Is it possible to give a dog raw potatoes? Can dogs have potatoes? Features of digestion in dogs

Even pets whose diet is prepared taking into account the wishes of the veterinarian sometimes get a tasty morsel from the owner’s table. This could be potatoes, which most dogs will happily eat. So is it possible to give four-legged pets potatoes?

Potatoes: benefit or harm

By nature, dogs are predators. Before animals were domesticated, they ate birds and rodents, which they ate along with the stomach contents of their prey - grass, cereals, and plant roots. In the summer, they could also eat berries. Nature itself made sure that the dog’s menu consisted not only of meat protein, but also carbohydrates plant origin, vitamins, fiber, starch.

The dog's intestines are designed in such a way that they cannot absorb a lot of carbohydrate foods. However, a small amount of products containing these substances will not harm your pet. Potatoes contain:

  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins.

In addition, it is a natural antioxidant, antispasmodic, and helps in improving the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. That is why potatoes can be called a medicinal product in the diet. pet.

It is no coincidence that manufacturers of elite dog food (Exclusion, Arden Grange, etc.) include potatoes in nutritional mixtures.

Allowable dose of potatoes for dogs

Since potatoes are not very well absorbed by animals, you should not give them too much. In addition, excess starchy and carbohydrate product contributes to the development of obesity, diabetes mellitus. It is advisable to mix it with vegetables or food.

It is prohibited to feed potatoes:

  • newborn puppies;
  • dogs during pregnancy and lactation;
  • pets with individual intolerance to this product.

One serving for medium and medium sized dogs large breeds should not exceed 150 grams per week, 50 g is enough for small dogs. Potato flour can be used - 1-2 tablespoons per week.

What kind of potatoes are allowed?

According to veterinarians, it is most useful for dogs raw potatoes. Its tubers contain many vitamins and minerals. Many dogs love to chew pieces of potato and this strengthens their body. If the animal refuses to eat such a delicacy, you can use a trick: finely chop the root vegetable and mix it with meat or vegetables. The main thing is to choose healthy tubers, without green spots, so that your pet is not poisoned by a toxic substance - solanine.

Baked and boiled potatoes in their jackets are also useful. All substances are contained precisely under the peel, and after heat treatment using these methods they are preserved. Before giving potatoes to your dog, they need to be peeled and cooled.

Potatoes in stewed and boiled form are not particularly useful for a pet, since during the process of boiling or stewing all the vitamins in them disappear. It is not advisable to give your dog such dishes in excess quantities, as they can cause stomach upset.

Considered the most harmful fried potatoes. But main danger represents not the root vegetable itself, but the oil that was used for frying. It is a carcinogen in pure form, which is very dangerous for the dog’s body. The same can be said about chips. Of course, if an animal accidentally eats a small slice of a treat, it will not cause harm to its health, but it is still not worth accustoming it to such a dish.

Article updated: November 13, 2018 at 11:38 pm

If you have chosen for your favorite four-legged natural way nutrition, you must know what you can and cannot feed your dog.


Dogs, like pigs, have one common dangerous virus in their bodies. infectious disease– canine distemper virus. Raw pork can cause this disease.

Vitamins for humans

Vitamins for humans contain elements that the dog’s body is not adapted to. Their consumption leads to damage to the mucous membrane of the animal’s stomach and intestines, and also has toxic effects on the liver and kidneys.


Everyone knows that mushrooms contain many toxins. In addition, in mushrooms large quantities contains chitin, which is practically not absorbed by the body. Often, a dog's consumption of mushrooms can lead to disruption of the pancreas and liver. Therefore, it is better to exclude it altogether this type product from the dog’s diet, so as not to take unnecessary risks.


Dogs' digestive systems are not designed to digest any nuts. Therefore, there is no benefit from using them at all. Moreover, many stale nut kernels begin to release toxic substances that cause stomach problems.


Onions contain thiosulfates, which have a negative effect on red blood cells and can cause anemia (anemia).

If your tail accidentally grabbed a small piece of onion, then nothing bad will happen. You need to eat a large enough amount of onion for it to cause serious problems. In fact, thiosulfates are also found in garlic. But their content in garlic is much lower than in onions. And eating a small amount of garlic will bring much more benefit to your furry cat than harm.

Garlic is good prophylactic against helminths. It is recommended to give one clove of garlic to the animal along with a dried piece of bread once every 2-3 weeks.

Citrus and grapes

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C, which can cause allergies and inflammation of your pet's stomach lining. As for grapes, they are very toxic to dogs. But some dogs can consume it without much harm to their health, and in other animals, even a few grapes eaten can cause serious kidney failure.

Therefore, it is better not to experiment and find out whether your pet’s body is able to absorb these fruits and berries.


Avocado contains this toxic substance like persin, which can cause stomach upset, vomiting and diarrhea if a dog eats enough of this fruit.

Sorrel and rhubarb

Sorrel and rhubarb contain huge amount oxalates (oxalic acid salts), which can affect the functioning of the urinary system.

Products from the master's table, fried food

Moldy and spoiled food

Moldy and spoiled food contains many toxins that can cause diarrhea, vomiting, poisoning and damage to internal organs.

All of the above products are classified as prohibited for dogs, and it is advisable to completely exclude them from your pet’s diet.

Bread and flour products

Many owners sometimes allow their pets to eat buns or cookies.

Yeast, which is present in almost all flour products, very often cause flatulence. Also, dogs fed buns may have sore eyes and bad teeth. If you want to pamper your pet, then you can give some dried crackers as a treat.


All vegetables of the legume family are very difficult to digest and digest by the dog’s body. In addition, they cause gases in the intestines. These vegetables include peas, lentils and beans.


Potatoes are harmful to dogs in any form. Raw potatoes contain the toxic substance solanine, the consumption of which in large quantities can lead to the death of your pet. IN boiled potatoes a lot of carbohydrates that are completely useless for the animal.


Celery is a product rich in vitamins. But its consistency is very hard and fibrous.

We all know that when eating food, the dog almost does not chew it, but swallows it big pieces. And it is very difficult for unchewed pieces of celery to pass through the esophagus. Therefore, if you want to enrich your pet’s food with nutrients, you can grind the celery in a meat grinder and simply add the tail to the food.

Now let's talk about the category of products that are safe for animals in moderation, but still should not be carried away.

Foods to eat in moderation


Over time, the body of many adult animals loses the ability to break down the lactose contained in milk. threatens them with stomach upsets and diarrhea.

But completely eliminating dairy products from your diet is wrong. You just need to replace them with fermented milk products With low content lactose. These can be yoghurts, low-fat cottage cheese and kefir.


Many dogs love cheese. As with milk, many dogs are intolerant to lactose, which is found in cheese.

Therefore, if you want to treat your pet to cheese, then opt for a product with a low fat content.

Strawberries, blueberries, apples and other fruits

Fruits and berries are very healthy for dogs. But they need to be given in moderate amount. Fruits and berries contain a lot of fiber, which helps proper digestion. But we must not forget that the main part of a four-legged diet should be meat.


Cabbage itself is not harmful to dogs. But the use of this product in large quantities may cause flatulence.

In conclusion, I want to add just one thing.

Never feed your pet foods you are not sure about. If you have any problems with your dog's health, immediately seek help from a veterinary clinic.

Good luck and take care of your pets!

Diverse and balanced dietnecessary condition maintaining the health and long-term activity of pets. Its basis should be protein food. Many dog ​​breeders have doubts about the presence of potatoes in the diet. This product contains quite a large amount nutrients. The first place belongs to carbohydrates (30 g per 100 g of potatoes), the second place goes to fiber and dietary fiber(5 g per 100 g of potatoes). Content vegetable protein in 100 g of potatoes it is 4.4 g. In addition, the vegetable is a good source of vitamins and minerals.

The advantage of potatoes is that they contain a small amount of fat and no cholesterol at all (if the potatoes are not fried in oil). This composition of the product is quite acceptable for humans. But can dogs eat potatoes, and in what form will this product be most beneficial for them? Read more about this in our article.

Dogs are carnivores by nature, so potatoes, like many other foods from the human table, were never present in their diet before domestication. Their digestive system is designed and is ideal for digesting food of animal origin.

The structural features of the gastrointestinal tract and the short length of the intestines in dogs (compared to herbivores) stimulate plant foods to pass through gastrointestinal tract with greater speed. Its movement through the intestines causes increased peristalsis(for reasons high content coarse fiber and cellulose). This further increases the speed of passage. Difficulties in absorption arise, which results in gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhea.

Veterinarians say that small amounts of potatoes can be given, but only if the product is well tolerated and there is no individual reactions at the pet's.

How is the product useful?

When consumed in limited quantities, potatoes are beneficial to the animal, since to some extent they can compensate for the deficiency of certain nutrients. One tuber contains half daily value vitamin C. Of the minerals, it contains a large amount of potassium, iron, magnesium and calcium, and slightly less phosphorus, folic and nicotinic acid. It is also a source of very valuable substance– quercetin. It is a very strong oxidant with powerful antitumor, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.

Potential Harm

But too much frequent use potatoes can cause significant harm to the animal’s body. Large amounts of starch and slowly digestible carbohydrates lead to active education adipose tissue. If there is a shortage motor activity this is fraught with the appearance of excess weight. In addition, eating starchy foods increases the glycemic index. Another sad result of the active use of potatoes is the development of sugar.

Subject to availability enzyme deficiency, the animal may experience individual intolerance product, which will result in indigestion, pain, cramping, and diarrhea.

Veterinarians have calculated the optimal amount of potatoes for a pet to eat. It is 100-150 g (this is one large or two medium tubers) per week for large individuals. For animals small breeds the amount of potatoes eaten per week should not exceed 50 g (one small tuber).

Raw potatoes

The main amount of vitamins and microelements is contained in raw potatoes. Therefore, it is not recommended for dogs to heat-treat potato tubers. When preparing for feeding, you should thoroughly wash them, chop them and rub them into the main food. It is not recommended to give old potatoes. IN as a last resort, it should be peeled.

It is important to ensure that the dog does not come across a green tuber. It contains the plant poison solanine, which is dangerous for both humans and animals. It is especially abundant in potato peels.

In dogs, solanine poisoning causes serious illness that can lead to death. Solanine disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, negatively affects the hematopoietic organs, causes gastrointestinal disorders. The poison is excreted through the kidneys, so the functioning of the excretory system may also be disrupted.

If there is a danger of developing these disorders, it is recommended to boil the potatoes before feeding. You should not feed your dog old or sprouted tubers. The poison content in them increases sharply.

Heat-treated potatoes

Heat-treated potatoes contain fewer nutrients. Boiled potatoes are ballast for the dog’s body. At frequent feeding the dog quickly acquires overweight. Heat-treated potatoes can be included in your pet's diet, but subject to certain conditions.

Give to dogs boiled potatoes possible in in rare cases and in very small quantities. Baked or boiled potatoes in their jackets are more suitable for their body. Tubers prepared in this way retain more nutrients.

Why can't dogs be given fried food? It's worse than boiled. At minimum quantity nutrients it contains large amounts of cholesterol. In addition, during frying, carcinogens are formed in the tubers - substances leading to the formation cancer cells. Such potatoes also contain a large amount of fat, which has a detrimental effect on the liver and pancreas.

When potatoes are contraindicated

  1. Puppies. The body of a young dog reacts negatively to this product because its enzyme system is not yet perfect. It is strictly forbidden to give potatoes to individuals who are not yet one year old.
  2. Pregnant and lactating dogs. Their body experiences significant stress during the period of bearing and feeding babies. Therefore, the diet of these dogs should consist only of easily digestible food.
  3. For pets with sensitive digestive systems and chronic diseases The stomach and intestines should also not be given potatoes.
  4. Animals with an allergic body should introduce the product into their diet with extreme caution.

This product should be given to dogs for the first time under close supervision. Attentive owners monitor the well-being of their pets and, if available, negative reaction(diarrhea, indigestion, allergies, feeling unwell) the treat is no longer given.

First aid for poisoning

If poisoning with low-quality potatoes does occur, you should immediately provide first aid to the animal. This will mitigate the consequences and facilitate further treatment.

The main actions are:

  • induce vomiting (give the animal weak solution potassium permanganate);
  • give an adsorbent drug (Smecta, Polysorb, Activated carbon, Enterosgel);
  • take the animal to a veterinary facility as soon as possible.

If fed correctly, potatoes may well be integral part animal diet. Veterinary companies involved in the development of professional food recipes that we give to dogs introduce potatoes into their composition, but only after the starch has been removed from their pulp.

If possible, the diet of dogs should be varied; you should not limit the animal’s diet only meat products, after all plant food also supplies pets essential vitamins and minerals. Periodically, your dog should have both vegetables and grains in his bowl. Can dogs eat potatoes, how often can you offer your pet dishes made from them, and what benefits can they bring?

Potatoes in dog food

Many owners feed their pets from the table, so they can easily offer them the rest of a sandwich or mashed potatoes. As for potatoes, veterinarians urge owners not to feed their dogs fried potatoes. This very harmful to their stomach, since the animal’s digestive tract simply lacks the enzymes responsible for digesting such fatty foods. In addition, one should not forget that when heating sunflower oil, carcinogens are formed, which are considered main reason formation of malignant tumors.

Dogs, like people, are not immune to cancerous tumors, That's why Dogs are strictly prohibited from eating fried potatoes.. As for ordinary boiled potatoes, if a little vegetable gets into a bowl of meat, it’s not scary, on the contrary, it’s even useful, since it contains enough vitamins and minerals. In addition, the starch contained in potatoes is considered one of the main sources of energy, since when it enters the body it is transformed into sugar.

The fact that potatoes can be given to dogs in small quantities is also indicated by the fact that they are contained in some types of food. You can give your pet potatoes raw, it will even be healthier, since most of the vitamins and minerals disappear during heat treatment. It can be grated and added to the main food.

How often can you give your dog potatoes?

The vegetable will not cause any harm to the animal, but only if the owner does not feed his pet it too often. Allowed to give one small potato twice a week. If the vegetable is given to the animal every day and in large quantities, sad consequences Such nutrition will not be long in coming, because starch, which is not the number one product for a dog, will actually replace meat, protein, which is vital for the development of its skeletal and muscular system.

You should not give potatoes to a puppy, because up to five months of age digestive system The dog is still very weak, so it will simply not be able to digest starch, which will lead to an upset stomach, dysbacteriosis, and deterioration in well-being.

After your pet tries a vegetable for the first time, you should monitor its condition for 4-5 days; if the animal’s stool suddenly changes or its health worsens, weakness appears, then you should no longer give potatoes.

Potatoes - benefits for dogs

Vegetable is considered useful product, since it contains minerals (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus), vitamins C, E, PP, H and B. It also contains a lot of iodine, which is very important for thyroid gland, and also protects the body from harmful microflora. From him sufficient quantity The body depends on the growth and development of the dog, the condition of its teeth, fur and nails. Potatoes are excellent at removing toxins from the body, which is why they are considered medicinal products in a dog’s diet, the main thing is that its amount does not exceed the permissible portion.

The vegetable relieves spasms and helps with the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and has a diuretic effect. The special value of potatoes is that they contain a lot of potassium, an important mineral for maintaining the health of a dog. This is how potassium improves your health cardiovascular system and regulates metabolic processes.

Potatoes are harmful to dogs

Potatoes will not harm the animal’s health only if a little of it was eaten. In other cases, when it is given to the dog too often or given in large quantities, the vegetable becomes harmful. Most often, after overeating potatoes, an upset stomach occurs, since digestive tract It simply cannot digest starch, which is contained in a lot of potatoes. As a result, the dog may experience vomiting, diarrhea, and lack of appetite.

The most dangerous thing is that during diarrhea, dehydration may occur, the pet may develop a fever, shortness of breath appears, the animal becomes weak, and its movements slow down. If you do not provide help to your pet in time, even death is possible.

Boiled potatoes in large quantities are a real test for a dog’s stomach and pancreas, but overeating is no less dangerous. raw potatoes. It contains dangerous substance solanine, which has a depressant effect on nervous system and promotes the decomposition of red blood cells. Of course, if it is a couple of potatoes, the animal is in no danger, because the poison becomes dangerous for him if he has eaten at least a kilogram of raw potatoes.

The vegetable is also harmful because it is a carbohydrate and a source of energy. If the animal is active and constantly moving, this is an additional reserve of strength, but if the dog is old or sick and moves little, then in this case, potatoes transformed into sugar can cause obesity.

Extra pounds are detrimental to a pet, its activity decreases, the dog begins to get sick, fat begins to be deposited on internal organs, which causes disruption to their work.

This vegetable is absolutely neutral in its effect on the health of dogs, it is not harmful, but it is poorly digestible. For this reason, you should not use potatoes as the main food, but you can use them as a treat and an additional source of carbohydrates.



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