What foods to avoid before giving birth. A diet before childbirth is necessary so as not to “feed” the baby

In the third trimester, closer to the date of birth, expectant mothers are already beginning to think about what has not yet been done for a successful delivery. All prescribed ultrasounds have been completed, tests have been taken, necessary acquisitions done. All that remains is to wait and at the same time eat right to help the body cope with the most important task in life - giving birth to a long-awaited and desired child. So, more about the diet before childbirth.

The main principle of nutrition during pregnancy is simple and healthy food, rich in vitamins, proteins, . The absence of canned food, fatty and spicy foods on the menu is also desirable. Indeed, during the period of bearing a child, a woman’s body becomes vulnerable to stress that was previously tolerated normally, for example, to the use of fatty foods. During pregnancy, they can cause diarrhea, which is fraught with vitamin deficiency and lack of nutrition for the baby in the womb.

  1. 30 days before the expected date of birth. Nutritionists advise to “say goodbye” for a while to animal protein in the form of meat and fish, eggs and butter, as well as milk. Fermented milk products should be left in the diet. Yogurt and cottage cheese, kefir and sour cream - one of these products should be on the menu every day. The emphasis should be on plant foods and porridges with black bread, which can be accompanied by dessert fresh juices, fruits and dried fruits, herbal teas. But you should also be careful with herbs a month before giving birth, because, for example, thyme stimulates uterine contractions. Therefore, it is better to remember this tea after childbirth.
  2. Fourteen days before the expected birth. It is advisable to remove even porridge from the diet during this period, leaving only plant foods and fermented milk products. It can be varied vegetable salads with vegetable oil, potatoes and beans in moderate amount, yoghurts and cottage cheese casseroles. This food will help your intestines. expectant mother remain unloaded. And such restrictions are explained by the fact that the child in the womb of its mother is already too large, and it is not easy for her body to cope with the processing of heavy food.
  3. Seven days before giving birth. During this period, nutritionists advise pregnant women to exclude from the menu fermented milk products and leave only vegetable ones, that is, temporarily become vegetarians. Juices and fruits, vegetables and salads with vegetable oils are allowed. Vegetables can be boiled and baked, fruit soufflés and jelly can be made.
  4. On the day of the expected birth, If you feel the first contractions or your water breaks, it is better not to eat anything. This is explained by two factors. The first is one that occurs during contractions. The second is the need for the intestines to remain empty, since after childbirth it will be difficult for a woman to go to the toilet. It is recommended to do an enema at the beginning of labor, since it is less painful than during the process. When contractions begin, you can drink without gas with lemon. It is better if it is table water.
  5. Diet. A month before giving birth, it is advisable for a woman to switch to fractional meals. It can be 4 or 5 times. In this case, the optimal interval between meals will be 3-3.5 hours. Eating a little, but often, will greatly ease the work of both the stomach and intestines. It is better if you eat higher-calorie dishes in the first half of the day (porridge), and fermented milk products and fruits become the basis of your dinner. This diet will make it easier for the expectant mother to sleep and move, because some women even have great difficulty walking a month before giving birth. It is better not to drink juices after 19.00, otherwise the pressure of the uterus will increase. bladder and the diuretic effect they have can make you get up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night.
  6. Method of preparing food. A month before giving birth, it is better to prepare vegetables by baking in the oven rather than boiling. This heat treatment will preserve more vitamins and nutrients in them.

One of the most important points in preparation for childbirth is readiness female body to very strong physical activity. What do you mean? In this case, the elasticity of the vaginal muscles. This unobvious, difficult-to-control quality determines whether a woman will have ruptures during childbirth or not.

Proper preparation for childbirth is, first of all, proper nutrition. How can nutrition affect the elasticity of intimate muscles and help avoid tears during childbirth? The most direct. And we will show it now.

What should the diet be like during the ninth month of pregnancy?

The basic nutritional rules for a pregnant woman do not change even in the ninth month: a minimum of preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and other artificial food additives, no alcohol, maximum vegetables and fruits, regular consumption of fish as a source of unique food nutrients. However, in addition to these nutritional rules, new ones should appear that will help increase the elasticity of the perineal muscles. It is also necessary to reduce or completely eliminate from the diet foods that impair the elasticity of intimate muscles. What kind of products are these?

What you can and cannot eat a couple of weeks before giving birth

  • Animal protein. in the ninth month of pregnancy you need to sharply reduce your consumption of red meat - we do it intimate muscles“hard” and can cause the baby to develop birth injuries due to difficult childbirth. Therefore, you should reduce or completely eliminate meat, and minimize the consumption of fish and eggs. This will allow the muscles birth canal to be more elastic, plastic, will facilitate the advancement of the child, which will serve as the prevention of ruptures during childbirth, birth injuries of the newborn.
  • Hard cheeses are another product that it is advisable to exclude from your diet. Hard cheeses contain a lot of calcium, which in the ninth month of pregnancy is not beneficial, but harmful (it helps to harden the bones of the baby’s skull). In addition, hard cheeses make digestion difficult and make stools hard and problematic. And the same muscles are responsible for defecation and childbirth. And too much effort when freeing from feces can even lead to premature birth, especially if this threat existed.
  • Vegetable oils should definitely be in the diet. They are a good prevention of hemorrhoids, increase muscle elasticity, and prevent drying out of the mucous membrane during childbirth.

  • Vegetables and fruits. Before giving birth, you need to lean on carrots: they are rich in vitamin E, which maintains tissue tone and promotes their speedy recovery after childbirth. Carrots are low in calories and are a source of... essential vitamins, minerals. Pumpkin is also very useful - it contains a lot of pectins, which have a very beneficial effect. beneficial influence to your health gastrointestinal tract. Zucchini, squash, and cucumbers are very good for the liver, which has to work very hard in the last month of pregnancy: the child has already grown up and requires more and more attention from the mother’s main organs.

Last month pregnancy is the most exciting and long-awaited moment for a woman: the baby is formed, and it is worth preparing for its imminent appearance. The ninth month is important not so much for the growth and health of the baby in the womb, but for preparation female body to delivery. To make childbirth easier and more safely, gynecologists recommend that pregnant women perform various exercises for muscles pelvic floor, train to breathe correctly during childbirth and adhere to special diet. A woman must strictly monitor her diet; it must be balanced, healthy, and not contain alcohol. But before childbirth, the composition of food changes dramatically.

By the 37th week, the baby is already fully formed, viable and ready to be born. Over the previous 8 months, he received everything he needed to develop. The last month should be aimed at preparing the pelvic muscles for the passage of the child. The essence of the diet is to relieve the woman’s body, not to overfeed the baby, and to choose a set of products that will strengthen the pelvic muscles and make them more elastic.

Which foods to exclude and which to add?

  1. Animal. The consumption of fish and eggs should be reduced or minimized. This will allow the muscles of the birth canal to be more elastic, plastic, and will facilitate the advancement of the child, which will serve as the prevention of ruptures during childbirth and birth injuries of the newborn.
  2. Products rich in . Milk, cottage cheese, cheeses, fermented milk products, and fish are rich in it. Calcium is not needed before childbirth - it helps to harden the bones of the baby's skull, and this makes it difficult for him to pass through the birth canal. It would be a mistake to completely give up fermented milk drinks, they best products For normal operation intestines, maintenance healthy microflora. But if the birth is scheduled for a certain date, it will be C-section, then the restriction is removed.
  3. . You can opt for olive and linseed oils, if you like something else, please. 1-2 tablespoons per day will be enough. Vegetable oil You can add it to soups and season vegetable salads. The oils will serve as a preventive measure for hemorrhoids, increase muscle elasticity, and prevent drying out of the mucous membrane during childbirth. But you need to give up animal fats: they reduce the elasticity of tissues, which leads to muscle tears during childbirth.
  4. Carrot. It must be present in the diet of the expectant mother. It is rich in vitamins, which maintains tissue tone and promotes their speedy recovery after childbirth. Carrots are low in calories and are a source of essential vitamins and minerals.

In addition to the listed product recommendations, do not forget about eating five meals a day and small snacks. You should not eat before bed, especially foods that cause heartburn and belching. Observe drinking regime: if the fluid in the body does not stagnate, drink 2 liters per day; if the gynecologist recommended limiting fluid and salt intake, then follow these rules.

Menu before childbirth

Raw, boiled or baked vegetables must be present in the diet of a woman preparing for childbirth.

A woman’s menu before childbirth should consist of: dairy-free cereals, stewed, fried, boiled and baked vegetables, dried fruits, and raw. You can eat one of the following per day fermented milk products: sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese or kefir.

10 days before the expected date of birth, it is advisable to exclude even porridge from the diet, leaving only vegetables and fruits.

Examples of dishes that can be prepared before childbirth

Many people do not know the full range of possible vegetable dishes. Let's give some examples, and you can cook, based on these ideas, whatever suits your taste best.

  • Soups without meat broth, kholodnik, or cold borscht, okroshka.
  • Vegetable casserole, potatoes baked with vegetables and sour cream in the oven. Baked apples.
  • Vegetable stew.
  • Vegetables in batter.
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls without meat, peppers stuffed with rice.
  • Potato pancakes, pancakes from or zucchini.
  • Rice and zucchini casserole.
  • Salads.
  • Beans or green beans, cooked with onions, tomatoes and carrots.
  • with white sauce, stewed cabbage, solyanka.
  • Vegetable cutlets.
  • Stewed carrots with sour cream.
  • Stewed eggplant, squash caviar.
  • Pumpkin porridge.
  • Compotes. Kiseli.

Day of birth

The day of birth will be indicated by the gynecologist at the last consultation. Harbingers of the onset of labor will be minor contractions and leakage of water. If childbirth occurs, then it is better not to eat anything - this can cause vomiting, belching, and will take up some of the energy to digest food, and this should be saved for childbirth.

On the day of birth, it is better not to eat, but to drink more. It is healthier for muscles to drink non-carbonated or drinking water, teas from mint, lemon balm, currants, raspberries. But if you really want to eat, you can satisfy your hunger with a small portion light food, which does not cause nausea and disgust. The main thing is not to overeat, and not to choose foods that make you thirsty.

It is best to refrain from eating, because after childbirth the intestines do not work, and food may remain in it long time, which enhances the processes of rotting and fermentation.

Remember: a diet should not exhaust a woman.

If she is constantly hungry due to refusal certain products If you become nervous, capricious, or sleep poorly, you can adjust your diet and sometimes allow yourself to eat what you want.

Having learned that she is pregnant, a woman accepts a lot of restrictions: in lifestyle, behavior, habits and, of course, food. Now we are not talking about the famous folk wisdom, saying that now the expectant mother will have to eat for two.

Quite the contrary! Throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, a pregnant woman must follow certain gastronomic rules, adhere to a diet and eat according to a special regimen.

Today, nutritionists successfully create a variety of menu options for pregnant women at any stage of pregnancy. Indeed, nutrition in the first trimester is significantly different from the third and, even more so, from prenatal.

The prenatal period is considered to be the month before the expected delivery.

How to find out your due date?

The expected date of birth is calculated by the obstetrician-gynecologist observing the expectant mother based on the date last menstrual period And normal duration full pregnancy(40 weeks). It is also noted on the sick leave certificate for pregnancy and childbirth, which is issued in antenatal clinic. Knowing this date, a month before the “special” day, a pregnant woman should begin gastronomic preparations for it.

For the birth to be successful - without unpleasant moments, easily and without interruptions - you should adjust your own menu according to the basic rules, which will be described below.

What should a pregnant woman eat a month before giving birth?

For 8 months, the baby grew and developed in the womb. The process of laying down organs and tissues was especially active in the first trimester. Therefore, at the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother’s diet included significant amount animal protein. It was represented by meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese, butter, eggs and other products.

A week before the expected delivery, you should abandon animal protein in favor of plant protein.

The main products and dishes that make up a pregnant woman’s diet a month before delivery should be:

  • Porridge (cooked in water);
  • Roasted vegetable dishes;
  • Fermented milk products;
  • Plant food;
  • Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices;
  • Mineral water;
  • Teas, including herbal ones (only if there are no contraindications during pregnancy on the packaging).

What should a pregnant woman eat 2 weeks before giving birth?

Time passes - the expected date of birth is approaching, and restrictions are becoming stricter. After eliminating animal protein from the expectant mother’s diet, you should say goodbye to cereals and bread.

The basis of nutrition for 2 weeks before delivery should be plant and fermented milk foods.

Speaking about plant foods, I would like to note that it is better to season vegetable salads with unrefined vegetable oil, ideally olive oil. This is explained a large number the vitamin E it contains. A woman needs it before giving birth, since its presence in the body makes a woman’s birth canal more elastic.

As a result, childbirth takes place without ruptures or forced incisions.

Oils also contain Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids who play important role in the formation of oxytocin (a hormone that supports labor).

I would like to immediately make a reservation that we're talking about O unrefined oils. They are consumed in “raw” form, that is, not subjected to heat treatment. Heating makes them harmful.

A great way to nourish your body natural vitamin E – drink a glass of freshly squeezed water every day carrot juice, washing it down with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. However, this should not be done for those who have liver problems.

Another option is to eat a salad of grated carrots seasoned with vegetable oil every day.

What should a pregnant woman eat a week before giving birth?

The due date is approaching...

A week before giving birth, you need to give up fermented milk products. Only plant foods remain in the diet.

Refusal of “sour milk” is explained by the needlessness of its presence in the body large quantity calcium. It had to be replenished at the stage of “construction” of the child’s body, so that the expectant mother felt good and did not have pain in the bones and problems with teeth.

Therefore, obstetricians-gynecologists advise their patients to lean on cottage cheese throughout pregnancy.

However, a week before birth, excess calcium can lead to ossification of the baby's skull. This is especially dangerous during pregnancy beyond 40 weeks. The skull bones of an unborn baby must be soft to fit through the narrow birth canal.

How to eat on the day of birth

Immediately on the day of birth, it is advisable to limit food intake. It's better to leave only water. The intestines must be clean in the prenatal period, so all pregnant women undergo a cleansing enema before giving birth.

Many women also experience nausea and vomiting during labor. Therefore, you should not be overzealous in nutrition.

How much can a pregnant woman drink during the prenatal period?

The question of the amount of water you drink per day is acute throughout pregnancy.

If the observing obstetrician-gynecologist sees swelling, as a rule, he will advise limiting fluid and salt intake. Therefore, you should strictly follow your doctor's recommendations.

If there are no difficulties with edema or other problems, simply limit your fluid intake during the prenatal period. It is better to eat a whole fruit than to drink a glass of liquid.

Speaking about what you can drink and what you cannot drink, we note the following points.

You shouldn’t even think about soda and alcohol throughout pregnancy, and especially before giving birth. Pregnant women who are prone to high blood pressure, it is worth reducing the consumption of strong tea and coffee in the prenatal period.

It is best to drink clean bottled or purified water, green and herbal teas allowed during pregnancy. Excellent product, which helps remove water from the body - tea brewed with apple peels (apples should be your own and not bought in a supermarket).

You will definitely agree with me that dietary restrictions are mere trifles compared to the happiness that fate has given you!

A child is love made visible.

The prenatal period is enough time strict diet for the expectant mother. In particular, about a month before the expected birth (that is, from the 36th week of pregnancy), it is recommended to remove animal protein- meat, fish, eggs, butter, milk. The diet of a pregnant woman at this time should consist of fermented milk products, plant foods, water porridge, baked vegetables, fresh juices, mineral water, herbal teas. However, when it comes to herbs, you should definitely consult your doctor because some herbs, such as thyme, can stimulate uterine contractions.

The closer the due date approaches, the more limited the diet becomes, because you cannot overload the intestines before childbirth. So, two weeks before giving birth, porridge and bread should be excluded from a pregnant woman’s diet; only plant foods and fermented milk products can be left. However, after another week it is advised to give up fermented milk products.

On the day of birth, it is better not to eat anything at all. This is due to two reasons: firstly, nausea and even vomiting often occur during contractions, and secondly, the intestines must be empty, since after childbirth it is very difficult to go to the toilet. You can drink water with lemon, but it is worth considering that even if it is opened too much, it can cause vomiting.

Of course, such a strict diet before childbirth does not mean at all that on the day of birth you can eat everything you can get your hands on. Eating on the first day after birth should be very light, and starting from the second day until milk comes in, it is better to abstain from food or reduce it to a minimum. To reassure expectant mothers, we can say that you don’t feel like eating after giving birth: there are too many worries, the condition is too unusual, and, besides, the body knows perfectly well what it can and cannot do.

This diet looks very strict, but it will help avoid many intestinal problems that are very typical during the prenatal period. In addition, let us remind you that many products can help prepare a woman’s body tissues for childbirth. For example, vegetable oil is useful in any quantity both because of the vitamin E content in it and because it helps make both the blood vessels and tissues of the birth canal more elastic. In addition, this is an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids. Vegetable oil goes well with grated carrot salad or just carrot juice.

Immediately before giving birth, a woman can prepare herself a mixture of herbs: thyme (it comes in handy here), mint, lemon balm, oregano, rose hips, currants or raspberries. The tea brewed with this mixture should be drunk little by little during labor and after childbirth.

After childbirth, just strong tea with honey, lemon and a small amount of sweet red wine is good - it will give you strength and help you relax after the hard work of childbirth. Therefore, after asking permission from the doctor, it would be good to ask your husband to make such tea and bring it in a thermos to the maternity hospital.

On the first day after birth
On the first day after giving birth, you can eat something light: yogurt, cottage cheese, muesli (without chocolate and without honey) cornflakes, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge, baked apples, banana, yellow peaches, some cookies, a piece of lean and unsalted boiled fish.

On the second day after birth
Starting from the second day until the milk comes in, the amount of food should be reduced to a minimum! This is necessary so that more milk does not arrive than the baby can eat, so that there is no expansion of the breast. You can afford no more than half a liter of liquids per day (mineral water, purified water, sour juice). If the baby suckles for enough time, the milk will come evenly (by the way, in nature this is exactly what animals do - for the first two or three days they do not leave the hole and do not eat).

After the milk comes in
And, starting from the third or fourth day, when the milk has already arrived, you can gradually return to your usual diet. But do not load up on high-calorie foods, because at this time the mother still moves little and does not spend much energy.

Bowel problems in pregnant women
About 80% of pregnant women complain of intestinal problems (constipation, diarrhea). This is due to the restructuring of the body and, as a rule, represents dysbacteriosis. Avoid similar ailments possible by eating as much as possible vegetable fiber– fresh, stewed, baked vegetables and fruits, herbs. And also - periodically cleansing the intestines, that is, using a regular enema. In the absence of contraindications (threat of miscarriage, for example), you can do a monthly enema of water at room temperature with a tablespoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar. You can start with half a liter, and later you can increase it to two liters of water. An enema is especially recommended for those who complain of long-term (up to a week) constipation. For good bowel function, you can arrange fasting days. But everything should be a joy. If you hate cottage cheese, don't choke on it all day long. You can “sit” for a day on fruit or oatmeal, or on apples, on juices (freshly prepared!).

Medicinal supplements
Take any medications, supplements, vitamins at last resort, if there is no other way out. Almost all the substances that the body needs can be obtained from food. Not enough calcium? You can chop the shell of one boiled egg, extinguish lemon juice. And a teaspoon of this mixture will satisfy the daily calcium requirement.



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