Proper use of rosemary essential oil. Rosemary essential oil: properties, use for hair and facial skin

Essential oils are successfully used in cosmetology. Compared to nourishing plant oils, essential oils are more intense and their use in beauty recipes is often limited to a few drops. But this in no way diminishes their impact and the benefits they can provide.

In today's article we will talk about, the use of which in cosmetology is primarily due to its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerating properties.

Rosemary is a shrub whose habitat extends to some countries Western Europe, Asia Minor and the USA. Since ancient times, rosemary has been considered a symbol of purity and fidelity.

Essential oil is obtained from rosemary leaves. The scope of its application is quite wide in modern world. This includes medicine, cosmetology, and perfumery.

  • Thus, in perfumery, rosemary oil is used to impart a woody, warm aroma.
  • In the mental-emotional spectrum, the use of rosemary oil increases concentration and improves memory. In addition, the aroma of rosemary can suppress feelings of uncertainty and fear.

It should be noted that depending on the geographical location of rosemary bushes, and as a consequence - on its chemical composition Rosemary oil is divided into three types:

- camphor-borneol;
- cineole;
- verbenon.

In caring for oily/ problem skin They prefer the camphor-borneol type rosemary oil. While for the care of dry/mature skin, the verbae type of oil is chosen.

Well, now a few words about uses of rosemary oil in cosmetology.

The use of rosemary oil in cosmetology

  • Rosemary oil for face.

The most popular method of using rosemary oil is home cosmetology– providing care for oily/problem skin.

Rosemary essential oil has the ability to reduce increased secretion sebaceous glands, resulting in a decrease in skin oiliness. When used systematically, rosemary oil helps even out skin texture.

A few drops essential oil Rosemary in a cream or face mask can improve cell tone and soften the skin.

In the care of dry skin, rosemary oil (verbean type) helps soften rough areas of the skin, normalizes water balance and restores elasticity to skin cells

  • Rosemary body oil.

Rosemary essential oil has been successfully used to speed up scars and scars with skin surface. For scratches or burns, essential oil is used in the form of a compress (half a teaspoon of oil in 1 glass of purified water).

From a cosmetological point of view, rosemary essential oil is a valuable tool in the fight against cellulite. It is added to anti-cellulite creams or massage mixtures to combat cellulite.

Systematic use of rosemary oil helps normalize the menstrual cycle.

For a relaxing effect, add a few drops of oil to a warm bath or massage mixture. To take a bath, it is enough to dissolve 6-8 drops of oil; to prepare massage oil, you will need 3-4 drops of rosemary essential oil per 1 tablespoon of base oil.

  • Rosemary oil for hair.

Rosemary oil is added to oil masks for hair restoration and treatment. The oil is recommended for the care oily skin scalp, for thin and damaged hair.

Rosemary essential oil soothes irritated scalp and relieves inflammation skin, strengthens the hair cuticles than, and is also used to treat dandruff.

Precautions and contraindications for the use of rosemary oil

Firstly, rosemary oil, like any other essential oil, is not used in pure form. At hypersensitivity skin to components oils from use of this product should be refused.

There are also, namely, the period of pregnancy and some diseases. These include hypertension, seizures, and epilepsy.

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The article will provide methods for using rosemary essential oil for cosmetic purposes.

  • Rosemary is a Mediterranean plant that is widely used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.
  • This plant contains many useful substances, which people have noticed since ancient times. Rosemary can activate brain activity and improve memory
  • It has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Modern scientists have proven that rosemary provides great support in the fight against cancer cells. The substances included in its composition are powerful antioxidants
  • Concentrated benefits of rosemary found in essential oil of this plant. You can buy it at any pharmacy or cosmetic store

Benefits of rosemary essential oil

Rosemary essential oil has gained such wide popularity precisely because of its extraordinary properties.

  • Tones the skin, helps tighten pores
  • Has a drying effect, which regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and reduces oily discharge from the skin
  • Has antiseptic properties, eliminates skin redness and acne
  • Helps relieve inflammation and pain in skin and muscles
  • Facilitates the occurrence of colds, reduces cough
  • Improves blood circulation in tissues
  • Increases performance and brain activity

Rosemary essential oil, contraindications

  • Rosemary oil should not be used if you have allergies. If you are not sure about the body's reaction, you need to test it before using an essential oil. Place a drop of oil on inner part wrists. If redness, itching or burning occurs, the oil should not be used.
  • Also, if you are personally intolerant to the smell of rosemary, it cannot be used.
  • People who have chronically high blood pressure should not use rosemary and its oil, as it contributes to a slight increase in blood pressure.
  • It is not recommended to use rosemary essential oil during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Rosemary oil for nails, benefits

  • Rosemary oil can whiten nails and strengthen them. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is recommended to use it for trim manicures.
  • You can use a little essential rosemary in a nail bath. Pour a couple of glasses of warm water into a bowl, spread a spoon sea ​​salt and add 3 drops of rosemary. Soak your nails in a bath before your manicure
  • Do a little DIY cuticle treatment. Per tablespoon olive oil add a drop of rosemary oil and tea tree. The resulting mixture of oils not only softens the skin around the nails, but also has a disinfecting effect.
  • To help microcracks heal faster on your hands, add a couple of drops of rosemary essential oil to your daily hand cream.

Benefits of rosemary oil for the body

  • Rosemary oil has a fresh and bright aroma, so it can be used in cosmetic procedures body care
  • If your skin has blemishes and redness, add a few drops of rosemary oil to your shower gel.
  • Rosemary oil improves blood circulation, which means it can help cope with cellulite. Do massage oil according to the recipe: 2 tablespoons carrier oil (such as olive), 3 drops rosemary oil, 2 drops orange oil, 1 drop of clove oil. Mix the oils and use for anti-cellulite massage. It is better to do it after a hot shower so that the oils penetrate the skin without hindrance
  • Rosemary essential oil can be added to body scrubs and beauty wraps.

Rosemary oil for face

  • Rosemary essential oil is ideal for oily and combination skin. Also, use it precisely when acne and acne
  • For owners of dry and sensitive skin It is better to refrain from using rosemary oil. It dries out the skin greatly and can lead to severe flaking and irritation.
  • Add a few drops of rosemary oil to your favorite face cream to enhance it antibacterial action. However, it is not advisable to use this cream daily.
  • Make a drying face mask using blue clay and rosemary oil. To prepare it, dilute blue clay V warm water until creamy. Mix 2 drops of rosemary essential oil with a teaspoon of olive oil. Add oils to clay and mix thoroughly. Apply the mask to dry clean face for 15 minutes. It will help narrow the pores and reduce the secretion of the glands

How to use rosemary oil for acne and acne scars?

  • Rosemary oil has antiseptic properties and can reduce the appearance of acne and relieve the skin of scars
  • Rosemary essential oil can be used spot-on to get rid of acne. Mix essential oil with carrier oil 1:1. Cotton swab Apply spot on pimples and scars
  • Once a month, deep clean your skin using a scrub or peeling. You can also add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to them.

Rosemary oil for stretch marks, benefits

  • Rosemary oil not only gets rid of cellulite, but also reduces the appearance of stretch marks. Stretch marks will not disappear completely, but they will lighten and become less noticeable.
  • Prepare cosmetic oil for skin: mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil with 2 drops of rosemary oil, 2 drops lavender oil and 2 drops of orange oil. This little amount can be applied daily to areas of the skin where stretch marks are present.
  • Use a body wrap to reduce stretch marks. Mix a few tablespoons of honey with ginger powder and 5 drops of rosemary oil. Apply to the skin under cling film, wrap yourself in a blanket and leave the body mask on for 30 minutes. Then rinse off and apply body moisturizer to your skin.

Why add rosemary oil to shampoo?

Rosemary essential oil improves blood circulation, so it activates hair growth and helps reduce hair loss. Also, rosemary oil prevents dandruff. The easiest way to use this hair oil is to add it to your shampoo or hair conditioner. In addition to its beneficial properties, essential oil will give your hair a pleasant aroma that will last for a very long time.

Masks with rosemary oil for hair

  • Make a hair mask from oils to prevent hair loss and get rid of split ends. Mix 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon butter grape seeds, 1 spoon sesame oil. Add 3 drops each of rosemary, clove and chamomile oils.
  • To reduce oily hair, add rosemary and lavender essential oils to your hair conditioner.
  • For owners dark hair a mask made from sea ​​buckthorn oil: To 3 tablespoons of oil, add 2 drops of rosemary oil and 2 drops of clove oil. Be careful, sea buckthorn oil has a bright orange color and does not wash off well.
  • For those who want to speed up hair growth, do a simple and safe mask based on kefir. Beat 1 egg, add a few tablespoons of fresh kefir, 2 drops of rosemary oil and a spoon of olive oil. Mix thoroughly and apply to hair for 30 minutes. Hair will become shiny and silky
  • Study contraindications before using any essential oil. Also, check your skin for allergic reactions and low tolerance
  • Do not apply rosemary oil too concentrated. It dries out the skin and can cause flaking
  • Do not use large doses essential oil daily. Exception - complexes of medical procedures
  • At the pharmacy, study the composition of the oil you purchase. There should be no additional additives or flavorings. Try to buy natural oil
  • Combine essential oils to get more healing effects. Use the aromatherapy oil compatibility chart.

Video: Rosemary essential oil

What are beneficial properties and the use of rosemary essential oil? This is one of the most powerful tonic and stimulating agents plant origin. The drug is taken to restore physical, psychic powers and development intellectual potential(memory, thinking).

In addition, it is a powerful regenerating, anti-aging drug that stimulates the growth of new cells. That's why it is so often used in cosmetology. The drug is classified as a top note oil, that is, it evaporates quickly and has an immediate, pronounced effect on nervous system. You should not overdose it, otherwise it may cause side effects from the nervous system and digestion. According to its energetic characteristics, rosemary oil encourages active action, gives clarity of thinking, develops stress resistance and self-confidence in a person.

Features of the drug

Rosemary oil is a colorless, yellowish-tinged liquid. During storage it may darken and thicken, but it does not lose its medicinal properties. Different pungent odor camphor, hot-spicy taste.


To preserve the scent of rosemary and its beneficial properties, quick steam distillation of fresh branches, shoots with flowers, and leaves of the plant is required. Dry raw materials that are pre-soaked can also be used for production. The main regions where rosemary grows and the countries producing this product are France, Spain, Romania, Greece, Croatia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, Tunisia and others. “Champions” in production are Tunisia and Spain. After the first distillation, the highest quality oil is obtained; subsequent distillations produce a lower quality product.

Healing effect

What are the main beneficial properties of rosemary oil?

  • Stimulating.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • General strengthening.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Immunostimulating.
  • Tonic.

There are also a number of other medicinal properties:

  • diaphoretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • appetizing;
  • astringent.

The drug contains terpene alcohols:

  • borneol;
  • camphor;
  • camphene;
  • cineole;
  • verbenone;
  • pinenes;
  • dipentene;
  • myrcene.

These substances give rosemary essential oil its healing properties and ensure its wide application in traditional and alternative medicine, perfumery, cosmetology.

Application in medicine, cosmetology, cooking

How is rosemary oil used? For what symptoms and diagnoses is this remedy most effective?

  • Aromatherapy. Recommended for weakness, apathy, lethargy, intellectual, emotional stress, constant stress, physical activity, loss of strength. Aromatherapy sessions improve memory and mental activity, fill you with energy, and encourage an active lifestyle. Acceptable standards for aroma lamp: from 3 to 6 drops. Sessions can also be taken for acute respiratory viral infections, colds, and headaches.
  • Massage . Used in medicinal purposes- for radiculitis, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, osteochondrosis. Add a few drops of rosemary to the base oil. Massage relieves muscle soreness pain syndrome. The product is also used in anti-cellulite massage, since it stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes well.
  • Application in cosmetology and perfumery. The product is added as a fragrance to cosmetics and perfumes. Beneficial for the skin of the face and the whole body, often used for hair loss. Rosemary essential oil is especially effective against acne and acne spots.
  • Baths and tubs. Main indications for procedures: constant lethargy, loss of strength, drowsiness, viral infections, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, skin inflammation, premenopausal period, PMS, cleansing the body of toxins. Baths are prescribed for swelling of the legs and excessive sweating. They add not only rosemary, but also tea tree oil and bath salt.
  • Rubbing and compresses. Rubbing is carried out to relieve muscle and joint pain. To do this, add 8 drops of oil for every 10 g of base (cream, balm, ointment). Compresses can be made for neuralgia, myositis, but they are also applied to wounds, burns, and inflamed areas of the skin. They are left for half an hour, adding 7-8 drops to the base. Compresses can be cold or hot.
  • Inhalation. Add 1-2 drops to the solution. They are beneficial for acute respiratory viral infections and colds; they are prescribed to soften coughs and discharge sputum. For asthma, use strictly according to the indications and recommendations of a doctor. It is also prohibited to perform inhalations on children without a pediatrician’s prescription. It is often recommended to add eucalyptus and mint to rosemary oil and breathe in their vapors.
  • Cooking. Most often, dry or fresh herbs are used as a spice for vegetable soups, salads, sauces, marinades, fish, meat, mushroom dishes, cheese. This seasoning is most popular in Mediterranean countries. Rosemary oil is also used in cooking. However, it is not added in its pure form due to the strong concentration of substances. It is most often mixed into vegetable oil and added to sauces. This seasoning is used in combination with thyme, basil, and sage. Most often, rosemary oil is added to poultry and fish dishes; this spice also enhances the taste of Italian pasta, pizza, and risotto.
  • Oral use. It is allowed to drink only in small doses and in dilution. Usually add 1 or 2 drops to tea, water, juice. Take no more than 2 times a day. Evening use is not recommended due to its high tonic effect. Prescribed as an expectorant for coughs. As a natural immunostimulant - to strengthen the immune system and restore strength after illness. The oil is also taken for drowsiness and lethargy, to stimulate the cardiovascular system, for hypotension, nervous exhaustion, diseases of blood vessels and muscles, digestive disorders. Meet positive reviews about the treatment of viral, fungal, bacterial infections. In addition, the product increases male potency, helps women with severe PMS, during the premenopausal period.

Read more about it and its application in our other article.

What are the contraindications for rosemary oil? Do not use for hypertension, insomnia, increased nervous excitability, epilepsy, individual intolerance. Do not take during pregnancy, lactation, childhood. Possible allergic reaction for external use and oral administration. The concentration of terpene alcohols in the oil can cause the following side effects: hives, itching, swelling, kidney irritation, intestinal and stomach cramps.

The use of rosemary oil in cosmetology

What are the uses of rosemary essential oil in cosmetology? The product is widely used as a cosmetic raw material. It is added to creams, shampoos, gels, soaps, lotions, balms, masks.

Skin care

Face masks

Masks are made for different purposes: for acne, acne and to relieve inflammation, to tone and nourish, moisturize and firm the skin. In addition, you can enrich facial skin care products with oil - creams, tonics, lotions.

Mask recipe for oily skin type

  1. Take 2 drops of rosemary oil.
  2. Pour in 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. mineral water.
  3. Add 1 tsp. blue cosmetic clay.
  4. Stir thoroughly.

The mask can be applied for 10 minutes, no more than 2 times a week. This product not only dries out the skin, but also helps get rid of acne and inflammation.

Mask recipe for dry skin type

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese.
  2. Add 2 drops of rosemary oil.
  3. Add 1 egg yolk.
  4. Stir thoroughly.

The mask can be applied for 15 minutes no more than 2 times a week. Also for dry skin types, a mixture of rosemary and olive oil is suitable. You can add geranium oil, which eliminates flaking, relieves irritation and inflammation, and has rejuvenating properties.

It is also recommended to make mask-compresses to get rid of spots and scars after acne. In this case, prepare a mixture of tea tree and rosemary oils. The mixture is applied to a cotton pad, sealed with a band-aid and left for 2 hours.


  • an allergic reaction is possible during cosmetic procedures;
  • It is recommended to carry out the test on a small area of ​​skin;
  • if itching, urticaria, or swelling occurs, wash off the mask immediately;
  • the oil is not used in its pure form, as it can cause severe irritation skin.

Hair care

Rosemary essential oil for hair has been used since Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Why is rosemary oil so beneficial for hair?

  • Prevents dandruff.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reduces their increased secretion.
  • Eliminates dullness and oily shine.
  • Rosemary is beneficial for hair growth.
  • Stimulates blood circulation, nourishes hair follicles, strengthens the roots.
  • Restores the structure of damaged hair after coloring, over-drying, perming.

How is it used?

  • This product can be used to enrich shampoo for daily use.
  • Mix with other essential oils.
  • Added to masks and rinses.

Hair masks

Masks can be rubbed into the hair roots and scalp. It is recommended to heat the oil before use, this enhances its properties. They are also applied along the entire length of the hair and left as a compress (from 20 minutes to 1 hour). As a base, you can take olive, castor, burdock, almond, peach, wheat germ, jojoba, and tea tree oils.

Strengthening hair mask with rosemary

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. burdock oil.
  2. Add 1 egg yolk.
  3. Add 3 drops each of cedar and rosemary oil.
  4. Mix the ingredients.

mask massage movements rub into the scalp, the remaining mixture is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair. Leave for 30 minutes, rinse with regular shampoo.

Hair growth mask

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. green cosmetic clay.
  2. Dilute in warm water until a liquid paste forms.
  3. Add 2 drops of oil.
  4. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar.
  5. Mix.

The mask is applied to freshly washed hair. This is done with rubbing massage movements. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly.

Mask for oily hair

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. almond oil.
  2. Add 4 drops of rosemary oil.
  3. Mix.

This mixture is rubbed into the scalp for 5 minutes, after which it is left for 40 minutes as a compress (under cellophane and a towel). After applying the mask, your hair should be thoroughly washed with shampoo.

Rosemary essential oil is classified as a stimulant, tonic, antispasmodic, antiseptic action. It is widely used in cosmetology, cooking, aromatherapy, medicinal and cosmetic massage. Also this effective remedy at viral infections, cough, eating disorders, loss of strength, physical and psycho-emotional overload.

The leaves of the evergreen plant rosemary (sea dew) are actively used by culinary specialists in many countries as a spice. The plant is truly valued for its medicinal properties, which are fully possessed by rosemary essential oil obtained from the flowering tops of the plant.

The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of rosemary, where it was a symbol of happiness and served as a talisman against bad dreams. It was believed that a sprig of the plant, if always carried with you, would prolong youth and strengthen memory. In the Middle Ages, rosemary symbolized abundance, prosperity and eternity. Today, some nations still maintain the tradition of presenting a sprig of rosemary to those getting married during the ceremony, symbolizing mutual understanding and well-being.

Rosemary essential oil is obtained using the water-steam distillation method; it has a light yellowish (maybe colorless) consistency with a soft woody, bitter-spicy odor.

Properties of rosemary essential oil.
Rosemary essential oil exhibits strong analgesic, antiseptic and stimulant properties, has a high anti-inflammatory effect, tones and rejuvenates, and is a strong aphrodisiac. The product has a good effect on oily and problematic skin, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and tightens pores, stimulating cellular renewal and eliminating existing scars and scars. The medicinal properties of rosemary oil are effective in treating cracks in the skin (elbows, feet), treating hair, accelerating its growth and eliminating dandruff.

Rosemary essential oil, when used systematically, has the property of cleansing and accelerating the elimination of accumulated waste and toxins from the body, improving the functioning of the body. gastrointestinal tract. Using it, you can normalize blood pressure, strengthen the immune and cardiovascular system, it sharpens hearing and increases sensitivity to smells. Rosemary oil is valued for its ability to lower the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood and prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques.

Use of rosemary essential oil.
Rosemary essential oil can be used in a variety of ways:

  • aroma baths (five drops per bath),
  • incense burners,
  • internal use,
  • aroma medallions,
  • compresses, rubbing and massage,
  • enrichment of finished cosmetics.
Rosemary essential oil successfully finds its use in folk and official medicine in the form complementary therapy in the treatment of ailments such as constipation, gastroenteritis, colitis, flatulence, as an anti-inflammatory agent, as well as in the treatment of upper respiratory tract(which is important for the consequences of a cold). This powerful analgesic helps with severe pain during arthritis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, relieves muscle pain (especially against the background physical activity). It is often used to prevent the development cardiovascular diseases, to strengthen vascular walls and heart, stimulating blood flow, which is especially useful for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Antiseptic properties Rosemary oils have been successful in treating various purulent processes, as well as for burns, boils, bruises.

IN folk medicine rosemary oil is known as excellent remedy With choleretic effect. It is used for insomnia, cough, neuroses, colds, edema, as well as a lactation stimulating agent. It is used for relaxation, relieving headaches (rub into the area of ​​the temples, forehead, neck), stress and nervous tension in aromatherapy (which will be discussed below).

Rosemary essential oil is good auxiliary in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia, relieving eye fatigue and improving visual acuity. It helps hypotensive patients with dizziness and relieves them from fainting.

It is used in the care of oily and problem skin; it effectively stops inflammation and improves local circulation and stimulates regeneration. It is also recommended in hair care; it fights dandruff and other scalp problems, and also regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Rosemary essential oil gives positive effect with sexual weakness, and also improves conditions accompanied by severe exhaustion. It is also used after insect bites as a remedy to relieve itching, swelling and burning.

Rosemary essential oil for hair.
Natural essential oil has also found its use in hair care, namely in the treatment of hair loss, accelerating growth and combating dandruff. Regular use of oil heals the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, softens hair, eliminates excessive oiliness, regulating the secretion of the sebaceous glands. It is added to ready-made cosmetics and included in homemade hair masks. It is recommended for the care of oily and dry hair types.

To strengthen hair and treat hair loss, this mask is effective: combine 20 ml of grape seed oil with 10 ml of jojoba oil, add a drop of birch oil and the same amount oil bay, two drops each of rosemary and calamus oils. Rub the resulting product into the hair roots and scalp, paying attention to the ends. Wrap the hair on top with cling film and a towel, and after an hour, rinse your hair with shampoo.

For the same purpose, you can use another no less in an efficient way: combine 10 ml of macadamia, avocado, jojoba oils, enrich the resulting mixture with two drops of calamus, rosemary, ylang-ylang oils and one drop of birch, chamomile and bay oils. The method of application is the same.

Owners of oily hair should add rosemary and ocotea caudatus oils (6 drops each), and 4 drops each of lemon and carrot oils to the finished shampoo (about 100 ml). Use in the usual way, just wash your hair. Use three times a week.

It is useful to comb your hair with a wooden comb on which rosemary oil (a few drops) has been applied. A daily procedure will strengthen your hair and improve your scalp, and at the same time improve your mood.

To combat dandruff, the following recipe will be useful: combine 15 ml of burdock oil with eight drops of rosemary. The composition is rubbed into the roots and scalp with massage movements, and the head is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel on top. Make the mask an hour before each wash. For preventive purposes, the mask can be made twice a month.

A mask of 10 drops of rosemary and 15 drops of olive oil will moisturize dry hair, give it shine and a healthy glow, and also prevent split ends. Distribute the composition over the entire length of the hair, and rub it into the roots to accelerate growth. Use as in the previous recipe.

For healthy and thick hair, it is useful to rinse with rosemary oil, for which you add five drops of it to a glass of mineral water. You need to rinse already clean hair twice a week for three months.

Before using any of the above recipes, it is necessary to conduct a test for individual intolerance.

Rosemary essential oil for the face, methods and recipes for use.
Rosemary oil is widely used in the field of cosmetology. Based on the chemical composition, rosemary oil is divided into three chemotypes: camphor-borneol, cineole, verbenone. In caring for oily and problematic facial skin, prone to the development of comedones and acne, it is necessary to give preference to the camphor-borneol type (indicated for rosacea), and for dry, flaky, aging and rough skin - the verbenone type.

Regular use of rosemary essential oil helps normalize the excretion process. sebum, cleanses and visibly shrinks pores, overall evening out the skin texture. The oil restores elasticity and smoothness to the epidermis, softens rough areas of the skin, smoothes or completely eliminates scars and scars, including post-acne, relieves inflammation, disinfects, dries, therefore it is widely used for acne, furunculosis, eczema, dermatitis and other purulent skin diseases -inflammatory nature.

Rosemary oil is effective in the fight against cellulite. Add three to four drops to a single portion of the massage product and massage problem areas for ten minutes. Perform the procedure every day after a shower, after fourteen days you will notice positive changes.

By accelerating local blood circulation, rosemary oil restores the skin's water balance, smoothes out fine wrinkles, and brightens age spots, eliminates swelling, revitalizing complexion and restoring youth to the skin.

Since rosemary oil is essential, it cannot be used undiluted (except spot application for acne), it is recommended to dissolve it in base (fatty vegetable) oil. This combination can be used as a night remedy, a face mask, or as a medicinal ointment.

For oily and problem skin, it is effective to use the following mixture: enrich a tablespoon of grape seed oil (you can see milk thistle oil) with two drops of rosemary oil. Apply the mixture to a clean face, and after forty minutes remove the remaining mixture paper napkin. For severe skin problems, use this mask daily, for prevention - twice a week. This recipe can be improved a little by adding a teaspoon of black cumin oil. Then you should take three drops of rosemary essential oil, not two.

To eliminate acne spots, scars and scars, use this mixture: enrich a teaspoon of cocoa butter (can be replaced with rosehip or sesame) with two drops of rosemary oil. Apply the composition directly to scars and marks twice a day.

Good for skin to use clay masks. A tablespoon of cosmetic clay (for oily and problem skin, take blue or white, for dry skin, red) should be diluted and diluted slightly warm water until a creamy mass appears, add five drops of rosemary oil. Leave the composition on the face (except for the area around the eyes) for fifteen minutes, rinse, apply cosmetic product with a moisturizing effect. The procedure should be carried out daily. The course of treatment ranges from ten to thirty procedures, depending on the condition.

To care for dry, flaky and rough skin, rosemary oil is recommended to be combined with oils such as apricot, olive, almond, pumpkin, flaxseed, castor, peach, also two drops per tablespoon. The composition is applied to the face, except for the area around the eyes; after forty minutes, its remnants are removed with a cosmetic napkin using blotting movements.

To tone the skin, improve elasticity and firmness, as well as smooth out wrinkles, effectively dissolve rosemary essential oil in coconut, rose hip, cedar, walnut, cocoa and avocado (two drops of essential component per tablespoon of base).

To eliminate pigmented areas, it is recommended to lubricate them several times a day with a mixture of a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil and two drops of rosemary oil. Perform the procedure daily until a pronounced effect is obtained.

Rosemary essential oil can be included in any recipe for homemade masks, the action of which is aimed at combating blackheads, improving complexion, solving and eliminating various cosmetic problems and defects. It goes well with lemon juice, honey, clay, sour cream, and other ingredients that suit your skin type.

Rosemary essential oil for acne.
It is widely recommended in the treatment of acne. This is one of the few cases when the product can be used in its pure form, applied in dotted strokes directly to the affected areas. But in combination with base oil it will have no less effect. For example, combine a tablespoon of black cumin oil with two drops of rosemary oil. Its healing properties kill germs, relieve inflammation and speed up wound healing. In addition, its use eliminates existing scars, scars and acne spots and prevents their appearance.

Clay masks, the recipe for which is described above, will also be effective in treating acne.

Rosemary oil in aromatherapy.
The healing aroma of rosemary has long been used and is used today to scent rooms. The smell of it healing oil has a positive effect on a person’s energy, improves mood, strengthens memory, immunity and endurance of the body, helps to concentrate and increases clarity of thought, effective in cases of excessive mental stress, simply necessary for people leading active image life. The deep aroma helps you relax by relieving nervous tension, eliminates problems psychological properties, brings back the joy of life.

Rosemary oil in cooking.
In the field of cooking, rosemary oil is widely used as a component of marinades for fish and meat, an additive to sauces, and when frying any meat.

Contraindications for the use of rosemary essential oil.

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Presence of epilepsy.
  • Presence of a tendency to seizures.
  • Hypertension (people with high blood pressure the product should be used with caution).
  • Pregnancy (except for the cases described above), children under seven years of age.
  • Do not use oil less than an hour before going out into the open sun.

The name of this plant is made up of 2 words - ros and mar. It is translated as “sea dew” or “dew of the sea.”

Rosemary is a subtropical shrub with needle-like greenish-silver foliage, just over 2 meters high. It grows in dry and warm places on the shore Mediterranean Sea. Artificially grown for the production of spices and oil in the Balkans, France, and Tunisia. Although you can meet him further north.

Myths and history

ABOUT healing properties People have known rosemary since ancient times. For the Egyptians it was a symbol of rebirth; they treated it as a sacred plant, knowing about its tonic and medicinal properties. Its leaves were used to flavor wines and fumigate rooms. This is evidenced by the mortal remains of rosemary, which are now found in the necropolises of Ancient Egypt.

There is an opinion that Elizabeth (Queen of Hungary) looked beautiful until her old age, was active and energetic precisely thanks to the constant use of the composition - an emulsion with rosemary essential oil - later known throughout Europe under the name “Water of the Queen of Hungary”. Other components of this composition were rose oil, as well as lemon, lemon balm and peppermint.

Rosemary has also been used for long storage fresh meat, since it prevented it from rotting.

Application of oil

It should be noted that from the buds, flowers and leaves of rosemary, growing in Spain, Tunisia, France, in addition, in the countries Balkan Peninsula, oil is produced. Rosemary has found application in cosmetology, medicine, perfumery, as well as in the manufacture household chemicals. The oil of this plant has a stunning aroma and also has a wide healing effect.

Description and production

Rosemary oil, the use of which is described in this article, is obtained by steam-water distillation. In this case, the woody parts of the plant are removed, since they contribute to the deterioration of the aroma of this product. When making essential oil from dried rosemary leaves, they should be soaked in water before distillation.

Rosemary oil is a highly mobile, colorless or yellowish liquid with a spicy-spicy taste, as well as a very fresh camphorous, slightly woody aroma.

Rosemary essential oil: properties, applications

This remedy has a stimulating, antiseptic, antioxidant, analgesic, antiviral, expectorant and immunostimulating effect.

Rosemary oil is used as a strong antiseptic. It is used for infectious and colds respiratory tract as an expectorant and mucolytic agent, for catarrh of the respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, flu, colds, in addition, to effectively strengthen the immune system.

The tool provides positive impact on the nervous system, helping to improve and increase memory and performance.

Rosemary oil is used for diseases urinary system and gallbladder. It normalizes bile secretion, eliminates pain symptoms, and also promotes the dissolution and removal of stones from the gallbladder, in addition, it has an effective diuretic effect.

This remedy has positive impact on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates flatulence, heartburn, improves the secretion of the digestive glands.

Rosemary essential oil also stimulates blood circulation and heart activity, promotes vasodilation, and also helps with atherosclerosis and hypotension.

The analgesic effect of the drug is used for diseases of the joints and spine, rheumatism, arthritis, headaches, myalgia, and PMS.

It is widely used for diseases of the skin in the form of a wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and rejuvenating agent for minor burns, abrasions, inflammatory processes, acne, excessive hair loss, dandruff, to eliminate small wrinkles and also to stimulate hair growth.

For heart diseases

It’s a good idea to combine lavender oil (an excellent antihypertensive and purified rosemary oil, which has a nootropic effect. This mixture normalizes venous drainage from the brain, helps relieve cerebral vascular spasms, while being an excellent stimulant and, therefore, can normalize blood pressure.

People with arterial hypertension such oils should be combined in a 3:1 ratio, when simultaneous administration The antispasmodic effect of oils is enhanced, as they exhibit synergism. At the same time, the exciting and stimulating effect of rosemary is enhanced by an excess of lavender.

For memory impairment

For this you will also need a mixture of oils. For the aroma lamp you will need to take lemon, rosemary and thyme oils in equal proportions.

For muscle pain

In this case it will be effective next remedy. Juniper cream, purchased at a pharmacy, must be enriched with a mixture of rosemary and mint oils and applied to the sore spot.

In cosmetology

Due to its properties, rosemary oil has found application in cosmetology. It improves the elasticity of the skin, softens it, reduces enlarged pores, helps with acne and furunculosis, and eliminates scars.

The oil has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect and also helps tan. In this case, it must be taken orally - 1 drop of oil per glass of water.

Rosemary has been used to improve skin condition. To do this, dilute 2 drops of this oil with 4 drops of olive oil, stir, and apply to the face. After 40 minutes, blot your skin with a napkin. This procedure must be repeated every other day.

Dilute 2 drops of oil with a teaspoon of olive oil and apply directly to acne twice a day. This remedy will help you against acne.

To treat excessively dry skin, add to almond milk or base oil rosemary.

Rosemary oil for the face has also been used to smooth out wrinkles, as well as to increase the elasticity and firmness of aging skin. To do this, mix a spoonful of olive oil with two drops of rosemary. Lubricate your face with this mixture, and after 40 minutes, remove excess oil with a paper napkin.

The same recipe will help you with rosacea. To do this, you need to lubricate your skin every day.

Use this mixture to reduce age spots. Apply the composition pointwise to the stains until the desired result occurs.

For resorption of scars and scars

And in this case, rosemary oil is used for the face. The use of this remedy in this case is very simple: mix ten drops of rosemary oil with a spoon of olive oil. It is necessary to rub into the skin during scarring and healing.

For anti-cellulite massage

Add 5 drops of lemon, rosemary, 2 drops of patchouli to two tablespoons of olive oil. Rub into problem areas twice a day until the resulting mixture is absorbed.

Rosemary oil: use for hair

Rosemary oil is also known for its beneficial effects on the scalp and hair. It stimulates hair growth and eliminates dandruff, and also reduces hair loss, tones the scalp, making it healthier.

In order to strengthen normal or oily hair, use the mask recipe below.

You need to take 30 ml of olive oil as a basis. Pour 2 drops of rosemary and thyme, 3 drops of lavender and lemon oils into the base. Ready product rub into the roots and cover your head with a cellophane cap, then leave for an hour. Next you need to rinse with water. Use at least twice a week.

To 30 ml of olive oil add a couple of drops of lavender, lemon, geranium, orange oils, as well as rosemary oil. Using this hair product helps strengthen brittle and dry hair.

If you like to mix oils with your shampoo, then the following recipe will come in handy. In this case, you need to take 100 ml of soft shampoo and add 6 drops of thyme and rosemary oils, as well as 4 drops of lavender and lemon oil. Mix everything. Medicinal shampoo ready.

Rosemary oil (its properties and uses are described in this article) is suitable for strengthening weakened hair. To do this, make a mask with oil: mix a drop of rosemary, lavender, and 2 yolks with a spoon of salt. This mask must be applied to your hair and washed off after half an hour. You can simply wash your hair with this mixture, replacing shampoo with it.

If you are new to using such products, apply a drop of rosemary oil to a wooden comb and then comb your hair with it. This action will contribute good mood and clarity of thought, as well as effective strengthening hair.

Try it, it’s likely that the spicy bitterness of the plant is just what you need.

Against insects

Rosemary oil is used in perfumery to impart a warm, woody aroma.

For respiratory diseases, the following recipe will help you. For adults, apply 2 drops of oil to a piece of sugar. It needs to be dissolved twice a day.

And the use of the plant is described in detail in this article) is used for bloating, atherosclerosis, for In this case, you need to take two drops of oil with ½ glass of beer for two weeks.

Invigorating bath: add 10 drops of rosemary oil to half a glass of milk or cream.

Refreshing composition for facial skin: dissolve three drops of rosemary oil in a spoon of apple cider vinegar and add to ½ liter of clean cold water.


Essential oil should be used with extreme caution in case of epilepsy, individual intolerance, hypertension, during pregnancy, and in children under 6 years of age.



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