the carrier:

  • blockage of blood vessels;
  • facial paralysis;
  • hearing loss.

Symptoms of the disease

A common symptom for all of these ailments is a tumor behind the ear. It is necessary to palpate the place and examine the lump. Next, if a tubercle appears behind the ear, you need to answer a number of questions:

  • Is there any pain during palpation or does it hurt constantly?
  • Is the ball filled with liquid or is it completely solid?
  • Is it close to the skin or is it on a small stalk?
  • Has the body been exposed to any infectious disease before (cold, mumps, etc.)?
  • Are there any chronic illnesses?

After the survey, you should re-read the description of the six types of pathologies and, if necessary, make an appointment with a doctor about the lump. It is important not to try to remove the lump behind the ear yourself: the condition can easily be aggravated, and you will have to spend a lot more money and effort on treatment. If there is a lump on your ear and it hurts, and there is a lot of time before your appointment, you can consult a doctor by phone, taking the measures authorized by a specialist.

Treatment methods

Each disease has its own treatment method. To diagnose a type of lump, it is necessary to undergo tests, and in rare cases, to take a biopsy of the growth to determine whether it is oncological in nature and prone to malignant neoplasms. Having determined the type of your pathology, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis, and then offer treatment. The most used techniques are listed below, and the doctor can choose alternative methods to eliminate swelling behind the ear.

Surgical treatment of a lump is:

  1. Atheroma. It is treated with surgery, the operation takes 15 minutes. This is an exclusively cosmetic procedure, because the defect causes inconvenience only due to its size and appearance.
  2. Lipoma. Lipoma symptoms indicate surgery. After consultation with an oncologist, who will confirm the benignity of the tumor, removal surgery is performed. The intervention lasts 30 minutes under local anesthesia.
  3. Fibroma. Like atheroma, it is removed surgically due to external unattractiveness.

Drug treatment:

  1. Lymphadenitis. The doctor prescribes medication. This is a complex of painkillers, antibiotics and anti-edema tablets. As a last resort, surgery is performed to remove the swollen lymph node.
  2. Infection. The disease is treated with a strict diet and bed rest for two weeks. Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamins are prescribed.
  3. Mastoiditis. A course of antibiotics is prescribed, and the infected area is first opened.


A ball (seal) under the lobe or behind the ear can be a signal of quite serious problems in the human body. Such formations can be an integral part of the surrounding tissues or move when palpated with fingers. If a tumor appears on the organ of hearing, which does not cause discomfort, then a person may not immediately notice it.

However, in the case when a ball appears behind the ear or on it and it hurts, what it is, a person does not know, it is necessary to consult a specialist to be sure that this neoplasm is not a symptom of cancer. A lump near or under the ear can occur due to a variety of diseases.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

If a lump appears under or behind it, then the most common cause is lymphadenitis. As a rule, symptoms appear on both sides of the head at once. Inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs in the process of delaying and eliminating infectious agents in them: bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci), viruses, microorganisms or fungi. The adenoids, tonsils, and thymus gland also fight pathogens, and they also increase in size. Diseases characterized by inflammation of the lymph nodes:

  • infections of the oral cavity and respiratory tract (laryngitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, caries, periodontal disease);
  • ENT diseases (sinusitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, otitis, boil);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • tuberculosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • diphtheria.

If the cause of balls in the ears or behind the ears is infectious diseases, then to normalize the situation it is enough to eliminate the main cause, i.e. cure the disease or relieve its acute form.

To do this, on the recommendation of the attending physician, antifungal, antiviral, antiprotozoal drugs or antibiotics are taken. The lymph nodes will return to normal over time without any additional intervention.

Sometimes additional treatments may be used:

  • To speed up the healing process, compresses of dimethyl sulfoxide mixed with boiled water in a ratio of 1:4 are prescribed. A napkin moistened with the solution is applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage or plaster. If the lump behind the lobe or the ball in the ear hurts, then you need to add an anesthetic (for example, a solution of novocaine or lidocaine) to the compress.
  • In the case of a dermatological nature of the lump, antihistamines are prescribed (syrups for children or tablets for adults), and wiping with a fucorcin solution.
  • Purulent lymphadenitis may require surgical intervention. The opened abscess is cleaned of pus and drainage is placed to avoid relapse. In the future, it is treated like a regular purulent wound.


People call this disease mumps. When a lump appears under the earlobe or a ball jumps up on the bone behind the ear and spreads to the hearing organs and cheeks, you can immediately suspect mumps. If parents are worried about the pea under the child’s earlobe, it is worth examining the other side of the head, since these tumors are always paired and are a consequence of inflammation of the salivary glands.

Characteristic symptoms of mumps are fever, pain when opening the mouth and swallowing. This is a dangerous disease, fraught with serious complications: inflammation of the genital organs, infertility or pancreatitis. Since there is no specific treatment for mumps, bed rest and a special diet are required. Seeing a doctor is mandatory; self-medication is unacceptable. The lump will go away soon after recovery.


The ball under the ear or under the lobe near it can be an ordinary wen, mobile and soft, which forms at the site of the growth of adipose tissue. The size of lipomas is no more than 1.5 cm, they do not develop into tumors, and very rarely increase significantly. The reasons for their appearance may be:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • violation of fat metabolism;
  • sudden changes in the fat layer.

In this case, the seal is mainly a cosmetic problem. Wen often resolves on its own. A person, after consulting with a doctor, will decide for himself whether to remove it or not. The operation is performed using a laser under local anesthesia. The skin is incised over the clot, which is then also excised with a laser beam, while coagulation of the vessels is carried out to avoid bleeding.


This is a clogged sebaceous gland, stretched due to continued production and accumulation of secretions in it. In fact, it is a cyst on the exit duct of the gland. It can reach a diameter of several centimeters and occasionally degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. The main reasons for the appearance of atheroma:

  • heredity;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • a consequence of prolonged stay in contaminated premises;
  • excessive sweating;
  • seborrhea;
  • hair follicle injury.

Unlike lipoma, the chance of infection and inflammation is much higher. Therefore, if a ball is inflated on your ear and it hurts, then most likely it will have to be removed. This is done in the sterile conditions of a clinic or hospital.

At an early stage, the contents of the cells may be evaporated by high-frequency radio waves or burned out by a laser beam. In case of suppuration, the capsule is removed using a traditional scalpel under local anesthesia in 15-20 minutes.

Other types of neoplasms

In addition to the above diseases, there are (albeit much less common) other formations with outwardly similar symptoms:

  1. Fibroma. It looks as if a mushroom has appeared on a stalk, separate from the adjacent skin. Most often it is painless. It is recommended to consult a doctor if fibroids grow or become inflamed.
  2. Hemangioma. This is a pathology of blood vessels that grow together. It can be hard or soft, and has a reddish tint. It is capable of growing rapidly, capturing neighboring tissues.
  3. Malignant tumors. May be sarcoma, neurofibromatosis, or basal cell carcinoma. Such formations can adhere to nearby tissues and become painful; their color is slightly darker than that of healthy skin.

Malignant tumors are removed surgically under general anesthesia. After this, chemotherapy is prescribed to prevent further development of the disease and the appearance of metastases.

Diagnostic methods

Upon external examination, there is just a lump under the lobe, a lump behind the ear. What it is, only a doctor can say for sure after examining the patient. To more accurately determine the diagnosis, a blood test is required to reveal inflammatory processes. If a malignant tumor is suspected, the following procedures are additionally used:

  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound);
  • magnetic resonance therapy (MRI);
  • biopsy.

If any strange formations appear in the face or neck, a person should consult a specialist. You should definitely go to the hospital if:

  • the appearance of the clot was not preceded by an infectious disease;
  • lymph nodes throughout the body are inflamed;
  • the lymph nodes did not shrink within two weeks after recovery;
  • the formation is very painful and suppurates.

Traditional methods of treatment

For enlarged lymph nodes and wen, traditional medicine masters recommend the following recipes:

  1. A large onion is baked in the oven and then ground into a paste. Then add a teaspoon of honey and the same amount of grated brown washing soap. The resulting ointment is applied to the affected area and secured. You need to repeat until the seal disappears completely, changing the ointment twice a day.
  2. A glass of olive oil is heated in a water bath, then 20 grams of beeswax are added. After the formation of a homogeneous mixture, add the crushed yolk of a hard-boiled egg. The strained ointment should be stored in the refrigerator. Lubricate the tumor three times a day until recovery.
  3. Grated red beets are mixed with honey. A compress is applied to the seal and bandaged. Change the mixture 2 times a day.

New growths in the organ of hearing are most often discovered unexpectedly by a person, if they are not accompanied by painful sensations. This happens when cleaning the ear canal, washing or changing earrings. The appearance of a ball or lump in the earlobe, whether it hurts or not, does not always threaten health, but it can be a sign of atheroma, which can become inflamed.

Diagnosis of the disease

If a ball has appeared or a lump has popped up and it hurts, then depending on the type of compaction, location of occurrence and specific features (mobility, pain, change in color and temperature of nearby skin areas), it may be:

  1. Traumatic tumor. If pain and inflammation appear after the piercing, this means that an infection has joined the mechanical damage. The lump turns red and becomes painful, the temperature rises, and pus appears. Treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs is required. Insect bites can also cause such a tumor.
  2. A simple pimple or inflammatory infiltrate. The seal at the tip or on the auricle is provoked by suppuration of the hair follicles and skin glands. It can be a simple pimple or a boil with a pronounced necrotic core.
  3. Epidermoid cyst. The result of an abundant proliferation of epidermal cells that gather into a compacted ball in the earlobe, which only a physician can accurately determine. It can fester, hurt and increase in size. The symptoms are similar to the most common disease, which is discussed below.
  4. Atheroma (wen, sebaceous gland cyst). The most common disease, externally and to the touch, characterized as lumps, bumps, balls in the earlobes. It is worth dwelling on it in more detail.

What is atheroma and the causes of its occurrence

Wen (atheroma) is a spherical formation of the sebaceous gland, which is clogged and stretched. This creates the impression that a ball has formed inside the earlobe. Atheroma affects mainly adults aged 25-50 years; it is very rare in children and adolescents.

Sebaceous glands are microscopic in size, produce sebum and are located throughout the surface of human skin. When the gland is blocked, it continues to produce secretions and, without proper treatment, can reach several centimeters in diameter. It usually looks like a hard ball (lump) in the earlobe, elastic, mobile and painless when not inflamed. The clots inside are a cyst filled with a yellow or white curd-like mass and lined with an epidermal layer. Clots can appear in quantities of 2-4 pieces, and the lymph nodes often become inflamed.

A lump or wen in (on) the earlobe at the back or in the middle can occur due to one of the following reasons, although often even a specialist cannot say for sure:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • hormonal disorders due to diseases of the endocrine system or age-related factors;
  • changes in metabolic processes in the human body;
  • acne;
  • injury to the follicle, leading to complications in the outflow of secretions;
  • seborrhea;
  • increased sweating;
  • inaccurate ear piercing followed by non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • wearing jewelry made from low-quality materials that can react with liquids;
  • long stay in unfavorable conditions (for example, working in a hot, dusty room).

Symptoms of atheroma

In fact, atheroma is a benign neoplasm. The formation is small at first, but over time it can grow to 5-6 centimeters and cause pain. Clinical characteristics of common atheroma:

  • clearly defined boundaries;
  • round shape;
  • smooth surface;
  • mobility;
  • the presence of an enlarged, edematous excretory duct in the center of the formation;
  • filling the capsule with a porridge-like mass from the secretion of the gland and epithelial cells.

However, if a ball has formed on the earlobe, a large lump has popped up and it hurts, it means that the wen has become infected. The main features of this process are:

Despite the fact that a tumor has appeared in the organ of hearing, people rarely go to the doctor, since they do not experience any unpleasant sensations and only remember about the cyst when washing or cleaning the organ of hearing. However, at the initial stage, before the onset of the inflammatory process, the disease is much easier to treat.

In addition, an enlarged wen is a rather unaesthetic sight, especially for women. Without treatment, it may eventually open on its own and never bother you again, but there is a danger of regular suppuration due to the capsule remaining inside.

Traditional treatment of the disease

There is only one method of treating neoplasms of this kind (fat, epidermoid cysts) - surgical removal. The reasons for the intervention are prevention of suppuration and cosmetic factors. Removal of a tumor is possible using several methods:

These types of operations are now carried out in clinics under local anesthesia. A thin incision is made with a scalpel and the contents of the cyst are removed. In a successful case, the surgeon is able to remove the entire capsule, but if the capsule is torn, then he has to remove it in pieces. After the procedure is completed, stitches are applied for several days. With timely intervention, there are practically no traces of the operation left; a scar will remind you of the delay in going to the hospital.

Sometimes, with severe suppuration, it is necessary to resort to surgery twice. First, the wen is opened and the contents are removed, which are sent for histological examination to confirm the benignity of the neoplasm. After the inflammation is relieved with medications, a second operation is performed, during which the capsule itself is removed. If this is not done, then relapses are possible.

In parallel with surgery, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, and if the temperature rises above 38 degrees, antipyretics are prescribed.

Folk remedies

Treatment with traditional medicine in case of infection of atheroma should not be abused in order to avoid pus entering the bloodstream during the natural opening of the seal. The most commonly recommended methods are:

  1. Aloe leaves are applied to the affected area 2 times a day for a month. They help draw out the contents of the cone.
  2. Lamb fat is melted, cooled and rubbed into the desired area.
  3. The garlic is crushed and mixed with sunflower oil. The product is rubbed in using light massage movements. If you feel a burning sensation, you need to repeat the procedure, reducing the amount of garlic.
  4. Salt, yogurt and honey are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the wen.



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