Suspended ceilings: when to glue wallpaper. What to do first - install suspended ceilings or glue wallpaper? Choosing the right option

Everyone knows where theater begins. But any renovation, especially if the owners of the house strive to achieve European levels and standards, starts from the ceiling. When all the unpleasant work associated with dust and construction waste is completed, the time comes to directly translate your design delights into reality.

A suspended ceiling can be installed before wallpapering if the walls are already prepared for wallpapering.

With their gaze dreamily directed upward, many choose to install suspended ceilings. These building elements not only look practical and beautiful, but are also a very fashionable trend in interior design.

Advantages of suspended ceilings

Stretch ceilings are easy to install in any room. Such designs will look great in residential, children's and bathrooms, as well as in offices and public buildings.

If the design provides for the installation of a baguette, then the wallpaper can be glued after installing the stretch ceiling.

After installation, we obtain a perfectly flat surface that easily masks any unevenness and flaws in the old ceiling, without visually reducing the height of the room as a whole.

The material from which the stretch ceiling fabric is made is environmentally friendly, durable, fireproof and waterproof. So you don’t have to worry about the neighbors upstairs causing a flood. No special care is needed. Once installed - live for your pleasure!

The price of the design will please anyone. Stretch ceilings are quite affordable compared to other ceiling systems.

Unlike the labor-intensive process of gluing wallpaper or other finishing to the ceiling, installing a suspended ceiling is simple. It does not require special preparation and does not take much time. After four hours of fruitful work, the process can be considered completely completed. The only condition is the absence of construction debris and dirt, which can damage the integrity of the material.

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We install suspended ceilings

If after installing the ceiling it seems uneven, do not worry - as it cools down it will take its ideal shape.

What are suspended ceilings? This is a profile installed around the perimeter of the ceiling and a polyvinyl chloride fabric that is stretched over it.

If you decide to create a ceiling with your own hands, keep in mind that the profile for stretching ceilings can be aluminum or plastic. It is logical that the aluminum profile is more resistant to various types of deformation, which means it will last longer.

You will need a standard set of tools:

  • perforator;
  • roulette;
  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • construction hair dryer or heat gun.

You should find the lowest point of the ceiling and retreat 3 cm. This will be the level of your desired ceiling.

The next step is to stretch the fabric onto the profile under high temperature. The most proven, practical and reliable method of stretching the canvas is the harpoon method. In this case, the canvas is attached to the profile with special harpoons. This system is good because it allows, if necessary, to easily dismantle and reinstall the object.

There are often situations when a person does not know what to glue first: wallpaper or suspended ceiling first? Stretch ceilings are popular among finishing materials. They are chosen for reliability, durability, quick and easy installation. In addition to all their advantages, they can decorate any room, make it cozier and more comfortable.

In order for them to last a long time, it is necessary not only to properly care for them, but also to follow the installation technology. When making repairs, it is important to follow the sequence of actions.

Where to start and what to consider?

First of all, it is worth noting that the film is afraid of sharp objects. It will not be difficult to damage it, so you need to be careful with a spatula and other construction tools.

Attention: It is also worth considering that the canvas is heated to 65 degrees during installation. This temperature can have a bad effect on pre-pasted wallpaper.

All repair work begins from the ceiling. Before installing a new coating, the surface must be cleaned of old paint and putty. After cleaning, they move on to the walls.

When to level the walls?

Before finishing the room, it is necessary to level the wall surfaces. To do this you will need drywall or plaster. It is impossible to level the wall if the canvas has been installed.

To make the wall surface smooth, it must be in contact with the ceiling surface. If its installation has already been completed, this will not be possible. The same goes for drywall.

Note: Before proceeding to pasting, you need to prime the surface. The primer is applied close to the ceiling. To avoid staining the film, use masking tape (it is also used when working with glue).

After leveling the top part, you can proceed to gluing. However, this only applies to monochrome coverage.

If you are afraid that you may damage the film, then install suspended ceiling systems after gluing the wallpaper.

Before or after?

When starting an apartment renovation with their own hands, beginners often wonder: what should they do first, first install suspended ceilings and then start gluing wallpaper under them, or vice versa? To avoid unnecessary unforeseen problems (the film is very thin and can be easily damaged), it is recommended to first glue the wallpaper and then install suspended ceilings.

First of all, this applies to the fabric covering, since if it gets dirty, it is more difficult to clean.

As for the film surface, it can be installed both before and after gluing, depending on what is more convenient to do first. Compared to fabric, the film is perfectly smooth, so it will be much easier to clean it from dirt.

If the wallpaper, after its application, tends to stretch well when drying, then if it is applied after installing the coating, it will climb onto the surface.

If you are going to cover the walls with silk-screen printing, then in this case it is better to first start installing the structure, and only then move on to gluing.

If you use a coating with acrylic or non-woven fabric, then the sequence of actions can be any depending on the wishes of the master. The fact is that such a coating is easily cleaned of dirt, just like PVC film.

What to do if the walls are already covered?

In such cases, it is necessary to wait until the glue dries (waiting time is about five days). It is prohibited to open doors and windows while drying. You can use a vacuum cleaner to clean the dust.

Advice: If during renovation work the question arises when to start gluing wallpaper, before installing suspended ceilings or after, then choose the sequence option that in your opinion is simpler and safer.

The main thing is that all actions are careful and careful. Also, do not forget that the film is very easy to damage. If you follow all the rules, the canvas will last for decades.

Video on the topic

They wanted “high-tech”, but got “high-tech”. A sad joke about an unsuccessful renovation, which hides the disappointment of many owners who were unable to bring all their ideas and actions to a common denominator. And all because the key to successful repairs is the correct sequence of its implementation. And if stretch ceilings appear in your work plan, then it makes sense to think about how to correctly resolve the question: first make a stretch ceiling or glue wallpaper? In order to avoid fatal errors, we will try to sort out this dilemma.

Specialists involved in repairs at a professional level avoid giving unambiguous answers on this matter. And they are doing the right thing, because before starting to perform a specific type of work, they should thoroughly study the premises at their disposal. Pay attention to the wishes of the owners, clarify some details that only at first glance seem completely insignificant and not worthy of attention. In addition, there are pros and cons in each case.

First wallpaper - then suspended ceiling

Probably the most common repair option, which is most often approved by craftsmen. It eliminates mechanical damage to the canvas, as well as the appearance of traces of glue or paint on it.
This sequence takes on increased relevance if you are dealing with paintable wallpaper. Paint them and only after they have completely dried, begin to stretch your ceiling.

The pitfalls that sooner or later emerge during repairs are, of course, present in this case as well. Let's pay close attention to them. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.

Risk of contamination of the wall surface during installation of suspended ceilings

Even the most qualified and careful craftsmen sometimes make mistakes - and it is very unpleasant if the result of their mistake is stains on the walls, even if barely visible at first glance. In order to prevent such a nuisance, a protective film is usually used. Make sure that the workers installing suspended ceilings take care of this!

Using a Heating Heat Gun

This is a tool known to every specialized specialist, without which it is impossible in principle to tension the canvas on your ceiling. The point is that during operation it heats up to a high temperature and at the same time noticeably increases the temperature in the room itself (up to 60 degrees). This may cause the recently hung wallpaper to peel off.

However, this problem has an elegant and simple solution: if you decide to first arrange the walls and then install a suspended ceiling, take a break between these two operations. The optimal time for subsequent safe installation of suspended ceilings is 5 or 6 days.

There is another drawback to the option “first the wallpaper - then the suspended ceiling” - this is the hypothetical probability of problems arising during peeling. After all, over time, even the most beloved wallpaper begins to become boring, and the eye requires fresh color compositions and visual solutions.

Will you be able to quickly and without nerves cope with the elimination of already boring wallpaper? Think about it now.

First the suspended ceiling - then the wallpaper

Let's imagine a conditional situation. The craftsmen have successfully installed your suspended ceiling.

After waiting a certain pause, you begin gluing the wallpaper you have chosen. What difficulties might you encounter in this case?

Mechanical damage to the canvas

Whatever one may say, when gluing the walls, the suspended ceiling is in a high-risk zone. Directly or indirectly, it is threatened by your hands, drops of glue, and the tools you use to achieve an optimal result. In this case, you will have to wash the stretch ceiling at the very beginning of its use.

The consequences from the ingress of chemicals can be especially sad, because in this case difficult (if at all) stains to remove on a brand new and pleasing to the eye canvas cannot be avoided. Something like the photo below.

Difficulties with correct trimming of wallpaper to size

Many owners ignore this point and pay cruelly after unbearably nervous and scrupulous work at the junction of the wallpaper with the ceiling molding on which the canvas is stretched.

It may seem to you that we are deliberately discouraging you from first installing a suspended ceiling and then gluing wallpaper, but this is not at all true. Among the advantages this option offers:

  • easy change of one wallpaper to another in the distant future;
  • absence of any thermal effect on the walls;
  • protection of walls from dust and debris, which are inevitable when installing suspended ceilings.
It is important to remember that no matter which option you choose, initial treatment of walls with plaster is required . Any professional team is well aware of this, so if you see that the “specialists” you hired are successfully ignoring this stage, drive them away - nothing good will happen with your repairs!

Recently, some specialists have been practicing a third method, the main disadvantage of which is its duration.

The algorithm of work, meanwhile, is very logical:

  1. installation of a guide molding that protects the walls from possible contamination;
  2. neat wallpapering with precise trimming in height and taking into account the angular bend;
  3. direct installation of the tension fabric.
In theory, it is the third, actually compromise, option that seems the most correct. However, in reality, it requires much more time from craftsmen to complete one or another segment of work. Hence his some unpopularity in the professional environment.


What to do first - stretch ceiling or glue wallpaper? This formulation of the question is painfully reminiscent of the tired philosophical dilemma: what came first - the egg or the chicken. However, everything can be solved much more simply: by deep immersion in the context of a single repair and weighing all the existing pros and cons, which, as we have already seen, are present in each case. Scrupulous attention to every detail, a clear and precise vision of the final result and a professional approach to performing each operation will help you avoid common mistakes and not repeat the fate of those unfortunate owners whom we mentioned at the very beginning of this material.

There are several answers to this question, it all depends on the specifics of the work. If you plan to install a suspended ceiling in a plasterboard structure, then first it is puttied, painted, and then an oval, round, square or complex-shaped canvas is inserted inside. In this case, the installation of the stretch ceiling is carried out after painting the surface of the plasterboard.

If the canvas will occupy the entire area of ​​the ceiling, it is recommended to install it after wallpapering. The canvas is installed in a plastic or aluminum profile, attached to the wall after 10 - 15 cm. If the wall coverings are new, they can deteriorate due to dirt and dust getting in from the mounting holes. The next feature is the formation of a technological gap between the wall and the ceiling. The size of this hole will depend on the type of fastener the installation crew uses. Some systems are installed with a significant gap, so it is masked with a special insert.

When installing a gapless structure, the hole is minimal, but it also needs to be masked. You can use silicone, but if you have wallpaper, it will be difficult to choose the right shade of the composition. It is also easy to disguise an unsightly joint using a baguette, but competent specialists will not attach the element to the wall covering, since it is impossible to spoil the appearance of the surface, and it is difficult to choose a protective agent.

If you plan to install a stretch ceiling over the entire area of ​​the room, you should determine in advance whether a baguette will be used or not. When using decor, first install the ceiling covering, then the masking element, then glue the wallpaper. If there is no baguette, you only need to make a choice: what is better - dust on the walls or trimming the overlaps of the wallpaper after gluing (possible damage to the ceiling material).

/ What should you do first: glue wallpaper or install a suspended ceiling?

What should you do first: glue wallpaper or install a suspended ceiling?

Repair, like the east, is a delicate matter. In the process of updating an apartment, you need to take everything into account from the very beginning, otherwise it may be too late to fix something later. Now stretch ceilings are beginning to gain more and more popularity. And naturally, the owner of the apartment who has started the renovation will sooner or later be faced with the question: what do they do first - glue wallpaper or a suspended ceiling.

But let's first figure out what a stretch ceiling is.

Ceiling installation methods

A stretch ceiling can be made of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or fabric and is stretched onto a pre-prepared frame under the ceiling. A ceiling made in this way looks perfectly smooth.

Thanks to a wide selection of film colors, you can realize all your wildest design ideas. The film can be either glossy or matte. And installing suspended ceilings will not take much time and will not add unnecessary hassle during repairs in the form of cleaning up construction waste or washing floors after painting. Such surfaces are very easy to maintain, they are durable and the only thing you need is to wipe them from dust from time to time.

There are only two installation methods - harpoon and harpoonless. It is worth explaining in more detail about these two methods.

1. Harpoon method. With this method, the master must first measure the room so that the size of the canvas matches the size of the room. Next, the installers install the frame or other molding on nails specially driven into the wall. The frame is usually made at a distance of no more than 4 cm from the ceiling, so this will not greatly affect the height of the walls, and beauty more than compensates for the lack of height.

So, the frame has been made, the film of the required size has been delivered, now it’s just a matter of small things. The film is heated with a special heat gun, stretched along the entire perimeter of the baguette and snapped into place. If desired, if the design of the room requires it, you can stretch the ceiling not over the entire area, but, for example, make a recess for a cornice or combine a stretch ceiling with a figured plasterboard structure. When cooling, the film retains its perfectly flat surface.

2. Harpoonless method. To better understand the method of stretching the ceiling, you need to imagine how embroidery fabric is stretched onto a hoop. With such a simple method in terms of quality and price, there is no need to measure the room and make fabric of special sizes, but there is one drawback - sagging is possible. The risk of sagging can be reduced if you choose a fabric version of the canvas for tensioning in this way, since the fabric is denser than the film. There is no need to heat the fabric. There is another big advantage of fabric ceilings - the material responds very gratefully to self-painting or artistic painting.

Let's return to the question

Now that we have more or less understood the tension technique, it is time to discuss our main question. Before answering this question, you should decide how often you will re-wallpaper the room.

If the wallpaper in your room has not been updated for ten years, then you can safely tidy up the walls before installing the ceiling, and then start attaching the baguette for the film. Don’t worry about the safety of the wallpaper when installing the frame - professionals know how to do everything neatly and cleanly.

If frequent repairs are your passion, then you should think about gluing wallpaper after the ceilings butt to the edge of the frame. This way, the wallpaper can be easily removed in the future without damaging the stretched structure. One important point should be stated right away - the walls must be as smooth as possible; before installing the frame, they must be leveled, otherwise unevenness will immediately be evident, and high-quality tension will be more difficult to achieve.

You should also consider what material the walls of your home are made of. If it is concrete or white brick, then there will be no problems, but if your house is made of red brick, then you need to tell the installers about this in advance. When drilling, red dust from bricks can ruin not only the wallpaper - it is very difficult to wash off and can leave marks. So in this case, it is better to first install the ceiling and then put the walls in order, but let us remind you that the evenness of the walls is not canceled.

Repair is a purely personal matter for everyone and it’s up to you to decide how and what to do. However, we will summarize the above and make some recommendations. Despite the fact that installers do not care at what stage of the repair they install the ceilings, we recommend doing this before gluing the walls. First, it is important to carry out a rough finishing of the walls - plaster, putty, prime. Then the ceilings are stretched, and the last step will be wallpapering.

Why are we against stretching the ceiling over the wallpaper?

  1. You can't do without drilling holes in the walls, and this is dust that will settle on the wallpaper. Professionals, of course, have special hammer drills with construction vacuum cleaners, but no matter how powerful the vacuum cleaner is, dust particles will continue to accumulate under the wallpaper.
  2. It is possible that under the wallpaper there will be a weak wall that may crumble or crack. This must be taken into account.
  3. When stretching ceilings, especially with a heat gun, the temperature under the ceiling reaches 70-80°C. The installers will be hot, their bodies will be wet, the work will require effort, and the worker may accidentally or not accidentally touch the wallpaper with a hand that is far from ideally clean during such work. Why do you need stains on your wallpaper in a visible place?
  4. Further, given the increased temperature in the room and often poor-quality wallpaper glue that has not dried completely, your work on gluing the walls can go down the drain - the wallpaper will simply fly off.

Before work, it would be good to lay the floors if you already have them clean and are not going to change them. This is necessary so as not to be scratched by stepladders, equipment or work shoes. In addition, remove plants, animals, and valuables from the room that may be negatively affected by elevated temperatures.

There is only one drawback to installing suspended ceilings before wallpapering. Then you will have to adjust the paper sheets tightly butt to the edge of the ceiling. If you do this carelessly and then trim off the excess paper with a sharp knife, you can damage the canvas.

You won't believe it

In fact, the decision of when exactly to start working on the ceiling - before or after gluing - depends on the ceiling plinth. That’s exactly what you thought, from the skirting boards, which come in polyurethane and plastic. They are attached in different ways, which determines the sequence ceiling-wallpaper or wallpaper-ceiling.

If your choice is plastic skirting boards, then by the time they are installed the walls must be in order, otherwise you will have to adjust each strip exactly to the skirting board, which is almost impossible to do. Polyurethane skirting boards can be installed before pasting the walls, because they are installed in several stages. First, they glue it to the ceiling and wall with silicone sealant, then they cover all joints and cracks with white sealant, and finally they paint the baseboard in the desired color.

If you are not going to install skirting boards, then the sequence of work is absolutely not important. Follow our recommendations and you will not have any problems with repairs.



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