What does Heparin ointment help with - instructions for use and features.

Today, disorders of venous blood flow in the extremities and internal organs are one of the most frequently diagnosed pathologies. There are many drugs on the market whose manufacturers promise a comprehensive solution to such problems. The price of most of them is quite high. An exception can be considered Heparin ointment - an affordable drug used both in cosmetology and in the medical field.

The drug is a direct-acting anticoagulant. When ingested, it has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. Slows down the formation of fibrin, thereby reducing the likelihood of blood clots. The drug is quickly eliminated from the body by the kidneys thanks to active excipients.

Release form and price

Heparin ointment for external use is available in a tin tube of 25 or 10 g (one tube in a pack). It has a white color with a yellowish tint and a thick consistency. The drug does not leave marks on the skin and clothing, and also has a cooling and anesthetic effect.

The price of a medicine, as well as its composition, may vary depending on the place where it is purchased and the specific manufacturer. On average, it ranges from 30 to 45 rubles per package weighing 10 g and from 45 to 100 rubles per 25-gram tube.

The product must be stored in a dry place where light does not penetrate, at a temperature no higher than 15 degrees. Under this regime, the shelf life is three years. Children are strictly prohibited from accessing the drug.

Composition and mechanism of action

The main substances included in the drug are sodium heparin, benzocaine and benzyl nicotate:

The main active ingredient is gradually released from the applied ointment and is actively absorbed due to the action of benzyl nicotinate. It reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, which makes it possible to use the drug in various fields. The drug does not pass into breast milk and is metabolized within an hour and a half.

The ointment also includes additional components:

  1. Petrolatum. Helps protect the skin from flaking and has moisturizing properties.
  2. Glycerol. It has a softening effect and helps protect the skin from cracking and drying out.
  3. Stearic acid. Increases the protective properties of the skin, providing protection from ultraviolet radiation, temperature influences and wind.

Depending on the manufacturer, the drug may also contain paraffin, emulsifiers, methyl and propyl parahydroxybenzoates, and sunflower oil.

Indications and contraindications

So, what does the drug help with? It is used to eliminate the following symptoms and pathologies:

  • swelling, bruising and hematomas of a traumatic nature;
  • pain after suffering bruises, dislocations and fractures;
  • thrombophlebitis (a disease caused by blockage of blood flow due to blockage by blood clots);
  • varicose veins and its complications - an increase in the size of the vein, a decrease in the density of its walls, as well as venous nodules;
  • inflammation of the veins after injections;
  • haemorrhoids.

Contraindications for use are:

The specialist prescribes the method of use and dosage of the medicine. The product can be used in cosmetology and in the treatment of other types of diseases.

Methods of application

Instructions for use include applying a thin layer of ointment to damaged areas 2-3 times a day with soft circular movements at the rate of 1 g of product per 5 cm of skin. In most cases, the course of treatment lasts from three days to a week, but in each situation the specialist may prescribe a longer course.

For children, depending on the size of the affected area, a single dose is 0.5-2 cm of ointment. Larger quantities should not be used. Do not apply ointment to mucous membranes, open wounds and ulcers.

In cosmetology

The product is quite common in the beauty industry. It is used for the following skin problems:

  • swelling and dark circles under the eyes;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • the appearance of early wrinkles;
  • redness and inflammation.

To combat dark circles and swelling, apply the ointment with a fingertip in a very thin layer to the skin under the eyes. It can be used no more than once a day for 5-7 days. Under no circumstances should the product be applied to dry skin. Thanks to the combination of components, the drug is able to dry it out, resulting in peeling and flabbiness.

For post-acne and acne, the problem can be eliminated by applying ointment to problem areas 2-3 times a day. After a week, the result becomes noticeable, inflammation disappears, and skin color normalizes.

The product has the greatest effect in smoothing wrinkles in combination with vitamin supplements. It is applied in a thin layer using patting movements. The result is the narrowing of pores, restoration of the skin, the disappearance of age spots and the contouring of the face.

The course lasts a week, and the drug should be used 1-2 times a day. For wrinkles under the eyes, the product should be used with caution - do not allow it to come into contact with the mucous membrane, as this can lead to the development of allergies and inflammation.

At the same time, you should understand that you won’t be able to get rid of deep wrinkles – this will require special medications or cosmetic surgery.

A heparin-based product helps prevent the appearance of new wrinkles and smooth out small existing ones. If irritation, itching or redness occurs, you should immediately stop using the product until complete recovery.

In proctology

With hemorrhoids, the inflammatory process is pronounced, which can cause the appearance of thrombosed nodes. The ointment eliminates the causes of inflammation and prevents exudate from entering the tissue. Thanks to the active ingredients, the drug quickly penetrates the skin, activating metabolic processes. As a result, swelling decreases, nodes disappear, and blood circulation accelerates.

The ointment is easy to use - it does not leave marks on the body or clothes, and is quickly absorbed. Depending on the type of disease, there are two ways to use it:

The drug is used until the pain disappears. The maximum period of use is 10 days, during which the ointment is used 2-3 times daily.

For bruises and bumps from injections

Heparin reduces inflammation without irritating the skin around the injured area. It increases the rate of tissue regeneration and has anti-exudative properties. Excipients have an analgesic effect and cool the damaged area.

The drug is applied to the damaged area in a thin strip up to 10 cm in length with soft rubbing movements. The course lasts from 5 to 10 days; the product cannot be used more than three times a day. If there is no effect within a week, you should consult a doctor to identify hidden forms of damage.

For potency

The ointment stimulates the reaction of the penis by accelerating blood flow and dilating blood vessels. The cooling effect of the drug makes it possible to prolong sexual intercourse. When used as a course, the product helps get rid of the appearance of small blood clots and plaques. The procedure is carried out 15-20 minutes before intimate contact. The ointment is applied in a thin layer along the entire length of the genital organ. The course of treatment cannot last more than 14 days.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, the drug is often prescribed to prevent vascular problems and combat the formation of blood clots. The drug can be used throughout pregnancy, but in the last trimester - with caution.

During the experiments, it was found that the drug is not able to penetrate the placental membrane, so there is no need to worry about the health of the child.

The ointment is applied based on body weight no more than twice a day. Before use, you must agree on the course with your doctor.

Possible side effects

In practice, there is no evidence of drug overdose. In some cases, an allergic reaction to the components of the drug may occur. If the rules of use are violated, the following side effects occur:

  • hyperemia of the affected area;
  • swelling.

The use of ointment in combination with other anticoagulants is prohibited - their combined action can affect blood clotting. Combination with drugs containing tetracycline and antihistamine ingredients is also not recommended.

The medicine does not interfere with working with machinery and driving vehicles, and does not reduce the level of attentiveness and reaction. If negative effects occur, you should immediately stop using the product and consult a specialist.


There are no similar products containing the active substance.

Among the drugs that have a similar mechanism of action and are included in the same pharmacological group, there are:

  • (400-500 rubles).
  • Lyoton 1000 (350-400 rubles).
  • Contractubex (620-670 rubles).
  • Venitan forte (300-370 rubles).

The above medications do not have such a wide range of applications, and are also more expensive.

Why and how is it used? It is this issue that today’s article will be devoted to.

General information

Heparin ointment is a medical preparation for external use. It belongs to the group of direct-acting anticoagulants. Doctors almost always prescribe this remedy to their patients if there is an urgent need for it. But often people themselves purchase such an ointment, since it is dispensed without a doctor’s prescription.

So, let's find out in what cases this remedy is used, how it works, and what contraindications it has.

Composition of the drug

Before answering the question of what it is and how it is used in medical practice, you should find out its composition. The active ingredients of this drug are:

  • benzocaine;
  • sodium heparin;
  • benzyl nicotinate.

In addition, the product contains auxiliary components: glycerin, stearin, petroleum jelly, purified water, peach oil, etc.

Heparin ointment: indications for the drug

There are quite a few diseases that can be treated with a drug such as heparin ointment. What is this remedy used for? To answer the question, we decided to present to your attention a small list that includes the most common ailments for the prevention and treatment of which this particular medication is used (sometimes in combination with other drugs):

  • external or as well as inflammation of hemorrhoids after childbirth;
  • trophic ulcers of the leg;
  • treatment and prevention of venous thrombosis and thrombophlebitis (most often arising against the background of varicose veins);
  • post-infusion and post-injection phlebitis, as well as periphlebitis (that is, inflammation of the veins and surrounding tissues);
  • superficial mastitis;
  • inflammation of blood vessels (lymphatic);
  • various swelling, infiltrates and hematomas (subcutaneous);
  • injuries and bruises of subcutaneous or fatty tissue, joints, muscle tissue, tendons, etc.

Heparin ointment: for what and how is it used?

If necessary, the product is applied in a thin layer to the affected area and then gently rubbed into the skin. The course of treatment with ointment ranges from 3 to 7 days (use 2-4 times a day or more).

  • For varicose veins, it is recommended to apply this drug to the skin very carefully. In this case, the product should not be actively rubbed into the affected areas, as this can easily lead to the spread of the inflammatory process throughout the vessel, as well as create a threat of rupture of existing blood clots.
  • For hemorrhoids (external), the ointment must be applied to a cotton pad and then applied to the inflamed nodes. If lumps have formed inside the anus, the drug should be administered using a special nozzle.
  • For injuries and bruises, it is advisable to apply this remedy not immediately, but only the next day. Otherwise, this may cause bleeding from damaged vessels.

Now you know what heparin ointment is, what it is used for and how to use it correctly. However, it is worth noting that the product is strictly prohibited from being applied to abrasions and open wounds, as well as to skin areas where there are pustules, pimples, etc.

Heparin ointment: instructions for use


active substance: heparin (in the form of sodium heparin) - 2500 IU; benzocaine (anesthetic) – 1000.0 mg, benzylnicotinate – 20.0 mg;

excipients: glycerin, emulsifier No. 1, soft paraffin, white, stearic acid, sunflower oil, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water.


white ointment with a yellowish tint.

Pharmacological action

Heparin ointment, when applied to the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, prevents the formation of blood clots and has a local anesthetic effect.

Gradually released from the ointment heparin has an antithrombotic effect and reduces the inflammatory process; benzyl ester of nicotinic acid ( benzyl nicotinate) dilates superficial vessels, facilitating the absorption of heparin; anesthesin has an analgesic effect.


Heparin is slightly absorbed from the surface of the skin. Bonding with plasma proteins is up to 95%, volume of distribution is 0.06 l/kg. Does not penetrate the placenta or into breast milk. Intensively captured by endothelial cells and cells of the mononuclear-macrophage system, concentrated in the liver and spleen. Metabolized in the liver with the participation of N-desulfamidase and platelet heparinase, which is involved in the metabolism of heparin at later stages. Desulfated molecules are converted into low molecular weight fragments by kidney endoglycosidase. The half-life averages 1.5 hours. Excreted by the kidneys. Topical application of Heparin ointment does not cause changes in coagulation parameters in humans. Benzyl nicotinate penetrates into all layers of the skin. It practically does not enter the systemic circulation. Benzocaine is practically not absorbed when applied externally.

Indications for use

Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins, post-injection and post-infusion phlebitis, inflammation of external hemorrhoids.


The use of heparin ointment is contraindicated in case of ulcerative-necrotic processes in the area of ​​thrombophlebitis, as well as in cases of reduced blood clotting and thrombocytopenia.

Pregnancy and lactation

The safety of the drug during pregnancy and lactation has not been established. Heparin does not cross the placental barrier and is not excreted in breast milk. There is no information about the passage of other components of the drug into breast milk.

Heparin ointment is used during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or child.

Directions for use and doses

Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins, post-injection and post-infusion phlebitis. Apply a thin layer of ointment (0.5-1 g per area with a diameter of 3-5 cm) to the affected area and carefully rub the ointment into the skin.

Inflammation of external hemorrhoids. The ointment is applied to a calico or linen pad, which is applied directly to the hemorrhoids and secured with a bandage. For the same purpose, you can use a tampon soaked in heparin ointment, which is inserted into the anus.

For children, the drug is applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin and rubbed in with light movements. A single dose for children depends on the area of ​​the lesion and can be 0.5 - 3 cm of a column of ointment.

The ointment is used 2-3 times a day every day until the inflammation disappears, no more than 10 days.

Side effect

With prolonged use of the drug, local reactions are possible in the form of skin hyperemia, decreased sensitivity at the site of application, allergic reactions (skin rash, itching).

Risk of developing heparin-induced, antibody-mediated thrombocytopenia type II (with a decrease in platelet count<100.000×10 9 /л или быстрым падением числа тромбоцитов до <50% от исходного уровня, с артериальным или венозным тромбозом или эмболией) не может быть исключен при применении топических форм гепарина. Поэтому при применении гепариновой мази следует дополнительно контролировать количество тромбоцитов в крови у пациентов с тромбоэмболическими осложнениями в анамнезе.

When parenteral heparin is administered to patients without pre-existing hypersensitivity to heparin, a decrease in platelet count can usually occur 6-14 days after the start of treatment. In patients hypersensitive to heparin, thrombocytopenia may develop within a few hours.


To date, the phenomena of overdose when using heparin ointment have not been described.

With prolonged use on large surfaces, hemorrhagic complications are possible.

Treatment: drug withdrawal. If necessary, use a heparin antagonist - protamine sulfate (1% solution).

Interaction with other drugs

The anticoagulant effect of heparin is enhanced by the simultaneous use of anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ergot alkaloids, thyroxine, tetracycline, antihistamines and nicotine reduce the effect of heparin.

The ointment is not prescribed topically simultaneously with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), tetracyclines, and H1-histamine receptor blockers.


With prolonged use of heparin ointment over large areas and simultaneous use of oral medications that affect the blood coagulation system and/or hematopoiesis, clotting time and prothrombin time should be monitored.

If a long course of treatment is necessary and for large areas of damage in pregnant women and women over 65 years of age, similar monitoring is recommended.

It should not be applied to open wounds in the presence of purulent processes.

Patients with a history of thromboembolic complications should be prescribed the drug Heparin, ointment for external use, with caution, due to the possibility of its systemic action. For the purpose of differential diagnosis of heparin-induced thrombocytopenia type II, it is recommended to determine the number of platelets in the blood.

Methyl parahydroxybenzoate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate may cause delayed allergic reactions.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and other potentially dangerous mechanisms. The drug does not adversely affect the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery.

Release form

Self-medication can be harmful to your health.
You should consult your doctor and read the instructions before use.

You can delay the appearance of the first “bells” of skin aging on your face, at least for some time, not only with the help of expensive creams and other means. Many representatives of the fair sex use certain medications that, according to the indications described in the instructions, are not suitable for getting rid of wrinkles. Heparin ointment is one of these medications that is not always used as intended. Does this medication really have unique properties and can smooth out various types of wrinkles on the skin of the face and décolleté?

Description of the drug

To understand how a product used to eliminate abrasions and bruises for cosmetic purposes works, you should understand its composition. Heparin ointment was not usually used for wrinkles. This product is a direct anticoagulant intended for use in sports medicine and dermatology. The drug also prevents the formation of blood clots and promotes vasodilation.

The active ingredient in the ointment - heparin - reduces (significantly) the amount of fibrin and reduces the possibility of blood cells gluing together. In addition to this component, the medicine contains benzyl nicotinate and benzocaine.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of heparin ointment are various vein pathologies, varicose veins, thrombosis, hemorrhoids, sports injuries (sprains, bruises), lymphangitis, infectious infection of the mammary glands during lactation, post-infusion phlebitis. The product is absolutely safe and therefore can be used during pregnancy.

against wrinkles: reviews

Price is one of the main criteria influencing the choice of the optimal skin care product. Compared to expensive creams from well-known cosmetic brands, this pharmaceutical product is one of the most affordable options (a 25 ml tube costs no more than 50 rubles). Quite often in non-traditional (home) cosmetology, heparin ointment for wrinkles is used. Reviews from cosmetologists on this matter vary: most of them claim that using the drug for other purposes is extremely undesirable.

Experts assure that cheap pharmaceutical medicine cannot completely replace the procedures and cosmetics necessary for skin rejuvenation.

Will heparin ointment help with

Reviews from women who have repeatedly tested the described drug, in most cases, confirm the presence of unique anti-aging properties. The drug improved the condition of the skin for some time. Representatives of the fair sex say that they were helped not by expensive cosmetics, but by cheap heparin ointment from Reviews are occasionally confirmed by photographs before and after using the anticoagulant.

However, do not forget that only specialists can give a correct assessment of the effectiveness of the ointment in the fight against wrinkles on the face. If you study the composition and mechanism of action of the medicine, you can understand that it does not affect the processes of restoration of dermal cells. Indeed, the ointment accelerates microcirculation, improves metabolic processes in tissues and slightly improves the tone of the skin. However, it is completely unable to completely eliminate wrinkles. Also, the product has a relatively short-lived therapeutic effect, and its use on an ongoing basis is not recommended.

How to properly use ointment in cosmetology?

When deciding to use a wrinkle remover, you should follow certain instructions. To see a positive effect, you need to complete a course (10-14 days) during which heparin ointment for wrinkles is used. Reviews from cosmetologists indicate that the product can have a positive effect after the first application. However, this effect will only last for a few days.

It is also necessary to study the contraindications described in the annotation and the side effects of the medication. To begin with, it is better to test for sensitivity to the composition of the ointment and apply a small amount of it to your wrist. In the absence of an allergic reaction (skin redness, itching, rashes), the product can be used for cosmetic purposes. Heparin ointment can indeed be used against wrinkles, but only in the absence of individual intolerance to the drug.

How to apply the product?

The ointment can be used either in its pure form or mixed with regular face cream. The last option will be the most gentle on the skin, and will also have a prolonged effect of the pharmaceutical product. Heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes is applied in a small amount. Many women refused to use the product specifically for this area of ​​the face due to increased sensitivity and the occurrence of an allergic reaction. For others, the product helped eliminate not only minor wrinkles, but also puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. The result will depend entirely on the individual characteristics of the skin.

Heparin ointment is used for wrinkles mainly in combination with other products. In order for the product to have a positive effect and not worsen the condition of the skin, it is necessary to correctly observe the proportions when mixing ointment and face cream. Women who often use this mixture recommend taking three parts of their favorite cream and one part of ointment.

Should it be used for cosmetic purposes?

Having read numerous positive recommendations about a miraculous pharmaceutical remedy that can get rid of wrinkles, most women, of course, will want to try it on themselves. However, do not forget that heparin ointment for wrinkles, the reviews of which were reviewed, is a medicine. This means that it is used in the presence of certain pathological conditions and only as prescribed by a specialist. The drug also has contraindications, which should be familiarized with.

Dry skin, redness, itching are the main side effects that heparin ointment for wrinkles can cause. Reviews and the price of the product allow you to purchase it for use in the fight against signs of skin aging. However, it is not recommended to get carried away with this method of rejuvenation. The drug often causes rosacea and therefore should not be used if there is visible vascular network on the face. Also, the ointment can provoke an exacerbation of acne (comedones). Anti-aging therapy with medication is carried out only after consultation with a cosmetologist and in the absence of contraindications.

Heparin ointment is used to treat ulcers, thrombosis, hemorrhoids, and is also widely used in cosmetology, as the active substances eliminate dark circles under the eyes, reduce hematomas on the body and reduce wrinkles on the face.

The use of heparin ointment reduces pain, relieves swelling, dilates blood vessels and has an antimicrobial effect.

Useful substances and their effects

Active ingredient: heparin (10000 units)

Base: Vaseline

Excipients: anesthesin, benzyl nicotinate, glycerin, cosmetic stearin “D”, peach oil (odor correctant), emulsifier No. 1, nipagin, nipazole (preservatives), purified water.

The drug is produced as a homogeneous ointment for external use in tubes, closed with a lid, usually 10, 25, 50 g.

Storage conditions of the drug: in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding 20 °C. Shelf life: 3 years. Not intended for use by children under 14 years of age.

  • The most important substance in the ointment is heparin. This is an amorphous, odorless powder, a product of animal origin - it is obtained from the lungs of cattle. It is what prevents blood clotting. Heparin reduces the union of blood cells - platelets, which are responsible for blood clotting.
  • Benzyl nicotinate promotes the dilation of blood vessels, thereby facilitating the absorption of heparin.
  • Anestezin reduces pain.

Instructions and indications for use

Before starting drug therapy, you should carefully study the attached instructions.

Heparin ointment is prescribed to patients for the following conditions:


  • bleeding and anal fissures;
  • low blood clotting;
  • ulcers with thrombophlebitis;
  • menstruation period;
  • high blood pressure;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • cirrhosis;
  • gynecological problems;
  • skin diseases;
  • open wounds with suppuration;
  • hemophilia;
  • tissue necrosis;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

Before you start using the product, it is necessary to establish the correct diagnosis. For example, the cause of hemorrhoids may not be swelling of the anus, but a serious disease of the rectum. And the use of heparin ointment in this case will only worsen the problem.

For open wounds, heparin ointment should not be used, as it inhibits the proliferation of connective tissue, which inhibits wound healing. The product can only be applied to intact skin.

If the patient has low blood clotting, then applying this medicine to the wound can lead to bleeding and the formation of hemorrhages on the skin. If the hematoma is large, then treatment with heparin ointment will only worsen the problem.

This medicine should not be combined with medications containing antibiotics. There is a list of medications that reduce the effect of heparin:

  • Tetracycline ointment. Tetracycline is used to treat infections of the respiratory tract and genitourinary system.
  • L-thyroxine, which treats the thyroid gland and reduces excess weight.
  • Ergot alkaloids. Used in gynecology and in the treatment of migraines.
  • Antihistamines that treat allergic reactions.
  • Nicotine. During treatment with heparin ointment, you should stop smoking, at least temporarily.
  • Voltaren gel.

The dosage of the medicine is determined by the doctor. In case of overdose, bleeding may occur in the affected area. In this case, you must immediately consult a doctor.

Using heparin, you can drive a car, perform mental work and be in a position that requires increased attention.

Allergic reactions

Still, despite the almost complete absence of contraindications, there is a risk of some unpleasant consequences when using the drug. With certain characteristics of the body, some signs of allergic reactions may appear:

  • severe redness of the skin;
  • itching and hives.

Important! Experts recommend that before direct use, first apply the ointment to the area of ​​skin on the bend of the elbow. If after two hours no negative reactions appear, then you can safely use the drug according to the instructions.

If any even mild signs of allergy suddenly appear, then the use of the drug is completely unacceptable, otherwise the treatment will lead to complications.

How is heparin ointment used?

The instructions for use state that it is permissible to store the drug only at a temperature of no more than +20 degrees Celsius in a dry place inaccessible to children.

Despite all the effectiveness of this medical drug, the cost of packaging is quite low, and this also helps to popularize the ointment in society.

The drug is applied in a thin layer, after which it is rubbed into the skin with gentle massaging movements until complete absorption. Treatment lasts until all symptoms disappear completely.

As required by the instructions for use, the ointment can be used up to 3 times a day. In this case, the therapeutic effect lasts up to 8 hours in a row, which leads to the need to use the ointment at least twice a day.

Pay attention!

You should be very careful when treating internal hemorrhoids, since this type of disease has its own characteristics, and the bumps on the hemorrhoidal veins reach such sizes that they interfere with normal bowel movements. For treatment in this case, a gauze swab is soaked in ointment, which is then inserted into the anus.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

According to reviews from women who used heparin ointment during pregnancy, the drug is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects. With prolonged use of the ointment, allergic reactions and skin irritation may develop, which manifest themselves in the form of itching, redness or rash.

The same symptoms are characteristic of intolerance to one or more components of the drug. Therefore, before using heparin ointment for the first time, doctors recommend doing a drug tolerance test.

A small amount of ointment should be applied to a 1 cm area, and if no negative reaction occurs after 24 hours, the drug can be used.

When using heparin ointment for a long period of time on large areas of the skin, the development of hemorrhagic complications is possible - the occurrence of bleeding or hemorrhages in various organs. Therefore, a woman should not exceed the recommended dose and frequency of use of the ointment, and also independently increase the treatment time with heparin ointment.

What other drugs can be used during pregnancy?

If the expectant mother has contraindications to the use of heparin ointment, or side effects appear during use, this is a reason to consult a doctor. The doctor will select another medication that will help cope with the problems that have arisen.

It should be noted that heparin ointment today does not have complete analogues that would combine all three active components in its composition. Most often, doctors replace this drug with other anticoagulants:

Application in cosmetology for the face

Due to its properties, this ointment is widely used for cosmetic purposes. Heparin is used to solve problems of swelling under the eyes and bruises, rosacea, acne and other skin inflammations.

When using the product in question for cosmetic purposes, you should remember that it has contraindications. This is especially true for sensitive skin, which may experience unpleasant consequences: itching, burning, redness.

This cream is also used to rejuvenate the skin. The properties of heparin to smooth out wrinkles are known, restoring the former youth of the facial skin. Such rejuvenation courses are carried out using heparin ointment on an ongoing basis, which helps eliminate existing age-related changes.

In cosmetology, heparin can be used both in single applications and in courses lasting several months. It depends on the condition of the skin and the desired result.

Video: Heparin ointment for wrinkles under the eyes

For acne

One of the properties of heparin ointment is to reduce inflammation, which makes it possible to use it to solve acne problems. The active components in this ointment regulate blood flow, improving cell turnover, and relieve the skin of inflammatory processes that lead to acne.

To combat acne, the medicinal composition must be applied only to existing problem areas of the skin. At the same time, 2-3 applications are performed per day, which allows a week after the start of treatment to almost completely get rid of acne, while the skin color noticeably improves, inflammation and swelling are eliminated.

For puffiness under the eyes

Heparin ointment for the treatment of swelling under the eyes can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, because this drug has a large number of contraindications.

The duration of treatment for swelling under the eyes with heparin ointment is 10 - 20 days. Depending on how severe the swelling is. Excessive long-term treatment with this drug can lead to brittle bones, various fractures, and osteoporosis.

When treating bags under the eyes with heparin, you should avoid taking vasodilating drugs such as acetylsalicylic acid or warfin. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants increase the effect of heparin, but anti-allergy drugs, nicotine and tetracyclines weaken its effect.

If, when using a product such as heparin ointment, redness appears at the site of inflammation, do not sound the alarm and think that it is an allergy. Most likely, this is how the effect of nicotinic acid, which is part of the drug, is manifested.

Heparin ointment, when treating bruises under the eyes, should be applied in a thin layer of approximately 0.5-1.0 g to a painful area of ​​skin measuring 4-5 cm. The frequency of application of the ointment is 2-3 times a day. Apply the medicine while avoiding the eyes themselves. In case of contact with eyes, rinse with water.

Recipes for facial skin rejuvenation with heparin ointment

  1. In order to rejuvenate and improve the contour of the face, the following procedure is suitable:
    You need to hold your face over the steam, or apply a warm towel to it to slightly steam the skin.
    Then a thin layer of ointment is applied to the skin, which is not washed off.
    The procedure is repeated daily for 7-10 days.
  2. If a woman has very sensitive skin, or needs to rejuvenate the area around the eyes by removing wrinkles, then it is recommended to use the recipe with cream:
    Mix a small amount of ointment with 1-2 large spoons of any anti-wrinkle cream.
    Apply to the face, massaging into problem areas with light movements, and do not rinse off. The cream will help avoid irritation on sensitive skin.
  3. Additionally, you can use peeling with ointment. It will help eliminate dead skin cells and cleanse pores. The procedure is carried out as follows:
    Mix one part of the ointment with 2 or 3 parts of any ready-made peeling.
    Apply the product to the face, rubbing in circular motions into the skin for 2-3 minutes.
    Leave the composition for 20 minutes and then rinse with water. The procedure is performed in a course once a week for a month. In this case, you can use the ointment for daily rubbing into problem areas of the facial skin.
    After this, you can apply the cream.
  4. By preparing the composition according to the following recipe, you can not only smooth out wrinkles, but also nourish the skin with useful substances, significantly improving its appearance:
    Mix the ointment with the same amount of cottage cheese.
    The mass is thoroughly rubbed to eliminate lumps.
    The composition is applied to the skin and rubbed in for a quarter of an hour.
    Leave the mask on the face for about 15 minutes.
    Wash off the mixture with warm water. The procedure is suitable for daily use.



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