Optimal day for conception. Conception in winter - birth of a child in autumn

Gone are the days when, after having sex, your first thought was “just not to get pregnant.” And the eternal fuss about taking the contraceptive pill on time also ceased to be relevant. Now you passionately desire what most women so desire: to become a mother. And your husband, after much thought, agreed with you. And at this moment you run the risk of facing a banal reality: desire alone may not be enough. Let's try to find out what can help increase the likelihood of a successful conception.

I want to get pregnant! When to start?

The main thing is to follow the rules. First of all, it makes sense to check yourself and your partner for obvious and hidden infections, as well as any pathologies. After all, it is better to undergo treatment before pregnancy than to do it when a new life has already begun to develop in you. If everything is good in this regard, you can begin to realize your dream. And simply having sex without knowing certain rules may not bring you the results you expect.

When is the best time to have sex to increase your chances of conceiving?

The fact is that the life of sperm is quite short - their activity is approximately 2-3 days after ejaculation. In addition, small carriers of life are very whimsical to the environment in which they find themselves. Male reproductive cells absolutely cannot tolerate high temperatures. Therefore, you need to make sure that your husband does not take a hot bath or steam in a sauna or bathhouse before sexual intercourse. A mature egg has an even shorter lifespan - only 12-24 hours. This means that in order to increase the likelihood of conception, you need to have sex as often as possible on the days of expected ovulation. This does not mean that as soon as ovulation has occurred, you need to organize a sex marathon. The best option: do not get out of bed for several days before and after the onset of ovulation, not forgetting to give your all on the “X” day itself. Thus, you will give sperm more chances to reach their cherished goal.

But more often than not, a woman cannot accurately calculate the day of ovulation on her own. After all, the duration of the menstrual cycle is individual. As a rule, with a 28-day cycle, the moment of ovulation occurs on the 14th day after the start of menstruation. But this is not an axiom. It happens that the duration of the cycle is more or less than standard, and the day the egg is released from the ovary may not necessarily occur exactly on schedule.

Determining ovulation for conception

A certain part of the weaker half of humanity can determine by their condition when they ovulated. After observing your feelings for several months, you can notice this moment by swelling of the mammary glands, minor nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and the most striking sign may be a change in the nature of vaginal discharge. They become more abundant, transparent and resemble egg white in consistency.

But most women do not experience any changes at all during the cycle. What to do in such cases? The oldest, “grandfather’s” one, is measuring basal temperature. In the morning, you need to measure the temperature in the anus without getting up in bed. An increase to 37-38 degrees may indicate the onset of the ovulatory process.

But why not take advantage of the benefits of civilization? Isn’t it much easier to buy an ovulation test at the pharmacy? It is enough to place the strip under a stream of urine to understand by the presence of two strips: the favorable moment for conception has arrived. Of course, even this seemingly relatively convenient method will not appeal to everyone. And it’s unlikely that constant calculations will add romance to the intimate life of partners. Therefore, you can try to have sex to conceive on average twice a week, and if you rely on the law of averages, you can expect that within six months you will be able to get pregnant.

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Conceiving a child is the first existing stage of pregnancy. Already he should be given considerable attention, especially if you are striving for the imminent birth of a long-awaited baby. Favorable days for conception are naturally during ovulation, and not after it.

To choose them correctly, you need to use a conception calendar. Male reproductive cells (spermatozoa) remain active for 2-3 days while in the woman’s genitals. Without ovulation occurring during this period, conception does not occur, and the germ cells die. The following days are considered favorable for effective conception: 5 days before ovulation and the 2 days that follow it.

In the video, an experienced specialist talks about the most favorable days for conceiving a child.

The egg usually lives for 12-24 hours after the start of the ovulation process. The release of the first mature egg may be accompanied by the release of another. This occurs until the level of the hormone progesterone increases significantly and the release of a new mature egg becomes impossible. The release of two eggs helps to extend the fertile period. That is why 2 days after ovulation are considered the most favorable.

The lifespan of an egg is only a day or two, so sexual intercourse performed in the period preceding the ovulation process is considered preferable for efficiency in conceiving a baby.

To determine the exact time of ovulation and thus calculate favorable days, you need to:

Create a personal menstrual cycle schedule

With a regular menstrual cycle, you can calculate the average duration of the follicular and luteal phases, as well as clarify the time of ovulation. To do this you need:

  1. Enter the date of the beginning of menstruation into the table (calendar);
  2. Make notes regularly;
  3. Start a new entry from the first day of your next period;
  4. It is worth maintaining such a schedule for at least 3-4 months to obtain the most accurate data. Maintaining such a schedule helps determine the regularity of the menstrual cycle.

Use a basal temperature chart

This method is quite complex, and not 100 percent accurate. Its essence is to regularly measure basal temperature (several months). Doctors have established the following change in temperature (basal): 36.5-36.6 - the first half of the cycle, 36.0-36.2 - the period before ovulation, 37 and above - the second half of the cycle (ovulation). The method is very convenient for calculating the favorable period for an irregular menstrual cycle.

Your basal temperature should be measured in the morning, as soon as you wake up (before getting out of bed). The result will be accurate only when measured at rest, and not after movement. To do this, prepare a thermometer in the evening and place it next to your bed.

Note changes occurring in the cervical area

The cervix changes significantly (appearance, position) over the entire period of the menstrual cycle. This method is able to determine the onset of ovulation. When performing it you must:

  • Wash your hands first;
  • Insert your middle finger into the vagina, then feel the uterus;
  • Determine its location and humidity. Feel its condition (closed/ajar). The first time after menstruation, as well as several days after the ovulation process, the cervix remains closed, relatively dry and hard. During this period, it is located lower than usual. During a time favorable for fertilization, the cervix is ​​soft, moist, slightly open, and raised a little higher.

Take an ovulation test mid-cycle

The test is represented by strips that react to the content of luteinizing hormone (LH), determined in the urine. Ovulation is caused by an increase in the amount of the hormone; such a test will indicate the onset of ovulation, but it is not able to determine the days that precede it.


  1. Open the test, read the instructions;
  2. Collect urine for the test (you can urinate directly onto the strip);
  3. The test will show the presence (absence) of LH in the urine. If the LH content is elevated, it means that a mature egg will soon be released.

Contact a gynecologist. Using ultrasound and hormone tests, he is able to determine the onset of ovulation. The accuracy of this calculation is 1-2 days.

Monitor changes in cervical mucus secretion

Its quantity, transparency, and density change during the menstrual cycle. This method is called the Billings method. To get the necessary information you need:

  1. Monitor cervical mucus daily. Some days are characterized by the absence of any discharge (dry). They occur after ovulation, sometimes several days before the start of menstruation.
  2. Check the density of mucus secreted. Usually it is sticky, and in a favorable period it is viscous, like egg white. When the mucus is slippery, stretchy and transparent, the possibility of getting pregnant is higher.

You can keep a table with data on cervical mucus and measure your basal temperature at the same time.

Not all women are able to determine the onset of ovulation based on individual signs, such as: a feeling of nausea, swelling and mild pain of the mammary glands, a painful sensation in the lower abdomen, and the presence of ovulatory mucus. Every woman can create an individual calendar for conception on her own. She should calculate the onset of ovulation over a period of 3 menstrual cycles.

The most favorable days for conceiving a child are the middle of each menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle itself begins directly from the 1st critical day, and ends with the beginning of the next menstruation. With a 28-day cycle, days 14-15 are considered a very favorable period. The countdown starts from the first critical day. Due to the short life span of germ cells, conception can occur within 3-4 days.

Conception just before the start of the ovulation process is most likely

The cervix is ​​extremely sensitive, and sperm penetrate the fallopian tubes in advance in preparation for upcoming contact with the egg. Before the ovulation process begins, attempts to conceive should be carried out daily. During this period, the couple has more chances than after the end of menstruation.

Doctors recommend abstaining from sex for 3-5 days before expected ovulation. This will allow the sperm to mature. For a woman to successfully conceive a child, the ideal position is on her back. For some time after the end of sexual intercourse, it is advisable to place something under the buttocks (a pillow), and be sure to raise your legs. To quickly penetrate sperm directly into the cervical canal, use the knee-elbow position. The presence or absence of orgasm has no effect on the success of conception.

Conceiving a child is influenced by:

  • Stress;
  • Breastfeeding;
  • Infections of the genital organs;
  • Use of hormonal contraceptives or other medications.

To most accurately determine favorable days for conception, it is advisable to use a couple of the above methods at once. When using methods such as: measuring basal temperature, monitoring changes in the cervix, the state of the consistency of cervical mucus, it helps to most accurately determine fertile days, as well as ovulation itself.

In the modern world, where it is so difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle, married couples are increasingly thinking about planning the birth of their own child in order to maximally protect the baby from exposure to harmful influences during intrauterine development and immediately after birth. Parents try to take into account purely medical indications (exposure to harmful factors at work, the harmful effects of medications, general health, etc.), as well as other factors. For example, the optimal time of year to conceive a child.

It should be immediately noted that Russia has its own characteristics of conception “by season,” due to the specifics of the climatic and geographical zone in which we live. Let's try to highlight these differences.


When conceiving in winter, the first trimester of pregnancy occurs in winter-spring, and childbirth occurs in autumn.

Unfortunately, the first three months of fetal development (the most critical, since the formation of all organs and systems occurs) accounts for the first and second peak of influenza, acute respiratory infections and ARVI epidemics. On the other hand, in the last trimester of pregnancy, with the appearance of vitamins, fresh vegetables and sunlight, the fetus “stores” all the necessary substances for birth and the difficult period of adaptation to extrauterine life. Also, during this period, the expectant mother, by eating properly, creates a good basis for future lactation. True, after the birth of the baby, the first months will have to walk through the autumn weather and winter cold with almost no sun, which is so necessary for the child to prevent rickets.

It is worth noting this small plus - in the last period of pregnancy, you can choose a lot of inexpensive outfits for your already noticeably rounded tummy, which, with a rational choice, can be worn after childbirth.

Thus, when conceiving in winter, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, and promptly seek qualified medical help in case of illness. It will be useful for a newborn baby to be given special drops containing vitamin D, which your pediatrician will definitely prescribe.


When conceiving in the spring, the first trimester of pregnancy occurs in the spring-summer, and childbirth occurs in the winter.

In the first period of fetal development, the expectant mother is in wait for:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • weakened immunity;
  • hazardous weather conditions with ice and cold winds;
  • the second peak of influenza, acute respiratory infections and ARVI epidemics.

But spring-summer is also the “season of love” with a wonderful mood, vitamins, and sun, which has the most positive effect on the course of pregnancy. The first and last trimester is accompanied by cool weather, low atmospheric humidity - one cannot wish for better conditions if the expectant mother suffers from toxicosis. But by the end of pregnancy it will be difficult to choose outerwear for rounded shapes. Walking with a newborn will also be a challenging task, as it will be during the cold and snowy months.

So, it is better to prepare in advance for conception in the spring - take a course of vitamin therapy prescribed by your doctor; protect yourself from colds, perhaps get vaccinated against the influenza virus before pregnancy; be careful on the street and roads. Also follow all pediatrician’s recommendations regarding the prevention of rickets in a newborn.


When conceiving in the summer, the onset of pregnancy occurs in the summer-autumn, and childbirth occurs in the spring months.

With such pregnancy planning, the first and very important period for fetal development will take place in comfortable climatic conditions with maximum natural vitaminization. The risk of colds and infectious diseases will be minimized. The situation is more complicated with the postpartum adaptation period: the mother, in conditions of a lack of vitamins and general “seasonal” fatigue, will have to take care of the formation of lactation; the baby will need more sun, protection from seasonal infections and strengthening the immune system. Also in the spring you will need to protect yourself from injuries - beware of ice and slush.

During the “summer” beginning of pregnancy, it is necessary to prepare more carefully for childbirth and take a responsible approach to the correctness of your diet. After all, the immunity of her baby depends on how the expectant mother establishes lactation. The baby receives the main immune antibodies from the mother's milk. You also need to be more careful on the street, because at the end of pregnancy it is more difficult for a woman to maintain her balance, and freedom of movement is significantly reduced, which increases the risk of injury in slippery and wet weather.


When conceiving in the fall, the first trimester occurs in the autumn-winter months, and childbirth occurs in the summer months.

Alas, at the beginning of pregnancy the first peak of epidemics of influenza, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections occurs. But in this case, strong immunity and good vitamin supplementation accumulated in the summer will serve as excellent protectors for the expectant mother and child. Also in the postpartum period, the adaptive forces of the baby and mother will be at their best, and sunbathing will serve as an excellent prevention of rickets for a newborn. At the end of pregnancy, weather conditions - heat and humidity - can become a difficult test, but at the same time the risk of domestic injuries is reduced.

Thus, when conceiving in the fall, it is necessary to pay special attention to the prevention of colds and infectious diseases, regularly visit your doctor and follow all his recommendations.

We should also talk about melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland that “helps” to carry a pregnancy to term. It is especially important in the last trimester of pregnancy. Its production improves in the dark, and, as you know, nights are longer in winter than in late spring and summer. From this point of view (successful pregnancy), winter conception is safer.

But doctors believe that the best time to start pregnancy is August, September, October, and the most unfavorable time is March, April, May, since the body is weakened and tired over the winter.

But in general, it is difficult to find the ideal time to conceive. After all, everything has its positive and negative sides.

Any preparation for pregnancy includes a whole range of medical measures that should not be forgotten. And future parents can plan conception based on social, financial considerations, even guided by astrological “rules”. But, in the end, if a child is desired and loved, it does not matter at all what time of year he is born! Any dangers and difficulties that await us in different seasons can be overcome! The main thing is to remember these moments and be able to listen to your body.

To successfully conceive a child, you need to determine the best time for this. But how to do this? You can, for example, consult a doctor, search for information on the Internet or read literature. Or you can simply create a conception calendar for yourself.

To create such a calendar, you first need to calculate the ovulation period. And for this you need to know how long yours lasts (usually about 28 days). A couple of months before the time when you plan to get pregnant, start tracking your lucky days for conception - this way you can more accurately determine the duration of your cycle.

The ovulation phase occurs from the 12th to the 16th day of the menstrual cycle, this is the most successful period for conception. It is during these days that the likelihood of sperm fertilizing an egg increases, as the cervical mucosa becomes more sensitive.

One of the methods for accurately determining the period of ovulation is ultrasound, which monitors the development and growth of the follicle and determines its rupture time.

To increase the likelihood of conception, you can also use basal temperature measurements. This is done at the same time in the morning using a regular thermometer. Based on the data obtained, a graph is drawn up, where the day of the cycle is marked on the horizontal axis, and the temperature is marked on the vertical axis. On such a graph you can see that before the temperature rises by 0.2 - 0.4 degrees there is a short decrease, and between these decreases and increases this is exactly what should happen. If you need to know the exact time of ovulation, such a schedule should be kept constantly. So get started. In addition, if necessary, when visiting a doctor, the readings of the graphs can come in very handy.

The ovulation period can also be calculated at home using special tests, which should be carried out from the ninth to the fifteenth day of the cycle 2 times a day. With their help, it is determined whether there is luteinizing hormone in the urine. If present, it should occur within the next 16-28 hours.

To get pregnant faster, you can use these methods. And if you want your child to be born at a certain time of the year, you should make one for yourself.

  • If you get pregnant in winter, your baby will be born when it is still warm outside, and you will both have time to gain a little strength before the cold weather sets in.
  • The arrival of a baby can be a New Year or Christmas present for you if you conceive in the spring. Only in this case you need to be wary of the fact that during the second trimester it will be summer and it can be very hot, and during the third trimester you need to beware of ice.
  • It will be useful if the start of pregnancy occurs in the summer, since the expectant mother should be in good health, and also because summer is the time for fresh vegetables and fruits. But after some time, due to hot weather, a woman may experience swelling, and the condition may worsen somewhat. In addition, you should pay attention to the fact that in this case you will have to give birth in a cold and not entirely dry season.
  • If you conceive a baby in the autumn, you can have time to enjoy walks in the fresh air and get a large amount of vitamins. But do not forget that in the fall there is a possibility of catching some kind of infection.

But the most important thing is the health of your baby, so you shouldn’t attach much importance to what time of year to conceive.

Pregnancy begins with the fusion of male and female reproductive cells. The likelihood of conceiving a child depends entirely on whether the meeting of the egg and sperm occurs in the right place and at the right time. To carry out sexual intercourse in order to conceive a child, it is necessary to determine the most favorable period for conceiving a child.

The most suitable moment for conception is the time of ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the ovary). Female reproductive cells (eggs) are in an active state for a fairly short period of time during which fertilization must occur to conceive a child. The most favorable period for conception is when ovulation is about to begin. If you correctly calculate what day ovulation occurs, a woman’s chances of getting pregnant increase significantly.

To determine the most favorable period for conception, various methods are used, which, however, cannot provide a 100% guarantee of fertilization. After all, for conception a favorable coincidence of various circumstances is necessary and, in most cases, a healthy married couple needs from six months to a year to conceive.

Calendar method for determining ovulation

Using this method, the couple has sexual intercourse during the part of the menstrual cycle when the woman is most likely to conceive, i.e. when there is an egg in her body that is capable of fertilization. However, unlike menstruation, ovulation has no obvious signs, and its definition is rather arbitrary.

With regular menstruation

It is known that the egg matures approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle, and, therefore, ovulation directly depends on its duration. With a cycle duration of 28 days, ovulation usually occurs on days 14-15 of the cycle, but can occur on any day from the 13th to the 17th day - this gives a period of 5 days when the possibility of getting pregnant is especially great. Since sperm can live for 3-4 days, 4 days before this period are also favorable for conceiving a child. And since the egg also has a certain period of viability (about a day) after ovulation, one more day is added to the 5-day period. The result is 10 days (from the 9th to the 18th day of the cycle inclusive), during which the probability of becoming pregnant is maximum. If the menstrual cycle is shorter (21-24 days), then ovulation occurs earlier - on days 10-12; if the cycle is long (32-35 days), then ovulation usually occurs on days 16-18 from the start of menstruation. The length of the cycle is not important if menstruation occurs regularly. In any case, the favorable time for conception is 10 days, counting 20 days before the start of the next menstruation.

For irregular menstruation

But in most cases the cycle is not strictly constant; the difference in its duration is 3-7 days, and this shifts the maturation period of the egg (changes the date of ovulation).

In this case, the woman should carefully record the duration of each cycle and determine the shortest and longest cycle based on the results of the previous year's records. The following calculations are made:

A) 19 is subtracted from the number of days of the longest cycle;

B) 10 is subtracted from the number of days of the longest cycle.

The number (A) means the first day on which conception can occur, counting from the beginning of the last menstruation. Number (B) gives the last day for conception. So, if the shortest cycle lasted 25 days, and the longest - 29, we get:

A) 25-19=6 and B) 29-10=19.

Thus, the days from the 6th to the 19th day inclusive from the beginning of the last menstruation should be considered favorable for fertilization. However, 15% of women have such irregular menstrual cycles that the calendar method cannot be used.

And even with a perfectly rhythmic cycle, ovulation does not always occur in the middle of the cycle, depending on various reasons that are difficult to take into account. There is an assumption that under the influence of sexual intercourse, taking a number of medications, especially hormonal drugs, additional ovulation may occur on any day of the menstrual cycle or the moment of its onset may change. And finally, sperm can remain fertilized for longer than 4 days, so even if intercourse occurs 4 days before ovulation, in rare cases the egg will still be fertilized. This is why the calendar method, based only on calculating dates, is not very effective.

Temperature method for determining ovulation

More accurately, compared to the calendar method, ovulation can be determined using the temperature method. Typically, a woman’s temperature rises sharply on the day of ovulation - by 0.6 ° C (due to an increase in the content of the hormone progesterone). This jump in temperature can be easily recorded using a thermometer and recording the results of pre-ovulation temperature measurements.

Immediately at the moment the temperature rises, the period of probable fertilization has most likely come to an end (in addition, the increased level of progesterone, which causes an increase in temperature, makes the cervical mucosa unfavorable for the penetration of sperm). This makes it possible to determine unfavorable days for conception in the period after ovulation - from the moment the temperature rises until the next menstruation inclusive. However, after the next menstruation, it is impossible to determine favorable days, since it is not known when the next ovulation will occur.

The essence of the method is to measure the temperature in the rectum (basal temperature). The temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after sleep, at the same time, without getting out of bed, with a thermometer inserted 5 cm into the rectum; measurement time 10 minutes. When measured daily, a graph of basal temperature is obtained, in which before ovulation the temperature is less than 37.0 ° C (usually 36.5-36.7 ° C), and after - above 37.0 ° C (37.0-37.2 ° C), the day before the temperature rise is the time of ovulation. If measurements are taken over a period of 3 months, the day of ovulation can be determined in advance with fairly high accuracy. A few days (5-7) before the temperature jump are most favorable for conception.

Cervical mucus analysis method

Another method, based on the menstrual cycle, involves analyzing the mucous membrane of the cervix. This method, in combination with the calendar method, can help determine unfavorable days for conception between menstruation and ovulation.

Throughout the menstrual cycle, changes occur in the composition of the mucus on the cervix and its quantity. A sample of mucus is taken with a finger or a speculum inserted into the vagina. Approximately three days after the end of menstruation, there is usually no mucus. These days the possibility of getting pregnant is negligible. When the mucus appears, it is thick and white, then it becomes more transparent and liquid and remains that way for two days (peak). The most favorable days for conception are considered to be the days from the first appearance of mucus to the 4-day period after the peak. You should consult your doctor about using this method.

Combined method for determining days favorable for conception

All of the above methods for determining ovulation do not give an accurate result. Especially if a woman does not have a regular menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs irregularly or additionally. Therefore, it is preferable to use several methods for determining ovulation at once to obtain a more reliable and accurate picture.

Method based on saliva crystallization

This method of determining ovulation is based on the fact that after menstruation the concentration of specific female sex hormones such as estrogens gradually begins to increase. Their concentration gradually increases during the first half of the menstrual cycle and reaches its highest value at the time of ovulation.

An increase in estrogen levels leads to an increase in the content of chlorides (NaCl, KCl, CaCl, MgCl) in saliva 2-3 days before ovulation. An increased concentration of salts in saliva leads to its crystallization when it dries.

It is necessary to monitor the changes occurring within several (5-6) days before the expected date of ovulation. Consistent and systematic analysis makes it possible to observe changes that occur in the structure of saliva during drying, depending on the approach to the day of egg release. The higher the salt concentration, the more clearly a crystalline structure is observed, resembling a fern leaf in appearance. Therefore, when examining dried saliva through a microscope on the day of ovulation, you can see patterns similar to fern leaves.

This method is quite reliable and economical, provided you have a good microscope. The reliability of the saliva crystallization test for determining the day of ovulation is quite high. Currently, there are even special mini-microscopes for sale for calculating the day of ovulation based on changes in saliva.

Ovulation tests (available at pharmacies)

Tests for determining ovulation are similar in principle to tests for diagnosing pregnancy. They are small strips with two indicators. Which, upon contact with urine or saliva, change their color depending on the concentration of the hormone. As the moment of ovulation approaches, a sharp increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone occurs in a woman’s body, which in turn leads to the release of an egg from the follicle - ovulation. An increase in the level of this hormone in urine or saliva is the basis of these tests. Tests must be carried out daily, starting 5-6 days before expected ovulation, strictly following the instructions. Ovulation occurs within 24 hours after receiving the first positive result. Since ovulation is determined over several days, five tests are sold in one kit. Two indicator lines colored equally intensely indicate a peak in hormone concentration and the imminent onset of ovulation. This means that the next 2-3 days are the most optimal time to conceive a child. However, this method, like pregnancy tests, does not exclude errors, so it is recommended to combine this method with others, for example, temperature.

Ultrasound monitoring

The most accurate method for determining the approach of ovulation and the fact that it has occurred is ultrasound monitoring. This method allows you to observe the development and growth of the follicle and, based on these data, predict the date or even see the release of the egg - ovulation. Ultrasound monitoring is performed by a doctor in a hospital. Approximately 6-7 days after menstruation, using the vaginal sensor of an ultrasound machine, observation begins to see whether the follicles are maturing and in which ovary. Over the next few days, periodic examinations are carried out to obtain data on the growth of follicles, it is determined whether there is a dominant follicle (which will ovulate) and other indicators that make it possible to predict with a high degree of probability the approximate date of ovulation. This method is reliable, but not very convenient for a woman, because it is necessary to constantly undergo frequent examinations in the hospital, but on the other hand, with the help of ultrasound it is possible to identify failures in the ovulation process.

Thus, many methods, or better yet a combination of them, in our time allow a woman to determine the date of ovulation with high accuracy. This allows you to determine the most favorable days for conceiving a child.



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