Pneumofibrosis of the lungs treatment with folk remedies. Local pulmonary fibrosis treatment with folk remedies

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs is a pathological growth connective tissue under the influence of inflammation or degenerative process.
Similar condition leads to the threat of respiratory dysfunction and deterioration of organ ventilation.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs - causes of development

The process of proliferation of connective tissue is long, the disease develops over many years.
Diseases of the respiratory system lead to this pathological process:

  • infectious and invasive lesions of the lungs, especially tuberculosis, syphilis, mycotic infections of tissues;
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
  • allergic and fibrosing alveolitis.

The disease develops in people who are constantly exposed to risk factors:

  • work in hazardous industries (coal, gas, chemical industry, as well as work in dusty conditions);
  • sternum injuries;
  • foreign body in the bronchi;
  • insufficient therapy aimed at eliminating infectious lung lesions;
  • hemodynamic disturbances in the pulmonary circulation;
  • hereditary predisposition and genetic diseases respiratory organs.

The formation of pneumofibrosis is promoted by atelectasis - adhesions of lung tissue. They arise as a result of sluggish bronchopneumonia, when a violation of the excretory function is observed in the bronchi.

Loss of elasticity, deformation and atrophy of the muscle layer occurs due to damage to the bronchial wall. As a result, stagnation of infectious contents occurs.

Massive accumulations of pathogenic microorganisms lead to the development of intestinal pneumonia with subsequent sclerotization of the lung tissue and a decrease in the air content in the cavity of the affected organ.

Clinical picture of pulmonary fibrosis

Early diagnosis is difficult due to unclear and poor severe symptoms in the early stages of pulmonary fibrosis. Typically, the patient goes to the hospital with a clearly expressed and advanced form of the disease.
Right ventricular hypertrophy developing against the background of the disease is expressed by:

  • in loss of consciousness;
  • swelling;
  • fainting.

If the disease is accompanied by pneumonia, then the patient’s condition is severe, with symptoms similar to the flu.

Characterized by:
  • headaches;
  • high temperature;
  • weakness;
  • muscle aches;
  • sore throat;
  • dry cough;
  • shortness of breath.

In advanced cases, the patient’s fingers take on a specific shape - the phalanges thicken, and the fingers resemble a club in shape.
Pneumofibrosis affects various parts of the lungs, so the clinical picture depends on the location of the lesion. For this reason, such forms of the disease as basal and hilar pneumofibrosis are distinguished.

Focal, local and diffuse forms differ in the area of ​​lung tissue involved in the process.

The course of the disease is also specific depending on the cause of the pathology. In this case, linear, interstitial and stringy forms are distinguished.

Various forms of diseases

Basal pulmonary fibrosis is characterized by damage to the base of the lungs (basal sections). The diagnosis is made after an x-ray. Medicines are prescribed to stop inflammatory process. In other cases, supportive manipulations are recommended: herbal treatment and breathing exercises.

Radical form - the disease affects the root of the lung; the impetus for the onset of the pathological process can be a history of bronchitis or pneumonia. Characteristic of primary tuberculosis, leading to lung deformation.

Focal pneumofibrosis - affects individual areas of tissue, leading to a decrease in its volume and compaction. Respiratory and ventilation functions are practically not impaired. Under a microscope, it represents a reduction in a section of the lung and compaction of its parenchyma.

Local form - with this form, the lung tissue loses its functions and a single section of the organ is replaced by connective tissue.
Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis is one of the most severe forms a disease in which the tissue of almost an entire organ, and sometimes both lungs, is affected.

The volume of the affected surface is greatly reduced due to compaction and deformation of tissues, and ventilation is impaired.

Linear form - appears as a consequence of complications after previous tuberculosis, pneumonia.
Interstitial pneumofibrosis - with this form the patient suffers from shortness of breath, the disease develops as a result of inflammatory phenomena in the pulmonary blood vessels.

Severe form - the disease progresses as a result of chronic inflammatory pulmonary diseases. Smoking is the cause of the development of the disease at a young age. Cigarette smoke causes stagnation of mucus in the bronchi.

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Different types of diagnostics

Radiography is the best way to detect the disease, even if it is asymptomatic. The data obtained during the study show the severity of the lesion, its degree and nature.
For details pathological changes carried out:

  • computed tomography (CT)
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),
  • bronchography.

Radiological signs of pneumofibrosis are varied, since concomitant diseases make their changes.

These are the following pathological processes in the lungs:
  • pulmonary emphysema,
  • bronchiectasis,
  • chronic bronchitis.

With these pathologies the following are observed:

  • strengthening the looping and reticulation of the pulmonary pattern,
  • infiltration in peribronchial tissue,
  • deformation of the walls of the bronchi.

Sometimes lower sections lungs look like a porous sponge.

Bronchoscopy reveals bronchiectasis and traces of chronic bronchitis. To establish the activity and etiology of pathological processes, it is analyzed cellular composition flushing the affected organ.

When studying vital capacity (lung capacity) and Tiffno index (bronchial patency), spirometry and peak flowmetry are used. A general blood test does not show significant abnormalities in pulmonary fibrosis.

Complex treatment of pathology

How to treat pulmonary fibrosis? It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease.
Treatment of the disease is aimed at:

  • to stop the process,
  • prevention of asphyxia,
  • conservation normal condition healthy tissues.

Specific therapy is prescribed by a pulmonologist. At acute course diseases and the presence of inflammatory processes require hospital treatment.

The main direction of medical action is to eliminate the cause of the pathology.

In the absence of obvious clinical manifestations specific therapy not required.

For inflammatory processes the following are prescribed:

  • expectorants;
  • mucolytics;
  • antibiotics.

Episodes of heart failure require the use of:

  • potassium preparations;
  • cardiac glycosides.

To eliminate allergic reactions glucocorticoids are needed.
In case of suppuration and destruction of lung tissue, surgical intervention is required to resect the affected area.
Physical methods of conservative treatment:

  • chest massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • walks in the fresh air.

The latest innovation in the field of pulmonology is the use of stem cells in fibrotic lung diseases. Using this method, gas exchange and the structure of the respiratory organs are improved.

In advanced stages, lung transplantation is indicated to save the patient's life.

Must be used in a set of activities dietary food. The diet is aimed at accelerating repair in the lungs and reducing protein loss in sputum.
High content foods shown:
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • potassium salts;
  • vitamins A and B9.

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Prognosis and prevention for the disease

Depends on the area of ​​the surface involved in the process and the rate of replacement of lung tissue with connective tissue. In the presence of secondary infections and tuberculosis processes, the likelihood of death increases sharply.
Preventive measures include:

  • treatment of all colds on time, using the correct methodology;
  • compliance with precautionary measures in hazardous industries;
  • hardening;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle: quitting smoking;
  • physical exercise.

Pneumofibrosis occurs in both men and women, but is most common in men over 50 years of age.

Progression of the disease can lead to disability and death, which is why it is so important timely diagnosis and qualified treatment.

Physiotherapy of pulmonary fibrosis

During the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis, the most important task is to eliminate all its causes. If pneumonia is detected, antibacterial therapy should be started immediately. In this case, various medications are often prescribed along with physical therapy. Pneumofibrosis or pneumonia should be treated until complete clinical and radiological recovery. And after complete recovery, people must remain registered with a specialist for a whole year.

But besides drug treatment Patients with this disease are prescribed physiotherapy. Iontophoresis and ultrasound with medicinal ingredients can be used as physiotherapy. This treatment gives excellent results.

And also, sometimes, oxygen therapy is prescribed, in which oxygen is supplied to the lungs through a special device. In this case, as much oxygen is supplied as is contained in the surrounding space.

Breathing exercises for this disease

Excellent helpers for pulmonary fibrosis are breathing exercises that help improve the functioning of the respiratory system, as well as strengthen the entire body due to the supply of oxygen to the collapsed areas of the lungs.

To strengthen respiratory organs there are many good ones methodical exercises, for example, the methods of Buteyko, Strelnikova. But you don’t need to stick to only these methods; you can do easier breathing exercises, for example, inflating balloons. And for greater effect from such exercises, it is better to carry them out in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.

Here are some great exercises:

  • take a deep breath, hold your breath for a while and slowly exhale;
  • while inhaling, slowly raise your hands up, exhale sharply and slowly lower your hands with the sound “ha”;
  • inflate balloons several times a day for about 1-2 minutes;
  • also very good exercise- blow through a tube lowered into water for about 2-3 minutes;
  • standing, feet shoulder-width apart, slowly lean forward, at the same time spread your arms to the sides, while bending, inhale with your stomach pulled in;
  • The next exercise should be performed lying on your back (can be on the floor), exhale through your mouth, slightly pressing your hands on the diaphragm.

In conjunction with the breathing exercises described above, you can do other gymnastics that promote better ventilation of the lungs, for example, if pulmonary fibrosis is associated with bronchitis or pneumonia.

But remember one rule - you should not do too difficult gymnastics during an acute form of the disease, first wait for the body to recover a little, and then, if it improves, start doing gymnastics.

Treatment with folk remedies

With pulmonary fibrosis, wonderful people can come to the rescue folk recipes, time-tested, which were used in ancient times by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Folk remedies are in no way inferior medications, but due to their composition they are considered more useful.

Let's talk about some miraculous remedies:

  1. Grind the oman roots and rose hips in separate cups. Take 1 tbsp. spoon of these drugs, pour into a metal container. Pour 600 ml of water. Place on low heat, and after boiling, cook for another 15 minutes. We filter the finished broth and pour it into a thermos, put it in a dark place to infuse for several hours. Then we drink the decoction, like tea, 150 ml 2-3 times a day, for 2 months (just don’t skip the application!). At low acidity It is recommended to drink this medicine 15 minutes before meals, and in case increased acidity– half an hour after eating. If desired, you can add a little honey to the broth and drink it chilled. This decoction helps increase energy, so it is very good to drink before exercise. At the same time, oman and rosehip perfectly regenerate lung tissue, cleanse the lungs of phlegm, prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes and infections in the mucous membrane respiratory tract.
  2. For the next recipe you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of anise seeds. Pour them into a metal bowl, add 250 ml of water, and place on low heat. From the moment it boils, remove from the stove. Take the cooled broth 0.5 cups 2 times a day. You can also add anise seeds to milk along with cayenne pepper, and to sweeten the taste, you can add a little honey. Drink in small sips at night. Or you can prepare a liqueur with anise seeds: take 50 grams of seeds, pour them with 500 ml of strong white wine or cognac low quality. Stir everything well and place in a dark place to infuse for 2 weeks. Then we drink 100 grams after meals.
  3. Rosemary, as well as essential oils based on it, have an excellent therapeutic effect against pulmonary fibrosis. This plant and its oils are good at cleansing the lungs of toxins and excess phlegm. Rosemary based medicine is strong antioxidant, which prevents the development of lung cancer, because in the last stage of pulmonary fibrosis it can form malignant tumor. In addition, rosemary promotes good air circulation in the lungs and relaxes all bronchial passages, which improves the condition of the respiratory organs. To prepare such a wonderful medicine you need: cut the rosemary into small pieces, pour it with water and honey 1:1. Put it all in the oven and simmer for about 120 minutes. After this, cool and put in the refrigerator. Use this composition 1 tbsp. spoon morning and evening. You can also make a liqueur from rosemary, which has an amazing effect in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis: take 50 grams of finely chopped plant, pour 500 ml of red wine into it, add 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, put on low heat, after boiling, immediately remove from heat. Next, put the composition in a dark place for 48 hours. Store the strained drink in the refrigerator. Use 1 tbsp. spoon, 60 minutes after eating.

After one course of treatment with some folk remedy, your breathing will improve, and you can easily do various breathing exercises.

And, of course, before using any folk remedy, it is advisable to consult with your doctor to avoid irreparable complications.

Consequences and complications of this disease

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs leaves behind irreversible changes in lung tissues.

It is for this reason that the advanced stage of this disease cannot be completely cured, it can only be stopped further development process, adhering to preventive measures, which include:

  • quitting smoking;
  • When working with toxic substances, you should wear a respirator.

According to its characteristic features, pneumofibrosis is divided into progressive and non-progressive. The most dangerous stage of pulmonary fibrosis is the progressive stage, as there may be dangerous complications, including abscesses.

All exacerbations can cause discomfort to a person throughout his life. And the non-progressive stage is less dangerous, develops almost without any clinical indicators. And if the patient leads a healthy lifestyle, then the disease will not give painful shocks and complications.

How to treat pulmonary fibrosis

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Pneumofibrosis is a disease in which connective tissue grows in the lung. Pathology arises as a complication. Pneumofibrosis is classified as a pneumosclerotic disease along with pneumosclerosis and cirrhosis of the lung.

When a “honeycomb lung” forms, when small, cyst-like cavities form in the organ, respiratory function is significantly reduced. If an infection is added to the disease, the patient’s death is possible.


There are many factors known that increase the risk of developing pulmonary fibrosis:

  • Previous or existing diseases - pneumonia, syphilis, tuberculosis, chronic obstructive diseases of the respiratory system;
  • activities or living conditions associated with constant inhalation of harmful gases and dust;
  • heredity;
  • chest injuries associated with damage to the respiratory organ;
  • stagnant processes;
  • ionizing radiation affecting the chest area;
  • taking medications with toxic effects;
  • hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) fabrics.

The disease develops approximately according to this scenario.

In the bronchi, the outflow of secretions is disrupted and accumulation occurs. These are favorable conditions for an increase in the number of pathogens. Also due to inflammation and stagnation blood and lymph flow is disrupted. In places where the flow of biological fluids is disrupted, connective tissue grows. It replaces the alveoli nearby.

Textile healthy lung elastic. Elasticity ensures high intrapulmonary pressure, due to which the inner wall of the alveoli opens during inspiration. If the lung tissue is affected by fibrosis, then the pressure decreases, some of the alveoli do not open, and less oxygen enters.

As the disease progresses, the lung tissue gradually ceases to perform its function, which is why it develops respiratory failure and gas exchange is disrupted.


Based on the extent of organ damage, local and diffuse pulmonary fibrosis are distinguished.

With local pulmonary fibrosis, individual areas of the lung are affected. The patient’s quality of life does not deteriorate significantly, since loss of elasticity and tissue hardening are observed only in the affected area, and respiratory function deteriorates slightly.

Diffuse pneumofibrosis is much more dangerous. Then the tissue in both lungs becomes denser, the volume of the organ decreases, and the structure changes. The process proceeds quickly, respiratory function weakens.

Both forms are characterized by a progressive and non-progressive stage. In the progressive stage there are serious complications, up to abscesses. Exacerbations can plague the patient throughout his life. The non-progressive stage, which proceeds practically without clinical manifestations, is more favorable. People who follow a healthy lifestyle are more likely to have a mild course.

Symptoms of the disease

As mentioned above, the local form sometimes goes unnoticed. Symptoms usually occur if both lungs are affected.

The main symptom of pulmonary fibrosis is shortness of breath. In the initial stage, it appears from strong physical exertion, and later - even at rest. Other signs of the disease:

  • Cough, with tenacious mucus and pus;
  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • chest pain, especially when coughing;
  • weakness;
  • changes in body temperature;
  • losing weight for no apparent reason.

In the later stages, the doctor detects wheezing in the lungs and squeaking on exhalation, which is especially audible in the front, in the upper part of the chest. The patient has swelling of the neck veins. At the same time, symptoms of the disease that provoked pulmonary fibrosis may appear.

How to treat the disease

Before prescribing therapy, an examination is carried out to establish a diagnosis. The main diagnostic method is radiography. Additionally, bronchoscopy is performed, assessment respiratory function, general laboratory tests. This body of research also reveals the underlying cause of pulmonary fibrosis.

There is no effective therapy against pulmonary fibrosis yet.

Pneumofibrosis without symptoms is not always treated with medications.

If the disease has not progressed to acute phase, treatment is carried out at home. Main task therapeutic activities- eliminate the cause of the disease. When the cause is the ingress of dust particles or other harmful substances, then, first of all, stop contact with the provocateur of the disease. Excitement and stress are contraindicated for the patient.

If the cause is infection, antibacterial drugs depending on the pathogen. Maintenance therapy is also prescribed.

Breathing exercises are useful and help improve the functionality of the breathing apparatus.

In running forms it is possible surgical treatment. After a course of therapy, the patient is registered with a pulmonologist for a year or more.

Treatment with folk remedies

Often with pneumofibrosis they resort to help traditional medicine. In mild forms, this type of treatment becomes the main one. Use herbal infusions and teas, compresses for quick removal of phlegm, lotions and warming.

Pine buds have long been used for lung diseases. This valuable product contains many essential oils that have beneficial influence on the respiratory tract - they help eliminate sputum, destroy pathogenic microbes, and activate the secretory ability of the epithelium.

For the decoction, take 10 g of kidneys, add a glass of water, and heat in a water bath for half an hour, leave for another 15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered and drunk warm 3 times daily at a dose of 1 tablespoon.

Prevention methods

The main prevention of pulmonary fibrosis is to stop smoking, since it is the inhalation of toxic substances that are contained, among other things, in tobacco smoke, and the disease develops. It is important to treat respiratory diseases at the first symptoms. A healthy lifestyle will preserve the immune system and strengthen the body.

When performing professional duties related to risk factors, use protective equipment- respirators.

Pneumofibrosis causes irreversible changes in lung tissue. Therefore, it cannot be completely cured. But the process can be slowed down. The therapy that the doctor will prescribe after clarifying the diagnosis is aimed at supporting the condition. Compliance with preventive measures is important.

Causes and mechanism of development of pneumofibrosis

The causes of the disease are different:

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases – mycoses, tuberculosis, syphilis;
  • prolonged exposure to allergens;
  • mechanical injuries;
  • high doses of radiation;
  • impact chemical compounds;
  • hereditary disorders in which fibrillar protein is intensively produced - collagen, fibronectin;
  • severe liver damage due to drug addiction;
  • long-term use medicines, which provide toxic effects to the lung parenchyma.

The risk group includes people with a history of COPD, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia. Men get sick more often professional activity which is associated with the risk of negative effects of production processes on the respiratory system - miners, miners, metallurgists.

For pneumofibrosis chronic inflammation accompanied by a violation of the outflow of lymph from the affected organ. It accumulates in the interalveolar septa and lung vessels. The movement of blood along the capillary bed is disrupted, the vessels become sclerotic and hypoxia develops. This process activates the production of fibroblasts and collagen, which further aggravates the process of blood circulation in the pulmonary circulation.

Against the background of increased pulmonary pressure, dystrophic changes in the right half of the heart, it increases in size. The patient develops the syndrome pulmonary heart" This is an extremely serious condition that leads to disability and ultimately death.

With the rapid progression of pneumosclerosis (pneumofibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis), healthy parenchyma is quickly rebuilt. The structure of the acini itself, the structural unit of the lung, changes. Glandular pseudostructures form, capillaries weaken, decrease in volume, bronchioles become sclerotic. The growth of connective tissue in the lungs deforms the alveoli, they are destroyed, and fibrous and cystic neoplasms appear in their place.

In the background lung destruction their main function– providing the body with oxygen through gas exchange during breathing.

Patients develop respiratory failure with hypoxia (oxygen starvation) and hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide in the blood).

Due to impaired perfusion (capacity) of the lungs, the level of oxygen in the body decreases. The ventilation-diffusion balance is disrupted. Due to hypoventilation, the level of carbon dioxide increases.


Depending on the location and extent of lung damage, pneumosclerosis can be of several types.

Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis is the proliferation of connective tissue throughout the organ. With such pathology, clear boundaries of the modified areas cannot be determined. Not only the lung is deformed, but also the bronchi and vascular network.

Local pneumofibrosis lungs develops very slowly and initial stages is asymptomatic. It is characterized by damage to a limited area of ​​tissue. The x-ray shows compactions with clear contours. This type does not affect the functionality of the organ and its mechanical properties.

Focal pulmonary fibrosis also has a clear location, like local one. But differs in that inflammatory foci are usually multiple. They can affect one lung or both. The focal form develops against the background of tuberculosis, purulent-inflammatory processes (abscess).

Clinical picture of the disease

The first sign that gives reason to think about the presence of pathology in the body is shortness of breath.
. But since it does not cause any noticeable discomfort at first, patients do not pay attention to it.

At the initial stage of the disease, this symptom manifests itself in the form of mild shortness of breath during physical exertion, which was previously well tolerated by the person. Patients attribute this fact to fatigue, malaise, and poor sleep. Gradually, shortness of breath increases when walking on the street or climbing stairs. It is not easy for a person to walk long distances or talk for a long time. In severe cases, shortness of breath manifests itself in the form of breath holding and lack of air. This condition is always accompanied by panic.

The nature of breathing in pneumosclerosis is determined by the degree of lung damage. It is superficial, frequent, sometimes intermittent. The patient cannot take a deep breath. This is how chronic respiratory failure develops. It takes a long time to compensate, but inevitably leads to hypoxia.

Symptoms of respiratory failure in pneumosclerosis:

  • cyanosis skin(pale skin with a blue tint);
  • tachycardia - rapid heartbeat;
  • dyspnea;
  • the act of breathing is possible with the participation of auxiliary muscle groups;
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • sleep disturbance – insomnia at night, drowsiness during the day;
  • loss of strength, chronic fatigue, decreased performance;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • in the later stages – heart failure, swelling of various parts of the body.

Against the background of airway obstruction, pneumosclerosis is always accompanied by a cough. It comes in different intensities. It intensifies in the morning after sleep, when a person begins to move actively, and calms down by the middle of the day. The cough brings temporary relief. At severe attacks it causes pain in chest, usually behind the sternum and from the back along lower limit shoulder blades

“Pulmonary heart”, which develops more intensively with pneumofibrosis of the middle lobe right lung, manifested by the following clinical signs:

  • severe shortness of breath in a horizontal position (lying down);
  • pulsation in the upper abdomen, in the area of ​​the vault of the diaphragm;
  • heart pain caused by high blood pressure in the pulmonary circulation and stretching of the pulmonary arterial trunk;
  • swelling of the neck veins, which increases with inspiration;
  • blood pressure may be slightly reduced;
  • hypothermia;
  • swelling.

The consequences of such irreversible processes are unfavorable.

Diagnosis of the disease

The study of patients is comprehensive. It includes data collection, laboratory and instrumental techniques.

In order to determine the step-by-step direction in examining the patient, anamnesis is collected. The patient’s place of work, all symptoms, duration of the disease, and the estimated time of appearance of the first signs are ascertained.

According to laboratory data of a general blood test, no obvious changes are observed. The ESR is slightly increased, the number of leukocytes and coagulability are increased.

On auscultation – dry scattered or fine wheezing, breathing is hard. During percussion, the sounds are short, the mobility of the pulmonary edge is limited.

Instrumental examination methods

Key diagnostic methods is an x-ray of the lungs
. It allows you to accurately determine the presence, location and extent of lesions. The lung on the right is always slightly lower than the left. The drawing is rearranged and looks like a honeycomb or cells.

Interpretation of X-ray results:

  • Basal pulmonary fibrosis is a fibrotic lesion of segments of the lower lobe of the lung, a consequence of past inflammatory processes. It is also called post-pneumonic fibrosis. In the affected area, the x-ray shows increased brightness and a clear pattern.
  • Hilar pulmonary fibrosis is the proliferation of connective tissue in the root of the lung, where the connection occurs with the mediastinal organs (heart, aorta). The x-ray shows clear compacted areas.
  • Linear pulmonary fibrosis - damage to one or more lung segments, linear shadows are visible in the photo.
  • Post-radiation pneumofibrosis is a complication after irradiation (during treatment or as a result of an accident). On the x-ray there are no clear boundaries of the affected tissue, the outlines are blurred.

For diagnostics structural changes pneumofibrosis of the hilar and basal sections, computed tomography is prescribed, since these areas are not sufficiently visible and the replacement dystrophic process can spread to nearby organs. TK of the lungs allows layer-by-layer and detailed assessment of the degree of tissue damage, identifying their nature and dynamics of development.

To assess external respiratory function, patients are prescribed spirometry, a test that determines abnormalities in the respiratory function of the lungs. During the study, the following indicators are assessed:

  • lung volume (the amount of air inhaled at one time);
  • breathing rate;
  • maximum ventilation rates;
  • vital capacity of the lungs;
  • forced breathing;
  • speed of air flow during exhalation.

Patients are also prescribed bronchoscopy. She evaluates the condition of the bronchi in the affected part of the lung. With diffuse pneumosclerosis, no changes are observed, but with local pneumosclerosis, destructive transformations of the bronchial tree are possible.

During a bronchoscopy, a sample of lavage fluid is taken from the lung. Cytological examination of the biomaterial allows us to determine the etiology of the disease.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis

Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis is palliative, aimed at maintaining general condition patient and stopping or slowing down dystrophic processes in the organ.

Drug treatment involves combating infectious factors - fungi, bacteria, viruses:

  • To improve the drainage function of the bronchial tree, it is prescribed antispasmodics– Norepinephrine, Theophedrine, Isadrin, Fenoterol.
  • In severe cases, pulmonary fibrosis can be treated with hormonal drugs from the corticosteroid group - Cortisone, Prednisolone. They relieve inflammation and reduce the immune response.
  • To eliminate airway obstruction, relieve cough and sputum discharge, mucolytic drugs (expectorants) are indicated - Lazolvan, Erespal, Ascoril.
  • To reduce severe pain in the chest area, patients are recommended non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesil, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen.
  • To maintain the functioning of the heart muscle and saturate it with oxygen, cardiac glycosides are indicated - Adoniside, Strophanthin, Digoxin. To nourish the myocardium, patients take potassium preparations - Panangin, Asparkam.
  • IN mandatory angioprotectors are prescribed - Actovegin, Cardioxipin, Vazonit, Bilobil. They improve microcirculation through relaxation smooth muscle blood vessels, increase permeability, relieve swelling.

Structural lesions of the lungs are accompanied by intoxication of the body. To eliminate it, I use a universal detoxifying agent – ​​Penicillamine. The drug affects the immune system, inhibits the production of certain types of leukocytes, and also disrupts collagen synthesis, which is extremely important for pulmonary fibrosis. The medicine is available in capsules for oral administration.

Pneumofibrosis is a severe chronic pathology that weakens the body. Patients lose weight. Therefore, vitamin preparations of groups B and E are prescribed as part of complex drug treatment.

Treat pulmonary fibrosis folk remedies inappropriate. Medicinal herbs can be used as a general strengthening therapy to maintain immune system.

Patients must undergo hospital treatment twice a year.


To combat hypoxia of tissues and organs, oxygen therapy is indicated - oxygen saturation of the blood

The patient is connected to a special device through which a gas mixture is supplied in the required proportions. This temporarily eliminates oxygen deficiency.

O2 supply methods:

  • through a mask if the person breathes independently;
  • through a nasal catheter (if there is a need for a constant supply of oxygen);
  • through an endotracheal tube if the patient is unconscious;
  • by placing the patient in a pressure chamber.

Other physiotherapeutic procedures (UHF, electrophoresis, application of currents) are ineffective for pneumofibrotic changes.

To combat shortness of breath, strengthen the respiratory muscles and improve the quality of life, patients undergo a rehabilitation course of physical therapy. Classes are conducted under the supervision of medical staff with clearly dosed physical activity.

Doing sports on your own is strictly contraindicated. Incorrect calculation of the load on the heart and lungs can lead to fatal consequences.

Preventive measures

Prevention of pulmonary fibrosis includes measures that reduce the risk of developing the disease.

In production with increased risk exposure to chemical compounds on the body, safety, labor protection and rest rules must be strictly observed. People whose professional activities involve risks are recommended to undergo annual treatment in a dispensary, in a mountainous area or near the sea.

Also It is important to exclude household factors - smoking, inhalation of vapors of chemical liquids (chlorine). Once a year you need to undergo fluorography and clinical examination (preventive examination by doctors).

If a person leads a healthy and active lifestyle, then the risk of disease is reduced many times over.

Pneumofibrosis is a severe lung disease with an unfavorable outcome. It is dangerous to human life and cannot be completely cured. If the pathology is not detected in a timely manner, the maximum life expectancy will not exceed 5 years. If the patient's condition is extremely severe, maintenance therapy will delay death by 3-5 months.

Classification of the disease, its symptoms

IN medical practice Pneumofibrosis of local and diffuse type. A local type of disease is characterized by compaction of a separate fragment of the lung. There are no obvious disturbances in gas exchange processes. Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis of the lungs leads to the fact that they lose their original structure and shape, their density increases, and ventilation is impaired.

According to medical sources, pneumofibrosis is divided into hilar and linear. The linear form of the disease is a consequence of previous tuberculosis or infections.

Science does not know where hilar pneumofibrosis comes from. It makes itself felt after the patient has had bronchitis or pneumonia. Pneumofibrosis rarely occurs as an independent disease. Its appearance is preceded by a number of provoking factors, which include:

Depending on the period of time after which the patient consults a doctor, he is diagnosed with a progressive or non-progressive stage of pulmonary fibrosis. The non-progressive form of the disease is characterized by the absence of pronounced symptoms.

In this case, treatment of pneumofibrosis with folk remedies is allowed. The progressive form is dangerous due to complications. Relapses of the disease can bother a person throughout his life. It should be remembered that a disease such as pulmonary fibrosis is more typical for men.

Why is pulmonary fibrosis dangerous? Pneumofibrosis is an insidious disease. Tissue proliferation leads to shrinkage of the lungs and respiratory failure. Pulmonary artery pressure increases. This process cannot be stopped or corrected. Fatal outcome occurs as a result of complications.

Signs of pulmonary fibrosis appear if the connective tissue has grown in both lungs. The first and main symptom of the disease is shortness of breath. At the first stage, it bothers a person after physical activity, later when he is at rest.

Other symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis include:

  • cough accompanied by sputum and pus;
  • the skin takes on a bluish tint;
  • chest pain, worse when coughing;
  • loss of strength;
  • body temperature is unstable;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • swelling of the neck veins;
  • wheezing and squeaking in the lungs, especially when exhaling.

At the same time, in the picture of the disease appear accompanying symptoms disease that provoked pulmonary fibrosis.

Many patients diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis fear that it is cancer. Despite the similarity of the clinical picture, pulmonary fibrosis is not an oncological disease.

Treatment methods for pneumofibrosis

Pneumofibrosis requires timely complex treatment. It is impossible to get rid of it completely, but the likelihood of relapses can be reduced with adequate and timely treatment.

A specialist is able to determine how to treat pulmonary fibrosis by determining the causes of its occurrence. If focal pulmonary fibrosis appears due to inflammation, the patient is prescribed antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. An additional method is procedures aimed at better discharge sputum.

The operation is indicated when there are aggressive external reasons Pneumofibrosis. Additional measure– treatment of respiratory failure.

Preventive measures are aimed at eliminating and reducing provoking factors. If a person's profession involves toxic fumes, it is necessary to use respiratory protection. In addition, the work area must have ventilation.

As additional methods of prevention, doctors recommend hardening, increasing physical activity, do therapeutic breathing exercises, quit smoking.

As pneumofibrosis progresses, lung volume decreases and respiratory failure appears. The lungs shrink, and along with it the structure of the bronchi is disrupted. The prognosis is determined by the severity of the disease. If pulmonary fibrosis is diagnosed at a late stage, the prognosis is poor.

Traditional methods

Treatment with folk remedies involves the use of decoctions of medicinal herbs, infusions and compresses.

It is not rational to treat pneumofibrosis exclusively with folk remedies. First of all, you should use the methods of official medicine.

Many medicinal plants can cause allergies. Before starting therapy, you need to familiarize yourself with possible contraindications. Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis and smoking are incompatible.

Breathing exercises in the fight against pulmonary fibrosis

Breathing exercises are the most accessible remedy lung treatment. Therapeutic gymnastics helps improve gas exchange, easing the patient's condition. Dynamic exercises and diaphragmatic breathing help improve the mechanical properties of the lungs.

A classic example of an exercise is exhalation with resistance. To perform this you need a glass and a straw. Typing full lungs air must be exhaled slowly through the straw. The duration of the exercise is 10-15 minutes, the number of repetitions is 4-5. It can be repeated several times a day.

With adequate treatment, it is possible to stop the pathological process. Over time, breathing will return to normal and disappear characteristic features, the risk of other diseases will decrease. A person must maintain a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet and systematically monitor the process of growth of lung tissue.

Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis is a pathological process characterized by the proliferation of connective tissue over the entire surface of the lungs.

The disease is accompanied by a decrease in the volume of the main respiratory organs, and, consequently, a decrease in the full ventilation capacity several times.

Fibrosis is a connective tissue scar that forms in place of healthy functioning lung tissue as a result of exposure to certain factors.

The mechanism of development of the disease is based on insufficient blood supply to the lung tissue and, as a consequence, chronic hypoxia(lack of oxygen). In such an environment, fibroblasts are activated - cells that actively produce collagen, which is the basis of connective tissue.

Below we will talk about what it is and how to treat this condition.

Causes of diffuse pneumofibrosis

The causes of the development of pneumofibrosis are very extensive and varied. Among the factors contributing to the growth of connective tissue in place of normal pulmonary tissue are:

To the factors that create favorable conditions for the development of the disease, include:

  • traumatic injuries to the chest and organs located in it;
  • various diseases of the cardiovascular system, one of the manifestations of which is blood stagnation in the small circle;
  • long-term radiation therapy;
  • harmful working conditions – constant inhalation of dust particles, harmful and poisonous gases.

Symptoms of diffuse pulmonary fibrosis

In the early stages of development of this pulmonary pathology, symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis may be absent.

They appear as the connective tissue in the lungs grows and their functional capacity decreases.

The clinical picture of the disease consists of such signs as:

  • , which also progresses as the disease progresses. At the very beginning, it practically does not bother the patient. Later, shortness of breath occurs during habitual physical activity, and then even in a state of complete rest;
  • cough with the release of viscous, thick sputum, often with purulent impurities. As normal connective tissue is replaced, hemoptysis is observed (the appearance of traces of blood in the sputum);
  • pain syndrome accompanying coughing. Pain in the chest area can also appear outside of coughing attacks;
  • change in skin color - they acquire a pale and sometimes cyanotic (bluish) tint;
  • fluctuations in body temperature;
  • feeling of weakness without previous physical and emotional stress;
  • weight loss without connection with food intake, and not associated with diseases of the digestive tract.

During a detailed examination of the patient, the doctor notes:

  • the appearance of characteristic wheezing, becoming whistling in nature when inhaling. Wheezing is clearly audible in the projection of the lower pulmonary lobes;
  • bulging veins in the neck;
  • On auscultation, a sound similar to the sound of a plug rubbing is heard above the surface of the lungs;
  • painful appearance - excessive pallor of the skin;
  • “Hippocrates fingers” - thickening distal phalanges fingers.

Classification of diffuse pneumofibrosis


Diffuse pulmonary fibrosis has 2 main stages:

  • progressive - it is characterized by rapid development diseases and the occurrence of various complications: etc.;
  • non-progressive – has erased clinical picture, practically does not bother the patient.


Knowing what diffuse pneumosclerosis is, it is necessary to pay attention to its varieties. According to etiology, it can be:

  • discirculatory;
  • postnecrotic.

Depending on which lung structures are affected, pneumofibrosis is distinguished:

  • alveolar;
  • interstitial;
  • peribronchial;
  • perilobular.


The basic method of examining a patient suspected of having any disease bronchopulmonary system is a chest x-ray.

This method allows you to assess the state of the pulmonary pattern (in this case, there is a “honeycomb” type pattern), capillary network, the presence or absence of anastomoses (they appear in this disease).

For the purpose of differential diagnosis and clarification of the diagnosis, the following may be prescribed:

  • bronchoscopy;
  • BAC-culture of sputum to identify the pathogen;
  • bronchography is a method in which radiopaque agent, allowing to identify abnormalities in the development of the bronchial tree, as well as the presence of fistulas or bronchiectasis;
  • assessment of respiratory function - these tests help assess functionality lung tissue – degree of ventilation capacity. Pneumofibrosis is accompanied by a decrease in all indicators;
  • computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • biopsy - taking a part of the lung to determine the depth of fibrosis penetration;
  • general laboratory analysis ( general analysis blood).

Taken together, all these methods make it possible not only to most accurately diagnose the disease, assess the degree of its severity, but also to identify the causes that caused it.

Treatment of diffuse pulmonary fibrosis

The basis of treating a disease is to first eliminate its cause. So, if pulmonary fibrosis was provoked by any harmful factors, then it is necessary to eliminate them as soon as possible.

If an infectious agent acts as the etiological factor, then an antibacterial or antiviral therapy depending on the specific pathogen.

In advanced forms of the disease that are not amenable to medication, surgical treatment is indicated.

Treatment with folk remedies also has the right to exist in the complex therapy of diffuse pulmonary fibrosis.

Drug treatment

Since pulmonary fibrosis is considered more of a syndrome than independent disease, then the drugs should be selected depending on the underlying disease, which is the root cause.

If the etiological factor is an infectious-inflammatory disease caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal agent, then etiotropic therapy is based on the use of antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs, respectively.

The pharmaceutical drug is prescribed strictly individually in a clear therapeutic dose.

If we're talking about about pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria), then rational antibiotic therapy can be prescribed only after testing the sensitivity of the microorganism to a particular group of antibacterial agents.

When treatment does not require delay, an antibiotic is prescribed empirically - broad-spectrum drugs are more often used.

Of no small importance is symptomatic therapy, which includes the use of such groups of drugs as:

  • (Ketorolac, Ibuprofen);
  • glucocorticosteroid hormones (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone);
  • mucolytics (ACC, Mucaltin, Bronholitin, Lazolvan);
  • multivitamins (Vitrum);
  • analgesics (Analgin);
  • cardiac glycosides (Digoxin, Strophanthin, Korglykon, etc.).


Surgical treatment for pulmonary fibrosis must be resorted to when it is complicated by an abscess or other purulent process that leads to destruction lung tissue. Most often, radical treatment is carried out in two ways:

  • by removing part of the affected organ;
  • by organ transplantation in case of total defeat.

Another indication for radical treatment of pulmonary fibrosis is “honeycomb lung”. It is characterized by the appearance of diffuse cysts in both lungs, the diameter of which can vary from 0.5 to 2 cm. This phenomenon received its name due to the fact that on an x-ray it is represented by closely spaced annular shadows resembling a honeycomb.

Complementary and alternative therapies

It is widely used as additional methods of influencing damaged lung tissue. oxygen therapy, saturating the body with the necessary amount of oxygen, and special complex breathing exercises.

Among physiotherapy special attention is given ultrasound and iontophoresis, which help restore the elasticity of damaged alveoli

Therapy with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies has an effect on pneumosclerosis only if it is used in parallel with traditional (medicinal or surgical) methods of treatment. Currently, the following tools are widely used:

  • decoction of pine buds. To prepare it, you need to pour 10 grams of pine buds with 200 ml of water, put it on low heat and simmer in a water bath for about half an hour. After removing from heat, leave the product to infuse for about 15 minutes. Thoroughly filter the broth and take 1 tbsp warm. spoon three times a day;
  • decoction of oman and rosehip. Grind the oman and rose hips in such quantities that you get 1 tbsp of each. spoon. Pour the mixture of ingredients into an enamel container and add 400 ml of water. Bring to a boil and leave to simmer in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After removing from the heat, pour the broth into a thermos and let it brew for about 3 hours. Instead of tea, drink 150 ml three times a day for 2 months. You can add a small amount of natural honey to the drink;
  • chopped fresh ginger, which can be used as a tea additive for daily tea drinking;
  • infusion flaxseeds. 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of flaxseeds into 200 ml of boiling water and let it brew. Strain thoroughly and drink at night;
  • oatmeal broth Pour 1 cup of whole oat grains into 1 liter of cold water and leave overnight. The next day, let the seeds cook until the amount of water is reduced by half. Strain the broth thoroughly and pour into three equal capacities. Drink everything a day before each meal.

It is not possible to completely cure the disease due to the irreversibility of the pathological process occurring in the lungs. But rational therapy will help to significantly slow down the progressive disease and make the life of the sick person easier.

Prevention of pneumofibrosis

The main preventive measure to prevent the development of pulmonary fibrosis, like any other pulmonary disease, is to quit smoking. It is the toxic substances contained in tobacco smoke that have a primary aggressive effect on the tissues of the respiratory organs.

General measures to strengthen the body and in particular the respiratory and cardiovascular systems are also excellent disease prevention. In order to increase the vital capacity of the lungs, moderate cardio exercises and special breathing exercises are recommended.

Life prognosis for patients

The prognosis for pulmonary fibrosis is very ambiguous. Timely treatment helps to significantly slow down the development of the pathological process.

If the disease is advanced and a complication such as a lung abscess (purulent melting of tissue) occurs, then the patient’s prognosis for life worsens significantly.

Specialty: Cardiologist, Therapist, Functional diagnostics doctor.

With pulmonary fibrosis in the background inflammatory During the process, connective tissue begins to grow, which leads to disruption of the pulmonary structure and, in general, to a decrease in pulmonary ventilation. If the disease is not treated, the lungs, as a result of deformation, decrease in size. The disease can strike a person at any age, but, according to statistics, men get sick much more often than women.

Classification of pneumofibrosis

Disease classified by localization.

Focal - this type of pulmonary fibrosis is characterized by damage to one area of ​​lung tissue, where a process develops that leads to compaction of a piece of lung.
Diffuse - a more severe form, in which the entire lung, and sometimes both, are affected by inflammation.

Forms of pneumofibrosis

Non-progressive . The disease does not cause symptoms. People who were diagnosed at the beginning of its development, having been treated, lead a healthy lifestyle without suffering from the disease progress.

Progressive . The disease makes itself known through exacerbations. This form does not exclude complications, sometimes life-threatening.

Causes of the disease

Most of these are consequences of previous diseases, for example, pneumonia, mycosis, tuberculosis, syphilis.
Also, the causes of the disease can be called heredity, lung injuries, harmful working conditions associated with inhaling harmful particles in the air, bad habits, and the main one is smoking.


In the focal form of pulmonary fibrosis, there may be no symptoms at all. The disease often becomes known after undergoing the next fluorographic examinations.
Diffuse has many symptoms that can be confused with other diseases. The patient develops shortness of breath, a severe cough with purulent discharge. Weakness, weight loss. Chest pain, sounds in the lungs when breathing.


A pulmonologist will select treatment for you based on the identified reasons due to which the disease developed. In the most advanced forms, surgical intervention will be required. But in all cases, one hundred percent recovery is not guaranteed. This is sad, but pulmonary fibrosis cannot be completely cured. At the site of inflammation in the lung tissues, scars remain, which provoke pulmonary failure. A person who has suffered from pulmonary fibrosis should exercise regularly. Breathing exercises and physical therapy will help enrich the lungs with oxygen.

Treatment with folk remedies

Wine tincture
Aloe, which grows in almost every home, will come to your aid. Rinse five large sheets well under running water, dry and cut as small as possible, you can grate them. Add two large spoons of honey, grind until completely combined and add half a liter of young red wine. Stir everything thoroughly again - the product is ready for use. Treat yourself by drinking one spoon four times a day shortly before meals. Keep the medicine in a cool place between doses.
Oatmeal broth
For treatment you will need whole oat grains, you can buy them in the store. Pour one liter of water into a glass of oat grains and leave to steep overnight. Put on fire and cook until the amount of liquid is reduced by half. Strain, divide into three parts and drink the day before meals.
Onion treatment
We will give you two recipes for onion medicine.

Recipe 1. Peel and finely chop the onion, prepare enough sugar syrup to cover the chopped onion. Place on the stove and cook until the onion pieces become transparent. If you have honey, instead of sugar syrup, you can cook onions in it - the remedy will be even more effective. Strain and drink one spoon up to ten times a day.
Recipe 2. Peel the onion, fill it whole with a glass of water and cook until the onion is ready. Pour out the broth and eat the onion in small portions throughout the day. If you boil onions in milk, the product will have an even greater healing effect.
Dried fruits heal
Raisins and dried apricots help activate metabolism and have a diuretic effect, which helps remove stagnant fluid from the lungs. Therefore, this recipe is worth adopting.
There are two ways to treat with dried fruits. You can simply pour boiling water over them, wait until they soften and eat a few pieces before meals. The second method is a little more complicated. Bring one hundred grams of dried apricots or raisins, or a mixture of them, to a boil in a glass of water. After ten minutes, strain the broth and drink 2 tablespoons three times. And eat boiled dried fruits between decoctions.

Medicinal infusion
Prepare equal parts oats, thyme, pikulnik and eucalyptus. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, separate one large spoon, pour it into a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. Let it sit overnight. In the morning, strain and drink half a glass. The infusion should be consumed hot and drunk throughout the day.
Medicinal decoction

Prepare the ingredients for the decoction. Take equal parts of plantain leaves, coltsfoot and pine buds. Mix thoroughly and bring four spoons to a boil in one glass of water. After five minutes, remove and strain. Divide the resulting decoction into three equal parts and drink throughout the day.
Healing mixture
Prepare the beets, carrots and horseradish by thoroughly washing and drying them. Now squeeze out one glass of juice each from the beets and carrots, and grate the horseradish so that you get one glass of horseradish mass. Grind, passing through a meat grinder, walnuts, raisins and lemon with a crust - you also need one glass of the finished mass. Now transfer everything and pour into one bowl, preferably glass, add a glass of honey and mix very thoroughly. The mixture is ready for use. For the first three days, eat a teaspoon three times, then a tablespoon an hour before meals or two after meals. Treat for two months. After three weeks you can be treated again.
Radish with honey

This is not the recipe we are used to, where we cut off the top of the radish, take out the pulp, add honey and wait for the juice to appear. This recipe can be treated immediately after preparation. Wash and dry a few black radishes and start squeezing the juice until you get a glass full. Add one hundred grams of liquid honey to the radish juice. Drink two spoons four times a day before meals. The last dose is before bedtime.

Nettle tincture

Pour two hundred grams of fresh nettle or one hundred dry into a bottle of vodka. There is no need to close the lid; cover the top with a piece of gauze. Place it on the window for one day. Store in a dark closet for six days. Strain and squeeze the nettle into the tincture. Take one spoon of nettle tincture before breakfast and lunch. And one more spoon before bed.
Sage with milk
Place a saucepan with a glass of milk on the fire. Add one spoonful of sage to the milk and bring to a boil. Cool and strain. Bring the milk to a boil again. Drink hot before bed.
Honey massage
Every other day it is useful to massage the upper back with honey. Spread honey on your back and rub it in until since then, Bye palms Not will become cling To back.
Fragrant decoction
Will help work lungs And will cleanse their from harmful substances infusion from taken By spoon oregano And violets tricolor. Fill in fragrant herbs two glasses boiling water And leave on one hour. Drink How tea, But without additions Sahara. Can in a bite With dried fruits.
Healing collection
Will replenish deficit oxygen V lungs And will strengthen V them circulation infusion from seeds cumin, seeds fennel And spring adonis - By one parts And two parts horsetail. All Very thoroughly mix And take one spoon collection, pour in cup boiling water, through thirty minutes strain, divide on three parts And have a drink for day.
Agave on kagore

Leaves indoor plants agave finely cut, fill in them floor-liter jar. Add To agave fifty milliliters liquid honey And top up to the top Cahors. Send V dark place For insistence on ten days. Then strain, Very Fine squeeze infused leaves agave And accept drug infusion three times V day By one spoon.
Dairy drug
Bring it on to boiling cup milk, add V him, Bye it hot, spoon pork fat And so many same honey. All thoroughly stir And wait, Bye will cool down. Fresh eggs whisk And add To dairy mixtures. Have a drink All for one reception. IN day need to do And drink dairy drug three times.
« Calciumite»
This recipe Very old. Them treated sick at hemoptysis, them filmed increased temperature And gave at cough. Prepare components: six the freshest chicken eggs, ten lemons, one cup cognac without aromatic additives And five hundred ml honey. Eggs, Not smashing, put V glass jar, squeeze out juice from lemons And fill in them eggs. Cover up jar gauze And remove V dark place. Every day check, need to wait, Bye shell will dissolve under action lemon acids. Honey carefully melt to liquid state, connect With lemony-egg solution, pour over V opaque glass dishes And store V refrigerator. Drink calciumite should three times V day By one dessert spoon.
Infusion rosehip

Do rosehip infusion his daily drink. Brew boiling water some berries And let this healing infusion Always costs on yours table. Drink little by little V flow total day.
Every day eat beets, adding her V salads, And cook soups with beets.

Medical gymnastics

All exercises directed on strengthening aperture. Follow each By three times.

  • Stand up directly, legs put How Can wider, hands spread out V sides. Deep inhale, start slow incline forward, simultaneously exhaling air, try at this How Can stronger pull in muscles belly.
  • Lie down on back, hands on stomach. Exhale air through mouth, pressing hands on diaphragm, How would helping exit air.
  • Deep inhale, freeze on three seconds And start abruptly exhale through lips-straw, Not inflating cheeks. On one deep inhale at you should turn out to be Not less ten jerky exhalations. This exercise helps departure sputum.
  • Deep inhale, freeze on some seconds And sharp exhale through mouth.
  • Also do deep inhale And detain air V lungs. Hands before yourself, squeeze fists. Get tense, hands bend And let me down To shoulders. Not exhaling, sharp recline hands V sides And, relaxing, exhale maximum air through mouth.
  • Restore breath will help exercise, which recommend yoga. Slowly inhale twelve seconds, on following fourty eight seconds detain breath. Exhale air should slowly, watch out for stopwatch And try stretch exhalation on twenty four seconds.
  • Healthy inflation air balls. minutes five in the morning And In the evening give time this children's fun.
  • Or, pouring V jar water, insert V her cocktail straw And, having done inhale through nose, exhale through mouth V water.

Prevention pneumofibrosis

  • Try Not catch a cold, For you Very dangerous bronchitis, pneumonia, Yes And banal acute respiratory infections Also can give complication.
  • Ventilate room And residential, And working. If You are you working on production With harmful conditions labor, related With gas pollution, dustiness or increased humidity air, Necessarily put on respirator. A better change work.
  • Come on in medical examination Not less often one times V year.

Video - Pneumosclerosis of the lungs

Do you get sick often?

Pneumofibrosis is a fairly common disease, the likelihood of detection of which increases with age. This disease is often considered as a type of age-related pathology, which is present to one degree or another in any patient whose age has exceeded 40 years. Especially for readers of Popular Health, I will consider how to treat pulmonary fibrosis using folk remedies.

Pneumofibrosis - features of the condition

Pneumofibrosis is usually understood as a fairly broad group of diseases that are accompanied by the proliferation of connective tissue, which underlies the development of respiratory failure.

Pneumofibrosis is a progressive disease. No treatment can stop, much less reverse, this disease. All treatment measures are aimed only at slowing down the process of proliferation of connective tissue.

The reasons for the development of pulmonary fibrosis are quite varied. Most often, pulmonologists mention the dangers of smoking and hazardous conditions labor. This is the first. Secondly, self-medication of certain lung diseases, for example, pneumonia, can lead to the development of the disease. Long-term use of certain medications can also be accompanied by pneumofibrosis, which is a side effect of treatment.

There are no specific manifestations of pulmonary fibrosis. Patients may complain of cough, shortness of breath, weakness, decreased tolerance physical activity, frequent cold infections and so on. Often this disease is determined by chance, for example, during a regular medical examination.


Treatment of pulmonary fibrosis should be complex and comprehensive. Not a single measure of influence, taken out of the general therapeutic context, is capable of slowing down the dynamics of progression. However, with a rational approach, the patient’s quality of life will be almost completely preserved.

Elimination of harmful factors

None curative measure will not have any effect against the background of continued smoking or working during harmful conditions. When identifying pulmonary fibrosis, quitting smoking and changing the type of difficult activity are the primary measures to influence the body.

The dangers of smoking are not a controversial issue. Much has been said about the harmfulness of this habit. It is also gratifying that the state is recent years pays a lot of attention to popularizing a healthy lifestyle, as well as other measures aimed at quitting tobacco consumption.


Inhalations with medicinal herbs deserve the greatest effectiveness in the fight against pulmonary fibrosis. For this purpose, it is better to use special devices called nebulizers.

Infusion medicinal herbs poured into the nebulizer. The patient inhales evenly sprayed steam. In the absence of such a device, you can carry out the procedure in the old-fashioned way - hot water is added to the infusion, and the patient, covering his head with a blanket, breathes water vapor.

Anise infusion

Anise seeds are considered almost the most effective means, which can significantly slow down the progression of the disease. The exact mechanism of the influence of this substance on the processes of synthesis of connective tissue in the lungs has not been studied at this time.

To prepare the medicinal potion, you need 1 tablespoon of anise seeds, which for maximum effectiveness are best ground to a powder. Plant raw materials need to be poured with a glass of boiling water and cooled to room temperature. You need to take the mood half a glass 2 times a day.


Ginger root contains a lot of chemical compounds that are beneficial to humans. Some substances are not found at all in other plants. Regular intake of a small amount of ginger significantly improves the condition of the bronchi and lung parenchyma, accelerating the processes of mucus removal, suppressing inflammation, and inhibiting the development of opportunistic microflora.

Rosehip infusion

Rosehip is a real treasure trove huge amount ascorbic acid, which regulates the processes of connective tissue synthesis. In addition, vitamin C normalizes the activity of the immune system, improving the body's resistance to the onslaught of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

You need to consume an infusion of rose hips every day. It is advisable to prepare the healing potion immediately before use. For one serving of an invigorating drink, you need a tablespoon of berries, which you need to pour into a glass. hot water. You need to take it after 10 minutes of infusion.


Only the lazy don’t talk about the benefits of regular physical exercise at the moment. Sports load allows you to speed up most metabolic reactions, normalize cardiovascular and nervous system, normalize the functioning of the digestive organs.

Physical activity for pulmonary fibrosis is critically important. With increased blood flow in the lung tissues, the processes of excessive synthesis of connective tissue are suppressed, which slows down the rate of progression of the disease. True, you need to train, at least at first, under the supervision of a physical therapy doctor.


It is very important to undergo preventive examinations at least 2 times a year, which will allow you to identify signs of progression of the disease and promptly change treatment tactics.



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