Involuntary urination. Urinary incontinence in women: causes, symptoms, treatment

Urinary incontinence in men is quite common; the causes and treatment of this specific disease are determined by a specialist. To combat the disease, there are various therapeutic methods aimed at eliminating the symptoms characteristic of the disease. To deal with this effectively in a relatively short time, it is necessary to seek help at the onset of the disease.

An unpleasant problem

Urinary incontinence is a phenomenon that not everyone can talk about freely. This negatively affects a person’s ability to work and carry out other life processes as usual. This unenviable situation causes mental and emotional disorders in the patient. It is possible to fight the problem, but this process is not easy. The disease does not pose a particular threat to health, but it reduces the quality of life of a man.

Involuntary urination is treated by a urologist. According to statistics, the disease cannot be effectively eliminated because patients seek help too late. This leads to a complication of the problem, although some forms of the disease can be effectively treated in the initial stages. It is undesirable to carry out treatment at home using folk remedies, since there is a high probability of worsening the problem.

Urinary incontinence is characterized by the following manifestations: enuresis, incontinence and leakage. All presented forms are detected in patients at one age or another and at certain stages of development. Enuresis is a condition that occurs during adolescence and cannot be controlled. It usually happens in a dream. In adult men, this symptom is extremely rare. Incontinence implies direct incontinence, which can be in various forms and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms.

Often, patients also experience leakage - the release of a small amount of urine (literally a couple of drops) after each urine discharge. Experts explain this process by the fact that physiologically representatives of the stronger sex have a longer channel through which urination occurs.

Diagnosis and control of the disease is carried out through complex therapeutic measures. First of all, special laboratory tests should be carried out aimed at identifying the cause, and treatment should be prescribed on their basis.

There are patients for whom it is not enough to consult one specialist to effectively eliminate the disease. They have to visit other doctors who are able to jointly determine which set of procedures will allow them to optimally cope with the task.

While the patient is undergoing treatment, it is extremely important to observe the necessary hygiene rules. Doctors recommend using special urological pads designed specifically for men. Moreover, you need to resort to them not only at night, but also during the day.

What causes the disease

In men, the causes of incontinence are different. Often the factors are deviations in the functioning of the human central nervous system. The likelihood of involuntary urination increases in the following cases:

  • suffering from strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, problems with blood circulation in the brain;
  • traumatic effects on the spinal cord or brain;
  • congenital malformations of the central nervous system;
  • alcohol, drugs, diabetic and other chronic intoxication.

Common causes of urinary incontinence in men include:

  1. The presence of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. These include: urethritis, cystitis, prostatitis.
  2. Incontinence, which gradually develops due to surgical effects on the prostate gland, urethra, pelvic organs, and bladder. The risk of developing the disease increases when the operation is performed by an inexperienced surgeon.
  3. In men, with age, deviations occur in the processes of local blood supply, and changes in the regulation of physiological functions of the neurohumoral type are observed.
  4. The occurrence of neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature. Patients are diagnosed with pelvic and genitourinary cancer, and prostate adenoma.
  5. Diseases associated with the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder.
  6. Constantly being in a state of stress, increased nervousness, short temper, insufficient time allotted for rest, which leads to a negative impact on the nervous system.
  7. Treatment of a malignant prostate tumor using external beam radiation to the organ.

Also, the cause of the development of the disease is a decrease in muscle tone and connective tissue, frequent performance of physically demanding work, insufficient activity, and a sedentary lifestyle. These factors cause shifts in the internal organs located in the abdominal cavity and pelvic prolapse, which negatively affects the prostate and bladder. In some men, the disease occurs due to genetic predisposition, anomalies in the normal development of the genitourinary organs.

Violation of the functions performed by the urethra, bladder, and ureters can also start the process. Urinary incontinence in men can be caused by tranquilizers, antidepressants, antihistamines, medications aimed at eliminating congestive processes, and diuretics. All of these drugs have a negative effect on muscle tone.

Types of incontinence

If we classify the disease according to the reasons for its occurrence, then we can distinguish 6 types. Stress incontinence or a form that is caused by tension occurs due to a significant and rapid increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity during laughter, coughing or sneezing, performing physical exercises, etc. The main feature of incontinence is that the urge to urinate before the involuntary release of urine absent. Incontinence is mild.

The next type of disease is called imperative or urgent. It is characterized by a sudden urge to urinate, which is particularly strong and difficult to cope with. When the bladder is insufficiently full, a spasm occurs, resulting in the release of urine. It has been established that when a man limits the amount of fluid he consumes, there is no improvement in the situation.

An additional chance of urine loss occurs when a person touches water or hears the sound of water bubbling. Urgent urination can occur every few hours during the day and at night. In some cases, the desire to urinate is not accompanied by loss of urine. The main factor behind the disorders is excessive bladder activity. This is facilitated by the development of infections in the organs of the urinary system, tumors of various kinds, and neurogenic pathogens. An additional negative factor in the development of urgent disease is the age of the man.

Mixed and postoperative forms

Involuntary urination of mixed type. It combines two types: stressful and urgent incontinence. The symptoms of each type are expressed with different strength. Modern medical research indicates that the mixed type of the disease affects more than 32% of male patients. According to statistical data, the described forms of involuntary urination most often occur in patients.

Postoperative urinary incontinence is caused by surgical intervention on the prostate gland and urethra. Examples:

  • performing operations for structural diseases of the urethra;
  • removal of the prostate in a man due to the formation of a malignant tumor;
  • truncation of the prostate with the development of inflammation or the appearance of a benign formation;
  • surgical intervention to eliminate problems caused by injuries to the urethra.

After surgery, some men may experience incontinence. After 1 or 1.5 years, the problem without therapeutic effects on the body may stop on its own. But it is better to contact a medical institution for qualified help. The disease will require conservative therapy if the deviation occurs is mild.

Incontinence from bladder overflow is called paradoxical ischuria. Due to the narrowing of the urethra, the patient produces urine frequently, but in small quantities. Transient or temporary urinary incontinence is caused by infectious diseases, taking medications, etc. If the external factor that provokes the disease is eliminated, the defect will disappear on its own.


Prevention of urinary incontinence in males consists of the following measures:

  1. Maintaining an active lifestyle, keeping the body in sports shape, moderate physical activity.
  2. Do daily gymnastics to maintain muscle tone.
  3. Quitting drinking alcohol and smoking.
  4. Periodic visits to a urologist for examinations.
  5. Treatment and detection of neurological diseases in the early stages. This could be strokes, Parkinson's disease, etc.

In order to eliminate the existing problem, doctors resort to conservative and surgical methods. The choice is based on the form of the disease and the degree of its development. Conservative treatment involves the use of medications that can tone certain muscles. In addition, they improve blood flow in the organs responsible for urination.

Often, specialists turn to physiotherapy, which is carried out on the basis of electrical stimulation.

Surgery can be performed in various ways. A popular method is to implant a valve in the form of a ring. This type of operation effectively combats the problem. However, certain indications are required to use this method.

Sometimes doctors perform periurethral injection therapy, which is based on the use of collagen. However, this surgical method also has a negative side: after a certain time, collagen is subject to resorption, and the previously obtained effect is weakened. Therefore, it is not often recommended to patients.

There is another type of surgery that involves implanting a loop. It is able to support the urethra, due to which urination becomes restrained. This method is the most effective, as it allows a larger number of the male population to get a positive result.

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Urinary incontinence causes enormous discomfort. Therefore, at the first symptoms of the disease, you should go to the hospital.

Involuntary urination in men (incontinence) is a phenomenon that seriously affects the quality of life, especially if the problem occurs during working age. Urinary incontinence is not an independent disease, but a consequence of pathological processes of various etiologies.

Forms of urinary incontinence

Uncontrolled urination in men can be of a different nature depending on the reasons that caused it.

Uncontrolled urination due to stress

This type accounts for half of all cases of incontinence. Urine is released in drops or in small quantities without any preliminary urge under various provoking factors associated with a sharp increase in pressure:

  • laughter;
  • severe cough;
  • lifting weights;
  • sudden change in body position.

The outflow of urine is controlled by the circular muscle - the sphincter. If it is damaged, functionality is impaired, the hole is clamped weakly, and even with a slight increase in intravesical pressure, urine leaks.

Urinary urgency - urge incontinence

This type is otherwise called imperative (from English imperative - obligatory, imperative). It is recorded in 14% of cases of urinary incontinence in men. The urge to urinate in this type is so strong that it is impossible to control it: sometimes a person does not have time to run a few meters. However, it happens that with a very strong urge, urine is not always released.

Bladder spasm occurs even with insignificant fullness, especially in the presence of provoking factors acting on visual, auditory and tactile receptors: flowing water, gurgling, washing hands. Reducing the volume of fluid consumed does not affect imperative urination in any way. The cause of the problem is often an overactive bladder. The condition develops as a result of infectious diseases, tumors, and neurogenic lesions. An imperative urge to urinate can occur with hyperreflexia and detrusor, urethral instability (spontaneous relaxation).

Postoperative uncontrolled urination

After operations on the prostate and bladder, in some cases the recovery period is prolonged; complications in the form of varying degrees of urinary incontinence can persist for a year. Usually, urination is eventually restored, but drug therapy and medical supervision significantly speed up the process.

Postoperative incontinence in men can appear after such types of surgical interventions as:

  • complete removal of the prostate gland during an oncological process;
  • enucleation of prostate adenoma using the open method using transvesical or retropubic access;
  • parts of the prostate gland due to benign or malignant tissue growth;
  • operations for injuries and adhesions of the urethra.

Complications occur more often when surgery is performed in an advanced form of the disease.

Parkinson's disease is also often accompanied by urinary problems such as incontinence.

Uncontrolled urination due to damage to the central nervous system

Neurological incontinence occurs after a stroke. The functioning of the bladder is impaired in 30% of cases. When a stroke occurs, certain areas of the brain are affected, resulting in damage to signal transmission pathways. As a result, the person is unable to control bladder emptying. Incontinence also occurs due to paralysis of the lower limbs and muscles of the urinary tract. For treatment, drugs are prescribed that help restore the conduction of nerve impulses, as well as regulate metabolism and maintain the vascular system. Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis are also often accompanied by incontinence. As a result of injury to the brain and spinal cord, signals from the bladder become obstructed. In diabetes mellitus, the nerves responsible for controlling the closing and opening of the bladder neck are damaged, causing spontaneous urination to occur.

Involuntary urination due to prostatitis and adenoma

Impaired urination in men can occur against the background of prostate diseases such as prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

With chronic prostatitis, scar tissue forms on the walls and neck of the bladder, which prevents the organ from contracting and relaxing normally, and also interferes with the conduction of nerve impulses. Sclerosis may develop, in which parts of the tissue die and no longer perform their functions.

Prostatitis is characterized by overactive bladder syndrome. Normally, receptors located on its walls signal fullness, and nerve cells control the activity of the bladder: at the appropriate time, it relaxes along with the sphincter and urine outflows. In a state of hyperactivity, this connection is disrupted, since the walls of the bladder with prostatitis are inflamed, and the pressure inside is constantly high. As a result, urgency and urge incontinence occur.

With an adenoma, the overgrown tissue puts pressure on the ureter, as a result of which the bladder overflows, urine begins to leak in small portions - paradoxical ischuria. Drip discharge occurs involuntarily at any time of the day. It is not possible to completely empty the bladder; in such cases, catheterization is often resorted to.

Uncontrollable urination due to kidney and bladder stones

If stones are found in the kidneys or bladder, then urinary incontinence may occur for this reason. Kidney stones descend through the ureter into the bladder and in some cases, when they enter its neck, they block the work of the sphincter: the muscle does not contract, and urine spontaneously flows out.

Temporary incontinence

Temporary (transient) incontinence occurs as a result of the influence of external factors: taking certain medications (tranquilizers, antidepressants, diuretics, narcotic painkillers), intoxication, infectious diseases (for example, interstitial cystitis). Temporary spontaneous outflow of urine can be caused by drinks that irritate the bladder: tea, coffee, citrus juices, alcohol.

Diagnosis and treatment methods

  • the doctor collects anamnesis when interviewing the patient, filling out a special questionnaire that determines the degree of influence of urinary problems on the quality of life;
  • conducting a urological examination;
  • keeping a diary for 3 days, recording the number of daily hours and their nature;
  • test with pads, which determines the volume of involuntary urine excreted during the day;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound, X-ray, endoscopic and urodynamic examination.

Based on the results of the examination and tests, treatment is prescribed, including physical therapy, medications, and, if necessary, surgery.

For incontinence, exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles (for example, the Kegel complex), as well as neuromuscular stimulation, help to learn to control involuntary urination.

There are a number of medications that can affect the amount of urination in men; alpha 1-blockers are used, which relax the muscles of the lower urinary tract. For infectious lesions, antibiotics are used.

With the help of surgery, a special support device for the neck of the bladder and urethra - a sling - can be installed. It is a self-fixing synthetic loop in relation to the internal organs. Such adjustable systems can eliminate incontinence in 80% of cases with minimal risk of complications.

The problem can be solved by installing an artificial sphincter: a system of a cuff, a reservoir and a pump. When the urge to urinate occurs, the patient presses the pump located in the scrotum, the cuff around the urethra relaxes and releases urine. For those for whom surgery is contraindicated, it is possible to use an external urination control device - a penile clamp. In some cases, collagen injections are used, but the effect is short-lived.

Urinary incontinence is a fairly common disease that affects people of different age groups. Older people and women are most often affected. Uncontrolled urine output is a rather unpleasant problem. What are the reasons for its appearance in women? Can this pathology be cured at home? We'll tell you further.

Causes of the disease

The reasons why urinary incontinence (scientifically called enuresis) may occur can be very diverse, for example:

  1. After childbirth/during pregnancy. This is due to sprain/damage to the ligaments or muscles of the pelvic floor.
  2. Menopause period. During this period of time, there is a cessation of stimulation of the female organs by hormones: blood circulation slows down, tissue tone decreases, which leads to problems associated with urinary incontinence.
  3. At a fairly young age, sometimes girls experience the phenomenon of hyperactivity of the bladder, or more precisely, of its muscles. The bladder, although it is not very full, sends false signals to the brain, which forces the woman to visit the restroom very often. Most likely, the causes of this problem are psychological in nature and are aggravated by stress, frequent alcohol consumption, etc.
  4. Inflammatory reactions in the genitourinary system can often cause uncontrolled urine output.

Urinary incontinence in women when walking

The second, or moderate, degree of enuresis in women is involuntary urination when walking or other physical activity (lifting weights, running, sudden changes in body position). The causes of this disease may be: difficult childbirth, hormonal disorders in the body associated with menopause, excess weight, previous surgeries on the genitourinary system, heavy physical work. The most effective treatment for enuresis is complex. It includes physical exercises that strengthen the muscles of the lower pelvis - for example, Kegel exercises, the use of traditional methods and traditional medicines.

At night

The causes of night incontinence in adult women are:

  • frequent stress;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • relaxation of the bladder muscles;
  • genitourinary system infections;
  • small bladder capacity;
  • decreased elasticity of the bladder walls.

Treatment methods for enuresis include therapy with and without traditional medicine. The first option is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the genitourinary system. These include Kegel exercises. Effective medications for nocturnal enuresis are antispasmodics - for example, Spazmex, Driptan.

Treatment methods at home

It is quite possible to cure this problem on your own, but if the process began a long time ago and has taken a chronic form, then consulting a doctor is simply necessary. A qualified specialist will select the optimal treatment: prescribe pills and drugs that will act on the problem.

Note! It is recommended to supplement the treatment with folk remedies; this will not be superfluous; on the contrary, the effect will be better. In some cases, with unadvanced conditions, it is home procedures that can help get rid of the problem forever.

Which doctor treats urinary incontinence in women?

In case of urinary incontinence in women, it is necessary to contact a therapist, who will give an appointment to a specialist, or directly to a urologist. This disease is within his competence.


Intense pelvic muscle exercises will be very effective. By the way, this method will not take much of your effort, and you will spend no time at all! Some examples:

  1. Oddly enough, but it strengthens the muscles of urinary control very well. That is, try to control the delay in visiting the restroom, do not go straight to the toilet, be patient. This way you will tense your muscles, thereby training them.
  2. Another effective exercise: tighten your vaginal muscles, stay in this state for 10 seconds. The actions must be repeated 6 times - you need to make sure that there is no pain or severe fatigue. It is recommended to repeat the exercises 6-10 times during the day. The voltage holding time should be gradually increased to limits that are reasonable for you.
  3. You can train your muscles in this way: take a comfortable position, sitting on a chair, your feet should rest on the floor, your knees slightly apart in different directions. With your elbows on your hips, lean your torso forward. This position will clearly fix the stomach + buttocks. Then, by tensing the muscles, retract the anus for 10 seconds. Relax for 5 seconds. It is advisable to repeat the steps 6-7 times.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are an effective treatment for mild urinary incontinence. Positive dynamics are observed in 2/3 of cases where incontinence was associated with stress. This improvement is possible because Kegel exercises strengthen the bladder sphincter and pelvic floor muscles. However, a positive effect is possible only with regular exercise without breaks. It is important to gradually increase the duration and complexity of the exercises.

The main complex includes:

  • squeeze the muscles of the genitourinary system;
  • alternately quickly contract and relax muscles;
  • tighten the muscles that are used when a person strains to have a bowel movement.

You need to start the exercises with 7-10 repetitions 4-5 times a day. Then you need to gradually increase the number of repetitions. If difficulties arise, you should consult a doctor.


Some patients claim that yoga helps in the fight against urinary incontinence. The exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the genitourinary system, which significantly improves the condition of patients. In addition, yoga helps to relax and cope with stress, which is also important, because frequent stress is a common cause of enuresis.

Folk remedies

IngredientsPreparation + application
Marshmallow (root) – 100 g

Nettle (leaves) – 100 g

Yarrow (herb) – 80 g

Mix the ingredients. Brew overnight (preferably in a thermos) a mixture of herbs (100 g/500 ml boiling water). We filter the solution only in the morning. We take it in doses throughout the day (small portions). We do not stop treatment until the problem disappears completely
Wheatgrass (root) – 100 g

Violet (herb) – 100 g

Yarrow (root) – 80 g

Combine the ingredients, mixing thoroughly. Take 3 tbsp. l. mixture of these herbs, place in a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Let it sit overnight and separate the liquid from the sediment. Take a glass about 5-6 times a day
Recipe for pregnant women:

Gryznik – 50 g

Agrimony – 100 g

St. John's wort herb – 70 g

It is advisable to grind the components and then turn them into a homogeneous mass. Next 2 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water (500 ml) into the mixture. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 1.5–2 hours. Afterwards, filter the solution. We take 100 g orally 5 times a day
Chicory (root) – 100 g Centaury (herb) – 80 g Yarrow (herb) – 100 gMix the components thoroughly and chop. Place 4 tbsp. l. herbs into a container, pour boiling water (1 liter). We insist for at least 1 hour. Strain and drink 5–7 times
Agrimony seeds – 50 g

Red wine (good quality) – 500 g

Grind the component (you can use a blender or a mortar). Pour the resulting powder with wine and keep it for 1 week in a warm place (but not in the sun). After straining the solution, drink 1 tbsp. l. at least 4 times a day. Unpleasant sensations should noticeably decrease after 14 days of daily use. If there are changes, the dose can be halved - use 1/2 tbsp. l. 4 times

As you may have noticed, all the recipes are extremely easy to prepare and use, so home treatment for urinary incontinence will not only be effective, but will also take a minimum amount of effort, time and material resources. However, any problem must be approached comprehensively, so you should rethink your lifestyle. Perhaps you are doing something wrong or perhaps not right?

Drug treatment

Depending on the cause of enuresis in women, various drugs and tablets are prescribed. They affect the cause of the pathology and, thus, solve the problem itself. The following groups of drugs can be distinguished, prescribed depending on the cause of urinary incontinence:

  1. Hormonal drugs - drugs in the form of female hormones progestin or estrogen - are prescribed if incontinence occurs due to a lack of female hormones. This happens during menopause.
  2. Sympathomimetics – Ephedrine – promotes contraction of the muscles involved in urination. The result is that enuresis stops.
  3. Anticholinergics - Oxybutin, Driptan, Tolterodine - are prescribed when incontinence is caused by bladder hyperresponsiveness.
  4. Antidepressants - Duloxitine, Imipramine - are prescribed if the cause of incontinence is stress.
  5. Desmopressin - reduces the amount of urine produced and is prescribed for temporary incontinence.

For stress-related urinary incontinence in women, several treatment options are available. Only a doctor can choose the best one after conducting research and receiving test results. The drug Gutron, the action of which is aimed at increasing the tone of the organs of the urinary system, can be effective. Ubretide is also prescribed, which increases muscle tone. Most often, antidepressants are prescribed to reduce the number of manifestations of involuntary urination or relax the bladder muscles. Among them are Imipramine and Duloxetine.

Tablets – Driptan

Driptan is an effective antispasmodic agent in the treatment of enuresis in women. Its principle of action is to reduce the tone of the bladder muscles, which increases its capacity. Accordingly, the frequency of the urge to urinate is reduced. Taking Driptan for a long time does not cause addiction. The drug is prescribed 5 mg 2-3 times a day. The daily dose for adults should not exceed 15 mg. Before using the drug, it is important to consult a doctor.


Ovestin vaginal suppositories are prescribed if urinary incontinence occurs due to a lack of female hormones. The suppository is administered before bedtime every day for 14–21 days. Then the dose is reduced to two suppositories per week.

Incontinence in older women

Urinary incontinence in older women is often associated with a lack of the female hormone estrogen. In this case, hormonal drugs are prescribed to help restore tissue, normal blood circulation, and restore the desired tone to the pelvic floor muscles. In other words, they remove or smooth out the effects of hormonal changes caused by menopause. Most often, with this diagnosis, Ubretide, Cymbalta, Gutron are prescribed.

There is also urgency incontinence, when the bladder muscles involuntarily contract. In this case, Detrusitol, Driptan, Spazmex, Vesicare help.

Important! Before using any medications, it is necessary to undergo tests, identify the cause and consult a doctor.

  1. You should limit as much as possible the consumption of foods that irritate the bladder. The most harmful products: coffee, alcohol, tomatoes, citrus fruits, spicy seasonings, milk, chocolate products.
  2. Smoking worsens the overall health of the body, tobacco tar is an irritant to the walls of the bladder, they destroy the mucous membrane that performs a protective function. This also affects problems with the bladder - enuresis appears.
  3. Do you suffer from chronic constipation? The condition of the intestines will also have to be improved - the collected feces presses on the walls of the bladder, reducing its tone. Normalize intestinal function, for example, with the help of foods (prunes, beets, apples, dried apricots). They should be consumed daily, or one at a time – not all at once!
  4. Difficulty passing urine often occurs due to bacterial infections entering the genitourinary system. Take care of the quality of personal hygiene of the genitals at home, try to wear underwear that is made of natural material.
  5. A common cause of the problem can be overweight (obesity), which weakens the pelvic floor muscles. Obesity should be combated immediately. How? There are many ways: do not overeat, eat low-calorie foods, exercise, etc.

For your information! A common mistake when dealing with the problem of uncontrolled urine output is to drink very little fluid (to avoid running to the toilet less). This approach is completely wrong, since dehydration will occur in the body, and the urine in this case will be too concentrated. This can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes, which will lead to another problem - vaginitis, urethritis. Drink as much water as you want!


When choosing underwear for urinary incontinence, it is important to consider several factors: the patient’s preferences, the causes and degree of urinary incontinence, the person’s physical capabilities, and the availability of outside help. Today, many models of both disposable and reusable panties are produced, differing in size, shape, and absorption capacity. They are quite comfortable and protect against leaks. Disposable panties, or diapers for adults, are used in severe cases of illness, bedwetting, and for bedridden patients.


For mild to moderate urinary incontinence, women use regular panty liners or sanitary pads for menstrual periods. However, there are special urological pads for disposable and reusable use. Disposable ones are convenient and practical, but are quite expensive. Reusable ones are a little cheaper, but they need to be washed and dried. They are used with special underpants, to which they are attached. The sizes of urological pads vary depending on the volume of fluid they absorb.

Yes, the problem of urinary incontinence is unpleasant and difficult, but with some effort and persistence, it can be overcome. A set of folk methods and remedies, muscle training and drug treatment will definitely do their job. Be healthy!

The phenomenon of urinary incontinence is becoming a social and hygienic problem for people. This problem is widespread throughout the world among all segments of the population. There are many reasons that cause this pathology and, accordingly, several ways to treat this unpleasant condition. Mechanical means for holding urine and training the pelvic floor muscles, as well as hygiene items that can facilitate the care of patients with such a disorder, have been developed.

General information

Urinary incontinence (incontinence) is uncontrolled urination, which manifests itself both externally (urethral incontinence) and internal leakage of urine (intraurethral). The disease can occur at any age, more often in women. This pathology does not lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the body, but because of it, a person is unable to lead a normal lifestyle, and is unable to stay in a public place for a long time or take long walks. This situation also causes discomfort for loved ones. But patients rarely ask for help, as they consider this condition irreversible or temporary. Some people are simply embarrassed to see a doctor, but providing assistance at the beginning has a positive effect on the outcome of the disease.


There are two types of incontinence: urethral and intraurethral. Urethral incontinence or natural bowel movement is more common. Intraurethral incontinence involves the leakage of urine in an unnatural manner within the body. Since involuntary urination can be caused by many factors, the classification of this phenomenon is extensive. Depending on the reasons, the following types of urinary incontinence are distinguished:

  • imperative;
  • extraurethral (drip urinary incontinence);
  • stressful;
  • functional;
  • leakage after bowel movement;
  • enuresis (bedwetting);
  • mixed urinary incontinence.

The severity of urinary incontinence is classified into 4 clinical stages. At stage 1, fluid secretion is 2 ml/day. Stage 2 is characterized by a loss of up to 10 ml/day. Stage 3 - up to 50 ml, and stage 4 - more than 50 ml/day. The degrees of urinary incontinence in women are distinguished by the number of necessary hygiene products. For example, if 2 pads per day are enough, then this means a mild degree, 2-4 pads - medium, and more than 5 pads - a severe degree. Daytime urinary incontinence of more than 400 ml is grounds for disability.

Stress incontinence

Increased intrauterine pressure caused by coughing, laughing, heavy breathing, heavy lifting and intense physical activity can cause urinary incontinence. Pathology develops due to a disorder in the functioning of the muscles of the urinary system and the urethral sphincter. In this case, the bladder is not able to control incontinence, so during stress urination there is no urge to void.

Sphincter dysfunction can be acquired or congenital. In men, the disorder in most cases is provoked by prostatectomy (radical surgery for prostate cancer). In women, impaired sphincter function is associated with a rupture or inaccurate incision of the perineum during childbirth. A common cause of stress incontinence for both sexes is loss of elasticity and weakening of muscle tone with age.

Functional incontinence

Unlike stress incontinence, with functional incontinence a person, due to mental or physical disorders, is not able to refrain from bowel movements. This type includes enuresis in adults and imperative urinary incontinence. Enuresis is characterized by urinary incontinence during sleep (mainly at night). Less often, urine leakage occurs in the morning. The disease is often observed in children, depending on the child’s psychosomatics. People who experience enuresis as children often develop urinary problems as adults.

Mixed pathology

Observation of two or more types of incontinence in a patient is called mixed. This type of incontinence mainly affects older women. Men suffer from overflow incontinence due to dysfunction of the prostate gland, that is, a lot of urine accumulates in the bladder due to impaired outflow, which causes severe distension and uncontrolled emptying.

Causes and symptoms of incontinence

Why do such failures occur? The causes of urinary incontinence are varied; psychosomatics plays an important role in its occurrence, along with neurological disorders and structural anomalies of organs. Urinary incontinence can be caused by injuries, changes in the structure of the ureters and urethra, inflammatory diseases, age-related changes, tumors and other factors.

Symptoms of urethral incontinence include involuntary leakage or urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, and urinary incontinence during sleep. Intra-urinary incontinence occurs due to an abnormal anatomical structure, trauma, including during surgery or endoscopic procedures. The condition is manifested by a feeling of fullness in the abdominal area, swelling and urine discharge from the vagina.

Risk factors

Women, people with neurological diseases or anatomical anomalies, and those engaged in heavy physical labor are more likely to develop incontinence. Involuntary urination can be caused by surgeries on the urinary system, radiation exposure, damage to nerve endings and pelvic floor muscles. Contributing factors include:

  • advanced age;
  • overweight;
  • psychological disorders;
  • menopause;
  • stroke;
  • prostatitis;
  • alcoholism;
  • taking certain medications.


The main complication of spontaneous urination is negative changes in lifestyle. With this pathology, opportunities in choosing a job are limited, and in severe cases, one has to give up work. Self-restraint in the social sphere can lead to emotional breakdowns and depression. There is a risk of infection of the lower urinary tract.

In some people, along with incontinence, involuntary emptying of the rectum occurs. In bedridden patients, such a violation provokes the appearance of bedsores. Caring for patients with urinary and fecal incontinence includes repeated hygiene procedures, changing diapers and doing gymnastics for the anal and urethral sphincter.


The main issue in diagnosing incontinence is confirmation of incontinence, identification of contributing factors, establishment of the type and cause of occurrence. When examining a patient, they use the tactics of active questioning, during which they find out when incontinence began and whether there is urination during sleep. What contributes to the leakage of urine, or emptying occurs uncontrollably, at what time of the day in the morning or at night. Pain sensations, intestinal dysfunction, volume of fluid consumed and the presence of enuresis in the past are determined. The patient is asked to fill out a urination diary and keep it for at least 3 days. The diary is a list that indicates the time of bowel movements. In women, the condition of the pelvic floor organs is carefully studied. An ultrasound machine checks the presence and volume of residual urine. Laboratory tests are also carried out, including urine and blood tests.

What will help in treating urinary incontinence?

We eliminate general incontinence due to inflammation using traditional methods. For treatment, use a decoction of St. John's wort, drink it in the morning on an empty stomach for a month. Brewed dill seeds are considered an effective remedy for incontinence. Before determining the method of treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the factors contributing and provoking the occurrence of the disease. The answer to the question of how to treat urinary incontinence can be simple. Sometimes it is enough to give up bad habits, review your diet or reduce physical activity. Treatment of inflammation and infections is often necessary; antibiotics are used for this. Estrogen levels may need to be adjusted. Urinary disorders are treated in the following ways:

  • drug treatment;
  • surgical treatment;
  • psychotherapy;
  • non-drug therapy (physiotherapy).

Drug therapy and medications

When an infection is diagnosed, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. They can quickly cure cystitis and eliminate harmful bacteria in the intestines that cause leakage. Basically, an antibiotic is prescribed that does not have a systemic effect, such drugs include Norfloxacin. Treatment of urinary incontinence with medications is a common and priority method that eliminates urgent incontinence. Urinary incontinence medications increase bladder capacity, reduce the frequency of urination, especially at night, and suppress involuntary detrusor contractions. Anticholinergic drugs have all these qualities. These include medications such as Driptan and Detrusitol.

These drugs act on the nervous system and have an effect on muscle fiber and, like all such drugs, have side effects. Persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system need to be very careful when taking these drugs. The dose and medications themselves for urinary incontinence are prescribed only by a doctor after all the necessary examinations and tests, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.


This hypnotic technique is used mainly for enuresis. Its essence lies in suggesting to the patient that he will definitely feel the need to empty himself in a dream and will wake up. In order for the patient to remember this information well on a subconscious level, medical staff or relatives are recommended to wake him up at the same time at night. Self-hypnosis methods are used when the patient convinces himself of his ability to carry out controlled urination.

Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment methods are used for severe forms. There are the following types of surgery: suspension, sling and plastic. Suspension operations are used for prolapse of the pelvic organs; they are returned to their normal position and in this way help to retain urine. Women undergo plastic surgery to strengthen the walls of the vagina. Sling surgeries are performed on women with stress urinary incontinence. It consists of placing and fixing a belt made of synthetic or natural fibers under the urethra, thereby increasing intraurethral pressure. For men, during this operation, an artificial urethral sphincter is installed.

Physiotherapy and exercise

Auxiliary physiotherapeutic methods include medicinal electrophoresis, relaxing the urinary muscles, paraffin therapy, and ultrasound therapy. Phys. exercises are used for all types of urinary incontinence and consist of training the pelvic floor muscles. There are several ways to strengthen muscles, but the Kegel technique is the most effective.

The Kegel technique involves training the anal sphincter and vaginal muscles. The patient squeezes the anal sphincter 10 times for 30 seconds or hold for 15-20 seconds. The same gymnastics can help strengthen the vaginal muscles. Women can make gymnastics more difficult with the help of unique simulators - vaginal cones - oval or round weights made of medical silicone, different in weight. With their help, the pelvic floor muscles are quickly restored and stress incontinence is eliminated. Suitable for the postpartum period.

Combination of Kegel exercises and bladder training

For incontinence, a combination of Kegel exercises with the use of medications and bladder training is recommended. This combination requires conservative treatment.

Bladder training consists of observing a urination schedule and trying to bring it to a healthy norm, when urination occurs no more than 8 times a day. The regimen is determined by the doctor in agreement with the patient. The patient should keep a diary and gradually increase the time interval between urinations by several minutes. A urethral obturator (a special mechanical device) can help women with this technique and stop involuntary urination in everyday life.


The problem of involuntary urination can be prevented by adhering to a healthy lifestyle and avoiding excessive drinking and smoking. It is necessary to monitor your health and consult a doctor in time. It is important for women not to lift weights and to visit a gynecologist regularly. Do Kegel exercises to train your sphincter muscles. People predisposed to incontinence are not recommended to overexert themselves, constantly drink tea and coffee, and use diuretics with caution.

Involuntary urination is a syndrome characteristic of a large number of diseases. It can occur in people of any age and with different health conditions. Most often, the syndrome is observed in older women. But in fact, it affects more people who believe that it is a normal physiological process. For this reason, some patients are admitted to treatment centers with late-stage diseases.

Uncontrolled urine production, when a person does not feel the urge, is expressed differently in patients. Symptoms of incontinence include:

  • involuntary urination in large or small quantities;
  • sudden and frequent urge to empty the bladder;
  • involuntary release of fluid during expression of emotions or physical activity.

In medicine, there are many ways to combat involuntary urination, from time-tested folk recipes to surgical intervention.

Provoking factors

According to research conducted by the American scientist M. Stalkovich, urinary incontinence occurs due to stress. In this case, the amount of liquid released varies from a few drops to a large volume. Other reasons include:

  • depression;
  • infection in the pelvic organs;
  • advanced cystitis;
  • weakness of the muscles that control the process of fluid secretion;
  • menopause or childbirth in women;
  • congenital anatomical pathologies of the urinary organs.

Based on the variety of causes of incontinence, in medicine it is classified into several types: urgent, stress, mixed, nocturnal, situational and senile:

  1. Senile involuntary urination. As a person ages, the number of muscle fibers decreases, his muscle mass decreases, and therefore his arms and legs weaken. In mature women, the muscles in the pelvic organs also weaken, prolapse of the vagina and uterus is observed, the sphincters work weakly, which causes urinary incontinence.
  2. The night type is characterized by a large amount of fluid secretion; a person is not able to control this process.
  3. The urgent type is associated with increased contraction of the bladder muscles. Incontinence is characterized by severe and sudden.
  4. The stress type occurs due to dysfunction of the bladder sphincter. Patients complain of the release of fluid during physical activity, coughing, sneezing, etc. Small portions of urine are released, but after bowel movement the desire to urinate remains.
  5. The mixed type contains several symptoms at once. Incontinence occurs as a result of coughing or sneezing, as well as a strong urge to defecate.

Any type of urinary incontinence is called enuresis.

Treatment options

Considering the nature of incontinence and the structure of the muscles of the genitourinary system, treatment of the disease in men and women occurs differently. In men, enuresis occurs due to age-related changes, stress, prostatitis and other reasons. Therefore, doctors prescribe conservative treatment to patients: physical therapy and drug therapy. Patients will have to give up alcohol, coffee drinks, chocolate, spicy foods, citrus fruits, etc.

In women, involuntary urination occurs during pregnancy and childbirth, menopause, or infection in the genitourinary system. Doctors prescribe antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs to patients, follow a diet and use herbal infusions.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of incontinence

There are a huge number of folk methods of treatment, since since ancient times people have used the herbs that grew in their area. Today we have collected a large collection of recipes:

  1. A tablespoon of dill needs to be crushed in a mortar, then the powder is poured into a thermos, poured with a glass of boiling water and left for at least two hours. You need to drink the tincture slowly on an empty stomach. It is recommended to perform the procedure before bedtime. The course of treatment is up to two weeks.
  2. 3 tbsp. l. The sage should be boiled over low heat in one liter of water. Then the medicinal tea is infused for about two hours, filtered and ready for use. The infusion can be drunk throughout the day.
  3. A mixture of centaury and St. John's wort herbs is not only a remedy for treating urinary incontinence. The product is drunk like tea; it strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  4. Pour 50 g of sage into a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. The tea is infused for two hours, after which it is ready to drink. You need to drink the infusion three times a day an hour before meals.
  5. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water over the corn silks and leave for an hour. The infusion should be drunk twice a day, 0.5 liters. The product is effective for cystitis.

Drug treatment

For some types of incontinence, medications are effective. After diagnosing the disease, doctors prescribe treatment with drugs such as adrenergic agonists, which increase the tone of the bladder sphincter. The following drugs can be distinguished in this group: Vesicare, Detrusitol, Spazmex and others.

In cases where treatment does not produce results, doctors resort to surgery. Depending on the patient’s health condition, sling or loop operations are used (a mesh-shaped loop is inserted under the urethra), injections that promote urination in the correct position, colporrhaphy, etc.

Kegel exercises

In addition to drug treatment and herbal medicine, older and elderly people with urinary incontinence are recommended to use exercises that Arnold Kegel developed back in the mid-20th century. According to his research, the problem arises from weakening of the muscles of the perineum and pelvis. A set of exercises eliminates not only urinary incontinence, but also helps improve blood supply to the perineal muscles.

To assess the degree of plasticity of your muscles, you can suddenly tense your muscles during urination and stop releasing fluid. If this happens right away, then there is nothing to worry about. If stopping is difficult, then you need to do the exercises now:

  1. Take a sitting position, tense the muscles of the perineum very strongly. You need to hold the tension for a few seconds, then slowly relax the muscles. It is recommended to start the exercises with 20–30 “blinks” per day, but the effect can only be obtained by regularly performing compressions up to 200 times.
  2. Another compression option, but it needs to be done in stages. The perineal muscles contract inward with a gradual increase in load. At the first stage, the muscles contract slightly, after 10 seconds the compression intensifies. As a result, you need to reach maximum compression, and before that it is not recommended to relax the muscles. After completing the exercise, you can rest.
  3. The exercises are easy to perform; they do not require much physical preparation or time to practice. “Blinking” can be done at home while watching a movie or cooking, at a bus stop while waiting for transport, in a store or in any other place. Passers-by will not notice anything, and the results obtained will not only increase the elasticity of the muscles of the pelvic organs, but will also lead to greater satisfaction in intimate life.

Prevention of incontinence

To avoid unpleasant sensations, you should empty your bladder in a timely manner, monitor your body weight, and regularly visit your doctor. Kegel exercises will also be helpful.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs