A smear for bacterial culture from the cervical canal. Sowing on flora from the cervical canal

Bacterial culture (bacteria culture) is a study whose purpose is to find out what bacteria inhabit the cervical canal and how many of them live there. When an obviously or conditionally pathogenic microflora is detected, a determination is also made of which antibiotic or antiseptic drug You can destroy this microflora (antibioticogram). The purpose of bacterial sowing is also to study beneficial flora - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Capable this analysis define and yeast mushrooms, highlighting their types and determining sensitivity, therefore should be carried out for thrush - to select rational antifungal therapy.

The essence of the method

A special sterile brush is used to collect its contents from the cervical canal: this is a secret local glands and exfoliated cells, which will definitely contain microflora. Next, this material is placed in a test tube with a special nutrient medium for most microorganisms. Bacteria and fungi will absorb the substances they need for life and multiply. The main thing is not to create conditions for them during this period that lead to their death: if at least some of them die, the doctor will not be able to cure the woman.

There are nutrient media that do not require the creation of a special environment for them before the test tube with the material gets into bacteriological laboratory. Such hermetically sealed test tubes can be delivered by the patient herself for testing. In the majority medical institutions after a smear is taken from the cervical canal, the tube is closed and placed in a thermostat, where there is a suitable temperature for the growth of microflora - 37 degrees. Such tubes are transferred from the treatment room (or gynecologist’s office) also to special conditions.

After the test tube enters the bacteriological laboratory, it is opened and the contents are applied to another nutrient medium located in a Petri dish. The cup is placed in a thermostat (a cabinet that maintains a set temperature) for 3-5 days, because the bacteria must grow sufficiently. Only then can you separate each species, determine the number of units within the species, and conduct tests with antibiotics.

Who needs to get tested

Cultures from the cervical canal must be taken:

  • annually – as a planned study;
  • when planning pregnancy;
  • with inflammation of the cervix;
  • if coccal flora is detected in a smear for microflora;
  • if present in the smear higher level leukocytes;
  • with frequent recurrence inflammatory diseases vagina and external genitalia.

Preparing for the study

To get reliable result, you need to know how to prepare for the study:

  1. do not douche, do not use any candles or vaginal creams one day before sowing;
  2. exclude sex life within 24 hours before taking the test;
  3. It is not recommended to undergo examination within two days after colposcopy;
  4. If you took any antibiotics in the form of tablets, injections or droppers, the bacterial culture will be uninformative for two weeks after that.

The day of the cycle does not matter, you just don’t need to get tested during menstruation and 2 days after it ends. You can also undergo the study during pregnancy, then the material for culture should be collected only by a gynecologist.

How the procedure is performed

A woman comes into the office, takes off her shoes and clothes below the waist, lies down on gynecological chair. A special speculum is inserted into the vagina, and under visual control, the cervical canal is treated to a depth of 0.5-1.5 cm with a sterile probe or brush. The procedure takes less than a minute. Then the resulting contents are added to a special hermetically sealed tube with a liquid or gel-like medium.

Decoding tank data. cervical culture

The results come no earlier than after 5 days - the period necessary for the bacteria to have time to grow. The analysis form must indicate the microorganisms inhabiting the cervical canal.

Normally, there are no fungi in it, but there are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in quantities of at least 10 7 . The growth of E. coli up to 10 2 and single enterococci is allowed.

The following are considered pathogenic:

  • more Escherichia coli and enterococci;
  • yeast fungi, especially if they are described as having mycelium;
  • Staphylococcus: epidermal, aureus;
  • citrobacter;
  • Proteus;
  • gonococcus;
  • Trichomonas;
  • gardnerella;
  • leptothrix.

In addition to the type of microorganism and the definition of antibiotics to which it is sensitive, the number of microbes is also indicated. Depending on this, there are 4 degrees of channel purity:

  1. bacteria grow only in liquid media;
  2. there is already growth on solid media, in the amount of up to 10 colonies of one species;
  3. 10-100 CFU on solid medium;
  4. more than 100 colony-forming units on solid medium.

The causes of microflora disturbance in the cervical canal are infection through sexual contact or after medical interventions on the uterus or vagina.

Promote the development of the inflammatory process:

Bacterial culture (bacteria culture) is a study whose purpose is to find out what bacteria inhabit the cervical canal and how many of them live there. When an obviously or conditionally pathogenic microflora is detected, it is also determined which antibiotic or antiseptic drug can destroy this microflora (antibioticogram). The purpose of bacterial sowing is also to study beneficial flora - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

This analysis is also capable of identifying yeast fungi, isolating their types and determining sensitivity, therefore it should be carried out for thrush - to select rational antifungal therapy.

The essence of the method

With a special sterile brush, its contents are taken from the cervical canal: this is the secretion of local glands and desquamated cells, which will certainly contain microflora. Next, this material is placed in a test tube with a special nutrient medium for most microorganisms. Bacteria and fungi will absorb the substances they need for life and multiply. The main thing is not to create conditions for them during this period that lead to their death: if at least some of them die, the doctor will not be able to cure the woman.

There are nutrient media that do not require the creation of a special environment for them before the test tube with the material gets into the bacteriological laboratory. Such hermetically sealed test tubes can be delivered by the patient herself for testing. In most medical institutions, after a smear is taken from the cervical canal, the tube is closed and placed in a thermostat, where there is a suitable temperature for the growth of microflora - 37 degrees. Such tubes are also transferred from the treatment room (or gynecologist’s office) under special conditions.

After the test tube enters the bacteriological laboratory, it is opened and the contents are applied to another nutrient medium located in a Petri dish. The cup is placed in a thermostat (a cabinet that maintains a set temperature) for 3-5 days, because the bacteria must grow sufficiently. Only then can you separate each species, determine the number of units within the species, and conduct tests with antibiotics.

Who needs to get tested

Cultures from the cervical canal must be taken:

  • annually – as a planned study;
  • when planning pregnancy;
  • with inflammation of the cervix;
  • if coccal flora is detected in a smear for microflora;
  • if there is an increased level of leukocytes in the smear;
  • with frequent recurrence of inflammatory diseases of the vagina and external genitalia.

Preparing for the study

To get a reliable result, you need to know how to prepare for the study:

  1. do not douche, do not use any suppositories or vaginal creams the day before sowing;
  2. exclude sexual activity for 24 hours before taking the test;
  3. It is not recommended to undergo examination within two days after colposcopy;
  4. If you took any antibiotics in the form of tablets, injections or droppers, the bacterial culture will be uninformative for two weeks after that.

The day of the cycle does not matter, you just don’t need to get tested during menstruation and 2 days after it ends. You can also undergo the study during pregnancy, then the material for culture should be collected only by a gynecologist.

How the procedure is performed

A woman comes into the office, takes off her shoes and clothes below the waist, and lies down on the gynecological chair. A special speculum is inserted into the vagina, and under visual control, the cervical canal is treated to a depth of 0.5-1.5 cm with a sterile probe or brush. The procedure takes less than a minute. Then the resulting contents are added to a special hermetically sealed tube with a liquid or gel-like medium.

Decoding tank data. cervical culture

The results come no earlier than after 5 days - the period necessary for the bacteria to have time to grow. The analysis form must indicate the microorganisms inhabiting the cervical canal.

Normally, there are no fungi in it, but there are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in an amount of at least 107. E. coli growth is allowed up to 10 2, single enterococci.

The following are considered pathogenic:

  • more E. coli and enterococci;
  • yeasts, especially if they are described as having mycelium;
  • Staphylococcus: epidermal, aureus;
  • citrobacter;
  • Proteus;
  • gonococcus;
  • Trichomonas;
  • gardnerella;
  • leptothrix.

In addition to the type of microorganism and the definition of antibiotics to which it is sensitive, the number of microbes is also indicated. Depending on this, there are 4 degrees of channel purity:

  1. bacteria grow only in liquid media;
  2. there is already growth on solid media, in the amount of up to 10 colonies of one species;
  3. 10-100 CFU on solid medium;
  4. more than 100 colony-forming units on solid medium.

The causes of microflora disturbance in the cervical canal are infection through sexual contact or after medical interventions on the uterus or vagina.

Promote the development of the inflammatory process:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • decreased immunity;
  • inflammation in nearby organs;
  • ongoing antibacterial therapy;
  • poor hygienic conditions.


Tank culture from the cervical canal: what is it and how is the analysis carried out?

Women's health requires a lot of attention, since the weaker sex is entrusted with such important reproductive function.

That is why regular examinations and consultations, general tests and your own increased attention to everything that happens in the body should be present in the life of every woman.

This category also includes bacterial culture from the cervical canal. Many, however, do not quite understand why this is needed. And what of what he can show is not available gynecological examination or ultrasound examination.

But as practice suggests, only bacterial culture can highlight the whole picture of the microflora of the cervix and help discover the cause of a particular ailment.

An undoubted advantage is also the availability of this study, its painlessness, ease of implementation and moderate cost. After all, you won’t even need to go to the laboratory: your gynecologist will perform the procedure, and at the next examination he will announce the results. Then a diagnosis will be made and adequate treatment will be prescribed. Why is treatment necessary? Because this is not an ordinary procedure and it is prescribed only by observing the less-than-ideal indicators of smears “for cleanliness”...

Tank culture from the cervical canal: what is it?

A cervical canal culture is the same as a smear, but it is taken from the canal that connects the cervix and vagina. Thus, its indicators are “clean” and provide reliable information about the state of the microflora of the cervical area.

Since this type of study is not included in the preventive group, indications are required for it. Namely increased amount leukocytes in an ordinary smear. If they are found in the cervical area, this indicates possible diseases from the range of endometritis/adnexitis/others inflammatory processes and the need for their immediate treatment.

And given the fact that pathogens similar ailments are pathogenic microorganisms (fungi, E. coli, enterobacteria) that quickly adapt to medications, it is impossible to do without antibiotics. But it is not so easy to select them without proper examination.

To "functions" bacterial culture from the cervix can also include the study of sensitivity to antibiotics and the selection of the most effective one to eliminate the detected disease.

Is it worth saying that the microflora of the cervical canal cannot be sterile? That is, it is in any case inhabited by microorganisms. The only question is how pathogenic they are and at what speed they grow and multiply.

First of all, the presence of mushrooms should be excluded. Their presence, in any case, is not normal and requires immediate antibacterial intervention.

No less undesirable are enterococci and coli, which also indicate an inflammatory process in genitourinary system. But, unlike mushrooms, their single indicators (for E. coli the limit is 10²) are allowed and do not pose a threat to women’s health.

The same cannot be said about staphylococci, gonococci, trichomonas, leptothrix and other harmful microorganisms. Even their lonely representatives are capable of disrupting the healthy balance of microflora, which will certainly affect women's health. And, possibly, the health of the child, if the woman was pregnant at the time of the examination.

A completely different situation is observed with lacto- and bifidobacteria. Their presence is precisely a variant of the norm and, in the absence of an inflammatory process, should be at least 10 to the 7th degree.

If you don't have medical education, and especially not competent in analyses, leave their decoding to a familiar specialist. After all, this is not the case when outside information sources will come to your aid. And if they come, then nothing but broken peace of mind they won't bring it.

First of all, because the results obtained are not just numbers that can be compared with “generally accepted norms.” These are your personal individual microflora indicators. And even a slight “deviation” may be absolutely normal for you, taking into account many factors.

But what then is not included in the norm?

And those results in which bacterial culture detected pathogenic bacteria that are in the growth stage and are actively developing are not included. Moreover, the most important stage of their development is considered to be:

  • The first stage demonstrates the slow growth of microorganisms that has been observed in their liquid habitat.
  • The second stage indicates the proliferation of bacteria already on a hard surface, but only up to 10 colonies.
  • The third stage means an increase in the number of colonies from 10 to 100 and indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • The fourth stage exceeds the 100 mark on solid media.

Reasons for similar violations the most diverse and concern both hormonal levels, and states immune system, personal hygiene and related ailments.

Tank seeding during pregnancy

This test is often prescribed during the patient’s pregnancy, which justifiably raises her doubts about the safety of this procedure.

But in order not to panic, it will be enough to have basic knowledge of the structure of the small pelvis and possible changes caused by interesting situation. It's about about the color of the cervical canal in the early stages: it takes on a bluish tint, which helps determine the presence of a fertilized embryo. Do not forget also about the mucous plug, which forms in this very cervical canal and reliably protects the entrance to the uterus in which your baby grows and develops. She protects from pathogenic microorganisms, which can be detected during bacterial culture.

But, since the plug comes off on the eve of childbirth, it is still worth treating the failure of the microflora during pregnancy. What can we say about isthmic-cervical insufficiency, in which the cervix cannot withstand pressure and begins to open already in the middle of the second trimester.

Against this background, cervicitis (an inflammatory process in the cervical canal) may develop, and, in the absence of adequate therapy, this is a direct threat to bearing the baby.

How to prepare for analysis?

First of all, you should figure out whether you need this:

  • Are you planning a pregnancy?
  • Have you been diagnosed with an inflammatory process in the cervix?
  • Was coccal flora and an increased number of leukocytes detected in a regular smear?
  • Do you often worry about gynecological diseases?

If you answered yes to at least one question, you should take a smear for bacterial culture from the cervical canal.

This procedure is painless and only requires you to undress and lie down on the gynecological chair. And the doctor, using a sterile probe mirror, will quickly take a smear, after placing it in a test tube with a special medium.

All that remains is to wait for the results, which will be ready in at least a few days.

Is it worth preparing to collect material? It’s difficult to call this preparation, but you still need to take into account a few rules:

  • Before the procedure itself, you cannot perform genital hygiene, douche, or use any vaginal preparations.
  • You should abstain from sexual activity for a day.
  • Antibiotics are excluded when taking tests of this kind. IN extreme cases, you should warn your doctor about this.

Do not forget also about menstruation: during it and for several days after, no smears are taken.

Price for research

Unlike a regular vaginal smear, a tank culture from the cervical canal implies detailed study microflora. And, most often, this procedure is paid.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to give the exact cost of the analysis, since it depends only on the price list of the laboratories available to you. On average, the price range ranges from 400 to 1500 thousand rubles. At the same time, you can choose where your biomaterial is processed. Although, often doctors long time cooperate with the same laboratory, and your analysis will be sent there. Therefore, the announced amount will not be discussed.

However, if you are not satisfied with the cost of collecting the prescribed bacterial culture, you will probably still be given the opportunity to choose another test processing network. But, on the other hand, this may make it difficult to decipher the results obtained, since they will need to be compared with existing ones. And, preferably, they should be from the same laboratory.


Interpretation of flora culture with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics

Thrush after antibiotics: how to treat and how to treat it. A smear on the flora is a basic and mandatory test when visiting a gynecologist. This method helps to identify the inflammatory process on early stages, differentiate the type of pathogen, determine the degree of vaginal cleanliness and the presence of dysbiosis.

The collection is carried out by a gynecologist from the vagina, cervix and external urethral opening. The resulting samples are placed on a piece of glass, dried and transported to the laboratory for further microbiological study.

Information content is based on the fact that different cells and bacteria are painted in different colors. This feature allows for high-quality and quantitative analysis flora composition and identify pathological abnormalities.

Using a smear, determine:

  • content of erythrocytes and leukocytes in secretions;
  • high-quality composition microflora and degree of vaginal cleanliness;
  • pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, trichomonas, ureaplasma);

A tank culture for flora and sensitivity to antibacterial agents is carried out if there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process in the pelvic organs and grade 3-4 violations of vaginal cleanliness.

Sowing is a cultural method and differs from a smear in that the material is placed in an environment favorable for potential pathogens, followed by a study of their reaction to the applied agents. antimicrobial agents.

A significant disadvantage of the study is its duration. Depending on the pathogen, culture for microflora and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics can take from 3-5 days to several weeks.

This is associated with the high frequency of empirical prescription of antibacterial drugs, based on the choice of drugs with the maximum wide range action affecting all suspected pathogens.

For quick diagnostics specific pathogens(sexually transmitted diseases) use polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or enzyme immunoassay(ELISA).

Preparation for analysis

  • sexual intercourse and use vaginal methods contraception;
  • douching, administration of vaginal creams and suppositories.

It is advisable to carry out a smear at least two weeks after discontinuation of antibacterial drugs due to the high risk of false negative results during antimicrobial therapy.

The period of menstruation and two days after its end are considered contraindications to this study.

Features of collecting clinical material

Microbiological analysis is carried out to confirm or exclude inflammatory lesions infectious nature, determining the composition of microflora with the identification of transient (opportunistic) representatives, their quantitative relationship with healthy bacteria.

IN normal conditions the mucous membrane of the uterus and tubes is sterile due to the content of lysozyme in the secretion of the cervical canal, which has antimicrobial effect.

The composition of the normal microbiota of the genital organs in women is relatively stable. Minor changes and differences that are not considered pathology may be caused by:

  • age characteristics;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal changes.

Vaginal smears

Samples for microscopy are collected from the mucosa posterior arch or from inflammatory areas. After the speculum has been inserted, the discharge is collected onto a sterile cotton swab. To further study the stained smear, the discharge is transferred to a piece of glass by rolling the swab over the glass. Next, the smear is dried and fixed with ethanol.

If necessary, conduct a cultural study (culture for antibiotics from the vagina to determine the susceptibility of pathogenic microorganisms to various drugs) the swab must be immediately placed in a sterile container and sent to the laboratory.


Sample collection is carried out in the tank. loop, after cleaning the external opening of the urethra with sterile gauze. The loop is inserted into the urethra, no deeper than two centimeters. Next, for microscopy and ELISA, the sample is distributed onto a glass slide. When performing culture analysis and polymerase chain reaction, the material is placed in a container containing a special medium and delivered to the laboratory.


The sampling is carried out after opening the cervix in the speculum and carefully processing its vaginal part. solution. The tampon must be inserted into the cervical canal, being careful not to touch the vaginal walls.

If it is necessary to perform a culture test from the cervical canal for sensitivity to antibiotics, the swab is placed in a special medium for further transportation and sent to the laboratory.

When collecting material for microscopy, ELISA, PCR and virological research, a special swab brush is used to obtain cell scrapings. The collection must be carried out extremely carefully so as not to injure the mucous membrane and prevent blood from getting on the tampon.

Contrary to popular belief, the procedure is not contraindicated for pregnant women and cannot cause miscarriage or harm the unborn child.


A special probe is inserted into the uterus through the cervical canal, with further aspiration of the pathological contents. Strict adherence to asepsis rules is necessary. The procedure is not performed in the presence of inflammatory diseases of the cervix and vagina, due to the risk of introducing infection into the uterine cavity.

Also contraindicated during pregnancy


The collection of material is carried out during puncture of tumor-like formations or surgical intervention. As a rule, pus and exudate are used for culture.

External genitalia

The sample is taken from inflammatory areas. In case of damage to the Bartholin glands (large glands of the vestibule), a puncture is performed, followed by taking pus for culture.

Indicators of healthy microflora

The composition of the flora directly depends on:

  • patient's age;
  • hormonal levels;
  • the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • background pathologies;
  • taking medications that disrupt the healthy balance of microorganisms and bacteria (antibacterial drugs, long-term use antifungal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, cytostatics, hormones).

Vaginal microbiocenosis in a child begins to form after birth due to lactobacilli obtained during childbirth from the mother (anaerobic lactobacilli-bacillus Dederlein). This composition lasts up to several weeks, maintaining an acidic reaction. Further, the pH becomes neutral and remains so until puberty. At this stage, conditionally pathogenic bacteria (corynebacteria, strepto-, staphyloid enterococci, anaerobes) are included in the flora.

After the onset of puberty and the increasing influence of estrogens, the amount of glycogen (a substrate for the proliferation of lactobacilli) increases. As a result of the further predominance of lactobacilli and their production of acids from broken down carbohydrates, the pH decreases to 4.0-4.5.

Maintaining pH by lactobacilli vaginal discharge at this level, ensures a healthy balance of flora, suppresses the activity of opportunistic bacteria and supports natural resistance.

Purity levels

The division into degrees of purity is based on the qualitative indicators of the microflora and the quantitative ratio of healthy and conditionally pathogenic bacteria.

Degrees Characteristic
First Microscopically, vaginal secretion has the appearance of boiled starch. It is distinguished by an acidic reaction of the environment due to high content lactic acid bacteria (Dederlein rods). Characteristically, there is a low content of epithelium and mucus. There are no leukocytes. This type is very rare and indicates an ideal state of immunity.

pH ranges from 4.0 to 4.5.

Second Characterized by a slightly acidic reaction, reduced content of lactobacilli. The content of other microorganisms is increased (strepto-, staphylo-, enterococci, yeast fungi are present). The amount of mucus and epithelium is moderate. The appearance of single leukocytes is possible. The discharge is liquid and has a whitish tint. The pH ranges from 5.0 to 5.5.

Such indicators indicate minor deviations in the composition of the flora and are considered normal. Occurs in most women.

Third The reaction of the medium will be neutral or slightly alkaline. Dederlein's rods are practically absent, coccal and yeast flora predominate. A significant content of epithelium, leukocytes (no more than 40 per field of view) and mucus is detected. Vaginal secretion becomes yellowish color. pH values ​​from 6.0 to 7.2.

This picture indicates the presence of an inflammatory process that requires mandatory treatment.

Fourth Sharp alkaline reaction environment. Beneficial lactobacilli are completely absent. Significant amount pathogenic microorganisms, mucus, epithelium and leukocytes. Detection of trichomonas, ureaplasma, gonococci, etc. is possible. The discharge becomes sharp, bad smell, foamy or purulent, viscous. pH more than 7.3

Such results indicate an acute inflammatory process that requires immediate treatment. antibacterial agents.

The predominance of yeast flora is characteristic of thrush.

This condition may indicate a violation of the vaginal microbiocenosis after a long course of antibiotics, cytostatics, NSAIDs or hormones.

Based on the nature of the microorganisms in the smear, the flora can be determined:

  • mixed (typical for puberty, the beginning and end of menstruation, menopause, ovarian hyperfunction syndrome, some venereal diseases). To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to count leukocytes in the field of view and do ELISA or PCR;
  • rod (gardnelosis or vaginal dysbacteriosis);
  • lactobacillary (completely healthy indicators);
  • coccobacillary (venous diseases, bacterial vaginosis).

Tank culture for flora with determination of sensitivity to antibiotics: interpretation, norms.

The easiest to carry out and the most common in clinical practice, is a method of diffusion of standard paper disks soaked in antibacterial drugs into a Petri dish filled with a nutrient medium. The discs are laid on the surface of the agar, maintaining a distance of two centimeters from the edge of the plate and from each other.

After the bowl has stood at room temperature, it is moved to the thermostat.

The holding time in the thermostat is different for each representative of the flora. Standard term Incubation lasts three to five days.

  • the absence of growth retardation indicates complete resistance of the microbe to the agent used;
  • a ring around a paper disk, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, indicates a weak reaction. This drug will also not be effective in treatment;
  • zone from 1.5 to 2.5 cm, indicates standard sensitivity and moderate clinical effectiveness;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug, characterized by an area of ​​more than 2.5 cm.


The patient was diagnosed with chlamydial cervicitis. For empirical therapy, in this case, Azithromycin or Doxycycline are recommended. The choice was made on the first drug. Treatment has begun. Clinically, the patient's condition improved. In the sowing results:

Interpretation of culture for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics:

These results show that the treatment was chosen correctly.

  • the pathogen has high sensitivity regarding Azithromycin, Erythromycin and Josamycin could also be used for treatment;
  • moderate sensitivity to Dokycycline can be used;
  • resistance to Levofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Moxifloxacin, Amoxicillin/clavulanate;
  • absolute resistance to Ceftriaxone.

Carrying out an E-test

Determining susceptibility to antimicrobial agents is similar to the disk diffusion method, however, instead of disks moistened with antibacterial agents, an E-test strip is placed in the agar. Marked on it different levels antibiotic concentrations, ranging from maximum to minimum.

Indicator minimum concentration suppression is determined at the intersection of the test strip and the zone of growth inhibition.

This method is simple, but quite expensive; therefore, disk diffusion is used more often.

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Tank culture from the cervical canal

Currently there are many laboratory research, allowing us to determine what caused the development of women's diseases reproductive system. One of the most informative methods used in gynecology, a tank is considered to be inoculated from the cervical canal. It is this analysis that makes it possible to correctly prescribe treatment.

Bacteriological culture is essentially a smear, which is taken directly from the cervix. Taking material from the cervical canal allows high accuracy determine the state of the microflora, identify the presence of pathogenic bacteria, and also establish their sensitivity to various groups of antibiotics.

This type of research is indicated in the following situations:

  • annual scheduled examination;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • relapses of gynecological inflammation;
  • suspicion of cervicitis (damage to the cervix);
  • high level leukocytes in material taken from the vagina;
  • the presence of coccal microflora in the smear to determine purity.

Bacterial seeding, or tank for short. Sowing, by its name, implies the cultivation of microflora of bacteria of the human body in an external specialized environment for further analysis. Such a study shows what types of microorganisms are present in the microflora, their number and viability.

In gynecology tank. culture is one of the main tests, which is carried out both for preventive purposes and as prescribed.
Let's look at it in more detail.

Why is the study prescribed?

The female genital organs are the habitat of many beneficial bacteria(mainly lactobacilli) and microorganisms that maintain internal balance and the necessary acidic environment, acting as a barrier to viruses and infections.

But sometimes, due to a number of factors, there are more pathogenic representatives of the flora than beneficial microorganisms, and a woman begins to notice certain unpleasant symptoms, an inflammatory process occurs, which may be the beginning of a more serious disease.

Tank. vaginal seeding makes it possible to determine the composition of the microflora, and in the case of the presence of pathogenic microbes, various viruses and fungi, prescribe appropriate treatment. The need to identify a specific type of microorganism is explained by the fact that each of them is vulnerable to a certain medicinal product and antibiotic.

Thus, the main purpose of the tank. culture in gynecology - identifying the presence and type of harmful bacteria in quantities higher than permissible, which cause diseases and inflammation, in order to prescribe proper and timely treatment.

It should be noted that a small number of certain pathogenic organisms, such as E. coli, are allowed in the cervical canal (in the vagina). This is due to female physiology, which determines the proximity anus to the vagina.

For any tank. crops are used biological fluids the human body from a certain area (saliva, sputum, feces, urine, etc.). In gynecology, for these purposes, a smear is taken from the cervical canal in a certain way.

The entire procedure is quick and painless.
As during a regular examination, a gynecological speculum is inserted into the vagina, and the doctor uses a special brush to remove the required layer of mucus from the surface of the walls. Next, the contents are placed in a prepared test tube, which provides sealing and a certain nutrient medium.

To obtain reliable and accurate results, it is necessary to transfer the material to the laboratory within the next few hours after collection, since the growth and reproduction of bacteria requires warmth and constant maintenance favorable conditions. You can find out more by reading our new article.

Analysis results

The test results are prepared approximately 5-6 days after taking a smear. During this period, all microorganisms present will grow in sufficient quantity and size for research. In approximately a week, you will be able to get a report from the gynecologist on the tank you passed. sowing

Such a study of biomaterial shows the presence of each type of microorganism, as well as their quantity. If no pathogenic microorganisms are identified, but the number of beneficial bacteria is below normal, special means, normalizing the vaginal microflora. The lack of beneficial microorganisms further leads to infections and inflammations caused by various pathogens. The main beneficial representatives of the cervical canal are lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

The pathogenic environment is determined by the following commonly detected microorganisms:

Standard results tank. crops are characterized by assigned degrees of purity of the cervical canal. There are four of them, depending on the number of pathogenic bacteria present. The number of the latter is marked by colonies - separate areas of accumulations of their cells.

The analysis is considered negative in the absence of any type of “bad” microorganism, and positive if at least a minimal number of them is detected in the biological material.

Each degree of bacterial growth has its own characteristics:

Inflammatory and infectious processes begin to develop from the third degree bacterial growth. This will also be evidenced by an exceeded normal limit for the leukocytes contained. In this case, immediate and suitable treatment, in accordance with the identified family of the main infectious agent.

It is the determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to specific antibiotic drugs is an undoubted advantage of the tank. sowing

Indications and preparation for the test

It is necessary to submit material for analysis following a number of rules that contribute to obtaining an accurate and reliable result.

These include:

Failure to comply with at least one of the above conditions can significantly distort the final data bacteriological research. From the outside medical personnel must also be respected established standards collecting material onto the tank. sowing:

The main indications for this type of analysis are:

  • availability chronic diseases genitals;
  • frequent infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • annual scheduled examination for preventive purposes;
  • planning pregnancy, as well as its first trimester;
  • appearance of disturbing and obvious symptoms (heavy discharge, pain, menstrual irregularities, etc.);
  • postpartum care;
  • long-term therapy of gynecological diseases.

Harmful bacteria can multiply when certain factors occur, both individually and in combination. Among them are:

All this contributes to the entry and active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which can lead to serious problems with health in the absence of proper and timely treatment.

If you have come a long way to desired conception, then you will understand how much happiness two lines on a test or hCG tests cause. But don’t forget that danger is still around you.

To avoid troubles and save the child, you need to consult a gynecologist (and be sure to register with him) and tell him about everything that worries you. This is actually very important, especially after years of trying to get pregnant without success.

Culture from the cervical canal during pregnancy is one of the main tests on which the next 9 months depend. This is where most microorganisms accumulate that can harm the mother and baby. Bacterial culture allows you to find harmful microorganisms. After receiving the results, you can begin treatment, which will increase the chance of a successful birth.

The cervical canal (os) is an organ that acts as a bridge between the vagina and uterus. This is a kind of road for sperm that are sent to fertilize the egg. And also the place through which blood clots come out during menstruation. The width of the throat is approximately 7.5 mm. With age, the size may change, exactly the same as with infection or hormonal imbalance.

During pregnancy, the length of the cervical canal also changes. Usually for pregnant women the length is 3.5 mm, and the neck is at least 20 mm.

Both channels close together and open only before the birth of the child, so doctors determine the approximate date of birth. A plug forms near the pharynx; its function is to protect the child as much as possible from the harmful influences of the environment.

The plug removes itself two weeks before the baby is born.After this, you should be extremely careful and careful. The cervical canal widens by 9 cm during labor to allow the baby to come out.

Analysis from the cervical canal during pregnancy is an alternative opportunity to learn about threats that can harm the child and the woman, as well as assess the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics.


In order to get the maximum accurate results Before collecting the material, you must follow the gynecologist’s recommendations for two days. If the analysis is false, incorrect treatment can cause significant harm to a healthy body.

  • do not take any antibacterial medications;
  • stop douching;
  • do not use local contraceptives, such as suppositories and creams;
  • do not have sex for 1-2 days;
  • It is not recommended to carry out an examination in mirrors before taking the test;
  • Immediately before the analysis, it is forbidden to shower or visit the toilet.


A smear from the cervical canal during pregnancy causes concern among patients. This is due to the fact that a probe is used to obtain the material. It is lowered to a depth of 1.4 cm. But does this method lead to spontaneous abortion? There is no need to worry, since doctors have verified that the method is completely safe. In addition, such an analysis is not prescribed just like that.

Collection of material occurs quickly, approximately 30 seconds, sometimes up to 1 minute. A speculum is inserted in front of the probe, and then a brush is lowered into the pharynx, no more than 1.9 cm. The biomaterial is packaged in a sealed container with a special liquid and sent to the laboratory for examination.

The procedure must be carried out by a highly qualified specialist. The results are ready on the fifth day.


Deciphering cultures from the cervical canal during pregnancy is not particularly difficult if the tests show normal values. Since it contains only bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. In the cervical canal during pregnancy there may be E. coli no more than 10 to the second degree. Other organisms should not be contained in the pharynx.

If the tank is poorly seeded, the following results are observed:

  • increased concentration of E. coli;
  • microscopic fungi;
  • diplococcus of the genus Neisseria;
  • Trichomonas vaginalis;
  • Gardnerella vaginalis.

A negative smear result also includes staphylococcus of all types during pregnancy in the cervical canal. Unfortunately, the test cannot show the presence or absence of ureaplasma, chlamydia, and mycoplasma.

The diagnosis is made not only based on the results obtained, but also on the intensity of growth of these microorganisms. For example, if all the biomaterial germinates too slowly, this indicates that it is not sufficiently sterile. That is, when preparing the nutrient medium, mistakes were made or the rules were not followed.

About the need for urgent treatment may indicate >100 colonies of microorganisms. The reasons for such an active inflammatory process may include: non-compliance with hygiene rules, chronic diseases, insufficient immunological reaction of the body. It is important for the gynecologist to take the right decision about treatment. it is prescribed purely individually, depending on the case.

Interpretation and delivery of culture tanks from the cervical canal during pregnancy - important procedure, the purpose of which is to prevent serious illnesses caused by microorganisms. At the first stages of the appearance of deviations, it is easiest to carry out a special course conservative therapy than getting rid of significant inflammation. Therefore, it is recommended to take a throat culture test before pregnancy, so that the treatment does not affect the child in any way.

On at the moment in gynecology, one of the most effective, convenient and useful methods for diagnosis is culture from the cervical canal. According to its results, you can assign effective treatment, which in to the greatest extent suitable for the patient.

What is tank seeding? This is special laboratory analysis, thanks to which doctors have the opportunity to establish almost all types of microorganisms, if the material for bacterial culture is taken in the form of a scraping from the cervical canal. These microorganisms can cause inflammatory processes, and their identification will allow you to avoid many problems through timely treatment.

If you take a scraping from the cervical canal, you can identify not only the presence and number of microorganisms, but also their reaction to the antibiotics used. First, a culture is taken from the vagina. You can then use one of two methods. In the first case, standard disks are used. These are special board-shaped plates that are impregnated with concentrated antibiotics, and then dipped into the microflora and their behavior is observed. In the second case, determining the behavior of microflora involves using strips of special paper, which are dipped into a concentrate of microorganisms, after which their growth is observed.

It is important to remember that the use of antibiotics is prohibited a month before you need to take a microflora culture. This can dramatically skew the results. Even in normal and relatively healthy body Lactobacilli, Escherichia coli and other types of microorganisms can be found within acceptable limits when the data is decrypted.

Tank culture allows you to identify microorganisms that lead to the onset of inflammatory processes: staphylococci, citrobacter, enterococci, yeast, proteus and E. coli.

This analysis is mandatory during pregnancy, in the presence of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system, in chronic vulvovaginitis and in case of relapses of these ailments after treatment. An additional analysis is carried out if diplococci are detected in a pregnant woman.

Preparing for analysis

In order for a scraping from the cervical canal to give a complete and reliable result, it is necessary to properly prepare for the process of conducting such an analysis, such as bacteriological culture to the flora. To do this, you must avoid sexual intercourse and douching the day before the scheduled test. Tank culture from the cervical canal will have a more reliable result if no other medicinal preparations, which need to be inserted into the vagina and other genital organs. If you need to take a culture for microflora, then the use of deodorants and creams for intimate places is strictly prohibited.

Conducting microflora analysis

Most often, the analysis is carried out by an obstetrician in a antenatal clinic. It is forbidden to wash before taking tests. The woman should lie down on the gynecological chair. Next, the obstetrician, using special instruments, inserts a mirror surface and takes a smear. It must be taken from the cervical canal.

The woman should not feel any pain, she may just experience some discomfort, but the sterile probe used in the procedure is quite thin. The procedure does not take much time. Doctors recommend this procedure at least once a year, which will allow you to deal with problems in a timely manner.

Decoding analysis data

Accurate and correct decoding analysis indicators depends on the level of competence of doctors.

The indicator is considered positive if tests have shown the presence of microorganisms; their level of development and growth rate can be determined. The first degree refers to the case when microorganisms show meager growth. They are present in liquid media, but absent in solid media. In the second degree, microorganisms of the same type can show growth of up to 10 colonies on a hard surface. At the third level, their number can be up to 100 colonies on a solid medium. At the fourth level, the number of colonies exceeds one hundred. The first two levels inform that nutrient medium is contaminated, and the third and fourth levels indicate the degree of the inflammatory process.

The reasons for this may be metabolic disorders, weakened immunity, failure to comply with hygiene standards, hormonal imbalances or hereditary phenomena.

Cervical culture is an important laboratory test that helps prevent any pregnancy complications due to any bacteria or infections. It is best to carry it out in the early stages or during the planning period, which will protect the child from illness. The disease can be cured before labor begins, and the baby will be born healthy.



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